INCREASED' PRODUCTION Tell the Story of Watery Bhtod-- AS RESULT OF WAR l How to Regain a Good Color - ---- and Health. diam INDUSTRY mun cums __ 1 IN 1190mm AND .r.lllu EYES! Canada Has Enormous Tr ef Pasturage Suited to Sheep Grazing. 402nm). Only one province, Saskat- cuewan, has shnwn a falling on since the beginning of the war, whilst name of the provinces show most remark- able increases in the size ot wok herds. Munitbua increased from 45,- 303 in 1914 to 167,170 In 1919; Ontario Jumped trom “0,418 to 1,101,740,1n the name years; and Quebec Un the same perind advanced trom tt total at I) tor dec m m; th mutton tn Arg British Kingdo m ho " and went M 50m. RS he had (one she rushed to the mirror. as - ici does that ho: beau haven. She gave one smu- und went " tttto historic». Instead ot putting 010 ml Into no powder-box. the had put tt Into tho powdored charcoal and for In tooth. lmproui And I her ". Great Britain support: not. p.091. pupae than my other 'tat-td in b In " _ m lull to the beglnning ot the _ m 1914. the situation was some- .t .muyuant, a slight decline being Herc-L But with the opening of mulea and the demand for wool .quv the armies, coupled with the m “(I price., realized, a greet minus was given to sheep raisins. ' n llowlng figures tell more clearly i whily the rise in the sheep popu- m. in ('unada, refiersttrtg the ever- :easzng growth of farm herds dur- the period of war. In 1915, 2,038,0 , 19m, 2,022,941; 1917. 2,369,538; 3, 3.052.748; l9l9..3,421,958. Estimated Value of "0,000,000. _'he estimated value ot sheep in the â€Union at the end ot 1919 was t5tre tt wt: nan tltur lt6YT per re L: a bright future in Canada a production of mutton and wool are to Judge from the tuning " her countries dt their trtteep According to statistics. the population ot the United Sines lieu " by 4,000,000 In the past J. In the last tlgtt years wool is into that country have more doubled those ot the previous Land Adapted to Sheep. '6: are thousands ot acres ot lunch thomghout the Domin- mimbly Idapted to the raising on, which are not yet revenue 'ln;: in any form. In addition. are countless forms which do plmlo sheep among their live and are not only losing in mut- ml wool pro4itis, but In the r fertility of the soil which I f 'sheep bring in their vote. It Mixing to note increau In In- au sheep breeding in Canada, l? profits which tho future holds " value a cheep herd adds to l farm, and the enormous tracts 12h "stoma In the Domlnlm .z‘mrly suited to “teen mm. a much greater following ot ranch ot agriculture. beep ministry in Canada has l more important proportions in in the past few your. Both LI"! quantity raised and the " animal bred. Farmers have are and more to realize the my of maintaining a until their farms diversifying their tral activities. and govern- ;‘pugamia and the Introduction 'red rams by many ot the a: has remixed in the better- if} iype'ct animal. The present if the industry is gratifying is considered that it has man. make headway egainst the i " the vast herds of the ro. rims due to the fencing in '.ti and the, panelling up of t Semen Brought than. r) TE brought into Canada by L fettlers and (radially In. a numbers and importance It le34, when the ttrat pure- 'l' were imported into on. nu that time on up 'to 1871, industry saw a steady In- 1v'r,.'rlt time, according to awe were 335513309 of u .13 in the Domsnion. Then, Quantum! interests forged i it.terest in sheep waned, :o1y declined until in 1911 im- had fallen on by about " On I herd nu hiouablr- girl had gone up- had Just sat down when " Her ask tor her. Sh. We her Powder box in the WI :1 her tace, and then an l again to tind a gentleman he was anxious to make an ' did. He was puzzled at mace. but, being a gentle- nothing. She sat and chu- 'ulty, and had a delight“! 1913 to 1919 th been a similar decrease in of sheep tn other wool and rdudng countries, notably a, Australia. France, and th Africa. In the United 00. there is a serlous dim. numbers of breeding stock. 307 The Climax. e being then 160,000 was u 309.986 in crests a hill that looks away Toward dawning and descending day; l, It tops a vale where rilletg rim 3 Like sleek chameleon: in the sun; (lt sees the moon and stars obey; l Obey the Will that wheels them by l, In bright procession through the sky; i The Dipper and the Greater Bear, ! And every constellation there; i Sad will it be when it shall die. i For with the passing of its boughs inll pass, as from an aged house, i Something of beauty, something i such . As human tenderness and touch, ' And memories of lovers' vows. :Salada Tea Reduced 15 Cents a Pound. _ Every effort is being made to supply the retail dealers with Brown Label i-SALADA" at the reduced price at 955 cents per pound. However. it will Make some little time before all have a it in stock, in spite of every exertion m the part of the Company, as they ghuve tens of thousands of customers {throughout Canada from the Atlantic ivo the Pacitie. Pale, weak girls should take heed. Bloodlessnese must not be neglected. Plenty of good air, a nourishing dlgt and rest will help you, but the cure you need most promptly in new blood. Good new blood in abundance, Iuch as makes all the dittereoee.tretwmm sound health and poor health to girls and women, is supplied by Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pius. Their one mission is to make new blood which reaches every organ and every nerve in the body, bringing to anaemic girls and women new color. bright eyes, an elastic step and a feeling of Joy in thing. The value of Dr. William: Pink Pills to young gins is shown by the cure of Mitm Bessie Clarke, R.R. No. l, Stevettsville, Ont., who says: "Two years ago, while studying for the entrance examination, my health broke down and I tell away to a mere shadow of my former self. When the day tor the examinations came, I should have been in bed instead ot trying them, hut I went on with the work and when through was almost on the verge of collapse. I thought then that a rest would hblp me, but I did not regain my strength. Then my mother was advised to have me try Dr. William: Pink Pills, and after taking them for about a month I found myself restored to health, with good color and a change tor the better, which people who knew me readily notiz‘ml. I am very thankful for what Dr. Williams Pink Pills did for me, and hope my experience will benefit some other weak girl." . pallld cheeks and mm eyes tell every- one that they Ire doomed to by: at wretched headaches and are victims of bretrthleatmetgtg and bloodleuneu. The anaemic girl, If ‘he neglects her health, mar he a tmtNrattul her life; tor an active happy woman cannot be developed cut of a bloodless, consump- tive looking girl, without the help ot new, rich, red blcod. To be run down In health and to lose their attractiveness is the double misfortune ot many yum; girls. Their You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail. pcstpald, " 50 cents a box, or six boxes tor $2.50 from The Dr. William.' Medicine Co., Brockvme, Ont. I know an ancient apple tree That takes the breezes lustlly. If they bear attars from the south. Or breathe, as trom a frosty mouth, The sharp salt savers of the sea. Its branches sway, its branches sing, In. the blithe blossom tide of spring; They are as lutes attuned to song Through summer and through autumn long, Nor heed the winter's triumphing. So we who cherish it would "r- Far be the hour of its decay! From Its high vantage on the hill May it spread benediction still As fragrant as its blooms in May! Keep A-Tryin'. Say "I will," and then stick to it-- That's the only way .to do it. Doa't build up awhile and then Tear the whole thing down again. f Fix the 5031 you wish to gain, Then go at it heart and brain, And, though cloud: shut out the blue, Do not dim your put-pow true With your sightn', Stand erect. and like a man. Know "They can who think they cam" "Pape's Diapepsin" ls the quickest, wrest rogue: for Indigestlon, Gases, Matultrneo, Heartburn, Soumese, Fet- mentation or Stomach Distress caused by acldlty. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so you can eat ("ox-Ito foods without fear. Large case costs‘only 60 cents at drug store. Absolutely harmless and pleasant. Millions helped annually. Largest "it. m stomach correcter in wortd.--Adv. "Pape's Keep a.tryin', An Old Apple Tree. in" Corrects Mg", \ No. "ti-Misses' Coat. Price. 35 cents. Full length or shorter; con- vertible collar. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 16, longer length, with- out nap, 3% yds. 48 ins. wide; with Rep, 3% yds. 54 ins. wide; lining, 3% yds. 36 ins. wide; without nap, shorter length, 2% yds. 48 ins. wide; with nap, 2% yds. iM ins. widc,Oining, 2% yds. 36 ins. wide. This pattern may be obtaied from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Cu., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. Professor Sir Arthur QuilltstsCoueh, in the course of his lively lectures "0n the Art of Reading," gives some examples of lrish peasants' sayings with the large simplicity, the cadence, the accent of Scriptural speech. The best is the benediction bestowed upon one of the two authors ot the incom- parable "Irish R. M." by an old wo- man in Bhibtterdeen: “Sure ye're always 'laughing! That ye may laugh in the sight of the Glory of Heaven!†The writer once thought of mating†an anthology of such wild flowers ot wayside speech. He would have in- cluded in it some tar..trtwelled say- ings, such an that of the freighter in the alkaline districts ot Alberta, who said, pointing with his whip to an intensely blue lake on the horizon, "Bitter as a dying man's sweat is that same water," and the perfect de. tinition of a. ghost implied in the words ot a Newfo'undland fisherman, "There I sees 'em warming themselves in the moonlight." MEL!) NOT ill ll"l'l'll()lj'll MRY’S OWN TABLETS Once a mother has used Baby's Own I Tablets tor her little ones she would! not Be without them. They are thel ideal home remedy tor the baby; being _ guaranteed to be absolutely tree from i, opiates or other harmful drugs. They l are a gentle but thorough laxative and I have been proved of the greatest nidl in cases ot constipation, indigestion,i colic. colds and simple fevers. Con-i cernlng them Mrs. Ernest Gagne,i, 1teattselour, Que., writes: "I have used 5 Baby's Own Tablets for constipation; and colic and have found them so sue- _ resent! that I would not be withouti, them. I would strongly recommend. every mother to keep a box in the; house." The Tablets are sold by) medicine dealers or by mail at 25; cents a box. from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. 3 It is reported that gold has been found in the ice of the great glacier ot Monte Roma, and that search is being made tor the seam or vein trom which the yellow ilakes originally came. The fact is that gold, though the most precious of metals In common use, is by far the most widely dis. tributed. There is hardly any country on earth, trom the equator to the pores, where it is not found. .n is Colonel Repington who tells of i t'l'lli"rJfiu"fnule"i/t"'d"Ul'"sVe"i1'lm1"""" a certain luncheon during the war at' (Slgned) FRET) C. Rumxgnx, 10 Downing Street-a luncheon, by the j P,.%--A am a farmer and intend using war, of the simplest character. Therei2112535“l333322213«1°;‘m‘133m'22’ï¬film? was one maid to wait, the menu con-,n-suns. sistlng of cutlets and vegetables, milk} FRED C. n. pudding, French plums. and water. I German hosiery firms are under- During the meal the chances of In- vasion were discussed, and Mr. Lloyd George onered to eat a sausage for every German landed over 50,000. MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mall is by Dominion Express Money Order. Herons never get plump, no matter how abundant their food. Male spiders are mueil smaller than the females. The Polar regions are the only sec- tion of the globe free from rats. To enable airplane ftUrhta to be male at extreme altitudes a French- man has invented apparatuq which The universities of Finland were Among the first in Europe to be open- Cab-, the ar did to the ar- burctors at nomad atmosphere R"'" On the Art of Reading. The British Premier's Offer. Gold is Everywhere.. , Hirs,---I feel that I should be doing a wrong " I neglected tn write you. I {have had four tumor- growing on my [head for yours. I had them Put all by a surgeon about fifteen years ago, but l they Brew again tlll about three mnnths .HKO I had one as large and sham-t1 Illn- u lady's thimble on the very place where Imy hair should be parted, and It \vaw â€return; 50 tunbarrassintt in public that 'It was a cnnstnnt worry to mo. About I three months ago I trot a bottle of your t liniment for another puvposfund saw on i the label good for tumors. Well I trled I It and kept at It tor exartly two months. ‘with the result that it has entivei.w re- moved all trace of the tumor, and were Ht not that'thes had been rut nttwn Yyear:- ngo. no rPark would be seen†l I have not been Ehkfll tor this tostlmonln! To Match. . A teacher said to his class in Eng- lish composition: "Now, I wish every member of the class would write out a conversation between a grocer and one of his cus- tomers, introducing some pathetic in- cident or reference." . Among the compositions handed in wah the following: "What do you want?" asked the merchant. l _ "Green or black?“ asked the met. chant. ' _ Hardening Concrete. _ Experiments by the United States Bureau ot Standards to develop a method of accelerating the hardening of concrete, especially when it is to be used in wet or damp situations, have shown that 4 per cent. of calcium chloride addoFto the mixing water increases the strength of concrete at the age ot one day 100 per cent. or more. In some cases in two days the strength equalled If, per cent. or more of that normally attained In one month. tea Rural Route No. l, Mascouolw. Quebec, Oct. 15, 1910, The Minard'n Linlment Preamp, The total war debt cf Germany is 265,000,000,000 marks, normally $65,- 937,600,000. _ - - _ - German hosiery firms are under- cutting their British rivals till the latter retire from the field, then the price of imported article will be great- ly increased. "I think I'll take black," 'it's for a funeral." The woman replied: "A pound ot LUMBAGO, NEURALGIA - SCIATICA, NEURI I‘IS Thai? Treatment by four local Druggist. Anâ€. Oral}. J. A. Smith. Alumna. A. B. Srhell. Alunston. P. A. McDiarmid & So; Arthur. A. w. Busohlen Atwood, It. G. Coughlin Barrie. Wm. (‘rosnlund Beavérton, J. B. Freieitth Blenheim. Crookahank Bros. Bobcay'eon. E. J. Woollurd Bowmanvlue. Jury a Lovett Brtdford. w. L. Campbell Bridttetturq, R. A. Land Breden, P. s. Sanger. -Bruee Mines, A. D. Jackson Brunch. Jan. Fox . St2e,t."9."s J. E. lurks Che! cy, S. R. Dnvey Clinton. J. E. Hover Colborne. w. F. Grime Ross the Druggiet. Midlnnd. Ont: G. P. Yltrtrrm Pension Folio: "Every sale of Templeton'. Rheu- “T.R.C.'s‘is the most satinfaoiory matte Capsules hen meant I entin- or any line of rheumatic remedy I lied custome- l have yet to hear have ever handled." of a person lol receivinc hevond what they had hoped in mu"! B. J. Cook. St. Thomas: "We from their use. In meny canes the hive never had . preparation tor benettttr have been wonderful and rheumativm and neuritis that has these long sufferers tell their told like T.R.C.'e. The mic is won- friendn. t have merry calls for derful end reports from our cun- Rheurnntlc Capsules end l never tome" good. t azure e "tt.tted hesitate to recommend them." customer is the but ndveriisemertt." Sounds too good to be true? The explanation is that Templeton_’s Rheumatic Capsulesyect directly on the poisons in the system tut. In some persons cause rheumatism, in others lumbago, sciatica. neuritis or neuralgia, Their composition is the result of thirty years of patient study and experiment. long years of experience in the treatment of rheumatism. Get a free trial package of T.R.C'e. or Ran-Mala for Asthma from your druggist or from Templeton. Llmlted, " Claiborne St. E., Toronto Ind prove these statements tor yourself. These remedies are ab- solutely hermiesa, or our drutrgut-tuteutt' wouldn't advise the use ot them. When your own druggiat recommends a remedy he ia sure to receive your thanks or condemnation. He won't risk the loss of I good customer by recommending a remedy in which he has no coon- ence. The undermentioned druggists and hundreds of others back T.R.C'a and Raz-Mah. - Flu-Man is unrivalled in the treatment of Asthma. Raz-Mah restores normal breathing, stops mueuirgathtsritiga in the bronchial tubes. and gives long nights of quiet sleep. And if naz-Mah does not give relief, your druggiet has positive instructions trom Templetons Limited to give ygu your money back. Fair enough, don't you think? BAUME BENGUE -RHE_ u 1l11,f)i1,lrilt'2it'"'n LUMBAGO, NEURALGIA Yam-awn druxgist. who has known the people of " loamy tor years, has a pretty cowhide: ot whu remedies are slung tratiMttetiott to his madman. No number ot teqtintottiatls trom fardktant penan- coutha half as much with him as the results he gets from glues over his own counter. That's why hundreds of druggists from mum: to Victoris recommend Templeton'. Rheumatic Capsules. Each ot these hundreds knows ot cases in his vicinity where T.R.C’s have brought amazing~ relief. Men and women ot all ages tind tree dom trom their pain in T.R.C's. Mr. W. A. Hawley, of Campbell- ford, at the age of " was entirely cured, aher being helpless with Rheumatism tor months. Scores of drugglsts write of the satisfaction given by T.RC's. Here are the statements of three from Ontario: oesthetueheadanduek0tnek. -KIAIEOF $lBmT1tm-, (hmthes tired nerves.' ' For restful sleep at night apply Milt BF mum: ( â€.00.“... In Itâ€! mm as. m. L MOITIIAL mu: Dr. m- Bani l RELIEVE! pam she said; G. P. Vicar-LI. Fonelnn Fans»: "T.R.C.'st the [non stjuthrotor.v of any line ot rheumatic remedy I have ever handled." An old country couple" came up to Lunnon town, to see the place where the roses on the cheeks ot the maidens outshone the roses round the door. They saw many things that they had E never seen "down on the term," and then along the road came rolling an“ electric tramcnr. It is not generally known that the fur seal was once a land animal. The baby seals are actually afraid of wa- ter; they would drown if thrown into it, and have to learn to wim by re- peated efforts. When once they have been taught to swim, however, they soon forget to walk. Mlnard’l Llnlmen! Relieve: Distempu "All shot to pieces"? You are bll-l Nous, constipated! You feel headachy,‘ full of cold, dizzy, unstrung. Your', meahs'dun't tit-breath ls bad, skin' sallow. Take Cascarets to-nlght torl your liver and bowels and wake not clear, energetic and cheerful. No! griping-mo inconvenience. Chlldrenl love Cascarets too. 10, 25, 50 cents†Stop that pain! QUIZK. warming. soothing. martin: ISM (Clown in application of Shaun's tduttmett Just Blast it on the stained. omrwgehodmxtmstp. Gaga for rheumatism. IThey Work while you Sleep' Cootrstown, Wm. MOKM' Deseronto. w. J. Halley Dresden R. R. Dustin Dunnvme. R. J. McKee Durham. S. MnHoth Elam. P. J. Camel! Exeter, S. H. 'udier Fellelon Falls, G. P. Vic-rs Florence. L. R. Miller Gloncoe. 'r. I. Johnson Gorrie H. V. Armstrong Barrister). McKibbon & Co. Hastings. t A. Coughlin “unlock. A, rr, Djntkg _ . K‘ncnrdlne. J. F. Vandrlck Khmsvme. R. H. Ricard Lakeneld. Tanner Drug Co, Lucan. Rum Phu‘mncy Lucknow. J. G. Armstrong CASCARETS Issue No. "it-Citi)",' Ignorance. . Thou Children. A little girl who Wu an unnoticed {Menu It dinner the other: day sud.. denly piped up with "lemma, is ;everybody wicked.'" Imagination and Fact Little minutiae. ytto m spending her vacation ht the muntry with her tpther, sought him out one day with this announcement: "0h, daddy. I have just found a pace when there are millions and hundreds at apples. Bee, I have brought you No!" 7 “Why. inc, my child, ot course not," nnlwemd the mother. “Why do you ask such a (mention an that?" â€Because you haven't said a nice thing about anyone to-day." The meal was ftttished in silence. The Argument. An argument as to the origin ot bagpipes had waxed loud and long be- tween 3 Scotsman and " Irishman, each of whom claimed that his own country had produced the instrument. Finally the Irishman clinched mat- ten by remarking: "WeU, the truth is, the Irish in. ritttatd the wipes and made a prisent in than to the Scots. And the Scots haven‘t seen the Joke yet'." Within the Law. The farmer was angry at a group ot boys who had trespassed on his pro- perty. To tho youngster who carried a gun, he said, “Don't yer see that Sign there? Can't yer read?" and he belated to a notice which ran: "No Hunun' Aloud." The successful man never allows censure or disappointment to defeat him.--tord Ashfield. "That's all right, mister.†replied the boy, glancing at the sign. "We kin read--but this here is an air gun." Last yehr 146,628 people emigrated from Great Britain, and 4,307 from Ireland. Minn-G's Llnlment For thtrtttrutt. ['. SINCE iiosro AifPPgjifi"" Siii ILOH - 303%8FgCOUGHS Americn'n Fouir Dog Remedia- civic "Then I started with a free sample ct Cuticun Soup Ind Ointment. I bought more, and I used four cakes of soap And three boxes ofOinttrtent which hauled nu." (Signed) Mrs. Dom ungly. 1032 Gertrude th., Verdun, Que" August li, 1918. _ . The Cation-u Toilet Trio Consisting of Soap, Ointment tad Talcum is m indispensable adjunct of the daily toilet in mninuining akin purity and skin bank. t Soup 25:. Ointment " “a Bttr. Sold throughout theDomittimt. canadianDeppt: L mum. Limited. St. Pull St., Monro-l. 'iW"tilii'l'ill; 80.9 than. with“ m. 0n Body and Face, Red and Itchy, Cried For Hours. Lasted aYear. "A nub stated :11 over my little girl’s body, Ind she had some on hee (we. It turned in a pimple ct, a that ms full of water. Ind "1L2: it got red and itchy. She l " ' cried for hours. This trouble VT Wed-3W- A _ _ BUTICURA HEALS RASH UN CHILD p." - 7PtP,5" Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" Ind How to Feed Mulqd Free to an?! Ad- an†by me Au bar. I. IN (Nova: 00.. be. 11! e1: {lut__s_trpel DOG DISEASES ONLY TABLETS MARKED "WG" ARE ASPiRIN “ow York. USA. wo AReHNEg TORONTO j_:_,,...__ - '; P"df'dPWd CERTAIN - Iwedeu- tat great work on “urn and IHert, an I real wot-M Mlond. Our "' pm. only "e not!“ . H. B. 14'. ll.“ Burl“! Are.. Torontu. I Bair/ir, wANi--Age u tn M--. Jtve, 'tet nlm Intel: 99199-2 grit you 81.460, next two {are "BM: “he third yen- 31.“0; tub eel to , n cont. deduction for beneett fund 1nd pen-Ion: cum hourl; one any on weekly; u a." than! )gure; thrrretyartrr pa; when iGGGt.-Fotree w ANi--Produee and Poultry " All kink. Write for prim. Cross. "smaller; Road. Toronto. In part payment of the Anglo- French War Debt, the United Siam-u has received nearly $900,000Jr00 im gold Accept “Culltornla mum of [in Mug-Hoo. tor tho nun. California on It. DICK-Se. than you no sure your and ts having tlt- bert and moot LII-ml." physio tur the mu. stou- Ich. nut and bows“. Chudren [on m (mu lute. mu cumulon- " ouch bottle. You mun my “Cul- lama." lnmodlnely utter a "Bunderine" annuals. your hair takes on m w lite. lustre and wondrous beauty, unwar- lng twice as heavy and plentiful, be- en†each hair seems to out! and thicken. Don't let your hair stay life. lea, colorless. plain or seruV You. too, want lots of long, strung, beauti- NI halt. . A 3beettt bottle of dellglxtlul "Dan. derlne" freshen: your scalp check: Mttdrutt and tB1titott b. fr. This stimu- latlng "tretutty-tonic" given to thin. dull. mm hair that youthful bright. new and abundant lhitknebs -Alt drunk!!! "California Syrup of Fige Child's Best Laxative Girls! Save Your Hair! Make It Abundant! Absorbed by the Blood which in turn irritates the - and an». puinful symptom all“ headache, nournlgin. rheum- tiun, etc. " to so drop. " letter Sewers Syn: will mt fauttrdioutionLt affordulief A lug-duck. in by yev dieetted torr, (3.. a... Ga acid, "lWiMRIMy' h Quick Relief for Headache Pa"a' 'MOTHER! to.