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Durham Review (1897), 5 Jan 1922, p. 5

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irmflal" ham CUB- tuld-. ood. ICN AM'. eat 3m! tins let. Soups Iney I) or for Mh 40c gs It.", so s" $1.00 1.00 each M y to rrnoch silica burne (onto 11110” new " and othly attatn only ge, I tyre's when pro- still with nce Jnt ll Je':.?; o . b“ '. . , v , 4:» Cut Brier ' Pt ~44 + PE .. Bill ." ', aliitf 04/4444: , I/il',-".', More Tobacco fhrthe Money titalian' , = P,,li'iliii8lllllll8llMIB I - t“! (ll "li.l::iis,ti.,t" "liitlllllllliiilri, , - y w Packages ttr _',...,t,s..ll'iiii'i'illBjll.llllra,sit' a fit hlb'Ihts typ 1"(OfBApczo, " 'et' Pd Bl Fa" , in” diggié' It; 'illllll 's?" il g ' ' IlltlBll vllNl.iililll Ld , LE , M . __ 1iibu))"'lltiliiiliiiiiiiiiiil,lll) Ill illif t” i w ailllliiEii!llilti-llV go ""eru" r-_" fl 7 _ _ _ w “"Jx L%N-R, P, ' ' (rt C? 21’323921W'fi.m;§@::c2?é9 .oo'.6'...ot.6t.6.6t...ot.et.6t-t.et-- g JOHN McKECHNIE, Durham , Ill.ll, 'j' L" FEED PRICES Whole Corn, per ton . . . . $28.00 without sacks Id, mule Corn. per ton . . .. $30 00 sacks included _ 'und Corn, per ton. . . . $30.00 sacks included umd Screenings per ton . . .. Phone Good Service “Jun." Black Calf Bal, rubber sole md heel, English last, reg. '.l-n kr' brown calf Bal, English ...<t, rubber heel .................. 4.48 '.l wn’s heavy Snag-proof ‘Maltése Cross' Rubbers with 12 inch chrome Mp, reg. 7.00...................... " 823 oo, sacks included f Feed, per ton .. .. $20.00, sacks included mien Stock Feed, per ton, $28.00, sacks ine. ~t'tain Mixed Feed. per ton, $26.00, sacks inc. " Above Prices are in ton lots or over I Roy Poultry Scratch Feed, per 100 lbs, $2.50, sacks included No Town Delivery Terms Cash _ trl' in the market for all kinds of Grain, [ -t prices paid Brown calf Bal, English ', n-g 4.50........................ " en's Cherry Willow Bals J. “:1 Louis heel, reg 9.50 ...... 4.98 A T wn's l strap leather house Shoes, wry pliable and comfortable Um" Box Kip Blue. agood ::vttorytihoe........................ 4.48 that are in Some cases, half prices (‘hzi‘iren's Patent Bal, white F t'rl, sizes 8 to 10%, reg 4.25... M I _ 'dey', Pat Bal, white top, very '"' "sy, reg 5.00...............C. JANUARY ti, 1922 ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY MILLS, Limited t No. , DURHAM, Business Hours---) a. m. to 5 p. m. in Shoes Ile. 2.98 very " ...... I :Iish , 48 .._... I Bals 4 98 ...... g DURHAM, ONT. Our Management and staff join in wishing all- our Customers a very Happy and Prosperous New Year Heavy Shepherd's check, suitab- le for skirts, 56 inches wide... We have splendid values in I Mill end Shirtings at......... d Men's heavy Work Shirts,a real rmin'sshirt.................f......... 1.49 "JI Men's Shirts DUBHAI. Jan. 5, I922 Botta.lios,fott..... J Butter.............,.. 25 to Dry Goods When the Landlord Raised the Rent "I never do have any fun." com- plained a young girl petulantly. "Come with me, and I'll cure your discontent," suggested a visiting nurse of the National Sanitarium Assoclauon. 7 Life was not rosy. It became tragic when the rent was doubled. Hopeless despair looked from her brown eyes. Three pants ot Childllh eyes watching, sensed something to make even baby lips quiver. . "But there.'" with a. smile, and the bablel smiled too, " musn't complain. He's getting better anywuy. He writes it's wonderful up there-ies saved his life." And the brown eyes: were a prayer. A '. _ . . Toronto. They visited a humble little home. The mother was auuzgllng to sup- port the three chUdren, while her husband was turhting tuberculosis at the Muskoka Hospital for Consump- t ves. "cifvd" fa" irlit to help," exrlalmed tn enthusiastic young per-on as she and the nurse walked_down _trtrs Iliad. -Tioit'ii.irtrouGidir"tit lent ta Hon. W. A. Charlton 228 College Street. Durham Markets. A Square Deal “if? 2lie yd 890to475 tn 10 00 D 25 45 TO 70 I 75 Mimsu, Viol» MuDoug-ll (ab), 1 Miss Flom MeDotutallofhmilton, spent her holidava at her tubers and l, mother's, Durham Road. Jr Y-Doris Mullen (h). Horny Nlohol (h). Bani: Jon”. Leone In. Donald. Ann. Shauna. outing Irttutu, Wilt IuKoobnie. In“, Wuuon. Gatdon Iceland). Alfred Br T-oormliin Nichol ol, Also Kuhn (h). Esther Macho-n (h). Last ‘Suudny morning thouly be. fore church tune tt III arranged that both congregwona here would meal. In lb} Presbyterian church. Rev 0 8 Janet I“ Iomowbn unwell from “feet. ot n cold no Bey R. J. “cc-nan undiluted the morning semen. C. D. new“ bus been ,itftting It his parental home on the thath line. V With this budget we wish to tend, er our resignation as_eorrespondent from Prioeville. after over 40 years We ieel it an inj notice to the resident tsorretsporsdent tor continuing. us it will only be muting a repetition of thesame news and knowing that the ability of the resident correspondent is far superior to ours. on these grounds we feel our discontinuance will be approved of by the many readers of the Review. James MoClond of Tilburv Out" " spending . fear holiday. It the ‘old home with father Ind liner. . Malcolm Mcniunon " last reports. “and he was getting along fairly Welland hopes to be home more while We are sorry to learn that Joseph Phillips. about 8 miles south of ml. logo who bad on lunch ot portly“: a couple ot weeks ago is not improv- mg on would be desired. Wishing the Eiitorl and the mnnv readers of the Review, long lite Ind prosperity and that in (mare Price- villa may blocs m " the rose. is the wish of your 'sorressp6ndestt. Rev Mr Jones was unable to attend " church service In: Sundav on account ofa severe affection of the throat and is tsontined to his bed part of the time. Rev Mr McCarzen kind. I y took the service in the Presbyter- ian church. making it a union one. It ls to be hoped Mr Jones will be well by next Sunday. Oid 1921 passed any on Sunday he: in a blnznrd. But we do not claim to be related to the noted Buro,and we will draw attention to something else. J nanny yinde are blowing cold. But to the Glen through drim we rode It did not matter it young or old, To vote ttll went to the Durham Road What shall be the tuner: otthis New Year po one can tell bat one thing 00min. many Ire on this Mon. dey, 2nd Jan, enjoying the Now Your toutiVity. This brings our thonghta to the fact that disability is no respecter of per- eona. be they middle aged or in the prime at youth Daring the year just closed we visited some homes and the young son or daughter are laid aside who adorned the leative board one year ago. Now they are on thiaquiet Sabbath morning. lt in. " the one may be in " institution prepan d tor all manner ot ailments. And the iathera and mothers are on thia New Yen's morn, narrowing over the " sence ole we or daughter. Bat they entertain the hop" that they will soon be back to the old home when joy and madness will reign again. New Year, Jan. 2nd, 1922 As the year 1922 came in on a Ban. day. it came with a message as it was a holy day, telling the inhabi- tants of the world to live a holier life. It came as if testing the faith. fulnesa ot ehurch goera to face the storm. On the other hand the venerable pioneer who one year ago was getting somewhat disabled and enjoyed lite sitting by the tirtsside, is, on this last at the year. in many instances. bedtidden and they entertain little hope ot seeing the end ot 1922, Ac- cording to the natural course of events the aged mnat depart sooner or inter. Bat while our curioeity was thus engeged. we could not refrain from giving a retrospective view of what transpired during its existence end as our thoughts go beck to Dec. 31st. 1920, and in endeevorlng to null the many changes during thet short period, we must confess it is beyond our ability to memorize but a smell portion ot the happenings during that tune. The little babe who one your ego only beginning to creep. is " the clcee ot this your. running hither and thither and is the pride ot hither and mother. l The Old Year Gone and l The New Your In. I Al we listen to the mammal sound of the north wind coming direct trom the North Polo, it reveals onto In that me funeral proeeulon of 1921 in new at bend. Thin 31-: Dec. is neu- ing ite int sup, end we ere eitting up wetehlnn it drew its int breath. Bat while we are then engaged. it he: like I iiaslt of lighteninll. “and eiona end Joined the thousands ot it: prod: canon to till the cemetery pre- pared tor the years gone put iron: the beginning ot tune. -, PRICEVILLE & SOUTH LINE B 8 NO 12. ARTEHESIA ONTAR PRICEVILLE VILLAGE PRIGEVILLE was: TORONTO DURHAM REVIEW if buiham every Tum-y" "hijiriAGri-' quoted to bring stock moo that day but [in three days notice. Mr Neil ICE-chute 1|:th o. Morley no the newly appointed trusts." at S. S No 4. Dec. 29th 1921. He was born at _Temperanceville King township in the you t849and when but a lad moved to Maryboro wherein 1881 he married Miss Helen Shand who was teaching school near Fergus, and the foliowrng year they came to Proton settling on the 10 con where their family of three sons were born. Pour yerrs ago they retired fron farming and moved to Hopeville In politics Mr Love we. a Liberal a staunch prohibitionist and willing worker in every good cause. He was a consistent and faithful member of Salem Methodist Church and was Supertindent of the S. S for a Enumber of years Both the late Mr 1 Love and Mrs Love were very music- al and took charge of the chnir at Salem and othersurrouudinx churchs benefited by their help and old friends will remember the social gatherings at their home. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow two sons Harold and Fluery. The eldest son Bert predeceased him nearly thirteen years ago. Also four brothers, Lambert, Elgin ,House. 'Muskoka t Martin, Toronto: Ausen, [ Michigan and Arthur in Duluth. also one sister Mrs Will Harris, Belbéck. 1Sask Mr Wm. Gamble Ind non Carttto are leaving this week for to Ipend the wintet in New Ont. JAS. LAWRENCE. "may". Phone on. rl-l. R. R. No l, Dedu- Mr and Mrs E, E Hockridge are on an extended visit to relatives neat Toronto. Sany to hear that In McTaggln is undrr the DI’. cue. Dayton and Fergus pupae please Copy. _ - Mr Will new] is Home from Prince Alba“ on I visit to his mother Mu Jno. Deze.11 and other minivan. Ree Mr McCarten. pastor of Salem church took charge ofthe service " the home and church. taking the lesson from the last chapter of Gene. sis. At the close ofthe service Mrs tleo. Christie and Mr Alt, Dwell sang with feeling "The City Four Square". The pen bearers were John Russell. Jan Dingwall. Geo Gllkea, John Armstrong. Wm Arm. strong. Wm Burnett and Wat. Me. Eachnie. Mr Love has been in failing health for thelaattwo years and although given. the best medical aid be mad- nnlly grew weaker and for the last few month: was bedfast and a great tmfferer. He was tenderly cured for by his wife and daughter-its-law, Mr: Bert Love, Toronto. An old and much respected tuident of Proton ltr Joseph Love panned away " hNtome_iit Hopeyille on Jr Pr-Mae McEacherrr, Gladys Mc- Kinnon, Robert McIntyre, Roddie Me. Eachern. Alex Stonehouse, Pearl Kenne- y. Average attendance 23.3. "These who attended every day, - - Lin! Associatiog will wig 9nd FG Sr l-Florence McPhail', Anna Mc- _Eachem'. John Eekhardt. Jr 2nd -Helen Curdt, Archie McPhail, Katie McKinnon', Allie EckUrdt' Mar- tha Eckhardt. K _ No on roll 41 _ - -- Average Attendunce 37.5. Pr.--) Frocks. Clmeron Mu. Lean. Alan MIanu. Stunt Our. son, Aimed: Rinelur, George Mae. Lean, Marjory Everist. Neil Alcorn. Donald Ihehrthur, Margaret Muc- Arthur. Jr. I-mrtrade Harmon. Eieenor Muller. Charlie Aldeorn, ivtlbur Bur. net Ind Jack Canon. rqunl. Don-Id Henley. Pearl MtDongell,imlter Ald corn. Margaret Nichol. Notice to Farmers _ The. Durtte.t v.39. [Aye stoc.1t gasp. Jr H-Jes" IluLchleu, Wallis Nichol. Jimmy ItoDougsll, Gordon Teeter. Je 11r-rloren" Omen. lube! Nichol. Alice Bailey, Archie Mats. lntoah and Jean lube“: eq., En Cnaon. Jewel MwArthur. Kathleen Enrica Mum, Mullillnn. Beth Hincku. Johnny MacKochnie, ‘Helon Wynn, Milton Tooter. Br Iv-har, Carbon. Jr IV-- Alroy MnLoon. Hildn IncKeohnie. Rebeca. Nichol. Olive Muclleekjn. Catherine Mullillnn eq., Guy Ha.. and, Neil luLenn. Gunny In Lean. luck Mule-kin. Locum! linoleum. Leonard MacArthur II). M. Kidd. teacher. " III-Erma MuLeIn, Junie Nichol. Inm- Huh-n. Delis Mao-) Phuil. Danuld MuLun. I Ann: Teeter (5b). MR. JOSEPH LOVE ti0pfivlLLE M.0, Smith. cachet. F. J. Floyd, Teacher The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses t I. Junlor Humanism“ 2. Butt-mo to we Normal School: 8. Senior [alienation Duihili is an attractive Md healthy town ttnd good moon-Muslim can be obtained It mule um. Each member of the stat? in I Univ. enity graduate 1nd an experienced teacher. . Intending pupils should prep-he to en. ter " the beginning of the full term. Information as to contract may be ob. tlr'ned from the Principal. The School In. . cremtahle record in the put which it hopes to maintain in the future. DURHAM HEGE S©E©©L M. McArthur (90), S. McCallum (W), O. Limin (80), R. Livingston (77), L. McClocklin (77), R. Blyth (76), A. Mclnnis (76), K. Kelsey (70), J. Twamley (69), R. Burnett (68). L. Hunt (67), K. Kerr (67), H. Moun- tain (66). E. Sclth (65), R. Grant (63), M. Riddell (61),) M, Metcalfe (Oi), A. Kress (M), R. Morrison (601, M. Turnbull (57), R. Bailey (56/, M. Caldwell (56), ll. Eden (55', N. Thompson (55', M. Isaac (Gr, H. Milligan (52". H. Kress (.50), M. Mor- i'ison (50). M. MeQuavty'e (ll-l, ll. Lauder ( ungraded) . Form IF. w. Koch (69), V. Ritchie (67), w... Tessie (60), W. Snell (56;, W. Boyce (M). 100 acres. lots 62and 63, con. 2. S D R Bentinck. About? acres swamp. bal- ance cleared. Brick dwelling house, otherbuildingsin good condition, Apply to Mrs] Corbett, R. R. 1, Hanover We buy in kind of stock. Hogs ship- ped every Thursday at highest mar ke price. Kindly notify us when you have cattle or sheep for market. , Wheat wanted at Rob Roy Mil' Highest prices paid. _ _ - -_..- . Form IL B. _ Kathleen Firth (76), Clara McCrae (72), Marie Gilmour (h), Kathleen Ray (70), Irvin Sharpe (69), Esther Petty (65), Sadie Levine (63), Emily Hunt (W), Violet Mervyn (63), Pearl Young (62), Daisy Mather (61), Rabi. Smail (58), Willie Edwards (56). Walter Dunbar (56), Martin Lauder (55), Florence Kress (55), Nellie Me... Girr (53), Blanche Boyce (51), Beckie Levine (50), Gerald Brunt (48), Cla- rence Noble (Kr). form n A. c. Wiggins (88), B. Stoneouse (74), G. McCallum (71), J. Bell (71), P. Mortloy (67), J. Burns (67), M. Bell (65), V. Ryan (65), A. Ritchie (63), A. McAlister (63), W. Vollett (62), A. McCallum (61), o. Livingstone (6i), E. Boyce (61), F.. Willis (58), L. Brigham (56), G. Hidden (56), R. Barbour (56), A. Blair (54), K. Me- Millan (53), DxGraham (53», E. Me- Comb (52), B. Traynor (50), E. Bur- nett (50), J. Turnbull (49), M. Eden (48), E. Molnnis (42), A. Graham (io), C. McLean (35), R. Lawrence (31, ' form L L. Fan-me (76), K. Milne (75), G. Hay (75), J. McDonald (74), H. Beat- on m), K. McLew (71), M. Firth (68), J. Mekeehnie (67), c. McLean (661, M. Yiirs (6t), A. Snell (63), H. McLean (62), k. Morrison (60), E. Yiekers (60), C. Greenwood (59), A. McLeod (5tr, E. Hal-grave (5%, H. Fortune (571, M. Anderson (55), M. McDonald (55), A. Collinson (5k), R. Glencross (Crr, J. Lawson (52), c. Elvidge Ji).. D. Greenway (51), E. Grant, (MI, F. Hopkins (50), o. Mc- Intyve (to', A. Lawson (48), M. Mc- Farlane (MI), M. Montgomery (W), G. Moorhoad (45), B/Middleton (U), E. Pilkey (M), F. McKay (ho). The following were absent for one or more subjects: D. Young (70), K. Herd (63), M. Brown (Mr, J. Hep- burn (M). - The following is'a report of the December examinations in the Dur- ham High School. Where the Iyer- centage is the same, the names are mentioned in order of merit, the first mentioned name having a slightly higher fractional percentage than 1 the following name. This report does not show anything more than the average percentage on the number of subjects taken, which varies widely under the present regula- Cums, In a general way anything below 60 per cent. is not considered safe, although the regulations ot the Department only call for 50 per cent. as a pass in the June examina- tions. DUI.“ HIGH SCHOOL REPORT FOR I”?! " DECEIBII ll. tuttm,ttttatman" C. B. mum. KA. "tmt-t Notice to the Public Farm for Sale Form m. R. Irwin, Holstein Rob Roy Mills l The lkiilrleTraddltnte ls. t c. L GRANT ii,; To all of our i si), Friends and Cus- . t tomers, we wish t it a Bright and t li' Happy New Year Q For umber pntieullrl apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. at C. E. Homing. District Paton“ Agent. Toronto, Ont. W. CALDE l Town Agent. , Cantu! Dru: Store, Telephone thr. 8 "m Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping can on night Train. Ind PnrlorCara on principal Day Trains. DURHAM - AN D @wwwwmwwtmmww HONOR GRADUATE at ion-o. (Joint-lit 4. graduate orRoral Coll... of 'Cl't%glt'l,'ld of Ontirio Boo-o Ova J t J HUNTERS Now Stan W"lfll'd1%Wd Pge,','tf"fgte,',y in u no u have. nine, In “Nu menu. OtRce Ind t'esideytee, corner Count. and Limbton. opposite old Post 0“ OMce Hagar: , to tt 1.311., not. 6 J.L. §MH, il, Ir, M. 0.9.5. w.__c. PICKERING o. o s., L as moan-u human I“ In..." alum OIPIOI: 0m J. P. filled“ It. ly opposite lulu" Olen. annual: lacuna home no». at “u ola on an In: on Alum a. cum: noun 0-“ n. I t-hrat. '-" I. I his»... Councilman: new.“ OIo- " [adduc- u ati non-u. J. G. HUTTON.M.D..C Ilt0 DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESON. cruel 2-6 Anal-noon. Bonn: 2-4 Eventing. ls noted throughout Canada for "it Grade his.“ um. Graduates readily obtain employ ment. Write for handsome catalogue. Enter any time. W. J. Elliott, Principal Winter Term Opens Jan. 3rd C. A. Fleming. P.C.A. G. D. Fleming, Principal since lul Secretary Cement Tile and Brick Pump: & Pump Repair: promptly attended to Eminent. Farmed Shorthand. Pn watery and Salemnmhip Contact Catalogue free. J. EGRANT 0.0.8. LO..- u m., 1 EO I p. m.. 3mm 'hundly afternoon excepted. JOHN sou UTZ y; "IA', a: - vet Jowalrv "oee ad on” cit; Poof 0mm. Office on Lambton St Yam and Clarion Be., Toronto lxcopt Bandu- A. B. CURBEY opens Winter Tenn " alwayl on hand. Owen Sound, Oat. between ', Solicitor, Etc. 1922 In

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