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Durham Review (1897), 22 Jan 1920, p. 7

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robin 1e " If“: ayl the We In but MANY MSS CUTTING AGENCIES IN EVERY CAPITAL CITY OF THE WORLD. Number Among Their Cus. tomers PracticlIIy Everyone Fifty yank no there wu not A Pme-cuttin. - in the world. To. day there are several hundreds. The, or. any or nor. in Greet Briton end more than that in the Trntted States. in these two countries alone eome any thouennd ”none In with!“ in the business, will. “Capital in. vestod is upwnrde of '60.000,000. Every capital city in the world bu nu ngancy of the kind. You and them not only in London, Perle, and Pst' York, but in Rio Bnenoo Ayree, Met. bourm- Johannesburg, end Yokohama. 'l‘ns-u- customer. ore numbered try ten; or tli'nluandl. Procticaily - man whu hold: my public position .utv,rcll,r-;. All public companies. ee- peciah,’ milwny m thinning com- ”nit-n are subscriber; Every Royalty his (iii-unis full ot Presireututtqs, whyha naturally. actors, euthore. and art 4't, and all thou belonging to aimim- professions are strong support. on of the agenciee. rmimhiy there is not one man or woman who has ever published a book or "Men a signed article tor a peri- odical. who has not posted up n collec- tion of criticisms from the Press. Patroniud By (verybody. Your dramatist gets more notice: than an y other writer. not! Is unturnliy greedy twknow what the critics think at his work, and the bill he pays to his "envy may amount to twenty or "etltyslis" dollars :1 week, or even " pm " m: " I d m Order :ncubators and broader: " once. Later in the "ttSoi' serious do- ”: no likely to meat. Worm: Largo“ Cram. {he largest sttlphuilditm can! in the world has been built " my Pttittb. dolphin navy yard. an deemed]! norm-rd monster uf 350 (on. and”. in Bu glue" in Public Life. fifty not," snorted Robinson. light. not more than I I told my wife t had to so with him?" Gave It Away Rev h al mpln W th Off m " n 3d an“ and po an m W on in l h SOP "r pa UUe :lews." lepamnenu do uttitttrs. There mite collection ing to the late history ot the r was 1".er newspapers. at agencies em- mndred cletke. to one hundred My. The ever- ;rs a hundred credit it should sillppiag agen- mullteere or In- gram}: as hIVO our house, and ale family tint in his wholo and t I all I r was 0 up, late editor of is bolloved to Press-cuttings hand. They ted to him the h " who are work- 'feet and the tons u t but nan about " Ila the might be L the 1an beW of Europe“ ' kept ak Ut wck the ttson. "pear I work. heavily urnuls. use an the son, tn P n " " the be late of p E's! " ot 2r M IDEAL TONIC FOR WEAK PEOPLE I At the am also that the blood so ‘out ot order take Dr. William' Pink inns. and note the speedy improve- uncut they make tn the appetite. I health and spirits. You can get the” Ipllls through any dealer in medicine for by mail at GO com: a box or six Y bores for 3?. 50 trom The Dr. William' ; “mm mm (a, Bruckviue. Ont. Dr. William’ Pink Pails Art Di- rectly On the Blood and Nerves. Food in no important to the sick per- son to medicine, more so in most can. A bully chosen diet may ro- tard recovery. In health the natural nppetite in the best guide to follow: in nickneu the appetite is often tiekle and depraved. -t. Proper food sud s good tonic will keep most people in good heelth. Dr. Williems‘ Pink Pills are the most Popular tonic medicine in the world. hermiees end certain in their action, which is to build up the blood and re- store the vitslity to the run-down sie- tem. For growing girls who become thin end pele, for pale, tired women, end tor old people who fail in strength Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an ideal tonic. Thousands ot people have testified to the health-giving qualities ot Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, and in many homes they are the only medi- cine used. A as the homes in which the bone?“ this medicine has been proved is that of Mr. E. A. TM. derwood, Kingston. Ont, who "rr.-- "t have used Dr. Wiilltms' Pink Pills with the most benelteial results. As the result ot hard work I was very much run down, and my appetite wee very poor. I got a supply ot the pills which I used regularly tor some weeks with the result that they restored me to my old time strength. They also proved a blessing to my daughter. who was in e very anaemic condition, and who seemed not to get more than temporary relief from any medicine until she took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She took the pills tor about three months, and is now enjoying the best ot health. For these reasons l on strongly recommend Dr. Williame' Pink Pills." th th ca one mo No. 9216. price, 20 cents. Kimono sleeves with or without straight, trimming-band. Cut in 6'aizes, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and " years. Size 8 requir- es, without trimming-bands, 2% yds. M ins. wide, or 1% yda. 40 ins. wide; with trimming-bands, 2% yds. 82 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 40 in. wide. No. 9224--Girt'. Dress. Price, " cents. Straight gathered side sec- tions. Cot in 6 simm. 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requires " yds. 36 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 48 im. wide. " An E'ngllshrnan was the tirgt to dis. over this, but afterwards Dr. Mal-and t the Royal Academy ot France made even! experiments to prove the heory. He found after a year's trial lat usually In the night he gained II- Myst three-tritrhths of . ll inch, and lost hnost as much during the day. The use of this Is to be (and in the antlaxes which so to make up the H The Joint: ot ttthe part of our bodies the Royal Acad van! experlm4 eory. Ho foum at usually In m ast three-eighth No. '9thr--Gir1's Coat. Price, 20 {IO Grow Tall in Bed. rt ad taller wening? Rf, '!iil? 'fQ, gi. ?"‘i' E iit sifiiii? _ Hi I , Styles for Children when Il e‘are aware that we standing than when n the morning than no separated and yet joined try par- ticulu bony substances. every one tt which has n springy resilience. These aro capable of yielding on all trides without bending the backbone or spine itself. or course, the difference is scarcely perceptible in one Joint alone, but the combined enect is appreciable. Naturally. when the spine is support- ing the weight of the need it is liable to be contracted, and we Ire taller " ter lying down tor some time than at. ter we have been walking about all dny with our bodies in an upright posi- tion, with the Ipine supporting the weight ot the head. ' At night time, when we lie down in a more or less horizontal position, these top parts do not weigh so henn- ly, and the spring)! muscles being ex- panded, our spines consequently be. come longer Another proof ot this is to be found in the Increase ot height sometimes experienced by invalid: who have spent a long time in bed; and also in the tact that the more test a young child has the taller he will grow. "It was a mistake," pleaded the man in thsfioek. “I was looking tor my wife's young niece, whom I've never seen, but who'd been described to me as a handsome young lady, with golden hair, wen-cut features, tine compie. xion, perfect Mure, beautifully dress- ed. and-----" A Good Defence. The case looked black against the prisoner, who was charged with 1oiter. init suspiciously at the railway Ita- tion. 1y _ "This lady says you tried to speak to her at the railway station.” With a charming blush, the princi- pal witneu against him interrupted his Bow of eloquence. “I don't wish to prosecute the gen. tleman, sir," she said to the magis- trate. "Any one might have made the same mistake." The baby at today is the man or woman of to-morrow. Thus the sue- cess of the future man or woman (It pends upon the baby’s present wel- fare. " the baby is sickly and ill nourished it is not to be expected that he will grow into a strong. active man who will hold his own in the business world a tew years hence. Mothers, it is a duty you owe the future to keep your little ones well now. This can be easily done it Baby's Own Tablets are kept in the house. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweet- en the stomach and thus make baby healthy and strong. Concerning them Mrs. W. Orser, Elginburg, Ont., writer:---", have a fine healthy boy three years and have usedBaby's Own Tablets for him ever since he was a small baby. I certainly think them a splendid medicine." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil. liams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. cents. Cut in 6 sizes, 4, a, tr, 10, 12, and 14 years. Size 8 requires 2% ydc. 42 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 64 ins. wide; lining, 2% yds. 36 ins wide. No. 904lr-Bor'ts Double-Brand Overcoat. Price, 20 cents. In two lengths. Cut in 6 sizes, 4 to 14 yrs. Size 8, with belt, longer length, 2% yds. 48 ins. wide, or 2 yds. 64 ins, wide; without belt, shorter length, 1% yds. 48 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 54 ins. wide. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. mm NR THE BABY Presently the magistrat said stern- I! m: to the lot ot n C.P.R. engineer. I'm John Peter Robertson. to win the mum coveted Victoria (Iron " Pat, wheudaele. Roberttpn enlisted " Lethbridge with the It5th and was an engineer on that tttvision. He way better known as “Pets” to his Leth'f bridge friends He was born in Pic-' ton. Nova South, but lived most of: his lite in Medicine Hat with ttlas mother, Mm. Alex. Robertson. I Robertson was aged thirty-four, wen l his distinction in connection with operations at PastrehenthMsi4s, Novem-' her 6, 1917. Details came through authoritative channels that during his battalion's attack Robertson's platoon was held up by uncut wire two hun. dred yards from the t1tttt1 objectives Our guns were still busy cutting a way l through the wire when a German ma- chine gun opened fire and itttiieted very heavy losses on the Canadians, Robertson, without waiting tor orders ', and entirely on his own P/Per' rushed towards the German gun. defy-', ing the machine gun's withering fire. Moreover, our artillery barrage was so intense that death seemed almost certain. Working his way to the flank, he eventually found an opening in the wire, got through and crawled until the end of the emplacement was reached. Rising suddenly to his feet he charged down on the astonished Germans, and killed four of the gun crew before they could recover from their surprise. The remainder Bed in) terror, but their flight was soon cut short when Robertson seized the abandoned gun. screwed it around and poured a hail of bullets upon the backs ot the fast disappearing enemy. Several ot them fell victims to their own weapon and others were caught by our shells. When the remainder of the platoon arrived Robertson was still firing the captured gun. It was entirely due to his heroic action that the whole line was enabled to advance and capture the final objective. Reb- ertson went forward with the flrst wave, taking a gun with him. He used it very effectively to keep down the tire ot German machine guns and snipers, while his platoon consolio dated the new position. Later in the day, when two of our snipers who ventured in front ot our lines were wounded, Robertson volunteered to bring them in. He went into the open, although exposed to a heavy enemy fire, lifted one man on his back and carried him safely to the trench and immediately returned to the second man, staggering back with " un. conscious burden while the bullets whistled around him. But as if cruel fate were awaiting until the last pos- sible moment to overtake him, he was killed on the very parapet of the trench. his mission almost accomp< lished. Ills splendidly heroic end, li"e his dashing work done earlier in the l,day, had a most impiring ettect. The question arises from the tut. nouncement ot Dr. Gallppo, ot the French' Academy of Science, that in Egyptian papyrus (manuscripts) twan- ty centuries and more old, he has found living mierporrauistrur. Ho cltes this as the most remarkable dis- envery to which his ,inrerstiratloe" have led, although it is equuly true ot documents dating back. for Instance. to the Middle Ages. Modern hyxenic conditions, of course, we vastly ditterent to than of the early Egyptian any. or Middle Ages, but there is a possibility that those germs of centuries ago might convey the old plagues. For they are very much all"! The microbes discovered by Dr. Ganpo were 'aubjected to the usual test ot heat, and although the temperature was carried to 248 degrees Fahren- heit. they hopped about like, two-year- oIds in spite of their 2,000 years. That poverty need never fear that sunshine will be rationed. That success is 1 per cent. inspira- tion and " per cent. perspiration. That you’ve trot to get up every morning with determination it you are going to bed with satisfaction. That it may be better to give than to receive, but few of us are in a posi- tion to keep it "A indeilttite1r. ’ That no task should be left uncom< Wise Men Say----- That many martyrs are self-made. That friendship rings truest in ad versity. That hero-worship is often but an- other name for self-esteem In it possible that the latest scien- tMe discovery may bring a return ot the Egyptian plagues or the Black Death-the most terrible epidemic: in the history of tttworld.' That good times for all can only be provided by good work by all. That no task plated. Ability what they ftttlgh tempt. That real mull in-the-pau s tinuous, and its variety that ao slows down-a was yesterday. How C.P.R. Engineer Won Victoria Cross. Gentlemen,--Last winter I received great benefit trom the use ot MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT In a severe attack of LaGrippe, and I have frequently proved it to he very effective in cases ot Inttammatiom Minard‘s Linlment Co., Limited ms, and i uty that a a down- yesterday, Microbe Methuselahs. mnhuslasm is n of thing, 1 its continuity , accelerates n r-greater to-d: W. A. HUTC HIN3ON, in men not by Yours, Is not a ttash. r. It in con- xuity in of the IS rather than ttrday than It TORONTO ig rated what they by at- mum'- l’dnlnun Guru - m can Sophocles, the famous Athenian dramatist, lived to be ninety. The author ot “A1312 is the oldest writer, and ho to unique in " degree ot longevity. The next in point ot ago is Thomas Carlyle, the author of "San- tor Rosanna" and "The French Re- volution," and other works ot noblo conception, undoubted brilliance, and lofty aspirations. He died at tho use ot eighty-six. Jeremy Bentham, whose disciple was John Stuart Mill, and who is the auth. or ot work: of Government, "The Principles ot Moral: and Politics," and other lucid exposition: ot tho mm. tartan system, underllved Carlylo by one year: while Voltaire, who" “Philosophical Letters" and “DI- courses on Man" make " mm to live, died at the use ot eighty-tour. The Bridle Path. "I suppose," remarked the “cotton! stranger. watching a workman by down a carpet from the church door to the cur', "that is an y.iett road to heaven?" "No," promptly replied the man. "merely a. bridal path." gonna! records show that - time you cut a. corn you invite lock. tor or blood poison, which I: needle". an t Cincinnati authority. who tell. you the: a quarter ounce at a tlrutt ruled freeman can be obtained " Itt. tle cost tram the drug store but in But. ncient to rid and: too: at - In” or not! corn or callus. You simply apply a few drops ot treason. on a tender. aching corn and tonne" is instantly relieved. Show. tr the entire corn can be mm out, root and tul,ritltoyt pain. This drug is sticky but dries at one. Ind in claimed to just shrivol up ‘3, corn without ittt1atnimr or even trib toting the surrounding tissue or skin. It your wife wears high been on. will be glad to know at this. To Mop failin'g hair at M106 and rid the scalp of every particle ot dand. rutt. get a small bottle of dinghtml "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter tar a few cenu. pour I “tad tn your hand and rub it into the soup. After several application: the hair usunlly stops coming out Ind yon our: and any dandruff. Help your 1m: grow long, thick and man; and be come soft, glossy and Abundant. tompleton'u RAE-MAR Rtrl", m [unmanned to all". ART MA. don't nutter snolher day. Writ. Terntrutttrt'a, “I Jrtnq " MEllllliliTiMll Writ. Temp-town. “I Km; W. Toronto: or tree amp]; imam. drum-u an than "" A box. T I M . L I T O N ' 8 148 Km. at. Wu! . , Matted mywhon tor 81.06. (hi! EACH DAY A LITTLE MORE Hurry! Let "Danderine" save your hair and double its beauty ASTHMA Hurrah l How’s This Templeton'n Rheum-dc CA9- IuYu bring lmmsdluto relief cad permanent results. Thu m to- oommendod try doctors. um sold by mum. drum-m .verywhoro for 31.0! A box, at write to CInolnn-u authority any. corn. dry up and I!" out with fingers. In. Col.d Ali", rheumatism with In grind!“ pate, and “Hunk-.3 of joint: "(I hold of you. Fight " artth tGi-yen A Riff”: iti'rCrifiiiii6 rut I Inn um ,. (a mu - I felt Wag on yesterday t mad thay's Syrup and nipped it in the bud. lust couldn't min to hour at the oHU, we " no bury and 'hoeshanded. Gny'. Syrup In ishatgt bow family, the folks have useditforiutyyears Thlu II In! tho net-on whet, The Oldest Writer. Rheumatic Capsules Inn's-1.0L...“ at ISSU E No. 3--"20. t this ma Templeton's Aileen-ll Toronto Turn tho "k0t4orf out-the w- tcho. baton-non, make-(Ion. the lick. sour stomach and Int-errant!“ [out --tum them out to-night Ind be» than out with Cucurou. Millions ot men and women ah i Cum: now at! then and - know the mlsery “and by I luy liver, clogged bowels, or a - swatch. Buotrte power In- permitted tttts ex- ploitation ot Chlllnn copper depollu that any prove the richest in the world. MONEY ORDERS. It is Always safe twnd a Dominion Enron Money Order. Five dolittrg oom three cents. A motor deligned by [man on- ginurl to (in maximum tractfbn with minimum road dunno is featured by I. number at an noel pads hold “that the rim by individual coil springs trom the hub. Don't put in another any of dull-cu. Let Camel- clemo your “catch: remove the noun tormenting food; Luke the excel- bile from your lint and carry out all the commuted who mute: and poison In the bowels. Then you will feel great. Remarkably Successful Treatment. "And Hall I be able to pity the phno when my 11de haul?" asked the wounded Ioldler. “Gemini! you will," said the doe tor. A Cum“ tomight straighten. you out by morning. They work whllo you sleep. before." WHEN YOU SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM amen WWII? Siiiiiiii'di' an HERE: on! It Almost any man will tell you that Moan's Liniment means relief For practically every it who has suffered ir aches, soreness of mu of joints, the results 0 pofyfe. . my: “than! Ova-u Din-up". Women, too. by the hundn thousands, use it for reiieving his, lame backs, neuralgia, sick ache. Clean, refreshing so economical, quickly effective. “Sloan's Liniment" to your dr Mid. in.CInada. rod it today “3. M M “Goo, thath g rem he Colds, Pun, Lumbcgo. Stil- ton, Rheumatiam, Schtica, Neuriua. as foe Hoadlche, Nmmlgin, Too.th: LONG FACES “he, Bunch. take Aspirin lurked mvrilm with the mm "Bayer' or you are teen 1 not taking Aspirin It all. Han Amt only "BI or Tablets of In. a Lipid.” in an Mimi-Hm "Bayer" also a M I: only on aartru-."V Auk-1n b the (nth mark trieutred In Wm..- of hilaylncncld White " t Win. to an“: we publtc nun-t n In! to Jul-pod with that: when: nude :1 Boasmoucns "ascarets" for Lit and Bowels bring back Smiles New Italian Tractor. Electricity! om. Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" ONLY TABLETS MARKED "WWER" ARE ASPIRIN m---" --. fl. 7 - no as--.-"--" nut my "Barer' mark (rennet-0d ta Canada) of Ber Hannfnriur- o' , :yncncld. While " In won Emu" mu Ann-m n um: ttN publlc “that "tttt.Uorm, the Ttblell o.” Tinytr I.“ met: general We nut. the "m: :r Cnu.’ never tttMt ling neur- sick head- soothing, ive. Say 1drurgist. eds of ued atic at” ex- NS',',,",,',','.",',',',?, WEEKLY. -- Couptt Splendid opport WILL IOUIPPID NEWS?“ and Job printing plant In I»! f??ttriAnyyrue 'Prrul 01.590. , - -eoritirrirCuTarG1d"ia _ will»: Publishing 00.. tae, “forum... n . pound. my also. f.o.b. your Cb tion It within 200 mtlu ot Toronto. In. 0.0.0. tn cruc- or bong Album I.“ '" Dundu Went, Toronto. " -tet,Grr," "eaknhiéGaroF'tuTi Bots T. Will“ 'All'lluWl at, " Mick“. It. w.. Tor-on“. ‘HOICI: SILVER BLACK souch%iiii5 In". Also. In In buyers of " n. What have you-what ”100‘ Raid Bret. Bonn-ell. ont. OFFIN STOCK WANTED. " You no two to lupply. adv!“ us. on I. . " "'lr the hung-t pricel. dry or tr... from t . law. Kuhn Brat. Linn“; Oval: Sound. Ont only~look tor the n the package. Von 1 child is having m humus:- laxative l little stomach. w Children love in Cute. Fun dlrectia on each bottle, on Mother', You mm “S¥RUP OF FIGS" tMUN LAXATIVE Look at tonguet Remove pol- sons from little stomach. liver and bowels 'tnasified Advertisements. - tilWlll HEALEI] ? BABYS lllligGll 0n Head. Crossand Frett‘ul. [ Hair Fell Out, mm Huoer no: ”not!” It package. which mum complete a. rections. Than you no getting Id Avlriet-ltte genuine Aspirin g scribed by pin-icing for our meg you". for undo. SI (but. -fafdFTils lion. wuummu let. out bet I low on“. git 31w sell larger "Bare" PM" "mmubymmmomho ouiiiiauitminoutirstttt- JGtiiiidndthenust.retttttt autumn. Thorium - my In!” and them m Avatetistktte.d..ndtrer- MUM Shown-very” .nattdgutettin-dtter I"! mama.» "IMWMMG Olm- a-t,-rrtsnattad_oet-ht dWIoopnnd two bowl of aGGossmrtint.t-tteied." tjsriitArHP:ey?yh-t'"um- 'iLWdiia,mtsm,tottk' meCtaseumBoep,tNnttsteettmd T4usroaeotitoht yum-pout. 3... ac. ”can!“ Paw 'rtt1UPIAWrrlr?. my. _ " - o' DRTRAI'I' AG] so, on you are having the best laxative or phyrt mach. liver and love In deuctm ll directwns tor ct DOG DISEASES In! low to I.“ Milka Fro. to any M men by mo Author. I. on: on": oo.. ho. 11$ Wu: Inn an“! New York. [ILL a mann- my"? My” Comm-l, tttate

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