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Durham Review (1897), 25 Nov 1920, p. 6

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it l l 511 i161 ASSEMBLY or IIhillllli or moms was ht GENEVA A dugout: in" gone” up: In a market an“ a! Thurs. duy the League A” convicted It. organization by ahetittet of lixl vice-presidents. vii, with the lei chairman of the eon-Moe: shady elected. form I sort of executive com-i mittee of the may. The non-l European nations, f whom much solicitude um um, had no com- plaints to make as they obtained four vice-prciaients instead of the three they had asked for, Th, w: were; Viscount Kathi, Japan; Honorio Pueyrredon, Argentina; Sir George E. Foster, Canada, and Rod- rigo Octavio, Brazil. The other vice- prr-ufents are: It. A. . Van Karma. 5904,, “nihuul. and Dr. Eduari Benes, George " loner, l 1130 Oetnvio, Brazil presidents we: H. berk, Holland, and I "t?oif,u,v:.tit A; an ac of ty Mot' fede, drvv Cry of tl Arthur .er.eeation the Cnmm tion I“ tl Q w th pe "on of t; OI " " ng'ma. Sresk.--A moving picture entitlvrl "Saskatchewan Schools and thc New Canadians" has been pre- rared by the Department of Edm- tion of the province depicting the Pro"'ss of transformation of foreign- buru children 'into young Canadian eitHens. The tilnt staged within the province has aroused much interest. The total value of the when, oats. barley, and tux produced on the {our Provincial Institutional Farms Inat year 'was $30,516.64. as compared Viii, $29,760.12 for the previous you. The farms comprise those attached to the mental httsrultal tf Battleford; iii,iiiUjiirGtAtekina, Prince Albert and Moosomin. --- _ The sum ot.tt0,000 u. been set guide by the provineiatl Govmment for. the extension of the “availing It.. brary system in the province. Prac~ tically rtery rural district in now served by this system or circulating libraries. Winnipeg. Man.--The Winnipeg City Council has authorised a bond Ssue of $300,000 to be used for mis- ing sufficient money to build a further 100 homes under the civic housing scheme. The bonds which are {or a period of twenty yen: will bear him-est at the race of six per cent. . Wh Ottawa, ont,---" is stated that when the work of the Soldiers' Civil Ite-establishment Department clone. which will be about the end of the on Polish T" eady received " Elias system of circulating B.C,.---The 1920 salmon Alaska, British Columbia, ml and the Columbia River ill total 6.055.000 cases. approximately $60,000,009. to revised statistics. The .1, arm-Aunt; for 4.225.000 ntot the Will ?Wo-l cmirtar, Guiseppo idem of the Swiss con- L'no had delivered the Id- '8. Thate fhtures are con- tservative, judging by re mu Balfour, ot the British an elected chairman of on of General Organiza- l.u:ume of Nations As- D and. one-tcnt'" bushels the Provirteial Govern- atte of Alberta's wheS n reports from all parts ce. The average yieid of mm] at. 39 bushels. and Canada From Coast to Coast tte the League is dead, -r"r2TC.TC.=TLa,T.T or ceNJRSe NOV. con said in some this yea the West im " (h fir " dank is ex. L0,000 cases an whereas Wu cted honor- t assembly the whole ruffed last inarily run LILEEL'BJJQA of van. salmon! prese mi ol expert ‘901die" he Bet as ase group plant in anl off a; .‘ld a ti nee b , positions total 101,000. _ l The total amount of loans to sqldier ‘scttlcrs approved by the Soldier Set- §tlemmt Ih:ard to October second was 'ei,','.','-?"');'"',',"',';'; iind the number of set- Itiers‘ loans 19,526. These were dis- itributod as tonows:--Prinee Edward ‘lslmul, 291; Nova Scotia, 392; New Brunswick, 491; Quebec, 454; Ontario, l 1.374; Manitoba. 3.233 Saskatchewan, 11.765; Alberta, 5,625; British Colum- an”: thcpnuyu .-,..V,V,, Great Britain and Spain will send military contingents to Vilm to main- lain order during tho "pormlttr eon- imitation of the inubitanta." This armouncemeht was made this evening by the Assembly. It was tuided that present year, the total number of .in-i quiries and problems dealt with willI haVe run to one million and a half. Up to the meant time, 1,218,472." cases have been dealt with. The sta- tistics show that the number of men; who have received medical treatment} with pay and allowances is 49,369; the total number of clinical treat- ments is 422.235; and the total of dental operations 84,576. Under the vocational branch, the total number of men 'whn have commenced train- ing is 48,414 and the total number of graduates 28.273. The total num- ber of positions found for disabled mm. i,, 175.157. and fit men placed in of men 'who have ing is 48,414 and of graduates 2827 her of positions _ bin. 2,991 The Canadian Battiefields Memor- ials' Commission, which will carry out the work of establishing memorials to the heroism of Canadian troops on the was of Belgium and France, bu" been appointed, the positions beimf honorary. The sum of $250,000 has been appropriated by parliament for the memorials, and the commission will decide after a competition for designseete., just exactly what form these permanent memorials to Cuna- da's dead will take. , Car-rivggigrnlsn will be carried on throughout the Dominion to "cure, $1,000,000 to.be Quoted to bringing 'PBI'"'"'""" w.-- "__ ,7 - - destitute war orphans from Ukraine to Canada. Delegates Wm be sent to Europe .to select the qrphans and ar- unge for their transportation. Fredericton, N.B.-E. P. Bram: Deputy Minister of Agriculture for New Brunswick, has sent in his resig- nation and will retire from the pro- vincial 'service. He will take up the commercial growing of fruit at Ni- agara-on-the-Lnke, Ontario, where he has' purchased an extensive fruit Imuvu am. n... .-..--- "we, _ vincial tervice. He will take up thel . l -U.P--f. - commercial growing of fruit at tt'liyearty--rcyeiy? food an?! "ara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, where hef cattle stuffs exported to TAni.. ;ms' purchased an extensive ll) dad are to be given preference arm. ' ' - According to information supplied!, PveLgOOds pot plains?“ With by Premier Poster to the press, the: In t e Empire, accor Ing to a sheep of the province have increased', cable received from Edgar from 140,900 in 1917 to 280,000 at the, Tripp, Canadian Government present time, or an increase of 100 . I t P t f per cent. in three yens. {commerc'é . agen ' or o Halifax, N.S.--A new directory ed; Spain, Trinidad. The cable 19e0-21 liege"",, tt mung“ Sireads: "All duties have been greater ali ax at , . uring the past decade the city has nearlyl removed from f/ed and cat? le doubled in population. stuffs produced In countries ' m--------------- of the British Empire. Suffi- Of the many materials which Alum.i cient duties will be imposed feinia is known to contain only poser, on foreign goods to give Carr. 3311:!“ produced on tb eomm"ei'diada a preference." . . _----------- According to information supplied by Premier Poster to the press, the sheep of the province have increased from 140,000 in 1917 to 280,000 at the present time, or an increase of 100 per cent. in three yen-s. . ,.-. --..-. n. ___-__ - Halifax, NS.--A new diréctory of 1920-21 estimates the population of greater Halifax at 85,000. During the past decade the city has nearly doubled in population. CANADA HONORS QLOBIQUS ‘DEAD in all parts ot the Dominion citizens paid homage on Armistice Day to the men who gave their lives for the Em- pire in France. and f1orsl tributes dec- orated cenotaphs and monuments in practically every town and ly, --- . -. - n-_-i....d. t., Dun. P""""""" v.-., -v..__ ,, - _ Photo 51mm the Cenotaph in front of Toronto's City Hall. STATE OF SIEGE PRO. CLAIMED AT ATHENS Defeat of Greek Government Brings Up New Problems. iforces here. Official circles here see 'the policy of Russia taking Con- stantinople, as Roumania is not re- igarded as a serious obstacle. But iBulgax‘ia is resentful ot the Greek l occupation of Thrace, and alrady is , almost Bolshevist, and, with the) ' Red armies operating among those ’. countries and the Kema1istsi through " Anatolia, the problem, from a mili- -'olbary viewpoint, would not be difii- tlcult. A despatch from Constantinople] says reports from Athens indicate that a state of siege lys been pro- claimed, following rioting over the de.. feat of ex-Premier Venizelos. Bev-') eral allied and American destroyers: have been despatehed to Athens, for use in case of an emergency. The defeat of the present Greek Government is interpreted as a re- pudiation ot its imperialistic policy, at the expense of' Turkey, which has driven Muétapha Kemal Pasha re- luctantly into the hands of the Bol- shevists. If Greece changes her policy, al- lowing Turkey to keep Smyrna, it is possible the Kemalists will not only - - _ _ .., -----v u A we, pusauuc mu, -v....._.,w be paeified, but will serve as a buf- fer. against Red expansion in the Orient. - The present physical union accom- plished between tho Reds and the Nationalists is probably too formid- able to be overcome by the military “an new Greek Ministry has been formed and the Queen Mother will be proclaimed Regent. Trinidad Grants . Preference to Canada derpatch frory Qttawa Greek Affairs Take a New hm A despatch from Athens says ..---Parliament will be con- vened next Thursday, and Queen-Mother Olga will then take the oath of regent. Great Britain as ,soified Pre- mier Rhallis that it will refuse a credit guarantee for a new issue of bonds amounting to 400,000,000 4rachmtuc, , 'iitfM: Former officers and civil servants wider King Constan- tine are being reinstated, while the Venizelista "are resigning oflice. _ - , It is expected that General Nider will be the new com- mander of the alfmy. _ WEE; Balkan balance is up- set it is anticipated here that the Serbgiwill grab Salenica. REDUCTION IN ' FRENCH DIVORCES Lack of House Afcommoc tion Given an the Reason. A despatch from Paris any: di- vorces are decreasing in France be- cause of the lack of houses and apart- manta. Before the war the monthly list or divorces attained in Paris a total of 1,200. In October there were only 945 applications, and this month the total is expected to be further re- duced to 650. . _ According to lawyers, hundreds of couples have accepted reconciliations and agreed to remain living together for the simple reason that they can't find places to live apart, other than In small hotels. Sooner than suffer this discomfort, Mr, and Mrs. Paris have decided to tolerate each other'. presence in the conjugal domicile, at any rate, until apartments become less; scarce. [ l Figures just published show that the "war divorce" stampede is end- ing. In three months of 1913 2,850 couples were divorced, whereas in the first three months of 1920 no less than 8,005 decrees were pronounced. But since that time lists have been I steadily decreasing, until now the fig- ures are below those. of before the war Manitoba flour-ttMil (on patents: $12.40 second patents.- Ontario tiour-48.O, bulk, seaboard. Miltteed---Car lots, delivered Mont- real (nights, bags Included: Bran, per ton, $38 to $40.25; shorts. per ton, $42 to $45.25; good teed ttour, $2.75 to $3. Country Produ-whole"). Ctsmsae--N'ew, large, 28 to Me; twins, 29 to, Me; triplets. 29% to Mlge; old, large, " to Me; do, twins, 33% to 34%c. mButter--Fretsh dairy, choice, 49 to 50c; creamery, 2min, 55 to 5ge; tittest, 58 to 61e. _ Mtsrgarine---35 to Me. ' Eggs-No. 1, 64 to Mc; selects, 70 to 72c; neg? laid, in cartons, 80 to Me. Lu um. uqn nun” n. _r.r-_e_r_-_ -V V- ___V Beans-Canadian, iiiGira'eiai, bus.. " to $4.50; primes, $3 to $3.50; Ja- pans, 9960; Limas, Madagascar, 10%e; Caluornia Limas, WV. Maple produetsy--fVtvp, per imp. gal., $3.40 to $3.50; per 5 imp. gals., $3.25 to $3.40. Maple sugar, 1b., 27 to Me. - -- -- - "war-o-so-m. tins, 25 to Me per Ib.; Ontario comb honey, at $7.50 per 15-section case; 5%-2%-lb. tina, " to 27c per 1b Ameri Wholesale Grain. war the monthly list of, Weekly Market Report . A despatch from London "rr.--A wonderful pilgrimage to the gun at tho."unknown warrior” In Westmin- ster Abbey came to a close on Ttturs. any nftornoon. A' dozen inundated soldiers. unable to walk. wet: wheeled " chain by their wives or nurses through the dim Male: to give the last salutes at the shrine. The pilgrimage had been-1n progress tor B week, and the Canon ot West- minster in charge told the compon- dent that a careful tstiutnttur ot the numbers who made It showed 1,500,- 000 persons passed by the grave In the have of the abbey. Wm 1iiiiii or IR. xnowuwmmm iiiiijhitisrtthlBEr TO GUIDE PLANES OVER ENG. CH Helm. swam» ""iri,irtotiir,1ete'""' the bisrine--a,B00,00 tt Pre,', Pit'd Grave Ships Anchored five mue- Apart in Various Directions. . .,_._.;..L tum. Pan-in ”VI: Arr A deepatch from Paris aye: An- other step in cross-Channel 'Pit/li) and commercial aviation will be taken next week when a series of powerful seamhlights will be placed at various places to enable airplane: to fly on 'darkest "nights from Paris to London' without dunger of being loot in the darkness . There will be nine lights between Paris and Callie and Mx on (iii English side of the Channel to guide the airmen. These lights also will enable fliers to land in case of [accident at. chartered points. . TORONTO acumen» as: yu-....-_ ,, _ The French Ministry of Amtion ial, supporting the plan and is understood' to be considerating co-operstion with the British Air Ministry in t proposal for lights to be placed aboard ships which are to be permanently anchor- ed in the Channel five miles apart in various directions. The lights eon- templated shall, it is proposed, be of 50,000 candle power, a light powerful enough to pierce the darkest night to a height of a mile and a half. A bottomless hattunishel measure fits nicely inside an ordinary grain sack. Place sack and 'zzeasure on the ground, fill the measure and, by lifting it up, the eontents are dropped into sack. The process is repeated until the sack is full of potatoes, walnuts, Erwhatever is being p Smoked meats---Hams, med., 47 tlt 60e; heavy, 40 to Me; cooked, 64 to 68e; rolls, 34 to Mc; cottage rolls. 41 to Me; breakfast bacon, 60 to Me; fancy breakfast bacon, 56 to 6br, backs. plain, 52 to Me; boneless, 60 to 64e. T - 7.,__ L--.“ q Cured meats-Long clear bacon, 27 to 28e; clear bellies, 26 to Me. , Lard-pure tierces, ti) to 30%c; tube. 80% to 8le; pails, 30% to 3154c; , prints. 32% to 33c. Compound tierces. i 22 to 28%e; tubs, 22% to 241ke; pang? 28% to 233ie; printer, 26'to tTe. Montreal Markets. 1 Montreal. NOT. M.---OBta, Canadian West., No. 2, 88%e; do, No. 3, 7156c. Flour Man. Spring wheat patents. tirtttts, $12.20. Rolled oats, box ot 90 lbs., $4.05. Bran, 845.25. Shorts. $45.25. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car 1019,. $30. Cheese, ttttest customs, 2336a} Butter, choicest ereamerf, 55 to Me.) Live Stock Markets. ( Toronto, Nov. t8.---Good heavy steers, $12.50 to $13.50; butcher steers, choice, $11 to $12.50; do, good, $10 to 811; do, med., $6.50 to $8; do, com., $5 to $6; butcher heifers choice, $10 to 811; do med., $7.60 to bf, do, com., " to $7; butcher cows. choice, " to $10; do, med., $6 to $8; cannon and cutters, $3.50 to $4.50; butcher bulls. .good, $8 to $10; do, com., $5.50 to '36.25; do, fair, $7.50 to $8.50; feeders, ‘beet no to $11.50; do, good, 900 lbs., $9.50 to 810; do 800 lbs.. $8.76 to $9.25; -- -- ' "rn. “III-n... and )HJDV u: 'AV, uv uvv ....... V..V.V - . _ do, com. $6.75 to $8; milkers and swingers, choice, $100 to $150; calves, dholce, 817 to $18.50; do, med., $18 to $15; do, com., $7 to tir, lambs, $12 to $12.50; sheep choice, $6 to $7.50; do, heavy and bucks. $4 to $,5', do, year- Hugs, $10 to $10.50; hogs. fed and watered, $18.25 to $18.50; do, on cars, $16.50 to $16.75; ito t.o.b,, 816.25 to $15.50; do, to the farmer, 815 to 815.25. ‘ -- ““ “1.; --" .19 ¢Lu.uv, uv. LU nu. “um-.. v-7 .V v,,, Montreal, Nov. 23.-Good veal. $13 to $14; medium, $10 to $13; grass. $6.50 to $6.76. Ewes, " to $7', lambs, good, $12.50 to ur. com., " to $11.50; - ,,,,.._L._ __u--_ .1». Boss; 70!! sows, $13 Anchored five Provisions-Wholesale an; Vrditrtia, 'sélecu. $17; ---Hams, med., 47 tlt o Me; cooked, " to Mc; cottage rolls. 41 at bacon. 50 to Me; gi 2Li'i'- "e1Wcs?'id ‘7 754 ig5alhati 3"”an hug icked up ‘. " --- Every - lince the Armistice Day nnivomry. "on while eel-vie” hue been goin‘ on end between eer- vices on Sunder. en endleu stream ot mourners have been entering the “they in [cure and pasting thQJreve They began to come curly in the morn- ing. and on some days they continued until past 11 o'clock " night. they i mme from all parts of the British lEmprie. _ ___,_c.s.. a! mule limprw. An even greater number ot people made the pilgrimage to the canouph. Whitehall, even now, Is filled with a. double stream ot people, reaching to Trualgar Square on one side. and com- m: trom Westminster on the other. Trade Agreement 2atifial by Jamaica in: from A despatch from Ottawa sarc--A cable from King- ston. Jamaica, announces that the Legislative Council of Ja- maica has ratified the Canada- West Indies trade agreement. This is stated to be the fourth of the West Indian states to ratify the agreement the ens donation of all, as well as rati- fication by the Canadian Par- liament' being necessary be- fore the agreement becomes effective. "Ihe agreement is expected to come before Par- liament early ntxt session. CANADIAN GIRL DEFIES THE TURKS. Miss Elizabeth A Thom, 167 Grey Street. Lo¥om Ont., a veteran of service in rance. who is sticking to her post in the Caucasus despite the continued advances ot the Turks into Armenia. She is a member of the Near East Relief personnei in the Caucasus, all ot whom refused to abandon their work among the hun- dreds of thousands ot orphans and adult refugees. . Soviet Will Wage Winter Campaign A despatch from Copen- hagen says :--A special to The Berlingske Tidende from Kov-l no reports that from different articles in the Pravda it is clear the Bolshevists are preparing for a winter campaign, a de- cree having been issued calling all citizens up to the age of 36 under arms. All able-bodied men in factories are to be re- placed by women, and in the district of Moscow-Vitebsk I5 new divisions are being form- Finland has 8,720 miles of telegmph and 2,891 miles of telephone lines and om radio cution with a GOO-mile "dim. “in P $15.3 ' saw "B-Bw.""". - - Br" - _ a! M and my. u. think. a the only has. at mm tho tide of M II mung-nee." . G7iiiiiGaiipfe?rryrtef our pearls. ”new: habit- of econ- on; and whaling Victory Bonds. "1‘6th (nullity that had been hitherto n somewhnt unfamiliur virtue unong us. Under the stimulus of our direct concern in the welfare of those who stood for " on the firing line, we .implifisd our diet and our costume. we mtionnlised our whole phat of living. We fondly believed {that this regimen would persist. _ But with the lifting of the pressure dld'll,' pun“: i'iii,irair%uua It In with. _. 'qitstmee- in the -a'emt up“ - - -a M'. '0 think, In W v- "_-..- - that this regimen would persist. But with the lining at the pressure of the war upon our liven end our hebite the pendulum "an: beck to the opposite extreme. In the first glut “can of relief we allowed ourselves extravagance: end flune " maxim. Joi had supplanted are end folly reigned once more. There were mourn- ere ell. over the land and in ell the earth who could not forget and have not yet forgotten. But for the rest of us the cry went up, “The war in over!" and we returned to e feverish exuberance of way: and meens. which we were pleased to ety’le "Getting back to normal." Thoughtful people are- endeavoring to encourage a durable impression of the lessons the war was supposed to have taught at a can so tremendous. To do this it is wise to begin with the children. There are many things not in the books that it is good for the young to learn. What is the meaning of arithmetic if the arith- metieian never know: the difference between uving I cent and spending a dollar? What is the gbod of Latin or chemistry or the spelling-book if character is demoraliaed by vulgar display. by cheap amusemeht. by low standards of thought and of action? _ The child who he: too much to eprnd. A “w. ‘i "eel ..u..|. through parental indulgence. is I child who enters the nee of life under a seriou- handicap. . The home Jnthtenee my undo :le the good the Ichool aeeomplishe-, if the scholar goes from an ntmorrhere of serious work, economy of time and simplicity of habit to | family We that willfully disregards the value cf each day and of every dollar and mis- spends them both. - Tech can To Stu. It is not the teaching cf huntxn history that those who were must. successful started with most. There are plenty of examples of persons who started with u great deal and lost it and of others who began with one talent and multiplied it exeeed- ingly. Sweat or failure is lame)- : matter of how much you wish to get ahead ind how much you he will?“ to "eribse. Some an quit'e unwilling to practice the ultdcn'ul media! to a conquest. Any one can admire and envy success when it comes to another and declnre it down: Aqht luck. It in easy to ignore the Net that the successful one had to my I big price. He ind to work and worry 1 lot for all that hll come to him. The rewards that are his did not (all like mum: from the skies. He knows that the old rule holds and thlt bread a earned by the swan. of the brow. Those who are quite m:- willing to work as he has worked are always ready to Rock round him dr- manding I portion of his gain. Of profit-sharing we hear much and talk i great deal: but 1.tror-sharing is not so popular in idea. - Look " the career of him who Wont onward and upward and you will find that he arrived because he refused to be answered with a "no"; he failed only to fight harder; he wag flung, but he got up again. Other men decried his plan. refused him aid. shut their ears and doors to him, went back on a pledged word, ignored tt comract. played him thine. collapsed beneath I trust they held from him. Yet ho did. not grow bitter; he did not waste a: hour in hewuiling the muehances; he did not give up the flgfst and join ‘the army of mums and mendicnnts who try to landing society into sup- l porting them. No; he kept on; he held that we are "baffled to fight better." Such a man must win in the long run. Defeats are the raw materials of his achievements. He learns a lesson from every adverse experience. An Edison does not reach the goal of an invention without indefatigable repe- titiona, each teaching him something and each bringing him a little nearer what he loch." If you could see all there is to aee in the career of one who appeara to be uniformly auccess- Jul you would learn how much has Ate awry. fallen short, tumbled in [ruin on the way to make the result that now seem- a “happy accident." Real genius la not hunted to the generality of mankind. But a mea- sure of. petal-tonne .ia supplied to tho character of all lethal we. and Jfnmtt_wettnveitrrt'tt in- ”. by b “all: and the reault will ttttnn boon demo-tmud by a M otsgqattiat tint ttC-ttt depths. ""deeeminuandtisesmqer 'ttsg-tis t.tidin we. LTMT‘ N Nun-numm‘. b The Will to Win. hing cf b I bottle lulu“: r ith, to the our. .1 Ind . capm .'1 L ' about onet ut' ." neh rival other tnow {W r 'ulle time by 7" t" , l0 ft. In In rl) .' ter. Filled ‘2'? "rl shown u the in. _ Lib!!!” The“ no the nu . " and. tor uz-r as " mlbithrl. Ind 00001103 Wu bug: 1r. Md! to rcpt-w te Milan This lumen-e bum. On the grown "freshmen! rum tAme not!“ nbuv PM In “a n all nude It,' m, who at (to. the In . “Durham" by Gecrp r and "Tot addition to t u able an In mrBely a A monetary {in II 'ret in Ema. Ir-s a. a}. Cl m tho next gnu-r1 "%nmeatt h Edd £11.21 :hut a down prumlm much u may cans t hold. 30 is, how“ "" Rouge oicoma, ill d the“ womn-n h "tBttnat I. IOCII'. It A Hopi Maid's ( pl Indian on does iii, choice, - I" out uni . In: way. tht “hr In gre've . twilight and t cl. all-down of . u “y, the p t that all feet tr In. my. ' um I "Nu" i, M we). 2!. h our time a'.. i .09. that um “I. liettt of (-34 - way th, than to turn a: rut way. lt. k m wuy ELL b tweet We}. th toil and so“; it II In the sham ot come one h “ - “um " I." beet I “no. the I‘ - cm tw, l I. the Nes M) m .1. .31 9mm ”owing. mm; ttard. r only pre! - hair it over each cement tha These pen to reproach: h vine. " one untutu W1 lather Vick this ass her w agreed that mos In tt rilaqr " - much med It to the m I It In "luau . walled t “I. old. In to the tel In women no. to cl he World's Biggest ‘w of the n - and an n a , WIOIII mix I m honey to gm plr "we! pudding... .0 (at back is the ti I tor “will“ pun) up ’Inlchns durum H of dentin! from through upon-mun: I not on k: All; (arm "to way, tl an Va; tt old “y. th and: " It Maud-Pot “*V Cr; of bur below to tho u the with.“ “unfew lent“. [ch-no Ft for Pun-IL now tn Ian

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