the ll he " ORE DISCOVEle IN MANITOBA A Number of Companies Have Been Organized to Develop (.OLD, SULPHIDE, TUNG. STEN, MOLYBDENI'I'E. Great interest has boon mod, and murh enterprise widen-ken In the development of Manitoba's gold ro. nourms upon the geologic“ report. on tho areas about Rice Lake, Gold his. hug Lane, Hal! Way Lake. Hole River, and Star Lou, And whilst com- merr-ial development has been in many cases a laces-Ital proposition In these sections, wane" bu been hampered by the ("Haitian of trun- purtaunn, and the high coat of Intro. during the necesnry mining Insomn- My A survey ot the situation In the vnrlnus sections In": the Inventi- gator without any "ttttite knowledge, as yet, as to the extent ot mineral de. posit", in this tUtd. Though "portal m" P'0nuu ““W“ "'5" have frequently been made from the l "It today try the use of field of the presence ot platinum, Pinh Pilla,und tKN) how: mum essays have lulled to elubllnh and “mu†of the 'oitt in prt'$en('e. and It: occurrence tn the I lam; behind new 'ttM [hurt-t. though all indication. are!“ . fnvmuble, In yet to be considered,! You can get Dr. Wlllla tum-mural. "0:10 “’ rm?“ dettl Operations in Gold Fluids. I330, b1'l,',"td,"'k,% Thr. Pennia Reef Gold Mineral Co. I clue Co., Brockville, Ont Hum-d operations In this tltelt1 nlne. ------9-- w I"," ago. when a shaft was sunk tuuil Mahogan . , mum-Ms lrenohm and pits dug, ex.! y inn z.- .. vt-inrl in a fairly thorough man-: It la interesting to m 1.. r No work has, lumevnr, been ‘, than twenty mahogany? u Winn l ..:m River. Hrmah Columbia.' f:, ;.l\ k was only 15 per cent. below tr,,) ,f 11018. although the catch dur- m. Jun" and July was exceptionally Lg'- The pickled and cold storage â€nun! ig larger than last your. 1 l h»- z-unned pack on the river 1313-} (my u! a! about 530,000 vases "as then run," This In conservative and I" mun dent to about 857,750 full war or b lbs each, and represents 21"“"l 000 pouuds ot raw salmon. The eoW, norm» output consists of 24,242,500? maul: of tish cured at the eatuterietr, and cill storage plants. '; This means that since the â€non opvnc'l on May lot. the (ill-none", trollers, semen, purse when. and trappers have altogether been paid the sum of $2,706,280 for their eateheq. This is worked out n tho nun. who of In. rent: a pound and do†not In- dudo other large sums -asdod ttm but. Figuring 813.00 3 can tor m nod salmon Ind " can I - to. pickled itstt, the out"! at the “unlit Rm: In!“ (at. no “on I- m 03.01.00. Injecttom at turpentine can b bod to pram. wood hon mu. British Columbia Salmon Pack. n by the company where In the dis! sit' h rt, and are nuv to mining in in One of tho be mm in Canada In“ adlutaly south of the vlclnity ot tht pits have been I belt when the on the vacuum-rec i of the presence Minna] tttatmuqgt; :ar regarding tlo, In! king of pits. an prospected the Pennla R: I’IIS along the ot pyritt rt quench t cut b m y pr g. the 1 When" work tr, den plum tlt b th brought to a clone the summer tirrhing on tho tt n W rk Vt‘l a fairly thorough man- k has, however, been mummy for some you". he district development t eotttittttd to atrium; pits. A line or claim: pected from the was! min Reef claims south- " the strike to Mud mun Lake. and " the no claim a good deal of tltrttrt on Boyce'a claims 'ty. veins carrying large te cut through a highly ttr tMM tt It th di h-rmnts were made at,“ tl I: discovery of maria. and careful m. to show the oc- ra at neural points. ts ware bright for from the intelligent he prospects found. " . Gabrlel Sinclmr, scovorcd the Gab. m- ot Rice Lake, " thousand other ude with 3 large as Cotuidering " 100 miles north 1an of acre» are ma very limo de- hm-n done in thin bean well pros- n " hi m nts have. how. ur It Ot k, Ind mn- r of com- hare been oak Issued raising prom- that} con. There is only one way to cure rheu- matism, and that is throw the blood. Linimenta, hot applications. and rub. bing may give temporary use. but cannot possibly root the trouble out of i the system. That can only be done by the rich, red blood which Dr. Williams' FG Pills actually make. This new {blood drives out the poisonous acids I end impurities,, and the rheumatism I disappears. It you are a sullen-er trom ' this painful malady begin curing YOU- 1 self to-day by the use ot Dr. Williams’ l Pink Pills, and see how soon the pains land stillness of the joints fade away, l leaving behind new energy and new ) treeftts. Can Only Find Relief by Enrich. ing the Blood. Rheumstlsm is s disorder of the blood. It “tacks people when the blood ls overcharged with scld end impurities, thus setting up inttammtt. tion in the muscles end joints. Wet weather or cold weather ot autumn may start the tortures at rheumatism, but is not the cause. The cause is in the blood and the blood only. Victims at this malady have every reason to tear the titat dull ache in the limbs and Joints. followed by sharp pains through the tiesh and muscles; these are the symptoms ot poison in the blood which may shortly leave the vletlm palnrscked and helpless. . You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 'trom my medicine dealer or by mail Iii, 60 cents a box or six bone tor .8250, trom The Dr. Williams' Medi- RHEUMATIC PEOPLE No. 9289--Ladice,' 't mew-Hen Cir- all" Skirt. Price, 20 cents. High waistline; 88 or 36-inch length. Cut in , sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, M and 36 ins. waist measure. Size 26 re- quires, 38-inch length, , 1-8 yds. 40 ins. wide, or 2 1-8 yds. 54 ins. wide; 36-inch length, 3 yds. 40 ins. wide, or 2 yds. 54 ins. wide. Width around bottom, 2% yds. It is interesting to note that more than twenty mahoganylike woods are now offered as true mahogany, not to mention a considerable number ot wood: cunningly stained to imitate mahogany. In the present circum- stances, therefore, when the demand for mahogany is greater than the Muh ply, unusual interest attaches to such woods an Cori-min or Colombian me,- hogany, which is acknowledged not to be mahogany, but which is so similnr to it in color, grain elects "and work- ing qualities as to serve tor the rue wood. The statement is made that while Cariania diners widely in Its botant. No. 9209-Ladietf Ruffled Skirt. Price. 25 cents. Panel front; two-piece back foundation lengthened by two- piece lower section; 39 or 37-inch length. Cut in 5 sizes, M, 26, 28, 30 end 32 ins. waist measure. Size 26 requires, 39-inch length, 4 1-8 yds. 36 Ins. wide, or 3% yds. 45 ins. wide; 87-inch length, 4 IU? yds. M ins. wide, or 8% yds. 45 ins. wide. Width around bottom 1% yds. No. 923i--Ladies' Two-Piece Skirt, Mahogany in Furniture. IN STANT POSTUM If Tea or Coffee Disagrees the quickand easy way to satisfac- tion and better health is to drink cal und unethical characters from true mahognny, its close Buperfteitrt re- Iemhlance to mahogany and its physi- cal properties at once distinguish it as u high clu- cabinet wood. When properly leaaoned it does not warp. check or shrink, while much of the lumber is beautifully figured. It works well, takes a filler readily and can be highly polished. By far the most interesting remains of the lost people of Arizona are their network ot canals which prevail through the valleys. The longest in the one tapping the Gila river and which supplied with water the ancient city, now marked wltir the one stand- ing building. This in the Casa Grande, about which so much has been written and which has excited so much in- terest among trrehaelotristts in the last ten years. The volume of water taken out by this canal must have been immense, for it supported millions of acres. In most places the canal has been tuled with drifting land, but its course is anally traced. Engineers who located the Marlcopa canal made ute of the old Aztec ditch and to-day water runs over its pebbly bottom just as it did 2,000 or 3,000 years ago. For miles and miles around mounds tell the tale of houses destroyed by the ravages ot time. Phoenix was built on the ruins of this ancient city and there relies frequently are found of this ancient civilization. NOTHING TO EQUAL BABY’S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Alfred Naud. Natagan River, Que, writesr-“l do not think there is any other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones. I have used them tor my baby and would use nothing else." What Mrs. Naud says thousands of other mothers say. They have found by trial that the Tablets always do just what ls claimed for them. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus banish indigestion, constipation, colic, colds, etc. They are sold try medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Price. 20 cems. High waistline: 38 or 36-inch length. Cut in 8 sizes, M, M, 28, 30, 32, M, M and 38 ins. waist measure. Size 26 requires, 38-inch length, 2% yds. 40 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 54 ins. wide; 86-inch length, 2% yds. 40 ins. wide, or 1% ydts. 54 ins. wide. Width around bottom, 1% No. 922.r--Udies' Skirt. Price. " cents. Three-piece tunic; underskirt with front lining; high waistline; 88 or 36-ineh length. Cut in 6 sizes, M, 26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 ins. waist mea- sure. Size 26 requires, 38-inch length 3% yds. 86 ins. wide, or 2% yds. 54 ins. wide; 36-inch length, 3% yds. M ina. wide, or 2% yds. 64 ins. wide. Width around bottom, 1% yds. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept. W. Lost People of Arizona. The Australian War Debt is 51.500,- 000. The total number of Girl Guides In the British Isles is 72,519. -rhere are nineteen peel-asses in their own right in the United King- dom. The record time ot 2 minutes 27 seconds for skating one mile was made in 1912. The salary of the German President In $240,000 . W There are 6,000,000 motor vehicles In use in the United States to-day. - The Victoria Cross was awarded to sixty-three Australians during the war. Between August, 1014, and February M, 1919, 663 Victoria Crosses were awarded. "Soviet," in its original meaning of a "council," was used in Serbia as long ago as 1805. -The Journey from London to Paris by air takes 2% hours compared with T hours by land and sea. Chilled tUh from Newfoundland is prepared in a cold storage plant, which can deal with 200,000 lbs. of tish a The first cinematogmph perform- ance ever given in the British House of Commons took place on August 12 ot this year. day, The Republic of Czeeho-slovakia has an area of between 50,000 and 60,000 square miles and a population of 12,. 500,000. Bombs tor use with air machines originally weighed 20 lbs. but at the end of the war the largest weighed as much as a ton and a half. it has been estimated that war- work for women drew 400,000 recruits from domestic work and dress-mak- ing In Great Britain. At the signing ot the Armistice, the total of German bombing and seouting aeroplanes had fallen to 1,700; while the Allies had three machines on the front to the German one. While the total steam tonnage of the British Empire is over 2,500,000 tons less than in 1914, the steam shipping ot the United States shows an increase of nearly L800,000 tone. Protruding chins characterize men and women of the forceful type. Buts cessful people usually carry their chins thrust forward, with compressed lips. Square chins. with little flesh, de. note firmness and executive ability. Broad chins signify dignity, unless vertically thin, when, it with it there be thin lips ot the bioodiess kind, you ttnd cruelty. Retreating chins show lack of force mentally, morally not? physically, and denote that the possessor yields, is soon discouraged, and desires protee. tion. The development of other facul- ties often makes up for this defect. Long chins are ioetical, unstable, and delicate in constitution. People having them are said to be subject to internal derangements. Medium chins. with small mounds of flesh on either side. characterize generosity and _eheerr natutes. Short chins show I great love ot or. der and detail-N place for every~ thing and everything in its place" type ot person. A lake has been discovered in the Denzil district at Saskatchewan which produces almost pure salt, and its de- velopment is being actively proceeded with. This lake is the more remark- able from the fact that it is the only one of I group pt 190 which possesses these saline properties. In ares it ex- tends over about 16 acres and is cover- ed with a brine, which, in itself, does not possess my pure sslt properties. 0n boring, however, it was discovered that the depression had s rock tonn- dation, about six feet below the sur- face, and as each bore was put down n salt spring developed, each of which contained npproximstely ' per cent. IF you In" album, don‘t 1m;- tne that you nut nun “In untold misery. Rollo! quick. sun Ind “to u wanna“! in "Ott the worn cue- by using We ue lo cousin of rm": '0 will and you s In. my]. of the“ cu)- sulel. eogtftdgnt that you will fUtd them m w. bLV. cldmod. Sold " roll-bl. Grunt-t- ovary- whon tor 81.06 a box. pure salt. Atl Allko. Ptitient-"Th6 doctor's bills ue higher ttnd my wits an the medicines colt more than they did." Nurg--"Don't worry ubout that now. I run to also your tempera- 142 Klan trt. Won "tiettt--"l'tt M you'll fir.1d even; that u going up." 2 For fifteen years the “undead specific for ftheumatUm, Neuritia, Sciatica. Lumbaxo. Neurulxia. Many doctors prescribe them. Writ. to runways. 142 In! It. W., tomato. {or (no annual. RHEUMATIC CAPSULES Sold by reliable druxxiau - where for 81.04 per box. mud'u I’otnlmon can Duunm. A Canadian Salt Luke. Bits of Information. For tron mph. write a T‘MPLiTON'. ASTHMA TEMPLETONS All About Chins. TEMPLETON'S TORONTO Toronto The hue that, whose fossilized re- melne hue jut been dug up in the Stete ot Vera Cm, strike: a severe blow at those who bout ot physical development in the twentieth century. Thu giant is claimed to be eleven yards high'. Mushkin, the Russisn gum. was well under nine test, or three yerds. The biblical giant, Goliath, wss merely 3 dozen feet, And the great King Og. of Benn, did not stand more than six- teen feet six inches in his socks. og. held the record before this eleven- yard champion came along to upset him. Christ, who bled and died for me On the tsaerificial tree, Out of Thy great charity, Hear the prayer I litt to Thee! Gentlernen,--Theodorts Dorais, I customer of mine, was completely cured of rheumatism after the yen: of tntttering, by the judlcldus use of MINARD'S LINIMENT. The above facts can be Terffied by writing to him, to the Parish Priest or any of his neighbors. Put him in the kitchen of a modest tour-tloomed house, and his lea would reach the dining-room above. his chest would thrust up into the bed-room, and his head come out In the attic! The average height of the measly specimen ot humanity who lnhablta the globe to-day is about tive. and a. half feet. How we are diminishing! Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, By the spear that cleft Thy side. Purity my heart ot pride! By the thorns that crowned Thy brow, With Thy love my soul endow! By Thy pierced hands and feet, Make my halting faith complete.' By the bitter drink they gave. Make me humble, make me brave! 'Women outnumber the men in Great Britain by 2,000,000. You simply say to the drug store mun, “Give me a quarter of an ounce ot treezono." This will cost-very little but is tsutBcirtttt to remove every hard or not! corn trom tttteh feet. A few drops ot this new ether com- pound applied directly upon a. tender. aching corn should relieve the lore- neee instantly, and soon the entire corn, root end all. dries up end can he lifted out with the tlngera. This new way to rid one'e feet ot corn; woe introduced by e Cincinnati men, who says that, while ireezone in may, it driee in a moment, and aim. ply ehrivele up the corn without in. Btunittq or even irritating the our- roundinq tieeue or gun. _ _ -iiG'tut father die of Infection or lockjaw trom whittling at his com. but cup this out and make him try It 2 ED. 7. Oh, girls, such an abundance of thick. heavy, invigorated hair: a per- Net mass of wavy, Inky hair, motionl- ly tttttty, bright and " easy to man- Jul! moisten a cloth with a little "Dtutderitut" ttnd carefully draw " through your hair, taking one email attend at e time; thin muicelly re. movee all dirt, excess oil and stone. but your heir in not left brittle, dry, lit-inn at feded. but chefmingiy loft, with zlcuy, golden gleam: end tender lights. The youthful aunts, tint- end color on again in your heir. "Dander1ne" in l tonle.btsautliur. Besides doubling the beauty ot the hair at once. it checks dtutdrtttt and atop: mung hair. Get delightful Danderlne tor t tor cent: In my am or tollet counter 1nd use it u 3 dress- ln; and lnvlzontor " told on bottle. A. COTE, Merchant St. Isidore, Que., 12 May, 'M. GIRLS! DRAW A a MOIST CLOTH " THROUGH HAIR Let "Danderine" save you hair and douBe, its beauty, Ti=4iiaaiity.-e". A Prayer For the Day. AreWeAllPigmieo? - nos msé'aszs Mutod Free to Any Ad- an" bv the Author I. am Glam 05.. rar ll! “rt-L his: Sum? New Yin. ttut UE No. 2-'20. "RiGiiiGG end billiousness. hair. ache, colds, and coemtipntlou, so gently you’re never even inconvenienced. here is no griping And none of the explosive otter-elects ot eethsrtics like Celomel. Salts. sickening Oil or camping Pills. Tonight take Cu- cerets and get rid ot the bowel sad liver poison which is keeping you miserable and half sick. Cascsrets cost so little and they work while you sleep. MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-ot-town accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. Laugh I little less at year bar's troubles and a little mt your own Scientific research shows that the' peoples who have fed liberally on milk Ind eggs and leafy foods actually have] marched ahead in progress. while! those who have lacked these foodsl hive lagged behind and are not sol, well-developed, physically or mentally] For a New Icing. After the batter is in the buking dish, sprinkle brown sugar and com- nut on the top, and when it in baked it in just the prettiest brown. " well to good to tube. “SYRUP (IF FIGS" (MUN LAXATIVE Accept "California" Syrup of Figs otsV--iooh tor the name Culitornie on the when, then you are sure your child in having the but and most hemleu laxative or physie tor the little stomach, liver Ind bowels. Children love its delicious fruity tute. hill directions tor child'l dose on each bottle. Give it without tear. I ma breath is a er of cleared tooth. foul «on or and... bowel." If your hath no good, look (can: dig-olive can“ at - t sacr- Carolin Syrup it dud-u. " to 30 drop. “(or Inc-lo. dun up your food - and stop the bed breath odor. Soe. and $1.00 Bottles. Do not buy ovbotitutos Got I the genuine o Mother.' You must say "California." The Mme "Nyer" idertttB" the contain- only aniline As/pirin,--the Aspirin Hound: maxi dby phyritums for overnho- nigh. I n you." and new mndc In Cumin. tis, Join Always buy an unbroken Ruck-gm Tin b of "Bayer Tablet. of Aspirin whieh futures! There in my on -onBarw'-' tok at tongue! Remove pol- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Don't shock your Liver and Bowels, but take l Cure for " We“ Guru aunt In Con. "VERBOTEN" Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" ONLY TABLETS MARKED "WUER" ARE ASPIRIN Bad Breath " we toh printing punt In Emu": Ontario. Immune. curled 81.500 wut w for 81.200 on quick uh. Box " noon Palm-Mn; Co.. Ltd., Toronto. N'g,g',i'e'e,r2t"ge,rg-.; m mum _ Oputttr. Splendid opportunnv Writ "-d"'i, vv .'_._._a.9 nulԠa pound, .n I you I- 31316: {strut too ueg iie2,f,i r 5.5% . ' . r. " . "C. '" Dundu t8d,/.'u"e,ttt,.x""rt Le CHOICE SILVER BLACK BREEDING _ Foul. Allo. we no buyers or Raw PORTRAIT AGENTS WANTIN; Bood r/ae nnd mumps Lyon glee. on naps-mu tor cutes1o- half.“ Art 00.. ' muck Ara, Tea n 23itiiiitF.- Fiikrii(iraaror'tu1it"ty1'%it2 Box T. “no: Publish!" Co.. Lumen. " AGING. " w.. Toronto, ‘J tOki. -didoTir.GTi -a £53712; Furs. What have yo-tsat price! Reid Bro... Bothwell. Ont. COFFIN STOCK WANTED. " YOU mate “it. ttls', anvplyuudvtao nu. I. v. w p; t a I eatprcn. norm from J. nw. Keenan Bro... Limited. Owen Bound, Ont. Wed; mums» NEWSPAPER and 10b printtne ohm tn Futorn CANCER. TUMORS. LUMI‘S. 1% internal And enema. cured with“ um by our home treatment. Writ. u. fore too late Dr, Bellman Mailed Co., Limited, Cantu-wood. Ont. nigh. iiLiiicritieietum Seari- tu, Joint hint. and Pain penenlh Til ban. of 12 nah-u cort but blowout; my My: [Mn-gm. ar-"-." nut u: “Inger" 5min, MAW"? fer cx,'hth KNOCKS OUT PAIN THE FIRST ROUND This famous reliever of rheurvatie when, Iorcncss. stiffness, infill Ipnim, neuralgic pains, nurtured other external twinges that humanity inlets from, enjoys its great uh. because it practically I.C\‘Cr fails to brig; speedy,_coyiortintt rcljef. . I Comforting relief from pain makes Sloan's the World's Liniment -Wiursiiidi, for min takes mu. to penetrate without vubI'irIy and Pro- tiuct. results. Clean, refreshing. b ado Ft Cupda. At all drug ttores Me, "e, “A Baby Happy After Ilisllath 3 With (htiasn Soap Nothing more refreahin for baby Elan I i'i:'.iC'bea'ifi,'i'iini.'ii,t,i'i?,? nupccm t llsmls tot, Irritated or remix]. After bathing, gent] touch any irritation with Cui. cun {human They an ideal tor all toilet um. cuufud Advertisements. an WQNTED ALWB, " cum tira%TGia".4Géi%hiwi, a“. St. [NI It. woo-', -tre,., Soil “can: Satan iEaiGU,