West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1922, p. 5

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othe worthy ye Thomas tn ,n “Imam '. em'nk and tmck. lyttteg an ”under- n Milligan. URNBULL their Golden m and 1wed . She loved slr who in e severance y days. " waq twld in ther a true Tune who W otded try he family “Thomas ed, Res. conducted ml took on “M" are” I!!! U. J. Der- nch. Path IS vaw__, - y'”"”:'"W-wwv~v-+â€"wâ€".-_~ t g Spring Shoes are Here tt Emma! 19, 1922 «uuuwnumuuuuuuum _.-.-.,------------"--""-"-'-"-"" Nu-Way Stretch Suspenders Regulgr 81.25, this Do you need a nice pair of Worsted Stripe Trousers ? These sell at 85 8 pr. This week for.... a.“ Mens Work Shirts We have them gnlore, that will hold aheavy man, large sizes. 1.49 Try a prsist of our wool inside an?! pikskin . utsido Mitts 0 for outside work. This week only mwe whack .w..........r... (the Beaver) with pure chr leather tops, reg. $1, this week only tity: Heavy Suspender Dont forget to gen pr. of our i buékle Arctics this week as this price will not appear again m ___.......r.... 2.35 Good Service JOHN McKBGHNIE, Durham F EED PRICES Whole Corn, per ton . . . . ', W hole Corn, per ton . . . . t Ground Corn, per ton. . . . F, Ground Screenings per ton a Oat Feed, per ton Cummen Stock Fe Chieftain Mixed F Get a pair of the Rob We are in the ma Highest prices I We have a Men's Phone tht. , Business ROB ROY , Corn, per tan . . . . $28.00 without sacks , Corn, per ton .. . . $30 00 sacks included 1d Corn, per ton . . . . $30.00 sacks included Id Screenings per ton . . . . S23 00, sacks included Feed, per ton . . . . $20.00, sacks included men Stock Feed, per ton, $28.00, sacks ine. Iain Mixed Feed. per ton, $26.00,sacks inc. g, Above Prices are in ton lots or over Roy Poultry Scratch Feed, per 100 lbs, ' 2.30, sacks included No Town llclixery Terms Cash Tlic ry DCI'Z‘JCU A' cc“, per 100 lbs, ' 3.30, sacks included 11 Delbery Terms Cash ar<et for all kinds of Grain. paid 'sur.'"'-'-- We have just received a large consignment of Men's Women's, Misses' Boys and Children’s Spring Styles in Blacks and the very newest Browns at popular prices MILLS, Limited nr'RHAM ONT Misses‘ 2 strap Shoes, "ivory newest design ... children's Dong Bal.... Little Gents' brown Bro- gue, sizes, 10,11, 12, 13 " Ladies' Doug. 2 strap Slipper (nifty).......... 4-50 Ladies Dong. 1 strap Goodyear welt, with Baby Louis heel. This is one of the best Shoes you can buy.... tun Ladies' g strap Mahog- any, very popular.--. " Ladies Mahogany Oxford jatst nice helght of heel " Ladies Tan 2 strap Shoe, Good- year welt, beautifully embossed ‘ and perforated toe cap only..-----. 6-00 Gents Mahogany Oxford newest style............. 7-00 Gents Brown Calf Bel, English last ........r.... " Same in Black.................. 6.00 Gents Tan Calf Bal, Goodyear welt, newest perforat- ed toe cap................ Tdi8 83,111.10 5p.m. DURHAM tl.: 1.50 EH] Get your Order in this week for that Eioms,livthtob--. Butter ...... ......e".. Good Black Tea Desirable Residence Property . for Sale With the Sig advance on Teas owing to crop failures, we will not be able to sell at this price when the present sup- ply is out. That desirable property on Queen SH North. former residence of Mrs Hunter Harrow (nee Lilv Walker) 8 rnomed brick house in good condition. A splen- d-d garden well set out with small fruit, good stable, well, Le Bargain to quick purchaser. Apply lot particulars to C. Ramage, Review Office Durham Markets. Georgian crepe 4 large rolls, Saw mill building. including boiler, engine, large circular saw. shingle mach- ine and outfit, located at Allan Park. For further particulars apply at once 2l lbs. for $1 Corn Starch the very best, this week ll packets, 99c to. Toilet Paper that we sell A Square Deal Danna. Jan. IT, 1922 For Sale 156 17:; Vioso4qs 25 w 35 w JOHN MILLS, Hanover. Ont 65 13 75 I 25 hor snow that bu Mien this mn- ter seems to be rape-zed!) blown " the centre of the nudity and people are Ming the sides and ditches in moving that“. Rev. G. S. Jones who I)» been troubled (on couple of weeks with an amnion of the than tuutsing house- nou. bu been oieised by I npeeinhst to Islam from public spawning toe a few week. The nominee in the Pree- bytemn church tor the put couple cl Sundays lnve been conducted by out" aide help. Chas Hebe“ he been repciring ‘tbe owing don" Ind other fixtures in the Public School rooms. Lctely the booking been here are from 9 to 12 I. m. and it generally motel quite . well to gel. business transacted before 12 o'clock noon- The block (oxen our on the ranch ) ore looking tine this winter, Some important discus-lone will mite place over "u" in connecxion mth the Agricullunl Society bore at the annual moeung on Bcturdccy p to next. Jan. 21. there will likely be l In good attendance. 45 TO 70 The severe norm on Sunday last "used the mejoriq of church goers to any " the t1reode. However the slashing is not. much better us the high wand blow the wow clan off-the "tentre of the road Ind drafted in the witches. Mn Alex Helium went to Fergus on Sound-y " see her brother Mal. colm who is yet in the hoaéiui there, but. luau reports in improving and hopes he will be this to be home soon. Thea McDongoll Ind Jun. McEach- urn are busy cutting wood on Geo. Hargmve‘s place. Wm McLeod Ind son no buoy "king out. logs tor the furniture foamy from the Sullivan mush. Hard mater on the Hamsters ion account of bad sleighing, Arch McLean. we nudersund. has the contract. oidrnwing the logs on D. MoDonnld‘s place toe the furniture notary. bat did not get any om. yet on account ot poor detailing. PRICEVILLE YtLLAOE WW‘ PRIGEVILLEM; SOUTH LINE, o. & A. Charlie MeKmnon is fright again l after a Bevele Mack of quinsy, The c, F. o. Club had a cnrload of flour ielivered at. Priceyille I few days a o, 't number are taking ndvantsgo of “has out wood " it Is good weather [for bush work. Qn Reeve Arch. McCun’g ofGlenelg. Will be gomg ttt Given Sound new. week. Tunas who undo an attempt to irusqmslifr bun ttsiUd to accomplish their obcht in View to Inn-eat bun. ...‘.. W, h, . Cattle buyers shupped a unload all stock from Priesrvilutrards has 1m k, prices a shade better. Some that bought cattle n yen ago on apewln. tion are selling new from $15 to $20 loan than they paid tor them one year :30 The pro6t is going the wrong may let the buyer Ind seller. Death and Burial of Mrs Pat. Fogarty - Oa Saturday evening Jan. Tth, death "ddened the home of tar Pat. rlck Eggntty. by claiming u M vie. um bin beloved Wife. alter an illness extending medically over 2 years. ‘Abon: . year ego she underwent- aeriom operntlon and Inpnremly was reguulnx her nennl health when n telupne cum tram wbleb we never recovered. Her long illneu nu borne mth envied“! pair»: amd reaittrtatiiN and aha In hopetnl of recowry till our the int. always hula: . sunny ‘Imilo Ind cheerful greeting tor sw. [oty one. -v --.- -4 -44.; 0|, vuu. During her " you: ot wedded lite the proved hem” . rod helps umo 'i'ac(iiFi.iitLresreycethtf, 6hoertnl manor. been“ wu the tomb daughter at an Ittf Dan tel l? 1tfte.h. ‘--‘ - " Agin- shuns: can. orttA 'Gllii TF'" 'trdousd no?! DORE AM REVIEW TORONTO iiiariid Bad “who to mourn her death besides he; hm _ .-_, [- ‘I-I w muuru um U! m... .V.., - baud, three an era. Mrs Jun. [inlay of the 6th con. Glenn: ; Mu Christo- pher sud In Wilson of Toronto and tour brothers. Wm and Do on thel homestead and Ju- tnd John on the 10th 001:. Glenolg. Thou “(ending the (lineal from . ‘disunce were Mr 1nd Mrs Jno. Mougher from Windsor. Mr “Id MN. Christopher, dwabter Mannie 1nd son John. Mr: Malcolm Wilson and Mn Fred O'Hnra. all at Toronto. The pull bursts wen John um! Ju Christopher. Alfred nnd John O' Neill. John Member and Mich-ct Quinlan. ' Thu the "rrspatttr of the entire cammnu‘uy gee: out to Mr Fog-aw In "tits are“ "ill Wu about: In the Page funeral which took plots on Tuesday to Sc PP.? f/et2ge,"? cemetery, officiated. Sweat clover balling is the order of the day. MrCamerou Smellle is busy at present in thttt vicinity, 1nd in doing splendid work. " “v"... '1'“ Mr Silas Edwards left Monday for Guelph. to take the about course of grain and Stock Judging We are sorry to "pout that Mrs George Stuart is laid up with an at- tack of quinsy. t Miss Ruby Campbell of Duthain spent a tew days recently with Miss Marie McArthur. Mrs Henry Beaten ls home from a visit with Toronto friends. Mr and 11rs A. B: Piety.'..'.,',.'?,,'," to {bl By-luw N0626wm plssed. closinal up part at the rand allowmce between idti15 and16,coul. E G R. W. J. Ritchie wu appointed Tp, Tress. to enter on duties Pets 18th. I Ordeu on Treuurer were muda as _ follows l N. Whitman and J” Led- ingham. school “madame. $30 each. l Grey & Bruce Inunnnce Co., [ tized ptymont...... .. ' 4 T..? Four tax collectors, $35 each 140 00 Seven coplea Municipal World 7 00 Clerk, balance of salary i921 30 00 Thou Wilson, refund dog is: 2 00 Jun Fogartv. " 2 00 ll. Patterson. .. 2 00 E. Greenwood. " 2 00 Geo Stewart " 2 00 Mare McKechnle tt 2 00 H Eckhardt 66 "d X Rr and Mrs A. B. McArthur went Toronto last week for 3 few days. u I44u__._ Thou annbull was appointed to evmioe Trens. curative Alt O'Neil Was appointed caretaker ofthe " -H J.' J maek--Tatnhall--'DP' com- missimnerb fur d (Y'rem Wards be rs tollnwsz Ward l, Thus I'arnbull; _- - “- . ._..A'.! u.” mlssmneln "" v .. .-.. 7 7 tollhws: Ward 1, Thus i'arnt1t1;) ward 2. J J Blnck; and 3, Mal l Biack '. Ward 4, Thws] Brrdie, Mn" I that the Rowe be Suptot all bridges) and townlinra Came d l Special works in ward l, Were paid for as follows'. Co. Trear.. Glenelg‘a sure ot culvert. Lumbxon Sc. .. $80 CO Tran. 'oi'iiilreuvmtileoti.tt's l share of work on tuwnline 31 61 E Wepler. atoning ttnd, NDR 1 75 D. Ritchie. guv'ra 62, 2 EOR 2 50 Tom $115 86 Special works In Ward 3 was paitil for as tout"" ', P. McAsuy. " days with team on road duh. ..... .... ....3 9 tio Jao Wilson, building ‘_cuiverc. lot2l. con 12 .... _..... ..15 00 Jan Name's. grading, grav- . e-.- " MI "uglliuivind awning” . ... Peter Telturd. tor tile ' . . . .. Municipd election expense: were paid " folio" ; Funr pol1intt pianos. . . ' .. ....$'20 (X) Five Davuw anrniug otrieers 25 00 FivePull Clerks...... .... ... 12 50 Fivcdoorkeepera ..q.q. .... .. 10 00 The Council adjourned u 10 p. m. T Ct m. We are in the arket for a limited supply of logsofa kinds The Durha Furniture Co. Ltd, [wan iiirriuisr McGoey Glenelg Council BUNESSAN iriitiitt, “gm Farm to\ Sale mice J. S. Buck. Clerk r...-. fit') "" " gang‘- ' i, “School umber - parent: and. . , Brought here on n “retainer. 6006 Total $6i SO; "l'sf,it,"i' hog; tor full recovgw} ue wt" a menu. taco o a td io Feb 18 patient " the Ila-Bolt. Hugh-l tor "S'/tg',elpti lap-e, but ow full o gen I In an“. ystse,Clerk "I Wu no frightened." contend _--.---------" the qtrt, her blue eyes rettqettnq tho sky overhaul. u the lay beneath the pin» up the" In III-1min. " didn't . . know what to do. I bud no money; for a limited and. oh. 1 wu Io horribly atone." “Think of It." 5nd III. Ihlverod. "t '. won“ Ito aaa--utltyr-rtf. tt weren't aiture Co. Ltd. toe thin noun-J. But I'm not." and #5.; the” Tral . ring of victory In not voles. "I'm sums: won. on! I a: -I- hug-div belle" it." ’ ”-4- .,.,.-.r- w1r1..hrttt grav- ..e.. 15 50 ......22 55 Hockey News of the Week Al a result ot theirpvitt over Hanover last Thundny night by 7 to 5, Durham Junior boduyists are now on :top of the . AL _ u_.__u ‘AL heap. with two games in the "won" cot. umn and no losses. Hanover to tie ( them must win in Hartman. beaidesttteir two home games. no Durham's stockitr now any above par‘in the league race. Though they had to take the small end ’ol the more here, [hoover has no easy team to conquer. and Durham lode nev- erhnd a safe lead till the last period when time thwarted their chances to pull even. Our boys had only “light l margin on the play and bad 'i/iii) any margin of luck, they might have won out. The first period ended 2--0 _ for Durham, 2nd wart-2. and the last‘ 7--6. Great work by Durham‘s twol [ wing men. Irvine Elvidge and Willetl , Snell, kept the team on top, the former" scoring 3, and the latter theother 4 goals with accurate lifts from the wing. Moorhead. Durham’s goalie. let in two easy ones, but more than redeemed for l them by blocking some speedy shots! while the visitors were pressing hard.l. Buschlen and McTevish were strong in- 1. l, dividually on the defence. and Sherwood) ‘Rowe and Hamilton who took turns an centre were both active but they aill seemed to lack the effective team playl of which they are capable. Here'e hoiri, ing they find itwhen they fare Harrir; ton here next Tuesday, Jan. 24th. l f Boettger and Armstrong, on defence‘ t were the etrongest of the visitore. though Brunt at centre wan often dangerous' Lamont in goal, Bluhm at left wing, Wise t right wing and Messner. eub.. were the . others on Hanover's line up. Stan. ‘Burns of Hanover was a satisfactory referee. t20 VI I: School Ttathtr't Hanover Made it Close 2?, 35 were In tt good snappy game, Durham high I his: school lads took the necond of thek double echeduled series with Mt. Forest} here on Wednesday night, by e it.6i acore. It was interesting hockey to witneu. as the Durham' ran up an only I lead of 5-1 the first period, end showed l what team work could do combined with 1 good goal tending by Herold Mountain. The net of Durham line-up wee: de- Utter-Harry Kress and Willie Vollet, oaatre--Martin Lauder, left wirur--Wil- let Snell, ruht-Urvimr Elvidge, stubs-- Royden Burnett, Erben Schulz. The third game is in Mt. Forest on Jan. t8. nigh School Beat Mt. Forest Durham Juniors played an exhibition 1 J. F. GRANT D. 0.8. L. B. . hockey game in Markdule Monday.‘ HOWE anon“: Mn” Bum” - which they won by 10-6. The sum. is. " am Ird games mm: 'tGaia" reported as quite fast throughout, with 0 t',".", ‘“:1.:"J“":.°::“ ' a whirlwind finish by the Durhams. Ati, s, M "Alle.' - 0... end of second period it was5 to 4 for-ss-ss----"-'-"-"-"""" Mnrkdale, but the blues ran in 6 to ti the last human! skated tho home: A. B. 6038:! team off their feet. P"e'l - an - EMMY“ I We “new”. Etc. Durl Durham Il), Murkdale 6 WITAMINES‘} ééétt'simulsipn Get your Sale bins“; '"tltW"""' w“ - , Neatly Printed in”: c. L GRANT t Ge Raview Oifiee. ii'd"c"ii'."i'i"iid' - are an essential factor in promoting healthful growth is far richer in the fat soluble A vitamine than cream. It aids growth-build? health! 'r"'"'"'" -"e AT ALL DRUO "ORII was. ”so and 05°- Soon & Bow-0. Tm oi. m,...-.-.- MM“: oF---- "7riiuesariteitEsC. Eye MtittESTPtl, District Standing ki/tttttlg!? 'tin Lauder, left wing-Wil- i, F-u-----"-" tht-Urvitttr Elvidge, tsubs-- ‘ W. C, NCKERING D. It s, L It s men. Ethan sebum. Thy HONOR GRADUATE of Tom». 18 in Mt, Forest on Jan. t8. ' Univenity. Mum: of Boyd (Jollcuo .------- 1 of Denul'Snrzoou- of Ontario Boo.- 20'» l I J HUNTERS Na- Eton Life ls Saved to money: 5:22;. "t it, t tT.rtttLt I ' ma t"d - on! I cu! 'it' H332: q at to Hon. * - RM dir er-req- t You can Enter Any DI! . You haveoften told yourself tint if vou could only be instructed new actually you would undertake addi. ‘gional educational work, Persona) m: “union it ltpec'ul I’m " the J. a. iiiiFiotocm,c mo Watts" can... Hunt-nu IMIIIIIOI! - o",."',,',,,' Out t. P. fellomm In! " ”you“: may olce. mullet: we mm d I“ one: an an In: 0! Alum G. omOE noun J.L. SLY I. A b, Office and rcoidcnce._corner Counteu and Limbmn. oppome old Poet on. Ottlee Hours: tr to " B. m., no to! g. m., , to 9 p. mo Sundays all hurnday afternoon exccpted. The Ihnblefratlante Uneseelled dining car service. Sleeping can on mght Trains In! Parlor Cars on principal Day Trainl. For tanner patient"! apply b may Grand Trunk Ticket Atom. " C. E. Burning. Dmr'm PM Agent. Toronto. Ont. W CALDE ' Town Mom. Central Drag Store. Telephom- tbr. tttet"'",'?"""'? as, Children's . w ' It, Underwear t 1 ' -.Ahsol and Union t Owen Sound. Ont. (ii; Bula-l" In W * - Ll3r. WHEY?“ ”W" ' White Cashmere Hon. 60c, Mr e 00c and 70c pair . White Coating, " in wide, . ' .00 per yar ' $2 d * Sweater Cantu 81.35, 1.50, a " . 'ie w t ' Greg Flannel. " and 60c a td. . White Flannel. Tlic yard ' Sequin vay and Burgundy . Alt " in wide. use per yd . at Serge. in Navy and Brown," a" in wide, 250 I yd. Shepherd's check are“ goods, at " in wide, OMS per rd. ' - Art Sunni Ind Crctonnu. a, so no Mc a yirrd Men'- Leather Gauntlet (love: q 6125 _ * “coin Luther faced Mitts, 4 each 01.00 * Bortlesther heed mitts, "ch , ._._-,- V W omee on Lambton St In" W “I." Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago between V . ' t . ad Union '. H . 606. . ir m . 34 in wide. . 5,150,323 . ndOOc atd. t I: yard d Burgundy . .50 per rd - Id Brown," t yd. d ood I .d/frA'r." . [ Catalina. t yard tuntiet [Iowa . faced Ham. 0 td mitt-.uch t a all. . in 'tnit", t

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