West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Apr 1920, p. 4

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Edison Phonographs largest manutfacturers and buyers of Toilet Articles, Remedies, Chocolates, Perfumes, Rubt world, and this is an advertising plan pure and simple, of which they bear most of the expense such as Free Samples, etc., it is their desire that we place full size packages, or articles, in you real value of these goods, the cost of which they charge to advertising. We will only be permitted to run this sale occasionally. Beware of imitations in other stores, a1 We can not aford to charge or deliver goods during this sale. So please don‘t ask us to do it. Sale â€" THURSDAY, FRIDAY ai SATURDAY â€" Sale This ONE CENT SALE Plan was originated by the United Drug APRIL 1.00 »o.... 2, jor 1.01 Rexall Violet Taleum See them before buying. arMmOn V that you will need most every day T alcums Creams regt Toilet Preparations [aleum II Larse 60¢c. bottle 2+ .61 rea ream ular and softens and whitens the skin. ME TN OL \Os Clsans and whitans the testh, provente decay and aweetens the breati. Bloom Cream 35¢c. tubes 2 .30 TO KEEP HEALTHY REXALL PEARL TOOTH PASTE the Blood must be kepit pure. Our reason for putting BLOOD PURIFIER on this sale is because we® can recomâ€" mend it so kighiy. 2 for 20 .26 2.36 2 jor .51 2. .26 2_1.‘:/‘ jor Taleum OP )P i .36 .61 .26 .61 .61 .26 Face Powder Bouquet / F’(] Ramee | ‘{(’5":} Face Powder White, flesh and brunette. ...... A general favorite. 1.00 bot. Lilac Lotion W RIKERS DISAPPEARING FACE CREAM should be used before putting on face powder, the effect will be greatly improved. 35¢c. brunett c. box Violet Dulce Powder, white, flesh 50c. rose, violet, lilae 0 oz. Perfume Extraets ..... Toilet Water and Perfumes bot. Viviana Toilet Water, oz. Perfume Extracts Lady Fair Powder Puffs Lady Fair Powder Puff Lyptynt Lip Salve tins jars T hursday Friday Saturday CORYLOPSIS TALCUM POWDER A refined powder for Toilet and Nursery. White or Flesh 2 jor 1.01 2. .16 2. 1.01 . 2.16 2 jor 1.51 2 .51 2}'ur 2 for 21 .36 Face and .61 16 26 .26 50c. box of Tangara Fabric Linen in white and tints, with assorted colored borders. Kalmat or Kirkwood 10¢ 10¢ 10¢c. Adhesive «)« Phoge Orders given Careful Aftention The Jexal Drug Store 5e. Plain Gauze )( )( M paper and envelopes 2 boxes for .51 ASPIRIN TABLETS u. o. co. 5 grs. LAXATIVE BROMIDE OF QUININE INCHRL TLinen Pads pkt. Enâ€" 12 in a pocket package Writing Pads pkt. Linen Envelopes Adhesive 35¢. boxes of 25c bhox 21 .36 inen Pads +a0ZO for the writing desk or office SEE ue Boxer Wall Papers 1 .25 Bandage Plasters velopes Plasters j ) 2.50 Hot Water Bottles 2 2.51 that are guaranteoed. Stationery 2; 2 for 2 .11 2. .16 20 .36 2)» .16 Compressed Tablets OF ompany ASPIRIN 11 16 .26 11 .16 They will please you or THR DOUFRHRAM REVIEW Peroxide of H; drogen 4 ors. 2/0r.20 8 ors. 2/ .41 16 ozs. 210.66 10c. bottles Inks. . 2/‘"'.11 15¢. bottles Inks 10c. Muscilage or Paste 25¢c. bot. A. B.S. and C. Tablets. 25¢. bot. Blaud‘s 15¢. Epsom Salts ) oC Iron Pills Chalk ©UZ ETe PEPRARMINCIIO TE O L. P PERVCE P D , Perfumes, Rubber Goods, Stationery and Drug Sundries in the ost of the expense. Instead of spending money in the regular way, or articles, in your hands, giving you an opportunity to judge the in other stores, and take advantage of this exceptional opportunity. ‘t ask us to do it. These prices do not include the War Tax. for the Rexall Drug Stores. The United Drug Company are the tube Photo Camphorated Westminster Lawn 2 jor .26 paper and envelopes. 2 boxes for .76 paper and envelopes & boxes for .41V 50c. box Rosedale Linen TORONTO 1 WILL BREAK UP A COLD 2 jor .26 75¢c. box extra quality 2 )0r.51 aste 12 in a pocket package 2 jo 16 25 .16 2.for 11 250.26 20 .26 20 16 2;+ .16 Smss wen mds en ge manet ns Pavk en 2x . _ mas Lrne hacmet EMULSIFIED COCOANUT wc.boc.Zf"".4l Cleans the scalp, removes dandruff and leaves the hair soft and Sufly. OIL SHAMPOO Household Medicines and Drugs that are used in most every home | Rexall â€"; 1.00 bot. nfin Penetrating l Petrofol N i'- nomen _" Liniment Mineral fi‘m’ 25¢. box Laxative Aspirin Cold Tablets. .. 2for 026 35¢. tube Catarrh Tdaly ._..".} z8. 210.36 25¢c. box Rexall i Cold Tablets 2-"”026 1.25 bot. Celery and Iron T5e. bot. Eau de Quinine â€" Hair ‘Tonic...: 2f01‘ .76 25¢. box Little Livee Pits 2/0.20 50c. box Nerve Tablets 2f0'.51 25¢. box Headache Powders 25¢. box Stomach and Liver Pills. 2f0r.26 1.00 bot. Rheumatie Comâ€" ac 50c. Bouquet Ramee Perâ€" fumed Foap . . 2f°7'.51 25¢. Klenzo Tar Shampoo Soap 2f‘”'026 Tonic c. box Carbolic Salve.:,....4 .. or Wafers pound S OA PS e so e4n) we mh EMULSIFIED COCOANUT of SHAMPOO c=38 mmz Gam RIKEA‘S . 21 1,.26 °2(0 .20 20 1.01 2 jor .26 2 .26 _ Eyes Tested 24 ROSE WITCH HAZEL z bottles for 36C Satisfaction guaranteed Recommended by physicians for conâ€" stipation,. _ Coloriess, odorless, tasteless. VIOLET OR Cleanses, softens and beautifies the skin. 1.00 bot. Peptonized Iron Tonâ€" ic with Cod Liver Oil z.for 1-01 50c. box. Blood Tablets 21“"" -51 25c. box. Carbolized Zinc 50c. 25¢ Grippe Pills £/9" .40 50c. box Rexall Kidney Pills 21°.51 1.00 bot. Jayne‘s F Eczema Lotion 2f‘" 1-01 ‘I:)(- 60c. Analgesic 35¢. bot. Extract Wild Strawberry 2/°.36 50c. bot. Antiseptic Healing Oil. .. 2/.91 25¢. Red Cedar Ilakes. ... ?.~.4 2for.26 phosphites is the best tonic for a tired, run down nervous system and poor appetite. Ointment..... c. box Rexall Tabléets...;.; c. bot. Rexall 1.00 vot. . 25 1.01 35¢. bottle 2 ; 1.01 spring and medicine. Corn Solvent bot. Rexall Rexall Syrup of Oil Example Another and we will give you another box of this highâ€"grade Linen Paper and Envelopes for Stationery Baim |\ _ Miss Hatiie Lawrence returned |»« \ week to resume her duties as teack. | near M«aford Mr James Eider commenced teac) ing here on Monday after the Eas: yacation. C We are sorry to say that Miss M Domneily has been under the D: care the past week suflering from tonsilitis and hope to hear of : provement soon. x Mr ond Mrs Allan Wise spent t: week end with the latter‘s parents :â€" Normanby. Mr and Mrs Reginald Sharp ani little son of Mulock spent a coup « of days the beginning of the wees with Mr and Mrs Frank Wise. Master Berty Hunt spent last wee with Mrand Mrs Robt, McGillivra of Glenelg. Master Robt Lowe of Craw!lo; spepnt the Raster vacation with : sister, Mrs. B. Dargavel, y Miss P . Sullivan resumed duties St Paul‘s Separate School Tuesd: after a pleasant boliday at ber ho neat Goderich, » Mrs W. McConvey and child: reiluined to Toronto Friday, aite week with ber muther, burs J. Ba: Mrs C. MclIntyre was the guest Mis Mclntosh Saturday atternoon | _ Miss Isabel McQuarrie of Owes Sound Business Coilege, spent th« ‘ Easter holidays with her pareats heâ€"« | _ Misses Annie and Jessie Clark bas > \returned to their teaching alter apen 1 ing the holidays at their bhome and Misses Mary Lamb and Mary M> (Qnarrie to their studies at D. H. S Niss Kathleen Suilivan was th« guest of ber cousin Miss Marie Wais: of Welbeck during vacation. Miss Neliie Shewell visited h gister, Mss Jas Lister of Sullivan : a lew days last week . _ The Durham U. F. O. Live Stock Sh | ping Association will ship stock from 1 | ham every Tuesday,. All intend | shippers will give three days‘ notice | the manager, Mr Angus McArthur, R. | 1. Pricevilie. Fhone Durham. Miss Margaret Gillen feturnes from Toronto a week ago after sper ding some time with her sister, M:a Haydon . We are pleased to hear that M~s McBeth (nce Alice Puchanarn)of E.3 ershe is improving alter Leing opers ted vpon in Tororto a week ago. Mrs. Fred Heft spent Wednesds, of last week with ber mother, Mrs Robcitson north of the village. Mr*+Stanley Lowe of Crawfori called on friends in the burg on 5; urday evening. Weather still continues cold & very backward, keeping the tarme from tke land. _ Iswill make a ve: busy seedume to get the usual mount put in. S. 8. No. 10 is closed on account our teacher Miss Teasdale having th mumps. _ We bope she will soon o« all mght agein. Master Teddy Middleton and 4 a sister Miss Ada of the Rocky we~â€" visitors of the Haslett family last wees â€"â€"Tle O.tawa goyernment has an neureed that they will bring in : deylipht saving bill this year, tu enterprising cities and towns wis adopt it thore is nothing so stop h _ Mr John Smith left for the West o> Monday afterncon where he intex:s to take up land. NOTICE is hereby given pursos R. 5. 0. 1814, Chap. 121, Scee. 56, : all persors having claims igainst : estate of the said John Pattison Tell vbo cdied on or about the Nineteer: day of Jaruary A D. 1820, are request to send by post prepaid or others ise delncr to A. B. Currey of the Town Dwhbem, Solhcitor for the Executo 01 or before the 20th day of April. 19: their 1 ames, addresses and descript ard a lull statement of their claims a: the nature of security (if any) held them duly cert‘fied, and that after t s2id ¢ry the Exccutor will proceed â€" distribute the aseets cf the estate amo: the portics entitled thereto, having : pard only to the claims of which then thifi have notice. Dated this 3ist day of March, A. [ 1920. IN THE MATTER of the «¢ All Busircss Schools A¢r# Noi tre Same Feature 3 \V «‘ch For the Othe At the leacs ; Exhibitions, including World‘s Fap i cago ; World‘s Fa~ London, En; : : oronto Exhibition, ct the Norther: :s siness College won ?5 Eirst and 81« _ i Prizes and is the on‘» Canasdian &« >A holding any awarss from such «>‘ istiong. Get the be: : _ It pays. Spring :+ rm Opens April 6th ty their Solicitor, A. B. Currey APRIL 15, 1920 C.K.‘Fleming, F. C.A., Principal G. D. Fieming, Secretary NOTICE TO CREDITORS iiitm MATIERK of the ¢sta John Pattison Teiford, late « Town of Deurham in the Cow Grey, Barrister, deceased. Notice to Farmers _ ABERDEEN Owen Sound, Ont. Alice Telford 4 John C, Telford $ VICKERS DORNOCH 4 e a â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€" ixecut AIL/ U " 4# Nom g234%4zz:e66 e i E Everything i r DJER KISS Make a re J5 1920 sellin price on ha Good Ne 4 BRANDE The D Mani Pou) Wheat Oat: Day P Mckechnie Mills ['propcrty inCc property was there is a greater kind of paint whi and ecot If Bâ€"H ‘"English would still be the life of other cheape pensive in the end. It contains the {am finelyâ€"ground white les of pure zincâ€"a guari paint can boast. To turpentine and linseed is of a quality in keep! [{1] When you use B "body" and brillia extreme covering cay permanence you will teriors painted with | This Store sells Bâ€" Color cards free on FLOU R j. H. HAR Working SPL 11 maescomt seA AINTING be 52â€" 41 : se @1 taszen in cX m A | Repair EERTE Good y* w

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