West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Jan 1920, p. 5

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JAN 8. 1919 10::rd0'."dt'ytxx, LIL. Jan. avers Durham i"ii, 1'ltrf:f:0:'y'o'.x'txxfi', Ferguson ytapletord Nopt'l's T xi a tonic to help _ 1 your feet again A a: Scott’s that is Srl grid the globe--- C.., " known type of .. : J goodness in or medicine. M 'The Film» tt Scott's! day, Ja a. 17th rchan= Jr [ET-T Y NEWS “him we “h n .3. ennan EEH’S ilfll0lll _ of Supremacy" My five decades inc fame of _ r Spring n Janu- l0 mlnent nt my": l7th 3| Rent rs Unnmlly. Wan Park. On! 2.41t 4.49 23.38 TIC 93 70 Mt MY 70 W. S " IS acre s t back cf clone by Ont Berni: " anlery p., Comma". inward 5. wont from "Rrntq and I Kumbor ml [Mum " and f a: " Mann and S. "oops l Gtork. t" tho S . hy Ho'- asl sum mtion in ded a rinter Mi tion a a t? ill [32! Clansman Stock Feed ,7t-, per cent Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50 per cent Corn) Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Oat Shorts Poultry Scratch Feed Feed Oatmeal Whole Corn Chopped Corn list uur prices on above Feeds. It will pay you to buy nuw :u fee" will be higher during the winter months. Milling Oats Barley IF YOU NEED FEED '/aliilr'ils A"! I ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY MILLS, Limited “4.15 “v _ _ bt t" ' , “1 J.. - "‘"Tumu- r n - C, w. .,» if ,.... '.C' .. ...:- a. - - _----'" W - _ -' CV-"' o-'-'" _ -- r _--- Fr-r-c-irc-. "" -- -.."' l ---' -- -" Ici: _.---" -.--- ---A - ~' --... '."C.e" __ 1:; _ -e c-r--" /’ ---CCS--- - _ - - c., ,/- ", M _ _- -- _ (rcrrrr-r-c::: Cc-cr-cr-r-. 4' ---" - - . 1920 We will pay highest price for any quantity of above Grain delivered at our Elevator. Business Hours-----) a. m. to 5 p. m. We are in the market for The huge circulation The Star enjoys throughout thr. tario today has been gained by giving its readers ex- treme value. Always in the forefront of progressive movements, The Star care: less for "party" than it does for principles and causes, and so justifies its slogan - "A Newspaper, not an Organ.” A LIVE Ti] (ZU'VE watched a team of hockey players sweeping down the ice! Have you ever new any" yi' thing more exhilarating, anything more characteristic of the team wc:k, recourcefulness --- and stamina of Canadian Youth? - More Ontario boys play hockey than any other sport. There is perhaps nowhere a '"'v" Hing; organization like the Ontario Hockey Association. W. A. Hewitt, Sporting Editor of " i: . Toronto Star is secretary of this Association. He knows Hcckey---that is why there is such lit xx Jil and authoritative hockey' news in ‘. w nth TERMS, CASH. Ill istruetrrhovktx.vnvwsinThe star l... ol' pravtieally every other depart- nl' sport. The Sporting Flditor - r: in Iloekv.v--is equally at home in . sports --ltaseltall, Boxing. Football. 1rs'st'. llum- Racing. Ile has on his n group of sporting writers the like Ill‘ll iltt other Canadian paper has ever "id tosrether-ineluding Major L. E. 'The Tordnto fii)tarir u» - . "' - m" Feed Oats Mixed Grain To Humane“: Toronto Sun Toronto: boar Sin: We!” on!" In. on I auburn)" to Tho Toronto Star for . “IMO. or money order for F.......... Name and nddrou in full s................................ ..... we have a large stock of following Feed '. '19an sttpotoicsiii anada's Greatest Nev. sp apis Peas PM“ write pIainly. and any whether Mr., In. Misc cr Ru. Marsh, known to Hockey or Athletie fans everywhere; Francis Nelson, one of the most distinguished sporting writers in" the mnntry; Lient. Bob Hayes. the SNOOP! o-xport: R. II, Ravine. golf authority: Athol Crow, enthusiast on Amateur Base- ball: Charlie Good, widely known sporting: writer; W. M. Tuekaberry, bowling ex- pert-and many others. ance as leaders of the iii/Iii. Pastor Wo ttlip the follorrintt overt of Jones made . good OblirmuL Pro. one who bu many rel-Given In the needs $101 County of Grey. namely Mr Domud We thank Dr. Mom?“ oi Cbiugo‘ 8. Black. .rtt.ered to In the following for I Km" reminder. He gave “Penman: ol ha, death , , some Gaelic of which hoia not tii/D. S BLACK ?,l,1',,t!,i, DEAD ON proud to deny the language of his an. SPREEl casters. . The communilv was shocked on A Muss Floyd of Chen!" is the teacher for Top Cliff school for 1920. The watch on New Years an to no the old yes: out sad the New Yen in, m the Presbyterian Ch. was well at- tended 5nd had u good time Ringing the old yen- out. It not too late the Sundn' sl I entertainment held in the iretrt)ter- in church two waeks rm was quite I Igneous as usual. The ladies part was well “tended to and all concern- ed noted their Fart well. Spaciol mention should be made of the {anh- lulnpas of Ex Reeve Thou Nichol uod A. B. McDonlld lonheir good attend. ance as leaders of the lohool. Pastor Jones made I good “Airman. Pro. needs $104 Friday and Sunni-y'- slonnl Mled in the roads badly in some places. PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS PRllGEVllLLE 6n}: newspaper-full of news, full of ideas, well iilustrat- ed, entertaining, infoxming, stimulating. A three months' subscription viiit comings you. Sign the coupcn and mail it-mire this great paper into you: home on trial. The Star will come to yau daily for 3 months fer $1.2r--for 6 months, '2.00----for a Mr. Arch. McMillan of the West is spending I purl. of the winter n the old home. South Line, Arumoait. Mrs Mush“! of Toronto in opend. ing her holidays with relatives he" a present. Mrs Hugh MeLoIn and family, rpem the New You at her when“: Mr. Alch McCormick of Bantinck. Neil Shoureed of the Standard Bank. Willitunahtrd, spent nometime at. home at New Yen's. “in Alice MoDougnll MToronto, spent the holidays with mend: in thisplrt. The maul meeting will In bald in the Preabyurinn church, Prlooullo, on Thursdny. 16th Jan. u 2 o'clock in the thermal). Ml interacted should Utend. S Sports provide r.evroation mu". training. both physical and mental. for rnlr ma- standing youth. No mu- can pivtrsud In a full knowledge of the life of the commun- ity without keeping in tuurll “if? rhe world of sports. That is why The Hat nmkvs its sports Deparlmeut v-xcri. But you do nut have lo he 2 st,vsrts to re'uiize that Ti, Star was DO BEAM REVIEW , C?:tre, (itil) V - TORONTO li i The late Mr. Black was very native in the life of the commumty Brut held many executive oimstrg In diiferetn Mondey durum to beer of the sod~ den deal: of D. tl. Bleak. one ofthe district’s old limit. end e monument "ttre in the life of the eomnnmty. It Bleak tree in town on bovine-e in connection with the unloading at e our of apples by the Gain Growen‘ Association end w" wetting but the pee: oifiee to the herdnre store when he collepsed jut in front ofthe letter piece. Sevenl people immedietely "tne to his Illietenee but by the time be we: carried unide life we- extinct. Mr Black was in hie 54th yen end his deuh we: attributed to been failure. The funerel was held to the 0th River cemetery utter 3 service " the deceased) late residence. Ber. Wm Fergunon conducted the,eemee end the Uddlellowl attended in e Further the Oak River Poet any: in mother issue " that paper : The lute D. B. Blink who“ death Ind funonl were published in out hurt issue. WIS born in Bentinck Tp., Co. of Grey, a couple miles west of Dor noch. on Mn] M, 1866, and cums to Manila!» m 1879 and to Oak River I yearlnter. m tnarried Miss "net Burr on an. 26th, 1896. wer of f?! l Two men 5nd I lady speUrer nre ', here for a month to help add to our knowledge Ilong ugncultuul and ldomeatic lines. All In Invited to {an advantage ef these ddferent enur- jet, etch “bemoan. Come once to ‘helr them und 9.!!! the way und you ';, surely mil come again. 7 Mr WI" llmdry. our new msil cour- Ier. " here much earlier that! day: , much to the praises of each of hi: re- cipneuu. Me J. H. Btclurdson and men are busy cutting and hauling logs. ties. halts. 6m to Mr A. Rxddell‘s mill. Mr Wm Dame! and men sre Ilia bun], engaged in the acme woods. Nomination passed our very quietly Maud-y. Reeve Hockridga being the chief speaker. explained me work of the County Itmsd Commutee during iirgt year‘s experience. The old coun. ell Ire again to take than places. Jan. l2;h inst. A number of ladies u. tended the meeting to hear our public matters discussed and were made welcome. Mr R. Campbell returned to Toronto on Monday to attend Normal school.. Mr H. Watson is " present laid up with " attack ot neuralgia. Jack Frost is here no earnest. Sew- on! luvs felt has touch during the plan can arts. Miss Maggie Knox was home from Toronto for New Years. She tetum~ ed to the city on Saturday. Mr and Mrs J, Kennedy visited Sunday " Mr J. Aldcotn's. The youth and beauty of our burg attended a Ball in Hopevllle on Pri- day night and report " excellent time but the snow stnml was fierce coming home. therefore delaying some until alter dinner. Miss Allie McDougall and Mr Bond of Toronto visited last week at Mr D. Camppell'a. Mr and Mrs J. Sturrock Sundued at Mr A. Ferguson's. Mrs Ournnder and children spent. lust week with New Engluud rel-Men. Me A. H Bums: received a tel - phone Int-range Sunday week telling at .he sudden devh of [us niece " Hum- Ilton on Saturday. Miss ll A. and Mr Alfred Dene" spent Sunday With Durhsm friends. Mrs Jag. Mouurdo Ind daughter Miss Tens were VIBIEOIE last mail It Mrs F. W. McLenn'a. The members and their families of L. 0 L it36, had afowl supper in the Hall on Tuesday night. Music was supplied by the Haw Bros. A good tune is reported. It and Mrs Angus McCannel gave a very successful parte to the young people on Tuesday night. least: R. Scott and R Black supplied music also the McKeown Bros. of the Glen. We desire to thank our friends and neighbors for the very many acts of kind. ness and sympathy shown during the long years of suffering and the last illness and funeral of our only sister and companion whom God has called away. local own-amount. In w “non: (The! tttttus I put grand of the load Uldfello' Lady. I put Chief Ran. gor at the Faro-ten 5nd I pun Prom dent ot the Grain Grown new. Agricultural Social]. The until “(solutions " wall» the commun- ity u lugs will lately mica bin gen- era-bout sud bl! genial pol-10ml- ity. Me Block In": to mourn bun. be. Iidel bu wile. a non Alex and dough- tee Laue both of whom are " home ; tho 8 nine". Mn. Clan. IleAnhur of Dundolk; MrnGnrvin. Prince Albert ; Mn C. P. Bronson. McConnell. “In. and two brows". Jones And John of Oak Riva. DUBHAI. Jan. 8, 1920 gsxts.live,tob..... A Mr Wm. Frooke had I very suc- ceufnl wood bee Inst week. Mn W. J Knox received a tele. gram on Friday from St. Catharines that her grand uncle had passed away. The late Mr. Block hu . hon ot friends in Bentirusk and Glenelg on his moths“ side. The well known Hmilb'a of Dornooh were his umsle's. Now all gone. D, Smith. a comm is there. Mr Black In: . cousin to the well known Rev Dr Fuse: Smith and Rev Ju Shane 1nd nuny in Glenelg nod Egremcnt. Tho aympsthy of the community go out to Mr. Arch Conley in the deuth of his sister Mary Int week, utter an illneu of some yum resulting from rheumltmm. Min Rm Paterson In in Owen Sound In. week "tending the wed. ding of her friend, Min Rondhouaa. Durham Markets. --Arch. Conkey on behalf of Family SWINTON PARK Card of Thanks HOPEVI LLE 265 275 14000140 48to " 60m 60 -Bre boned with the indeutructiblc Spirella stay-the most pliable and res. ilent corner honing in the world-- gull“ antecd not to break or rust m and year of corset wear. Goods cheerfully demonstrated by culling at Parlors. MRS. .I.C. NICHOL. The bhlil'raeklhute Glenda. Sept. 6, I919 Not Sold J. G. mnrroto D..G ' 0-11.. I I-ll... -pI. 7-in- hlopuu con-Inland“ Bet a ml “Mu M p" "or; m.. " The Municipal Council of the Township of Glenelg will pay the above reward for information that will lead to the tietec- tion and conviction of the person or per- sons responsible for the wilful burning of the Township Hall or any one of the buildings destroyed by fire in Glenelg in the fall of [MB and the spring and sum- mer of 1919. ,.. _ _ J.S. BLACK. In t “Ghana-Lo! W."gl'cu'ta".Wtrir.ttt I“, 025. JAMES!“ & .IUHES'JV J. L. SMITH. M. B., M. c. P. S. 0 For mum pmicnlan "ply to any Grand Trunk Tight Aunt. or C, E. Homing. District Passenger “not. Toronto, Ont. - Ur I -P‘nll an A about" In M. - in (mm. W. CALDE l, Town Agent. Central Drag Store, Telephone No. ' cmcl 24 Magnum 'Ttttmn.. t-4r Evening- Offtce and Oftice Hours: 9 to " B. m., IMHOG Rm, , to D p. m.. Sunday. and unday "termion excepted. W. C. 'rcmtoN o. D s, L B s HONOR GRADUATE of Torso. University. Name of Royal noun" at IheatAiryresyy_tot Ontario Room form. madam Manama tor "u. I locum tc.. nun be one " the Review oe Ice. Durham. - mundane. m we. or to Ceylon P.0. will be lilo-Dd! Mod het, Term on 'bttpltmtimt Io Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping our. on night Tram: an! PurlorCnu on principal Day Trains. TELFORD d; CURREY DUKE“! - AND - muons "neg 'tMgr Etc. J.P. Telford ' 4ltilrstri)rsb4Fst+tii"t, ir, Stanfield's 3 i t t tJnshrinkablei: or * ll, Underwear 'tr ONO! GRADUATE Minn an!“ ' GI E that: loft] (hum Donal 'lh11'llt Bond-try Inn in menu. 0 ll- _ - var Jewell" 0mm and on” am- Poat 061M. D. MoPHAIL Inductee“... Pam I“ - “undo OFFICI: Our J. P. tell-"4‘00“ “I h one“. Inlet" Glue. Cement Tile and Brick Pumps & Pump Repairs Rice and residence. corner Count” and Lambton. opposite old Post Oh. Linen-ed Auctioneer -tor 00. J. F. GRANT D. 0.8. JOHN SCHUTZ $500.00 Reward Except Sued.” I a I iitiih'iiiiii"iiiirtit%"l }:romptly atterided to" D. lcPHAlL. Ceylon or to C. IAIAGE. Dun-hu- alwnyo on hind Spirella i, Corsets bet Wt en Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago Box 93. Durham \Vhitmore's Old Stand Tn. Clerk in Stores B Cum,

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