TO I) {MM Intrsmrnation of tho was "I In uvenl forms, â€no and and ?iiiil we“. Thor. m chronic “I‘ll all two form- of m to-ttttb-ra) Ihplo form th." u. 1ry1etet and. for: that u by.†any mun tt my I). mistaken {at M Mn. and n mm who at. d great nova-it: m b on. "e - In the simple form of not. tooaB.l tii-ttLeona-eau-ttif, d tho undue. in mud m with I patches At the beginning that b more " has (our, the than. I! are. Ind the patient fedU alck and is presumed out of all proportion to the real granny of the disuse. The fever lasts only two or chm days, out! u it In“: the Column tnit-tutr which; But although tho Patient b left wry weak, he npidly mom " strength, " . rule, and by the all of a .veek from the onset of the at. ty ": ha " usually as well us over. The ("T "ef :mpor' tr't'e of this form of ton- , I. , u the "iuperfieitU resemblance 5'. p P hours to diphtheria, or rather tre w.“- that diphtheria may actu- ' .' lr" otiarr'll;viat.ierrror aim- m' i tye ':,.si,_ri:ds Mat can be' .1 Lu-l [l, .l c' way: potato' .-‘..:r- Imus. mute straw/ ~ khhvv 1tttyte, will sous, T ir u" diecirucc, road scrap- '. -:.l punt, pond and :xtl'eami . Lk i these materials and many ' h m organic matter may by , "an; be converted into a fore- .' we nf very considerable value ""t-rsrv " its humus content and " of readily available plant V " t'vse days it behooves In to I c. .lur wasteful way: end util- T wanna: that may nuke the . . v-u-rs- pv'mluctive. The practice of u all organic refuse is en ex- ,lr.:ly wasteful one and should _ l, he followed when, by reason of be [-rc-rt'm‘o of the egg-e, spores and ans! of injurious insects and Planta, 1 At c' )mpmtsd material would be likely :, sliisvmimatty disease. .. The "iakitte of the compost heap in J. .cry simple affair. It can be built nu of nice-mate layers, of any It vibes, of refuse (including swamp muck if much is obtainable) and lim- nure, to any convenient height. com intt the whole with e few inch- ttd wood soil or muck. The he.) 'tttttaid be kept mom, that deny any pee- ceod,but noteoweteeteceueedreh- use from the buy. The mun, In I tear weeks or men! mantle, ecu!!- lngtothe etteteeeeygStf I menu" of very can“ 1-m- izlng value, cepeble cl tr:,".'" eley and and: lo. and ueeful for vegetahK and - can Buy Thrift 8taerq& cmposts as a Source of Homus and Nitrogen. Inhaled Tonsil mm: the exudation , a thick membrane; a the secretion from nds in ths manila. m their mouths and patches of some 9!- ‘n of the material n- surfaco of the tonsil Lugnosis. but often 29! an injection of u the safe aide, “post heap, ft t economical t utilizing ttte refuse. ind "sate. To e terials that the l mama sible th always. enlarg- wish points at. oich are collec- ich n e the increase mt. Applica- aml the turm- A the ops-clover, the princi- Ins-forming these may and oneâ€- it has be The tons'f moisture- ‘es of soils. life of the is to pro- use. And. rehauu of sivc of all red in the no tonsil- only and ronica get organic stituent. proving g heavy regal“ garden. For such 1 (and A8 vege- leed all Je nt is hie the the for m or H l When the stomach lacks tone the" In no quicker w†to new" it than I to build up the blood. Good dilution l without rich, red blood in impossible. _ and Dr Willlarm' Pink Pills offer the l "ry best way to build up and enrich l the blood. For this meson these pill: i are especially mod in stomach trouble attended by thin blood, and in attach. 'ut nervous dyspepsia. Proof of tho Home ot Dr. Williaml' Pink Pills in even the moat channel. cause (I ':storuturtt trouble in given by Mm. s. ', Morrison. Varnoy, Ont., who Inn:- h DESIRE TI) EAT WHAT YOU WANT HuStomdlCnch tootrmmsmatthr tart-ir-tnt-tttoe"- Myâ€: ho plau- h the tigqarn tte - dyspeptic. No on. on bone“- ly promise to rum my trtoenaeh sr people with can“: “tut-cm results. n I. lltenlly my. that "Whit In on. Inn's food b mom†mur- M" But It In pol-Me to to tone up tho about“ org-u that . pleasing diet may be selected from articles ot food that on» no dlmomtort. "i shall always feel indebted to I friend who advised me to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pilil. I lied been e ttutrerer tor upwards ot twelve were with stomach trouble which reunited in a general weakness ot the whole system. My meals alwaye canned me great discomfort. and at time! I would to hungry rather than undergo the stuttering which followed meals. I was constantly taking something or other recommended tor the trouble. but without f1ndiatr a cure, end on. the trouble kept me in bed when I should have been about doing my housework. My friend. who had had a similar attack, came to see me and urgcd me to try Dr. Willlame' Pink Pills. which had helped her. I trot 1 allow, at once and began taking them, and soon found relief. By the time I had mod eight boxes I was again en- Joying the best or health, and with a good appetite and a stomach new!“ to normal Had I known ot this medi- um earlier it would have saved me 31' we of suturing. and I urge any who :4} be in a similar condition to try WM? Dim at once." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink P'lli through any dealer in medicine w h} mall postpuid at M) cents a box 'tt stx one: for $2.50 from The Dr. \k’lllzumo' Medicine Co,, Brockville, There recently arrived at the Lon. Jon Zoo tt Bell Bird from Brazil. The note of Ibis bird, whet in top form, I! of a piercing and ear-splitting char- acter, and, according to travelers, can be heard A distance of three miles away. Auk for Minard's and tttke no other. Will Ont. 9439 -hadies' Kimono Blouse (with inset panels front and back). Price, 25 eetttm In 8 sizes, M to 48 ins. bust measure. Size M, 1% yds. 40 ins. wife, fining; l tf.. 40 ine.. wye,,r.tlti_n,. Wide, ngureu; I ya. in; ms. wnuc, plum. ttt4t-.Ladua' Blouse (to be slipped on over the head). Price. 25 cents. In 6 tsizes, 84 to " ins. bust. Size M re- quigea 1y yin. 4.0 Ty, whys. - n "'rTiiGiir' NU'uid No. 1025. Price, 25 cents., -- _ -- --. __ ty4T9.--Ladi" Blouse. PM. " cents. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 In. but Iftea or coffee disagees with yquanake a ten ays trial of Newest of Summer Blouses Tea and Coffee Hurt Many People More healthful than tea arcoff'ee, Costs less. and Is flavor pleases. Sold by Grocers Everywhere! Tho Maturation humus: st n! ot tho Dominion port- ot entry pro- lont . curious Icons ot hustle and bull. shortly an: the "rival of on. of ttto chat ocean liner., and u wk» C V‘ an " sdit.t'e."a â€2.23%. t" tl yneasuyo. Size M require' 1% ids. M ul, mu. wide. heel is not likely to noon forget the‘ commotion created by the discharged "tittranta. A not nun of humanity surn- through the cellulo- put the imitation one“ end the vetioue in. epectore, and once accepted tor Can:- dien citilenehip, men. women, ind children ot every kind, loaded down with been†of every ehepe and form nah hither and thither min; mum. ludinoue inquiriee ot everyone unenl- ly mounted with the next new to be taken to further proceed on their " la neither pleaunt nor comfort able to land iriendleea in a strange land. The hardened traveller feels thie and more deeply thoee who "tl foot in a foreign land where customs/ condition, and poeeibly hnguege dit.! ter trom thoee to which the emigrent has been accustomed from childhood. Then the petty worriea incidental to travelling are tntetusuiod by the total unfamiliarity on every hand, and eech move is fraught with embarrass- ment Yet each month thou-anda at potential Canadian citizen are an- rlving at the Dominion'e shovel from the British isles, France. Belgium, Holland and Bouidirttri--pett+ who have broken up homea and litelong ties " the promiee of the great new land. Into e whirl ot unfamiliar alghta and sounds, in. a confusion ot humanity and baggage, many unaoqueinted with the language they hear on every hand ---thua, at the gatewnya ot the Domin- ion, arrive the ancestora of the Cane- dnna ot tomorrow. First imprestions are often linger- ing; they are opt to heve s consider nble bearing on future outlook. Reelising this end the expediency of rendering the utmost service to these Dominion buMertrtette, the Depart. ment ot Colonization end Development l ot the Cmdinn Peeino Railway, in.) terested among other progressive phases, in the human development at the country, has appointed a colonial- tion agent-a foster parent to emi- grants arriving on the 001qu boats. When a vessel steexns into port he is there to go on bond with the immigration otLser-Capt. Andrew McDuit, veteran of two were, versed in many languages, sympathetic. tect- tul, and schooled in the runny sides of human nature. He is at the service ot these new arrivals to assist with information and advice. He shep- herds them from the best to the wait- ing train. secures seethg and sleep- ing accommodation, oversees the checking and loading ot baggage, does everything humanly possible in not to ensure a sure and entire arrivsl " the many points of destination even to accompanying the train on the tint (part of its Journey. - It Is a great work, thin fatharing of the Dominion's, not only temporarily aceommodtttlug, but im. parting the lasting impression to these strangers that they are welcome V McCall Transfer Design No. 1081. Price, 2tLeepta., --- _A _ --- 7 938i--Ladies' Side-Tied Blouse (to be slipped on over the head). Price. 25 cents. In 6 sizes, 84 to 44 ins. but measure. Size 86 requires 1% Edi. M ins. wide. McCull Transfer esigu No. 799. Price, " cents. These patterns my be obtained from {our local Methtll dealer, or from t o McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept. W. FineNewCitiunIfot choortul land-oil. tree from unnoyiu won-In. mm . grant doll, ad to this out! the Coloniattthm Agent ha been unpainted. After the period of growth in spring and lumen- there is e period at dor- menoy .in pint: before the cold weather not in, and it pinata Ire mointeined tsrtuiciattr " a high tem- penture this dormant period per-me. Exposure to cold is needed to activate the pint for another period ot growth. Pox-hops the liberation of enzymes ecte on the stored starches, convert- ing them into sun-I, or the phenome- non mny be duo to n chsngo in tho permeability at the coll-membrane. Though normally the Iimnlnl required tor o renown! ot growth is suppliod by cold, mochnnical injury or n period of drying may have the name elect. The procou occurs independently in any exposed part ot o plant, so that if on. or two branches of a plant he kept continuum warm while the other in nubjectod to the naunl winter chilling, the former will not denim) on tho rs. tum ot summer temperature, though the latter develops u and. THE BEST MEDICINE M â€TILE ONES Thou-and: ot mother: It“. pou- uvoly that Baby‘s Own Tumour I" the but medicine they know of tor little one: Their experience he: taught them that the Tablet; elweyI do Just what ie claimed for them and that they can be given with perfect utety to children ot " ages. Con- cerning them Mrs. Joseph Thu-rim, St. Gebrlel do Brandon, Que., writeez "Beby’e Own Tablet: are the beet medicine I know ot for little onee. l thought I would loee my hehy before trying the Tabiete bat they eon made him healthy and happy Ind now l would not be without them." The Tablet! Ire sold " medicine dealer: or by mail at " cents e box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Col. Brockville, Ont. The Mexican city of GuanAJuto. built near the oldest gold mines in the country. In originally construct, ad of abode. made ot the "fun of these mines. As the only process" ot extraction wen very imperfect. the wall: and fioortt ot then building. were thus full ot gold. Thing: would have continued that tor on ittiteilrtite time, and the inhabi- tants would hare been living yet in these vain-hie buildings, it the plu- oxe of a railway Hue new by had not necessitated the demolition ot about whenPkntsAmDormant. 100 houses. Accupt "Catttorttis Syrup ot Flu only-look tor the nuns Canton“: on the package, then you n- m" your child is hula; the but and molt harmless luau" or phrsie tor the little stomach. llver and bowels. Chlld- no love ita delicious trulty auto. Full dlrectlonl tor chlld'l do" on each bola tte. leo it without tear. An amusing result ot the In dig. clpllne that exist- on some ot the ships belonging to tropical countries ls related by an American naval " near. It appears that one of the Haitian gun-boats was lying in the harbor ot Port-au-Prince, One day a mess cook tor some reason cleaned about a peck ot knives and forks on the gun deck. He was suddenly called away, and so he stuck the men pail. tull of knives and forks. into the muzzle ot the big- gest gun and put the (amnion in after it. About an hour afterward the ad- miral came aboard. and as the m was loaded with blank cartridge, the sailors need it to tire a salute. It happened thet the gun was aimed toward the town, and nlmoet point- blenk It the Grand Hotel. The sum: were assembled " the porch to wit- ness the ceremonies when they were ulnted wlth a rain of knives and torn. which chick extinct the wooden will: llke pomplne mull: into an un- wary doc. Fortunately, no one we: hurt. although the “nerrow escapee†were numerous. From 700 to 1,500 hens, averagingi Bi lino duct! or more eggs . year each, - nuke a very good one-mun business. Ett. “SYRUP 0F FIGS" (MUN LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove pol- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Mother! You must say "CatitomiB.' Sharp Bombardment. A Golden City. (Judah: ls srstatnatieaur carried on by the public schools of may Canadian clues u I put ot tho edu- cntloml course. Dr. J. R. Patna. Scalar Inspector for on." publlo Iclwols, la the March number ot the Agricultural Gazette, published by the nonunion: ot Agriculture " Stun. duct-lb. the â€Stem um:- whlch thir work is done in the Ctoital City. The school Men is meter-red to ee‘ 3 his clue room tor outdoor instrne-l tion in - and plant lift it he may ot the possibilities in ministure ot on experimental term. It hes to do with the composition end fertility at soils. with drainage. with seed {emi- nation end with insect enemies ot pleat life. It shows in e wey that cu» not be questioned the eitect upon pleats of too much or too little sun- shine or moi-tare and the bed effects ot weeds and the necessity ot giving I plant plenty or room it we wish to secure it high state ot development. Dr. Putmen points oat that these things would menu nothing to city children if recited from books or told by teachers. These things taught through 3 garden where the children propere the soil, eow the seeds, and core for the plants cannot be without Gardening for City Schools. In addition to a central garden tie one acre the Ottawa plan involve: the organisation of home garden clubs. each representing a school. In the three yearn 1917-18-1! about 1,000 pupila from second and third book olaaaea received gardening instruction. The achool board paid forty dollara to each teacher who managed a. club garden. Every pupil member was re- quired to keep an accurate record of planting, cultivating and other activi- tiea. The aim is to grow everything possible from seed. Cold frames are found to be a valuable addition to the equipment. in the central garden, in- stead ot giving pupila very small ta. dividual plots, a plot " by " feet tor vegetables and " by 20 feet tor flows-I is given to each claaa. Thin garden in having a permanent peren- nial border established which will give I lucconlon ot bloom in well " an opportunity to Ihow the children what they mu have in their own home at dens. A Health Saving Reminder. Don't wut Minard’s linimont At the In! sin of " [a and!!!“ an .grtaatgt. TMI [1le ASTHMA From coat slack and dust, lignlte, peat, and a binder of pitch, an excel- lent house or Industrial fuel will be manufactured. The Ingredients are pressed into blocks of any also, and ot a layered or laminated Itructure that heighten the resemblance to natural coal. A. the etui'l is made from materials regarded hitherto u practically valueleae, the market price wilt be lose than that ot the cheapo-t coal. than $160 by selling his potatoes di., rect to the folks that use them. He had about 600 bushela to sell. By sending out soo circular letters to townlpooplo, stating what he had and the price, he was ablo to get from twentrfive to fifty cents a bushel above the local retail price. RHEUMATISM A man I know sued I little more TW "on' III-I " 0.9- $ttJ18 1:01.13“ Mgltit - ErTiafiaHiWiGia "an“. fgpl'l1f,/,ltht'ttgtlt ti 2’6"? tr if 'irt5iriirt7 'iiifirii7. 0th" (by. autoimmuneâ€. In K! St. " Toronto, tog 'lWll.%U. 3.11 lo drunken an than a hfayc box. Artificial Fuel Resembles Tomploton's Rheumatic Capsules KEEN. 1dP" Eff "You mm urea.†"A bit manned." admitted tho stu- dent ot economics. "1 bu. been gtg. lnc at I In tho morning - working till midnight on u serial of noodle- to move tut nix hour! work I any It enough tor any an." you out can any cures-ecu Moon?" Tanoretrot--"Nopot Don! boll". no, but I". got tom. Matty-mm: - homo." m-wn- Booub--"Cut an: out! That don't to around Inn. A new In truMul. you know.†Tenderfoot--"l know te But time an mm records.“ An old arm sergeant wu no mud: [Inn to um bad [we tow-N hi! non that com. ot them compliant about It, and the commudln; amour told him In mun. stop the than and cotton. " 'rxpietives Th. following moraine the some“! m in churn at u very mm aqua. and am hoping nuance tor . eon- ddonblo than no eventual] burst on! and a Dominion Exprou Money Order. rm Donn-I can thme cum. MIMM'O Llnlmont in “l. oval-when heated at cleaned up. There we! ho reply end no vlelble impmvemenl in the boy'- eppeerune. until at lee: the mother, driven to d-ratio., mtatt the tucker 3 long letter suing. among other thlnxlz “What In It to the leeches whether the children In their school: he." e bath once a any, or once e week, or once e month, or once . you? The: ere man; the BAP All out ot the children, end that in how no much tuberculoeu get. started." ,GG ul "In gunner to get Johnny wuanr ttagerst You can lift on any turd com, sou corn, or corn bo- twoon the tool, and the bud nktn cu- lulel from bottom at feet. A tiny bottle ot "rrtsesotttf' cost: llttle at my drug store; apply I few drops upon the corn or callus. lu- suntly it stops hurting, than abortiy you lift that bothersome corn or Cal. lul right oft, root and Ill, without on. bit of pain or soreness. Truly.' No humbuzl moms igrsout--"Bq may. hm Doesn't hurt a bit and Freeman. com only I few cents. “81m you. my pretty dun! You Buy Thrift Bumps. I.“ Inâ€. no: nonw- TORONTO The Wall-Spoken Serge-M. A M Critic of Education. Aspirin“ h in with "Bee"Uuo all - "Bare" WW“- su-er-a-um-"--'-'-""-", Anal-4n u the ("do not (m In Coach) of ham Maqttraet.rq " Inca .ceueFter or swam-dd. It“. " to well up“ an mm- m my. annual". to lulu the will. sum: Immune“. a. “hum- o: - Connâ€, um In up.“ with their “an! a“. nut. the - an." Lift off Corns! MONEY ORDIRO. Hour. ot Labor. Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer C, DOG "frGifltsEs Matted In. tany AB. drou by the Author. I. my (Home 00.. In. I.†Went In: Hum . New York. U.S.A. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "8MR' ARE ASPIRIN Grfitvdifair, iii} "rriitutisid" N. Roo.. " Rukhorforl Av... 0mm 10mins. LUMI'I. " Inca-nu um aura-.1. cur-d vim MI by)“ boat â€3191:; _ w.rhte, iitiiflii':lt SaH2aiffirgf “m: I . an Us!“ 'afGslktlrdrt __ - Umlnhblo Litobon. An autumnal. lifeboat equipp‘ with doom that mttomaticah'y mm our its occuplnu should it upset nu boon Invented 1n Europe. Mon “.3th live In New York um in Rome. Tl, atop falling hair at once and I“ tho Ialp ot every particle of dud- ml, (at n 3mm bottle at delightful "Dmderlno" It any drug or toMt counter tor . (av cenu, pour a limo In your hunt! and rub it Into the scalp. After neural applications the we anally stops coming out and you curt and my "ndrutt. Help your hair to grow wont, thick and long and bo- oomo soft. glossy and twlce " beautt. ful and abundant, m ill/o 'tig Sii,i:,ii'i'di' Anr2Mt.eefu'Er It HAIR SOON T00 SHORT TO DO UP A little "Danderine" stop: your Mir coming out and doubles its beauty with: -ioii.%iiiouaieii “that 't_ear_Battufote I tht Face, Arms and Hands. Cuticura Heals. Chlg't hid-g ten, form my... .umu. tS'l12,'d"a"lll'tC'Arl mug! mm “11' r in. - Ga, put your that when than mmumh. t 3°C to I could not any“ night. “Boeing Guian- Soop and ' ment .dsiertued t thouctst I would t2ll1't a trial. and the: min. a shed be! " Guam Chm-nun 'uiuthsticum-wetysutd." Stand) Mn. Thoma. lhgnn. S1t'rg,ut,t,T?..' Dee. te, rnt. Du Mun to! tPtttlirr. noun moon. Bathe with soap. moth. Otrstnmtt,dttotartttt Tatum. own-I l tr,,tgtpltt'p,p,tgysttl't,ttrt'lt. SALT Iilliilllt Bll FIVE YEARS Bowman 9°"!wa _ "FW'E‘E :axgzasg. Ga.