[no “0' 133 Jvilr2lfs',3lh5?air?gi'i,ft _ (human Stock Peed Durham Mixed Feed Ground Feed Wheat Oat Shorts Chopped Corn Whole Corn Bran, and Mixed Poultry Feeds of all kinds Feed! Feed l Feed ! We are in the mar- . Hi heat ket for all kinds of Grant priges paid. The Western Fair Seven Full Dark This Y,sar---The Popular Exhibition of Western Ontario. Phone No. , Admission. 10th, 12th. mm & Nth-23 cts. lath. Nth & 15th-50 ctr Grand Stand. usual prices. All information from the Secretary lat-Col. W. . emanate. President. A. I $6000.00 Added to the Prize List Boys and Girls Calf Competition Speed Evettttg-- Dog Bhow-- Auto Races The Wortham Shows on the Midway Wonderful PtorrttyIp1t)lefi2rts tre Grand Stand twice daily VULCANIZING by modern methods is a real money saver. A' tire was not made to last for- ever without repairs nor was it intended to be thrown away when it suffered a blowout. Our vulcanizing gives your tires 3 square deaf. '- THE RED FRONT HARDWARE S. Ililllletll)llT'YRE ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Plenty ot Mu.i,-.-Firewor1rg Every Night Get our prices before Buying or Selling. have a large stock of feed on hand that we are offering at carload prices. Business Hours---) a. m.to 5 p. m. We carry Everything in Shelf and Heavy Hardware We have it, can get it, or it isn't made We have it it all colon] and shades. Paints, stains and varnishes all ready to apply. Nothing is more beautiful or adds more dollars to your residence than a nicely painted exterior. There's money in it for you " well-save the surface and you save all. Don't let your buildings get weather-beaten and weather worn. Paint up ik Clean up Lennon Sept. 10th to 17th at Carioad Prices Our stock includes Sherwin Williams Covers the Wood Beautify your home this Summer DURHAM, ONT. A. M. mutt, Secretary Ely: £38!th 'letcteto At London last week, Premier Meighen announced that an election would take place this fall, thus relieving the un- certainty that has prevailed for a long time. - There have been clamor: long and loud for an election and now when it is in sight there is grumbling in some quarters, a trait of human nature. The most serious objection is that the census. having just been taken. a redistributitn should tiist haveheen made to do justice to the growing west. The census figures will not be available till December. and to do it alter that would make a winter election. and to hold another session and have an election next year would be dangerous for the government, for a few more by-elections might wipe out their diminishing majority altogether. I Mr and Mrs Mills, Misc Burdgesa [ and Mr Kenny of Toronto, visited On ‘Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hike Casey. The constituencies will be as in 1911, and if the new parliament should runi 0 course for five years,the prairie provinces wouldbe under represented for " years, which is an injustice. However the pre- sent government have become. so un. representative of public feeling since the war stopped, that injustices will be over" looked in the gladness oi getting rid oi it, for it is almost a certainty that they will be down and out after voting day. The U. F. 0 or Agrarian party " well as Grits and Tories are in the pr :liminary etagesof preparation Labor is now an important element and they are likely to throw in their lot with the Agrarian party though they have points of diver- gence. It this union takes place, another another blow will be given to the old partyism which was knocked out in the last Ontario election. The Liberals expect a majority in the Maritime provinces, expect an almost solid Quebec, expect a sprinkling, in Ontario and the west, sufficient to put them in the seats of the Mighty. The Conservatives will bank on the cities and on Ontario, but the outlook is less rosy than for either of the other groups. South Grey is beginning to listen for the cooing call of the coming candidates, and it won't be long before at least two candidates will be in the field. The Citizen's Liberty League have blank forms of petitions out asking for freedom to purchase liquor undergovem- ment control. They make a specious appeal which will not commenditself to the thousands who voted against the use of alcoholic liquor as a beverage, but every good citizen should give the flat refusal to sign any of their petitions. They have twice been beaten at the polls and should be shown that a signature is not "as valid as a vote" as they claim. good provider, Dinah?" "Yessum. he's a good providah all right, but l'se allus skeered dat niggah's gwine er git caught at it."-O. E. R. Bulletin. Mr Kelleher of Chesley andjaister Catherine, mud-yea wnh Mr. and Mrs, D Sweeney. _ Mttt T. J. Bran of Chicago and littiedaughter jewel. we spending a few weeks mth her mother, Mrs. Casey. We are pleased to hear that the infant 30: (Austin) of Mr and Mrs Sweeney is domg well. Mr Timothy Casey is very busy cutting corn. Miss Gertrude Vasey sundayed with Mr and Mrs J. Vasey. ON: DRAWBAtyE--"rs your husbanda The Red Front Hardware Sign No Liquor Petition To Come Baton Christmas Election Announced Sept. 8. 1921 DORNOCH Teleltcne The chamoiomhip of the Junior North Wellington Baseball League went to Stratforil last Thursday, when they came to Durham and defeated the Dur- ham boys 13 to7 in the second home and home game. After holding the home team to a 2 to I lead in Stratford Dur. ham had strong hopes of retrieving the day here. With four runsin the oper- ing innings, they started out like cham- plane. but Durham was not the only teem hitting. Stratford came right back in the second, and .cracked out six rune,aided by errors of the local infield. This lead they gradually added to and Durham never surmounted. In Stratford base hits were a scarce article. but here the batsmen had that game’s experience, and neither pitcher's offerings were so dithcult to solve. Dur- ham was unfortunate in that their hits were "frequently flies which were surely garnered in by the Visitors fieldera. Dur- ham's outfield fielded their position equo ally well, Moorhead making a spectacular alehanded catch but the infield slipped up on several occasions. errors by 3rd baseman and catcher being responsible for aor 4 runs. Umpires F. Dennis of l town and Russell Lavelle. Stratford, alsol assisted in the visitors run getting by their decisions, though the former did fair work except on one costly occasion' when his verdict-a fair ball-allowed Stratford 2runa. The visitors are a team of big raugy chaps whoseexperience wasshown in steady team play, and it is to the Durham's credit that they ad- vanced right into the finals in their first year of baseball. There was some dis. cussion " protesting against pitcher Johnston of Stratford, who is over the age limit. but as the Durham boys are already "in the hole" financially and this would involve considerable expense. they took no action. There was a fair crowd present, but not what was expect- ed. Score by innings ; Stratford l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 total The Durham batting order was ; Dow, 2nd; J. McLeod. a s; Muir, c ', Ct. McGirr. ri; G. Moorhead, I f ; H. Mountain, Ist ; D. McLeod, 3rd ; T. Corbett, c. f ; Buchanan. p THE DURHAM REVIEW 060303010 Durham 400000102 Daring the post Week fiatl unuse- mema were made for the School him. We hope to conduct. a booth " men of the Fairs. The omission was one of the omioisma last year. The Dept. of Agriculture request. I large number. of entries from the children Ind extend a cordial Invita- Iicn to everyone to be pram. E . eryth-ng is free. Come Ind help Boo" the fair and encourage the chi'. dren. . The entry tickets have ben for- "Hard to the teachers. More can be m cured the day of we School F: r d needed. Specml iuvnuhons bu. bun sent out. to member, oi Parlue meut. Conan! and others. SALE OF SHORTHORN BULLS Mr J.J. Buchanan. Clarkaburg, recently purobued from Mr Fred Curry his white Bhouburn bull, Matchless Duke, sired by Gninford Humble". grand ante Gunlord Mu- 1ma from a Man Benny cow bro-thy (3:9er Bron, Elou. She ll prize winner at Cal). Notioml Exhibition. CREAM TESTING WORK Ds the fume" of Ontario know Just. what has been done in the mut- ur of the Cream and Milk Purchase Act. ' An Inepaczor was around lust week Ind handed the fullowtug Infor mam)“ lo the Dept. of Agriculture, Markdole. The regulations who!) He the most impuum. me; Eur) person purchasing cram or muk on Illa bum ot in banner fat content shall keep or tMbuiMt to be "st until 10 o'ozock of the [allowing dar' on which the teats no nude as ruirurimtt qunn my of the origin“ unchmqodumpls "tt won milk or ere-m cl is nquired ‘for the purgoae of u retest. Mr J J Buchanan is to be ocngnc. ulnted on bin foresight in patch-sing an smmnl of such excellent breeding. He has hp: in Grey Co. one of the best sures ever owned in F. J. Garry's herd. Mr Carrey u the President oflhe Grey ()0. Bhorthorn Dresden Assoc won. v - -.-" C, --' ""'-__"-...%r.- Cedarville Tues.“ 20th of cream beans paid for ehell to lur- Proton at Ventry. Wedneeday " 2tst niebed " the time at utelemem. all?“ .129??? Tdhureday " li'g rtry?tKilyyth,Fridtty "23r " . " on . “u hats been broken 'Sarawak at Benny Beach. Sat. " 24th In "and! we reoewer ehell It '.'.'.1'liiiiiiiili; at Duthem. Thursday " 29ttt, notifylhe seller or urtmre ot thty llll'o Collingwood at Revenue. Fri. " 30m -""---'------------------ Sydenham at Arman, Saturday Oct. In T Normanby at Ayton, Tueeday " 4th No Cd |Mrkdale " Markdale. Tuesday" 11th pm {and m ot.tlyytrtecunge hasbeenmade. Ayton wig,†dying 'll'fln'tlt Agricultural Society [card it necessary mm tr m line to. change their date Io that it conflicted ,'l'll'Wl'lllltlg "We a. man the School Pair date We mature iogra "ou... "roperty harmed-m m werehrced to change from Semenbet 'eilitteprmecinei, f" -- Liii to pctober 4th. Nome of clue [Zulu 1: Fa iture Cd. Ltd. again" be sent to all the Nannie!†I No on Ammo! Iona“ Tith or fh'et'g, . ton matron DI yin mud. can mun. Luau- ,atoperty lulu-u "il11tertrmecjte:1 _-", The purchner lib." u'tho' time of u tit-maul be nq-med to furnish eaeh pntwu 'rith I statement " " weight and Len ; and when gunman. no bond on weight 3nd teat If each an or gin gle delivery . dam] d "tuetnent no to. weights cud new 6f the "mun lots of cream being plid for “It“ to In; nilhod u the time of â€Moment, It the purcbuer u-ei compoaize ample. rudiment. must be kept. for 10 due for a when. Racovda must be hp of the told- mg 'ot all was Stanford Won Final Game Department of Agriculture l3 Mn- John Veggie arrived home alter spending a month with her daughter in Clifton Spu‘ngu. N. Y. School reopened on Tuesday with Min Esther McLenn teacher. “It V McLenn and tn" Catherine spent a few day. neatly View“ her aisle: Mrs James Mingham Mid other friends in todit. . Mr curinee and Ror.r#.ryrf.1' wen Exhibition visitor-1n Tomato this week. . Master Bert Middtetou and Camp- bell McLean axe in attendance " the Durham High School. Mr and Mn Jets. Buchan and two daughters are spending a week with Mrs Buchan'a parents Mr and In John Yessie. Misees Amelia McKechnle and Esther McLean neeompanied by their Mend Miss Edna Blownlug motored to Eugenia Falls the am of the we; and spent a very plenum dag. Mrs BertTarlor left for her home itt Toronto, alter spmdlng a " weeks with her parents, It and Mn Arch. Thompson. . F Mrs Image“ and th'eechlldren of Hamilton are visiting her aunt Mn Arch. McKeehnie. , A large number of our young people “tended choir practice held in the Presbyterian Church Saturday even- tug. Mr Haney Gina. of Holland Centre visited out the week end Mr "(I Mr: Bryce Durgnvel and Visa Grace Lowe wont Sunday with friends in Crawford In Shewell returned Thundly like! I low days visit with her Ion. II C. Shove". I!" R. J. Comm spent Friday afternoon and evening with “in M. MIcIntosh. A number from here attended the fromâ€: match held in Durham Ion- ar. The Women's Institute will he held at Mrs R. Ledlnghaml home, Wednesday, 14. In C Maetntrre will give I paper on "Cultivating High Ideals". All India are Invited to attend. Commencing " a " Quite a busy line {hit week with Messrs J. McDonald’s and Win. Veg. sle's outfit both " work within a few buns of egch other. Miss Marion Morton goes to teach in Mount Forest this you and “in Man on the Durham Public School staff again. Mr and Mrs James Ellison and two children of Glentoaden vilited Mr. and In. Ewen: last week. Mr Barbour and his mother, Mrs Dick Barbour of Varney accompenlul by his sister Mrs Mottort horn the west were recent visitors of the lot-- ton family. Min Muy Mchcken returned tron: Toronto on Thursday. Mrs. Hector McDonald of Mulock visited friends on the Irne last week. What we would like to know-dd the cow eat the -campet'| - or Inn she merely a scapegoat? Mr and Mrs Wigga of Clinton visited " Fletcher: over the holiday. Mr and Mn Duncan Meosarrio are viaitoxa at Toronto Exhibition thin week. Mr and Mr UcEachetn have re- turned to Toronto after spending some time with her parents hit and Mrs Arch. McCormick. Mrs Watt and children, who have been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Sam Putherbough, retumed to their homein Toronto on Friday. Miss Christen: Stewart has retain. ed to her work in Toronto. Masters Gordon and Neil Clark visited their grandmother. “in Neil Clark in Dmham In! week. Mr and Mrs Milton Shannan and 8011 Stanley accompanied by Miss Sadie Shannan all of Lamlalh with. ed Mr and Mrs Hugh McDonald on Sunday. mead, Friday," " new Hollmd at Holland Centre Sat. " I7th Keppel at Shallow Lake Monday “th South Proton Iryi. Enema]! at Mr Will and Miss Ellie Ehre wet: gueats of their cousin Mr and Mn Archie Watson " Wellbeck on the first of the week. The following dates have been selected for Grey County School Fain H- Bentlnck at Mulock. Tuesday. Sept. 13th Euphrasia at Rocklyn. Thurs. " tlbttt St. Vincent at Meafothr 0x. Miss Catherine Smith returned lo her duties.†Toronto on lenday. School reopened Tuesday with Mm â€award IcKenzie ot Durham in chuge. ROCKY SAWEEN TORONTO ABERDEEN School Fairs DORNOCII ' .i7"P""e9, can't-lay. tiGdit _ i;'ilicl?ii.iiii?iifiiiii' 'iiiiiist,??),iiiiyjfiiti l , ml. h to?“ Count can - ‘ '. ,'_;;'iagA',Cti'i imn 2,Tdtd, Cnh S'tt , 23.7.2" dike. 'r"" " lt. “'"' t - O m 1-1., I“, My cm; & Sutherland thmhvare Company ", 7 mum, 01mm l ujilirTfiiiiiri RlllJFB Everything in hll Swing A Complete stock of all kinds of fruit Anything you ask for we have it or can get it. dozen..................... 40e Apples by the basket...... 50e Tomatoes by the bushel: PEACHES, FEARS dt PLUMD They are " their but and now is the time to buy them. Crawford freestone petsehea--the, ere the best we can buy. Bartlett Pears are very fine for preser- ving, put up in u qunrt baskets and are quite cheap this year. Egg Plums-Lombard end Bur- bank-are the nicest for preserving, They are quite scarce this you and the price I little higher. This week they run at 6:.50 to tr.6on urge basket PEACHES, FEARS ' PLUMS Nice cruises. per don... 6lie Nice B-s......... 40 to We Pickling Onions. per qt. Me Very nice lemons. 6 for Me Muskmelons. each... 10 to 200 Red & Green Peppers, per MO you “CCU JClll an; I We have a full stock Imperial pints, Imperial quart., and half gal- lon sealers. We will give you the highest price nt all times for your Butter and Eggs and will pay you in cosh or in trade at same price. ' . , T " Beggs fore, Durham “\ Al, IieoLmicai Roof for. 2 Faerie or Farm Sold in Durham by MACFARLANE’S DRUG STORE Do you need Jem Jars ? ' v - “ I PAROID ROOFING _ human...“ . tour. . "W ' . teuptr IPatf"/d,t, IL: L... i. 3.1": For - an but. " . . t472t'rd'nt'att my 'T,',',)'.:'."!",,'::, - um“! tooling that money can buy. ml'opmodiniutmbyï¬onilm‘bybic bon '"t".emofer, ?ciidrtuiikia,"'-i. or null. Tin. don"t-ha in 17a"aT'drd'g Ina. new ,oeh.td,thmrA and 'bo-h . "e it p “a " “at... Foe sin; 6, 1921 NEW POTATOES. GREEN CORN and CABBAGE alwnys kept in stool: "Gi 1:35;}; -wiTiTi,V t.' .; In“ lays! Pup than ll Suit?“ howd- upon lelpctl Sagu- These help to ave your fruit from spoiling. MM is . Eugen lvl " v!“ Durhl town In mum The S the pm the fun Each ersity (cache Inte ter It Inform tamed The take u g I .0 Tcmpl Junl Bum Benn