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Durham Review (1897), 2 Feb 1922, p. 3

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I on Spending m in New Shim flee. 9 school v'. ham ems as: pat- mn. Us Bobby,“ TO comm. POLICY. Iain Defation n the shun-d 1 Mt! h Ila ”In "tares he Man an, top an." I. Iorment I... n tha IMO. lal'kaMa bs. ).000 w how , “an thou. Ian " 0 to. MISS rill, when i. (the In and Ina Deed ilk ha I tone " tinned . which itt those " cost of on. wart. " to ls hem. boom t the At.00tt for that " more " m Daar rt The deposits of bitmnin, V mt the Athatraaka River Sf) to 200 feet thick. tron pawn by the heat of the Ws into deep pools. Thi presents the banged. Rum we of solid 'tsphaltie mam Such (an: as the above are m in many of our people the shack, and had burn: of furniture to keep f, Hingfrosh and Foumt At them on the doe s.'ed ar to Wateomih, where all l an! medical attention. , is fvared, may die. tt dren K‘Hx QUSr suppose: t HAD THREE BASKETS ON MY tr.cscl oMel. TNoPTHREE! I c . L....... l , ‘ t -ss-----=ete.t- x " l C-ii-ii-iii-i-i-iii-ri-ji-fy ff » sei"', 'ei.?., ' LN . _ ‘ al ' . " 5“ 7:. Ir-iii: l _ 1/ as?! 3555 -~ -. - 1-5.: . es?» ' Ces " With his wife at) Mame-If dying fcrm irrtraeoza, Atehimo Nan Tuchees, wn lnlian trapper. “lied his eldest can, Atvhimo, 14, to his made and gave him 81,200 the fruits of his trapping, and bade him are for the children. The same day, January 13, both r-mfnts died. Una-bk- to bury the his”. the boy left them frozen trohid m the shack, with the five young chil- Yen, and set out on 'mowtrboes to fetreh 13:. nearest nehrhhor, M miles away. When he retttrnet with John Him tcrrch, two days later, the five ehiVl Ire-n, including the baby, were gnaw- m: raw mouse Berk ths, min IMA = w edition A detpatcrh from PM 'rays:--Five children, uni: from lers than a Tear to reached Watcomb, on the Government. Railway, tuned 14-year-old brother after terrih': bardihir,, :n Hu- -11 a r Bay Defies Bitter Cold and) l Saves Orphaned Brothers. .-z.Ti HEROIC ACTION or 7 INDIAN 14 YEARS ow In vigorous and determined that only four out of trmntr-e:gFc we" busily driven into tho roping ring and tied up. during the time that the Prince watched the Operations. tt A denim}: from Mytore India, "rss-The Prince of Web; was an eye witness at the manual spectacle of c roord-up d wild ckphmls. The mood-op um held on the bank at the Rubies»! River. forty-six miles trotrth of the aphal (Mysore) cf the m. vnme. W few of the many contained edition of u booklet "Comp, Farrah" just issued by I I Resources Intelligence Bram mpmmem of the [mgr-RAP It PRINCE or WALES WIPES??? ROUND-UP as? may fiL'uTi?i'lium't'i; 'alley Trouble Caused by Berlin fompact F acts, Canada, t Portions of th Pl tiehts on the 3 Simply Germans With Raw Mate, fr when M prices for ferl. Such a tire,! in found along the Mackenzie here a "am of coal is tstill; a; in 1789 when seen by " ' Mackenzie. s has Image reserves of can], situated in the eastern and! tire which h me hundred Laugh old brother after enduring hardships in the wildenms. k's wife and himr-e-Zf dying Jenza, Atehinso Nan Tuchees, n trapper, calfed his eldest himo, H, to his bedside and " may: later, the tive dril- bdin-g the baby, were gnaw- rocse fUsh the only food in and had burned every scrap Mahatma " the n horn he . luxury ccrreentrated during the nth: by forest offieiala, ' track of jungle. ty keep from -ir"ei2ii, wi'd elephants had been n [lie-re Branch the Interior ttt copies may be 33 neon. burning and thirty years ry in these days "l. Such a firm ' the Mackenzie :minmn: sands liver are from from whence, the am. at This deposit known occur- material. 'ana 3cm (wide r, ple but are TI tehimo packed n1 muehed on obtained food The infant, it " try by th med in ompact rt th captive, was sts of vela- by their William Ot he 50,000_,900 Words in enthtren paying for the marital mis- takes of their mogenitm. “Marrying pawns" and oomp-laisant justices of the peace, with an eye to the fees and not to the unborn, often sin against the future of the race. At present these who insist on mental and physi- cal weUabeing as a prerequisite to a matrimonial alliance are to some ex- tent pathfindera; befcre long they will tiv.:', themselves on a broad and 1..-“-.. tory "of - gun..." “I out URN-CC! I States who counselled a young woman ' of his ftoek against marrying a young! man whose family history revealed his tmfitness for marriage, is to be com- momlled. The aggrieved suitor pro- ceeded to bring another suit again-st, the minister; but the jury, after very b, kf deliberation, has brought in a verdict for the clergyman. ' If everybody showed the same cour- ageous frankness in giving warning to l muse 1Pntemplatirtg matrimony, there I would be a considerable reduction in 1 the number of non-engenic marriages. t There woulld not be so many innocent . children payim for Hm wan-nu! -e, . it Of I runkuirg annwncemont that all claims will be taken up by a special oomttrhysion, as soon as the enabling treaty tan be ratified, State Depart- ment Mfreiaia estimated that the grand total is in the neighborhood of $750,- 000,000. Many of these are “Improv-f ed," however, and the final amountl will be considerably smaller, it wall stated. he says: -Ameriea's, many for the rim] is $16,000,000, United States' Bill for Lusitania is $16,000,000 Wirth Announces D New German Tact r, A akepatch from Berlin says: 1--Thi, German Glancellor, Dr. Wirth, announced in the Reieh-, t stag on Thursday the Govern- :' menth new taxation proposals. l They are: F First. a. compulsory loan of a _ billion marks, gold, bearing'in- terest only after three years, in.. tended to govern the budget ex-f penditure for 1922, not relating! to posts and railways; second; abandonment of the tax on post-f war profits; tliira, a two per]I cent. business tax; fourth, the! duty on coal raised to 40 per! cent, duty on sugar to be iif0,l marks per 100 kilogrammes. The taxation proposals of Dr. t Wirth will increase the property tax by 200 per cent. ll certs: New ‘olfowix . Every d5ffkutt macaw.- the cape-ins in the rFpi: Inland!!! by the rrir, e. , namely exiting when fro td behinl the efcphuvis. however, did not hold the Irmn fvrioca attempis to big tmrker leading tFe Jefe the tame elephants heir-7 I herd the wild was. iih,' other captive; the mike: war back tir the jungle, all of the younger ones- (mar young casket lay on the tre ing in sheer rage. The Prime drive from a feet in the a: He Spoke in ater in clergyman 'm ' x-amuy history revealed his. ku. marriage, is to be com- The aggrieved suitor pro- L.:‘.,.. ,7 -- - “with English Dictionary kind ateh f:rty Washington aHUWOJ we same COUT- rs in giving warning to ling matrimony, there sidewble reduction in Ion-eugenic marriages. on mental and physi.. , a Premqm‘aite to a meta are to some ex- before long they will n a broad and beaten d by the thoughtful ktc " bill against aer- raking of the Lusitania of W the deal of Wain wimtsaed the vpuc1sl phtfrzrm thirty on James 5. rose every work on the on his task the day. It lea} with the with an in- a. no“: we '.V..J teaSLs temps to o: are. The = tfe defame charged ints beiccr use] to he'lp was. Fohzhwd by the the tinker famed his, jungle, all nxccpt four oncs- (fuming. One I on the ground weep- It Sir J, the tsnitedl 50 Those who cavil at the univer usually those who are afraid 1 open; who shrink away from ing out and pushing on "Let's go!" That sold a good one for us all. l down life in general as a your own particular life try the experiment of 1 Four might. But they who are in the thick of things have heard all these old, wcrno out objections mam-limp: Tim" on The gloomy ones would like to halt]I those who are playing the game by} demonstrating to them that the out- look is hopeless and victory is im-! pcasible. One finds the pessimism in this world chiefly in the ranks of those on whose hands time is hanging heavily. The optimists are stirring so busily that they haven't time to note every: thing that might or does go Wmnlzz. J game is not to look on, but tt it; not to read the roles, but to lthem. __ --- â€"â€"-v -. Va. INK: luAMl’.’ They who hear music played enjoy] it the more and understand it the bet-i ter from knowing even a little aboutI musical performance from their own l practice. Those who are engaged in earning a living have a sympathetic compre- hension of the lot of the toilers, that is not to be gained from being coddled and handled in the lap of idle luxury.; rm., 7 , , . _ ‘considerable blastering in mtctrt to the; tor 'plain speaking by the United States,) off there is an obvious undercurrent cf, the Idismay, together with the dawning _cfi the la realizaticn of the hard truth by,'nou l public men. lave l To them the severest shock has been the given by the Hoover Commission's re-l it r port calling for the reduction of the, diff amount of German reparations to Uni within the capacity of that nation to; mat pay and the reduction of the armed’ the forces of certain European nations/Fra, i I fl, /tnet,9, from London my: . . . '."-"r"'r-t . - e ondan D il t", - y Plain Speaking by Britain and the United States Reveals the t derstands that th: tretvi;seei't, '. ko Hard Truth to French Politicians. isubstitqting motor tractors for, I __..._- ’horses m every branch of the, A dc'spateh frcm Paris F-sys.'--- forces which are one of the principal) Royal Artillery.' The Change Willi This may be retarded in Frenchi "e,',"?' of monetary. inflation. [enable the Government to makei' politics as a day of awakening. A real This, coupled with the cablegramfa ten per cent. reduction in the I . m.', . V . . . from Washington that seep?,.',']..?.,,:";;',';?,',',',', } fsposition _t.o hecd inhat 15 oetng T1iiil/he., objects to going to Genoa) l {by other nations, YN huh has been com-(r 1mless France reduces her army and; J-Te-r-r, i iplotely absent is now being displayed., balances her budget, and candid mes- l All Helium m World I _ The double cold douche, which came 9:2ng from the London correspondents”! Used by US. Navy? _sirnvrtaneotWy from Washington amrtel.liyr French fenders that. English: i I" .. . __. . -- T' CT'.mcn " hostile to Pcemler Pom-i , ----- i jlmcndon. is responsible for this change care's rnorliheations of the Anglo-l A o'rrapatch from Newport News,] ‘of attitude by diplomas, politicians French pact, impala the frank a:hmis-l 1rty., staysc--The world's supply 01" , and publicists. Whilc, there is stillrsricn: “Our case is as bad in Washing, Iel.iu.y., etreassd in the be: of the, 'considelah!e blusterirrp: in Nif‘l't to the; ton as it is in London." The semirdiririNe C-7 at the Hampton Road; plain speaking by the United States/ official Temps is so perplexed over naval base, is to he e0mpressed and, there is an obvious undercurrent cf the altitude of the United States on sent elsewhere. The C-7 is to be de-is dignity. together with the dawning cf, the (knot commence that it an-, flatod before February I. . if a realization of the hard truth by'incunccs that it will not discuss it,1 The 335. it is understood, will bed public men. [avoiding the issue by saying that as taken to another statinn fro. “M.- .. To them the sevorpzt. 37:}an lune hm“ , ”u m - " W oft The best way to understand any ' u - . " C" u;ayul. t s go! That soldier slcgan was‘ sang-The I one fer us all. Before you set; corner of Q life in general as a delusion. and l Lana whip} th 1tr'i'il)hth' MO WAssammH swam“ mama GOVERNMENT RUDE AWAKENING This photograph gives an idea In any distance can be seen the Nias Playing the Game. REGLAR 'rELfERs- by Gene ons manrtimes. They are words "imprudent" or "im- They have lost patience Ioldbacks, the standpatters prevent them from launch-1 A'lau .ttJliUUt" aicgan was; saysquhe wooden building at the, 11' us all. Before you wet; corner of Queen Street and 'C'hancewlt,” :eneral as a delusion, and,iLane, which bore a tablet showing it Cd 'ticular life as a failure,’ was the structure in which the legis- ge iment of living with all; nature of New Brunswick first met in i [Fredericton in 1788, was gutted by 1-: mm at am “an.” --,',ds_, w ' L rink away from thar, look om,_but to was; me are of the apply ls neen ‘ the news comes by rway' of 1n's 11-! it may be inexact, but addin of theldifoeu1t for us to believe MUS-EYE VIEW OF THE CHIPI?A:WAV POWER an idea at the immensity of the carat, and the be the Niagara River, into which the canal disnhnro F r~â€"-~ n‘v‘vh‘ "' fire Thursday afterncan. Explosion of an oil stove is said to have started the blaze. Fire Breaks thit in '9 Historic Fredericton Buildi 'f A despatch from Ottawa,, Ont., '1aii:-ii?e"ri'st,', returns for British {Columbia show ti population of 523,- yum. This will ttive an increase of only Icet.e in the parliamentary representa- .tirm of the province. As the three' [Vancouver eorostituerveies have an ag-l Igregate population of 176,447, the ad-l‘ [diticnul member will probably be al- ilottrH to that city. 1 or! But suffering is part of the neces- e-|' :‘ary discipline for us all. If we had ttI no bad times, we never should know l what the good ones are like. It is be- " cause much of life deals so roughly y'with us that we find such exquisite '... [I happiness when the rare golden hours,' Ceome. Those hours are more than} aiworth the rest. j One Member" iiir2 - 1 Toronto. and bruises into some warm and fierce-l, Manitcm wneat-No. 1 North lined, upholstered retreat. [$1.30 u.., " From their environment of torpor Manitoba "tet-yt,.'. (aw, " and languor they deelaim against risk.]g’2‘E/;: No. 1 feed, 5PM. No. 1 f I They decry the notion of a mling,' Mama)!” 'barley-Nominal , Power in mortal affairs that could per- I All th e above, track, Bay irort, I mit suffering. l Amerimu ttora-No. 2 yellow. 691 ll But suffering in nnrf of "s., ..-___ 'Ar - -- '31 France." um news comes by way of London, it may be inexact, but adding, "It is difficult for us to believe that the United States Government has really made an injurious eompariscn between the Bolshevist army and the army of; wvunnn " despatch from Frederiet TORONTO for Coast Province; Byrnes e canal, and the beautiful bountry the canal discharges. ted by plosion mg 330} Be-ani-LCG. "iiisr. i-picked, $3.30 to $3.50; primes, $2.80 to r ,,V,__, “w, nun, Abr ldacklings, 32c; tux-keys 40 igeese, Me. Mrdgarine--20 to 230. Eggs-No. l atorage, 35 to ,' laid 'rtmightv, 52 to 54:; new cartons, " to 56e. I American tNrrat---No. 2ite,1.'ioh 691,50; s-HG. 3 yellow. B8%e; o. 4 yellow) td 67%e; track, Toronto. l w? Ontario mhsr--No. 2 white, nominal/ 2-? Ontario Yteab--NomimE I Barley-No. 3 extra, teat 47 Ibo. or Lbeetter, 57 to 60e, according to heights e.outsdde. S 1Nekwheat--No. 2, 78 to Me. n Rye-No. 2, 86 to 88e. I Manitoba flour-First paw, $1.40; ,second pats, $6.90, Toronto. I Manitoba ttour-Lim per cent. pat., 'ibulk, seaboard! per barrel, tii, " Millfeed-Dei. Montreal heights, Wags included: Bran', per ton, $28;l , shorts, per ton, $80; good feed ftout', 1 $1.70 to $1.80. l J Ruled 1ayy--Trxurk, Toronto, per ton, ' 5 INo. 2, $21.50 to. $22; mixed; $18. tle ( Straw-Carr lots. per ton, $12. h S'_httyry,tzNe.w,r large. 20 to 20km”; twins, 201f. to 21e; triplets, 21 to f 1211/32. Old, large, 25 to 26c; twinm: C (25‘4- to 26he; trip-lets, 26 to 2.'rer; ‘Stilt‘sns, 119w, 25 to 26c. " I But'ser-Fresh dairy, choice, 28 to u' '353; cranium}: prints, fresh, 38 to 43c; t ii. 2, 34 to 36e; making, 25 to 26c. a Dr-r,: ed i:crlltr.vr-Srri/ir chickem, tl 30 t) 38:; 1ocstors,20to 25c; fowl, 28 u to 32C; duckling. 32 to 34:-; tiulers, f. 50:; Reese, 30c. pr Live poultry-spring chickens, 22: to 28c; waiters. 18:: foul. an frx ‘19m' _ -.~...- .‘xwyuxv JVCWB, [Van eraysc-The world's supply of :helium, encased in the bag of the *dirig-I‘ble C-7 at the Hampton Roads naval Lase, is to be compressed and sent elsewhere. The C-7 is to be dew Hated before February I. . i The gas, it is understood, will be' taken to number station for experi-',: mental purposes. The C-7 recently w. ,V - .u.x:u_v . "-ee --9... ‘4”“U”" *4)": bui'.ditr a “mum's Luil; lc-rr? London Daily News un- trt.'e salient? 'or'.fercuas vdwstands that the War Oftiee is ‘asium, either a?! a'l'nir=i: 1GiGiiiriUi motor tractors fotrine to relieve l'nivmlw ’horses in every branch of thephe executive cffiees m a I Royal Artillery.' The change will I to ?Tvyit.the ,'fye.s,ers cl. ‘enable the Government to make ii.iplnrd;t,fp'lle,ft,rnt5n,,'tv";rjai ' . I : Lt . ' a gei'iEngg'l' cent mama" m the I One and a but million dull: “ l now but spread over th ----+------- :would enab'e the Univers All Helium in World [Ironic to Lemmoncc these fo; Used by U.S. Navy Encoded buildings at once. ms given a suave-ism! test Horses CANAL »3='.'\~\. .\ It; _."---, _------, _ cp,?,',',",---'""'-""," Q \\: ', A "r?"ii' c t . A\ _ _ Car. _- ' , 1ilt./._,'tst,,s] wromo. M wneat-No. l Nov‘thern.[gmv M3 mrtsw--No. 2 CW, M%c; I feed, 52lie; No. 1 feed, ff? barley-Nom inal. 'i, we, track. Bay ports. 27 .'l 0111:le 2 2elloyr, 691790; fd,",;, -itrprlllg chickens, i 18e; fowl, 20 to 28 tux-keys 40 to 4th Displaced t the Royal Am"dery Weekly Market Report it Dawes 38c; new , laid, in $3.10 bushel ttpc., 4th Fm. t.,E _ $23 p; E l cr'Ct"aa===rts th rough Orts, Can. West. No. 2, 59 do, No. 3, 57 to Gee. Four Spring wheat pats., thsts $7.50. oats, bag of 90 Ton, $2.85 to Bran, $28.25. Shorts, $30.25. No. 2, per ton, car lots, $27 to Butter, choicest Preamery. Eggs, selected 34 to Me. Pa per bag, our Ion, $1.2t to $1.25, prints, 16% to 17c. Shcnening " 13e; tuber, 18%e; pails, Ide; , 16%e. Choice heavy steers, $7.50 to ' ttpods $7 to $7.50; butcher choice, $6.50 to $7.26; do, good " to $6.25;.do, med., " to $5.50; d: ‘ $4 to $6; butcher heifers, choice _ to $7; 1io, med., $5.50 to $6.t com., $4 to $4.25; butcher cows, ,_'$5 to $6.50; do, med., $3.50 to “farmers and cutters. 32.50 m Sf- u w po; butcher heifers, choice, $6.50 to $7; 'do, med., $5.50 to $6.60; do. eom., 84 to $4.25; butcher cows, choice, "li to $6.50; do, med., 83.50 to $4.50; Manners and cutters. $2.60 to $8; but. !cher bulls, good. $4.50 to $6; do, com, $3 to $4; feeders, good, $5 to Wt; do fair, " to $5; Mockera, gccd, " to $5; i do, fair, $3 to $4; mi-Ikors, $60 to $80;' tpringers, $70 to $90; calves, choice,' $12 to $12.50; do, med. $9.50 to $10 im; go, com., $050 to $7.50; lambs, (Mice. $11 to $12.50; do, com.. $1; to $7; sheeo, choice, $5.50 to b,'..50.. do. gm 1 RA m“ Maple 1yoduetse-Syrup, per mm l, tral., $2.50; per 5 imp. gait, $2.35: Mire sugar 1b., 19 to 22e. . oney-60-30-lb. tins, 14% to 15': ' per 11).; tr-2%-lb. tins, 17 to 18:. per ' lb.; Ontario comb honey. per dor.. $8.75 to $4.50. Smoked Tfeats-Hams, med.. 25 to 27e; cooked ham, 36 to 4ile; sms-kui rolls, 28 to Ne; cottage rolls, M to tht; breakfast bacon, 26 to 30e; special I brand breakfast bacon, 80 to 350;; barks, boetelese 32 to Me. I Cured meow-Long clear bacon, 13 to Me; clear bellies, 18% to 20%e. 1 Lahi--Pure than; 13% to 14m! tube, 14 to 14%e; pails, 14% to 1lre," Iprints, 16% to 17c. Shcnening tieeves/ 13e; tuber, 18%e; pails, Ide; prints,] 16%e. , Choice heavy steers, $7.50 to $8; do, " ttpods $7 to $7.50; butcher steers.“ choke, $6.50 to $7.25; do, good, $5.7r I to $62.5:;.do, med., " to $5.50; tlla, com. ' A e... _ L”; I ' .. - , A (impeach from London aaya:--The 1wild of the late Sir Arthur Pearson. founder of St. Dunstan's Institution for the Blind, has been rrabatef. The estate is values at £94 000, and is left. entirely to the family. There are no charitable bequests. Pearson Estate Left The authorities cf " university wen-1. laden: Gcverrrmer.t his: wcek wi ing program far the noxt Four buildings. it was sta loverdue' and should be or. fume. These are a forwat.r, The next step will be to publish their rhr.tegrapfh in every newspaper in Ftarce and to have their pietures shown in (very cinema theatre in this country. Even thin, however, is corr- liderod' doubtful of results, as i; is quite rcsvlle they are fore‘gners whor voluntecred to tight for Frmm. There- fore the most prcC.bly wi!l remain “unknc'nzx solduts" until death 'e-, ledges them. , The next it: their phttogza, A dispatch from Paris lays:- Amara; tho mast pathetic (and; of the w;r is the etrciiticn cf six French priscr C: 2 wha were rein-med to France from (mummy dun the armada: Iutd who am.- .~:t71! tmra'euat'6ed. The)! are imam rr-i' were fcund wandering be- tween the Mites. The Genmms did not identify them, but kept 'them in a: hosvital uni"! after inc armistice “as shad, ,r1eet .Ciey can! them home, The man now: kerm'orcd their res-on," however. Md all clung to Hrvct.ify them have failed, although the Minis- try cf Pensions has dam everything M.,,,'I'_ I., “.1- - .. bitrr.rd, ,1set 1'tey non! I The mm new: xeroxorcd t however, am! all etrorts them have failed, although try cf Pensions has dam 1:034:15;- in this (cnnvction Six INSANE POILUS I MAY on: UNKNOWN 1 Six French Soldiers Found Wandering Between Lines Are Still Unidentified.. ‘0 to sum: Montreal . Wert. No Universie,. F inances Y we the necessary classroom as lation for University College, supplementary heating plant. I a half million dollars, assured t spread over three years, enable the University of To- commence these four urgently L..:I.‘I.'_~r - I, v I 3335*? t the it“. Th lfy them, but tal ux-t‘l after f, wUn -l'tey an new: xerox 'er, tard all el 2:2: 1:49: wash with th.., build- Lpm for the mxt three years. dings. it was stated, are long and should be cammmxced at we are a forestry and botany a women's touildine for fe- 'ents' residences and gymn- her an Mmirstration build.. lieve University College " Live offices or an chanlsion‘ AI, good, $6 to $6; do keys, good, " to $6; mrlkers, $60 to $80; $90: ealves, rho-1w. Entirely to F amily ts $7.50. Runes I or $935710 $2.95. ( M our. 828 tat COS 160 i Ti,".",.,","".",,",'.. . IOUTSTRIPPING F A M E D ' rli',i1iviiiirri/' FIELDS OF YUKON. ll " ah! Fm .,,,r, Ha ' provincial he Ontario in am umrriirio In” C knife or " tttte. education.” Edwin Counts "Mary. aid the nil-tum of m. home. when she discovered dust on as MM, "1 can write my name on we Oath." . “Yes. ma'am. replied Mary. Month, "t always said more is nothing Mb “-_.n‘_ n - "'"-M. .'. ”a: must“ bot, "so upmar- lnd bring me do!» that mm on the tame." With imitation in his tam tlt blacksmith Maud to hit tent. "We!" he ydled. "Nm you don't. "I've sprained my wrist tatd ly, 'sir," explained the bun-Am In. village. The doctor enmined the n looked (me. "Weil, John." batd had been rather rm M- afternoon mp_ " you?" elt of If we now employed. I The mot-rem far (brighter' and indicaticr the assumptian that t ducu'on will again be [tr-eater, as the result "teps in development e i’whid. win be complete: Jsame authority eeitry: plated develcpmcnts " durticn to the extent [ daily capacity. divide: 'thumscher, 200 Ln Crown, 140 tent; Pcr, 100 tons; Dome Lake, 10 Oakes 140 {L332 uni "tall'"f"""" ounrel on increase in mo iiiiru 11.7 pri- cent. In the deeming iwttr.'ts of 1921. gold ore woe teine arm put through the reduction plans: of my 1 the gold min: of the Porcupine Int “(Kirkland Lake fields: at an “gusts Law"? of '?uolrirttate'., 2,066,400 tom td-tf!' thirty days. Based upon the icitchifvemcrn, of the months.“ Beg" .1.,tem-ber or! Oeeober. an estimate of ‘d $1,584,000 in ccid bullion per month in on intade. This means that one is being ‘widmwn from the gold mines of North. lern Ontario at the rate of approxi- :E’mrtely 25,996,800 tons annually. IF e d l linking in u 3'; 1rly pmdhtction of about c8]9,008 000. This moms on impel-a P'I'of more than seven millkn dollar. over t,yii, 1920 valuation, according to the y estimate a! a writer in the Canadian Mining Journal. Another entimlte of the Temidmming dietri.nt, which em. braces the Porcupine an! Kirkland 'Lake fUlds, is othily rate of $52,800. I I or equal to more than thirty ptr mn‘. inf the total currmt yield of the Unitwl eist.t.t.es. s,' The pre‘iminawy ostirrater. of tlte n'Car-adfan Miring Journal cf the value eHor the year, by individual mines, is vtiu follows: Hollmqmr Conm‘ll'lutzd. ot12P00,000; Dome Mines (Tan puny. ”2,880,000; 1.rsrt.strr'rreupli.i. P?..., _ 100,000; Wrieht-Hirtrrt Ive?,. 8720.000; “Alto Show Mints. 35.1000; Tol- lHughes Gold Mines sax-HM; :1 " Kirkland Lake C'mpanr. $381,000. Over 3,000 Men Empluged. l In order to produce gold at 'he [above rate there are om. ..\. .'.r_\ ;2.6'00 men employed at the mm': M the Porcupine district, w.hi'vt "2: r [are approximately Mo men at the imine; of the Kirkluni' Lake trts:riit, thinking dt Hal of 3,100. Tho-u fig,2rss _ only with the Haven Hives an. trregettt [inducing and da Ict ir. lad: Properties in the development rage which, on a conservative estimate. would add 'uaother Mo or 400 men to the toNI employed. the Hr'li,,e: Jntrre them " to $25,000 pctsi'bility w or about ch: ttMe over do " 505,7: of ll - ‘77.. - .wuxuvu '" "" 'been more than maintlined. a l meme int-meme being inaimd t turns to este, whim. develcm during 1921. not eomp'.eted mrfth ly to increase cuwut that you. nesuft in a material imt'in dtction in 1922. ' The 1920 nrrduction cf the Nort Ontario gold fie'd, amounted to 959 curs?” and in the pie-Violas Kn: nun _ ,7"--. m "r'""'.' new: of other of the provin:es of the Damiaicn tn 1019 an qf.d leYds of Northern Ontario wok?! , 65.9 per cent. of the go” of all Canada; in 1920 they predated 78.7 per cut. of the sum tatal. Pmduction in 1921 ha been more than maintained, a hand- same incremie being indieaud in re- '11»:- AA A. . - -- Northern Gnu. cinema] rise to Br eeU'e tto'd n ‘ l having third in ef fleh'e rf the ' “in. His Hand Off TheDnily rneomeofttteMiae. ', During 1922 Should Reach Approximately $7;800. my; cow FIELDS or _ woman ammo , onu.’ MW! the doom. nth" rudete round ton he and to, the Lumen "pine district, My} oximsteiy Mo men the Kirleani' Lake 'tstr. “vim: wrong 19 :u vaduutfon, according to van ' of a writer in the Canadian Journal. Another eatimuo " 1tal of 3,100. Ti/a, with the Haven t _dueine and da L A G y ot.' th mill 1921 by makir ,000 with Porcupine mi Kirk is “any rate of $62 more than thirty mt t current yield of the Ur ens ontario ha ha! a when» rise to ttmt plus mum: Cu.- pd "Pt' vain; arc-2.3, yummy “him in Muzak»: the ' rf the Yukon, an! outrtrttr. a wide margin the aning other of the provinx-s of the t tn 1919 the qold "tds of " nation; would that this year ', of the mondchBTSe'; Omaha. an estimate o' chd bullion per month is ,V-‘l wunuu‘ per menu: " means that on is being be gold mines of North. t the rate of approxi- .800 tons 'mnua!ly. IF uriy [Induction of whom 32.000000 $1,000,000 is! rather baa trlatekamitts oi Pt next b dollar: m yours pro. ubstamirnlb “iii. my tlt 'rrtimttte at which em- , kirkieod of $62,300, by per can". the Unftml from win? a Northern nitid 1921, . The, 1T9”) to , LT, IRM, sea r ’ent- will we» to! per

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