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Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1922, p. 1

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ohave a tir-tt W Canadian Cain iickcl Piece Now Be. It Minted I ww, begun la: "a. e same procedure til be ms adopted in rm to scent pieces. The I" mued as requimtw. the nammg m circulation. ml. the new fitr-art mitt ameter of $5 all! ht. my grains in want. 0. 1 bear the ”unmade. at " crowned effigy. " eu- [ head and bust. 'rearing p5 and looklng to the hit ption ; "Georgia Y. Del: Ind : Imp." er side it will bear tttie b- centrcthe figure 3 with .. on the right, and bear. anada"above, and no ver the date at has. tte. in {aver of I 13. I!!! od of, My {notify for m: n nickel will approximate American nickel. to the Public r FURS NTED ' market com 4 Raw Fun-- R , Durham tt:(lijiL. " 6NT. cw Yet tock, frogs ship- at highest math us then you have 1nd save mt Holstein. So th aka mf- " m In In M ad ki? Come and by "An old Fashioned Mother" a par le of the tragedy of a mothcr's love, to e given on Friday evening Jan LTI, in' ussellHall. Dro- more. Admission Ma 25 c. A good orchestra in attendance Basswood Heading 3 Wanted,-21 lnsJong. Sins through up in the round.33.50 per Single co o,T. R. Durham. J. N. M DOCK Ros Roy MN Pmctts--weariy- ing to to M: for ts, Mc to 70e for Bar- ley. 65c to 70c Buckwheat and $15“ to " 75 for Pe" at our Elevator Mrs J. Towner, Stratford, but Iprtte etly of Durham has the sympathy of town friends in the deaeh of her mother Mrs Bradford, who passed away at her daughter's ottAmhersttrurg, Deceased was ova Mryrg of an and is being buried m Wiarton Thursday. Mr Thot. Blair is having a new furnace installed this week. J. H. Harding has the contract Many people the verge of despair have taken Tank nd recovered. Sold at Maclarlane's Dru tore. Cross cut vs. Axes and no handles, good quality a . ht prices at Harding's Hardware. -- t his u eek THAT Latm.--We regret I. have no' been able this week to have all correct- ions on mailing lint made up-to-date. but will next week, (it you have paid recently and are that we give you credit at $2.00 per year, Keep this (cell's la- bel and compare with next week. The Publishers “Canad n Grey's I O. D. E have arranged for n open Literary evening on the evenip f Tuesday, 24th instn in the schnolroo of the Presbyterian Church when Mrs Ruttle of Hanover will address the gathe on "Canadian Authors and their works? ll interest- rwi in the developemen 'il. Canada's hterary status are welco to attend. There atil he no admission . Hockey nicks. tht maps, packs. etc, at Harding's HI are. VOL. XLV. NO 3 CHANGES m ROYAL Srartr--The Royal bank staff is being considerably changed around this month. Mr Thou. A. Lauder, who has been the obliging teller and accountant since his return from duty overseas. has been trans- ferred to Owen Sound as assistant accountant, and leaves Thursday for his new post. Mr W Evans of Thomhill takes his place in the cage, and Mr Gabhardt his been moved here from Hanover " ledgerkeeper, Oscar Bell. can at Mrs John Bell east of Durham is joinivhe staff as Junior. Skates sharpened anNngummed atthr Ford “rug. There was a sectional District Meet- ing in Holstein. Tuesday. Jan. 17th. af- ternoon and evening. under the auspices of the Christian Stewardship Depart- ment of the Methodist Church in Cans. da. when Rev, Wesley Dean of Toronto. Sec'y of that Department, gave splendid addressee " both sessions. There was a goodly representation frcm the northern part of the District. The southern sec~ tion met in Grand Valley, Wednesday, Jan. Nth. Local representatives to Holstein were Messrs Arthur McClocklin. Ben Sharp, David Smith and Rev. C.G. Cole. PRES. W. M S.--The W. M. S. of the, Presbyterian Church held their first meeting ol the New Year, Jan 12th, Mrr, Andrew Derby, the newly elected Presi? dent in the chair. Miss Margaret Edge took the Bible reading and Mrs. Wm. Derby took the paper which was a sum- mary of the book that is being studied. "Bible and Missions" and explained many good thoughts which may be car- ried through the coming year. The pro- gram for the next year will be arranged before the next meeting and the Presi- dent nould like all the ladies of the con- gregation to be members of the W. M. s. this year. ( O '2 112.35}; D?.tLt.'t.t.jllt isis-it-ii-ii-i.);.: 0131c; TM“. ASSETS Ml mm mums: ' Mal-Bunch: . . A, . “Kelly,” 'ti-aus-ark-kt-ery.-?..',", . . T, Links in a Chain Rob Roy Musljngitcd OW N31.% AS every Link in a Chain is an indispensable part and contributes to the strength of the whole,so every branch and sub-bunch of thisBank is a vital unit, closely united with all the other branches, and"isatinftinastroogcltainwhich en- circles the world and guards the tinaneial safety of clients. 1'". STANDARD BANK 9' mm ." p. Nuw GLBNILG Aunmm--Mr John McGirr has been appointed auditor of Giant): township. along with Mr R T Edwards. The former replaces Mr W. J. Ritchie who resigned to accept the Treasurership. After January 31st, t Kelsey studio willclme during Februa ard March. opening again the first w in April. Any special work required ring that time will be attended to by ring g Linc ml, ing I). Mrs(Rev.) Pru' am, at Drayton, will speak in the Metho istChurch on Thurs- day, Jan 25th at 8 m, in the interests ofthe Methodist W en's Missionary Society. A tithing de nstration "Not Exempt" will be given b ocal members of the W. M, s, There I be special music and a thankoffering wt be taken. Try it. , Ground corn :30 " ton sacks in. cluded. Whole corn 00 per ton with.. out sacksat I only Electric uum cléaner. 1 only electric range. lonl oal oil tinge, l only electric washer. McIntyte's Hardware if you are n down, discouraged and out of heart, t a bottle of Tanlac. and see how differed it makes you feel. Sold at Maclarlane's g Store. If you are troubled with Lumbago. Rheumatism. Neuritis. etc., T.R.C’s will post'wely relieve you. likewise Raz-mah for Asthma and Bronchitis Sold by S. Mchth. Notwithstandi the much talked of depression in tra the SALADA Tea Company had an ind use in 1921 of two million and one third, aking their total output over eleven mil n five hundred and ninety six thousan pounds. If these packets were all pla d in line end touching end, they would st tch for two thousand one hundred and inety six miles . CANADIAN Seem-n IN 1tuuAttA-- Writing from Indianapolis. the capital of Indiana, Dr Iohn A. Conkey. an old, Priceville boy, informs us there is a movement on foot there to organize what willbe known as "the Canadian Indiana Society" and asks for the names ot all Review subscribers in that state as prospective members. We could give him the name of only one other sub, scriber living in that state. but it any of our readers have friends there send us their addresses and we will be glad to put him in touch With them The Annual Meeting of the Durham! Horticultural Society “as held in the Public Library on the evening of Jan. w. at which allomcers and a number all members were present. A report of the) year's business was read, showing a suru plus of sum on hand, which the mem bers voted should he spent for gladioli bulbs for spring planting The following officers were elected for the year 1922 ; President, Mrs T. Petty ', lat Vice Pres., Mrs Jno. Smith ', 2nd Vice Pres, Mrs P. Lawrence ', Sec'y, A. A. Catton :Treas., Dr Smith ; Mrs Ramage, Dr Smith be Directors for 2 years; Directors for! rear, Mrs Jos. Brown. Mrs T. Brown, Mrs McIlraith. Mrs Jno McGowan, Mr J. A. Rowland. _ All wishing to become members of the Society should do so early. Pay your dollar to the Sec'y or any of the above otrtcete and receive your membership card, GRirtr--In Durhamon Monday, Jan, 16, to Mr and Mrs Harry Griff a daughter WannN - In Fleshenon. Saturday, Jan. _March 7,to Mr and Mrs Mark Wilson a daughter. yryNiteood Coal oi! at Harding's A meeting of the L rals of S E. Grey will be held in the T wn Hall, Durham, on Saturday, January th at 2p. m. for the purpose of electing cars and con- sidering other important siness. La. dres and gentlemen lava ble to the Liberal cause are cordially id ited. JAI. HUT ON, Pres. Durham, January M, 1922. iiijltt Annual “Oval Meeting. Rob Roy Nils, Durham "Scuurn cleaner, 1 only BORN The community in under a debt of gratitude to the Literary Committee of the Anglican Church for including in their syllabus of winter entertainments each a clever lecturer " Prof, Carpenter, who on Friday evening, gave an instruct- ive and interesting lecture in Town Hall. He is an enthusiast on Astronomy, believing that "Stargazing we: a great medicine of the soul and the best pre- scription for a weaxitd man " He pro- posed leaving out the mathematical end of the subject and confine himself to the splendor: and glories of the study of the stars. He began wizh the concept- ions of the universe held by Hipparchus and the ancient world 700 yrs B. c., when puny man flattered himself that he was thewhole show and our little earth the foundation of all things. He touched on the grotesque attempts to eXplaintlmt the Rmndation the earth was resting on was a huge elephant, it in turn on a tortoise and "the Lord only knows ' what it stood upon. Coming to Ptolemy about 21m A D. there was pro gross, but the true conception of the universe was not attained till the 15th Continued on page 8 Without the Fair, S. Grey Ag. Society had Prosperous Year. The annual meeting of South Grey Agriculturalmeeting was held Wednea- day in the Public Library and despite the fact that the Show was cancelled last fall for the second successive year. owing to all day rain, the Treasurer's books show considerable improvement In the society's financial condition. This is accounted for largely because the the handsome sum of $328 was received from the government for wet weather in. surance. and almost $100 was cleared on the concert. The down-pour reduced the prize money paid, as it precluded second day entries, $344.15 was paid in prizesfor lst day entries. Ladies work, in which every entry was competed for, won 868,20 of it, the largest ofany one class. After all expenses were paid the Society paid $82 interest on their indebt- edness and $200 oi the principal, and still havea balance of $39.67 on hand. The debt is now reduced to 81200. Surely a bright showing after the second year's knockout Mr Dan Edge was re-elected President J. W. Blyth, tirst Vice ; Geo. Ritchie, 2nd Vice : and Geo. Binnie, SecrTreas. All the 8 municipality directors were re elected also, with the exception of W. W. Ramage in Egremont, who re- tired in favor of Rubt. Aitken. Mrs Mcllraith was added to the Board of lady directors. along with Mrs). Mc- Gowan. Mrs Wolfe and Mrs Burnett. If possible to secure them, Sept 14 and 1.5th were picked for the fair dates this year, two weeks earlier. It was felt that thiswould reduce chancesof run. ning into unfavorable weather again, and if these dates cannot be obtained from the Government close to them will be selected. The Field Crop Competition in oats will again be held. ' Just after the crowd had gathered for the lecture in the Town Hall last Friday night, the fire alarm sounded for an outbreak in Smith’s frame cottage, immediately west of the Hall, occupied by Mr A. Wilding. The interior of the house was smolfe filled, and it was dis- covered the fire was below the floor ot the kitchen where there was a foot or two space from the ground. As the smoke grew denser, .t was impossible to lget atit,but Mr Ab. Noble brought (over four fire extinguishers and threw ithem ina hole in the north wall below i the Mor. This somewhat smothered the flames bereath,and keeping all doors closed to prevent the tire getting any draft, it was held in control till the engine. (ren alongside the river bank behind the Town hall) commenced to pump water. Then two streams were! directed on the blue, from each side of 1 the dwelling. and as the doors were then opened and smoke gradually diminished the firemen went inside and soon ex tiaguished the flames. before they broke through the Boor Had they ever gained hesdway. the house wss doomed ‘snd possibly nestby dwellings. ‘As it is the principal damageistrom water and ripping up boards to get " the tire. It was canted by I torcebeing uud to thaw noun Water pipes below. some" bout: heme and me waving. likely than Ignited an! burned for some (in. before discovery. . Worlds in the Making Prevented Serious Fire A Brilliant Lecture Dr,': H. I, a M THURSDAY JANUARY 19, 1922 W1th thick is Incorporated the [outcl- Lender 1ilriiiti1 l The retiring council of the town of, fhetler p'rsemed an etNgistic address: _ and handsome care to the retiring mayor 'i I Mr M. A. Hallidav as an appreciation ofi mis public workthe past two years as) Mayor. l lMerchnn'ts t. Order your counter cheek books at the Review office. Ask to see samples. Love“ prieea. Try Pratt' nimal Regulator. Sold and guaranteed J.H, Harding. Mo, my back if not an . If you have money lying idle, or not earning good interest, see or write to P. Ramage. Durham, and invest it now. as high interest was are fast disappearing. Fun SALE-- ive pure bred Durham bullé. ranging fr 9 to 23 mos. old-two dark reds, 2 dark r 9, one pure white. Apply to Jno Eckhar R.R.l, Pticeville Keep Thur Feb 9th open for the exceedingly humo u play "The Spin- ster'l Convention to ut on in W at- wn's Hall. Priceville on hat date. The 1.0 D. E. chapters ihroughout Canada have decided on a typical Canadian wedding gift to Princess Mary, on her forthcoming marriage-Canadian furs Mr Wm Scaife, of Grand Valley, was a guest of his sister, Mrs Thos Allan for a tew days this week. He has just re. turned from a trip to Britain, being two months absent Tanlac is powerful, reconstructive, systemicand machic tonic It tones up the system. estores lost appetite and makes you'fee strong. sturdy and well.asnatureintend . Macfarlane's Drug Store. We extend congratulations to Mr Geo. McMeeken and Miss Melinda Grasby, who were quietly wedded at 6p m., Wednesday. Jan. 18th at Trinity Church rectory, Rev. F. G. Hardy tying the nuptial knot. . The Editor has received an invitation from the Lieutenant Governor of Ontar- io, inviting us to a Luncheon at Govern- ment House on Thursday, Jan. 26. Ow. ing to pressure of work we regretfully have to send gut regrets. Don't forget at J, H, Harding sells all kinds of Elect wiring materials and local mechanics dd e work. While motoring on the 2nd con. Glen- elg, half a mile south oi No. it' school, Mr E. B Code of Allan Park, recently bad his car damaged and is suing for $62 damages, claiming the highway was defective. Glenelg Council is dis.. puting the claim. Mr and Mrs Jas. Brown of the Rob Roy,entertained the Baptist choirto a delightful sleighing party Tuesday even- ing The time was spent in music and games and after an excellant lunch all returned to town much indebted to Mr and Mrs Brown fora most enjoyable evening. Mr Farquhar McKinnon oi Priceville. gave Durham friends a short visit on his way from Mount Forest and _Egremont where hevarited his mother-in-law, Mrs D. Ferguson, and Mr J. A. Ferguson of the 12th con. Egremont. It'ts his first holiday in three years off No 2, Priceville mail route. His son Dan, who is home from the West, relieves him. There was a large attendance and much interest manifested at the annual Vestry meeting held in Trinity Church Monday evening. The congregation has had a. very prosperous year. and after squaring all accounts, a good balance remains on hand. Considerable dia- cuesion took place upon how to improve the effieientsy of the church, spiritually and materially. It was decided to hold an “every member canvass" during the first week in February. The two wardens, Messrs Jos. Atkin- son and Ed.Kress. retired after many years of faithful service, and in their stead Mr Geo. Whitman was appointed reetor's warden, and Mr John Schutz, the people's warden. Anew warden wilt henceforth be elected every year, no one holding office for a longer term then two years. The select vestry are ; The wardens. Messrs John Kelly. R. Burnett Ed.-kreatr, Wm. Edge, Wm. Noble and Geo. Noble. Mr Joe. Atkinson was appointed lay delegate to the synod of Baron in London. _ The second aMnal meeting of the Durham U F. O. iveatock Shipping Association will beware town hall Durttatn,Thumdarlan.' h " 2o'dock p m. MrMcKee of the' Co operative Departmmt, Toronto will proton: to give an addgeas. W. J. Rim John G. Firth. ‘. F. 0. Li): Stock Association Annual Vestry Meeting of Trinity Church TORONTO Mrs Robt Smith is visiting friends in Hanover. Mr Thos McRae of Glenelg. visited his aunt Mrs Arrowsmith. on his wny'to Toronto to enter his third year in trun- ing " a Chiropractor. Mrs Ballantyne of London is visiting Mrs Hardy at the Rectory. Mrs W. J Black and young son, Jack of St. Mary's is visiting her mother, Mn Ed Burnett, whois in poor health, Mr C. M. Bowman visited his daughter Mrs D. B. Jameson on Monday. Mist Annie Cross of Hanover is visit. ing her brother Herb in town. Mrs Will Brigham of town and Mrs Robt. Brigham of Allan Park, have gone to Rochester, Minn., for a visit. Rev. W.H Smith is in Thorold this week attending the funeral of an old friend in his former congregation. Mrs Finlay Graham leaves Friday to jam her hushand in Montreal where they will in future reside. On Monday evening she was presented with a box of handkerchiefs as a remembrance from the Ladies bridge club of which she was a member. ------. _ 'ltNlillih' iirehsivih'"A"v"ehi""lfe"eh""1iri .. i; A. a o A E Mr Chas McKinnon, after a few weeks with his relatives in Priceviile and Mrs McKinnon's people in Durham. left Tuesday to return to Bassano. Alta. Miss Mae Moore who has been visiting) her aunt. Mrs Chas. Petty, Bentincid and uncle, Mr Will Moore. Fleshettcm and other relatives in Durham vicinty, leaves shortly to visit her early home in Teeswater. previous to go joining‘her brother Elmer and two sisters in the west, where shewill in future reside For the past five years she has been making her home with her cousin Rev. Mr. Small of Hespeler. Mrs Jno. H. Edge (nee Valerie Edge) of Mullingar, Sask., and two young sons: are on aviiit to her father, Mr Wm. Edge, Edge Hill. , Mrs Alex McMillan, Pricevtile, was in Durham Monday, returning from Fergus where she visited her brother Malcolm in Fergus Hospital. The latter is making slow but steady progress. Chassis Runabout Touring Truck Chassis Coupe.......... Sedan.......... New Ford Price's . The above prices are F. o. B. Ford, Ontario. Government Sales Tax Extra. Starting and Electric Lighting on Chassis, Runabout, Touring and Truck Chassis, $85 Extra. ' On Closed Models, Starting and Electric Lighting Standard Equipment. Phone Nou. . SMITH BROS. N, Effective Jan. 16th, 1922 DURHAM, . HOLSTEIN. MT FOREST an m 52 Ford Sales and Service i Je War/oak d Jon: .5": of 'ttlinter Wearing mpare/ We hue e few broken linen of Winter veering ep- perel which we are closing out regardless of cost. Men's heavy ribbed Underwear, reg. LN, to clear......l .50 Men's heavy ribbed Underweer, reg. 1.40. to cleer... ...l .15 Men’s he“; wool Socks, reg.60, so, 45c, to clear 500.40.85 A few Ladies' and Gente' Sweater Coats to clear at ...........r.....er......r......c.'..t...'...." ... .Reduced prices We have half a dozen Ladies' Cons which ve we offering at 20 l". discount----" rare chnnce to get an up-to- date Coat at a greatly reduced price. Men's and Boys'Overcoals to clear at 20 p.c. discount Old Price New Price Reduction $470 515 565 615 890 M1lCtifftttl.5 vou SPEND MW Wonk)! at 0200...: in unno- To United Emma-60in any“. . lulu)! t mu m Clearing Jar/e Durham Branch: J. A. Rowland, Manager [3:1 dGrties' Want/e: Let your Bank Account be your first concern. It will more than Rwy yen in later years. THE ROYAL BANK OF BANADA $445 495 535 575 840 930 A Savings Depamnw: " every branch u $25 20 .30 40 so so

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