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Durham Review (1897), 2 Feb 1922, p. 7

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WING G,' WAY HCME Your And will m (h he he stock “in . "__ -v---rm W 9-" titles too :rnvan for dhemicd and,“ tiatr,1ttltltehtrjisiiitirtiri"iifG' at those breathing than in. i An English thm is building: (hm mmoplme foe transatlantic tlight It 1teh-.a-sieiiiiiiirtiiiii 'yurrtwimrirkkidrriii"uii' nun-yin: Wye! MO m. Ito 119M in). a“. is 1m to Ar-. .1. n f" um work on the Petawawa toret unwrimvnr station and the other Ma. (r-ng. tuxrried on. by the Forestry dwarf! of the Department ot the ln-,' _ .‘1 ~z- crr'ased about the middle ot Dem . , ”51-", and the oak-era have returned] L.» Ottawa. to make a record ot the} "kn-k or the field season. Just as the hm». experiment! Manon: have aided a:,rricuitare by discovering new meth, u I: of growing plants and Whining the best varieties. tiO the tons: experi- mc-g: stations are assisting lore-try at , lumber-ms by studying and patting m "err 0rd the best methods od turn!!- ics: the timber crop and ab of had- l:x:; (Mover or “I'M“. man In Burr ty get a now can Ital-ted coo- hiding the but "out. of than no forest is Candi. loco-d not: “was In: “turn! mum and Moral- tst"sts In the dominant and hula- tion oetttuettr-qroi.iFiiiL Mace to "or: m Cheat Britain, having been around during the war to the need ot adequate timber supplies within the Empire, is determined not to permit thin“ to dTptmeeintotttaroiiAi.' First-he t)alled an Empire forestry count-cheek at which Canaan was Md, tttttr, took stock at the Iitutiai; next, she entered upon ‘a dettattto planting pro. gramme in the arm-n iliee. calling upon Canada, chm the Dominion Forestry Branch. to ”manhunt n ton and a halt ot tree seed per mm for mi: purpose: Ind may. to keep up the work and give who information on. this most important subject. the has established In Empire Mercury Assoviation with headquarters in Lon. _ dun. which will link up the work ot non-(Mun associations. like the Cann- (1511" "restrrAssootatiom and," Lord Lmut expn ss2d it. "pool the resources of their knowledge." n is expected that conventions will be held in all. Icrer- parts ot the Empire and that faint'hi will be one of the timt Do- mi .iotts to be thus honored. "comb.. while In “use“; this time is reduced to Mm fected by diseas or heart. In the chills the patiem his brunch to: on ttti,tryivmr.oesatp- h 1: from one mrmrtrtiiiTGi' New F oreit, for Old. of ol this crop. The world's deal-ad for my hem ls steadily Increasing. nod China's export ot than bids fur soon to surpass ht value that of " Mit met. put. Them are more than 1000 varie- Erea or my beam. from which an ex- periment station at Kuneehuie. In Soutlwrn Manchurla, he; chosen one n th . ire-t or am. It to nearly when- cal, kam in color and of the bigness: of a smulz poo, A yield of 22 per com. I at on I manned trom it. The gay} Man yirl-H "Mk and butter tor pro-f (Inefx muivulant for table use), as mm as u must variety of other odibles, in- t-fu..;m; a famous sauce. Taken all in m. we nveAnnnce bean ix one ot our to surpass t put. Them Ees, of joy periment a! Southern M M the hex-L Cultivation ot the my ban has de. veloped in Chin: to such an extent that it now represents the principal agricultural industry ot that country. Immense areas of the great plains of Southern Manchu“: are devoted to this crop. The world's demand tor nay brand; is steadily increasing, and (‘hma's exam-t M on“. ML. -_-~ - stry Bran-ch. concurs about a Gd same iiihi; a halt ot tree seed per ummn for bueler" that purpose: and lastly. to keep tutideshtrmt to "Mir re-A -r-, _ - " V _- -v ":5."qu not as independent boats but as de. tachable portions od the MtNtt been, tn, which portiora the mouvo pom I: to.i rated. Though wagon: qualities are: claimed tor them, both. their nhce would seem to be on the Inland water-l ways, mug. move as one. When the urge boat has been laid alongside the mu m mad or dischange the motor bout i: tr k, out and picks up Immen- cargo LI u. on": motor boat being, it I: said, ruttijrrt to keep three an» boats at Mm Hamil: lies 1 “my in ttrst cost and in cost of Wm e rs latively to been provided 'i'l%'dt own propehing engines. These “Irma" ”- M h ----, . - t verszuile Teatyn w long can my French d fr x,rrrsr'itnort:,s . ~. mowr portion of i FirGiirid; ._~ It coining at n your!" not. r" hum, built on channelling a up , an wr cargo boat and duped In an . partJikO a in“. The cargo ., c, are to be butit with 1 coins. pH" Lug burn portion of V a”. Into 41.1 h the stern of the motor boat will ('rt :2 ly tlt, When in that position this 'pr, (urgo boat and mm boat--: A» tho appearance ot on. boat, and 're invention of an one“ A rw: ph mercantile P"trt_, h d tr, wk! the m "f 'tttrut" 1;" pashing boat It the L" 'iun'stiitnpriovmt m nunportatlon. Tht. a.“ r',su invention ot NI one! errC-h mercantle m I menu: " ot by d; ”32130.2.me Ben Tui Is JEL. 'eat Your Breathing. us u we ttmeorery that the ot holding the bmth is at- diseases ot the alr passages In the case ot chmnic Non. patient is rarely able to bold Statesmen and Forestry. 1tuahere' trm to be regarded f, veaetablea more than twenty was of lung Giana seconds. Utttrt a". I bucler" made tAGiiiii type t Ides-Isaac! to ward " ”rows. the course ot time the name he: come shortened from "Arttueitur" "Arbuekie." "Bucksmith" was "bch smith." ur It has been shown In preced'ln Hales how just the 'ar" of “ad-w contained In the name ot Aramsth. in a word almost meant a shie'ld. True, one who made or sold buckles might naturally have been owed a "buckler." But for the most part he wasn't. The records show that it was the maker ot "bueklers" who was trail. ed ilrst a "Iruelerer," shortened later into "tmelee' or "bokeher." "Buckle:- A study of those historical lists in Which so many ot the names ot the middle ages have been preserved (both those which already had become hereditary and those which were still merely descriptive) shows that this View would be in error. l Theoretically, it would be possible to build up a good argument connect- iug the family name of Arbuckle with the coutrivance known as a buckle. and assume that the tirtrt Arbucklea. or Bucners, were makers ot these con- trivances. i Mm, Jcnes wus entertaining some ot I her son’s little friends. "Wme," she l said, addressing a slx-yem-ol-d, who 3 was enljc-yiug a plate ot could beet, "are i you sure you can cut your own meat?" Mlnard’s The child, who Gi Etta: den ate etrcrts with his knife and fork, plied: MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. The motorist asked no drums. ,,- "e'""""-, rat. "e- tween your turnout and mine?" The native looked at the questioner 1 minute or so. and then replied: "Not a great deal. The donkey's In the shafts In the one, and on the neat in the other." - A motorist who was touring in Ire land one day met a native who was driving a donkey and cart. Thinking ho would hare a little tun at his ex- pense. he began: "What is the difference, Pat, be- '-- ----- . a box "airfare cine Co., Brockvn an... yr snppe. What is needed to keep the little ones well Is Baby's Own Tablets. They will regulate‘tbe atom- nch and bowel: ttttde drive out colds, and hr their use the baby will be able to get over the winter when in per- feet witty. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at " on i . em- up. - m any: In so fl?retste--itG, dat'trrteht, the next cold and stormy, that the {another is afraid to up the children out tor the hub Mr and exercise they need so mud). In consequence they are often cooned up In overheated, badly venti- lated rooms mind are soon seized with cold: or grippe. What is needed to keep the little ones well is Baby's Own Tablets. Thev will pom-IntA-“u . th " ch: IilliliN,m1i-iiiiii-' WELL ll, mm whWWW! You wouldnt put on hobbies to run a foot race mmwver you are ready to eat. And it digests easily, quickly and completely-. I....:... -- Luau-7 - - - Grape-Nuts satisfies and nourishes. It delights the taste. It is ready to serve whenever {on _ ready to eat. And it A good deal of food, unwisely chosen, does weigh the body down and clog the digestion, and dull the brain. Why put on the hobbies? Grape-Nuts is a breakfast or lunch- time dish for those who want food elli- ciency, and mind and body efficientor. Then why load up on the day's work? Cage In Arbuckle. Th Jia-r, Llnlment for Dutchmen ( Brockvme, Ont.‘ shown , preceding ar- "There's a Reason" Surnames and Their ii/iii"'"""'""'"" Sure of It. Pat's Answer. obsolete to-day. H n: no mum)" - of tairiiGi""'ini muts is the food for Tablets are soul's-y or by mail at 25 as. Dr: Williams' Medl- type ot shield rmtm5, and In name has be. rbuck‘lar" to was "bucler. often had it as making duper 17.- more OOHun. 9055 this n ig the anion came ti) more often than not 9. It belongs to that clrucssititration of ' family names which were originally . descriptive ot some personal charao teristic, in this case a characteristic ot temperament. l Borne people and it dfi1ieult to see i how such apparently "truly" nicknames l were so common or so well thought of i that they later developed into regular , family names The fact remains, how- ever, that they did No Iese- a person- age than Joan, sister ot King Henry vm. of England, when we became be. trothed to the Scottish monarch, there. by ending war between the two coun- ftrles, was named "Joaa Make-Peace" by the Scots. and the old recorda are full of such descriptive surnames as "Goode," "Merry," "Gay," "Blythe," l "MakeBiiss" and the like. In an old I Wardrobe Account there appears l "IMT, December M. To Maud Make- t Joy, for dancing before Edward, Prince t ot Wales, at Ipswich. two shillings." , The Norman tendency with such de. t scriptive surnames as this was to use t the definite article. "lo," with them. Bat as the Saxon element began again h to gain dominance in English speech ' u the article came to be dispensed with ( fl ”thin nun-e “-“‘ ' . I Racial orimrt--Ertgiiah, '8ouree--A personal characteristic. Thu family name Is also found In the older terms or Blythman and Blithman. And its meaning really is what you might hesitate to suspect. "cteertttt" or “happy." . MW“ an: tar "Indeed.'" said the young mam pleased as he could be. "Why does she thin-k that?" “That‘s Just what ma wanted to know. and Helen said It's because you can do so much making without com- mitting youmelt" Johnny spihT the Beans. Johnny was entertaining his sister's caller and said. “Helen told ma yester- day you were a born politician." to safety. were obtained and passed up to um. [iii, pushed upward, tlrtrt one ot the” t'ctuttlitttrts, to the top of m a. Line was madeiut, and to the bottom ot that mailing he attached, with thb aid ot the balm, another, and so on, scanning alter scant-ling, until the top one came within reach ot the atmda [ ed workman. This did not happen un- an the poor teltow had spent Mur hours in his perilous position. 150 ft. above ground, in the tmety December atmosphere. Onee he grasped the end ot the line, it was a matter ot only a few minutes- before he had hitched it to the top ot the stack, and slid down beams, me rimmed workman. and finally this method ot rescue had to be tthand doned. For-tummy, as the stack Nut .notbmtittuse,i-xse,Gsriai. handicaps for wane reuniting. Muse-handed. the top od a smokeatack, 125 ft. above the hoof of a Pithh"tmildui in the plant ot the American Brian Com. Clever Reseue of Wain: 5290M 150 Feet in Air. BLYTHE undue t m, it, am it; tua7iai',1T. life inc-It . . t lt, van m Is the dreariest, We” gift ,re1t,ivrirmi,tuaroetm,-. ful Ittytyir Kern to ma. Gun-d - -- -9r.NF.r. nun-5. "Sure." said Pat. 'T htt me thumb with a. hammer. It's bad now. but I'd had no thumb left at all it I'd been striking with both hands" ‘ An Irishman named Pat (uncommon name, that) was making a. wood pig. nyo, when has missed a mi] and hit his thasnt, breaking it. After having it wrapped up he met one ot " friends, who naturally asked him what he had been doing. l "o..- " _AI- - _ The specimen found in Arizona prob. ably lived not lees than 1,000,000 year: ago. IG tribe (contemporary with the megabherixm or giant sloth) has no descendants today, bat Is represented in a war by the modem "maditlo, which ta ukewise an armored mummu and one of the curiosities ot nature. 1 -,~-V.--vu WI“ Vt the Rio Grande, barring a tow frag- mente ot bones. A big one was dug up recently, however. not far from Tucson, Arm, by Dr. Gldiey, a paheom tologiat ot the United States National Museum. It is a complete skeleton, representing a specimen which in lite must have weighed about halt a. ton. The glyvptodon was so sluggish that a mile a month must have been just about its best racing speed. It ted on herbage, presumably. and possessing no weapon of defense, walla have been easy prey tor carnivorous ene< mies it Its armor had not awarded ade- quate protection. When attacked it had only to withdraw its head, which was covered by a [new bony sheath. and to retract It: lea beneath the she“, in order to become ittrutnerable. The assailant might as well tackle e, boulder. This remarkable animal seems to have been exclusively American, and until recently none ot its fossil IW mains has been discovered north ot I Surely the stmngeat mammal that ever lived m the "tNrptodon," which carried its house with it, being en- cased in a mighty shell somewhat m tumbling that ot a turtle but far more mansive. This carapace, furthermore, was almost domeshapeet. and all parts _ ot the creature's body, including even! the an, were heavily armored. Letter Contest Department. This contest will close on February 15, 1922, and the prizes will be award- ed as soon as possible thereafter. Do not delay. Write your letter now. Ob- serve the above condition. carefully or your latter may be thrown out. Address all letters as follows: It is understood that The Dr. Wil.. liams' Medicine Co. shall ban the right to publish any letter entered in this contest, it they desire to do so, whether it wins a prize or not. Fine writing will not win a prize un- less you have a good case to descr1be. The strength ot the reeotntndmutiott and not the style of the letter will be the baa-is ot the award. Gismntieira,Tiii iiiammat of Past Ages. The writer at each letter' the name and date of the which he or she saw this meat. . or before the 15th day ot February, . 1922, from residents ot the Province ' of Ontario on the subject: "Why I Recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." I A prize ot $10.00 will be awarded tor the second best letter received; I prize ot $5.00 toe the third best letter and ten prizes ot 82.00 each tor thel next beat ten letters. The Conditions. It You are describing the beuetitt, you have derived in your own case, or that ot some other member ot your Homily, the symptoms of the illness should be fully described, and the let. ter signed with the full name and cor- rect post office address ot the person sending it in. it the case relates to some person other than the writer of the letter, it must also be signed by the person whose case is described, as 2 a guarantee ot the truth ot the state- i merits made. Might Have Been Wane. The Dr. The Dr. Wthms' Medicine Co., ot Broekvtue, Ont., will award a prize ot $25.00 for the belt letter received on or before the 1s”. a" no Er..--..., “w... _,__ my ¢|un.ill.‘ tion; every letter must deal with mu and facts ortt. _ have experienced went benefit from the use ot Dr. Wiltama' Pink Pull, trhare cases have never been reported. These will tumllh the material tor the letters to be written In this contest. There ig no demand upon the Imagina- H..-. -..-Â¥, . .. have -ee v- .. _‘.u u: Acamvll“ Ul. the Province ot Ontario for the bet Jettere describing the benefits derived trom the use of Dr. Wirliama' Pink Pills. either in the cue ot the writer of the letter, or some member of the writer’s family. Hundreds, ot letters ‘were submitted in this competition. and yet there must have been thoua. ands of other users ot the plus who did not avail themselves ot the op- portunity to win a prize. To ail these another letter writing competition is offered. There are thousands who A--, _ .Some years ago the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., of Brockville, Ont., or- Qred a series ot prizes to residents or LL- .. " '. Williamn' Medicine Go., Brockville. Ont. TORONTO teen Prizes to be Awarded 'In a Letter Writing _ Competition. 11 date or the paper in she saw this announce- The Prizes. each Ittter' must give ,,,_- - www- or a an low-Drum mm " th- nu. mark tre and In Cm?“ Blur I; when" of u - nutlueldmor of iklll1h'Uktr"4'M. tt b Don he" that Jul-1n 1ftd'd 03:29 unusual-e. to aadet the ”We lulu! 'rquNoii" tuning " Bayer Conn-y '""r""oua"ii"iuiWa"m'Plll"d'lt'f,t'tf'.' ercr- morning, Amu- In "I. m ”madam..- .1 P.Htyueturi. to m You're bilioust You are headachy. constipated, your eyes burn, skin ig yellow; your stomach I: sour. may, upset. No wonder you feel muemble. You need n thorough phystc with "Cas-ta" tonight to douse the stomach ot sour, fermenting food um foul sass: take the excess bile trom the liver and - out ot the system an the constipated nelson In the bowels. Get a. lO-cent box now and let "Caaeareta" straighten you out by mnrnino - v v v v - " WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin, Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. . Why take chances? Accept only " "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions tot Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgla‘ - Neuritis Earache ~- Lumbago Pain,. Pain memunuMâ€"thhdMMlM-Dw 1t.'i1uuteArAueyiiGiiliiii' a Mr. --- - -- -- loves to "Nay doctor." I The little tellow makes the round: lot neighboring houses, inquiring as to r the health of the inmates Usually he I has with him an assortment ot dolls--. his "perients" in lieu ot larger ones. Recently he called at a home and asked, “Anybody sick here.'" He was answered in the negative. ( "Oh, well," he said with professional l ‘nonchalance. producing two ot his dolls, "guess I'll leave a. couple all babies. anyway!" ---. '__..-. - nun.- All the] need to make them strong an well in the pews! to digest food, and that is thast uh! W Stitch Syrup given. It help. the stomach. liver and bowels to do their work efficiently. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles in drug “an. The son ot loves to “May Plain Facts for Stomach Sufferers Diceued food make. In no”. . health . D em $22,511,! Tdl".,',?'.',.'?,.',',,',". If, win proposed. I meant at; its so sudden!’ you know, bl Metered that Instead I exe Truth Wilt Out Ethel (to her dearest triemi---"t put my foot in it 39 dreadfully when Ed- Customer-same I paid tor having it laundered." Putuirrrmuv--"rhae, all right. We did it up before we lost it." Laurtdmnan--m Mr shirts Is lost." wunst?" "Notm: “James, hue you whispered today without permission?" “Only Wunst." "Larry; should James have said "You're whiff-Eh}, doc," answered the young man, tyheepishty, "Only that ain't her name." "I don't like your heart action," said the doctor, applying his stethoscope. “You've had me trouble with tut, gim poctoria, haven't you?” . Willie--" i a}: in just mother." scenefrouble beg-41'1"). The Young Genius. I Mother--'aviuier, how I- it that no. matter how quiet and peaceful thins l are. as soon as you appear on the! _ "v.“ -. M, a mu m in a Inn's life when his wife is m supplied with, all she wants to wear. thin "Did you; mm: ped on the iloort" his friend. The Only Time. "What In a hcneymoon. pa?" "A honeymoon, my son, Is that time a Inn's life when his wife is wally mm“! min. .utt -17 Always supplied. he should have said "riot." At the Laundry. Mutt be Dr. Cupid, The Hoar Held. . Corrected. well-known physician mttett stop J'kmt it drop. Tp SONY, but one ot tteant to say. This new, but I was so exclaimed, 'At a sift. Millions of mothers lineup “Californla Fl; Syrup" handy. They know a tea- Jpoont‘ul today saves a s-lck chlld to- mormw. Ask your drug!" for genu- lno "t3aiitornta Fig Syrup" which In. directions for babies and children ot, Ill "on printed on bottle. Mother! You must uy “California" or you may‘ out an imitation " syrup. Your little one will lore the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" even it constipated, bilious. irritable. tereriah. or full ot cold. A teaspoontu-l never fails to cleanse the liver and bowels. In I few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it work: all the hour bile, and undltested load out of the bowels and you have a well, playful} child Again. Mother! TORONTO SALT WORK. 6. a CLIFF . TORONTO m“ Pitta- 30: m REESE? Fine, too, for rheprttattsnt, neuralgia. sciatica, sprams and strains. stiff joints, lame back and sore muscles. For {pug/onus pain's enemy. Ask your 'tlt r. . At al 1ryrir.isttr--pse, Ne, 81.40. - " Mm]- ". .%.-ia, E3 OOARSEisALT LAN D'SALT SLOAN’S tlas 'tii! one's verse. Every discord my be Wed at a part of the great endeavor to “just one's self to the beauty of the uni, rarely to mail ,,i._v‘ “up. a - Did not become Ape I h. cane, They locked their too. In (lute hold-. :Tbo tit survivors, we are told. 'leed to become both (my uni old. _ [We drum ot mung, while in bed; We waken with a sum 'tttstead. The instinct that our ton-bean know I. handed down to no - you. We might have mused the whole " Show It Grandpa. Ape, so long ago, Had not waited just tn time, you know, Y -_--- mun-r. Llnlmm hte an.“ In Conn. [1 But those who niece-d with a hash-- V - Caner: were ended m g In deep would amt; tuna. and tom, . a In” wore no nth 'e' 9* nor "ya T , F ( So Dnrwin 'rayte--t oat. _ tt they had [oat their boll, m Q And toppled down from at their Int Wild animals were all brand 00".” . . Lett?2: to sh tn tunes ur ;l1'dti-thtt,te Child', Bowel; With California Fig Syrup Bulk Culota Doqprsiihsm Ind How to Food Mailed Pro. to my " dresa I); tho Author. M. N low 00..“ 118 u: autumn Nov York. 01‘. Ttle In time, you know. --Wolet McDounl. alomthead and luxiFiaHt. _tlgaitiii' QUEEN} "urn cumin gives this icgiimonial ot I MlNARD'S LiNquNT: ' Have used Minnow. Linimcnt in my home, hunting and lumber Ca88tpa tor years, and consider it the but white , iiniment on the market. I and that it ‘zivos quick relief to minor Ailments, lunch " main, bruise. amt all that ot wounds. Mao it is . smut remedy tor cough», colds. etc. which one in liable to catch when log driving um: cruising during this winter and min; months. i would not be without MINARD'S LINIMENT And “on: re» mung.“ too am. I ALL KINDS op I telua.qpuitfyk.rsL%, One at the bah: k: Non Booth gives this, M!YARD'S pmmzm , to get I good sound sleep 'T got new lite and one: don ot Tani“: And now I happy nun taste“ ot miserable one, u l wag 1 years. m vouch tor the I x|\-. ulnppL‘u Huger! to n n-rnvnl ,TGTiiii price. In German. YORK: URI-TING do, It6 YORK. STREIT. TORONTO. ALL “INNS op (EN AN ' ' “lung. puma”, In". 'd't2d,i)e,a'ci"ur:' an. shunned bther' to a mrnvnl at t . K. price- In on.“ mm.) D... “My!” Tune In everywhere. m: " any time." THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT I “I'm feeling like a new mun ulna Tune soothed and toned up my ston- och And tor the um um In he” run can eat a hearty meal and “In! :no alums. afterwards." In the n- mrklble . statement of Put-let I. Riley. 10'! Prospect Ave., Gym N.Y., l wad-known Iron and steel M er. "Only those who have had nomad trouble in u bad form can know whn t inter-ed during all those years. I was almost a nervous wreck, too, I“ for years I didn't know what it In: 1Ay.Aprhs an: @th Clauiheé Advertise/LTC"." mu: m. a"; (Slum!) BELTING FOR mung“ J. mun: Syracuse. N. Y. ' l alan't know that it was good sound sleep at night. new lite and energy trom each Fluke And now ha I well and T---""-- the beat known guide; In " _._.__ MBm Bold by teadiue drum. Adm m---..---....--, .0: he tad ot a Mek nc I I In: for no man; tor the Merit of Tu. this t I‘ll-on Gray, SALE [AL PAPER h. “watery

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