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Durham Review (1897), 9 Feb 1922, p. 1

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W? may beeh- at. market to buy Raw Furs- ' Stunts and Davina the tprice. 80. ing and save Mberdcin. Campbell. Elan Tuéhr. T I an liddog " Grtddoo. Q Gliddon. Joe Cw D. Macintyn, “a “prepare toen- f the fall term. are bid In w.d In and a In crud. old in has but t ot tho that! in _ - .""'""*q ves: " and _ " nor usual-n (than 'he lmlmy wen"!!! old Chaim” A. Principal ed in the but will.“ ' bad the 0., Prevue. Vncn . D --l _ sded n don Inn] Schools tn COIIIYSCI unable record in I to maintain m ééé 't ark , 'ti'ti CORNERS nun-mm of more. a. " mm "inierotmtiii domes! bulb-n-l-‘J nn has returned no. n: his oiuo.--in-lnw’n. Mandala. dont bu lonurdod u- Shipping Anodi- l‘nnrsdny In: but u ahead, in ”Popp- up. to an email}: all the trngtto.--Edn mic Davis, uni: Cam “unreal ”mm-CIT; t lea-neg the ("who ..a..A -- __. - ,trJutlr 2, 1m Trr"'-"-'----'----, Int- critic“ of Y'DK " and healthy "datum can b. Btatf in a U oiv. an experienced ll'fel’nuon it 3 wand um I Durham F U RS TED " Fronds with o g mt "do enough it', . n, as no“ o thar r, ha. been _ Th-.. __ I, _ Then "“'"" ”In, Campbell and 'rat .t and "é " DID"! ,loott tor t1uime in Side should be ”HIV levelled 902nm: an it our “I“: It to the urn- _ Lord u up. 800! Ch. on lat ll 3 p i "ily to that pped " WP! r-loty Btehie [I] gnu, " Durham Branch "." - I“: - -arrGiiriiii [iar,sov-rn Chicago, =on February 6th. 'i'Ciiririiur,lu.orLt My]. .54 M): M natrer I pe, It I" “dun ErnestW.Leuon _ WW, I”. -_" I: The death occurred suddenly at Owe; TM IN omen's Institute held their I 'ill',":', 't'l'e'lt,iet,.h 'Cia,1trig.'. Je,'; tt t I q ' I .! q . I ., m n h V meet m1 at lthe home of Mrs [known supelamnated clergyman of Hur Autor,t. Munrhead on fhursday.a lame,on Dieresea d d h [the ur, .numher attending. Interesting and in-i__ . l n aug ter 0 ness proceedings. The annual Milena of the Institute will take place on the 2nd March in the town hall. a.“ warm on "Environment vs., Here-l'.','?!', Will be deeply regre duty ' and another by' Mrs lRev ) Cote, I circle of lt" in Owen 'Us hung alife more than making “Other parishes in whict living." Mrs A. W. H. Lauder taviredlPinistered for nearly h: those present with a solo and there was! Three of her children em also splendid victrola music. An old! 1t1el.wteyiveot home,] fashioned spelling match was put onlontarioDiocese and Fred Misses Annie Smith and Eliza Patterson ,1 years Pf "Whale! oltheE being appointed captains. Both sides)?? Paisley, and is now were evenly balanced as to good Weller: Both of the sons were ht and after 'ome time. Mrs Mcllraith and The funeral service was col Mm Winnic Myth were the winners for George g Church, the Rev, their respective sides both going down ford, of St. Thomas Chat on thesume word. 3|?) 00was voted tolNorth, officiating owing; the Armenia Relief Fund. A dainty positionotCanon Ardin. lurrch by the hostess followed the busi. accompanied the remains h ness propcedmgs. The annual At-Home R. train to Sealorth for O 5:3.Ierywoman where the funeral was conducted from on Mordav. Rev. w, "Smith had charge of thes sarvice. interment taking place to Tnmtv; Church cemetery. There are four :rlht‘r children in the bereaved {alum H“ lulsslon, popula rites. Ladies bring. ing boxes tree. 1riii' Program in pre" paration at N p m. me early The sympathy of their friends go out _ to Mr and Mrs W. J. Atkinson, Owen} Sound. in the death of their oldest 30ml Arthur. aged 1 years, on Saturday. The: little chap had diphtheria in December) from whit-h he never rallied. The par-f ants accompanied the remains to Mrs f Atkinson's father, Mr W. J. Young.) where the funeral was (‘nnrhu-inrl '..- --‘ Box Shaun-Ac Lodor, L. tr. "86t, mont on Mo " 13 mission. popula rio ing boxes tree. paration at N p m. - ...u;. will be rewarded DESI by leaving at Review om e. l The season ie "This tlnlac is really th rat medicine Central Drug l have ever taken that d what they ceum concert on Iay it will do," said J F. Ho . Lexing- begiven by theh ton, Ky. Sold at Maclarla 's Drug ticket Ian opens Store. I Geo e L. Tess Get your costu ready to wear t the lalo met. anic, tai old-fashioned soda in the Presbyterian pounds his wit church. Tuesday. Fe L’lst. under aux. six pound nd hi piresinfthe Young Wo n's Auxiliary. ing evetyd by Further notice next week'. at Macfarlan D Bax <nn--' As .r. . LOST-On 2nd February. in town, a purse containing money amounting to abouttt7.oo Finder will be rewarded by leaving at Review offire. DrCody says the need is more perspiration. Sm beso elegant. but it wank like work.--". Burnetiu.' “fl Men 's 82. hats for 81 ' of corn for 2. at Grant's. See our Men Sweatert G. S. Burnett. , Tanlac relieves theuum moving the cause. Sold at Drug Store. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS SLandard Service welcomes small as well as his. MA?,I, women lack savings accounts, Hum " their surplus too triflih to bank. arr: mats, accumulated im'Jl'dl'6, are your strength In an emergency. VOL. XLV, N O (tii-i i7,ti-.-.,)o21.tTtiiii.i)t 's",)',;??,':":?,;,",, "its; WEEOPICS ; Skatessh "I“: Get r Mo urnett's. Men's 82. hat corn for 2; at I See our Men f. S Burnett. x mel.\l.~At Vicbria Orange LO "Mil, 20th Con. Etre.. on Mo ay13 Feb 1922. Ad.. w. popula' rices. Ladies bra-m- Si:") TAN DALI-2:!) BAN K new were given by maa diphtheria in December he never rallied. The par. anied the remains to Mrs father, Mr W. J. Young, r Motor License at Geo. S.'atthe Ford garage. " Ground comm hats for 81 a). Two cans- eluded. Whole 000 3- atGrant's. lout sacksa: Sweater Coats at 83.00. need of a.) world' Sweat might not] would sound more' Mrs A THE , The young couple were the recipients ‘ oisome.beautia gifts and on Friday eveninglast. the good people of Edge Hill tendered them a welccme and re- 'ception. Mr Charles and Miss Flora ;MacFarlano attended from Bunessan,l {their sister's wedding. I Afterthe ceremony the bridal party motored to the home of the bride's sister, Mrs E. J. Davis, wherea number of friends awaited them and all sat down to a sumptuous wedding breakfast. At. ter a week's stay in Toronto, they have, returned to the groom’s imm at Edge; t by (e. far1ane's of Miss Jean McFarlane, daughter {of Donald MacFarlane, B: nessar, to Mr. Chas H Moffat, son of Mr John Moffat. Edge Hill. The bride, unattended, wore a gown of taupecharmcuse with Chinese embroidery. plush tango hat and corsage I boquet of sweetheart roses. I ..- .-. ......., I; years was manager oltheStandard Bank flat Paisley. and is now at Montreal. :§ Both of the sons were home to attend. The funeral service was conducted at St. George 9 Church, the Rev. C. L. Long- lford. of St. Thomas Church,0._ Sound (North, officiating owing to the indirl position of Canon Ardill. Her two sons [accompanied the remains by early G. T. iR. train to Sealorth for interment at Bayfield in the family plot beside her ~.\DLA- mother, _.__ u-..“ .on Dionne and daughter (Major Wm. Connor of Ba (She will be deeply regrette 'circle of friend, in Owen So other parishes in which 1 ministered for nearly half - .e.-,. wan, wrmerly of lumpden, says; "I always look for the ; Review every week with its home news. [We are having a real taste of western weather now. Some days now the mery cury reaches the "fifty below" mark butl along with the frost we get lots of sun. shine. I like the country fine and have a real nice school in a lively community.', The death occurred suddenly at Owen Sound on Jan. mm of Catherine Ryan, wife of the Rev F. Ryan, B D.,a well Ilrnnnvn A...“ --- H- ..-.u In. AU“ onto, Niagara Falls, Hamilton and Ahtawa closing March 3rd. These fschools are presided over byDr. Bee. ; man and his chosen staff. I ENJOYING rm; West-In renewing] her Review subscription. Miss Isabel, Marshal} of Disiev qnob ’n-~* . - "W"! Flashlight. ticket Ian opens Fek 9th. I any Movie st Geo e L. Tessey,a well-known Bul-u HISTORIC lalo met. attic, said he had gained twelve l lor table. Ge pounds his wife had gamed twenty‘bag Boy-F six pound nd his daughter was gain. Best COMI ing eve y d by taking Tanlac. Sold gent or boy--': at MacfurIan Drug Store. i 1 Mrs J. C. :hol expects to leave . Run Hr? Durham Feb 20th to attend a series of mg 40..tecoe' ft “Spirella Training Schools" held at Tor. ley, tiW. to nn'n KHA" _ l Rob RON“. Durham " The best remedy known or asthma is RAZ-MAHJor Rheumatism etc., is l TI R. Cs. Both are sold and guaranteed, '1 by reliable druggiets everywhere. As I _ l S MacBeth. - "noun, be given by the AMnder °,__ . .. uulu Ll“ ' . . The rink manage ent look for Mr. Sam Levine was in O.Sound this 8200 gate with t e strong a week defending a suit brought by a Mr. offered. Here ist prize list .. Leslie of that city against him for 8100 ' . . . . : l il ' damages sustainedina car collision. The cogtAgisinz 033m '11:..1TA: jury awarded Leslie $72 damn”. M- ' s - of her chiidrei, sa/ive" her, it,ti,'f)ten's Gauntlets at S. Burnett' Skates sharpened Saunders 1d daughter of the iii, Connor of Bayfield, Ont. eply regretted by a wide iiiht iiliiitiipii'litta Review. Jwen Sound and the' which her husband cketplan Vote for .cuma car collision. The mum; : 091 T To coat, fishing pole. .eshe $72 damages, Mr. event 220 ds 44 was also there asa wit- - -., l y ' (plan is now open at e for the third Ly- ursday, Feb. 23rd, to rvive her, Miss Rev. Charles of I who for many 00 per ton sacks in. N900 per ton with- and saws regummed a century. n renewing Wiss Isabel formerly of trio Si ng le due; The quarterly grant of 8200 to the, Public Library Was also passed. MS! There were three applications for con- iaylistable considered in committee of the me l whole. The by-law passed at last meet- W I ing fixing the constables salary at 8250 00 am i had to he and was rescinded to meet the an, new applications which called for 8300. The applicants were H. A. Falconer, - 1e Wodehouse and Thos. Daniels the for. mer receiving the majority of votes and getting the appointment. The by-law appointing was carried accordingly. I r t Application was made by Mr Howard IMcDonald for a license to establsh an. I other pool-room in town. The principle _ of pool-rooms having been admitted the council could do nothing but grant the license, though much of the best thought in town would rather see‘ both on thei scrap heap. The new pool-room will! occupy a section of the Mlddaugh House. i _ V V_.‘ v.1 tile table Not So another request asking Dur. ham’sacquiescence in such a change in the law as would turn police court fines into the municipal treasury. instead of that of the province. Assent to this: was readily given. I At the Town Council meeting on Mon. day, all were present but Mr Calder whose threatened illness was a causeol I deep regret. After passing of the min- ‘utes the usual batch of accounts were F handed in and passed on by the Finance, (un.. Cwncillor Lloyd acting as chair-l : man pro t'em. Letters were read by the Mayor from Municipal Associations, asking Durham to join them “ith a view to strengthen them in guarding Municipal interests. One of them asked 810 as: joining fee, the other $2i5. Both were laid on the} {nkln 8:0! The "iir'jiiiiiiii'i'i' Caring,i Sate Once More I Durham Has Now a Constable a friend --make it a habit, "" laDour discontent and how should surplus be used ? Every man in town ought tobegreatly interested in this discussion. Come next Sunday-bring alv3--.I ”-1, .. . __ __ V ......5.. u. ithe Men's Class next Sunday and will speak on "Work and Wages." The topic is a live one and vital, to the interests of industry, society and religion. Men everywhere are discussing "Whatis the tright wage to paya man for a day'si work and what is a day's work." If men i have a right to work how is the work to be planned and by whom ? How can we have a real copartnership of capital and labour? Is there: rational basis for labour discontent and how should surplus be used ? Every man in town ought to be greatly interrntort an Mn "a we accompaniment to the needle It was simply a social get.t, gether meet- ing, taken advantage of by a large num. ber and musical numle's and readings sandwiched in made a pleasant break in the week's activities. A driaty lunch followedand a silver collection on [cpl of this, realizing over $12 00. we... u. ooy --riasnnuht lantern. annual party given by l i' / --- ---- ciety there Although r r Run Roy G in: Pmcris--weare pay- about L"s'0 wended their _ ing 40 to 45c for' ate. 75c to 80c for Bar- modious home of Mr a ley, 75c to 80d or Buckwheat and Reid where the evening 81.50 to 81.7.5 for s at our Elevator spent in music. games a: this week. the Wee sma’ hours of Rob ROY ills Limited Mrs Reid is a cousin of, The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian der, Upper Town. Church gave a successful needlework Merchants! Orderyou tea on Wednesday last and it is not un books at the Review offia Complimentary to say that the tongue samples. Lowest prices. was theaccompaniment to the needle If you have money Mr ll was simply a social get-tr gether meet- earning good interest, eel mg, taken advantage of bya large 'ynr Ramage, Durham..and in, ber and musical numlc's and madam-- Rev. F G ing40togrw for' att Icy. 75c to 80d o 81.50 to ".75 for this week. bag Boy-Fish basket. __- Jj.' Best COMIC cosfume on ic ' gent or boy--Fnashlight lantern V ._-. "an m. a mur weeks holiday mums: Open haltmile-Sweater trip and visit to Florida. Jamaica and , coat, fishing pole. latched r'ace (three Cuba. , eventa.220yds. 440y ttand py m.ile)-; Mr John Bell student at Knox Col. a challenge race betw n Eddie Innis and I legr, Toronto occupied the pulpit of the 'Red'Rowe. . . Presbyterian Church at Port McNicolr, FANCY Costume .' dy-Silver fruit l on Sunday last. ( , d'sdh' f,'cei'llt-"Ji'tfggr)t? 2',."2t,? Mr Jae Burt leaves Monday to resume,} ran I".'.'"?". " - rut 8p00n. ly- his position his position .in Parliament] (Flaslslight. Best costum representing Buildin g T t while the Howeis ; any Movie starvclub bag. M -_--: g” oron o, l . 1 HIQT(\V)IF‘AI 's, . - HISTORICAL cosUii, lortable. Gent-Arm chah bag Boy- Fish basket. . w..- n. u... .:\.A EIDLCI nuulEI The Dulha Amusement Co. are hold. Endalso attfnd theannualNormalSchooll, t . . . . At-Home. mg a monster t Valentine Carnival in . . . . . Durham rink Tuesday February 14th Miss Kathleen Quinn of Tweed, ls Vlsl- l ’"m' better p izes offered than ever. tingher friend Miss Stella Bolgerintown. gut These are valu at $60 andareon exhib- Mr Norman McIntyre, Chevrolet gar-I h {itlon in Ed. Kr s', window. Good races I age proprietor, is enjoy irg a me holidays _ the are also billed nd it should draw a in the city. I N. bumper crowd f om town and country. Misses Selena and Laura Truax are and A 85prizcis offer d to the farmer bring- spending lame time in Toronto, MissIsiltl ing the largest I d from the country. Marjory Brown being in charge of thelweel The rink manage ent look foratleanln minim".- .-", _ Men's Bible Class ----- - ---- Hardy will have charge of 7ish basket. S. I [C cosrume on ic ' lady, girli Flashlight lantern. i m PmcEs--wearepay- [ or ats. 75c to 80c for Bar- I 80d or Buckwheat and 1 l for s at our Elevator t t Rob Roy' ills Limited a Aid of the Presbyterian d a successful needlework D URBAN -club bad. -"""'""""""t; , .Bui'dinss- 'ririn'ii, L Costume Lady-par. 1n session :Arm chair.' sTiiCU'a'C/ On Feb Ist, Mr T hm,“ .v. . “wet”... .. ... l " to Navy League.... . .. Expenses ofbazaar .... ..... .. Printing and advertising. . . . .. Localcharitios ....' ....... . Cash to Provincial chumru .. Cash to National (ah-par” . . . Sundtios ...... .......... ....1. Balance on hand..... ........ " stove .... ii] Improving Library ground Childron'ti Shelter ... . .. . . . Cheque tor. Poppies . . . . .. .. Delegates expenses to Ha ilton ' 14 20 Expenses of Euchre party ..... 24 I3 Delegate expenses to Toro to. .. 7 " Cheque for Famine Fund. . _.. 70 99 " stove .... .. .... 2100 Improving Library ground ... 10 80, Children's Shelter ...... ... ... 10 oo Cheque tor Poppies...... .. ... " " " to Navy' League.... . .. ISO 00 Expenses of bazaar .... ..... .. lot) 61 Printing and advertising _ .. . .. " " Locllcharitio: .'..'....... . 6396 Cash to Provincial chapter" .. so " Sub to National ohapUr.... . " 24 Mtdrus.............C....". . A2 82 I-‘-_‘- -- l_Al Feb. , I922 REC PTS Balance on hand fro 1921 .. Membership fees . .. Receipts for Momori Fugd bh Navy be true . " Famine nd .. _ " Sa'e of P ppies. " I 0 D E b ages. .' Euchre Pa ty .. " Birthday rty.. " Banana... ...a. '. 8oeials....1. ... Refund on rent of hall. ... .. Interest in Bank...... ..... Financial Sttptame, . THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 9, 1922 l The annual meeting of this Chapter 'Icame off uccessfully Tuesday night last, i a large 'nC'l'l".'l'l' members turning out. The Secretary, Miss Angevine and Treas- urer, Mrs] W E Clark, gave their annual statemen s for the year closed and as will be n ted in the Financial Statement the Chapler as well " contributing to purely nelcessary I. o. D. K. fees, have presented: several cheques to local and foreign wclrk. The meetings throughout the year h ve been harmonious and the objects an aims of the Order kept be.. fore the m hers. Were it not for the inclement anther prevailing at the) time of th "Made in Canada," Fairl much larger' receipts would be shown] on the book Canadian Oreys' I. 0. l Hold Annual Meeting FOR SALE-., Eve‘s bulls, ranging from in dark reds, 2 dark roans, Apply to Joe Eckhardt, samples. Lowest prices. If you have money lying idle, or earning good interest, see or write t Ramage. Durham, and invest it now high interest rates Si', fast dieanmari der, Upper Town. Merchants! Orderyour books at the Review office, samples. Lowest mien On Feb Ist, Mr Walter Kerr, Varney, visited with his sister, Miss Katie L. Kerr. near Fergus ard alsofattended the With $894 " Marie C. Glut, TIC-Inter Mrand Mrs John Tos left last week on a four Misses Selena and Laura Truax spending lame time in Toronto, n Marjory Brown being in charge of millinery parlors. Miss Adeline Graham went to Strat- ford Friday last to visit her sister Annie and also attend theannuat Normal School "At. Home. " mual meeting of this Chapter uccessfuily Tuesday night last, imbelof members turning out. ey: Miss Angevine and Treas- '; W E Clark, gave their annual is for the year closed and as _ ted in the Financial S‘atomentl TORONTO which ta incorporated the given hy the Literary So. Although rain fell steadily, hours of the morning. cousin of Mrs Thos. Lau- (zed thrir way to the com- e oer and Mrs Arthur 2 evening was pleasantly 'games and dancing, till Orderyour counter cheek rest, see or write to P. w, and invest it now, as s efast disappearing. ve re bred Durham not 23 mos. old-two mans. e pure white. hardt, R. ,I’ricevillcl uinn of Tweed, is visi- tStella Bolgerintown. ntyre. Chevrolet garg njoyirg " me holidays, ( nd Laura Truax are'z e in Toronto, Miss]: ing in charge of the, , {A Towner of Stratford ( (A..- --- . - -- t Ask to see or tweed. is visi- Mr and Ma Foster of Markdale were la Bolgerintown. nests at Mr T. Surf's on Tuesday. a. Chevrolet garg Miss Julia Weir was in Toronto over rg " me holidays, the week end. l Mrs Dan McQueen, daughter Florence aura Truax are and son J. A. of Stayner visited her} Toronto, ',M','iiiii'it'.iei'i-ji; Mrs Neil McCannel this a charge of the, week, and also called on her cousin'sI {Mr John McQueen on Tuesday. ; net of Stratford) Mr. J. Bolger, Dundalk, visited over weeks holidaylthe week end at his uncle's, Mr. M.J.' , Jamaica andlBolger’s. , not Pieased tn have a call from Mr D. Drimmie of Liberty,Sask., home with his wife onavisit to his aged parents and other friends in Egremont. Pro-, /lu.c.tion in his own neighborhook war fairly good but the miserably low; prices was making it a lean year for; the farmers. Mr Donald McQueen. an3 Upper Town boy, is looking after his stock in his absence. week. Kev. W. H Smi Paul's church, Egn afternoon, and Rev, the Men's Class. l Mr and Mrs Jas. Atkinson. Toronto were in attendance at the funeral of their young grandson Monday. Mrs Neil McMillan and son Carlyle of Swinton Park, visited her sister, Mrs: N. McCannel for a couple days this! -cst, Messrs Dan Edge and Geo attending the Fall Fairs con Toronto this week. Rev. W. H Sm'th and attended Presbytery mee erston Tuesday, l Misses Margaret McGirr 2 Edge visited their cousin, Mrs enson. Holstein, on Monday. High Constable Pembroke Sound, is in town a couple of week on important business I Mr Jas Hepburn visited his sisters and , brother in Toronto last week whom he (LG not seen for many years. Mrs. Dr. Fallis Li young son of Shelburne, were visitors for afew days at her brother's, Mr J. A. Rowland's. ,1, . [iltlill)iisl"llfl.ii'..ii)l)i Phone N 0's. Call and see Touring, less starter. .$575 Touring, with " .. 662 Roadster, less starter . 534 Roadster, with " . . 621 Coupe................ 894 Sedan.... '.'..o...... 986 nhave a call from Mr D. Liberty,Sask., home with a visit to his aged parents "tends in Egremont. Pro- his own neighborhook was, windihield. , »Demountable rims. Tire carrier. One-man top with tmap-on cu r- tain fasteners, glass windows in back. Sloping, double ventilatine Holstein Leader Smith will preach at St rice Reductions emont. next Sunday . Hardy will conduct Note-The Ford Touring is Equipped with the Refine. ments and Conveniences of the Higher Priced Cars ' J. A. Rowland's. . r I McGirr and Maggie" u§in. Mrs John Stev- V and Mayor Allan meeting in Palm- Ford Sales and Service DURHAM, HOLSTEIN. m FOREST Jeo Binnie are convention in SMITH BROS. the new 1922 Models on display ventilating Durham Branch I SAVE BEFORE YOU SPEND Chassis, less starter .. 483 Chassis, with " .. 570 Truck, less starter. . .. 616 Truck, with " . . . . 703 Light Delivery, less Mar.563 Light Delivery, with " 650 ---------'--ar. Publish“! Weakly as 02.00"... in saw-ne- Sulu. 82.60 in ndvnnce. 0. RAM“)! tin -Non-skid rear tires. -Leather door grips. -Horn button mounted on top of steering column. Seating epece arranged to give maximum riding comfort. Approved non-glare lens. Let your Bank first concern. It will more c, tater years. TM HOME. BANK if GAMMA Savings Depart: at every branch J. A. Rowland. 25.2.1 Account "'0 in dune- To United ttMeat" 0303!, Puma-cu tner be yo: Manager

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