West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1922, p. 3

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Pal-cc and Wind Bald. "I an an. n”. "I III - n a woman M you at Batman! 1 1 Ill, (to. you) r Sandriuhom I mo Um belief thit In Gnome mu- pv- Sunblock-In ,lho "on! Funny man on with ”01!- other! r-emx w :15 ebttd to”. Vt, " on“ " mm an HEP " '0‘!" M h t Departure of cue"" of Police-haiku)“ Made 1 Fabric A despotch from Win sarr.--mte hrst evidence of the relinquish)“: of Britith control in Ireland a: given to the people, when . “with” of police auxiliaries xmmberim between 2'50 and 300 endeta, when! out of) Duan. to be demobilired in Enchant” Pam ine rifles and shrub and with band ram and ftatts Brkttr, the auxiliuien merged from their bu- mrks at 6.15 o’clock in the evening and marched through the streets to hm Westland Row Station. Members of the Grifhth Cabinet wave (“amused the adsrisability of po- ticing the lines of march of the m:- diaries and it in inferred from a "ate. went to the press that adequate pro- mdon will be made by a guard from the Irish Mme“ Army against ~le attempt at hostile demoostratiema. in; Sign. mi Executive Council to mmmon an extraordinary cmmm Fs'oruary 7. to decide tarttthe 11mm of tho organization and its my; after Eamonn de Valera had pram a split in the organisation, were the chief development- in the kid) sinn- Iron on Thursday. Behind the Dan Eirerano m5 the Sum Fein organization of nearly 1,500 clubs from only Maria in lrdamd. h is responsible for the sum of Parliamentary and other elections, and as retarded as the authentic popular Wnt'e hy all Sinn Feiners. Do Valera The withdrawal of the “and” cr, he auxitinriea will quickly follow "16' he evacuntion of the "my will begin'; 't a. few days. This action in int- urstcd u an earnest eonfidertee of the ir.itish Government in the faith of the f‘nwiskmal Government. l The King’s proclamation of may ' y, amumemom of tho departure ot tho auxiliaries., und the "which? od NEWS FROM PARIS BREAKS UP MEETING Supreme Council Adjourns In- definitely on News of Briand's Resignation. tt M Afthomth th Briand was a: not from the keen resentme stacks placed portant nertot been engaged. " a man and "PM make up a mature ox “Ivy-cum- benwoline. and oil of lavender, g- squirt this inside the instrument _ name of I scent spray. or any any gringo. Us men parts of hem in to one of turpentine, My” 1.... a..sgyg, af oft of lavender. Ear-098016“ Mica: "tpre twh hough the retirement of Premier "I wan urn-Wed. it was appar- ‘mm the beginning that he felt resentment against the many ttr. .N placed in his way in the im- nt nestotiations in which he had engage}. He had the appearance man aged and "trssieally fatigued Lghout his entire speech. 1 tvsi,thstattdiattt this. however, su-l, has Briand risen to the high pitch ioituenee attained on Thurstiay, l in a voice trembling with m- ressed emotion and facing his “rues on the Ministerial W, rid: "A mm in no right " tthe postofutaeifhehtssyt ertaimy that he shalt not receive ts from behind. He can face the ts of the enemy, hut he must not Ar' any from his own country! old motho get in means of destroy no a mixture 'tis side. His blunt doqmae a tremendous ovation and m 'ptly deemed his “nation oi win: from the Wt mbem of the (number new o WO f " and m the “an r nines, LNi'aU nets of his Cabinet is polieiea, and, l h in the Chamber 1 over the grant m ‘. His blunt that 'esigrmtior Within now IN mums has n 01 Yttt n By th 2rmn Ntd,(',' Prime :1 ought the is Cahinet into to, and, by a WE g them " to f turpentine. mm. aod trumem " ' guy small ' of bemo- at maint- eloqmnue from me with Chamber mono rn win had '"'"'"""'"" _..._7 _ The transfer of the function; of the: mnm departments at Dublin (3331.32,; Arhieh is expected iaravkf,ate'o after: Fi'/iieaiioi by the Swami-n Pariivi an": on Strum)”, vi?! protably be: idem without the presence of 1ti .Humu Greemeomi, Chief Seé‘retnry. ‘for Ireland, who will likely remain in! ibndon. Jams MacMahm, the! ',Under-titerttafy, who in the absencel ‘0! the Chief Secretary, " the princi-‘ Gl execmive authority, will prababiy‘ intake the actual transfer. _ l l The amnesty proclamatim ceeupies a prominent position in the Dublin ”we and has been the cause of great satisfaction. It had been feared ”that attempts might be made to dis- imminate between (me political pris- ' (met and another. bot the weeping "tchaméter of the amnesty alleys such .'s'.trmsretsension. . is um its President, mid all its ms- eh'mery hummus has been direeted Mainly towasrd mine-aunt Re- publican aims. _ _ - - _. - " -- .r 4‘... Only one diffieulty remains. At one} It... then were WWW thes and digital-ham in Emma for which " leged 183nm Feiners were convicted. Amnesty does not indude them. it is uoderstood that their cam rm re- main over for discuasétm between the British Government and the Govern- ment at the new Free State. With reference to cams eommitted aim-e the trace, the Free State GMe-mment ‘wilfl have compiete power to deal with all we): 4NMrtyq in due nurse. The ftest priioricr to be- mleasozi under the amnesty proclamation is Dr. MeCoov/ile, of Maugham, who left " Mourstjoy this: afternotm. Dublin URGE RESTORATIQI}! United Farm: of Manitoba Urge Matter on Dominion Government. of M: umnin former mptm form or to contest the next Prrnrircia1 olee, tion in Manitoba, and elected C. H. Emmet}, of 0akvi?le, Musitcba, presi- dent and W. G. Rstbwela, of Beresford, Manitoba, viceapnsident a! the organ- Manitoba, vioeapreident (if the organ- iaation, The convention accepted the follow- ing manhunt) on grain Mating: aWhererao there is general dissatis- faction with the present Asyayum of marketing our grain. -- -- "And whereas the deplorable condi- tion of our agrieahttsral industry is. such that it demands the attention of the Fenian) Government to the neéd for national marketing of wheat and other grains "Therefore {be it resolved that we orge upon the Dominion Govermmot the necessity for re-establishing the Canada Wheat Board, tpderthefornr. er mam with wide powers to sell wheat and other grains." Conference is the Mother . of Twelve Treaties oft British Great Britain, Jam France a sittnatorie treaties on mbmar'n The Iriih Free representation in the 6?“!an BOARD Ipivggvr; urV for 1 old when: mammal over Wham despawh from WWW' Statements by American and spokesmen revealed that there at least 12 “when growing out conference. They will be: Four- Pacific Treaty, Five-power Treaty, Nm4power Far East-t roaty. Two-power Treaty on. mg, Treaty on Fortifieatioha in! with; with the United sumi Britain, Japan, and pgsslbly‘ iti, :ommitte;1 since' . . ate 'll),',',':',,.',,":;:",.?'." Milkrand Requests m to deal with; Poincare to Form a Cabinet. 23$” r,a,as,ep, A dearatch from Cannes tset-r-TPS [ 's',',,,',?:','-',":,," in lALiie-d Supreme Council ordiourned m- 1.31;“ C'i',,,%,'ii deinitely on Thursday night follow- 'r',"',)",')",', 'i',aifiy/ ing reuvipt cf the news of the resign- d. «H ':'vio prisono! wing-of the Briand Cabinet. dtr/. Five “at; known-nun: was taken when Waf- Trim Mountjoy ': tor Rtthtnae, Gtyytan.fPT,c1al exper}, Ir; Thr,ralay. . l,1y,l tinishel tsidrtseittr, the conned. ’ " {an} mo attitm or cnmlment was made _ T ‘”""" ’upnn his remarks ccrveerning Gov ATION I many's default of her Jammry remu- ursday deal-wed re-r,tatrWhment and, under its and with wide td other grains; part tyf a put- be mleasod' nation is irT.l in, who left an. _ 'af),',') and separate poison gas, expects a) elec- FRENCH PREMIER 'gram. t -The action taken prior to M. Bri-i, arm's resignation, notwithstanding', France‘s present defection, is regardJ cd mummy in conference circles as' mam M. Briand‘s retirement, ac-t cording to this theory, does not affect- the Genoa conference or the Interna-; ttional (Enumeration. plans for which: ‘haw already been adopted with the! outlines of a central company. a i The Council, in adjouming indefi-i nitely, after Dr. Rathenau had finish.. ‘ed his explanations took no action; therefore, the question gee; back to jiii; reparations commission, which, after January 15, when the payment ‘ is due, will again can it to the atten. tinn of the Supreme Ctrttreil. Jen at MISS GLADYS ROBINSON Canadian and )mvimicnal Woman Speed Skating Champion, who defeated me United States; Naticml Champion, Miss Elsie Muller. in the 440-yard dash LI Newlvargh, N.Y. She covered the distance in 52 and 2/5 seconds. Dr. Rathenau, at the"eiose of his!, speech, said that Germany was able to meet the London terms of 500,-'; 000,000 gold marks in cash, and 1,000,! 000 000 202d marks in kind annuallyl but could not go beyond those figures. He explained that Germany's inability to pay was due to the dhashous ex- change which had made it necessary ics. Germany to use marks to buy for- eign currency, until the mark was a drug on the market. 1 Germany's expeditions amounted _in. the past year to only one-fourth l, of the exports in 1914, and the balance (rm payment. The new: of M. Brit nd's res racked M. Lwcheur while name Council was at tea an: n immeme impression. German reparations is the c set that remains on the coun- HERE'S THE new 'iriiTiifiyTir"NttgKEL'r Us 1: of t‘anada's mm important and almost exclusive metal, nickel. The mm is the name size as the United Statm’ nickel, but is of better quality. LN d Myng Amt); the first of them from the new dies now busy turning them an at the Ottawa mint. REM AiriiERis. 'r-iii;" Gene Barnes jiiigidNs OFFICE 's resignation 'hile Ihe Su- 1 an] create! nly sub- il's pro- It trade against her unnamed to It,- !500,000,000 gold maths. This could Inot: be otfeet by decreasing imports, (because Germany was wow buying inbrcad only food and necessary raw i materials. I So far as could be learned, the I members of the Council were not fav- iorably impressed by Dr. Rathnnau's gstatement, averting that it lacked ipreeision and logic. On Monday cf this week the Short', Coverse in Civics and Townolanet.imti, opened at the University of Toronto.! Trcugh only twernty-five students had! bun expend, forty-css enrcile) uni the first day. mott of them architects! and civil engineers. This is the first course of the bind ever given in Cam. ad). and is, therefcre. something of an experiment. If town-planning is a science lard mtst people axles that it is}, then town-planning should be taught; if it should be taught, the provincial ur/vrrsity is the plate to Leach it. To juc'ge by the numbers an , the enthusiasm of the stud-arm. it may safely be predie:ed that this new course is tho first of a series cf am naal courses on the subject. The Earl of Dude, who died in Octo- her. was the "tather" of the House of harm, having era! in that body since 1853. more than sixty-eight years. M. though he. was in IN ninetpiitth year, he was not the oldest member of the upper House. Lord Haaisbury is ninety- eight, but he has been in the House ot Lords only since 1885. The Earl of Coventry hocame a peer in 1843, but as he was then only tive years old he did not eater the House until 1859. The Karl of Ducie was remarkable not only tor his age but also as a mem- her of a large family. He was the old.. est ot ten brothers! and ttour sisters. His title now goes to cue ct the broth- ers, who is eighty-seven years old and who has two sons and seven daugh- A New University Course. who ters. Sixty-Eight Years in House of Lords. TORONTO Halifax, N.th--The Hreebl six'was secured from n 25~acre new m weeks tiAsirue season for lobsters be- the Winnipeg district, according to ginning November let granted by the rdvice (f C. E. Rowe. The flax vies at; Dominion Fisheries Department m high quality and the entire crop was; suited in a catch “iced " about $250 .. said far seed at a substantial premiu m, loco. Thanh in Halifax county about over the market price. i, ia par 'coat per month In. deal-0M Regina, 'Saak.--Further co-opera-' I the whole returns represent only About tion in the matter of equal “national ; half of what was expected, there being grandad; between the four watcrnf 2m extensive loss of traps due to se- Canadian provinces has been achieved! were storms. lit! a eandmdized reader for the entire 1 St. John, N.B.--Co:wHerat6e pro-_Wost. Past educational conferences" Egress has been made in the constrac- between the rrosinces have meet, -c, itic-n cf the new look-out ttrwer and magi-hie for the development d al 'lramres?' cabin on Quiaibis Mountain, standard training in normal schuls‘ ”near Green River, New Brunswick. and a chandsrd standing of admission.) The cost is being enua'rly borne byl Calgary, Aita.--One of the interval the Department of Lands and Mines.ing functions cf the winter in Calgary and the New Brunswick Railway Co..?wil’l be the re-union of Minna old- and is one of the manher cf towerTtimers in Calgary on January lit. No which have been built eo-operatively one is eligible unless thirty yams a for the proteetion of Crown and rail/resident. The pioneers meet, nvap iway Lands. lstcres mil experiences of the c'slen 1 Montreal, quebee.---The grand total days end wind up with a real western not Canadian "trade for the month of dinner of the style cf a quarter of a lNovember was $151,911,000, of whieh)eentury or nzcre ago. 8ammemide, P.gu.-ahe Metap- kat M. These were 1% lilac] meat of Prince Edward mm and 1lu"'li"a'a'2iTsGG"iai"iiip this locality in lam-mitt is srnhol-' foxes and only new“ 11¢; my ind in the growth of the will!!! of tctal vuhe of these animal. wan tte' R. T. Holman, Ltd., chimed to be the 722,995. The.toU1 mm d {unhar- provinee's largest smaht m depart- : ing animal? so5d from thee fur farms mental- store. which recently celebrat-Llut year was $763,221. The number ed its tmth birthday by a eonsideraUe of live foxes exported during the ttseal addition to its property. The anmtnl year ended March 31, 192] was 1,070, business of the establishment exp-(value- $277,)8‘2. proaches in volume the $2,000,000, Wirrrypeg, Man.-An average yield v-: 00I_ “mun. N).- nm-p nf ftaxserrd "iiiorirai, quebee.---The grand total of Canadian "trade for the month of November was $151,911,000, of which sum imports amounted to $64,271,000 and exports $87,650000. Mere than fifty per cent, of the H; rt', were agricultural products, eh":efiy 2min; pulp and paper exports were ti7,roo, 000. During the first eight months of the current fiseal year income tax col, 1xyetions were $70,000,000, against $45,- o00,000 for the whole of 1920. Toronto, Ont.--" is expected that the first offiee ta receive savings de- posits will be opened in Toronto early in January by the Ontario Government Savings Dept. Arrangements are being completed for the opening of othees at Ottawa, ont.-There are no less'rpl than 587 fur farms in Canada, (ac-fat coming to the Bdreau of stitistires.ip Silver, patch. red, blue aM white,p foxes are bred, also mink, raocoane; skunk, fisher, lynx, marten and Kara-i q Vlanimhe ov.t,--N'o 2 cu, Riga. extm No. 1 feed, 51’;c; NV 1 "PM, 51 Sim. Manitoba Isarhr.v---Nominul F All, the above, track, Bay pork“. l American eorn--No. 2 “New. 099: No. 3 yellow, 689.sc; No. 4 mum. We; track, Toronto. Ontario oats-No. 2 white. nominal. Ontario wheat-Nominal. Barley-No. 3 extra, test 47 lbs. or better, 57 to 60e. awarding to {nights loutside. Baekwheat--No. 2, '78 1o Mia. Ive-tlo, 2, 86 to 8tk. Manitoba Bour---First paw, $740; second pats" $6.90, Toronto. I Manitoba fiour--90 per cent. pat., bulk teal.tard, Fer barrel, $5. l M-rjV:esi-De!., Montreal freight, '/lyg.rs included: Bran, per ton, $26 to .327; shorts, per ton, $28 to $29; good Heed flour, $1.70 t9 $3.80. Baied hay--Traek, Toronto, per ton, No, 2, $21.60 to $22; mixed, $18. straw-Car lata, per ton, $12. Chcese--New, large, 20 to '20lec', twins, 20% to 2le; triplets, 21 to 21%c. Old, large, 25 to 26c; twins, 25% to 26%e; triplets, 26 to 27c; Stil- tons, new, gs ty 29c: , . -iiu'tGrUi.esj, dairy. choice. 43 in 4ik; 'ytiy't,"ii'p,'..rigtot fresh, 40 to 43c; No. 2. 38 to l; cooking! 26 to, 30:. Dressed pou)trs'-r:!qriryt chickens.1 25 to 35c; roosters, 20 to 25c; fowl 20: to 28e; ducknings, so to Mr, lufkcytal 65 to 60e; geese, {32 go 85e.. . . ( US.) LO uvc, swat, lu- u: 'lv‘: l Live p'utltry---Sprinst chickens. 20i to Me; toasters. 14 to 16c; fowl; 14 lo, 22c; duckling, 22 to Mc; turkeys, tro, to Mc; geese, 20 to 22c. i Markdrine---28 to 25:. , Eggac-No. 1 storage, 45 to 46c; se-l, lent, storage, 50 to 52e; new laid; straights. 58 to We; new laid, in ear-! tags, 60 tt61e. J ' ., I C " ‘t Beans-Cen. . hand-picked, bushel, $3.30 to $3.50;'primes, $2.80 to $3.10. Maple prodiiets--fiyrup, pox- imp., gal., $2.50; per 5 imp. gals, -2.35. Maple sugar, 1b., 19 to 22c. 1ttmer-r-t1r-Aelb/timr., ”14% ,t..t 15e 't'urottttt Manitoba wheat- N "156T? mam. tins, it; to 17e per Wham-baud “WWW ', I mm 1 NEVER. T _ - ( tsoerd I l l o), HAN A T A surf/muck? . "s, 1:1??? Ci z ttl "tf . - \ Weekly Market Report 1/t,1,teitysoints, 'ltt to $1025. {3303 g T 1oMreal. _ '1 Oats, Lan. West, No. 2, 38 to ink; tens, gofdo, Ao. 3, 56 to 57e. Flour, Mart. " 14 iillurrityr, wheat pats., firsts, $7.60. Bol- keys, 4533a can. lag 90 lbs... $2.85 to $2.95. 'Bran, $26.25. Sher-h, $28.25. Hay. No. 2, per tom car Iota. $27 to $28. 46c; 59- Butter, choicest tree-mom 37 to 38e. Iew laid Eggs, Mia-led; 47c. Putatces. per , in jelil't'd car lots, 95e to $1. g Com. dairy cows, $4; good fut tom's bushelJ"? med. heifers of dairy type, $4.75 to $340.40 $5.25; good. he“: gyms. #51225: he " ‘J-luc valluw- - .u... -- -...- r---_._. -"_ -"_'_ H ___ ,, ' Wirtey'.Teg, Mwa.--Ars new seu.l:ifitilrii, genera“! known. “to are: lot 22% tratheh per It" of Med has came to the {advent daring the W25 secured from I 25-aere add in' part two ”at, owing to irro%teri.0er the Winnipeg district, acceding to and when en route to the Maekemsie advice " C. E. Howe. Ttie ttax its otidistzict tuveuing it on their way high quality and the "ttire crm, ?"o'inortltwas l Much pessimistic informs told fur seed: at a substantial premium t tion has ix FT the outcome of this tug. L our the market price. t,'fit' and this Ins very Chen been the J Regina, fuak.--Further co-opera- tent: of personal hteetrtrert'.enre (“It L tion in the matter of equal ejuutioml to (“dogmas in outlitting or the , standards between the four wartern,'m3rsreaiizaticat of u too optimistic out- . Canadian provinces has been ubievedhmk, The utrprUudieed invdmmr, lie. a standardised reader for the entire however, has foond much to com“! -..West. Put educatioua! eoettereneesi in the natural conditions of We com.~ . between the Inmates have beer. many, in its climate, its vegetation, - l 59035:“? for the devehpment of asrimituul posrRilitiees, and its form: . standard tmioine in normal Sl'h5113‘3’nd mineral resources. pulp am pip steadily. The pvaxirra'.e'.o' 2 prt "sro, and errrryrd to [11397 . I." F; gtr.,0,. do,, coo/11.. $4 to $4.25; butcher .cows, choice. " to $6.50; do, (mod., $3.50 to $4.50; Canrhee: and 1cutters. 82.60 to $3; butcher bulls, .good, $4.50 to $6; do, eom., $3 ‘to $4; ftedetyrood, $5.60 m_$6.60; Smoked mcttl.s-- llama, mad. 24 m 26c; tanked httm, 36 to 40e; smoked rails. 23 to £49; eon/age rolls. 25 to 26e; tretkfast bacon. " to .30r; Coe- cial brard tr: akfast new, 30 to 35v; backs. bcne'ess, 32 to Me. Cured meats-Long dear bacon, 13 to 202; ck" beypies, 18h, to 201/16. Lards.-Pure, tierees 14 to 14%r; tubs, use to Ilk; pails, 15 w 1616c; pridtr, 16'e to 17e. Shortening, (wares. 13c; tubs. 1.8%ct pails. He; prints, Choice heavy goers. $8 to $8.50; do, good, $7 to $8; buncher 'rteerr, choice, $6.75 to $7.50; do, good, $6 to $6.50; do, mam. $5 to $5.76; do. cont,, 54 to $4.25; butcher him. choice. $6.75 to $7.25; do. med” 85,50 13:; 15lic io, ti/ir,' a to $57 stoigrers, good. " to $5: do.fair, $3 to u; Milken, m, to $85; trirprtrs, £75- lo, Pr, ctlvtt: choke, $12.50 10 $18.60; do, med., 5 to $11; do, mm. $8.60 to $7; lamb choice, $13.50 to 814; do, cont. $7 t $8; sheep, dtoiee, $5.50 to $6.50; d, wood, $4 to $5; do, com. $1.50 to St hogs, fed and watered, 811 to 5112: do, f ol.. $10.25 to $10.50; do. cogptr Com. dairy cows, $4; good fat cows 87; med. heifers of dairy type, $4.75 to $5.25; good heavy bulls, $5.25: fairly fSerhy dairy hm: weighing around 1,250 M. $4.75; butlers, $2.75; ctmr.erF, $2; sucker calves, $8 to $10; better quality. $lt; hogs, when $11.50 to $12; emu, $7 to $8. ton " m nub smoked i;; r, 25 to ’3 k; sue-i pe tin six ArtsitatestoNetumAlurt. to do In . mpg: [at patrtt.shted By a. Natural Wm [91mm Bum " of the Department cf the Imam. dealing with the Lower mm Cash and Shaw River district, mm): information is given cf this portion of Canada no l, "A deep inpreuion was nude by luncible evidence of the warmth- ifewility of the coil ard the favor-due 'pit?ty,i' commons. At Fort Vanni-lion. I 640 miles from Edmonton. in I kn. let almost that of the new pan 'itf Labrador, I saw a display of trroW- .ing vow-tat?” equal in sin to any- thing I have sum in Eastern Canada. (1"lli'LG'; thas latitude is 1,000 miles (north of Toronto and over 500 mils mm}: of the shores cf James Bay, I “saw there a display of growing tlos 1“: equal to anything i bare new in 9 the gardens of ammo. Wheat new. I) around Fort Vermilit;n gave prorrsiw " cf 45 bushvls to 1he new. law avian» .' did cattle in that district, and wan taid Pcf equly gum! herds on the “mgr: Cof the Hay and Battle Risers 'r $9 In I meant ad-dms before the Can. nd'um Club of Toronto. Mr. John . lmrie, Man-aging Direetor of tbe Ed. monton Joni-Ml. and until nearly Manager of the Canadian Press _ ciation, slid: RmiimitnPe-ihitigies.--A Newman!!!“ Such a report from a nrv nun of Mr. erie's star.lig the country in I true light, an ing the day when an ittttux of will bring trade and may“: them. The mch above rete Mrs been ccmpiled with a ow curacy. in stating mmdiiicns cu racy actual! be overly cptimi wards-,1 un toque sources Intellige nun: of Interim interview or ccniact. “are is a woman “he ',s; cel', . for person“ charm, or m-agm _i. ft,' whatever name we are; m le upon that t'ndedtmrble but “Hy l quality. How doet she do it? w is the recipe? Answer-she devotts her. elf u n for the dilution of the meeting, to one with whom the is eonverr:iug. She is not thinking of the I mun;- can: she left behind or the next up» paintalent to which she is hastening For the time being, the iderAifie 4 herself in a complete community a? interest with the one to ahom the is speaking. And the one thus sickened fecls pie-sad and gratitUd. There isn't on. of as who does ttot are for what seems to us to be pereeptive and cant- Waive nypnciatkn. We are U Jemg, l Hg greets a crowd at a I" 'i",".'. "tt {not as a crowd, but I< tum-‘4'.» “'glad-lund" pals. Each man izv grew! _ Lis led to feel "the others an: pron [ but I really am the orfr on: here" h; the Game Drama. strangers an ' . vetted into friends. Dan Bring, of Howard. ha: mol- ed in one of hi. whiten! aiddrec 'er, ‘the man who is "att there"-- madam: the new when wits are an wotfy ittatUristg when he meets others thr Paulette: Re in. thinking ot our th'lg oat'g--t*o Minu- “new Iotw-omim One who hum M. nut my tm-eta'- under ('0':- “warmed and "ed," as would say. when we meet c least-gives us a rating a: least-gives us a rating at our value “or at a value surprisingiV and an! teringly Légher than we thought w Here Is the magnum cf bush " a real "ruler of men and of What is his power.' His he situation (for a gunmen. is a by a firm grip on the chief a it) is his hold on the Soynh tenants. And when he met at, the toy or at the bottom ever er.'ci'prise, ho CCtted'tt vidual before him. l The politician, Hit-{her he .3”- worthy ends or not. deeeVre a liar facility in making each m an use think that he stands “auctions! attic” of trust an Mama: to his niacin“. men may (mutations under a u stunt pee-rar-Met us say. fer M We, . Prank-1 of Great Uriah Inn to sequin this faculty. lo mar give HM M17 to We will M be max be and tothe Ute) 4.! they can. and cries u they arrive qt-e-tet-those I'm an we mm by tterootbaiote rim . msivedyou tthet-to a... Thrreireallturt-otatr'ttre tts-rt-kt-new-s-Aho'- shot Mm Being Where You Are. them n reset gliar rise, he comer-tn actual force vi " ()4 Lawa mm to d Jami per ail xtet it lk' E with in "

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