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Durham Review (1897), 23 Dec 1920, p. 8

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{It i$$$$$$xx$¢$$$¢$$$$$$Ei$¢¢*#$ ¥fl*fl$******i*tfl#mmfi REPAIRING a Specialty Thanking you for your Patronage, The BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT Apply to your postmaster, or write, postage free. to S. T. Butcdo, Superintendent of Annuities, Ottawa, for new booklet and other information required. Mention age last birthday and sex. - A small monthly payment, or a lump sum. paid in advnmee, will assure to young and old a Canadian Government Annuity of from a year for life payable monthly or quarterly. May be purchased on a single life. or on two lives jointly. Employers may ”chase for their employees. during the past year, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and - a Happy and Prosperous New Year. " Who sows no seed, no harvest reaps” ---hn Independent Future J. S. McILRAITH The Cast: Shoe stisre $50 to $5,000 w l Needless to say everyone did ample (justice to the part. even at the aacti. 'tlce of a little injustice to himself. l-However the sexvmes ot the Dr were not required. It was informal, and after requesling some one of the company to act as toastmaster, the host himself was unanimously voted to that posttion which he filled in a very able manner Toasts were pro posed to our Dominion, Hydro Com., Education: Finance, Agriculture, out Township and Village, all of which was responded to brieflly by those On Wednesday evening, Dec. 15th, after the business of the day and year was finished, Reeve Mcinnes invited the members of council and oilicia1s of the township and village . with a few friends to the King Edward for a few minutes To the surprise of all when they were asked to repair to the dinin room they were confronted with gable groaning with the best of the land can produce From the goose thatiiouruihet, in the north to the oranges of the southern plain? and all that goes between. Mr and Mrs Wm Finder visited Mr Greenwood, Glenelg, last Friday who is in poor health. .. . A sleighload from the village e“ joyod the concert in No. I: schoo last Friday evening. Messrs H Great and C. Schenk attended the U. P. o. Convention. in Toronto last week. The Mission Band of the Preaby'n Church spent an enjoyable time last Friday afternoon when a program wns given. Refresh mettttt were ser. vet! and a treat of home made candy. The Women's Institute held an in- teresting meeting last Thursday " ernoon at the home of Mrs. A. Tuck They.are planning fora box social shortly, the proceeds to be given to the Claims: Famine Fund. The Reeve’s Banquet .STE IN LEADER" "It DREAM REVIEW We wish one and all of our readers and thJtoview sulfa Mann Xmas. Died-At Los Angeles. Cal., in Noe 16, of parnlvsis. Mrs Maggie Taylor, eldest daughter cf the late Mrs Cam- pion The B. T. C referred tois a Club for those over seventy veers ofuge living on borrowed 'ime and the meetings are verv enjOVeble We quote again: "Attbe weekly meeting on Nov 10. the room was cosy and homelike. [loads oi sunshine poured through the windows, while the Bor. rowed Timers themselves uncon- sciously lormed a moving picture Nothing like it can be found upon the screens wheresoever displayed, nothingr so idealistic, s3 beautiful and so real ;sIIVered hair, smiling eyes. ‘brizh: laces. the true communitv spirit oxemplified by this band of young men who meet from no "lfislr motive or desire for material gain.1 bat simply by reason of h sincere link” ing to be together lor the joy oi! cleaning each other'e hands and forl the comfort thev derive in havinari heart to heart talks. Who could have} the temerity to attempt compnrisou' ot the joys of youth with those of my! tare years ? None, I am certsin. who has been privileged to comeinto close association with tie Borrowed Tim- ere. . I asked, titer which the host reviewed briefly hid acquaintance with the forefathers of the members present; 'gl,",,', back in some can five genet- " one. 3 Since our last budget was written we renewed in copy of "The Osk Parker" containing a fine head an mgrtsvingt and lengthy obituary of we late T. W. Sixties. As some at our older readers have known him since his boyhood we shall qu -te n few cur- tailed remarks. T. W Sinhea was born near Dublin. lrelnnd. in 1841 on a farm. In 1852 his parents emigrat- ed to America, (settling on it fun near Yeovil.) Here he named than until in_early manhood he cums to U "ht this juncture a rote of thanks was tondeted the Hoot to which he was on hll feet to reply but Ina com- pelled to sit down as the company broke forth with "He'la Jolly good fellow" after which the reply val made. The assembly ”arose ahd in the g otrold stvle sang Ahld Lam: Svne and dispersed, feeling they all had spenta pleasant and profitable evening. _ McLean-On Dee. 19, 1920. at the home of her daughter, Mr: Walter Horsburgh. 12th con, lileremottt, Mrs Samuel McLean, aged 80 years, formerly of Dromore. . Tom McDouull rammed'from this West And accompwnied " mother but to Pettsrbordtttth. Messrs Hugh Lmont. Conrad Sohenk. Allred Run 3nd Hprvey Grout attended the U F. O. Toimui. tion in Toronto last week and report good meetings. Mr Hm was the guest of his sisters, remaining until Saturday evening. Oar citizens who attended the Fun Stock Show in Guelph also enjoyed their trip The hllowinz is In extract lrum the Borrowed Time Club notes l "Af. Let the eetvice ot song and pray.;, the unnouncemem of Bro T. W, Sithes" death, came as adiszincc blow and audible expressiurs ct regret were heard throughout the audience This dear brother who has lor so long been "8ergetust---tyt arms, always at, his post, always' cheerful. always courteous and ever obllginz has so endeared hims. lf to all members at the Club that his loss is felt as a per sonsl one. We can say he was a log. ine, "eciavtte triend. a. consistent Christian and ever ready tor the call of ttie Mater. We can “.1er leave him in the hands of God. for he bus dime good not evil all the days ot " " e." wm Sim is rwcoverinz trom his rc- cem illmsa. We are also glad to hear Rob Keith IS doing nicely since his operation " appendlclis he: week. Mrs Whyte, recently received the Silver Cross presented to_her by the government. m memory and recogni- tion of her son, Pte Alex’Whvte who paid the saptetnesaerif%s in the great war. John Ross spent the week end in 'he. Queen City: . 8. His tirgt vote Amer being natur- aliled, was out tor Abraham Lincoln lor his second term. He purchased a turn: in Michigan where he lived lot thlny years. Since his wife's detch eighteen years ago. he h- made his home with his daughter, Mrs Mabbs of Oak Park, Chicsgo. A sun also survwes him. He had been in his usual health sud attended church on Sunday. Monday be sm- fered a stroke at paralysis and passed away on Tuesday night. Nov 9. Accountancy. "eryseraphr, type. writing, oecretaq'al. commercial teacher: end general improvement Cannes. superior instruction in all departments; keen' demand for Our Inductee Write for particular: . Winter term Opens Jan. 3iii A grant tsituutttte'r ot (owl qualms” Yongo and Charles Sts.. Toronto YEOVIL DIED TORONTO l Com'r McExchern also reported on ‘tbe culls I‘uctinn o'. the concrete abut: ments at the Drury bridge and the p'aoinq of the super-atrurture on Ihe abn'mentslas follows : Thtsabarmenu containing 2m} cubic yards are com- plmed according to plans and specili cations and steel railings placvd in position I'he approaches are filled in and the bridge is csed for tunic tor some time. The coat. of work and material in $5981.50. Mr Bill baa been paid on contract $l5oo leaving balance due ot$18t Go. Some filling in has to be 't9eto yet aulle north we» win; and ottlt can wing. Feel for wmk and overlain; $27 _ Can't Calder reported an" and rep of rallinl tttrt em: been: " , le"' lap 617.10 ', gravel $8.s8 ; Ian A Com’r MeEacbern reported " proactive m Drnry and Gardiner brid. ges $67 5o; wmporury roadwnv $5: rep of culvert $5; road imp $13 5, ; ramming apilsa $3 ", attending lights re Gardiner blidze $19 ; winter WOIK 59 tit,. gravel $7.52 ; fees " To the electors of the Tp. of Bare- ing to stature. Members all keidG Minutes adoptrd Lndiés and GentMrtettc-- lute this oppomunitv of thank- ing you toe the honor you conferth upon me In: bunny by electing he to the oMee ot Reeve of you: Toml- ship. Pleue eccept my thunk: for the same. ; Asuceessful box social was held i at rhe ()rango Hall (Bobtown) by the 1 members of that body on Friday er. ening last, The Hall was well filled , et the best of order prevaiiel. though on occasions of this kind (a ‘box social} conditions are not the best for order and decorum. Rev W. J. Burnett acted as chairman end filled the position admirably. inter lardlng apptoprlately 'the various Se- lections given wirh, jokes and hum. orous skits. Instrumental musk was given by Miss Grace Ramage on organ and Messrs Joe and David Hooper on the violin. Vocal selec tions were rendered by 1tiastAgertie Lawrence ~and Ethel and Martha Lawrence, sisters ; Mr Thos Dily and wife ; recitations by Rueben Watson. Stanley Harrison. Eva Lawrence and Mrs Ralph Harrison. A dialrgve terms also given by Miss Mabel Daly, Martin Wilson, Percv Renwick and Harold Lawrence. Mr Alfred Mc. Cabe was the auctioneer and realizr d good average prices for the goodly number of boxes. We were not fav. O'ed with the total receipts. A good time was spent and the program ap- predated. Build; the punt year there was a great deal at work done in the mum icnpullty u well u on the County Highways. This caused a large ex. pendituxe of money from which you are nnw receiving the tsykit. _ "ifrsatmiit. nested to be a can- didale for t1ln"il',1hi'i', for 1921. Ikindly "quest your vote and m- tittetree on the 3rd day of January r92r. If elected I will endeavor to promote your interests by I close at- tention tolhe need. of the munici- pality. The Council of 1920 endeavored to spend the Road Improvement fund over all parts of the towurhip, our grent handicap being the scarcity at} high cost ot labor. Mr and It: Rob! Keith, he" Dro. moxe, desire through thledntdlum. to express their thtuskfulttetss and gratitude to the people of the entire neighborhood, for their good will and kindtinetrsitt bestowing on them a handsome present. F Preparations tire. being made for " extensive Christmas me at Amos Church on the 23rd when the varies: totinthe neighborhood will he re- membertd.be Santa. The C. E. have the matter in charge. This is the tiret time in many years that Santa has deigned to visit us as a Sunday 5111001. ' Bobbie," a gallant returned sold- ier and his fair young bride (nee Oli. vene Wilson)_just recently started homemaking on the old Adams home- stead, were proposed to be showered by the neighbors and at the same time spend a pleasant sociable even- ing with them at their home on Wed- nesday evening last where addresses and speeches, expressive of good wishes, neighborliness and apprecia- tion, weretabe bestowed. On the Tuesday previous to this however, " was found imperative to have an op- eratioh performed on Robbie for Ip- pendicitis which had been troubling him while in France and England and since The case though a criti. cal one. was successfullv performed by Dr Groves, Fergus and Dr Snesth, Dromore. the patient getting along nicely with Nurse Fates In charge, and making good progress towards recovery. Under these distressing conditions it was decided by the committee that Mr S. M. Patterson presents purse and sum of money. (80.00) on Saturday last, as a con- gratulatory wedding present to Mr. and Mrs Robt Keith, with best wish- es tor their future happiness and prosperity. - Within: you " I Merry X1111: and I Happy New Year. I am, Yours Respectfully. _ Charles Mernn" Com'r Wilton reported up cl ditch- Cuuncil met DTember 15th accord- EGREMONT COUNCIL Election Card‘j .t? NORTH EGREMONT "'.fr"iiftci'cauia, mm YEAR tlt I By-lsw No 395 "ititt the fee to be . paid'the Tax Cullecwr " the ate ot ' per day and to Na per mile 0an way mu passed. The annual report at the Medial "htieerri' Health reads as tulloue ; Tome Chairman. and membersvt the All Medical Otrteer of Health (or Egremont Township, I hee to report as! “ms "the year PAlo. Tune lambs”) wry hula trauma mm m n- t; gioun diseams in the Township dat. ing the your and no epidemic ot any kind The lisa of can ol cunttutiut1ts, dim-uses reported is as follows ; diph-' tbelia none ; rem let lever one; mess-', lea two ; whuupmg cough ten : chick. . ‘(n pox six t a) phoid one ;taberc'at.ttsir it 'o ; vvneral diseases none: emull' “as: t no case in January and nix cued {In one lumliy in October. I l Respecunlly you”. T' H Sum-lb. I! 0 IL; _ Wiltson--MeEaeheru-That the l‘ul-; ‘lowi: g accunms be paid; W B Rubi apnea on toppliu 35e; manager Stdudnrd Bunk. Darhun chug” " culminates $3 35; A IL miemen can“ wymg Mrs Amos to H I060 on [triage Sh; Mur‘l “mid :ch for suppis $9 37; C Ramuge C180" priming I acch‘ls ', Treasurer bal ofsniary 875; do "t and exchange $._16; d , t x chance County Treasurer $3.23 ; do, ommptor non-s and tune saw-mun $5.20; do interest on mmdrnn ll 7 ; Clerk bal of sultry SW21); ; Jo pat? undtclephcne neck $il 10; do set-5‘ visa re use. 835; lhttttt8imsUir tor: sheep killed 312: John Smclnir Inn meeting 'ttrastr 50: ; Reeve put and, telephoning " tto ; deed, to moon-‘ meat 'r, re In Ana-.32 on: mac-3 her- at can“ um Ind ”In"! 318 " Car. . I tut-c-mt-u-rat m Bani "eeettsiraatdCtmteitier Ann W1“ "tlB% t Board at Hum: ct Egramom Tp. ; Gentlemen , Calder-ue/hero - That after the Collector's tees be substrncwd trom the surplus teeeired by him '4 5 per cent on was Collected by him than pro-run rcbule be paid the punitive who paid the 5 per cent. The same to be pod at some (nun-e meet- ing of Count!” Car, g mamxacac--uccuacdm “N‘RNK‘UK “K t u 812 ', bonus wire fence $130 ; 01.50. A Com'r Allan reported rep of culverts $17 ; rep of bridge " 90; round imp t8.95 ', lees‘ $1. Mtslilaeberri - Wilson - That Dr Mail’s account amounting 30 $'27 (so tor medicd attendance re In Walter Sancer bepaid. Cur... _ I Allan - Mcfhchern - That the Trensurer be peed the sum rub (or preparing the Flnuncial Statement. Car. McE32bern - Allan - That the Clerk be instmcled to -ttttittate with the mum; at Pete to the ddrerence ct opinion wee! the 'l‘tusiees ct S S No 7 and he no.“ regarding the neuter-l schoolfuin and udVise Lbe_£bove Bard ot run- eea in the mam“. Car. Allan-ttts. hhselsetn--That Com'r Calder be im enacted to meet Mr Joseph McEnchern and tsffeev a settlement re druinnge or water. Car. ctslder--Aluu--Tut the Financial [ Statement as read be Idopl-td uud 2w copies printed tor dutritNttiun. Cur. l MeEaehern--A0tt--TUt the Pol. ice VIM-go of Holstein be granted a rebue of 60 per cent of the Township nae paid by the Pulice Village and that the Clerk prepnre an Agreement. accordingly. 1.hsr. TAYLOR Err CO'Y We thank our many Customers and Friends for beir" valued patronage Juring'ihe year now closing and wish one and all a PHONE '. Store, 2 on IS ', House, bd on IS Merry Christmas Happy New Year urn. (iiiitni " - That than». I to tt'.1t',',l",t'teee. “I. n Itll wag, the - and the ottmtll P.! acLool Again} I DROMORE, ONT. and a kesi Councillor All-n tendered r",, l “clones the nporecimon ()1th .: "n'cil for the eftittiettt (Dunner ll, vs? ;,. imp; he dischnracd the dim“ dry ir, s' ;upon him. during the ye: :. lu,. D g Reeve reptted and dunked mm 0.17: _ , .rlciltortbe otr-operstion And t ma .', bi..1Gjiiioiaiis' that Pxillcd at the u 4.- "tiii bond The other memlms o! Jiiiiii' also-poke briefly "and " 'tttip, wock ot the your. Cunncx: my.“ DBglltMBlllltt " 1920 x30. frame house H); H, in: 40 x 60. One milesouth o! I‘ This in “mod farm and wr," cheap. Good reason for yt I The George Liucmer Farm Lou 30 and 31, con lo, N I70 acres. brick house 28 h ,' kitchen IS tt 20, uoud slud hunk barn 60 x no, ”raw s', i driving barn Mx w. Bur : ' No I. This is a good hum cut of Ayton . The Oliver Henry Farm Lot 29, can s, Normanhy. In good comfortable house: In- 4tt X en, driving barn so it :46. I 3.224 farm, 6 mile. from A In: T from Mt Forest. I hay: I number of (and farms l Wrtlkd but which will bele in For terms .04 conditions apply t R. ti. FORTUNE, Ayn , The Jim Pittman Farm 1aatoofMt,eon I ', lat-30f :0ch Lot " con 2, Extract“, 213 acres Brick bout: 28 tt 30; frame 1.m.‘wr IO: Mt; Bank barn " x 75; a1-1:’ on .00: so. This in a good farm “at rm chop buildings. Good rum-U w "iting. The W. o, Fender Farm Lots , of I3.con t, Egg-emu": ‘1' Lot " ' of 13,cort. I. Norm. :\ 250 new. Brick house 2h h .- L It 1otchen IS): 20 and bank bar, n t _ , Driying shed 30 tt 40. Thu: 't , _ properly. well wanna an; ,',r" Good buildings. ConvCruent Its, ', _ schooland mavkcts. “all m «u ' block or separate. The Maycock Farm Lou " ttnd it, con 3. N. D. " , ' inch. 100 acres. Brickhouw t kitchen tlt, I 20, bank hum l ", ttrovthed [7:30. This n . , farm, first class buildings. . , from Hanover. The Sam Taylor Farm Lot " and " can 3. Norway it um. frame house 28: as, lt,' [ 'll Mtt 70. bank barn l5 xto. l, _ _ 'd good fun and will Fe sic 't r. Hull way between Anon r 1 Kit Forest. The Jacob Lani Farm Lot ' l M, con 6 Carrir", I W th mike west of MPHLC. {mm M "l JI Tt39and lox2l. hunk hum Fe av and ham " x 30 In “Cil~r' ' 4 bush. This in is a good Lu m The James Nichol Farm last. 3 ot " lot 2ttand , of 3". I' _, 1. Bentinck. Ibo acres. frame kw Ni' Je Owen Sourd. Gh. Farmers'. Business. Short bu: rl, and PL-parauuy Cannes-1mm t'- ual lnumction . only Canadw 'cttetttt -itttPtacticat Depmmem ',itadtotfipeciatietiaer-y madman in l Mil-catalogue free. C. A. Fleming, Principal G. D. Planing. My WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 3rd, I92! at '?2fgtJlf!l'(/a, '/ " Jul/ml! ZZZ/(Q " Farms For Sale David “Inn: f irrk mt en _'r'© V Marriagl c. Isl-age at VOL. XLII " 6, tie The Ant ttorticu'lc Public Ll a p m. A ted are m WANTED - A I'm " inch wood in I me that Mil " 0001- Apply at mick, R.R,|.hi1 Samoan 18-h you): Swintor P . - on Sunda [ms hospital “him 15 said Gm TM twett known Mint '5 Reeve of l, 1 (in: by act. whet f .YI Dakot a ' Clark of fir' Gimp Rm u l V. T ing .eah4rt. t' public for Cr l Thumb) ' It an be a la; 'r' Manager Ed maul in an ed for open: WV: as w Minds it is the Dui': "ON Asr Mr A. W. H tine new fo fowatam pox not tor wt math ot y thte Great 'd lender and '. than“): . *" "in C: only last .' cotttert V I. he foe wt in: the and e ede as' 2 THE JO If ”(I T s tN N Saic D DURH

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