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Durham Review (1897), 2 Feb 1922, p. 5

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O'Neill of Baum r with her mm, a first of titJiir, mic family a Watsa. ATh McLean inn. Jr S-E yiiiJiil' borough, Jr I-rt hm. Sr Pr-m no... r-l Picker). Anus. Bore and mittii". - Stewart in haul!" at. ugh McDonald I“ tent Sunday with Jr 3--G Hopkin._ C anch-n. M Ann." mo. Jr 2-5: Vol.2. to always ‘nd to sell ble price, mging so lease our rm at all Iatisfied ? with“. I) and In. of 'Prmantr, (nee mlulong. ptoopcy. 'eddedlite. ROEEY , Flour lacks luded Mded ad a wood bee y... nsday bun-.3 It is. . l5c lb ulcer, 75c is tor 25c We ttrtd funny have of Mr lei-syn. " torgaret Helen. e week end " he: a. .. WK S for Mo aded aded ine. inc. i for Mit L for 1.00 4y. .7.75 ded 'ttr .....l5c lb l Flux! L hum)“, Hones. of Can. of the Fletch" so Flour a Call . These are all new goods just in and are Art Sateens, suitable for m triorrt tr or “raping (and: cum)... .50c yd A few pair Plaid Cottonknap t Blankets.......... ..1.50pr , New Prints in all shades and pat- t terns,peryd............ 2lie 1 b t Men's Skirting Prints, 37 in . wide, 1 vervheavy..... ........ 30cyd I Anderson's Chambrays, the new colors....... ............§0cy‘ I -'""'o-ooooooo-q-ooooo,d I JOHN McKECHNIB, Durham} Good Service Brown, Blue, Red, Black and Grey-um at the one price this week. . .. I.“ n ttt YARNS Nearifan plaid pattlTnsU.Tisc yd Very Inc Naiuwk for tine gar- ments, per yard ..... .. .... 45c Large size Comforter Butts. . .tt each Songthing new in Dress Goals Comforter Cloths in dainty coloring: Fancy French Marqtrisette for drap- ing, makes the home look cos; Mu, yd Real fine Circular Pillow Cotton, and very wide. If you'reluolmg for something good in this line. getsomeofthis ..V......05cyd All Linen [and TowelLlng, this week... ...............25cyd That desirable property on Queen St North. former residence of In Hunter Harrow (nee Lilv Walker.) 8 roamed tsrrck house in good condition. A splen- did garden welt set out with small fruit, good stable, well. an Bargain to quick purchaser. Apply for particulars to I Desirable Durham Markets. 'rT0Aurrrtrififc I , t plume, “mil; ,i1't'.i'i't,t.'t"drt aids [mums] growt Scott's Emulsion is a quali -food that - r','d2l"etfttlrl,ttt, over times of weak. ness. It’s rich in the Precious alumina. TALLDmm racy. 01.80 and a“ 'ea1,tt,TpNgrptiiiir Ee-imtidEiiiU -N. "m Wu "M “L-" " " runway 2, Dunn. Feb. 2, 1922 "3 rich in the Tho ouncol meeting of the loco! In 'tttamines. a Agricultural Socio'y woo held on Bat. _ ALL none "can; crdoy p m. Jon 21st. The Flnoncisl = 01.80 and Cu upon woo read which wss audited by Stira%rptgtf E. D. no" and Dori Anon- cad -- showod o trod holsuco in tho troosury‘ [.nnln for 1922. A numbor o! thou mesons! woro unions to hon "uid crop com- mas-or“) guinea in]. Pte 0sts out] 8"ch urnipow ic will be osrriodoct when 11lt"r9tt ton or non members hove signod up for ooch crop competition. A good 'e-el"--"-"'-"-"---------------- board fl, tttrum and directors were . clocked or the sunning you so toi. Residence Property lcws;Prosldsot, Don McMillan; 1st for Sale Vico Proo., Thou. Nichol '. 2nd Vico Pros.. Don Oomph" : Soc'v Trcos.. 'ble ro rt on n r "9:133; oyf 'll'rf,2heg',drt I A FOWIIIOD : Dimrtom., Wm Rom- Lilv Walker.) 8 roamed on for Egromom Tp. ; Druid Nichol '1 [8:31 53????st ht,et for Global: Tp .' Robs Knox sor Pro-I _ . . ' ton Tp; Artomosio uni rmmdo world. ell, " Bar am to uick pply for Dortfculars tl, il': R.. McLean. c. A. Mu, I", s',',',') l Ramage Review Office Forms and W. B. tfeisihr, Pr-coulle , Villogc. Rev. C, 8. Jones cad Dr Ma. '"-"'-"e---er--e-----er----teee-s., Imyro ; Auditors for 1922, E D Hogs , '" M an-l,. Ina Bart A-... YARNS 150 175 115 120 390m475 25 “A 35 tn 1200 Mn It. “email. lormorly of the gravel rand. we“ ofthe VIII-go, no!" to be In failing health but she is now with her dun In". In A. MoKeohuio where 'thte wig! receive the has: of one. Alex Malachi-n. who bu been for I number of yours out we“ or in ths - _ ‘7--- -v' - u " 11038 no Bert Anson), D. Campbell bud unambtrof tum- dnwing brick In: week " he intends building I dwelling house next lum- mar. Just Inmciem snow to make good toodudunnglu: week and any of tho "Hagen no planing In a good supply " 'tttve wood. YARDS PRICEVILLE vuGii £535va Here's a price you haven't seen in print fnr a long time---. Black Lisle Gloves, only 36e u pr. Do not miss getting a pair of these now. We have the nice goods for Men, Women and Children. Don’t Forget that we have the Spring Shoes in Stock For this week only we are making Large Reductions Buy your Wallpapers Now Men" Heavy Wool Sox, this week only ...... Mepr Men's Fancy Neckwear.. 60c ea Bars' all-wool Bose. . .65c and Tlk; Men's Heavy Nearing Shirts $1.ett Men's fleece-lined Underwear. .85c at the lowest price obtainable, Men’s Wear LADIES I l The regular monthly meeting of Hopeville Women‘s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs W. It, Mc- Lean. Wednesday. Pets. 8th. There will be e musical programme. short sketcheson the life and work of the following old muter musicians will be given. Beethoven, Bach, Lint, Mendelssohr. Miss lmms Ding- wall. A, T. C. M ' Miss A. L Smithj and others will assist with the prog- l ramme. Every one cordially invited I to attend. I Congratulation to Mr 'iriiur, [Chm Moth: who were -ied in Toronto In: Wednesday. Glad to report that all the sick this bare are on the mend again. lieu Hugues Meade, of Unity. in the glee: this week ot her friend. Mm Ada Brown. Ilia Flora McFArlnno returned home on “and” from Thromo. when she unaided the wedding of her sister In: week. __ 7-- -""'" v.10"! . u- 11' can") WW: ltr and In 'ii,if;'G". fed And funny of South-Eu: Bent- so . ( A few non ot thin action gathered " S. S. No. l taboo! on Monday and let down the " pole which wu in " amt. condition. A numb“ are taking Adv-nag. ot the good mud: and weather. and are kept busy hauling logs and wood. In and Mrs J. A. Browne and daughter Ill-o Ada, about u ttmr re. v u.. a new at pro-em muting Imam; He in an elder brother of Pe Malachi“) of town, l Son. of our young men oompltin of "dull titmm"-2no employmont. but A Md J. Huggsrd Bron. room to have all the work we, on ttttmul, do. Itm, have out I lot ot wood In the vicinity. halides other work. A Square in bone HOPEVILLE BUNESSAN was”? I Then Mr Miller of Euphnaia got into it. He wanted Mr Cahierto tell him [why it waa that Collingwood got I 012,000 for maintenance while Buphraaia (got only $8000, and the amount of County roads wao about equal. That wan getting away from tneiuue. but Mr Hunt who on in the chair let it pale. . l Mr Calder undertook toanower Mr Miller but his anower was not eatin- factory to that gentleman. Then Mr Calder apoheon the motion. He said that any other member, rather than Mr Bothwell, should have made the remark. about curtailment. Three M no the "'t'tetmctientsttaread l Reeve McTavish can generally find -. Jsomething personal in Mr Caldera re. . , marks and this was no exception. He .‘Jumped to his feet and accused Mr t [Calder of meaning him, and he wanted l, to say such an insinuation was not so, ‘ghe never had an axe to grind. Mr l Calder said he had not mentioned him, t iMctavish, but it Mr McTaVIsh wanted _ to wear the cap he had no objection. i The vote was taken and the report was t l adopted making the warden. Mr Brown I and an Owen Sound representative the t f House of Refuge commrtie I The discussion on the House of Re. t (tuee committee was merely a cucum- {stance to the lengthy, drawn out, in. effective, and to some "tent unwar- t Li',',',")', discussion that occurred when lthe Good Roadscommittee clause “as l treached. Thereport recommendedthst I (the warden. Messrs Calder, Helm, l I [Brown and Taylor he the committee. t l Mr Bothwell was right on his feet. ' I l He recalled the long ‘drawn out die. t ‘cussion that had occurred a year ago 0 I lwhen each member of the committee c 'had been elected separately bys full b j vote of the council. The Good Roads , I committee were the big spenders ofthe f1 “council and he felt that the expendit- H l ure should be curtailed. They had ex- ti I Iceeded their appropriation last year by a I 870000. Each member of the county 1e l 'council must accept responsibility and i he believed that such a small commit. s 3 tee should be elected separately by the m 1eouncil. Thecounty was going rapid- te " behind. The council should have a bu I direct say " to who should spend the a: _arrir. He suggested that the council sew inominste members to the committee co ;and select each one separately by a ha 'vote. ltwss more important than the he election of a warden. He brought in a be Junction to that effect, Mr W. W. Smith tal [seconded the motion. " Mr Brown then got up and said he wanted to be on that committee and if necessary would not charge milage to the County. Mr Sing said he had " ways had the most friendly dealings f with Mr Miller last year, and had left e much to Mr Miller. He believed the " l House of Refuge was not half insured. 'l Mr McTavish, Reeve of Fleaherton. a suggested that the reeve of Markdale be l on the committee. He also drew Mr , Brown's wrath by suggesting that a . uniform with brass buttons be given to l l Mr Brown. Mr Brown retorted that he “was quite able to buy his own clothes I and could afford to go to Markdale at V his own expense if necessary. Mr Mc- 'i Tavish then accused Mr Brown of want- (ts! to hold the chairmanship of com Crnittees. Mr Brown said he had not 'asked forachairmanship. He had been I chairman of the Good Roads committee , for some months to fill in the balance of _ MrBoyd's term when the latter had re (signed. a, Mr Calder then slipped intothe ar. Igument. He believed Mr McTavish'e (remarks were uncalled for. Mr Brown 5 though defeated for the wardenship Bad been one of the firgt to congratulate Mr : Howey. He had more respect fora 1 man who would say openly that he I wanted to be on the committee than for I the man who would go behind doors, and pull wires. The personalities had ' not been in good taste. - The next argument was an to the per- unnel of the Home of Refuireeommittee. Dr. McArthur of Markdale wanted Reeve J. T. Miller', name placed on the committee in plece of Reeve Brown, so that the county would save on milage. l Mr Miller said he had not aelted to be put on the committee. He wan on last year with Warden Sing and a "man frcm Owen Sound." who did not once go over the house of refuge. He and the ward- en had not always agreed. and if they had, Mr Miller said, he would look re- diculoue. Mr Sing wanted an extra 85000 insurance put on the building and Mr Miller did not believe he had the power to do so. l medal committee appointed to strike the standing committees. It resulted in the report being considered in com- mittee. -..- wuuu wuncll can spend an _ awful lot of time in ineffective argument nay. the Om Sound Sun times. This was examplied without any chance of a doubt at the union yesterday after- noon. The Brat argument was " to whether the council should so into com- mittee of the whole on the report of the [County Council Holds Anna] Swablnle Committee composed of Warden Howey, Reeves Calder. Hohn Taylor and Brown. The TORONTO County Cqmil can spend mat committee and if I not charge milage to Ir Sing said he had " most friendly dealings was bum. um report of the One day he was comparing the prou- _ petoue times then being enjoyed by the farm with preceding bard timee un- der another government. "My dear friends," he aid. “whenl l was a boy I had to eel] the me {tom than"! such. madame“: _ My paid for the wee: mutton the] hen lain: than." Hon Duncan Kimball baa alwaya been noted for the efoquent and espec- ially the popular, homely referenoea in A mttttely Way ot be kept on " the mire." X taken and the report wu In. Mr Breese, Mr Bing, Mr W. w ’ Smith and Mr Caldera“ evoke on the matter. Mr Calder and he had in- tended retiring at the end of the year but owing to the fact that there were I number of law-suite that had not been netted. he had stared on. The old committee had the cues well in hand had a lot of information and had [an hered much evidence, and they should I Mr Hunt gave up the chair for a few minutes to upeak on the question. He ouggelted that the council should tie the committee's hands by only ar owing so much expendituremnd not let them goover that, Mr Calder got the floor next. He said he would not sit and listen to Such insinuations from any member of the council, particularly from one who was not in the councul long enough to know what had been done, He laid Dr. McArthurU statement to his in- experienCe. Referring to Mr Both. well’s remarks, Mr Calder said that 24 miles of road had been built last year, and two outfits had built " miles. It was unfair of Mr Bothwell to suggest that an outfit could only construct " miles per year. Mr Bothwell's farm had Increased 81.000 in value because of the construction of the road he had [ criticized. He should be the last msn l to make a complaint. The reeve of Collingwood said there had been no fixing up of the roads in Collingwood. Only 1kmiles of good roads had been built in that town. lhm , Dr. McArthur (reeve of Markdale) said that Mr Bothwell had hit the nail on the head. The old committee had made a men of the fob. Durham had been fixed up with good roads and to had Collingwood. He would like toaee tome broadminded men on the com. I mittee. ', Mr Bothwell said that Mr Calder had F made somewhat the same statement ' with reference to the county road com. I mittee last year. attributing a desire on 1 Mr Bothwell's part to curtail expendit- ure, to tselfish motives. He hoped the council had a ditterent estimate of his motive He lived on the read con- structed through Sydenham three years ago, and now it needs rebuilding " the surface had all gcne and big stones were sticking up through it, making it very rough, A third of the 9 inches of stone was gone and if not repaired the road would be done in another year. The outtit that built the road had been three years going lo miles and the country had only four outfits working. If the roads built only lasted three years the 430 miles would be along time under construction. He believed that a new policy was needed ; a committee should be seiected to adopt new meth. ods, and a little new blood, might be an improvement. Even if "tistied with the personnel of the committee he I would still up hold his motion, He 1 again denied that he was taking his 1 position owing ton "lfUh motive and 1 hoped the council would believe that l he was brtsad enough to give justice to I all parts of the country. 1 Road Supt. Johnson cleared up the matter of the difference between Euphralin and Collingwood. The latter township had been charged with all on the town line between Euphnuia and Collingwood and there has been I heavy expense " the Clarksburg bridge charged to Collingwood towrmhip. Speaking again to Mr Miller, Mr Calder said that an effort had been made to get the road from Markdnle. East, built, tenders had been called but the price wan so high it could not be touched " that time. When the main trunk roads were 'urmpleted,the leu important roads would be built fair of Mr Bothwell. All municipalit- iee must be treated fairly and the toad. program carried out. There were 480 mile. of roads to be built. The Syden- ham road we: the most expensive of all. This yen he hoped that the road. would cost fully “00000.00 lea than lutyear. _ ' we: began at Owen Sound, on through Sydenham, and the work we. not going on in St. Vincent. Hundreds of thou. _ uncle of dollar had been spent on the rond which in: one of the leading road. and he. been designed by the Government which paid 00 per cent of the out. It had been bullt tin-oath Mr Both-e113 township. and now Mr Bothwen vented work in other actions curtailed. He did not think that In Je Good Roads Committee Calling Eggs Cheap git. A vote was wu sustained. Emu. “I” nuanllhl. Dunn - 'irate .u-“MIIIB ll ueGGiaii7iai7iri,ras. up has at '.'-u"‘ ddtttt'mtt 'tia'.",,', a"¢‘v’l¢nro'mnu”#-:I' 'm“ -tTana'Gaa"a" h Lot 17, con 21 Proton Township. 100 cres clay loam. " acres cleared, about acres hardwood balance mixed timber. good bricked well. Spring creek about rod: from barn. Barn 50 x 60 on tone foundation with cavetroughing and lightning rod: Good granary lined with hardwood ilt?oeittg. comfort. abledweliing on stone foundation' with cellar. ' mile. from school. 4 mile- from station and mutual mil route. A quantity othay and Itnw with or without farm. , - ---M."" ' H P Wanted _ Uncxcclled dining car service. . I Sleeping can on my!!! Train. and Men and Wo en to sell to women m . V . homes rubber-lin' waterproof gimgham [ 'lt',.",:'?, on '"i'"'iel Day Tami. aprons for use i the knlchen Can or tarttter p."e?.r.+" "ptr b easily earn 814 dail and more. Rapid my Grand Trunk the?“ “one. " trellerand ready de and. Send 75m 0 E. Harmon. Dietriet PM Ifar Tttgre',' an full particulars. ‘Azont. Tomato Ont. oney " un ed it s ple returned.j W CALDE To . J ' In Atom. 'eglsse, 'f/g'di12,' MPANY, 2'32; Central Drug Score. Telephone tu. I to restore normal breathing, stop mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, gin long nights of quiet sleep; contains no tg11t,"opttr, drug 8t .00 " you: drug- gj-l's Trial rec at our Agencies orwrite empluom. M2 King W., Tomato. ASTHMA Jut'hullci muite" ---v RAZ-MAH I: Guaranteed no tiiufttifdiuiiia.--_ an '. MoPHATL ', Mount Forelt'e senior puck chuer's ' 31V. Durham a hard argumencin an ' exhibition with Durham union Wedu needny. our boys winning 6-5. though. lame claim itaG-S tie. Fir-t period.I ended 1-1. second 2-2. then Mt. Forest} opened the last with 3 goals. It looked] all up, but Durham made a grandstand finish and pulled ahead, With very so!tice.the players couldn't carry the puck, and lobbing it ahead was often resorted to Alex Graham refereed.' Durham: were,J. Allan, goal; Farrell, Mack Saunders, Falkingham, Al Slum" ders Bob Saunders, Morlock, Clarence ) McGirr. 9 There waa acme funny work going on I for the scheduled game. Hanover in Hat. riston last Thursday night. Harriston had no chance since their last defeat in Durham. so it seems they played men over Junior age, as an exhibition, which they won 8 to l. Hanover thus Cot the League game by default and this kept them in the race with Durham, but it was of little avail " Durham lada with, their 11A1 kaleomine brush put Hanover. down and out four days later. I l Durham High School boys loat by 11 ; to 5 the third game of the double sched- ulein Mt Forest last Friday night. Mt. Foreat has thus won its two home games. Durham one, and our boys must win the last one here next Friday night to tie the race and bring about a play-off. Come to the rink and see them do it. Harriston Won Exhibition Game Tight Game With Mt. Forest Mt Forest took 2nd Home Game games won [out toplny condor " Durham 4 0 0 34 9 Hanover 2 2 0 12 23 Harristton 0 4 o n on take acme heating. The scoring was (ite' divided 4-0, 40 and 3-0 in the different periods. Mountain has proud {hie worth in goal the last couple garnet. land Cliff Bunchlen ia enjoying his best aeason yet in hockey. McTavish of Flesherton round: out a strong defence, while no falter forward line and all dangerous shots, has been on a Durham Junior team, than Willet Snell, Irving Elvidge and York. With Vollet and Hamilton for sub: Durham hal equally etrong players to change off. which they lacked in former sea-on: F. Murphy of Mt. Forest refereed. l Hanover, who were defeated by 7 to 5 only here, were conlidered to have I good chance of capturing the some and tieiux the district. It wuthe diaerence in Durham's playing strength that creat- ed ouch a one-sided sc'ore an 11-0. The team. with York of Mondale. now calla ed to the forward line. in working like tl well oiled Incline and will henceforth {town by a “-0 score. Durham bu swept through the southern hauol No l Dimiet without I to. growing strong- er u the m method. They will next bematched with Owen Sound Jun. ion. mum: of the when: halt of the district. l (giiiTiiiirr"iii""i't'i7i"i'i"i" All teams look alike to Durham Jun- ior hockeyilts these days. Last week they won from Hartman here by 11 to 1 Ind on Tues!" night they went over to Hanover non trounced the hopes of that SOLD BY s. MEBETH Juniots Whitewaaed Hanover Farm for Sale Final District Standing Seniors JAMES MCLEAN Ceylon. Ont RAZ-MAH gaff GRANT it' '8'":_!9_fulll In * Men's Luther he“ Mitts. etch Cl.“ , Bantam" faced mitt..cnch . 't.26 * Men's 1. - -__.".. yr III WIUC. "' $2.0tt per yard ( - Sun; Com 01.35, t so. a " a * Grey Flannel, is Ind 00c I yd. Q. White Funnel. Mg "rd * Bergen in NIvy Ind Burgundy * " in wide, 31.50 Pee " in Scrap in NIvy Ind Brown.“ d. In "c. 1.50 I yd. Shepherd 'I check ttres. no“. ' " in me. In: per rd. it Art SItecnI Ind Crete-MI. * to Ind Me I "at it Info Leather Gnuatiet (lava II on _l)"',t,tttt"t"'"t"tt, i" t Children's t li: Underwear t The Double Track Itaiil Unmxmm H’ONOI GMDUA}! Toronto PM”. u 2Lfllt'Mtri0iitii,t2i.iiiik ”- White Cushmere Hose. 60c, Btte and 10c pair White Coating. u in wide, mm - ---" W. C. PICKERING 0. D s., L It S HONOR GRADUATE of Tom-o. Univonn . Waste of Ro al Call“ of Kllfl'uTd,Td'dt of Onlago Room Ova J t J HUNTER?! New Sun OMee and 'rsidetu=.eorner, Comma nnd Lambton, appetite old Poet on. OMee Home: I toll I.lll., Into. ' m., , to O p. m., Sand.” and huuday afternoon excepted. DRS. JAMESON & JAMIESON. cit-no; 2--6 “moon. Moan: 2-4 Evening. “bucolic” Plumb-a - 0 0am. "let: our t. P. woman... no. 0 " oppaln “11-70.00. summon: bound ”an“ at I.” elm an In - o! Aim " "MOI HOD-l O-lll I not '-..,- Yamaha!“ Gov-nummdon bum 0-0» " mac-m» u nil noun J a. mneros,nah,cuii tell? J. [GIANT 0.0.8. u la strictly first-eu" in all Depart. ment: and unexcelled in the Dommioa Students named to obtain employ- ment. Write forharttuome catalogue. Enter an y time.. W. J . Elliott, Principal Cement Tile ad Brick may». 1terurs and is largely noon-Tale for the great succeuof our gtttdeatta. Engine-I. Storm-M. Fame" and Preparatory Count; Catalan: Inc C. A.Flemin¢. RCA. G. D. Plenum. l Principal nine: tMt Secmtarv _-_._. "van. r in traction is a special system I. You have often told yourqu that if you could only be instructed per- 'Petally you would undertake atddi. fional tt.%e.ntionat work. Potion-l JOHN SCH UT I You as late;- Ag, a.” on. You. and Chart" 8.3.. Ton-to it”. --Woot and Union ; “up! Gland-ya Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago var Jamil" - " mm m-, AA. promptly lttcEded to" always on hand. thm, Sound. Ont. between M. c. P. S. Wilma": Old St In " the

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