lblic " Red Cedar Shi Ith and Happiness l on n e ns C NY E:".'EEEE rour Spring Shoes Now ur Fancy Pattern Voiles ~aVv i $ rtace lic that onr stock is very dy Trimmed" in all the | bedroom lines in dainty »»m or dining room, also n ell elaCele Cole nle ele Cals Sale ale s ie " sls "s s * > NEFWS 3 ials in Dryv Goods ES PaANpâ€" NIFH int RFACE oc w r Week § (i. A. WATSON & SONS MOTORCYCLESs »a hand. Prices ri‘ght. Place ordor early, as prices are I"Vl: Doors, Sash and all 4 House Furnishings Supplied . DAKIN, Gailt, Ont. APRIL 14, 1981 Car of No. 1 XXX B.CG â€"> PRICEVILLE ou some good r Men, Women tforgetting the e always take 1k@3 lik s â€" ices on all kinds of motâ€" 3. Also cxpenrm e Mmill NEV TNE s«««««* ®0ts yd... 19¢ n vÂ¥d. 50c 20¢ 20¢ Men‘s Brown Bluc, leather sole, good reliable make, reg. 7.50, now........ 5,†Men‘s Gunmetal Bals, leather sole, same i make as brown, reg. 8.50, now...... 6.95 Dont miss this valuable opportunity of savâ€" ing money. _ We have only a limited number of these on hand and they are bound to go quickly. APBIL 14, 1921 Ontario Referendqm Committee Get Out The VOTE Your Vote Will Decide Saturday Specials Take nothing for granted. Every temperancavote is needed. Every temperance vote must be cast. f See that your wife and every member of your household, with a right to vote, gets to the polis. Let us roll up a decisive majority today and settls this quesâ€" tion. vote. Now vote against Importation, to make Ontario safe from without. By your last vote against the Saie of liquor you made Ontario safe from within. . 8. McILRAITH You Voted against the SALEâ€" Vote Now against the IMPORTATION Mark your ballot with an "X" and an "X" only after the word Y ES Prohibition should apply to all alike. Earnestly we ask you to voteâ€"vote to clinch your former HE people on April 18th decide by the ballot reproduced above whether liquor for beverage purposes shall be allowed to come in, or whether the door shall be shut. The Cash Shoe Store a Specialty. We eongratulate exâ€"Reeve Thos. Niehol for being appointed overseer on some part of the Good Roads east of this place daring summer. Two years ago at this date the late N eil McCannel wascalled away from this life. To the bereaved lite partâ€" n er it will be a sad reminder to reâ€" Pricevilie and vicinity was well represented is the Review columns last week. They bope this will continue. Some of the sick people are getting bett er while othenplol‘:ve made little or no improvements from yarious causes of ailments. We are informed that a:zther grocery store has been opened by John McArthur ot the yillage, so we will be well supplied for f@roceries. Mr A B MeDonald is in pargnership with his fatherâ€"inâ€"law, mershant of this town. We hope the move will prove successfal to him aod family. We are not sendiog much this timefrom hbere. The weather is taking a change again after the sevâ€" ere frost on Seunday. Leeks and other early grown stuff in the woods got a seorching. Fortunately no grain was up or else it would share the same fate. _ *Premier Oliver will leave at the end of this month for the East. He will be away for some time on busiâ€" ness and on boliday. The basiness will take him to Ottawa and New York, while the boliday will take him to Grey Co., Ont. where his fathâ€" er, still hale and hbearty, last week celebrated his 89th birthday." We are indebted to Mrs. Calker of Vancouver (nee Jennie Mclotyre, formerly of the 8. Line, (Glenelg) for sending us the following clipping from a Vascouver p?er concerning the visit of Premier Jobn Qliver, to see his father and other relatives in this part. Mrs Calder hopes the good Liberals of Pricevilie, will give him a grand reception before his returo. The clipping says : PRICEVILLE AND LIMITs PRICEVILLE «L2 Gov‘t control has been tried and proved a miserable failure, for the liquor interests then control the Gov‘t. They try to control everything and act ever in a lawless manner. Just think of their bringing in sach a creaâ€" ture as Chas Windle to stump the country. He is the very ‘personificaâ€" tion of hatred for everything Britisb, Also when an orator and decent man like Johnston, was invited to address meetings in the cities of Ontario, the rowdy rascals in Kingston refased to give bim a hearing. s The disloyal law breakers must not be allowed to rule Ontario. "Evâ€" ery man and woman who bas a vote should exercise it on the 18th inst. It is now or never. Let us rise and doour daty and protect the coming generations trom the drink demon Wm Tacker is visiting in this viâ€" cinity . The tuneral of John Barleycorn will be held on 18th inst. at each polling booth. _ To bury bim deep enough go early in the day as possibâ€" le and pat a cross on your ballot opâ€" posite the word ‘Yes.‘ This means in Oatario more thau the dissharge of many caonoon wouald mean in a b.dly ruled country. It means that alcobolic drink mast bencefortb stay out of the cellars of our Province. The last vote we had on the liquor question banished the yile staff from the bar ; now we want to keep it out of our homes. The last vote too decided that Gov‘t control is ruled out in Onatario. ‘That is not an issue now as some try to tell us. _ Sortry to hear of baby Weir falling down cellar. Ae wasn‘t hurt bad as he wanted to try it again. Let us sum up a few points on Proâ€" hibition ; Miss Alberta Witter and friend Mr, Reid of Durham, spent the week end at Albert Pierson‘s. Mr. J. F. McDonald visited friends near Holstein and reports good roads. Voter, remember the 18th to vote for temperance. YES X The maple leat our Emblem dear, From guilt and crime to sever, The traffic nevyer more shall mar, The maple leaf for ever, John Pierson Jr., has been trading horses again, this time he has a fine looking horse. Not much news out in a country place this busy, working time of the year. Kvery body busy wondering what keeps the other fellow busy * O wad some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us". Edward Harrison is very il! jast snow with his old complaint. The sixty five cords of wood was piled by Maclfityre th* day it was cut and MacDougall was nearly all done that day so comealong and meaâ€" sure it and don‘t be doubting Thomas‘ Quite a change in the weather this morning. Staw hats are not quite so mueh in evidence. Mr. and Mrs. B. Waites of Proton Station visited at Mr. Joe Campbel!‘s one day last week. D. McBPonald, (Gravel Road, was helping T. Campbell cleaning grain for a few days. Mrs. Eccles and daughter Eva visited at her daughters Mrs. John Pierson Jr., last week. Eva staying for a few days. Mr. Campbell is sick this Monday morning. He is still nursing hbis sore hand. â€" Hope he will soon be himself again. He has Dan Mc Kinnog (thresher) hired for the spring work. Mr. anud Mrs. McDonald of Priceâ€" ville vili‘ted the former‘s sister here Mrs. A. Ferguson. Is is expected that Rev. Mr Jones and Rey Mr Matheson will exchange pulpits again in the early part of the summer, so as to givye the highlandâ€" ers a sermon in the ancient language the Gaelic. Not tha; it is badly need ed but not to let the old language of our forefathers die a premature death. In a fature writing we will endeayor to give names otf al! the old pioneers who understood the language and have gone to their reâ€" ward loog ago. Miss Sarah Ferguson visited at Mr. H. MacLean, north line last week. flect upon, and to others similarly deprived many years ago at the same date, it will bring to them fresh memories of the past and the many changes in the intervening years that is past and gone forever. Terms ; Any time up to 10 months on approved joint notes, bearing interest at 7 per cent. + WM SPROTT, 1921, at 2 o‘clock p. m. the following ; 25 COWS, fresh calved and springersâ€" Good grade stock and principally young. The undersigned Auctioneer will sell by Public Auction at McVICAR‘S HOTEL, Priceville, Saturday, April 16th Credit Auction Sale of Wedding bells are ringing. Some f=rmers are slow geiting the BALSAM VALLEY tOTT, D. McPHAIL, Proprietor Auctioneer GLENMONT TRE DURHAM REVIEW Valuable Stock 2 THE PEOPLES MILLS o elecelec ols ol e oleâ€"cleseleCole" ols‘ ol en ols ol on ohe cleveles ols »ole u0 o s ale a e v o en a e ols c ole = ale The head of the Ontario Agriculture College claims that $1,000 a year should be a reasonable wage for the labour and management sf a $12,000 farm business To pay this a farmer should at least get $3,000 off a 100â€"acre farm. Continuing he pointed out thatit is ouly in excepâ€" ltional cases that this is earned, and to getitthe farmer must be favored with the best of luck and must apply ali the business scientificand agricultural know ledge he possesses to accomplish the feat. Only four students out of oue hundred and fifty spoke of the profitable nature of farming, It is no wonder that there is not a mad rush back to the land when men who know conditions fight shy of farm work. Prof. Reynolds points out that a boy to derive a moderate income from farm. ing, must count on an investment of about $12,000 ; dividing this in the following ways : 100 acres ofland, $4.000 two houses, $3,000 ; barns, stables, imâ€" plement sheds, poultry houses, etc., $2.000 ; waterworks, $300 : stock. $2.000; pou)try, $100 ; implements, $600. Principal J. B, Reynolds, Prinicipal of the O. A. C., recently submitted a number of printed questions to the stu. dents asking them if they intended to follow the life into which they were born, or to abandon it. The following is a summary of the answers of those who reported, together with their reaâ€" sons. An examination of the reasons show that they are chiefly economic, such as labour, capital, long hours, and the absence of convenieces in house and barn. Only four out of one hundred and fifty emphasised the prefitableness of farming. Of the list who found farm life dis. tasteful, thirtyâ€"three mentioned the long hours as a reason ; twentyâ€"four too much grind, and no opportunity for recreation seventeen, poor financial returns: thirâ€" teen, lack of capital ; ten lack of labour; seven, lack of conveniences ; four, Sun day work, * O, A. C. Students Find Farm work Unprofitable Miss Ada Allan and friend Miss Ora Buschlen of Durham, visited Mrs George Hoi)lkins and took in the party Thursday night. Spring work is general nowâ€" some have sown. Mr Dan and Miss Bele Firth of Edge Hill, visited their sister, Mrs Thos Moore on Sunday s Mr and Mrs Robi. Lindsa§ visited at their son‘s recently. miflborhood. A neat address was read by Mrs Wes‘ Arnett, and two nice chairs were presented to the young couple along with the good wishes of the people for a long and happy wedded life. Mr and Mrs Lindsay replied very appropriately. The rest of the evening was spent in games and dancing. All report a very good time. home of Mr Ed. Lindsay on Thursday evening last to welcome them to this Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia. Rheumatism Templeton‘s Rheumatic Capsules Local ‘Agentâ€"S. McBeth Have brought good health to hal{â€"aâ€"million sufferers. A number of friends assembled at the A healthf{ul, mont?'-saving remedy, well known for filteei years, preâ€" scribed by doctors, sold by drugâ€" gists, $1.00 a box. Ask our agents or write for a free trial package. ‘Templetons, 142 King W., Toronto Are Again Open For Business (Farmers Sun) and have on hand for sale ARIO A L TORONTO Buckwheat .... Cialley :..... . T‘eug«s WWheat ... .. .. Flour per owt .. Oatmea!l , sack, Chop per ewt Porrax, Apr. 7, 1921 Hogs, live, f o b.... . R. L. SAUNDERS, Prop. PRA ARLALRRAPARARAA The Variety Store Wear Twice as Long. We have all sizes and all shades in silk, silkâ€"faced and lusterized silk at HOLEPROOF HOSIERY S ad e d e o h t h T o t h t h o h Individual Instruction. Enter any day. Business, Shorthand, Farmer‘s and Preparatory Courses. â€" Staff of Specialists _ Catalogue Free C. A.Fleming, F.C.A. G. D. Fieming, Principal Secretary in business training & improvement in general education is had at the Durham â€" Markets. Scott & Bowne, Toronto. Ont. **â€"ALS8O MAKERS OF â€"â€"â€" You may depend upon Scott‘s Emulsion! _ (Tablets or Granules) _ Eor INDIGESTION There are tens of CANADA‘S BEST thousands who realâ€" ized the benefits of the growthâ€"promotâ€" ing properties of KrMOIDS Owen Sound, Ont !ORTHER 90 l bs 63 O5 1 20 1 25 1 60 1 70 6 50 to 7 00 2 50 to 3 OO 40 45 +949 ta 13 OO _ 45 aâ€" 23 42 W. CaALDE®, Town Agent. Central Drug 8tore, Telephone No. 3 Sleeping cars on night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. For fartbher particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ficket Agent, or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toromte, Ont. <Gn ofe oo ce oo oo oo ce ahe oo oge ofe oh. The DoubleTrackRoute Lots 13 and 14, Con, 2, N. D R. Gien elg 100 acres, more or less, 20 acres bush 15 acres seeded with sweet clover, fairly good buildings, well fenced, well watered good orchard, convenient to church and school. For further particulars apply to Neil McGillivray, DURHAM _ â€" HONOR GRADUATE of Torons. University, graduate of Royal College of Dont&l‘nl‘mc of Ontario Roome Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store W.C. PICKERING D. D S., L DS Office Hours : 9 to 11 Eo:on GRADUATE Toronto University, @ze Ro: A u’. nm Coliege Dental Burgeon O t > . ~ ver Jeweliry stare ad onne gite Post Office J. 6. HUTTON.M.D.. C MO Office and residence, Â¥â€"lla. m ‘â€"tpam. P 1â€"99. m Telephone Communication between Ofcr am ___________ Reskience at all hours. RESIDENCE : Second house sont Ofice on east sige or Alvert dt. DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESON. ©FFICE 2â€"5 Afternoons Hours: 7â€"8 Evenings . _ S Aif1, M.B., M.C.P.S. and Limbton, opposite old Post Offiee DURHAM, Phone your order to No. 75 and we will deliver it any place in town. Our aim is to serve you well Homeâ€"made Head Cheese Bologna Summer Sausage Home:â€"smoked Meats 3. F.GRANT O.0.s. L. D.s. Member C Oollege Physicians and Burgeons Unexcelled dining car service e riours : 9 to 11 z. m., 1.30 to 4 m., 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays and urseday afternoon excepted. FULL LINE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS E. J. SCHENK Except Sundays A. B. CURREY CK: Over J. P. Teltord ‘s9foe, Opposite Registry Odice. ce ICK : Becond house sonth of Regisay Limin‘s Old Stand Farm For Sale between Montreal Toronto Detroit and ONT.