West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 May 1920, p. 7

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" In. 'Baet Inc 'rett "In t m. "a If. “I WI all 'OL an mo m 'h you. :11. lest no. ‘II III lit 1900 it" il' 0.. tlt " p- ill Ess: wr The "Hing human" in a. an. of a. least. in up“ VIM? in eetetrmt" on the third my ot tho third m. Itis vhut '0 am I... “a Mt of Dolls," tad tho this In on the tyet1etlts 0211113 “an" tum-n. which mm. Mont ot the June-e shop- tel dolls ranging from tine he). to one and a halt feet in height, end they ere invariably we of wood, porcelain. or clay. in bygone due the hut ot Dolly was celebrated with greet pomp. pmparution, um ttqtregBoBP--- so than in modern times. The“ doth were usually exquisitely dressed, end we to represent some math - ”page. Even nowadays. my Jem- one families keep up the custom. end |ome of the older people mean a stark o'.' dolls which date back many yuan. Whe an pr with Ther that h Eggdend the [mm .rernt o! m A s"rrret name of enormous sisal on.» of the largest sculptures in the world we to te erected by Am on the banks of the Marne. mu Menus. France; in commenter.“ " the French victory of 1914. tte aeti. mated coat of $250,000 will be ICC by popular 'ut-sitio.. te wu a girl is born, 3 pair of dolh resented to her, and Ibo phy- hem until she is quite grown up. 1! she marries, she at” are he dolls are eventually given to “gnu-rs m any). and aha add- . number of dolls in :ccorduco the number of her daughters.' W 1P Rain Revealen. mcicd From Coal-Tax. Marriage Lines nce yearg ago. when the hand ptian princess was Imam, ubsmntial specimen In aid nme lace, place a piece of lerneath and iron on the squisitely dressed, end The earliest symptom of “semis is sent 'll",',,". 1e,"t M loss of color, especislly in the lips, 'l,",,'",,",',"",". 'lt'l'd,'.Td'i [urns Ind membranes lining the eye- ilder people possess s 1eu'2r, 'i',',"lll' _",',',',,',',,'"',',',',' 12're, exe on, so so which date back many stairs. palpitation of the heart. in. creesed pallor of the face and lips. b", 'lt,','." tghd 22 it on thinning ot the blood is not " 'T ' . 9 " corrected it will proceed repidly until "ht "' quite grown " a complete breakdown in health tot. 1'7'f,": tttte ttthes care I lows, when there may be disorders of “r: eventual? given to the stomach, hendsches and buck- II my" an otttt add. sches. dizziness and fainting spells. , of dolls in ttfeet":",' The most eflectlve and prompt way to J." /1 her daughters. , increase and enrich the blood at s 'C1"lll', we”. a Iartte i time like this is through the mir use " y.? (”mam iof Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These '"l'? ure not Trrloelt'; pills have restored to good health " "n ;he titth dar ot the , thousands at weak anaemic people, "r' rah-brute a “Feast ot b ' e among them Miss Moe Johnston, of --.----- tPort Arthur, Ont., who sarc--"Be [tween the ages of sixteen and eith- I Reveelers. Iteen I worked in a telephone once. will " nn in» wruther fore-1 it was very trying to the nerves and in 1mm and ttpt tetihealth. I became bloodless, and so i ",r' you 4tudy the weath. pale that friends often said I looked in? _ "nd vnimuli; the l consumptive. One night i had to be “:3 [taken home from the otBee, and e '. will. tuitiilwnmde unallltliilol' was called in who told me I 'T' mfg-z" Suture has Iu'0- i must not go back for a time. Bomtt. .times I would faint, and to walk up "luny- rum up their: stairs would leave me utterly breath. nit, [ a; hand. so do! less. As I did not appear to be get- tini iii: pithpurneL lung any better one ct my girl friends, " uircVv,s [graying ot at; whose mother had used Dr. Williams' th. ind mini” of rain. AP, I Pink Pills with great benefit, advised um-nginem, when rain is; me to try these. I took the pills very 49, ”wk with a loud, faithfully tor some time, with the re mu r-.eoch, pezivooks' suit that they restored me to good Ili i nd gw-u‘ Lus: UP.. . iii-aim, and now when anyone tells me in a Pd mm to hr? tiae;sthtty' feel weak or rundown I always “I (”my “My.“ by the revommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, '_l, tr' .: " in“... .int‘pnr as i foul so thankful for the help they qu y thing of its kind in the This will bring the pat- th and geese are un. q in and to be due their nerves by the rakes them appear t a: gm: jam The brawn: r of rain when n BE cuties, even ‘9 occasion! n. In Brit. ti Tt hair can h the de. _" or Me " em. by takings” mme tor Old St " in but cannot in and before due to a! of the t paid " n rum W m 10 n h me h JP. lt at EARLY SYMPTOMS Shown by Pallor of the Face and Lirts-How to Obtain New Anaemia, or lack ot blood. is so gradual In its approach that it in often well developed before the patient I. lunclontly ttlttrtrted to consult a doc- tor or take proper treatment to re- store the blood to a healthy condition. gun: me .. lf you have any ot the symptoms described try Miss Johnson try bulld- lng up the blood with Dr. Williamo' Pmk Plllr Eat nourishing food, 0:- erci,ie a little in the open air any and watch the color re'urn to cheek: .nnd iips. You can run no risk in 311- ing Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a trial as Hwy can not injure the most delicate syncs}. You can get the" pills thtouglt any dealer in medicine, or by mail at GO cents a box or six boxes tor $2.50, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Ctr, Bro: kville, Ont. many l dihieult without Thacl ATTRACTIVE SWEATERS Hon at Forgetful Writers. an INSTANT POSTUM It is made 1e'st,t,ti2iir, adding hot water to a spo in the cup stirring. aryl gflfling sugar and creamvto taste. authors 'lil) fi'drs, _ "N4 s' . 7 " 3%? 0 tt (i?j)r, I q :l,rit.,)'iju::r'tis',ii, 3 "r, l 'rt Bl t V ',e.e,-cf, Rr?fgEiqtf' " \ _r',C-rl(itf, iilii'ii1ii', , rHFi'rruj, a tltlEa C, x l r llllitiiil h s I . TEt NF“ No.10)! a... [Styl- ”952:1!" but when the friend Sold by Grocers keep copies of "van, run. “an, -___Vei_"e"" nis," or my ot the works which had [one before. On being and the m- oon, Thicker” um that he had Ind cameo ot them all. but they hut been picked up by Tittittt" end he had never troubled to replace them. - .. ‘ni LAAI-g W's. uvull-v- - "_--" Dickens kept canton of ttll his book: end they were amused on the Ihelf in order of their publication; all ex- cept some very early works. “The Village Coquette," and others, which, in his later years, he could not bear to hear mentioned. ,A-A-. A, 1.0 new usvuuvuw... Strange cases are reported of writers losing the trend ot their own stories. The most notable Instance is that of Thackeray, especially in the case ot "Pendennisc" The same author I also began "The Shabby Genteel story," but as the work became dis- tasteful to him when he got nicely in- to it he gave it up. The portion ot the tale tin authentic editions) is now published with "Philip," some of the characters in that work having ap- peared also in the abandoned one. Dickens found he bad more trouble with "The Mystery of Edwin Brood” than with any of his previous writ, in“. He regretted that he had told most ot the story before he was hell- way through, but in I. way this is tor- tunnte. tor, ot course, he never lived to tinish it. .. A _-.." -... “I unluu Av. Nathaniel Hawthorne, the American novelist, left about as many works un- finished as he did complete. In Korea there are no daily news- papers which announce the fair and warmer indications tor the next day. Dr. A, Garfield Anderson, stationed " Wondu, Korea, says. The natives be. lieve that the weather is in the hands of the gods. but that they may he in. duced to change their climatic inten- tions it properly approached, "It hasn't rained tor from a: to eight weeks and crops are going to ruin, drying up," he says. “Fivevyear- old trees are dying from drought. Even rieetUlda are dry, and the stain is untamed. The people are ascri- tIcing in various ways and praying tor rain. On almost every housetop one sees an earthen vase with a few branches on it, and at the side of the vase some fruit. a heathen way of praying tor rain. On the hillsides they write prayers on paper and hang them up tor the gods to read. "In the market place in Wonju you can see a strange sight, another alert to bring rain. Two dragons have been made. They lie between the huts ot the market place, one facing north and one south. They are about 100 feet long, and about two feet high at the head end, tapering oft gradually to the tall and winding like a serpent. They are made of clay and have broken pieces of pottery stuck Into their backs to represent scales. For five night: In succession the sorcerees came out to this place and danced and tracritieed for rain. It only they knew how to tell their wants to the true God, trom whom all help comes!" Minard'a Llnlment for sale everywhoro At the head of all science and arts, at the head of all civilization and pro- gress, stands, not militarism, the science that kills; nor commerce, that accumulates wealth, but agriculture, the mother of all industry and the maintainer of life.--iames A. Gar- field. Buy Thrift Stamps V _ . .Wr-naé: - . 'aiEefr, Mi?» ‘ A w _V == - , F il) POSTUM CEREAL E " " Or." 'WE 1, c . "a Cd , in " tik x“ l; u.-..-~ . . s “"51!!! .3 tll . in. Fiiiitgid i '.; A IMAGE " il no. a'mf'untpuhl'“ t) hulwollm-ndMC" te -emqq.B. I " 'tstan, Canal MW- t """feer. “03L . I I ..- -wo6artr-otme" " \ "GGGaGxasaaraI n 1 - aio-u. ‘ Weather Gods. Ready Recruit. Recruit--") I mark time with my feet, out" A ..., “m, _.- . Lieutenant "aretustiet01y1 - "My dear fellow. did you ever ttear at marking time with your hand: t" Reeruit--"Yetr, Mr; clock. do it." Enduring Pun. First tmopper--"We women endure pain better than men." Second tytrorper---"Who told you that? Your doctor?" First Bhopper---"No; my shoe- maker." Both Allke. "I can’t unsure what Mildred sees in that Smith boy," remarked Mil. drod’a mother. “He hasn't got bruins enough In his head to nu a mlmble." "Oh, well, I dare say your mother said the some thing about me when I came courting you," replied [ha sirl'l father, indulgent”. But ho suddenly loot bits complacent smile when his wife retortod: “She certainly did, and I was just as his A tool " Mildred ta now. I wouldn’t [latch to the “like ot my elders." Constipation is one of the most com- mon ailments of childhood and the child tsuttering from it cannot thrive. To keep the children well the bowele must be kept regular and the stomach sweet. To do this nothing can equal Baby’s Own Tablets. They are a mild but thorough laxative; are absolutely safe and never fail to relieve constipa- tion and indigestion; colds end simple fever. Concerning them Mrs. Jules Fauquereau, Nominingusr, Que, Writer. alu)B)()l) (ji)BflMil()lli -"My baby was terribly constipated and tu1ttttred day and night, I was ad. vised to give him Baby’s Own Tablets and from the Btyrt they helped him and now at the no ot thirteen months he is a. big, healthy, happy boy." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cent; a. box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brochille, Ont. Do you know that when you are out of sorts, my friend, you are in danger'. You are in danger ot injuring your- self in many won. Your mind will not be so alert and more will be a let. ting down of your standard of et. ilciency. You will not do your work so well. or be so orderly and ”Item- atic. You will not think up new ways of doing things; you will not be tun. bitions to better your beat. for Spanish Influenza, When you are out of sorts your judg- mmt is poor. and you should not make important decisions. The best thing to do when you feel you are in this condition is to get yourself in tune as quickly as possible, back to the normal again. With a little knowledge of mental chemistry you could do this very quickly. It is a simple principle founded on the knowledge that two ideas cannot exist in the mind at the EMIN'ARIIJ’Sp same time, The Liniment that Cures All Ailments-- THE OLD RELIABLE-Try It Dwarfs Wed in Trees. One of the most curious wedding ceremonies in the world is that in vogue among a certain race ot dwarf: inhabiting the Anaman Islands. The two parties climb two tiexible trees growing near each other, which an old man then makes bend toward each other. When the head ot the man touches that ot the girl they no legal- HINABD'S LINIMENT CO., Linn“. I Yurmouth. N.S. 1y married I know a man who makes it a rule to sweeten his day’- work with good cheer. In hie large bushes. he makes every one with whom he comes in con- tact, feel that life in a tor-not a grind. His whole life has been devoted to scattering sunshine over others. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. He has been in the cheeringaxp busi- ness ever since I have known him. It seems to be " aide-line. and it is an excellent one for all of us to carry. It will not Interfere wlth our regular human, and Jt will keep us in a healthful, happy mood, and that means mental harmony and efBcieney; It means txmstruetinsaetrtr, it means creativeneu. Let us try to sweeten each day’s work. It is a good plan to begin as early " possible in the day tor some. one has said that it you keep pleasant until ten o'eiock, the rest ot the (by will take care ot iaelt.--o.B.M. Cheerfulneg ed the Day's When Out of Sorts. MONEY ORDERS. issue No. 21--'20. The nature of the soil will deter- mine the depth which the orchard my be plowed, although it In seldom safes to go deeper than 4 inches under the bunches. Mk for Illa-M’s and take no other. lf I man is looking for an easy job he has no time for anything else. All household plants are the bet- ter for an occasional spraying. N EU R ITI s Bo but Nonnu- To stop falling hair M once and rid the scalp at every particle at tundrutt, got a small bottle ot "Dandeeinet" at any drug or toilet counter for a. few mtg, pour a. little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several “mutations the hair usually atom ASTHMA inndratr. Boon every hair on your scalp shows new life, vigor, bright. nen. thickness, and more color. Wily. YOUR HAIR IS FALLING FAST "Dandcrinc" will check that "t dandruff and stop air coming out Mnlewm "LIL-weav- EuU5' iFiifQii.uihe,ta "iii-0B3“ ABT a A. L an't on!“ an- oshu- any. Rgttinptetottq. 142m at. W.. Toronto. tor human. We mu all them a 01.“ I box. We id..- as: 9.80““ Templeton's 'fooi'iftt also bring- mm no quits y and no surely. . Bond tor he. “mph to 39132999115. “a King m. Fiai iaiin.76' to: we at rdlublo drug- ulu [OIOIJM . box. "iiTiiWiorCiir "a; no. _ Do 119$ Bttthtr An- Enron-n. one bTSEisss mm tect {angin- dnu [an A_u gr. iriG ’m' with In. 'i/Nd', "" la“: capsules iri9iiTitut "rot T New York. US$- "risrBmirtor0ed, “SYRUP 0F FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATWE Look at tongue! Remove sons from little stoma liver and bowel: Accept “Celiiornn. Syrup ot Flu ontr--took tor the new. Cellini-Me on the when, than you ere sure your child in having the but end no“ lumen lmiive or phylic tor the little atom-ch. liver and bowels. Child. ren love its delicious fruity mu. Full direction. tor child's dose on each M m. Give it without leer. wouGiriee the discoveiy of America to beginning of 1918 was M8,874,866 iimeei, “med " 817,020,665,678. 3065;! - You must any "StilrP_tttlE' Eta! productign of troll in the 1W0 MONTHS 0U] Jlilljlillf, EBZEMA 18fy.tyery 3mm WM- "wheettrtrilttttsrtut-two -hsoid.tsrtttndet-veer Did Not Sleep: Cuticura Heals. and took I buns form, . 4 and WI. me, m. " - lashed. mun: tut he. 9 {col hot, Ind would _ - mt badly. Ibo did _ not “up - may. " night»: Room” I- ain-o no got mum-ad enough: 9' Bytr ,mCott.roxeAPPettt Mold “inhuman? mounting. t manuals! kind, .ndtooh.b1uteeforttt, ' t,'S'r,a,U'Lt h tttfa"'.',,',,"' he. t, helium-ad would ,V nun-hm“- mam iaiikGiiy" (Sign) mu m. 0. Jttoddnrd, R. .D. g, Randolph Ounce. w. Much 10, 1919. "the Cancun Soap. Ohm tad For Colds, Pain, m, Btifr-',par4awre which tottGitr, rumpIrit di- un, Bhutan-m, Stinks, Hamid-J notions. Then you are rrettitw val sud for Headache. Nana-ugh, Toothripirin-rthe genuinv Awirxl: l “I- who, Euwhe. take Ite marked scribed by ph lic'nme for "vcr mm» with the nuns "Bayer' or you when yam. i'ow math i-u (.nim‘l: not taking Aspirin " all. HAndy tin bores unntniniug i? mt Accept only" "'ltpgi Tutgeta otltets cost but . tew mm!» Dru-,ra'wtn Aspirin" in un III in "Barer"mr'o no“ larger “Bayur” pneum- M In only on aar-'B-s"-Wo. nut :37 “Buyer" land: II tho truce mm I' Iveucucldutor of toegrtteaestd manufacture. to nun the pub V‘El: ctar'nrd vim their to: Not Aspirin at All without the "Bay ONLY TABLETS MARKED "WWER" ARE ASPIRIN W111. butsite “It“! imitation. [In Tlulell 01 with their when! "Ade mm. the ".earer Crou.‘ (mend In Canals) of my" Mnnuvnrmn of M. - d. While " h well known that Aspirin mama lu. 'r we “Mun lngUopo. 31a Tttey of Btryer t"e 111m»): WOULD YOU PAY EIGHT PEN" . Mylo Insure; 'eel !f,""',gf " . My to insure again-t loss " am. from new or Manna? Wo have a galley that will do BO. Farm. Inform on will cheerfully be cw": by writing Mr. Barlow. Communal (fa-unl- ty Company, " King East Tor-mu. Aunt- '1.th to gut with a huh “a. $t'fltt'g: lulu wt or all of um: um If to ul. With your “use”! You can litt " my hand corn, not! corn, or corn ber tweon the wen. and the hard “in ul- lules trom bottom of feet. A tiny bottle ot "irreogone" coal- little " any drug More; apply a to. drops upon the com or calluu. II- luntly it Mops hurting, then shortly you me thlt bothersome corn or can“ right cl, root and nil, without one bit ot pain or soreness. Truly! Nu bun» bug! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezom costs only a few cents. um T9“?!£-.”i TORONTO Lift off Corns! which mnuina mingle-1v I" I Jer Crosy tsrnrttrtete M. Mthuz reat

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