West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Jan 1922, p. 8

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'3ld 1 UN OUR FLOUR IS GUARANTEED. if The above prices are at the Mill and Strictly Cash. M Highest Prices paid lor “HEAT delivered at the Mill i).', THE PEOPLES MILLS 51; R. J. AHNILL, Holstein 'sit', ll,', . '.R. ",,s':,,y,a,_.-,.,'tJ,t' mewwwwwfiwmwmmm%zg 2.4Axythylylhly'.ys1rsXh"xh'hlh' h. NEEEMXENX rtl' é: 31"? ('ift2.l'ltl'lt.?ltl'l1 GOODS DELIVERED around town every afternoon. Send in your orders early. Phone No 8, is, or Night. JOHN McGOWAN No, 1 Mn " Clout 9er 100 u... ....... 0d Chop p . 100 by: (old oar-).....,... Cnmpod ()4'-. p- r 100 ‘hi (old oar-)......... Wan-Mom'- Gli M, nl, 25 lb "ek......... Cnnrm Ch"pva-g per 100 lbs...... .. Annual! Corn, whi)wr Ion. hull ...... Chopped Amnmm Corn (old) pa ' ' butt R. J. ARNILL, We are still Highest price; r, bars Laundry Soap "..m............................ 4llw, Rice.............................. B................ l5 or. pkg Seeded Raisins while they last for No I S at or Fresh Herring... ..35c do: Try themimd be convinced ,es,.gM,.: fi"RE"ig,"f ..2C. A on. FCCah"r9oNc_-.. ”.5 r-u 1 Td': 7 T .47,“ '7Te,.-r§.-T: Yt", “-2.913. _ 7'25: In order to make room for our Spring gums. we are offering some exceptional bargains in Shoes Rubbers Sweaters to fit young and old Ladies' and Gents' Underwear Usdies' and Gents' Mitts and Gloves Prices for Float and Feed fsrsaeasmzm:xgagazzma 2:12;; Exceptional Bargains i, ---'-'"-".'eP-'-. --.-...--_a-.-- Choice, Fresh Groceries HIGHEST PRICE PAID FUR PRODUCE Mills -- DURHAM [ii)') 1iil7iiio.'l,7l'lll"ile'li"Ji, ' 'WillMlllMfXlMill1ilMlgllgllXGli1illgl Iglfit Jrn",tMt','a,3,', N',l1"lld in Shoes and Winter Wear H " " In r 98 m wk in th: Market for CREAM Tested and paid while you wait 100 lba 98 lb suck in! 98 tt pack 25c Me Me Thu ratepoyett' of the section wpe called to &meetlng in the school .on Thursday evening last to discuss the possibility of organizing a Sunday School here. Although the evening was rather stormy Rev. West of Hal-tell: managed to attend and helped toget thingegolng. Another meeting In to be held on Tuesday evening In; 31 " which Mr Went Thesehonl children of the section gathered at the home of Mr W. o Hinder on Mondax night to spend a social evening with Norah Page who is leaving the community after re. siding here tor some months. The p-‘pils presented Norah with a neat address and cabinet of note paper before her departure as s token of their appreciation of her friendship while she was with them. The youth of our burg are enjoying some pleasant nights rising or: the pond mature mill Your cor. reupondent Is afraid they are taking some patronage away Iron) Holstein and other units. They all report the ice to be in splendid condition for the amusement. The many friends and neighbors of this community were sorry to learn olthedeath of Mr Alex Blythe, which occurred last Saturday at his home In Toronto Deceased was born and raised in our neighborhood and all like-d him ass business and social man. The sympathy of the vicinity goes out to the bereaved ones in their sad loss. We are certainly having some wea- thet! Two nice days and then a blustery one But It takes a little rain with the sunshine to make the world go 'round. Deceased was 49 years of age, and for many years has been employed with Inland Revenue Department and was for a tIme District Inspector for Lo. Grey. Seven years ago he was promoted to the Inspectorship of the Toronto Division and has since lived in the city. On Tuesday of this week the mortal remainsof Alex Blyth were interred in Maplewood cemetery, beside his father the late John Blyth, who represented South Grey in the Legislature for a number of years. He died in Toronto on Sunday and the remains were brought to the home of his brother James The aimuul meeting of Egremom Cresmerv was held on Thursday In: Besides the general routine of busin- Swg, Mr Scott, the Prov-natal Bauer grader of Toronto gave an imereptmg 3nd instructive address. The new board wags lime changed lrom last year and the cnmpany are at, present netting In the" supply of ice, C'intnn Iii e h“ cm Sunday for Oshawa to work In Mubmghlm's motor works. The annual running of the Presby Marian church was held on “land” evening last The report shows a successful year. Mrs Troup who has been otudioed to bed for some time ll so much im proved " to be able to be up tl. C. Summon who has been under the Dr's one tor quite a while is improving slowly. Reeve Melihwhern and Deputy Alun are this week unending County Council in Owen Bound. Mrs W. J. Philp is apendmg a few days in the Village. A high class co on under the amplces ofthe W. S. of the Methodist Church will b iven in the town Hullou Feb 10. by Mum Purl Newton, tsloeuttonUt, d Ethel J. Grainer. Contralto. of Roma Plan of ball anus public llbr y. Rey and “I! Oink returned to than home in Delhi on Monday the: assisting Mr West for. week with Ipooial ”We", Mr Ileg Hum in this week visiting his liner Mrs Dooney our Rival-view. C. S Lngao has been in and around 'he village for a week. Mr MoDnrmntt has oppned up harber shnp in the front of Dr Ellis How the vtllngn dnvu grow A sleigh load of young folks from the village Wtyttt out to Dromore has Thursday evening and enjoyed the plly "Mother love" . Mr John Smith. m. Forest is visiting for: few dnyl her man friends bare. We exporlenced our usual Bond-y norm. But as is generally the use It was much worse in other-places. Mr George Penton iain Owen Sound this week taking pm in . curling bonapcil, Mr Howard MIoklahnmunh Roeinn '9 "minus: his mm Mrs L. B Nichol- ann and other friends” Mm Ell. Build Inn “and to Humnhon In" spending - tin. with her mother who we I" planed to nport in "covering. Miss Sum Tucker. North Egre- mnm spent ever the weekend with Wm Man-Irv and other friend-u, HOLSTEI N LEADER LOCAL AID PERSOIAL Death of Alex Blyth ORCHARD service TH! DEBRA. an" RETURNED PROM INDIA-Dr Margar' et McKellar, a noted Canadian Presby- terian church missionary of Neemurh, Central India. and a relative of Mrg. Harry Stephan and Miss K. McCormick, of Walkerton.haa returned to America owing to illness in her family. Dr Mc. Kellar went back to India only afew montha ago but has been called home to Maintain Gran, Mich. She bopeeto go back to her work within a year.- That it is the wife's privilege in all classes of society, to lay out the money for fond, w trt the dictum laid down by a London magistrate in deciding a matri- monial dispute. which arose becausethe husband, dissatisfied with his meals. de. cided to buy the food himself! Field work on the Petawaws for- est experiment station end the other statii ns carried on bv the Furvstn Blanch " the Department of the "tterior Caused about the middle oi I December, and the (moors have re- turned to Oaawa, to make a. record ‘Ofthe work ofthe field season. Just as the farm experiment stations have alded agriculture by discovering new methods ot growing plants and indicaving the best varieties, so the forest experiment stations are assist ine [marry and lumbering be study int and puttingnn record the best methods " harvesting the timber crop nnd also of handling out over or burned over areas in ord er to get a new crop started Containing the best species nftrees The forest is Can. udu’s second mns'. important natural resource and whatever sssists in the: dewlnrmem and utillzuion of thisl great rret-nrce is of importance to‘ every Canadian Mr Jno Morice received a letter last week from his aunt. Mrs Pet- ttgrew Br., near Lumsden telling of the death of her sister (Muggie) Mrs Rmith of Grerttock Scotland. Mrs Pettigrew is the on" sister left and h-r many friends will be glad to know she 1s null enjoying health and latelv visited he, son Jas, in S "UttMoon and also the Shaw family of Wmnepeg Ctuurriatu1ationt, to Mr and Mrs Ins. Harerave upoz being remem- bered by the stark in favoring them with another little bov The humorous characters in the play. were Jeremiah Qnathanbush, Mr Archie Clark). in his .eolenrn morelyzrng: Mr Thee 'wau with a penchunt for "rapping thinga and line Anne. Renwiclt. (fancy - not available " this writing) did their part: to perlection. Mina Nel- He Bunaton too. came in deservedly) fora good deal of praiee in taking a ditrieult part vacated by Mien Bernie Drimmle, who was tndiaposed through: felonious attack upon one of her firtgertr. junta day and a half before, and only one practice to fol- low. But ,ehyitidividuatize? Thes were all good. ah wing a marked improvement on previous splendid plays, (that were well done.) In the various irfFetiom, of the voice, and entering into the spirit (the piece whole heartedly Ha is churlish in. deed would withold a mend of praise tor worth in entertain.. so gem-mus lv given witha great sacr fire of time on their part The work no doubt is sdnontinnal to them, and irvqhnctiw- and pleasing to the and it nee The morals contained were well pr"sented. Dr Snot-nth acted as chairman and announcer of the various scenes The Holstein or chestra supplied excellent mnsir be tween acts, and were accompanied tw agenerons sprinkling of Holstems fairest and best The annual meeting of Knox church was held last Friday even- ing. Mr W R McAlister received word lately of the death of his brother Mr Albert McAlister of Curlittville, Il- linuis, who died on Dee. 3nth, aged 81 sears. Mr and Mrs S. Jackson of Seek. who are spending the winter with friends visited recently with the [alters sister. Mrs Geo. Sharp. In a letter received from our form- er pastor Rev B M Smith, of Wal- tet's Falls,he tells us of their suc- Cvss in a four week revival. We are glad to hear Rev and Mrs Smith are enjoyinggood health and that he likes his work in his new field, The Misses Boyce of D H. School visited over the week end with Miss Esther Petty. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Thos Wallace, Jr, who were mar- :ind in Toronto last week. One of thou pleasing event... I play entitled "An old lashioned Mother" was given in the fine com mndntlon, Russell hall at Damon- on Friday evening last, by the tat. ented young people of Dromore The hall was well filled even to standing room. as well "the regular Inches. meet- ing. All uninvited to “meeting. Plea: dont forget the date. It John Douglas I. buy putting wood In at the ochool The: uy it in In quality. NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY New Forests For Old NORTH EGREMONT ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO _ "Water In the hm house" come either before or just 31:21:03: Butotttottiitt. The element next to nilrogo-n in impor.ancu is phosphorus. Nitrogen can be got from the air by legum- inous plants, but the phosphorus supply in the soil can be supplement- ed only by adding some form of ma- nure or fertilizer. The supply in the soil is comparatively small. and is naturally held in an insoluble form, so that losses by leaching may be reduced to a minimum. So tirmly is the phosphorus held, that in our study of the soils of the Province, we tInd that after nitrogen, no plant food constituent that may be added will give so decidedly good results as phosphorus. This is especially true when applied tor the cereal grains and turnips. On fall wheat, 400 pounds ot acid phosphate per acre has doubled the yield, and basic slag on heavy soils has given even bet- ter results. On soils fairly rich in vegetable matter, and thus well sup- plied with nitrogen. there is usually no need at supplementing the gen- eral manuring with anything but the phosphate, the exception being when tall wheat has wintered poorly and is having a hard time to make growth in a cold backward spring. Then an application ot nitrate ot soda at the rate of 100 to 150 pounds per acre on the poorer parts ot the field will usually pay Well. Turnips have "Uh'eulty in absorb- ing phosphates, hence although the ground is usually well manured for this ctop, it will pay to add throo The decaying vent-table mutter, however, does more than furnish ni- trogen; it improws the physical con- dition of the SJ”. thus nulling it easier to work. It increases the abil- ity ot the soil to hold water, thereby insuring better returns in dry wou- ther, and in its decay [urnislns acids which help to bring insoluble plant food into an availubw condition. “new are strong; s ult‘lJt'lllb to make about any constiturnt ct the aoil, but they show [no importance of growing catch crops to plough down as frequently as possible in the rota- tion. A legume naturally is the best crop, but where this is not possible, or too expensive, grow no. rape, or some crop that mil furnish organic matter to the soil. Phosphate Also a Necessary Food. The Soil Must Have Nitrogen. Fortunately. while there are quite a. number ot essential parts to the btilatteed"diet of a plant; there. are only three or tour that it has dith- culty in getting. and, of these again there are two that are more fre- quently detieient than ohms. Those are nitrogen and phosphoric acid There is a great store of the f..r mer in the gaseous form in thc air around us, as much as appri-xnnutui; 70 000,000 pounds on: we!) idrr of land. Yet, luv :' takes its nitrogw- iii .t ", 'c,rir i rm through he roWr, of the plant, tri, inert, gaseous nitrogen is ot no use until it is taken into the soil and rendered available. Anion; mm 1' methods of getting this nitrogen into the soil. nature has provided that it we grow legumes, such as clover. peas. ete., we will got some of this nitrogen built into the plant. Then on the decay of the accumulated vegetable matter from these and o her plants, the nitrogen is left in the form that is of use to plants. l‘hls means that decaying Vegetable matter in the soil is the main source it nitrogen as a food tor farm crops ither than legumes. We may be quite sure tha. it the soil is low in decaying vegetable matter there will oe a small amount of nitrogen. With- out plenty ot available nitrogen we cannot get the abundant glowtl. o. leaf and s em that is necessary; ne- cessar), because it is in the leaf that the carbon dioxide taken from the air is built up into sugars. starch, and other compounds of like nature. and that anything that limi s the size of the lea! just as surely limits the plant's ability to make end store these compounds. Nitrogen tomes big leaf and stem growth, hence is great value in crop production. THE Mllt tf PLANTS (Contributed by Ontario Department ot Agriculture. Toronto.) Plants. like animals. require food. Their food consists of simph-r snip stances. but it is none the has my cessary. in general farm prac ice we do not feed plants: but we grow them in a. soil. trom which and the surrounding air. we expect them to gather their food. in nearly every instance there is an abundance ot food around the plant. but it is not always in a form that it can be ab- sorbed. Sometimes there may be an abundance of some ot the tood constituents and very little of others. We recognize the importance ot a" balanced diet tor man, but tall to realize that it is just as important tor the plant. The Soil Must Have Nitrogen. Like Human Beings. They Need a Belem Retina. Pool- Phat 0min Without Kim Mt. Alto Required tor Best RemMttt-..Xhe, Dieting oi T it will hundred orly and Aff e "row“: i h Then I d! soda. at "t, mds per l . . the mid If,' absorb. I T ugh the ( w urea for I it) ld three ot acid _ “4 and that I enty-tive w We ha e ... the uge w ot acid * mind are i) valuable . , in the . . Itrh the w m. 3nd if Butt rem . . , when w eral ma- I 'r--Prot. . . Coll-o. w i)) - ---, Me and 50c i' 'iut ftWgau melt and Btationer, Durham; a'a:ss:s:a:aasa :9a:dtiBa:aq:a.q:a:s9 av" l, Ali the mrmhrrs of thr family were preernr ut the fuvrr.rtl “i'h the “cep- tion of Mi ti Jen who I. teaching out !Wo-st. The accused have: brnird an :'chief maurnern his \oung widow and l, ' rmhera. Churllr John and James and ily shalt"; Bella Jen, Marv E.. Ida (Mrs Schenk) and Elnoeth We extend [mar hcartfelt sympathy. 3hr undcrwrnl anOperntiun which, and: \adding ttt his days someuhwt, deprived ‘hum rnnrrly of his speech. which made his affliction doubly Inert. His re mums were tal en from Toronto to l Holstein by train nn Tuesday and from Iii/ re cor"eyrd to his rid have at the 'i"Corners" where the funeral "Nice Ywall conducted be Rev. w, J Burn. tt, lat 2 o'clock and from thence to Maple- (wood century for burial. .We buy afrkind of st ck. Hogs ship- ped every Thursday at hilthest mark: price. Kindly notify us when you have cattle or sheep for market. For Sale-One cutter in good condition one set sinzle harness. all mostly new Also 12 school seats, suitable for hall and other places Terms cash. or monthly payments may be arranged. Apply to Mrs E. Dargavel. Dornoch About three years ago he became " ihcted wrth a bum affection which gradually but Surely pudetmincd the strong cmsmurmn Over a year Mo On Saturday afternoon Int Mr Alex. Hiythof Toronto, but who was born and grew up to manhood ttt tho locality. passed away tothe Great qund ttrm which no travetVrreturns. The dereli- cd uiss a man of a quid. yellrlng dispo- union. pnsaeau-d at more than ordinary mtrlhgence a: d for a number of year. held a Iucrahve pnmtlhn In the Govern mer t " excise officer. Moved by D. Mcllvride, seconded by Richard Barber. ".Roolved that In the opinion of this meeting we view woth duifavor the enormous increase in the expenditure of our County Council on the Good Rondo system That while we fully apprectute the good intentions of sour County (mcialo to build good roads. we see no need or excuse for the mad rush and reckless expense. particularly in view of the staggering national debt, immensely increased by the war. which. must and can only he paid in taxation in var'Jus forms. and " would ask. if not demand, that there be m immediate slowing down of this rccklsss ' xprndl- ture until such time " the financial condition of the country will justify the outlay. And further thata copy of this resolution be forwarded tothe various Runs in the County soliciting their attention and support to the some.” Knox Church. N vrmnoby. held In annual busineu meeting on Friday evening lust. Rev. Mr Burnett oc- copied the chum and quite I urge gunning. panneu'nrly ut yoqu peo- ple Were present. The various bran choc of me some!) presumed encour wing repw-l and the t1atmeint our! showed a barmeeo" hand nf $134 oo, Du It “huluuod wvh H'ng. he r,1. .n-g very shun trt the amount nllocn m lo Hm chtrcit t u' unnum- Mr. J "i P.-. lt WM .1 Mm (“an urer and 3n G, c, L S'm- prr-v- cud 'l‘rurmun‘r. A thy vs' s A [um-n \VAS sewn! ht we r-uulm m manly meeting of Yuma) U. F. o. on Friday but I lug“ numbu were put-DIM and a very tn- Immune Int-dung held. The follow. mg resolution " a little P'ei? Ill ot want. lump-red : Dear Mr Editor t We do not know hm rubber-II waterproof gimgham 1,h,,tet'i,t'd'7, 11tifg,'r','g"d2e, mm- forueei the kttchen Can e u I , e . . _ 'l,2'.C'feh man accused " Blytb'a "my cum '" dai and Tt dR_tpld Curuer scribe no the than at the Beiierartd ready d and. n. T.'wttt deernl electinnl at using mundm for "ertplteea. full particulars. in one paragraph. than be hand done Money refunded if mple returned, in 25 you" It tuodirte cumin) it to BRITISH RUBBER MPANY, 1:; the waste basket and oblige. McGlll St., MONTREAL'. Mr Geo 6ruswart went on a basins“ trlp to Toronto lust week. .yc.'tmF:.tF.t:itt.tt "tttttte F a: (i a pleasant revelation to thousanc those hitherto used to Japan China Greens. natural leaf Green Tea? " but ’1‘?ch Did loo Ever Try _ If you have I Itubbor your'air pauagel irritated .-I:- ..- - . .. A"" nave {stubborn cough, if your lungs are n f' Pl" Ill‘ panace- mmntd. this splendid Cruuh Syn p " "r telief you seek promptly and without any harmful tsftcr-t iltx ', n-_-- ..._ . - rk that Ba. ' E Stop Mi.rit':'rrr, ' GI .--.~ LN. id,'guca- l . - , . " \l‘ _ _ Ps" - Ith t " with Penstar MAM? Notice to the Public BLY'N'S CORNERS {stubborn Fough Irwin, Holstein " {fine . and (Spruce 9317/: C??l Durhgnii in In attractive and I town and good ttccomttvtduttor claimed at watchable rut 5. The School has a Crédllahk‘ n the put which it hopes to mu" the future Intending pupils should ttrrpHr ter " the begunninl of the h In.torrtetion u to cnurscs mu tained from (He isr/ncirCi I. Junmr Ittrlculaucn _ a. Bun-moo to the Normal saw .~\ 8. Senior 'Utrictttation Each member of the surf euuty graduate and an e tench". The School is thoroughly (a ukr up the folk)“ mg cunt“: HHGEI SCH©©L Men and n to at" to women in homes rubber-II waterproof gimgham The Bouow and Dnily Advertis- Tho Bevin! uni erkl) Witneu-m Thu- Bovbw sod Dailv Free Press (or! "Br.............................. Tho Rev .. and Toronto Dlilv H II and Emmrelnr 1 your..,... The Rowe-w and the. Fnrluuru' Ad, Yuan“! fort van... .. ............ Thu- RevIo-u .ml Torum- ”an Stu r, t I v-ter......... ..... _ ”lull. u I healing 'I ”"A l, ll. Thain-c Burl, IV ‘th'r "Wind mum. Tho Itxsettotd Tomuw 0-in 8speeiarues in these two luru'm f ell-etch! Education. , tenchorn: Individual ittstruct sures rapid proxies-h. Bum _ T Special course for Fann('~' , W. A. TRIMBLE. Pp Bookkeeping t Slenogra; aloha tot tv-....................". " for on. "ae........:............... I am in the market to buy all kinds of Raw Furs- Foxes, Coons, Skunks am Mink. Am paying tlit highest market price. Sr me before selling and saw money. J. LEVINE, Durham RAW FURS WANTED JAN BABY M, "a I. It. KOCH. Chalrma'x C. R. DANARD. B A. Pram HI MOUNT FOREST ONT. In the open doors to “run iiir"iiEi7 ii"iit'.fiiiirr, ”our MEI! OPPORTUNITIES raided if mple' RUBBER MP .MONTREAL. Clubbing Rat Mime ard rid Wanted “an :52 In etrpcr' of d II n m HI ' PFe ‘1' 676 ht m th SI w M " R ar Ettrtuerarru.u Some of the pr women ot (in tnined on Thu theLUut. Goo at Governmer Smith. Prawn Lawrence . 2nd Vice P tary, lrsl Volleu. ' active your very Iucces officers wort Mrs F. G. ll Durham Branch, cured the t Burnett an ind Is! mix and M HER ie The I. held the Tuesdav Rowe m limes cur events It Bid". Cl that won ham's Which r mission ill Hos: ”ladies M the Re will hold In At ome, I in the Town "a" en a olvocnl andin trum " Ind rummunlh sinu'zn You can't I diet. Tone JIS, ty of nourishing "can. Tanlar llrllne's Drug fit Get Four costume re- ou-fashioned social tn church. Tuesday, Fen ”of the Young Wm Further notice nun we: O it Eeeryt"dy wk: ”nothing good to It Macadam 'r Drug G. s some}. -"' Broad in now calling I loaf or " not.“ for Btmtett's. \ _ Men's iii:),),,:: “mint 2hcat _ t ul VOL. If the b u W Irrlt TOTA L Abs! ARR n ar acc Tt your Notor tr Prieeviile BA DIAI [en '0 Sue} ll " ro math H’HRN "

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