IE January 5th Opens New Terra at the a) Mar/MU 2;" @707â€de _7iifi'bias/ I-inen. SUrtHrd and Propel-lay (Ia-nu C' atalvgue free C. A. Firming, F. C.A., Pfincipal G. D. Pkm'ma. Fierretary Book Bargains We must clear out a lot of books. Now is a good chance to get good reading mat- ter at attractive prices. Me Books for Me " Sire " . as: " . at One-Third Off Come and look them over. The balance of our stock of Owen Sound THE RETURNED MAN'S SCHOOL Brass Goods and Dolls lldMllhlllJ0ili & C0. Our Supply of X cut Saws, Buck=Saws, A Few Stoves and Ranges', at old prices We have as m-Il a new assortment of Silverware and Gifts of all kinds for the Christmas Shopper. A Small Special Ass'm't of Horse Blankets Broken sets Knives, Forks. Table Spoons, Dessert Spoons, Tea S; cons. slightly d; mogul Btlly Spoons, Cold Meat Forks. Soup Iculles, Grasy Ludles. eta. at bargain prices. Get yours early as they will soon go. . RED FRONT HARDWARE HOLIDAY Saw Tools, Axum Mitts and Gloves, isyomplete. Don't miss the Limited in quantity and impossible to renew? Ontario S. McINTYRE See our Lines of Sieighs and Toys for the Kiddies 18c 22c Mr, 57c No Needles To Change Always remember this! When you own an Edi- son Ambcroia you have No Needles to Change. You are for ever freed fron the nuisance and bother of changing ncedlcs. fcr. The Nnberola fills wary musical need. Call and hear this won- :Icrful imcntion of Thus. A. Edison's to- . n , Diamond hm'oerola will make your home a happier, brighter place. It matters nut what kind of music you PIT- antral Business College Students May Enter at any Time We haw cxpertcnced Inatruc tors. awe thorough courses and assist uranium†to pouhunl. Get our tree catalogue and learn what we can do for you. We give vvc~ ational (raming to returned men. Mt. Forest-Stratford-Wi/m " A. McLACHLAN. President MAC FhlllJil0i'S Durham, Ont. The Edison SILVERWARE jp" Eutham merit!» Many newspapers throughout the Dom- inion ate advocating town and city man auger form of municipal government in lieu ot the aldermanic farm. The question" of a change in the system is being consid ered at Bellville.and Aid. Riggs,amember of the Council, has been successful In collecting information regardin; the success of. the scheme in 0:th n. The tnwn of Anz'mow, [can ulation oi 3,000 ad med _ .. mun- azer plana shun tinn ', doing away w th the counc'n and mayor. The town manager receives $1300 a year, and Mayor Beems, in tellingof the experiment says : "The plan has been in operation such a short time that It is a little too soon to come to conclusion regarding its efficiency over the old plan, but we find that by combining the vcrious petty offices, that were in vogue, under a one man manage- ment. that the air. in of the town are he- ing looked after in a more business-like way than hemo ore, without any addy tional expense c mdemning all and sundry who propose to abolish Government House. Such a step he says would be a v."calamity" and lead to Bolshevism Mr. Clatk's break may lead to one of two thinurs--his resig- nation or the dismissal oi his responsible ministers which would mean lanolhrr eiection. Will he try it? The-town owns the waterworks and tl e manager acts in the capacity of water commissioner, town marshal, town clerk, and secretary of the commercial enter- prises of the town. ager plan is the solution of the town and my government problem." So far everyone seems to be well pleased with the change and from the number ot towns that are adopting the same plan, we are of the opinion that the town man- -T he Peace Treaty has been signed at last and vague of Nations formally in- stalled, only the United States holding aloof and consequently is still at war with Germany under an armistice ! Pres Wilson, head of the League. has issued a (“all farting lint meeting at which his mm country will not De repretcuted ! ! Riot, have broken out in Balm and a! least tctt dcad. “out. Gov. Clark has broken the bmndsof decorum by making aspeech The Town Manager JAN. 8, 1920 Mn P. L. Hoppe nu "lui1 to her dattghurr, In Phillips of Filmer-ton who in very low with heart urn-bio. F red Stafford of Dornoch has sold his bow luring muhino to Alex Suw- an ttt Moggie. THE DUB RAM REVIE“ Miss P. Sullivan returned Tuesday alter spendmg the holidays " her home in Godericb. Mr and Mrs Bryce Dnrgu'el spent Sunday with Mt Ju. Lowe and hun ily. The Bible Class of the Preabyteriqy church will hold their social in the ligament. of the church Friday even- mg. Miss Katybel Buck visited Dornocb friends Wedneaduy evening. Too much class consciousness and toonittle common democracy and love of humanity. Mr and Mrs J. H. Crutchley, Miss: Ruth Lowe, Megan- Stanley Lowe, Al.' bert Wight and Lorne Mdnlosh spent Thursday evening at Darguvell's. Too much discontent that vents it- self in mere complaining and too lit. tle real effort to remedy conditions. Mr S. Rutherford of Wiarton was I at I o'clock the follo'wing valuabl'e farm the guest of Mr and Mo J. H. Parke stuck and implements ; over the week and. Driving mare 9 your: old. colt rising Mr Will Kenny spent. Sunday with Mooreabnrg friends. Mrs Chas. Shame†and family visit ed Mrsnd Mrs Dan Sweeney Saturday Too many consumers and not enough producers. Too much of the spirit of "get while the getting's good' and not enough old fashioned Christianity. I llcre sill be a number of changes in t .t personnel ul the County Council when It meets this month. No less than three l new faces will be there from Owen Sound, I out of four representatlves from the town. i tit Vincent, Sullivan. Cteatsmorth, Sara. Iwak, Bentinck, Durldalk, Egremont and iUlent-lg will all send new representatives. ', And there is going to be a real scrap tor ;the wardenshlp \th at teast four in the l held for the honors. Reeves Mckenzie, Iul Artemeala ; Sing or Meaiord 2 Morrxson :ol Usprcy and Mulcr ot tsuphrasta, all as- i, spinng to the honor and at least three ol [m m have qultea Inge lollowing. Just , which one wul be elected is hard to say at (present and u may bclhat a "dark horse" E will come lorwald and um out from all 3 those at present suggested 'l he hsl ol 3 members ot the new counul is as follows : Too much all stock and not enough savings accounts, Too much envy of the results of hard work and not enough desire to emulate it. _ Too many desiring short cuts to wealth and too few willing to pay the price. And " that isn‘t pretty much whats wrong with Canada we are open for information. Too much decolleteiand not enough aprons. "roo many satin upholstered limo. usines and not enough cows. Too many serge suits and not enough overalls. Too many diamonds and not enough alarm clocks. Too many silk shirts and not enough blue flannel outs. Too many pointed toad shoes and not enough square toed ones. The Fargo (North Dakota) Forum asks whats the matter With America th " days ? And it proceeds to arra- wer the question in this manner. -Seats for Premier Drury and Man- ning Doherty have been found it is ex- pected, the former in Norfolk and the latter in East Kent. Hon. Mr Raney will have to stand a little longer as it is a ticklish proposition to find a farmer con- atituency that will support a Toronto Lawyer. But when a lawyer is necessary and one oi such worth as Mr Raney pre- sents, “by should the old antipathy pre- vatl f New Members of Artemesa-T. it McKenzie, Alex Cameron. Owen Sound- F. McRobert, J F. ftwmpum, n. Lemon u. n 'l'numpsou. 't ttoutburst-J. W. Hutcttinton. Neustadt-henry avenger. Hisnovcr- Ur. Meat ns. Durham-tim. Calder. Mcatoui-W. ti.thug. Fxaherton--Dan MC 1 avish. Markdale--J. A. Boyd. Chatsworth- S. H Breese, 't'sullivan-H Farrow. Holland ~R Howey. Sarawak - W. J. Saunders Egremvnt-Chas, Mclnnes. Bentinck-- A. C. McDona'd, II Hunt. (Lunch; -Wm. il e r. Sydennum-n Geo 11121.] Cumc. Derby- H. Bteun. . Keppcl - J Cruickshanks. Non manhy-s Holm, Fllsmger. liuphraaia- Miller. Hulclnaon Collingwood-Woo. Osprey - Morrison. Proton -E. In. Hutkrldge, Richardson. Dundalk- n m Armstrong. Th ' nbury- at. Vtricent-Eyon. What's Wrong ? -Geo hm} Currie Blew. ' Cruickshanks. -' Holm, Fllsmger. Muller. Hutclnaun DORNOCH County Council TORONTO Set farm trucks. 2 buggies (lnearly new with top,', 2 cutters I nearly new, " sets sleighs. set double harness, 2 acts plOL gh harness. 2 sets light driving 'harness, 3 good horse collars, Massey _ Harris hinder, Deering Mower t) it cut, Horse rake, set 1ightharrows, act spring i tooth barrows, 2 Wilkinson plows. [ Manley Harris Seed Drill. Pair hone , blankets, 2 crou cut saws. sugar kettle, 1 grain cradle. stonebolt. rakes, chains, I shovels. whimetrees, neckynkea. &c, f Standard separator nearly new. l Terms of Sale ; Potatoes and tum. of 85 and under cub. Over that amount 10 mo. credit will be given on approved joint notes, beartng intcrut at 6 per cent per. Innum. ALEX C_AMP_BBLL C.SHEWELL. Dining room table. lounge, 2 cup- boards and numerous. other useful am- clea About l5 has. potatoes. Driving mare 9 years old, colt rising 2 years, Cult using I 'yr old Cow, 7 yrs old, due to calvc Feb. 27th Cow. 9 years old, due to calve Mar. 2 Cow, 8 yrs old, due to calve April 0 Cow rimng 3 years due to calve, May " steer using 2 years, 4 spring calves, Brood BOW, It young pigs 3 mos old, 2 pugs 5 mos old. weigh about 100') lbs, About so hens, asheep if not sold before of Farm Stock and Implements Implements, &e. '. Binder, McCor. mack, butt. cut, mower, Frost & Wood, -o-it. cut, net alcighs. Waggon. waggon box, turnip pulper, cutter, nearly new, hand cutting bthr, large cutting box. wheelbarrow, cream separator. quantity of hay and straw. No reserve. every- thing must be sold as I am renting the farm. Terms_of Sale : Straw, hay and sums under 810, Cash. Over that amount anytime will be given up to 12 months, on approvedjuint notcl. bearing interest at8 per cent. per annum. Mare, rising 10 years, aged mare, mare rising 6 years. colt, rising 2 years, mare colt, rising I year, horse colt, rising 1 year, 1 fresh cow, cow due January 15' cow, due May 17, cow. due May M, c0w due May M, 4 two-year old steers, heifer rising 2 years. 4 one-year old cattle, 9 calves, I sow. due March I. Moses Ilonnelly, Robt. Brigham, Credit Auction Sale Lots 9 & li), 2nd con, W. o. R. Bentinck, Tues., Jan. 27th, I920 The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction at at one o'clock, the following valuable Farm Stock, Implements, " '. ')riiidrkiiidirimiys WEEKLY NEWS Of Farm Stock, Implements, &c, The undersigned Auctioneer will sell 'yPublic Auction at Lot ll. Coma, Normanby, on Credit Auction Sale Mr A. C. McDonuld who headed the poll Int your " cuunci! man has captured the Reeveshlp tor 1920 I. mljcrity ot 95 over Mr [lerb Brigh- am. Congratulations. Mr Edgar B yce and cnuain Mr J mung.†ot Hamilton who has bun visit-nu his many "hands here. spent New Years wrtt Mr and Mrs Tin-s. Ritchie. Edge Hdl. Mrs Wm. Fulton holidoyed our New Years and ma Week end wnzh Wnlk.erton friends. Mr and Mrs Herb Livingsvone ard family " Hunpden. Mr Will Living "one of Lotion, and Mr John LI . ingstoue ot Efmwood. Were visitors at Mr and Msz I [Pay and In ily, Mr Ind Mrs Erwin brorv, Abate: George an d Mise Mildred rs, d Mr W. Fulton were ruyally runrmm- d m the home M Mr and Mrs Wm. Br v ll New Years day. Little Miss Myrtle McDanu lelash, spent Hm holiday wi cousin, Mas'er Dougald Hustle. Mrs Cailfard Howell and Miss Ritchie (t Edge um were holiday guests of Mr and Mrs Richard Boyce last week. 5514:4333$23333mmmxmxmmaxxxxxxmax33:»- my; waxgxxxESESSEExxxxxxsmxxxxxxxxxxxxxa2g Tuesday,January M, I920, JOHN MCKBGHNIB Durham Propruetiar. coniinued Reductions for the Week Jan. 10th to Sat. night, Jan. 17th We intend in this ieek's issue of the press to inform the buying public, that we have received this week a large consignment of NEW SHOES at reasonable prices. These Shoes were bought some months ago ior the spring trade, being all the latest styles and lasts for Men, " omen and Chil- dren. Do not neglect this offer as you can procure from us this week your Spring Shoes at 10 per cent. discount Our Stock of Wall Papers (staunton’s Reedy-Trimmed), Dry Goods and Groceries is at your service with a to per cent discount also. Come and investigate for yourself. We are confident you will be well satisfied,' Sat. January 10th till January 17th. M) per cent. discount Store will be open till 10.30 p.m. Saturday, January 17th. MULOCK Myrtle McDonald m ', the holiday with her Auciioncer, A: Miss Jeanie McDonald returned to her duties in Torontoon Mood" utter spending the bolidnyl with her par- ents here. Miss Tendsle resumed her duties on Tue-day. there being no School on I nday on account. ofthe voting for we municipal election being held in the schoolhouse. Miss Mary Morton buxom to teach in Durham Public School. Miss Mary Lunh hue returned to her studies in the D, 11 S Mr and Mrs D. Clark and M’s: Rem, Mr and Mrs W Clark and mo “in Margaret Lunacy spent Sun- day with her triend, Mina Mug-rec Clark. The annual school meeting was} held In No. 10133: Wednesday to get things in running order tor another; year. Mr Jul. Haslett is the new trance iu pllco of Mr D. Lamb re.l "od. He also hr I the contract ot supplying the school with wood. Mr: Dan McLean bu the lighting of the; are and Mr It Grierson the clelning ot the school. I Mr and Mm A. C McDonnld. Mu- ter John and Mm Ulva, Irma Mu Edward Boyce and tunilv, Ir and It Twumley and Mrs McMurrny din. " with Mr and Mrs Baht. Lcdioty ham on New Yen: duly. Mr Donald Livingstone 's hm week. We were planned to have Mr Jon. Charbonneau buck nmonu " again. Re have: Mind“ ot this week tor his borne in Cloverdale, B. C. Mme M rv McGaHuu wtll accompany hum \turus Snub; and Visit Mr and Mrs John l’hilps of that plum. Quite n heavy snowstorm we bad on I". idmy. The made being blocked we gm no mail for two days. Mr Walter Hustle of Oregon spent New Yem with Mr and In Andrew Home. '“éasaz-nsasas ..aaas.s:earassa.asri' aaaaaaaesssss Ft"t".b":b".,r-ttt:tFE, Clansman Stock Feed 175 per cev ' Corn) Chieftain Mixed Feed (50 per ce, t corn) . Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Oat Shorts Poultry Scratch Feed Feed Oatmeal Whole Corn . Chopped tr. n Get our prices on above Feeds. It v ', pay you to buy now as feed will be higher during the V, ...Ler months. IF YOU NEED FEED Milling Oats Barley . Week's Break-up-a-Cold Tablets. . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Otl Compound. . 35c Lister's White Pine, Eucalyptol and Honey. 25c Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver Oil. . . . . . . . 1.00 ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY MILLS, Limited The Central Drug Store ABERDEEN Business Hours--8 a. m. lo 5 p. m We will pay highest price for any quantity of above Grain delivered at our Elevator. We are in the market for For that Cold TERMS, CASH. S. McBETH, Prop Feed Oats Mixed Grain I (4) It in practically non explosive. being of much higher teat, banks :being infinitely superior in every way. 'Oiving double the light, the actual cm: i, in result. secured in only about one hal' la. much an ordinary coal oil. I (2) It is smokeless if properly use . hence the disagreeable work of clean" " lthnt "smoked up" lamp chimney wrll he " thing of the put. l (3: That "offensive odor" so injurious _ to health will be done away with an; i the atmosphere of the room will remair g as sweet as the summer air. childron and Mr Buy Lamb. all ' Rocky dined with In J. D. Clark on Chriumu Day. In John McDonald is improving slowly Ilia Van Show": launder the Dr 4 euro " present. We hope she Iii. soon be ber bright little sell main. The British American Oil Co. For sale by Limm . Mr and Mn Archie mammary both beam: with the cold and Mm McKechnie of Wandby is unending them. j --r----.- Lam polene . o 6 'V l What IS Lampolene. "LAMPOldiNFy' .. 1?:6 lrw,lt . gram of Arrcriun (ng1 tr, mm I" I, _" " you with to save and prolong your Eyesight, and enjoy “C Beet Light In the World. better begin to use "Lampolene" at once. Manufactured by C. SMITH d; SONS il; " gives DOUBLE the light thr, ginng the best light instead of t! wont. an it to often the experience wtt ordinary coal oil. Bchd and differs from ordinary in oil In "veral Important respects to In we have a Urge stock of t (Mowing Feed : JAN. 15. 1920 Durham. Ontario Peas 29C It) l .00 I ttt JAN. 15, “UH F I SHOES Get Fitted no Sign “I tstock of //"- If 1: haw " f(iktt?j'id,ttd 'l‘lu k .7 I. mg": " 3.1.0:! DWI“ Nun LII "'e" s---"