6.0000000000009000. 0-. “wanna-» 'hsriy"tt 'letriew MARK WILSON, THE RED FRONT HARDWARE Try our Baby Beefjor Chrisitmas Full line oi Meats, Etc. Terms, CASH. To anyone whom you "petesiaslly wish to compli- mom a gift quite certain of pleased acceptance is one of mu daintily boxed packages of Durham Meat Market The Gift that helps to make her Christmas merry- then keeps- gimme story of tho Christmas mrriment from $2.9011pf ttrhe Fine Stationery Come and see the Travis Cards from Boston --they are distinctly different from 2 for be, and up. Seatter Buv.shine with ci/2aaeahh:, lfiit isn‘t an Eastman it isn't a kodak Christmas Cards For Christmas "Gifts CHRISTMAS 1920 The President. Directors and Offiaers of desire to offer to the Customers and Friends tfthe Bank their Best Wishes for a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. , Delivery to an parts of the Town. Give us a trial. Our prices are right. :aMclNTYRE Everything in Indian and Wade-Inn. We have it. can get it, or it isn't made Macfarlane’s, F'rom 25e to $5.00 THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Kodak Macfarlane’s Drug Store Homemade tieadcheese, Sausage. Choice Beef and Pork, Etc. of Lard. Shortening, Bacon. Cured T - . .,' gcyeason 's Srssettniis Appreciating the many courtesies extended to us‘ in the past year, we take this opportunity to thank I9Ut' friends for their very generous sup- port, and to wish them a very Merry Chtieimas all ' ," ' para us Now Year. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY N â€go Discount ofevery piece of CHINA q Two Days' - Sale . Clearance oi “oils. Toys, and am Books at less than cost PHONE 102 Durham The ttease Store Buy them this Week We believe a substityte for the preent system could be'found in "Government by Commission," where the services of one. two or three men would be paid " on fair terms for the work they do. Thpse comrrisict as would be encouraged to put their best icot forward and should be approachable at all tumes by citizens with a grievagce or with an ideaof betterment. I Itappears to us as if the system at fp.esent in vogue has had its day. The, l position of some of the chairman ot com- ,mittces is exacting and 'takts up mun: {time than mostcitizena can afford No , remuneration is given for services more or Jess valuable. and that is not the worst Too often the services given are Mt ap- preciated and critiéism neither kindly nor jttst is handed out. Small wonder that there is no scrambling for position, nor ambition to qualify for higher service. 'lle syettm hrs bun tried insom° places, sie have not the details of the protvisu'ure,hut we have no doubt our Municipal Act is elastic enough to permit of the change. If anyone ran give us light or suggestions on the question our columns are oprn Mayor Grant has tUtinitely decided to retire alter a yeaf's good iervice,'and no fewer than four of the-conncif have in. timated their intention of stepping out, Meesrs Allan, Murdoch, Saunders and Dr Smith, while the others are in no way em amored ofthe position. nor are they am- bitious to step up. , The annual flurry over thefilling of the seats at the Council tattle for the c "hing year is again with us. On Monday even. ing next citizens gre asked to meet and Male a council or candidates for m/e and the task is not so easy as it I: oks, Shall We Have (ioVernment by Commission _ The gift of a thousand uses and very acceptablc to either sex. When in doubt give books. We have a splendid-lot ofnew fietion by the popular writers. Poets, Gilt Books Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Bookg. Boys and Girls' Books, pic- tu re and toy books. had Ivory From 3.90 to $18.00 We also have a full as- sortment of separate pieces for the dressing table-See them before they are picked over. 's A Thermos ' The Daintiest and lovliest Gift The Red Front Who’s " Council ? DEC. 23, “no Telephone 52 7!giWtgRrrrv5ttw,7 Bottle Last Fri Jay evening a large gathering of the.members of Burns' church, Rocky Saigeen, assembltd at Mr. Albert Middle ton's, the occasion being to honor their daughter Miss Ada, in recognition of her services as organist. She was presented with a wrist watch and purse of money .and the [o'lowing address read By Miss Esther McLean Misses Sadie Lawrence and Mary McQuarrie presented the gifts while Mr Arch. Thompson was chairman for the impromptu program. All spent a mcst enjoyable evcnmg. The address reads : Miss Ada Middleton '. We, the members of Burns' church con- gregation, feel that we are under an obh- gation to you ict your very efficient ser- vices as an organist in the Sabbath School and Church services. You have been " ways here and always on time lt can be truly said of you that you did ' “hat you could" to help with the church service: We would ask pru to accept this smut. present as an expression of our apprégia- tion of your services. Hoping that you 1hhhfhiNWhWhhhhhhWi HORSES WANTED WILLIAMSON mos. Toronto will be in DURHAM on Thursday,' Dec. 30th Checked the Board of Commerce on their sugar ptoposais. abolished an un necessary tax. one hopes they will usethn axe on a few other imptkitiong such as the sales tax, and " me Jil, things and so add to their pOp'ularity. at present ata low ebb. and at the same time give heed to the clamor of the ‘agraran elem- ent fora reduction of the duty cn im- plements and machinery used on the farm may long be spared to use your taunt: and influence in the Mas:er's cause know ing the greater reward is sire. We re- main your sincere friends. Like a bolt from the blue came the aw. nouncement on Monday that thé govern- ment had abolished the ttttpomilfr'so" called "Luxury Tax." "Has accomplished its purpose" says-Minister Drayton ! but the real reason one may beallowed to say was its unpopularit y. ' Some taxes not abolished are those on alcoholic liquors. medicated wires 'and patient medicines with alcoholic ingred ients, periumety, playihg cards, confec- tionery. Below is a list oi those who have con- tributed Lo the, Chinese Famine Fund, opened by "The Chadian Greys" Chap- ter 1. O.D..E Amount b,5iik "acknowledged $60.50 Mist I".',";";'.',',',?.,"):',',',',' in public . M to purchase all kinds of‘Horsea in good condition. weighing from 1200 to 1700 lbs. Best Prices paid. Bring your Horses in early. . To use a slang phrase it is“up to" the churches, and elrery moral force in the community, individual or corporate, to combat the insiduouI secret traffic in iiquor, a trigffic which can ftouruh only on the downfall of the robilityoithe yrung men ol thetown. The tmrgistrate is doing his part. back him up. school.....:..i........; Mrs. Alex. Hay......... MrsRice ......."....... Miss M. McAnulty .., Walter Rice ............ Mr. D. Hamilton.... Presentation io Miss The mice: of Police Magistrate Laid- law have frequently of late been called upon to deal with cages of infrinzment of the Ontario Temperance Act. While we have nothin ot the booze Saturnalia of the Border cities. it is quite evident that illicit handling of liquor has been increas- oflate, audit is bound sooner or later, unless severely checked, to have an ad- verse influence on the community. espec- ially on the young. " Thereport'that the Durham Furniture Co .Limited was not buymg logs this winter is not correct. All kindsof logs a and will be bought; _ FEE DURHAM R'LVIEM ARNOLD NOBLE, Promot'er Luxury Taxes Abbiishcd Chinese Famine Fund Illicit Liquor TratticC , 572,25 Ann'e E Kearhey, Treasnrcr. Mary McQuarrie, Esther McLean, ' Sadie Lawrence, John Boyd, Joe Dav.dson. Ada Middleton cognition of her; Lulon- Box Social was a "gal auc- was presented 'if,',','; . J'l't tttlt,' ll'),' $55 which r f . ey In en p4 tttttr In o an organ 21:6 Osman?! I for the school. The boxes sold well, I and y Miss l hi h B t th Sadie Lawrence l one go " as lg as $10. ea ' l . Mr John Graham acted as chairman tsented P.' gifts and filled his place with gunme- n was chairman ‘CBP'IUCC _ 2.00 .25 6.00 ‘ The entertainment provided by the SundaySchodof the Method'mtCbrrett in the tawn hall Monday night gas with- outdoubtoneotthe finest ever staged here. Variety and oruinaiitr brightened the program throughout. and that it was ‘sooha aueeess was in large measure due ‘tothepastor’s wife. Mrs Rev Cole. who accompanied almost all number; and euperviaed the training." Thehall was crowded and the order excellent. The orchestra. Melon Yin! and Me. .Crae with their datighters on violin, and Mrs Cde at piano. lon'uhedsome excely lent music. A play “Packing the MU. aionartt'a box" was amusing and carried a pointedmoral. The box of clothing be- ing sent ton Western missionary. was tilled with discarded garments, whilea gift box of new apparel was to tie sent to New York friends. ' The wrong labels were attached and each family received the driver's box. The second and third s:enes showed the joy of the minister's ,family and disgust of the city lady in viewing the contents. and the hat. the Ladies' Aid meeting,tshere the mistake) was" revealed by letters read from the re- cipients. The hit of theevening was Master Roy Wiggins. a littl.e chap of Irish descent. who attired in kills sang two Harry Lauder range in Scotch accent. Heisa miner. Little Wilma Smith is another popular entertainer, giving a cute doll Song with encore. There was a pretty drill by " girls with streamers with bells attached, and other dialogues, choruses. etc, we cannot enumerate. In the closing tableau "The Challenge of the Cruse." Miss Gertrude Cole took the prominent part and challenged all who appeared w ho were desirous of taking up the cost oi Christ. Several diliereut sized crows were availablc one for each character dc- picted but all except the last here then found unworthy to bear the cross. The final picture. each posrng with the crew was most impressive and inspiring The tableau was more effective than many a sermon, and the injunctions given " no: easily be erased from the mindset! those who heard it. Misses L. and Pearl Manley spent the chk erd at their home. TORONTO l‘haanmwl Xmas Tree was held on Monday night which was quite: success. $is was taken in it the door. 90 bags of candies were dis- tributed among the children which shows the number of children we have in our church and Sunday School.. Ur and My; Wilcher. of Sash. are spending I cosple of weds irith u elnrphaw, Mr Parke and family. Mrs John Lang spent Saturday with Mrs Bargavel. Miss Annie Mormon of Stutford, returned home Saturday to spend the Christmas vacation. Miss S. Campbell of Crawford was a caller In the "Muse on Saturday. hthalist S. s. Concert DORNOCH jp""'"""', ""'"""t . . T ' , i: s. MacBETH Druggist and Stationer, Dmlmm f) . . I We.:s:a:aaasa:e.sa aaaaaaaa..e..ae.e,s(' 'tStigmata-masse/xx/XS'::".:'::;,":,::,'.:,.: eiereuttergttaNttutute.t utinthowH-is numb-4W . 1!"..th ' e-tsts-eh-yt.: Choice line of Chocolates, many varieties, for the holiday seqson a Merry Christmas and a Happy. Prosperous New Year to all CHRISTMAS GIFTS CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have choice lines of Xmas Gifts for your sweetheart, hubby and your friends, in the line of Choice Pipes, Cigarette cases, Tobacco Pouches, Tobaccos and boxes of Cigars, made especially for Christmas gifts. Ladies are welcome to drop in and select their gifts personally. Next to Central Drug Store. - Durham Royal Billiard Parlor Fancy Papctries, tad Stationery of all kinds . Dioxins 23. 1920 e extend but wishes for . - DECEMBER 23, We no hum. old fashion ber weather the [but seek d min good. Teaming wrll “If“ ttttow ('0Mmum d I, In] be rammed Mi“ M and Convey ‘ M of burning .'t, Mt2t m begmmug i '." --e'" ‘ sabrir long - in tome instances We that Mrs Chlkcr (at I copy of the Vaneo Mn Cult" was Mist, . daughter of the late lt tyre of tho . Line, Glen (in. a {all Account of u 0. ad the "formers m ions with the Hon John ire. Priceville and Aw “I proud by on.ottlt tinn- put. Is homreu , -itioEu W. IN in: Imx â€lib “and for entl and “I a hned mum" to am [Imus give ai, m1 s. S. onunlinmont here bt it will In a good one And Ll " “Minna or both are 1 "tond on the 22nd mu, father. Mr Rum in his deyolirurwy in come to um ahould honor bu PRICEVIUJE AND in tho not of surly In oslU. tf you dieesttooi " If Wanton." on I. tho It. .3 to better I M to bier “fed Aku-id, Hp “night-n dteai- troubles OVER-EA N Ittmtyl “A" .Y .eorr . It 'CAMItg0. 0' OCOTT‘I El Wante KARSTE PRIC Chickens, Hens All Kinds At Higher: Ma I nm " t Mtoepskit M. GL Speci Oat Sh W: art Ill We have als that we a re HM date If you requ and a ROB ROB 51m of Businel many Ot