West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Dec 1920, p. 1

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e to use 'tock. hing some you tion riot urge may rery ion. b of bro-ore trader " : C {Me If: grader 1mm Mun sheep killed {mm worried h sheep kill-d Min Inw- {un do ". '. re au'd no [”339 of“ . Council. "wk. " "ues am: hc-26 Ham so I“. 1c"?! of ttood “rm. me how. " t. hank him of Durttarat. mu be sold atd te. mum " t?s WAN"! "cilior All” , do $3.” 3 And mile”. Normal-by. in” q x oo, In” ' IMJ " i "s w shed '" tt.. _ muting- 9'0 arm 3.} nah. y. in“ '; In". M oer Mt. Wind Norman Wat- lawld Eccles' t 2nd -Edith atthews Mt. .Jwrence’ 175 Sale D Weunest" , statute to em and (CI- Allcn, Ulerh ram " , 73. s in aeod _ 2, with! D. R.. Bent- Dulc " x at urn " , 73. a Dailey 99. Pr Walbtc nuglas Nel- ailing man! and \nrmanla. _ so : inch 1m 65 I 75'. o', + a - "d fenced. t trt church De sold in Aida. I Thin in a J. cheap. and Mt. ocon ' I I acres. kitchen think)" 'ttt tVat son for "by cachet Box Socul. wu strc-tr-Durham! L. o. L No, 632 had an enjoyable even” ine in the hall last Friday when they held l what is now becoming rarer-a box social; followed by a dance. A fair crowd was present. and abous 860 was realized from the sale of boxes, Mr. R. H. Isaac being auctioneer. The dance concluded about 1 p. m. Mr John Vollett and Miss Evelyn Sharpe captured the prize for best waltz- en. FIVE WANT lT-No fewer than five ap- plications are before Col. Fisher. Post Office Inspector. for the vacant Mt. For- est postmastership. Three of these are in town ', Miss Mabel Smith. Dr. Durkin Mr Max Belay. Public sentiment will go with Miss Smith. daughter of the old postmaster, who has long been acting and with satisfaction. . It appears we were in error last week In nnncnncing that Mr Jno. McCaffrey had been appointed by County Council to the position of High Constable forCo. of Grey. Such a vote was taken but it was reconsidered and the appointment 15 to be made at the January session. l', u'mn‘ Mr. FOIES‘I' Gagtaatg---Mr. l A Canon of town, has purchased the t ':evtolet Garage in Mt. Forest from Mr lames Baird, and will take possession in a short time. R. S. McGowan. Durham. Ont. (Imlt' .md have acup ot tea orcotfee “”4 nrcht refreshments at the Mission Hand bazaar on Dec. l8th. Christmas Mum; of a variety may also be bought. ‘I'na Methodist Ladies' Aid held a luc- tis Jul bazaar on Saturday last, despite rm inclemcnt weather, and willbavc over "t'll(' m their treasury as a result of their IT is just as important to Pte an inventory of one's self as " L, ot onc's business. Ask yourself this question “If (Icing the next tive years I save the same amount I already have put by, how mu.h will I be won: in 1925?" Then let our Savings Department said you in accomplishing the task., STANDARD BANK Marriage Licenses Issued by C. lung: at Review Office VOL. XLIII. N0. 49 f he s. and sectirn of "Ptesbyterianiam 1 I'mcv Ile" will appear next week. ' are 1ocFarlane's Drug Store, windows yr waver prices on Christmas Gila. c, me and have afternoop tea at Trinity Mac! on Saturday, Dee. nth. :Doon prn'.atu'. 30 p. m. 1.. 0, L. No 3m. Box soctat.--A box E _:f2.t.r, Nag-$2 3),; '56:.LlrfOPICSi OF CANADA Capitai. Surplus Ind I'ntlividod Pull-I 88.350.537.09. DURHAM BRANCH JOHN KELLY . - W PRICEVILLE BRANCH our. Yunnan no ”my“: Taking Stock e THE mGFiCTiiymernade baking and candy on Saturday afternoon, Dec, 11th, in Kelsey', store. Lunch served and doors open at 2.30 p. m. i Uplifting Anniversary services were held in the Presbyterian church on Sun- day last, the pastor, Rev. W. H. Smith, conducting both services. In the morn- ing from the text t'He that has seen me has seen the Father" he wove many tine thoughts centralizing round the great thought that God had been revealed to us in te‘ms of human nature. Good con- gregations attended both services the evening being augmented hy Baptist friends who had cancelled their own service. The choir had some specially fine anthems and in the evening Mrs. ( Rev.) Smith gave a solo acceptably, Dues m CALIFORNIA.-On Nov. 2Jsti last at his homeia Los Angelos. Mr Jno.l Lawrence passed away at the age of 63 years, the cause of death being a scycona tumor. His wife was Miss Dorothy Mack, a sister of Mr. Jas, Mack, Egre- mont and she with two daughters and! four sons. all grown up, survive him. Hei, was a boilermaker by trade and his eld- , est son is now foreman in the shop where I he worked. They were married 35 years ago, living in Winnipeg for many years before moving to Los Angelos. He was Presbyterian and a Mason, the latter body conducting the mortuary services. Mrs. Jas. Hopkins and Mrs Wes. Matt-t of Glenelz are sisters of deceased and he- sides these four sisters and two brothers are in B. C. and two other brothers in Sask. AND WORSE TO CoME.-Sitncoe Refor- mer ', " Any person in Norfolk County who is convinced that the sugar flurry is a sure harbinger of a general fall in ohm modity prices, and that consequentlyit will be wise to postpone purchasing for a while is cordially invited to visit The Re- former shop and inspect our latest paper invoices. We paid last week for a ship- ment of job print twelve cents per pound plus freight. In If)“ we could buy it at 332.75 per cm. f. o. b., simcoe. The worst i feature of the present price is that we are _ told in all seriousness that in January l there will be another increase of 3 cents lper pound. The price toboggan is no- l where in sight about a printing plant." l The Review and all weekliea canduplicate the Reiormer's experience. Just last I week we sent off 85.00 to pay for a license lto do job printing-a new charge-then when we do the printing. a commission is charged on that and must be remitted to the Inland Revenue Office regularly. In line with thia is the increase of 200p. c. in postage on paper, after January first. 'Oh , yea 'Sure enough there is no drop- ping in printing costs. Imam! GUILD Blunt -The Worn. en's Guild will hold a bazaar and sale of For Sale or Rent-too acres, Lots 62 and 63, con 2, S 19 R. Bentinck. known as the Jas Corbett farm. Apply on th e premises to Mrs A. Corbett, R. R. l, Hanover. '" Big bargainoin all serges and tricotenes and Sweater coats at reduced prices. Ostrich maraboas from $7.50 to $15.00. At C. L. Grant's I have 335000 of Victory Bonds to dis- tribute at a rate which will, yield nearly 6.3 per cent interest. Absolutely safe in- vestm.ent. Phone 29, or call for informa. tion. ‘W. Calder. The Mission Bands of the Presbyterian church are holding a bazaar in the rooms north of the Post Offics on Saturday, Dec 18, when all manner of dainty and useful articles can be secured. MacFarlane's for ChtistmasGifts from a PostCard to an Edison Phonograph. Nottce-Do you want to sell or buy a farm ? If so it will pay you to see R. H Fortune, Ayton, Ont. Look " bis list of farms on page 8, Fon Sut-A number ot choice farms in the Co..of Grey. Well built on and well watered. For particulars apply to Chas Shewell. R. R. 2, Durham Mm- _ R'.S. McGowan Phone 83. Durham. 'Picking prairie flowers in November writes Mr, Jas Baird of Grenfell, Sask., "scarcely any snow and little frost." He predicts hard times owing to falling prices of grairi and cattle. He has sold his farm and lixing in the town now. Durham Pre yterian choir purpose giving a Christm Cantata "The Christ. mas Adoration" o Friday evening, Dec. 17th. at 8 p, m, i the Presbyterian church. The Cantata complete in solo duett, quartette and ch us work and if you wish to acquire the Ch istmas spirit, attend this Canthta. Admid ion 25c. Good Roads For Reeve Calder at Council meeting, Mon- day night announced some heartening in- formation with regard to improved roads for Durham. Recently he had been in Toronto interviewing Hon. F. C. Biggs, Minister of Public ll‘ghwaye. and the De- puty Minister, who assured him that the Province would take over all of Garafram street in the town, which was not in the main business sectiod. This would mean theLassume from the south end of the town to the Ford Garage, then from the bridge to the northern limits of the town. The province also assumesa 20 ltKvide strip through the main business part but otherwise the town is responsible Much the greater portion of main street being under Provincial control relieves the town of large expense and assures us much improved roads next summer, as Durham is now reported the worst road stretch between Mt. Forest and Owen Sound. Order your Tankagew. _ I have a supplyof Tankage, Cut Bone and Bone Meal on hand. Ensure a supply wt eggs this season by feeding these necessary egg-producing elements. - J. A. McLachlan. The Grand Trunk has cut its freight service in two ; only one train in nowand me out ederv other day. . As long as the C. P. E. continue, usual service, we'il be better off than many towns with only the one line. ' Durham will also receive back $1800 in all from the County for its road system and this is to be expended on the Dur- ham road from western limits of town to Bruce street thence down Bruce street to Lambton street, thence east on Lambton to the easterly limit of the town. With our two leading thoroughfares put in firf class shape next year, improved business conditions and increased satisfaction gen. erally will result. WAptrteo-Live chichens and old hens delivered to R. S. McGowan's teed mill. Highest market prices. ' Below is a list of those who have con- tributed to the Chinese Famine Fund, opened by "The Canadian Greys" Chap- ter I. O. D, E. "CanadianGreys" Chapter I ot E No doubt-many subscribers will be looking fer a change of label. We have been unable to complete the hundreds of changes in time for this /wetk. We thank all and sundry for cash and kind words; both have been moat heartening. We would like to iismy to every one bat this is not possible. Will those my yet re- newed please do so before Christ- mas? Here's hoping. MissJulia Weir........... ....... ...r Miss Louise Harrison.......... ..... Mrsd. J. _Sm_igp...... ........r....... MrI'Wni. Laidlaw............. Mrs. J. _M_’qy...... Order Your Christmas Greqting Cards Now MLK. Bell» The Review has been fortunate in se- curing a select lineof personal greeting eards-sorntsthing out At the ordinary, yet very reasonable in price. We will print your mme and address below the greeting on any card you choose for orders of one dozen or over; Let us have your order by calling personally at our office. Let us have your order early Rttepeyert of Egremont tomurtup are required to pay tune into one of the bum maxed on their notice. not Iner then Friday. 10th Dee. him: so do ID on or before that date a charge at ti" per eon: will he added to the III! oftheir taxes, which he eon. due forthwith. The Little 1'eiiow Label Total .......o........... Chinese Famine Fund DURHAM, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1920 Annie E. Kearney, Treasurir C. RAMAGE & SON, Durham Are in Sight Warning .......... ........810 00 ..............83l.50 By Order. Publishers jtitltititi, ' tihtgitiitt With which is incorporated the laurel. leader ll a. m. Morning Prayer. Spaniel Preacher. The Right Rev. John Gregg Farthing, M. A. D. D., D. C. L., &o, Bishop of Montreal. 2.30 p. m. Masonic service in the eltyreh Preacher. Bishop Farthing D. D. , p. m. Evonsong Preacher. Bishop Farthing, D. D. Monday, 8 p. m., Town Hall The Town of Durham will tender Bis- hop Farthing a civic address of wel- come. Bilhop Farthing will give an address. The publiepre cordially in- vited to the three services on Sunday andqo the Town Hall Monday night. No admission Monday night. 70th Anniversary of Trinity Ch. Durham Muéh interest is being taken in the) coming vioit of Bishop Farthing of Mom ', treal to Trinity Church, Durham, on l Sunday next. As would be seen from! the excellent reminiscent sketch appear- i ing in the Review for the past two weeks 41 and supplied‘ us by the present Rector, I Rev F. G. Hardy, this was Bishop Farth. ing's ilrst charge. There are still a few of his parishioners oi 1485, who will welcome him on Sunday and Monday next and not a few of other 'defii'iii'n"a'/ tions will be glad to hear again the dis- tinguished churchman "ho entered 0n his work for the Master in this town and neighborhood. He will for sure be re- minded of the lapse of time by missing! faces that still cling tohu memory, but on the whole even to a Bishop, ' there! will be a unique pleasure in again though l but for a day, preaching from the old rostrum on thing: pertaining to the higherlite and meeting with fellow war- kers of his first charge. _ Howard Mc Donald Elected ‘to Northern League Executive At the Annual meeting of the Northern Hockey League in Palmerston Tuesday, Durham succeeded in having their first representative elected. to the League Board. after ten years or more play. Mr Howard McDonald was nominated for the Executive at the hockey meeting here m3 weeks BRO, and he and Lance MoGirr represented Durham Senior and Junior clubs at Palmerston.' His candidature appealed so strongly to the other dele- gates, many of whom were anxious to see the Palrmsrtrton--Listowel clique broken up, that Howard was elected second by one vote only to Dr. Lorne Robertson of Stratford, in a field of seven. Lustig of Chesley'ls third man. Several candidates from Harriston, Palmerston and else- where were eliminated when it was point, ed out that the rules allowed only one member of Board from a town, and these already had Pres., Secy.. or Treas. A motion to allow two sub. players instead of one was defeated. Howard has ever been a lacrosse stal- wart, and though never previously prom- inent in hockey, will make a splendid ex- ecutive member. Dr Robertson. Stratford is an open-hearted sportsman. manager of the Stratford Midgets, and is almost a local man, his wife being a Durham girl, MinsJessie Munro. He has generously offered to bring hie'cnck Junior Stratford team here for a same after New Year's, free of all expense, which the Durhams will doubtless take advantage of. At a special business meeting on Thur- sday night last of Can. Greys' I, O. D. E. Chapter, much businesswas put through. The Society has had a most successful year and has been instrumental in accom- plishing much good work. The filling in and' building the retaining wall at the Library during the summer months, at a cost of 8225.00, caused a large drop in their funds which has since been aug- mented by planting of shrubs, &c. Canadian Greys I. o. D. E Further Benefits Durham On Thursday night last 825 was voted to the fund for Band instruments, 830 asabertgvolence to needy in town and $10 as a ' starter" to the Chinese Famine Fund for which they have opened alist which appears elsewhere. In January, W21, the members purpose making a canvass of the town onbehalt of Navy League. Also the High and Public schools are to benefit shortly by a presentation from the Society of two handsome his- torical pictures and the presentation of the high school 4th Form Scholarship do. nated by the Order. As will be noted they are thoroughly adopting and living up to the idea! and idcabas set forth in their constitution ' Durham ratepayers are hereby warned that 5 per cent penny will be added to all taxes not paid on or baton Monday, Dec. 18th, 1920. ... " . We welcome Bishop Farthing. BISHOP FARTHING Tax Notice Brorder .1 Mr. Frank Morlock is-visiting-fuel? i friends this yfeek and attending the Fat (Stock Show. Mr. Arthur Ramage, teller of the Roy. al Bank, Elmwood, has been transferred to Lynden, a short distance from Haml. ton. Mr. Ronald Martin has arrived home from Alberta and is at his sisters. Mrs. Robt. McFadden, Glenelg. I Mrs. Rev. W. H. Smith and daughter Betty are visiting their former home at Thorold this week. Mr. Hugh Baird of Toronto, visited his brother-in-law, Mr. Robt. Isaac this week. Mr and Mrs. Fearnie, who formerly lived here with the latter's mother, Mrs. Agnes Thompson, Upper Town, have comehack from Niagara, and will occupy the rear part of Mrs. Wm Black's resid- ence, opposite the Review Office. Mr. Clarence Campbel1recently of Tor- onto, has been visiting Durham relatives for a few days, and left Wednesday to take a position on the post office staff in Cochrane. _ Mr Donald McDonald, Priceville. was planning to go to Owen Sound for an eye operation, but was taken suddenly ill with an attack of pleurisy. _ Lates't re ports tell of improvement. Mr. S. F. McComb lelt Monday for Perth to spend the winter with his daughi ter, Mrs Fred Forsythe. Mrs. McComb who isin-Brantford at present, will follow on to Perth later. Mr. J. M. Latimer, Toronto, is in Dur- ham this week in connection with his property. Mr. L. has made good in the city while his daughters both' have splen- did positions. MissIrene is private sec- retary toa wealthy business man, and Miss Mabel is in the Presbyterian Publi- cations, assisting in painting lantern slides. _ . tiyrmsneal CLARK-MILLIGAN A pretty wedding was solemnized by Rev. Mr Powell at St. Barnabas' church, Toronto, on Wednesday, Dec 1. when Miss E.. C. Milligan. youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Thus. Milligan of Bentinck. was married to Mr John F. Clark of Toronto. The bride who was given away by her brother, Mr. Thos. J. Milligan, Durham, looked lovely in navy blue tricotine suit with hat to'match and corsage bouquet of Ophelia roses. She wasattended by Miss Lily Clark. while the groom was supported by Mr George Clark, Afterwards a reception was held at the home of the bride at 881 Logan Ave., after which the happy couple left for Buffalo and other points. Mr. J. T. Harvey, father of Mrs. Wm. McGowan ot town, has returned Wme after spending three months, with his son, Mr. Wm. Harvey of Moose Jaw, who is now among the most extensive farmers of Saskatchewan. sort his Moose Jaw farm he thrashed twenty thousand bushels of grain. At Lot G, con 2, S. D. R. two black yearting cattle. If not claimed by owner I and expenses paid, within ten days they ' will be sold by public auction to the, highest bidder. . BORN JAstirsoN-in Durham. on Thursda y Dec. 9th, to Dr. and Mrs D. B. Jamie- son,’a son. ( Frederick Starr) Sam-At Castor, Alta., on Nov. 23rd to Mr. and Mrs Wm Seth (nee Katie McFarlane, Bunessan) twin sons. Veteran Star Theatre Program Prse11,t,2'ift,roe/'pdye'eyl, Saturday i I reel Scenic f Dec. "(hi $33352: "/ct,1td)u" 9 ) Tuesday, j s2i'2hRc1Ii,',reatue News IDCC. Uth 5 ""iait,"/'edr _ (1ttcrt.tty,), Olive Thomas . t . C. W. Amen, Poundkeeper Det:". 1920 Specials Wh'"/gdddp' Mam/v} Fri. & Sat. ea unng Wm Fox. AllStar Cast IDCC. M, 25 Sunshine Comedy Bhi wrecked Among _ A ',')',iiiiiiiii'; h lids??? rue tory on on C Life in tho iUuth tua i " [shud- _ We no pain! toe to Me for oats," $1.50 $081.60 for Pm, 75c to ttoe for Burl”. Buckwheat Me to 'ths, " our Elontor this week. 303 ROY MILLsFumM R08 ROY PRICES For (Store where Quality Reigns Subaru: 1,fijlfi mummy? Wanted at once it _i'jj'tis)i: Chickens, Hens, Roosters, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys At Highest Market Price. Bring them to me in Durham I am also in the market for any quantity of-Beef Hides, Sheepskins, Horse Hides, Horse Hair, Rags and Rubbers CHRISTMAS GIFTS SF. MORLOCK CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have qut received a. dozen of Men's High. crsde Tailored Overcoats from the Sheer-Fit Tui- loriug Company, Toronto. These Cents are regu- lar “0 to 845 values. They are made up in Chesterfield styles, belted with large patch pockets - coat guaranteed all wool and a perfect fit. If you want a Natty Overcoat, come in and we these Coats. They are hound to please you. Remember these are not old "oelcOvercotsts rc- duced, but fresh new stock of the highest grade at a special price. Three different patterns to choose from, sizes 38 to 42. As the market is very unsteady at present] can quote no prices, but will pay the Highest Market Price at date of delivery. BRING EHEM IN EVERY DAY We have just received another fresh supply of Northway shape-keeping Garments, and again ou r stock is now complete. If you want real value for your money, wear a Northway garment. and you will be proud of it. " " Look J,itq FOR -10 DAYS ONLY 20 * Discountoff any Man’s Suit in the Store MEN’S TAILORED ()lllilli0l5 . GLASER, " DURHAM Merit, Style (Y Workmanship hit Kinds of RAW FURS WANTED "aiMt TORONTO Northway's ladies' Mantles We have choice lines of Xmas Gifts for your sweetheart, hubby and your friends, in the line of Choice Pipes, Cigarette cases, Tobacco Pouches, Tobaccos and boxes of Cigars, made especially for Qhristmas gifts. . Ladies are welcome to drop in and select. their gifts personally. Royal Billiard Parlor Next to Central Drug Store. - Durham l" Ptihlktttod Wu"! " " t) I . J... in vial-co Tu l'uued Sum. " M in mlvnnoe. C. BAIAOB . BON Pot ”an. H N OF

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