West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Feb 1922, p. 8

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1.33%., (p i8iil llllllllllllllllllllllllll !ftii%i2SiEaEE a” , mu ' .; , w _ ' E1!“ " ti ' 1v? t A ' 00 , I Li] M me People's Mills ---- DURHAM , ggxxxxxxxxxamxwa-cwggqums ma '1 >0 a .0'0 ill' i'iiiii:1r1'i' u M iiiii",'i Flo .n" ite,',' Ll ur Bob. h It y I, p R o 0 P n a F "it nl “a; d ten be \fed Foo 0's) ry ii per l,' p, X itil Inn" lm‘Por l'ur ‘SIbou,_ 110“, r (M) p 00 I. p‘r:"ckpel‘9 x Cr "In xed 'dd " be .98 . 8 ll".',", p Ch I." 100 ... lb ... the a 0:10:71 Ci:'?),'??, P?) nib“::‘ 'iii',?..'..).'.?.'.".', Ain'trmord'arziprr'h;103100. '.-..r.'. T..-..'...'.'.."..". tti?,,'?:'?',),;':": tit M100 I'? 0 Ibe. lbs. .'.' ... .......... X ’Pea"ACor‘::"s‘;-I.f;:<#;x::-~-.::~---::-~ C.".'.'.'.'.'.'." kt (i':?,'i,',?,j'i,i 1"si'ii,i,ji.,1./i"..'s.".ir' .... . _..'.....'..'..' 5e Th 0 ",,"'d,t,,", be. K. ...... ... _."...---]..'..')' ii "ighe “abOVUR FL." (3.1; 'i',.',',.',.)'.'.'.'.".'."'.'. ...... .'.'.'.'.". S e 0 ) .... '..r.'.'.' a t Pri price UR Per In“... ...... ._._.-.r.-../.'._ A; GOOCES pai Bare IS GI; Luk.' _.'.'." ...... o'.'.'.' M Ptrr afterDS D id to atth iiiridi, C.'..'." meN noo EL r w oMi NT ... 9 o8 n. IVE ME illa EED C.'.'.'.'.' 2 J'ti', Da s RE AT ndS . ... 8 yo end .1) del trict rNi In ar Iv ly N igh , ou ere Ca t. ou nd d sh M r [i'diir','svri'l'v,1; the 1 rs " CG cal-lily OM y. in;:‘ ',",, v Tlbs-i, I ‘ , : J rr Bt M A”! : ' Ea rler , rr,Ct..itit'rilf, ’PV-erx _rs,8) ith I'i'ii/; " " -, p, (Z, EfiiLii "'aililg.R))':1 p, , di f , Ers: '.c=' .u a ie', . 'ht - a, g'l'k" More 101mm) for the None - tty (; ,f,.ltrj2lllt(it..al I , m? 'irasi ‘ At i] I wiW” 'iii', ' 0 M Packages 15' f 'ii'2is2""'i"tiii7t',is'ti1, _rs:fit) tll M; 0 h lems &P .lsi?i h' W ._ " , x i?Ul 'd LE I (iii) Araf, '!llrjit, 'l,1t.itl 'fit',? 'si'?',' g up , da Eiis1iiiti's'i'ii',ilkfstlE k", Ili a; I gdb""' tW,,,,,,,"..,.'?,,',',',,',,',',:'.",?. ' , ttab _ JiilliiqaillliilU' Tr) C-uN. Bv:\(~\~“ . ITirt :' 'Jd 'ren Pt7..a 7â€"».- == _- ‘ “ -7 ip {~2x2292:m:s@:§29:29 Wm Brier Jiii (,s)(i THE PEOPLES MILLS 'llf,x'%ilxxxxxXxxxxriax MEEMWEEWE Specializes in those two branches of (on-cull] Education. Expert teachers ', Individual instruction on- sures rapid progress. Enter any day Special course for Farmers' Sons The People's Mills Bookkeeping tl Stenography mount FOREST 6NT. are the open doors to great MW"? POI-‘1' OPPORTUNITIES A. TRIMBLE. Principal Prices for Flour and Feed Tourist-A dangerous drop off hereif someone drives recklessly. Wonder they wouldn't put upa warning. Guide-They had one up for over a year but no one was ever hurt so they took it down. "Clergyman's estate worth 840.000" anewspaper heading. And appart there is to be no investigation or: thing. Want-In North Egremonton Thursday Jan. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Weir, (nee Sadie Heard), a daughter. Ig. And apparently investigation or any- t_CD1, The iirat Board meeting was held M on Tuesday evening Jan. 3rst at m which the omens elected were " X follows: D.-‘:A‘-. y D "LSE, says Thefollowing names comprise the new Board; Rev. G, s. Scott. Rev. L E West B Brnbner.] R Philo, L. B. Nicholson, G. Burrows. E. Dingwell. I? Fentou. Mrs Tuck. Mrs R. J. Arum. Mrs Theme and MrsG $rostetter. ll The annual meeting ofthe Holstein . 1 Public Library was held on Monday Sievening of this week. The reports F' the Libarian and Treasurer were lvery encouraging. This was the aoth annual meeting of the library, it having been established in 1901. Each year has shown progress. The year 19“ being much in advance of any previous year. The books are ‘in circulation over all the township and part of Normanby. Especially there in an advance in the number of children who patronize the Library. The books are chosen with great care and much consideration is shown towards the young readers. The aim is to guide them into the habit of reading only worth while books Pretrident--J R Philp Secretary-Mrs G Hostetler Treasurer-D P Coleridge' Librarian-Mrs D P Coleridge At the community circle on Mon- day evening Rev Mr Burnett, Dro- more gave a very interesting and in- structive address to a good audience on the laws of heredityin plant life. By using a board his explanation was made very plain so that the listeners could quite easily grasp the working of the natural laws. The council and several ratepayers of the Township are in Owen Bound this week defending an action by A. Filshie to compel them to build a bridge on a sidetoad in the south and of the township. Mrs (Rev) Cole, Durham is ex. pected to address the ladies of the Methodist Church next Tuesday afternoon. Petr. 7th at the home of Mrs Feuton. At this meeting Mm Cole will endevor to organize a min. lon band. HOLSTEIN LEADER I only for the here on Pdday - m.‘ u-.. Fmpuruonea. He Is 64 years of age and enjoys good health) In an mtelhgentand Interelting f"Pveraattonalurt, and he has much of intense to talk about " he has travel. ed all over the fivilised world. tathcr, Mr Neil McKenzie. “ho I seriously ill at Goderich. Little wondex that Mr McKenzie should attract much attention when. he appeals on the street of town or City. He Is one of the biggest men in the worW--7 ft., 4 ins in height, and weighing 428 pounds Unlike many men of unusual Illo, he is straight and‘well proportioned. He in Aa -.n»--n A _ _ Avisitorto Lucknow last u attracted murh attention was McKenzie the Aithtield giant, come up from Kansas Mo., I father, Mr Neil McR-mi- Mr and Mrs Jos Dowli the zupsts of Mr and Mrs J l on Sunday We are glad to announce Hopkins who has not howl-n well latelv in bust n" ' Mr the 2 We are glad to report that Miss Marjorv Smith who has been tmnfin ed to her bed the past two weeks " able to be up again and we hope ah, will soon be able to return t t school Wood cutting is tt day in our village. res‘dents of the town the bush or cutting house Mrs Alex Steve Marjory and Jean end with her sister the village We have been having gr ther the last week We have our regular Sunday F instead hada most b anti shiny day. We must watch the bear sees his shadow t day ---_ .--J WAC out we hope she will soon have rev lief Mary is also otf duty at Guelph 0 A, Con account ofa sprained ankle hurt while toboggsning. The U F. o commenced their Winter’s social evenings with 2 var- ied programme, literary and muslcsl. They intend meeting bl monthly as last Fear. Next Monday night will be the regular business night. AP wishing to procure seed com or grass seed Kindle come prepared to attend to it as the order will be closed after the meethur, Miss Bessie Drimmie has been home for a few days "iferittir with a felon on her thumb, the result of jamming It has been very sore but we hope she will soon have rev 11ef Marv LI nIIn " A.-, -i A . _ Geo Marriott received a kick on the head from one of Walter Hora. burgh’s horses, while leadlng it out to drink, but fortunately it was not very disastrous although severely cut. Drimmie. and other iPelétfvEE. "I“ u A little daughter arrived at Geo. Drimnie's home on Saturday, Jan. 2tat. unmnle's home on Saturday, Jan. 2tat. Misses Beua and Nellie Bunston of Dromore are visiting theiraunt, Mrs Whyte, this week. Ontario Grew Mrs Joe. Merchant guest of her parents, Drimmle, and other , Mrs J Reid In in -die,, Sound visiting her daughtu. Mrs W. Cole- ridge and other friends -- -- ... .uu ocllUIIB [illness of Miss Mamie McPhee but l hope she will soon be batter She is in Mt Forest we understand. Mr and Mrs W, Grout spent a few enjoyable days in Wroxeter visiting their friends, Mr and Mrs Moffat, Mrs Harvey Grout expected to leave the Kitchener hospital yesterday (Mon) and go to her parents: home for further eottealeaeeeiee. We are sorry milieu of the illness of Miss Mama. “nDI in this ”hoof-ragga; 7i"Td, wishing them much hspp throughout a long mauled life We received the t""tottttceatettt ot the marriage of Mine lune Claudine Noilea, daughter to Mr and In John H Noiies offipringhiii. N th, to Mr John McQueen of Bentley. Alta. Thev were married at Lscombe, Alta. last Wed., Jan. 25th We Join iii) John” former pupils and may friend In iii. n-L-~‘ . - Rev. Mr Went hopea to consume hla special services in Yeovil Church on Tuesday, Feb 7th. Everyone welcome Sacrament will be dia- penned next Sunday. We had the pleasure of attending a studente’ Recital last Saturday afternoon. given by twain of Kiss E N. Bhsrp's pupils. We no an able to specin in particular as to the metita of say panicnlst pu ii as all played well the part assigns. These tuitsls are ttbenefit to the students themselves “they gain 'e'c'i'a'le'; in themselves. It W. Coleridge, Om Gould. apes! I couple of day-lac week wlth his brother', D P Coleridge end old squirm-en here. Don’t forget the concert on gretr. to There will be evelentlne mill in the huernern of the Presbyterian church. Home“: on the evening at l'ehrunry the rah. A good luterery. I muolcel and lock] progn- hu beed‘ arranged Lunch will be served In! MIMI In!“ Alex _Steveus with ORCHARD Merchant of Sank. . ls Jean speni the Jos Doyling We, " Sunday storm but most b autiful sun- :must watch whither a shadow n Thurs, ware seed corn or ndlv come prepared " the order will be meeting. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO YEOVIL lhis Man the orderof the . Most of the n are either in g wood at the m was Rodenck giant, who had last week, who pen: the week and brother in mien in heartily much. Aqyrtttedt ., by ttttd m3 v, to see hi Hand wag. " did not W John that M feulim Wain Misses serious Equal cure as to cleanliness a! be observed as to greases. if g on your hands or whatever you. using to fill the grease cups with may be sure you are going to scored bearings. in tiliiug the see that there is no air let: in l and then turn them down until sue grease squeued out ot the t ing. This makes sure that it is ting where it will tlo good. i wasting mom-y .0 buy a low g, grease because they consist main] a low grade soap and a large mm of water and will freeze. Cl greases also contain acid fats are certain to spoil the highly-tin ed lurfaces of anti-friction beast Mr Cleaning. the Some tractors are equipped with mechanical oilers. In these cases fresh oil is cons antly supplied to certain parts. These oilers work so well that they are often forgotten. Not long ago a tractor operator heard one of his cylinders blowing gas past the piston. On examination i. was found that the piston was dry and badly scored. Further examin- ation revealed the fact that the little pump in the oiler which should have been supplying oil to that cylinder had stopped working. The oiler was drained and washed out well with kerosene. Then it was turned out and fresh oil put into the oiler. It was again turned by hand and again that particular pump did not work. The oiler was now removed and tak- en apart when, after quite a careful search, a small bit ot chair was found in one of the tine oil passages. The bit of chaff would lo. the thin kerosene pass but stopped the thick cylinder oil. ‘ For eaeh.part of an engine that requires oil there must be an ade- quate supply or that part is going to fail sooner or later. It har been said that not one man in a hundred knows every oil hole on his tractor. This is nearer the truth than may be imagined, and part of the fault lies with the manufacturer who places oil holes or grease cups in places where it would almost require a detective to tind them. You must study your oiling chart, and then follow the system of oiling as laid down in your tractor manual. Give (the manufacturer credit tor kroow-, ing the oiling needs ot " product. Oils and greases should be bought most carefully. Each manufacturer will tell you what oil to use in his particular machine. The reason dit- ferent tractors call tor different oils is because they diner in construc- tion, speed and operating tempera- ture. To make sure that you are getting the oil recommended, buy it in sealed containers. Mechanical Otters. Oil in a gas engine or tractor serves three purposes: I, general lubrication; 2, compression seal in the cylinder: 3, cooling Exposure is not by any means the only ill-treatment to which a tractor is subjected. Have you not often seen them so covered with dirt and grease that you wonder how they can carry the extra load? It the work ot carrying it was all it would not be so bad, but the great trouble with these dirt accumulations is that sooner or later the grit is going to i work Into the bearings and get into the carburetor. with the result that you have ground-out bushings and scored cylinders. To clean " these accumulations each day will take but a few moments and pay you well. To allow them to stand tor a week or so means that the heat of the en- gine will burn them and matte their removal a Very diNeult matter. l Lubricating. l, A good tractor deserves the best of protection Ind when not in use or stored for the winter would be in a shed that in weather tight. If it is to be left in the held over night it should be covered with a waterproof canvas to properly pro- tect the wiring, magneto, etc. Cleaning. I In the year 1898 the Hart-Parr Co. built their nut tractor. During ’ 1910 there were about 1,800 tmtora sold in the United Staten. and In 1080 thin number wan increased to 175.000. Thll year the sale- are greater than the total tor the past ten yearn, mnny dealers being Bold out in the am tour months of the year. Theae ilguree are a pretty fair indication that the tractor in taklns its place an a farm implement. Farm implements generally have a very short lite, and tractor depreciation in usually reckoned " from 20 to " per cent. '"trt't"setoo-at-ora.t f1tt'be-ettortrarsesentsaU (Co-tuba!“ by Ontario Department at "rtmitttird Toronto.) Practical Advice About Running This Far- Machine. (ME [IF THE TRACTOR actors are equipped with oilers. In these cases is cons antly supplied to ts. These oilers work so g oil to that cylinder vorking. The oiler was washed out well with on it was turned out put into the alter. It to cleanliness should u greases. if grit is " whatever you are :rease cups with m... Les should be bought Each manufacturer hat oil tio use In his line. Tne reason dit- call tor different oils :‘ase cups with. you are going to have in tiliiug the cups ro air let: in them In down until you d out ot the bear- is" (I, B'W'In Duluht and Btationer, Dun , 1:14," . . . " I august” mamas; " Jr I1rcrti,iiiiis7iit'rerdein, Edith Kerr, Margaret Wilson. Jr Iv-husk Davis. Violette Kern! Ritchie Campbell. Jessie Marshall (ablll Sr. IH-John Allan, Lloyd Allan. Bob bie Wilson. Alice Lennox. Mae Noble, Miptt.ceiai (ab) Sr lyr-Margarl't G new Allan (eq h Sadie Ca.mplttll gab.) ts'""":-:.. Eéiéé‘ééi C. .' sl.,) Ak Stop that Bat; E. Treleuen. teacher I N011, EGREMONI‘ V-Arun,. I Dyer. Br 4--WO. Dudde. Helen Melihushern, D..tu Mes Ewbern. John (Alder. Hubert " Euohorn. Crcnl Fulrburn, Fred Sun- Ber. Jr 4--thaee, Calder. Juhu hwitzet. tir 8---iiuy MelGettern, Mug-rel Funbnm . Kuhlt-H- Mullen: Gordon Watson, Donsld Gardlner, Hague w. run. James Merhhettero, John McLew. ThPodnre Wagner. tir '2---ft on Swim-r. In": Snvll, George Gider. Bobble Myron Jr sr- ) Muy Plaster, Ilene Plnaler. Mujone' Gurdlnnr. Sr l-- Elwyn Punter." Arthur Watson, Mare Mchchern. i: Ivan Him-ks. Bobble Cslder, Willie ( Wagner, Irene Gardiner. 1'runer- Alex McEachem. Gnlbert Mchchern l Eduh Htnektr. Average Itleludmce I 81.1. A. G'. Allen. Cache,” â€" f v N01 8, EGREIONI‘ I” "flr"dT,t:, V-Gordon Leah. George Renwick, mending . wee Viola Henry. Jr IV-J- Ged ( In The. Cook den. Sr 1ir-Cuitortt Henry. Arthur: (Oar oorrespc Luau. Jim Small. Wuher Bernick, usa report ot I Harold Momma. Jr Ill-. Jun lion meeting an lionmck. Br Ir-Ito, Tucker. Lucy “other wrne u Wells. Myrtle Wells. Jr Ir-Alexei. pom an In pa der Tuylor. Ruben Renmok. Mar. thlrnne Thank Rttret Leah. I -Lustreue Hunk. Bue --e-ee-ee-s- lab Muckenzie. Pr Br--AnmeWetitr, P--- Cidford Harrison. Jr Pr-Ruuell ITnylor. Baytrtond Barnaby RAW E. A Benton, catcher NO 9. EGREMONT WA fir 4=Duud Alter. Elie Ellu. Mary ' ‘Eeclen. Br 8--Arthar Hus. H. " I am in th mu ilehenk, WIN]? Ferguson. Sr 2-- ll ki d Edith Horsburgh. Lorne Bobenk.Eorl a m s 0 Ron, George Manon. Murray Ron. Foxes, Coor Sr 1-EunJr Troupe, Orville Kunm- Mink. At haw. Null Schrum. Gnu tietrram, . Luroy K~crhnbuw. Pr-- Kenneth 11131:? mar Rose, Red Kecclnlnw, me e ore se, Congratulation to Mr and Ira Thos Weir on the arrival of a little girl One of “mold time social parties will be held on Wednesday evening, Feb ttth at Ibo Ebenezer on Town line under the auspicea ofthe Ladiea Aid and W. l. s All local talent, lunch served and a good time expe c. ted. In" Glndu Tu visit from Tovorm the parental home The annual meeting of Amos Ch. was held on Thnrsdsy evening test when good reports were given in connection with the various branches oichmch work. Reference use made [to the hernonv existing in the Men- ‘sging Bard, the choir and through-. out the church generally These-1e harmonious condition has marked the long history of the Christian En. deavor Society, which bu been continuous __-. 1v. J. Ill-lucl‘ cm 'Pe"" even- Ing Jan 14th. wan well attended and llatened to with evident appreciation. It G I Leeaon, I. P. P., also apoke upon "Phyaiology and Anatomy" and van equally " home on hla anh- joct. The meeting wan held in a. 8 No 12, under the anaolcea " Tart-- - “v. v-..- u- I. " No ta, under the ample“ ot Tutu U F o Club. free to all The lecture on "Genetic." h Rev W. J. Burnett on Tuesday In. I... -Atl- ---- .. __ _ l l? J, Sadie NotueuGiiiit"i a .) te,a.1el,,rh,syis, y]olette, Kerr, NO. P., EGREMONT NORTH EGREMUNT 'guet Aberdein and Ken sl “Ah .. .. . School Reports al.- a A. - It E the nation's Beverage. Toronto and is enlivenlng I LA..- Tucker " home on a "0ell_ctics_" by the " |.IIIKU 'rom me r'rtruvp-1 'il The School has a mum.» [the P'It "ttich It hoprs to '.i the future . Durham in an aummw town and (gm-d :u‘crn‘nw " , obtained at rcasmmlur r v. _ The School it than uv! 'x "ka up the follonmg' Ls tl'Y Intending pupils aim-“mi r'" ter It the bcglnnwg (‘1 1. l information as to (‘nuvna tained from the Prmc-p..f. Each member of the sum "INV graduate and at. t teacher. I. Junior latriculzmm 2. Entrance to the Nomad s, t. Senior lautculatxon DURHAM BEIGE tyCBK0)(t))h P'"' Thou Cook, Inrkdale (Oar oorrenpondent hm. rum as: upon ot the Shippmu A, lion meet-i": on 'l‘nnrsdu, 1w soother Write up that!) m " pour. on la: page, we an , m Ihknne Thinks!” the salm- - Mr " Watson has ve’u mending n_week a: his cum The Sacrament of the I, .n per will be diepeneed in hr, h Sunday next. Feb. 5m. Mo; union on Friday menu .4 n'. Let there be I gland m.) Friduy service. I am in the market z~ my all kinds of Raw Hm -, Foxes, Coons, Skunk at)! Mink. Am paying the highest market prim Eve me before selling ML: "cure money. l LEVINE, Durham The limited unoum " an w ”n the road- .enenlly um vim”. rloid convince the "rmut pathmne'erul the amenity ot ICIVNIK [bu duct"?! “on; high graded roads mm . g 1rO smooth bottom nude enuuuh;{..r . oleighto travel on, as ttrrw .1 the “Int" done» tar, his hev, lump“. in [he ditch». Then up r hwy road. when are b-d in! 9; ”1,, with now. the rod Sido- y' [m he heed Iron none. nod mm IN muulrd " That two Crude hugg'v h ' I F l .cwd Ipon. 'Uuld In KL" tuusbie opinion, be agreu bum a :1”. 1,”, oiling public l BLVTH’S CORNERS i cum. wood in the bush this In: day rt hoary and the any Previous with con-ad vm (if and arcane. rolled, will (in our westvrr. f, mm. . glimpse of the balmy Mather uld Ontario in 'sorrine. RAW FURS WANTED l .Sr ll-Kalie Davis, Balm A gr ge, Allan, Annie Campbell and 11.1.1 " . Mr. Jean Aberdein. Sr r-Mary Campbell. 't Wihf,fttr," Tight - In lidd n, Tor., A ' warms sudden o i m" I -Earl Gliddotil: Joe Campva I. a. . KOCH. Chm; a. DANARD. B A mun! 2, tthte Wat-on has returned from --" -- Kr . tte. Shipping Lsliiii1'.' ‘. Madalyn. teacher, V In type t Br" "nlthte win-law'g, m [I] I! rdt thp. ach. 00 par-lot, ced en but u arded y, pg. 10th. Ed) lace. Dr Ja the rhairmuu' some length, r mind them t nnnivenan " may or how 1 ledby since rude“ to Kind Kathleen Lav instrumental , Lauder, Mm rum-n. Mrs ( Sudan. Mr I (Ran) Cole a The Methods: mun Hum Rita [mm Th evening, Fm: annuity sing? in for hall L'.; theeoumi} tt her pl t Count, doubt Th, mun” SRHM A Numb! the T the or Inc Armenia lunch by the h, new proceednm of the Institute March in the b the toss la on " were“ and an t hei any" am "I: living living." 1 (hot: pre alto splen fashioned Misses An being lpw M McC dity' TOTAL Asst Durham Branch, RI tract The s: to Mr a Sound, i Arthur, little ch from whi out: ICC: Atkinson where tht Monday ' of the tier Trinitv t mission ing box par-t In: ur old-f Chou pins say it ton, Store u9ST-on DWI? contair about "7.00 by leaving at W DrCody lays I ie more oerspirau hem elegant. but like work., - Fs _ itrth " Tank: relieves having the cttutte. Drug Store. Burnetil Men's " l hats of corn for 2: at G See our Med s: G. S. Burnett. VOL. 1me ‘lenc Th H iet M " " acc Priceville pr Mot tl re "

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