West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 Jan 1920, p. 8

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(tJii9'ii' ”Durham in an attractive and healthy town and good "ccommodatton can be’ obtained at reasonable rat“. j than Icons. Chairman J. A. Hamilton. Principal The School has a creditable record in the out which it hopes to maintairrin the future. _ - Each member of the Itatf ioa Univ. emty graduate and an experienced teacher. 7 Intending pupils should prepare to en. ter at the beginning of the fall term. Information as to courses may be ob- tained hon the Principal. - -- t ton ford Truck, run only one season CBl(0)(0)ll,, ' good "new. , "" Touring Car, 1916 model in good . condition. The School ia th.oroughly equipped to 'tetratrottrintt Car, 1918 model. one take UP the following CON!“ 1 man top, electric starter and lights; in I. Junior lattlculauon I first-class condition. a Entrance to the Normal Schools I horse I-horu Waggon 3. Senior Ioniculanon Sleigh: saggy Cutter Each member of the Itatf is a. Univ: Light and - Single Harness DURHAM BEIGE tyCRl(())(0)h All kind. outrun bought at market price. Speck! Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactorv bring It back and get your money. Low Grade Flour. Rolled Oats, Breakfast Cereal, Bran, Shorts. Middlings, Corn Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour '2."t John McGowan Wheat. Barley and Oats chop-ks The DownTown Shoe Store g R. J. ARNILL Holsteinilg ammmmmmmgw$$mmmmfi Wishing You a Merry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year CRIMPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Our Motto: "Reliable goods at moderate prices. A fair deal to everybody." Full line of Ladies' and Oents' Rubbers. Underwear. Hosiery, large stock Flannel Goods. Some special Bargains in Silk As we have entered upon another year, we intend to carry a larger stock than ever. Come and compare our price with any, and you will find our goods and prices right. LARGER STOCKS AND RIGHT PRICES The wholesale houses have advised us that there will be an increase in Soap, Sugar, Syrups, Canned Goods, Teas, Mince Meet and Cereals. To protect our customers, we have bought a large supply at the old prices and will give our custom- ers the benefit of our purchase. Fresh Fish and Meats . ( tons of No. I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY We carry a full line of School Books Stationery and Patent Medicines Fresh Groceries at the Old Price . S. MCILRAITH M. GLASER Ayrshire Cow, 3 years old, due middle sister Mrs Atmgtroug near Hopeville, of January. : returned to their home here Saturday lam anxious to dispose of the above, _ Rev. Wm Rice Mrs. Rice and little and anyone in rieedof ahnv ofthe articles l son ot Brtgden L; guests of Mr and mentioned "it get t em at bargain) -' . . prices. ”It: J R. Philp and other relatives Come in and see these on SaturU ic., Petrie and niece Miss Anna days. I will be home then.lr,,"di,"2,"CL, h..- mg- v---v- __-.- Just south of the Chronicle Ottice For Sale Privately Phone 20 Din-hum i Sr 2nd-Margaret Christie, Isabel Haas 1 Robbie Aitken, Margaret Tyndall, Eileen 1' Gibson, Jean Haas, Asa Brooks Stella I Woodyard, Florence McMillan. Sam Fid- , ler. l 3rd--Margaret Arnill69, James Christie i69, John Matthews 68 Ruth Smith tu, lJean Ellis tit, Maxwell Tyndall (H. Jack l, Irwin 54, John McKenzie 48, Frank Hea- lney 41, Edward Brooks 38, Gladys Rice 35, Jean Baird 27, Lillian McCall 15. Pr-. Denzel Haas. Brownie Irwin. John Lewis, Margreta Heaney Norma Johnston. Jr Ist-Cecil Johnston, Carman Tyn- dall, Melvin Matthews, Clara Arnill, Mary Dyer. Oat Shorts. Feed Oatmeal, Mixed Chop, Poultry Feeds and Groatine at Rob Roy Mill, and Feed Stores. Sr tst-Gordon McMillan, Ross Rife, Alec Sim. Robbie Nicholson, Viola John. 1hon, Sadie McCall, Beatrice Smith, Cora Dyer. Pr A-Irene McCall. Hazel Smith Al. tred Dyer, Wilma Bilton. ' 5 l. son of Brigden. are guests of Mr. and ll , Mrs J R. Philp and other relatives ‘ here. - Mr., Petrie and niece. Miss Anna . I Carss returned home New Year'tt eve l after a week's visit in Hamilton. Jr 2nd-Jim Calder, Elmer Bilton, J. J. Matthews, Charlotte Smith. Senior Room Sr 4th-Joseph Ellis 69. Lloyd Hamil- ton M, Jarvis Scott 52, Annie Hamilton " Austin O'Connell 42, Addie Haas 30. Jr 4th--Ruby Lewis 80 Matilda Chris- tie 78, Robena Haas 74, Willie Ellls 70, Grace Baird 68, Emma A tkens 68. Agnes Evans 63, Marjorie McCall 55. John Cald- er 41, Bertha Bilton 27. Edna Dyer 10. sumed their duties " teachers. [ A pretty wedding took place at the I home of Mrs John Rice on New Years eve when Mona, eldest daughter was ' united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Cock. ! bnrn of this place. The ceremony 9 was performed by Rev. Wm. Rice, uncle of the bride, assisted by Rev. Mr Scott. The bride was charming- l ly attired in a gown of grey crepe de chene trimmed with blue and was the, receipient of many beautiful and val- l uable presents. About So guests were present among those from I dis- tance being Miss Anna Rice, sister. from Oshawa : Mrs Duffield of Tor. Onto '. Messrs Fulton of Clifford ; Mr Duncan and daughter horn Conn ', and Mrs Murdoch from Mt Forest. Schools re-opened Monday a. m Mix-'32? ingest 39d Kerr having " Masters, John and Jas Calder, who spent the Xmas holiday with their A union prnver meeting of the Methodist and Presbyterian Mission. ary Societies will be litld in the base- ment of the Presbyterian Ch. on Fri. day afternoon at 3 p m, Mrs Elliott of Toronto is the guest of her sister, Mrs Wm Hunt. Mr and Mrs. John Orchard are in Toronto this week. Mr Ind Mrs J. R. Philp visited Mr. Chas Legge who is quite ill with ty. phoid lever at Listowel on Friday last. Mia. Rose McKenzie returned to Toronto on Friday of hot week. Holstein School Report Allan's Dromore Holstein Yeovil Mt. For. Dreivry's Total H 44 30 61 55 33 10 25 52 I3 3t 29 Majority in favor ot returning to Statute Labor, 127. F. J. Kerr, teacher. 49 47 Mclnnes' majority, 5. re- My father saysthe paper that he reads am't put up right, He finds a lot of fault. he does. perusing it at night, He says there ain't a single thing in it worth while to read, And that it doesn't print the kind of stuff that people need. He tosses it aside and says it's strictly "on the bum"--. I But you ought to hear him holler when l the paper do -sn't come. He reads about the weddin‘s and he snorts like all git out, He reads the social doin's with a most de- riuive shout ; He says they make the papers for the wimmen folks alone. He'll read about she parties and he'll fume and fret and groan He says of information it don't contain a crurnh- But you ought to hear him holler “hen the paper doesn't come He's always first to grab it, and he reads it plumb clear through. l He doesn't miss an item or a want ad- I that is true- I He says "They don't know what we want them durn newspaper guys ; I'm going to take a day some time and go and put them wise. Sometimes it seems as though they must 1 be deaf and blind and dumb"-- I But you ought to hear him holler when (t the paper doesnt come. I t To the Electirs of Ezremont .' Ladies sud Gentlemen,--- . Ithank you one sud all for the support given me on election day which has placed no in the highest position in the zinc! the township To those opposing and tothose sup- porting. I have the same message ot good will, and I ssh sympathetic co. operation in all that concerns the welfiire of our township. It will be tnv pleasure " well as my privilege to guard your interests both locslly son in County matters. With best wishes tor s prosperous your. Yours sincerely, Chas. Melanes. Wilbert Rose he: gone toToronto tor the wi tor months. Last Wednesday afternoon Geo. Long end Myrtle Whvte were mur- ried in the Houtesin person-[e by their pastor, Rev. Mr Lovezrove They boarded the afternoon train for Toronto, returning home Saturday ‘evenink. They ere two ot our popu- lar young people and we offer them our best wishes for I lone happy life together. Coogmtuhuiom, also to Mr and Mn W. Cohnrne who were married tte nine evening. Who will be the next? -- --vwv-. ' fliattttiieaa .. Al 7 LYAttgtggg A new“: , Thou. MoDomnll returned on Monday from his Tigit to his brother in Peasrboroutth. Wilbert Ros! hu cone tttToronto oviU. If you} EQZKLVJ": out of 1rsitor,utiue_diiiiia, " .fy 2tt _ 'e-ir. d! dis-9654 OVER-EATING Two of our citizens were successful in yesterday's electinn viz, C'. McIn- nu, J P., elected for Reeve and NellCalderfurCunncillur. Cong": ulationa and best wishes to the Council JiI-mMli' rail DURHAM REVIEW 22 Thanks to the Electoré 25 . 15 G McEachem, LR. Wilton The Critic 48 32 42 42 38 YEOVIL t. Ir, will be by privilege both locully With beat TORONTO 35 34 " 31 287 160 254 307 249 167 248 218 Wm. meGiiiii","'"ch". Shel/ell No Reierve L' the proprietor farm ans] implements. the following valuable Farm Stock : I 1 Coach mare 9 years, 1 general pur- , Pt ie horse 10 yrs, 1 Picauore horse 6 yrs. I 1 cow 6 years in calf. t cow 7 years in ',calf, l cow 8 yearsin calf, l cow 5 years in calf, l cow 4 years springer, l cow 4 years in call. 2 heifers 3 years in calf, l heifer 2 years in calf, grade bull 2 years old, 5 steers 2 yrs old, 4 steers 1 year old, 2 heifers one year old, 6 spring calves. " 18 pure bred Oxford Down ewes, l reg- I istered Oxford Down ram I A quantity of Oats and Hay. Terms of Sale: Grain, hay and allsulns of 810 and under cash. Over that amount any time up to 12 months credit on ap- proved joint notes bearing interest at 5 l per cent per mourn. There will be so lot l, con. 1, E. G o'clock on Credit Auction Sale JUDGE 'rmem"GoLmo: RULtr.."- Ear- ly this year Judge Klein of Walkerton found a boy gurlty of acrime. and instead of sending him to gaol or the Reformatory directed that he return home and go to Sunday School and church regularly and also work and be in by 8 o'clock each evening. The boy also got a nice little ‘lecture and promised not to go astray again. His father had to enter into a bond that the boy would appear for sen- l tence on Dec. 23rd, This the boy did on 1 Tuesday last. The report sent in to the _ Judge was that the youth was working in I a factory now and earning good money and has reformed Previously this boy wasaterror in his town. Alter telling the ex-prisoner how pleased all were at his reformation and suggesting that he) was the making of a fine man, the Judge,) let him go. i Thursday, January ISth, I920 . l ror bale Five of twenty five of the most prom-; . ' . _ _ inem and best known among those who] 3 cows rising 5 yrs. old, 3 heifers rising . . d th . it . 19t9 Si " yrs. old, 4 bull calves I htifer (all. ’0'.” . t5 Tlon ' m . ' were "i l2000 brick also red veneermg brick. Wilfrid Laurier. Canadian statesman PCheap to quick purchaser. Apply to Frank Woolworth, ten cent millionaire ..l A. & J. Sealey. . Andrew Carnegie, multi millionaire audi R, R. l. Priceville. philanthropist; General Louis Bothy! . - __ . __ - - South Africa's most famous 19n;and' Notice to Farmers Adeline Patti. world renowned singer. I The Durham U. F. o. Live Stock Ship- The world will be the poorer for their l ping Association will ship stock from Dur- paatrinr-Ex {ham every Tuesdav. All intending _ Mr Ind Mu Ihwid Marshall gnu tow! supper to some of their neighbors Ind friends In: Wednesday night About 25 at down to I able laden with good things. The night I“ spent "Lanna and sooinl chat and the New You was Welcomed by sing- lug favorite songs. Mr J. Snell occunied the pulpit In Knox church last Sunday. We no sorry to report, “at Miss Lilhe Keller in not improving sad as still in Fergus hospital. mull-r1 Momma: returned to Toronto Int. Suture-y. MmeAuguata left for Wellond the suns any to Visit her sister. Mrs E, Boy And um ud High School. In Andrew Picket: And Mr: John Packen "med over the New Year with friends in tit. Marys. Mr and In Wm, Carson spent a " a.” recently who tho former:- nephew, Mr Bert Canon of London. Mr Robert. Ilusbal. of Alberta is spending . couple of mouths wnh " many lrlends In Mm put. The snow storm on Friday night blew the toads Hither heavy for the vounzfolka early arrival home but our ptogreaaive road commissioner soon was out and had a track zig. lagged through the drifts. Much anxiety is felt over the set-f ions condition of Miss Lilian Keller _ who was removed to Fergus hospital under the Dru directions. . Sorry to hear of Mr Matt, Barber ttttfortunately slipping and falling down the tstable units. Although he had several ribs crushed, he is out and around of Valuable Farm Stock Mr and Mrs Matt. Barber treated the voung people of the neighborhood to a very pleasant evening recently Congratulations to Mr Joseph Bir ton and bride who were married at the latter'a home here on Dee. 315:. 19:9. Mr Harry Wilkinson is busy at present moving " implements and machinery to his new farm in Egre moat. Min Winnie-Ind Mr Bert Barber spent New Years with friettdtt in Pro- ton. . Mr Jag. Lemon is home we: hav. Ing successfully completed a course in Stntford Business College. Mr and Mrs Wilbert Blyth enter. tained “number of young folk on New Year's night. Mr John Smith of Proton to visit- ing ll present with hot brother, Mr J. J. Wilton. Misses Margaret and Janet Kerr left Monday morning to legume Nortntd training in Stratford. Proprietor. NORTH-EAST NORMANBY sold by public auction at G. R., Egremont, at One VARN EY . . __- v" urn-v their name. addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particular: of their chime and the nature of security of any) held by them. duly certmed, and that after the said Guy the Executor. will proceed to dUtribiste the nut: of the eetate among the partic- emitted thereto. having regard only to the chime of which he then shall have notice. ( Dated this 32nd day of December A. D, 1919. ( TELFORD G CU RRBY. Solicitor. for 3m 26th day Of January In the tttof/rr of the futc of "'th. l I.IAM SMELL/I6. Lr/fu': Toe". whip of (Nearly. in the County "f Greg, ttttutter, devalued. Notice is hereby green, pursuant to R. S. 0. l9”. Cap Pdl, Sec. 56. that all persons havmg claims again»! the Estate of the Mid William SmGiie, who died on or about the l7th day of October A. D. 19ig, are requested t , rend by post pre~ paid or otherwise deliver to Menu Tel- ford & Currey of the Town of Durham, Solicitou for the Executou, on or be-l fore the _ Consisting of lots S. pt , of 28, e pt. I of 29 and all of 2 and 3 of ge, con. l, Bentinck. This property is situated on 1 the Garafraxa hold only half mile Ioulh ; of Town of Durham and contains "Ill acres more or less. o, the property is erected a good Lame house and frameI barn With good stamina and water in stables, also good well & Cistern at house, l0 acres tall wheat and " acres ttti ly seeded down on the premises. erl _ watered With spring and running stream‘ and well fenced With both rails and Wire Will be sold reasonable. For further, 'articulars apply to I Mrs Annie Russell, R R 3, Durham" or to M E. Murras. R RI V..,..,... u Lot 27, Con. to, Egremont, containing 118 acres, 100 acres cleared, " acres hardwood. Bank barn tirl x 60, frame house, drive shed, good water. Conven- ient to church and school. Must be ttold at once. Apply to The Durham U. F. o. Live Stock Ship- ping Association will ship stock from Dur. ham every Tuesday, All intending shippers will give three days' notice to the manager. Mr Angus McArthur, R. R. I, Priceville Phone Durham. Thorough Bred Durham Stock For Sale 9-Southampton at Mildmay 9 _Durham at Walkerton tg-Walker) at Hanover l3-Mildmay at Southampton Ili-Hanover at Durham Mr-Mildmay at Walkerton 19--Southattipton at Durham 23-Walkerton at Mildmay 23 - Hanover at Southampton 26-Durham at Hanover 29--Mildmay at Durham 30--Southampton It Walkerton Feb. 3-Durham at Mildmay g-Southampton at Hanover 6-Walkerton at Durham 9-- Harmer at Walkerton 12-Durham at Southampton 13-Hanover at Mildmay Senior Nort'n Lehguc Schedule! Notice to Creditors - Farm For Sale " -eNeie- - Farm ior Sale For seventeen years we have "(an on", trying at all times to give mn- tomers a Square Deal and Honest (i,, This, our Diamond Jubilee year. w.» to be the best yet and only by " mm ance of your kind patronage can vw r to obtain our wish. We are prepnrv , give you Honest Goods, Fair Pri- Good Service at all times, and all NN: of you is a fair trial. Sixty long years ago this busim, A.” first established by Mr Alex. Tuylw- WM conducted by him for thirty-iive .'tt _ It was then carried on by Mrs. M] under the management of Mr. J. Il in, a. lay for one year and four months. i;', m. end of this period beingtransf'erre" m V, ". Findlay, and five years later, in llu- ), '.!' of 1903, the present firm of Tau!» J: Company was established. . Russell, R R 3, Durham: Murray. R R I. Neustadt'. giavhona’ Jas/a, 1860--l920 Mrs. Noble Wilson. Clo N. G. Wilson. R. R. I, Proton , h. 0.. I920 Ely/or d Co. Yours for Business, 5 334133333“; _',s DP?!” u For interior of tmitetiee--betie, und chm than In”: And plum-r. by ttt ttaodio Utlfi with l " 'tF all, but on Comm" tur, tf ui'ou foot No (in! m tt mt Call and are tor ynurm-H Mao Boht AMI and hauler tor !'-u- hun god vieuotr of we Shingles m Ll"! always "I: hand at right prices. Lu>mm Sawing promptly attendu: u to I gunk-nu Jiaadil,"di' 2,/ T ia'l',i/it,TLrs that! ti buy his M I I etl u’ J/'.l,tf'd, Mil'. 2'l'd3e'/"' ShSh, DOORS. and all l, ', of HOUSE FITTINGS DURHAM PLANING MILLS 'romore, Uni. '1le.yteente1t.tte to I” .. e ZENUS CLAR'r’ ' M 53333393539 The Central Drug Store J. N. MURDOCK, Durham A Prosperous my! Happy New Year I tl Splendid choice. ( and see then. IEW FIBRE BOARD New Year Greeting Cards and Folders Track Ties Basswood Heading Hulls TIMBE RWAN Tr. I) B. HOBETH. Prop 'uuuuamcaxm.‘ JANUARY 8, 1920 Cedar, Tamarack and I White Ash and Hardwood. Cut 20 inches long in the AT o. T. ll. POINTS Highest Prices Apply to aeMPae 'e vas 1nd mt " u u no lawn. and in ind: 0 "MILGUAMb‘ "Northern Leacu (“Cloudy toy,vthe “bum In” hr p - new on l hm III” be munud I WHO“. iucn 1 “bunch wul be d Mtss Ann k almlhel a “i W Inmr " Wile song at I!!! one umnu A dainty tra u. - helpers. ' try all annual: C. to beat , trey [a tqmmp “-5: and lost n I goal. Durham an m can capture an hon " Wilt”! _ hockey. hm in. Alter Mn l ”Aiding gan- .1 "New Year Rm .0111 resolve I. “whom mum: “Arm's sakc, his. Mrs M.( Inward“ worthy L: to live In disposed I d the Tu your Cunt The .Iammn lash ulc Mas r u Thursday a deciilute barn tak Gram u dunuum: news In H but. " l in the “4 warm wan uud warn III-.LP s. F Dominion cam by the Tumult STANMRD V II: St CD pe11dcuce.- depcnd on wi - but on what ' The Standard Bunk “a can verv material Nu to win success at “dependence. .ICI ls) tre, Pt (“butt-h will no r ”h " hid\ a.) )t .4 to CSU' Ind ,t 'ttgnil ms dr “(hum-(i m no nan Vt Rent: Balm Mr. IN Ill I " main“ " Mr Alex (in "tit mun; pom 1‘ human. the ehrt1 at. Fari M my f-r Hm DURHAM BRA MN KELLY - - W, Men UCCESS an ore" TUEIOAVI AND M .XLIII. " gt)'. 'life, t _ " C t I. u n i u . g t rr,-.'--) ii/tj"',':.', ht Id I Ps $944!; THE ”a Iv he tl d M

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