. 't,'iijiiseij:'2jj'iyt'At1, Crpp Jlti')iji a: tiQuorias C. K.t-ahre of my neighbors who:you are using shows the mixture of feeds silage to his cows told Ic that beans and oats to lacy about lt-hc] “in†. . ,vajue in protcin as bran. a the es: they ‘.v. tnriee " much milk when in fibre and a little higher in cubo- fed corn siUge. tmt that it would test hydrates, but considerably less in fat. mttr hatf us mtteh. And one " 'It I would advise you to mix in a couple "her neighbors “id it did no". "Tot pounds of cotton seed meal to the *."ylt the Bow of milk. Wh.ieh " three sack mixture of beans, oats, and right? My hogs tour hoies "' thew bran. This will bring up the quality eemeat Ioor tm tto0tt as I feed ttemi, of the mixture so that it will be richer corn fofa few weeks while fattenirttt.i; in protein than bran and about the What is the came and what (In I do; same in carho-hydrate. Feeding to prevent it? q inhout three to five pounds of this per Answer: It. ;;h1‘t.'i~1g th w fouling of; day when the cows are milking heavily manage to miry eattle, I wish to say) (along with the roughage: that you that a my... gun le\rj._ of thc tluiry) mention) should bring good results. ecl value of feeding silage. The veryl fact :hat the use of silos has so great-i ly i'vm‘vased in this country is further! 'roof of the correctness of the state-l men: that ensliage pays. l I Your hogs tear holes in the cement' floor when you are feeding them com~ because corn supplies large quantities‘ of energy and heat-producing food or; rivr'oo-hydrates, and but veg'y little; ugh. You :houll mix in a pound or; two of tankage once a day in order'; to supply min for the building up " the nnimnh’ bones. They are in searchI of the lacking elements, and this ii) plains the reason for their tearing up; the floor, which contains a small am-i u. 't of lime and phosphate. l M. Jc-ht building my barn 1 have not solved the question of how to treat! the liquid from the gutters" I under. Answer: Unlihge to that a nine interests of Dairym% “and some people run a drain out to a risk-m and then later pump this into 1 sprinkler and spread on the hut]. Pleaue let me know if you think this practical. or if you have some other rynu-m you think in better. C. I,.:-t am feeding ground beans Ind oats equal parts. We " two sacks of that with one of bran. What can I add to make a good ration for dairy cows? Our rough feed is com ensil- mu- and No. 1 mixed timothy and elm or hay. It has been found that a mixed lot of hugs obtained from several farms ere liable to have a greater shrink than where the entire nhigrment bu been obtained from one term. This in due to the tendency of flghtintr. Fight- ing often proves fatal to fat hots. A hot fatten- from within and a he gains in weight he - against the hangs. During the extreme exertion incident to fUrhtine his "engine" (hinge) is not Able to keep up with the demand and he allocates inward- tr. Hogs from ditrerent fume driven to town and yarded together frequent- Experiments show that where stock Ce'1tH are proteeted on the north during stormy weather, hogs will shrink a pound and a half less, going to market. h pound of shrink or a pound of fill It the market are just the same " I pound of meat. when selling to the packer. If a farmer can fix his car so that his hogs will be comfortable and feel good when they arrive at market he will not have much shrink. The more nearly normal condition can be provided the less will be the shrink. tr mm u fUht while in the was that they renew when loaded in the car. The cramped quarters proves An added utertion and “hen taken out dad at the market it is a sage of "smothered" which is anm‘xT kind of shrinkage that could be mailed by keeping to- gether in a v 1 lo trr a Jay or No mun any h "' CONDUC‘I’ID IV PROP. - I. BELL the out“ of tho drummer“ II to was. " the - who at our km and". the advice of an acknowledged murky on all sumac“ pod-mine to so". and cropl- â€In: all cannon. to Front-or Henry a. Bell. In an " Tho wan» Publlchlng Company. lelud. Tom» te, and mann- wlil - in thin Cel',',)',', In the on!" In which they on recolvcd. When writ, 0 RIM!†mo» (Ian "In paper, " "a†nu “mind it u adv-tabla who" maul-to reply I. necessary that a Human! and ad "eeotd onvolopo be enc'csed with ma quettttort. who. " - will be mulled (Intel 3177700916 Answer: Study of the feeds that car ntt' r he ding tho feeding of} cattle, I wish to say sung; of the dairy: w! Sratns by Hoard's’ "I. in the following!, F---. shows time practi- HiIage. The very! silos has so yeah country is further. Annual Hutu-r Yield Lbs. 181.8 Ccst of Feed $34.98 $32.95 iin protein than bran and about the} V. 16. Behold: introducing u strik- Esmne in carho-hydrates. Feeding ing incident. One Came. Compare about three to five pounds of this per Mark 10: 17-22 and Luke 18: 18-23. , day when the cows are milking heavily Luke says that he was ad'ruler," com- (along with the roughage: that you monly taken to mean " ruler of the Mention) should bring good results. lsynagogue,†but Plummer suggests ', R. ".:--r have considerable millet that it may mean simply " leading wed and would like to know its feed- man in society," an inference from ing xalue and to what kind of stock his great wealth. Mark says that he Ret rn F dCostl "came . . . running and kneeled/' (ffJ," ee of I Good Myttrr(rttt.t. Ver. simply “Mas; , to', Gross Cost of Butter-fat 'tttll "that M, '."rtaehtr/' "Babbi. ind Returns Feed Perpmnd Good, however, is fonnd- m Markjnd was 343,48 $13.50 18.9e ‘Luke. What Good Thing. m mini: P. 1‘5 $39.41 $ 6.46 22.2e “that eternal life is the reward for H0ard'rNiryman- -1900-1909. :doing some special mysterious good . . . . ‘thing. Have. Mark says, "inherit." ’lt ls best to feed it, and how far it The Jews commonly spoke of the would take the place of cottonseed, blessings of the future as an inheri- at“; "ttred,,,,","",'),.',"; I',,"',', can; 7, tance. Eternal Life; "the life of lu- It is ber nice " ed but l tu'i'i'e'r?pele, blessedness, divine in nature 1 meal an; h $3 in' l d d as well as endless in time because di- l ere , . per an re vine; the favorite expression in the ’pounds and I don't know whether to: Fourth Gospel for what its usually ‘5Ԡthe millet or 'rt..ind it for, feed. i called the kingdom of God in the Syn- Ic),:','-.'."',':-,'.?, A.yly.sis,of millet seemoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark and won s, that millet is about one-quarter Luke. 1 Answer: I assume the condition of the grain going through the animals 1 without being destroyed, refers to the a grain which was uncooked. Speaking jenerally, livestock will get very lit- ltie nourishment out of grain which i goes through them in such a condition. ) This is the main argument for grind- l, ing of barley, oats and wheat. As you possibly know, it is a common practice _(in the corn belt) to follow feeding ‘ steers with hogs for the very purpose of making use of this waste grain. Obviously the beef animals do not get the benefit from unground grain that they do from grain which has been 1: broken up. As to the practice of cook- [ ing grain versus grinding, there is usually not much argument in favor of cooking. In some cases it makes the grain a little more palatable, and also in some cases it makes it less di- gestible. Speaking, generally, how- ;ever, grains which are ground give the best results. as rich in protein as cottonseed meal and about one-half as rich in ca'rbo-l hydrates, while it contains over twice‘ as much food fibre as cottonseed meal. As a feed, the nutritive ratio of cot- tonseed meal is IA, while that of millet seed is about 1:8. This shows the material to be much inferior to cottonseed meal, but it is a feed worthy of consideration. Possibly it would be best for you to have some of the seed ground and test the feed- ing quality. lI’ulnLta, um». "u'"'"""""" I..-“ ... -_-. I would advise you to mix in a couple of pounds of cotton seed meal to the three sack mixture of beans, oats, and bran. This will bring up the quality of the mixture so that it will be richer rd Returns Feed Per Pqund “in! $48.48 $13.50 18.9c '95 $39.41 ' 6.46 22.2e Hoard} BairylxlanArr-1900-1909. it is best to feed it, and how far it would take the place of cottonseed meal or linseed meal for milk cows? What is the seed worth as a feed? you are using shows the mixture of beans and oats to bo about the same value in protcin as bran, a little less in trbre and a little higher in cubo- hydrates, but considerably less in fat. W. B. t-.-t have, but. not lately, cook- ed whole wheat until the kernels would burst open and fed it to hogs, and it would come through them whole the same as they swallowed it. Now did they get the benefit of it as they would it it had been ground Ind fed raw. I have had beans do the same thing. ' When ordinary cloth curtains are used on the poultry house windows the supply of fresh air is soon dimin- ished because of the curtains becom- ing dusty. Canvas soon becomes dusty and allows little air to enter. The burlap from old sacks is fine for pro- tecting the windows as the material is coarse enough to stop draughU but still permit plenty of air to enter. Nearly every poultryman accumulates a supply of wornout burlap sack: which can be pieced together for cur- mine. If the curtain frames are hinged to the top of the window the ueual plan is to hook them to the ceiling of the house arhen they are raised. They should be so arranged that the birds cannot roost on the framea.. Of course it is not necessary to lower the cur- tains but a few nights each year and sometimes Leghorna will select ‘the frames as a permanent roosting place. Then the curtains are won ruined and they may become infested with mltea. Burlap curtains that roll down from the top are very aatisrfaetory. In come cases they can be placed in a slot and easily shoved back and forth. If the curtains swing back and fasten to the roof they can often be hooked so close to the ceiling that there will he scarce- ly any room where the binda can roost. A combination of curtain, and win- dows is the mo†desirable. Then if the 'curtsvlrcs are closed on . storm day. the gfass still permits Monty of ':r.,rht to enter. If the entire open- "co-1t is picteeted by curtains. the ,' _'"r.' is too dark if a severe storm '. , r.Ye south farce: the mm.itrymiin ' ic- tm ,1; ac" it: mush? Hated. Poultry House Curtains. 4.11% t, t, tiiitt!f Our All for the Kingdom, sa. Matt. IN. 16-30. Golden Text-st. Matt. IS: 19. Time and mace-March, Al). 29; Peres, on the eastern side of the Jor- dan, during Jesus' last jcurney to Jerusalem. . To-day’s lesson belongs to the "sir called Perean ministry of Jesus. The fullest. account of this ministry is given in Luke 9: 51 to Ir. M. Mat- hew begins eh. 19 of his Gospel with the statement that our Lord departed from Galilee. This was his final de- parture from that provinee. He cross- ed the Jordan, "and in this more re- mote region where he was less well known, he resumed his work of teach- ing and healing" (Plummer) mun- while slowly journeying toward the capital. I. A Great Question, 16-20. v. 17. Why Callost Thou Me Good? This is what Mark and Duke on; an meaning is that Jesus would not w- cept the title "good" as a more cout- tesy. In the strict sense only God is good; man is but becoming good. There may be a suggestion that he who calls Jesus good must consider what that means as to what Jesus is. But Matthew wrote: "Why asketh thou me concerning that which is good?†(Rev. Ver.), that is, God is good, and the goodness which he re- quires is made known in the Com- mandments, which the inquirer knew. But; answering the question directly. Keep that Commandments; which re- veal the character. It is not one good act, but a good character that can win eternal life, and the only" good char- acter is one which is like God's ehar. acter as revealed in the Command- merits. Vs. 18-20. Which; a question of perplexity; the scribes reckoned 818 commandments, and tradition had added still more. Jesus said; quoting the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Fifth Commandments, and adding Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself, as the summing-41p of the second table of the law which has to do with our duty to our fellow men. The Young Man. Only Matthew so describes him. All These Things Have I Kept; an answer given quite honest- ly. So far as the letter of the' Com mandments was concerned, the young man was blameless. What Lack I Yet? He knew that he did not enjoy the rest and satisfaction which go with the possession of the highest good, and yet he was not aware of disobedience. 11. A Great Demand, 21-26. Vs. 21, 22. Jesus Said; accepting the young man’s own estimate of his past life. Mark says (Miirk 10: 21), "Jeaus beholding him, loved him," a penetrat- ing look, like that east upon Peter (Luke 22: 61), seeing enough that was good and lovable in the young man’s character to make him long to have him for a disciple. If Thou Wilt; I test to discover whether, along with a sense of want, there is a readiness to choose the highest things. Be Perfect; reach the goal of the true life and the rest which it brings. Sell . . and Give. This would"prove whether or not' he cared supremely for the true life. Jesus is not here laying down a universal rule, but dealing with a special case. Treasure in Heaven; the eternal life for which he was seeking. Come and Follow Me; an invitation to join the inner circle of Jesus’ dis- ciples. Went Awsy Sorrowful; turn- ing away from "the high that proved too high, the heroic for earth too Vs. 23, 24. Then Said Jesus; dis- appointed, ad and pitiful in He saw the rich men departing. He draws from this incident th lesson on the perils oflrichu. Badly; with.great diffleu1tr. Again I My; repeating his thought in reply to the surprised, per- haps incredulous looks of the'Twelve. Camel . . . Needle; e provcrhhl my of describing the impossible. still can rent in the East. Vs. M, 26. Discipies . . .AExcoed- ingly Amazed. Perhaps the disciple: held the Old Testament belief that riches were a proof of God's favor. At any ate they saw. nearly all men Jim? ai9i'ntrGAaiti" ir, Twit; after it. If wealth, therefore, shut pc aple ouR of the kingdom, who could enter itt Jesus Beheld Them; mother penetrating look. He sees that His $51-13 Lav; been misuuieAtooif.' With God . . . Possible, Jesus means, not JANUARY 16TH that it is impossible for a rich man to be saved. but tm'y that it is the tendency of m'ealth to hinder the di- vine life. - Iris A Great Cnnpansation. 21.30. V. 27. Peter . . . Said»; the spokes- man " usual giving voice to the thought in the miadl of at the Twelve. WeWave Forsaken All, ete.; doing what tie riehynart had refused bo do. What Shall We 1Iavet; as a reward for following Jesus. Many farmers complain that their corneiibs " not hold the manufae, turer's rating. If this is true-and it ig-there must be either misrepresen- tation or misinterpretation some- where. The latter is probubly the use. Cribs are usually rated in terms of volumetric bushels-that is, they will contain so many Winchester bush- els of 2,150.42 cubic inches each. The capacity of a crib In bushels is then determined by dividing its volume in cubic inches by 2,150.42. But this does not mean that it will hold this number of bushels of ear corn, or that the ear corn in it will shell out this number of bushels. Vs. 2&30. Verily; an emphatic word. Rewarris certtin. In the Ite- generation; the new heaven and the new earth, which the Mesiah would bring. Sit Upon Twelve Thrones. "The disciples had shared the priva- tions of the Messiah. and they would share the glories of his kingdoms Etvery One; not only the Twelve, but every follower of Jesus.'Forsaken . . For My . . . Sake; because of loyalty to Christ. trhtrnpieeive an Hundred Fold ... . Inhgit Everlasting Life; the true riches, which will abundantly repay the giving up of earthly wealth. First . . Lust . . Last . . First: a re- buke to the 're1f-eomrlaeeeiey of Peter. "erifiee, he is reminded, is excellent, but along with it must go humility. Pride spoils everything. In order to get some idea as to what a crib can be expected to hold in terms of shelled corn, the following experi- ment was performed t Ohio State University: A large tl, was filled with yellow dent our corn and shaken to compactness. The volume of tho box by inside measurements wee found to be urp46.9, cubic inches.} Then, by the above method, its ea-l pacity we: recorded as 9.09 bushels.‘ The weight of the corn in the box was) next determined. By dividing this) weight by TO pounds, 4.2 bushels of our corn (by weight) were obtained. Bo while the box contained 9.09 bush- ele by volume, yet it only contained 4.2 bushels by weight. The latter t1trure is the important one, since corn is sold by weight. Going farther, the shelling percentage was determined, and from it the weight of shelled corn we: computed. Dividing this weight by M, the legal weight per bushel of shelled com, 4.8 ,bushels were pro- Thus ft required 9.09 bushel: char corn by volume to make 4.8 bushels of Ihelled corn by weight, or a ratio of 2.1 to I. Practical use can be. made of this ratio. It offers a check upon a given rating of any crib. To find how many bushels of shelled corn can be obtained from a given crib when it is Med with car com, tind the volume of the crib in cubic inches, then divide by 2,160.42, and then divide again by 2.1. Love-Fairy stood watching the antal rests up for the next crop. and wondering what she could do to; A variety like the Outhbert pro- help them, when die heard a faint ducee lte berriee at e time when there voice callus to her. It was Brier-Roach is little competition from other fruit. "Take this petal of mine," ehe aid: The commercial rupbcry picker who on she dropped e beautiful great pink him labor at picking time cannot hire one, "and put it on the water like them to hunt for beaten. The crap a little boat, then get into it and sell mult be no ebunthnt on the cane. that out end rescue the ant families." Love! rapid ttarresting in genuine. In our Fairy we: delighted with the Idee endl experience with the St. Begin ever» he noon {and heme}! Idling out on' been" they led in quality end qua. thetairy lekel Theweery one soon) tity during the Muir heel-lug g..- forgot their fright end eagerly climb eon. but in the ,ear'th.r are gem edintotheboet. produehteftttittmtitiaieme When they come to shore, all the titmstttt1l1tutt-,-amdwtth big mu serambudoutand.ormhetran the all“! Medea and the ms. tobuildemthemhouee. Butthe baby ooemratathr_tthemuarotmas "itaraen_inthesboat,ai1htgoree aneoofotherhqttt. N tttest-ata-th-od-el, We. :1.va. out epneed her rem-colored â€Moi eel-on. but Pert1ittts of ecu-city All went well for a while, but one morning the little fairy stretched and summed and finally she. sighed "Oh, dear, how tiresome it is to stay at home and do nothing'. I must find something to dot" - She decided to go out at once. As she climbed down the thorny stem of her home she noticed that it had been mining during the night. The ground was covered in patches with puddles of water, like fairy lakes, and she noticed that right in the centre of one, s little ant house had been fUodedl Quantities of mother and and father Int. and little baby ants were trying their best to swim ashore. Once upon a time Love-Fairy went to live in the heart of a great pink Briar Rose, and oh, how she enjoyed this beautiful home with the sweet fragrance of the rose about her. "Here I shall live always, I shall never leave this beautiful home," said she. ails. And btallr, dustbin Sunhad thereud1irrtitten-rrrmehthVl dried the puddle, so Whore-val Kevin pay. “cup-chaudup- none of it left, the baby at: found ples are on the market than to ball their new home all My for them. noceuity for buying raspberries. So: Imagine how glad they we to mug- we keep t few everbearing rupbetrlen' gle down in their little beds and sleep as a novelty but the regular comma-I that night.' eial sorts like the Cuthbert prove to Then Love-Fairy carried the beauti- be the profit winners. How Much ca, Does Your Crib Hold? Ttie Fairy Boat. OFtthAiigTReANE:s TORONTO . or a tie man, m.' _ y . _-_ _--- - H I; 233131: {geIUlVe Your Child a Thorough I I', The most serious physinl defect you will tind to be some forra_erf ob structed breathing. This is most com- monly caused by diseased adenoidt or, tonsils. The signs of thin obstruction "ire 'feit', lips, in small and nasal voice, embnne of the nose crusted or discharging mucus, projecting teeth, swollen glands, round shoulders: and habitual cough. Usually an opem- tion is necessary; be sure that it is done thoroughly. Many children come to us with the work not completed, and little better, or even wage off, than they were before the operation. There are many cases of ear oom- plieatioms which require attention. The eyes should be tested to make sure they are not causing strain which af- Another line of observation which the mother can follow is to examine the child's teeth, and locate and count those which are decayed.. feet: the child's general health. Do not omit any of the items in the ex- amination sheet. Every child should be “gone over" " least once a you, no matter how well he may be, but the child who ll habituslly seven per cent. underweight for his height needs to have every de- feet found and removed. Following the weighing tutd measur- ing, every under-weight child should have a thorough physical examination. Look the child over point by point As you would t colt. Not all the points can be judged by the parents, but many of those pertaining to growth can be spotted nearly as well by them as by a phytidln. Do all you can yourself, then make use of the expert here as you would in the other case in determining special needs. speculation over the CtU1Md5 of under- weight and malnutrition. We find poverty, riches, diseases such as syph- ilis and tuberculosis, insufficient and improper food, and other conditions' usually named to be secondary rather than primary causes. The eatmttUI csuses are: Physical defects, especial- ly obstructed bresghing; oveHuhrue; lack of home gontrol; and faulty food and health habits. It will be seen how all of the" causes focus in the home; their centre In at your Areside. F . - It is not merely a matter of un- neceuary discomfort and unhnpplneu for 3 third or more of your children. In many cases malnutrition has gone so far that they have become the prey of other better recognised dis- orders. All such children start life with a handicap and under conditions which later make them mUfita and failures. The important eoauideratiem is that practically tgil of these children can be mule well in their own homes. The remedy is the control of tho “uses. end it lies in your own hands! ful rose petal back to Briar-Rose and, as she fastened it in place with her fairy wax, she said, "What a beautiful home I have to come to, and what a happy day I have had!" Everbearing Red Raspberries. We find that everbearing red rat berries are true to name and will pro- duce berries until late in the fall. With a light snow on the ground we have picked red berries from the canes and found the flavor ttood.. As a novelty they are fine and it is a pleasure to treat the city friend to a shorteake made of fresh red raspberries averal months beyond the normal mun. But as a commercial proposition we do not like the everbeuers. They pro- duce fruit over a long - but at no time in there enough to nuke pro- fitable picking. Even the first crop we find inferior in the and qmntity to a variety like the Cuthbert, which bears beautifully in season and then rests up for the next crop. A variety like the Outhbort pro- duces its berrie- at . time when them is little competition from other fruit. The commercial rupbcry pick: who him labor at picking time cannot hire Interest your boys and girls in their health. Tell them they should be willing to train for health as they would train for nthletic'. wag} them " the am hour weekly. This will interest them. La r articles will give further details of the health program. The undernourished child should have: anemia; tg',)"",', daily tldht!, Ail; and he bt; egu a y rest . I, ying t wit ou . ow. Limited exercise. 'it1'lt, to fourteen hours sleep 1 day. No music or extra studies outside school hours. .Suftlcient nourithment tuilt from: habits of eating. Interest your boys and girl in their health. Tell an Physidal Examination ' a great deal of OUTLINE OF THE PROGRAM In,†seem wry, mun- ‘you think you mum pal-tect- ly everything that in: h-tsd to him lime hits birth. Yet when these well-known Nets are ,erittan :down in order they want a sigttiil- Icant record not unlined by one who Although the (mum this clu- waa under full control gave us . cer- tain advantage in determining tho cause at Qeir 2tSlt' all the re- sults there “can, kind can be reach- ed in your oo,,'."'.?:"',,', if you will M the situation. not be discounted if your child ti 10. per cent" or even 20 per cent. underweight. It may re- quire patience, but you neat! not â€If! one. W' start him pining. What we propose in to tell you how to begin. The real nut la mode when you set out to find the cause of the mall-IM- tion, and how to get rid of it. The physical examination is the ant step. and then write down o full record of tho child’s history. This record all serious lllnesaoo which the child has had, so that the various complica- tion: may be traced out. Try to recall any bad effects which followed measles, tonsiliths, whooping cough, or acute dime. loke,note of periods of earache, moaned attack: of ittdi- gestion without special cause, and so forth. takea them one by one and unrelated. Be sure to put down) the glue! of Think back over his condition at various ages, and note the time when he was plump and well. Search out the circumstance. which attended the beginning of his present condition. If you have any records from his in- fancy, look these up and add them to the prelent study. Be sure to comult other members of the family, for they may suggest I recollection which would otherwibe escape you. a nutrition clul vs: (one! a: - - most delicate children "uetad tn- . new group of six hundred. The child!“ an were under control day nnd MC. and blnti.t the cause of their malnutrition vu nacho found in every cue. Although in three M11 instances were wu owic dim m- the entire chili-IQ up I. will anon] weight in up avenge peel" of tel sign! weeks. ’ Ivan New items to add to the record will constantly be found, and you will find it in interesting some to dl the fam- ily to watch the progress made. Do not worry about the matter, n that would defeat the end in view. Just make up your mind that your child should be well. Ind that you no going to follow the protnm prenatal in these articles until you have nude him the healthiest young animal on the farm! Note: This is the second of Dr. Em- croon’s series of articles on Child Health. The third will appear next week.-mse Editor. Green food, such " rnnneelorumel, around one or ablaze, should be fed during the winter. It h beat to give it as the noon meal every day. A eertified flock in one from which an 1ow-produeintr hens have been cull- ed out by an tegru"11tg,ttt and in which no fowl a Standard dia- qunlifkttt'tons, Each Boek Ihould be headed by n male from a hen with I record of 200 eggs or better. Get rid of poultry lice by taking a dressed board, 1 x 6 feet, and putting a 2 x 4 inch scanning in the centre. This will leave four inches on and! side of the gunning for a nap. Bore eight thmedourth inch holes in the sanding and fiil with tar and cubolic acid. Use this for the molt. Yellow color in the sttanyn of fowh in not an enema breed characteristic and he: no relation to the body tat, but it controlled by the mount of yellow Mutant In the retina and by the a“ production. By Neding.ertgor- leu feeds the yellow pm in the shank: on be entirely moved. Immune "eusef6rfiiium luft2T, n. Mmm“.w not!!!†â€Gnu-mum the-duocttheudqu. f..p'ueold.n"tt1reqr+ 1tt,rettt_htetuuAllir.- 1?rltrtree,tt-ili"iiii'i", w. a! ,trdie a; iii/aria","'."' l: Tat, they they the 'et'e5tl'?.el'"2 WW. an: '1 Hoflt. Ttselstoetessti1l1ir-and, the but step, or thin. he m sent a an "eord Hope nt-tin-the I This new! that. The ttret force! .17, became amused future cum abet perfect- prowling about the (it an Wed his first buck mm, a s. Yet when brought him home ta _ In written “and mul," herlieeUr ant . aigniii- their African nuisance. i bv one who Then as if they min Int, - 'trr-'-.. --"_- - - - ion was motion, may and!“ for an over in three mountains, use. - 't a certain There an. 3 day, after twenty-mo - when they stood "er w {.ro one: mm. The son has no words fur that‘moetinc. two -of them silently agreed not It any eoodate--"oetiy I summer tin', e and an up“!!! look." So foe tmty-two years he s.- her in his Man. And in those years of endin- danttem for the son. v, 1ong,9ttguishod Iilencou for the mufr er, when no letters could get throw?“ the two worm together. Uncou' 3rd time: he felt the power of her prank: shielding him in angers. strength.» in him in diftkulties, sharing my Ionelinen and " joys. town. In! the We! been nee: enough he would jaw noticed the signs at odBeinl moraine; the throng. wen heavy with grief. Re might - h." - the Wild wailing of the death chute. wh.oltr were they mourning. this ereataEttteritte'. Was it new mighty when? mic; IONA woman whom no one of than ht! our ---the mother of The boy was but: in the pert of Scotland vita. the with of Livina- stone mu Hm cud works. In ram or thin. be m an! to his Band of Hope ns-tii-the mother uw to that. The itmt {Mowing of the W (m - when the bos, growling about the MI. discovered HI ant M m. Ship'l cook, and brought him hope to dinner. That “Ind and," he'deelnred, inaugurated Then, as if they might have mused the call an: the warning that iho boy wu not made for the rigors of the Scotch]: elm. The lemma cough haunt! upon him. Night um night the mother listened to it. F! " nu a widow, Mine was her only M Btts--tut cont!!! It not the way " Fw father had (one. Bo she was led '~. the great unmade: of her ide. Tm Her boy left her landing at tho window Gaiue put the son will, in the 'ueoed of Christian Work, of God's And not ah. ha Bone. The w " “Hint of the death chant is 5:111. _ The thou-sud: of mourmn ha‘r mum to their homes. il.. the spirit of that Seam mother . still “marching on" in the from law: her ere. never “W. mm set, He uw her an - â€a; In felt The not! Ml “(it cue-1m: And he.†the tumble at her vo 'F As lf u halt contend“. 'Wm sorry that I spelt the word N late to so than you. "Bee-"---' brown eyes In“?! tlett- “mum. you see. I luv. you'" an memory to a (my-hum man That amt child-hoe h tho-zine Dear girl! the - on her gran; Hue ton: years he: tuning. a. It": to loan in life's hard win a. How to. who nu than him uncut their triumph and his lost. Like tter-A-e they love hm. ---J. G. Whittier Bach oven’ m the ItMttret fades I try and blot from out my beart The -ttete. that out deep alum: ' "he word or act that give a Fme't I try to can but tender things. And It I museum: net's. Including by the bloom it brinpr lhlot h out on day appears. Nun the any thing. that (new 1thises.tt Wanner“. cruel wrou, an be Mâ€; In moment- wean Your can! t mm ported cont Tho (out: at down to " ttmt a.- lnr II n lunch lunar-m. He and not know A "I. ot the luau-3e. ard no will“ to the In! item tttter bur. (can; Ther hm him mttrp, After t “at " m to as. non. Again new low a can the. In (lunar he pom!- " to th Int " an. "T “It - Whining I. broker " hmumm rho bent "In. 1 M ati. N in luck." ground 500.08. “It“ ‘twu human: W I. - coh' ad." In “out (on mm qutsrdi- "Ham "on. that†_ â€Wantedâ€? “Adv-u. clout cube any. and .x- ""orut"umiaroii'Ttich', " Far from it, The, "out: Gil tootttptrts Hi. on 'errakdlciGi"ii,, you (In 'sii.i' p. M new and magi: . In School Days. in; M frttrrs f"" di- An =---ri'------- Explanation. In ow", m. In A few Pura- that an like "arehlitrlu. baton Dinncr. --Ait-t Wa ru' I†for a I (or. t I ll of pt