West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1922, p. 5

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ty sorry to hear of little Ronald “ud Mrs D. J, nce entertained the section last I went home ra_ he most stormy s winter mak. b".g an enâ€" days with a h'so] lmerston <r, Mr A. «_ _ Hope â€" e recovery, 0 get it beâ€" reaq ce impossible t'd d but no in connection was beld on when the gen. hurch was at. _ coming out lance on the ity is It‘s little rload o g Ritchie and M echnie friend A N » observed in unday at 1; d TS ret 0 visit. A. Alex. home re. affliicted " spent » ; JOHN McKECHNIE, Durham @800 0006 00 00606 066600 ¢00909000820006 0040449 a<p $ .. cyss (o] M o Canadat ) ; the EC(%? \m %lb |o esc 1Cut Brier $ fo eA sbrataansig : Rubbers * MACDONALDS K@r Mt MePhail hes a n&.:\;;n 0: dence in Ceylon. Good Service Terms, moderate Anu to dates &0., must be m fice, Durbham. _ \#" Corres there, or to Ceylon P 0 attended %o, Terms on +0 Men‘s Khaki Shirts good materâ€" ME ccurkerctces 1-35 Mens fleeceâ€"lin‘d Underwear, ea Men‘s Feltâ€"lin ed Rubbers.. Men‘s Plain Overs English last 4 Mens Plain Ov ers, all sizes Womens Plain Overs in high, medium and low heel. 89c Boys plain Overs sizes 1 to 5... Misses‘ Plain Overs, wide and narâ€" row toe......... 79(: Youths Plain Overs, sizes 11,12, 13 as Childrens Plain Overs,wide last to be sold this week Licensed Anctioneer tor On . McFPWA Tk. â€"â€"_ hildren‘s Plain Overs in English last small sizes ... 35c JANUARY 2s, D. MePHAIL. Ceylon or to C RAMAGE Dur " 1.20 .. #IQ Correspondence addre: . 1.10 »DpiNcatioy 85c o o AAaimnnnniniratiid ok? VA iL DCoOL ULlUdAlllLY x at a Big Reduction :i for sales his BEST BLACK TEA, per Best Wi. Sugar for $1 Sat. Feb. 4 Sat. Jan. 28 will be at your disposal this week at very much reduced prices. This SPECIAL "Maitese Cross" Rubbers, both in Lumâ€" berman‘s & Shoe overs Will Commence Our large stock of Continuing till 12 lhs. For Sale > "." 50c 40096000606 0@ 6900 #0 a Large Stock of the Best Quality Do not fail to get in on these _ prices. They are right. | _ The anoual meeting held in the | Presby‘n Churcb, Priceville. Friday " evening last was fairly well atendâ€" ed. The congregation is in fairly good shape tor prosperityâ€"some baiâ€" ance on band, but a small sum to be ‘ provided for a loan. Ladies black Silk fleeced Hose, very warm PAE .13.++:0. 1064 criowe 35c Men‘s Curler, a very strong, warm Shoe and very handy,speâ€" cial for this sale 3-99 This week we send a clipping from a Winnipeg paper of the death of an old renitfeenc who lived a couple ot miles south ofthis place in the person of MrColin Lamont who cxame to the Tp. of Egremont with his father‘s Men‘s ‘Eureka‘ stubproof double duck rolled sole 4 eyelet ......... a aAn The Sabbath was for a day of rea‘ but the elements did not observe the command given to "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy" as at 12 v‘sluck Satarday nigbt they set forth an uproar that they were on the way trom the North where they spent the previous day and as it was not to show favor to one part of the country than the other, they struck us with a severity of cold accompanied by snow bus did not amount to much tor the improving of the roads in geperal Surely it must be a test of taithtal worshippers for last Sunday was the third stormy one this winter. Men‘s 4 eyelet gum Rubber... Boys‘ heavy gum Rubber 3 eyelet, 1‘s,2‘s andt¢fs ‘......... 1.95 Men‘s Arctic 1 buckle Overshoe, all Sites.....:.. .. L" 2-3 |_PRICEVILLE bl4m [ . not obser rei Days Only A Square Deal OU‘s...:++Â¥% 3 00 10€, a‘l.l 2'35 " 92.15 ONTA T en es Dqi ie n26) 90 10B not go back to the old methods ? The answer is that it is »8s easy for the firmer in go back to barvesting with the cradle, ® Another item which adds ton the cort is postage. In 1918 tbe,.P. O Department trebled the rate of postâ€" age on newspapers, and on Jap. is last the rate was again doubled, it six times what it was before 1918. 1 0 Oe EO CCEC TY PURUTT es the rural weekly, Dauring 1921 we paid more tor paper than eve; b:fore, and we baven‘t bheard of redvetion for 1922. _ The price is now close or three times what it waâ€" in 1914, the opening y ear of the war. Tok is sti 1 J per cent up. S) ar, int »ollere, type and all repairs Printer‘s wages are also double wha: ttey were in 19i4, and the bou»> shorter. The price of coal and wood whico must be used tor bheating is too well known to need menti~n The pablisher must find some wa\ of pay iog tor the se. Besides this the newspaper plan: of to dsy is a very different tbirgs from what it was ten years. or ever 7 years ago. At that time $2.000 would cquip a town printing «ffice now eight or ten thousand d¢ lla‘s ‘vs} required. It may be asked ; Why not go back to the old methods ? We s 2 ce l o e y en y ic 0. m s MBZ Newspapers went up in price beâ€" cause everytbhing that went into the production of a paper went up. Aod they remain up because there bas been very dliitle decime since the war period shot them ap 300 per ceot. The price ot white paper has come down, we believe aboui 15 per cent â€" Bat that is not much off Suu and it is all absorbed before it teach es the rural weekiv â€" Prim._â€"izz gas. _ Taeftollowing arucie is so c mplere in itselt that we reproduce it in tuli subs iro:ing Durbam Revyiew for Brase Heraid aod Tiimes. A vumber of our subscribers bave «sked why it was thai the Darvsm Review remained at warâ€"time pric. white so many articles have ‘umbi« d back to ‘‘normaley." We fully ap preciate the view point of the farmer, the price of whuse produce has been cat in three and who wonders why newspaper prices remain at highâ€" water mark, Le: it be observed that very lew newspapers have madeany reduction in price to the subscriber. ° The d i ly papers published in Toronto a1d London are all av $5 00 Swinton Park corre:â€"ponderce of Dundalk Herald had a sympathetic account last week of the death of Joseph Phillips, 40 years in Proton, at the age of 69 years, from an attack of paralysis. Many of our readers in the eastern p»rt of our field would know this estimable citizen who is mourned by his wife, two brothere.‘ and two sisters. The sisters are Mrs Richardson, Swinton Park, and Mrs Runciman, Dundalk, the latter motber of Mr Fred Runciman formerâ€" ly of Ourham. â€" The correspondent | says : he was ever pleasant and‘ gentle in manner, no guile was| found in his speech, a consistent | mâ€"mber of $ P Presbyteria u church, | he will be long remembered as a good friend .‘ | Mr Audy Watson ha sick liet of maue, we hog be alrign: again, Why the Twoâ€"Dollar Rate ? Mra Allan is visiting with her dauâ€" ghter, Mre Lindsay , Mesars Allan Brown and Lawrence UcFaduen are cutting wood for Robi. Lav rence. Mr« Robt. Lawrence visited with Mre Geo Hopkins recently, Mr and Mroe A, Lindsay of Allan Park, visived on Monda y at Mr Ed Lindsay‘s, Mc Chas. Arnett is yisiting this week in Proton. Born on Friday, Jan. 20th to M: and Mre Ei Lindsay, a daughter, Mrs. H Secley had the misfortune to falt on the 16e hurting her shoulder and arm, last reports it is not imâ€" proving very fast, We are e javing ceautiful weather agnin afier the severe storm on Sunâ€" day. Robt Glad to report that il?u_Georgo Stuart is around again, »fter having a severe attack of quiney. e W e _are sorry to learn that Mrs A vuoumber are taking advantage of the good weather for bush work. cold. We are zlad'lo learnrilu-t Mrs T. McKeown is able to be around again af::r being laid up with a severe Mravd M@s Wm. Detb} ;l'wB"ent- inck visited with Mr and Mrs : A. Browne one day last week. We are sorry to ieiort that Mr Neil McFarlane is on the sick list. Mrs Millburn of Durbam spent a few duve recently with Mrs Heory Beaton of the North line. fa~wmed on what is now Mr Harrison‘s, con 21, Egremont. "" 5 v in the vear 1860 when a bov of 17 years. About 22 vears be movâ€" ed to Maniba, homesteading in the vicinity of Portage La Prairie where he was successfal in his aodertaking . :lr Lamoot in bis yeatbful days m nramadh se esd es e c PmE tamily in the vear 2" °, afe sorry to learn that Mrse »bt. Bell is laid up with tonsilitis. Wedding bells are ringing. TORONTO SWINTON PARK McWILLIaAMS ison ha« been on the & we bhope he may soon BUNESSAN TREK DORHAM REVIEwW Desirable Residence Property | for Sale That desirable property on Queen St North, former residence of Mrs Hunter Harrow (nee Lily Walker ) _8 roomed brick house in good condition. A splenâ€" did garden well set out with small fruit, good stable, well, &e Bargain to quick purchaser. Apply for particulars to l We are in the parket for a limited supply of logs of alKinds. of John H. Hunter, Agent for WALTER HASTIE, of Election Expenses paid by him in the above Election. Printing ...; ...... ........:. $ 4 50 Telephone account..... ..... .. 10 05 Cartâ€"hite....+s .......>;%.. 11â€" A0 O0 Rent of Halls <+*% «_ T70 34 Personal expenses of Candidate.. 120 00 Total.:.¢... :; ....."@1. 2/ §050 80 Dated January 25th, 1922 H W.Kernahan, Returning Officcer, Southâ€"East Grey In the Matter of the Election in South â€" Fast Grey for the House of Commons, 1921. AT ITS BEST 1 feanitas 1 t e e en tm 2 PCCNUIENUCE OfP Alfred Noble who wak killed by a falling tree, Jan 29, 1919. One precious to our hekrts has gone, The place made vacant\in our home, Can never more be filieX. Our Father in his wisdom ®alled The boon his love had givBn, And though on earth his body lies His spirit is in Heaven. In loving m&mory of Suéanna Gadd wife of James Marshall who departed this life Feb. 1st 920. rie district has recommended doubling up in a number of fields some in Grey: County, to obyiate a lot of overlapping in several charges. Some of these are : Heathcote Presbyterians and Methâ€" odists are to combine under the later, whilea Presbyterian minister will be in charge of the Thornbury Presbyterians and Victoria Methodists. In the Fleshâ€" erton field will be included Eugenia Methodist and the Presbyterian churches of Flesherton, Eugenia and Proton. These changes, if endorsed by the conâ€" gregations affected are to take effect on July 1st, 1922. is the vain attempts at imitation. Those who take codâ€"liver oil at its best, take Scott‘s Emulsionâ€" Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. â€"â€"â€"ALSO MAKERS OFâ€"â€"â€"â€" Scott‘sEmulsion DouBLinc up Some Cnurentsâ€"A joint committee from Presbyterian and Methodist Central organization in Barâ€" Several visitors were present. The Literary Society is arranging better accommodation for the visitors, who are always welcomed. The D. H. S Hockey Team journeyed to Mt Forest Friday night. In the first half of the double schedule, these two teams have won their home games, and a win for the D. H. S. in Mt. Forest; will go a long way towards winning the| district. _ A large number of fans pur-‘ pose to accompany the team. NOBLEâ€"In lovi Gone but not f&zotten. For INDIGESTION [ The 4th meeting of the D. H. S. Litâ€" erary Society was held Friday, January 20th. The meeting was addressed by Rev. MrCole, his subject being "Reyâ€" erence and Observation", with which he exhibited anumbes ofrelics collected during his life A reading was contriâ€" buted by Ruby Morrison, and a humorâ€" ous gazette was given by Dorothy Greenway. | FINANCIAL STATEMENT i biith ty ligiseeciadicaivatrccdiadrich. ts .1\ hat dren returned to Tornnto Tacsday after spending since Xmas with her mother, Mrs Robt Bell and other relatives. Mre John Edge and shildren visiâ€" ted Aberdeen friends recently. h Mre. W A Willinms and two chilâ€" __Bornâ€"In Artbur Tp. on Jan. 21st, to Mrand Mrs Jack Mortley, (nee Nona Williams) a scn. Mr Dan McDonald. south of Price ville, visited his daugbter, Mrs Thos Collier last week. Mr enod Mrs. Harry Williams went to Artbur wer the week end to visi: ‘heir daoghter, Mre Jack Mortley. uwllli, & Mr Arch Ector, of Elbow. Sask.. is vis:ting wirh his mother, Mrs Rob Estor and orbher relatives. Romped A Mr Cl ffâ€"Howell â€"went to Rock woud Harriston‘s Wednesday. to attend the ftuneral o! definitely put MUr8 D Croft‘s father. Ma oX ty L Tt (Tablets or Qranules) _ The Durham Murniture Co. Ltd ~MOIDS C. Ramage, Review Office Notice * EMORIAM â€"Wife and Family EDGE HILL . S. Notes usband and family emembrance of $ 42 50 10 05 10 00 70 34 120 00 Lot 17, con 21 _Proton Township, 100 cres clay loam. 75 acres cleared, about acres hardwood balance mixed timber. 4 good bricked well. Spring creek about 6 rods from barr. Barn 50 x 60 on stone foundation with eavetroughing and lightning rods. _ Good granary lined with hardwood floon'nl:’g. comfortâ€" able dwelling on stone foundation with cellar. # miles from school, 4 miles from station and on rural mail route. _L_' Afl'.'ff'}ft! ofhay and straw with or Hm live, f o b.... Butter 5 am McLachlan handled the bell, some‘imes be penalized them and oftenâ€" times not, sometimes he called the offs, many times not, but both sides got an even deal, so why object ; the players took a little more punishment, and the spectators a little more fun. Mechaniesâ€"goal, Johnston Allan : defence, Bert Farrell Harry Heugill Alex Graham (one a sub,) ‘ef wing, Alâ€"Saunders ; centre, Fred Fa kingham ; right, Lance McGirr, with W McDonâ€" nell and Art Hutton, subs. Clerksâ€"goal!, D. C. Town ; defence, Jiâ€" McLachlan, Mack Saunders ; forâ€" wards, B > saunders, Harper McGirr, "Girlie" McGirr, Frank Morlock, one of them subbing. The meet showed that Durham had ample material for an Intermediate team, which in good shape would make any aggregation extend themselves. The participants were :â€" a L iiice Hours : 9 to 11 a. m., 1.30 to 4 Both lineâ€"ups were short in the ’ . m., 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays and number of goals they looked for, theyi q‘hursday afternoon excepted. were short on condition, but they were| nmmmmememmenmmemmmemmmemmmmmmmmmmmmmmme long on energy and on vigorous check-f wW.C, P|CKER|N0 D. D 8., L D g ing. _ The Clerks appeared somewhat ‘ Honor ORADUATE of T better balanced and showed a little more | University, graduate of Royal ()oll..; system in their piay. The Moclunicsi of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Rooms however usually broke up any rushes Over J & J HUNTER‘8 New Stope or team play the countermen attempted. Epmnmmmmmnmmateecommmnemom o ommmmmeemmos omm ammememmmmmy It was nip and tuck the whole way with | J. F.GRANT D.D.S. L. D.s. flashes, crashes and dashesâ€"all kinds of | [TONOR GRADUATE Toronto Universits, Gre hockeyâ€"a great game for the rooters. | Auate Rofu Coliege Dental Burgeon Now it‘s up to the Mechanics to go to it nw_m :'le:'“.l::::l:-‘ a for condition and challenge the Clerks | gite Poagt flMu' t e ~" Awen to another contest. 25 Many doctors ;:r-cscr.be them, most druggists sell them. We for free trial to Templeton, Toronto, Durbam Markets. Sold than all other Rheumatic Remedies combined for Rheuâ€" matism, _ Neuritis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, etc. that in Canada there are more Everybody knows On short notice two Durham hockey {teums of Intermediate players, divided as Clerks and Mechanics, staged a merry battle Wednesday night. When first period closed 1â€"1, second again a tie 2â€"2, it was still anybody‘s game, 2 more for the Clerks in the last, while the Mechanics could only nail 1, settled it. Clerks 4, Mechanics 3, was the final Count. ( games won lost toplay goalsfor Durham _3 0 1 23 Hanover 1 1 2 12 Harriston 0 3 1 0 Templeton‘s Rheumatic Capsules Harriston â€" goa!, Munn ; defence, Stein;cher and Dale ; torwards, Lemon_ Pritchard Burrows ; sub., Washburn . Durhamâ€"goal, Harold Mountain defence, Willet Snell, Chff Buschlen forwards, Hamilton, York and Elvidge sub., W. Vollett. _ Hanover to tie Durbam must now defeat Harriston there toâ€"night, and also Durham in Hanover next Tuesday night. Will they do it ? Very unlikely. Quite a number of Durham rooters will acâ€" company the team to Hanover next Tuesday, and help them win the district without a loss. day night, when Durham Juniors unâ€" |covered their fastest game this season, and defeated the visitors by 11 to 1. Durham lads had a good margin on the play throughout, except the second period, but not as much as the score would indicate. Durham ran in five goals the first period and the sixth early in second. Harriston then countâ€" ed their lone goal and showed their best form, holding Durham to a 1â€"1 tie in Znd frame. The pace was too fast for the visitors however and the locals ‘ broke loose again in last period, adding | 5 more to their count. Referee Frank || Murphy of Mt. Forest, handled the l game well, and imposed only one penalty | on each team. ' Clerks and Mechanics Met Harriston‘s Junior hockey team was definitely put out of the race here Tuesâ€" Hockey News of the Week Romped Away from Harriston Curnam Jan. 26 1922 Farm for Sale District Standing JAMES McLEAN 1 15 1 20 3 90 w 4 75 25 to 35 t t mcam _ * * "" : $ C. L. GRANT $ Bar : 'ltc“' .cnu in _ . _ Grey Flannel. 55 and 60¢ a yd. * White Flannel, 75¢ yard ’fi‘ Serges in Navy and Burgundy we 54 in wide, $1.50 per y4 ty Serges in Navy and Brown, 54 * in wide, 2.50 a ya, Shcepherd‘s check dress goods, "‘ 52 in wide, $1.15 per yd . W Art Sateens and Cretonnes, * 80 and 35¢ a yard Men‘s Learher Gauntlet gloves Râ€" _ si.2s *# Men‘s Leather faced Mitts, each $1.00 * Boys leath«r faced mitts, each 12 23 w%*w%*%***wwg * ® , * Children‘s ts * +4 + Underwear 4 | Unexcelled dlnm:car service, ___Sleeping cars on nmight Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains, For turther particuiars apply to any Grand Truok Ticket Agent, or C E. Horning, Distriect Passonger Agent. Toronco Ont. W CALDE , Town Agent. Central Draw Sâ€"ore Telephone No 8 Ti» DoublefrackRoate DURKHAM W.C, PICKERING D. D 8., L DS Honor @rapuats of Torong, University, graduate of Royal Oollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Roomes Over J & J HUNTER‘8 New Store Office and residence._corner Countess and Lambton, opposite old Post Offiee Office Hours : 9 to 11 a. m., 1.30 to 4 % m., 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays and hursday afternoon excepted. Spanish Valencia Raisins, J.L. S A.¢4, 4. 8., DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESON. CFFICE 2â€"5 Afternoons Hours: 7â€"8 Evenings Member Oollege Physicians and Burgeons Ontario ()l‘l‘lcl: Over J. P. Telford‘soffice, near Iv opposite Registry OMce. RESIDENCE : Second house sonth of Registry office on east side or Albert 8t, OFFICE HOUKR + ~L! a n â€"4 p m. 7â€"9 p. m Talephone Communication between Oflce am Residence at all bours J G. HUTTON,.M.D. C K O $2.00 per yard _ Swegtg_r Coats 81. 35 White Cashmere Hose 50c 60c and 70¢ pair Whl_t:“Co-tinl. 64 in wide Is strictly firstâ€"class in all Departâ€" ments and unexcelled in the Dominion Students assisted to obtain employâ€" ment. Write forhandsome catalogue. Enter any time.. _ Cement Tile and Brick Pumps & Pump Repairs ‘AM _« AND â€" HANOVER Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Momey _ 0 Loan Oflice on Lambton St JOHN SCHUTZ YÂ¥ ; 3};: Except Bund.n Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto â€"Wool and Union . B. CURtEY promptly attended to Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago always on hand. Oe t Wiea t W. J. Elliott, Principal 4# *# wifp o aer and Union e Hose 50¢, * ir * 64 in wide, ‘ 35, 1 50, 3 25 * nd 60¢ a y4. : C yard d Burgundy * 50 per y4 * d Brown, 54 : yd. Iress goods, 5 per yd . ‘ Cretonnes, : ard ntlet gloves ’ ced Mitts, * mitts, each * t# in Ladies sfp ko ul dsd l * Nt

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