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Durham Review (1897), 9 Feb 1922, p. 2

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f? Ct,1, a no”. I was keeping bone-c an tended to Co om" “Oh had d hits ("MM form end. and "like with n certain may. -- -WrVe ill-I I mum have to keep honest." The man who had the reputation of being abfe to read criminals unerring~ ly chum lies-My at the man's face. "And you found the condition too "i'f/it1iiit'2 that toc'i2tdtk,t,'; I "No. r. Moe. a. wit. new, I was keeping hon-b PE s, an a Sharper in every legitimate' sense bun: square as they make 'em.! Amt you." he asked. pointedly, "what: did you do?" I "Of course I had to own up that I; had HM. He had me down on my knees all riptht, but I was valuable to! him right then. We had started bor-; in: on bis band. He said that he would: give ttte another chance but that r, would have to km horn-t " l up to atanhopo he would have me ur- mtol an! sent to the pen." l lime smife curled the corners of Mad-him} stern mouth. "Well. that's hmx-wlvsn'n Scrogzie," he 'Irid, as though to himself. "Hard, bull-headed and a sharper in every legitimate hemm- bun: square as they make 'om l Mn Found tho wirl, and threl turn it own to the rightful t viding he trd not give you deed to Lost Man's Siratttir-- he say to you?" The question stung the oti leather lush stings quivering "What did he say to you?" the hwy", and the wretched the rack answered hopeless' told me that if I didn't give up to Stanhope he would have rental an! sent to the Mn" "A'h'll " t, if 7" . I“ 5“qu ' e HOTEL i',il?l .454 ATTHE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS Mason 3519' tit. mmmmmww ‘.. E- . J3. .NOmn. bTiGGi7GGht'2 ?fy,'N3.e.t.itt "Th-It suit "As I My I found 91.: o;i and gas _ M'nlaes. 1 acre tact o: cations, was n, h“ --- m"... 'hr... T.\ ord l'" "Certainly not. Oh for God's bake hoop probing me this way. I'm wil- ioe to told all there is to tell." "Fr-gt suits] me, Jafizha. Go on." "As I say. Mme re to prospect. I found plenty of surface evidence of or, and gas but wichout capital I waal hc'nhs's. I deamevi that a thus-Ml 'Flnctiy." Ar. kr ruirg‘t-h-u in spite cl his my start-Domingi Pennsylvanh 'nggie mru'dn't deliberately rob ll}: Sranhope of the property. pro- ing he kr..w.' for sure that his uncle r tt Me the young man his heir. ml no. I M] It out it belongs to; "Dogs and children," repeated the Permtrrlvani. Semantic. the man Whom'lawyer. "Dogs acl children." He you helped defeat the Southern has. stood looking away through the fail- s"rut." ling light to whece a strip of mauve- If Maddoc was surprised, he did not Attest, sky peeked through the heavy rl m it. "You struck oil, I see, Ja. tissue of cloud. emu." _ "And what do dogs and children “m, about an eizht-a-day wen." think of you t" he asked, abruptly. ( "tteco?" "RnUs tn... m " mm t......a.- -:__n_. "Th prospect; to look for a new, "Wait," uni field. I figured tttat the Pennsylvania Juobs, is the win would come out about here and‘you care for extend northward." _ "our ,urrhK'ssr, CHAPTER 1rxY.--iCorttu.y "Then come clean, Jacobo. Now then, wht’o your me?” "t Cette here after you drove me from the Pennsylvania oil fulda," laid a)? other, realizing the new: of mg. on stung the other as a stings quivering iletsh. hv say to you?" repeated urd the Fretsyted. man on h SON OF COURAGE ,,r-.-...,.,. u: if I d'kir.'_t_z_ive the will '" I mi: apnea nun doing 30!!»ng is and had provided he Pl mm Scroggie, the I'l . of the Land. had left'an shine all he owned to a‘c'u“ this district, Stanhope he ode. I knew, was afraid to in: to light and I work- No tar. It was known dm ., ammunity that thelbyt Smmgie had trusted l the store-keeper. who, Th M withphe elder Stan- tslot the inner as .1 his beaded brow. I r mum and in. 'acabg had drum of properr.vGird against his son. BY ARCHIE P. McKlSHNIE 09”“ by “on. All... ,aded brow, 'iid n Spencer's safe. " it away l: " u R h.olG ".".e. "“-“-l- All m.,,.',':','?,",,',':':,',', 't.oo 3 7 m.» " - __"‘jdfi10cm Vim - WV __.u_.,,.- "m..." l, had left' and he'll do what I ask. I pulled him mum! to il cut of a rather tight hole and I guess , Stanhope; he won't have forgotten. Come over was afraid] to Stanhope's cottage in the morning. m I work-l Now remember what the children and as known'tdogs expect of you, my friend; good- . that the': bye until to-morrow." ail trusgetlf_He smiled and held out his hand "He acobs " Pennsylvania Scroggie herd been one Cot the first to offer his congratuba‘ a tions. "Young man." he said to Stan- .ihope. “I'm some rough on the out- '. side but I reckon I'm all right inside, (Yttu're got Four sight back and you've‘ "got. in this fine piece of hand my old " uncle left you, what promises to be a Ire-a] oil fieH. Winter and I are going ‘to develop it for you, if you’ve no :objections. And you've got a whale that more than that." glancing at Erie, [who stood near. And Seam-ope, sem- ,ing the sterling worth of tho man, lshook hands gladly. I Lawyer Maddoe and Doctor Cavin- alt had gone back to Cleveland, may _ Main; 2,a,'.t.ter,. 'i'.,","?, fall so long as l ' nio- ura Mm 1- “A . .._--- c - ,_-__.. "_'"'., tall no long “ their welcome held out and Bihlr was there to guide them about and save their lives, if necessary. Old Harry O'Duh’s dream was about to be realized, Stanhope had a... be- 359d - "___-- n. -B.6F_.- a J'"'" ring note deep within God's harmony. Mashed the joyful news that Frank Stanhope had come into his irtherit- “we turl wsuld see again. For a week following the wonderful news the peo- ple of the Settlement did little else than discuss it together. Man, woman and child they came' to the vine-coven‘ eliigottage to tell Stanhope they were! al. ll CHAPTER XXVL y l Golden Wedding Gift. . Bad news travels fast but good news wings its way quite as speedily. Life teaches the human heart to ac- cept the one bravely and to laugh . happily with the other, for after all life is just a ringing note that sound, through and above the eternal weaving of God's shuttle-at times clear, reaching to the highest stars; at other times a minor wail of pain. But the weaving goes on. drab threads min 1- ing with the brighter ones; and so tie heart learns to withstand. and better "still to hope. It my be, when the shuttle runs slower and the fabric is all but woven. if the weaver is brave and strong he is able to decipher the riddle of it all. "If you would exper- ience happiness. fimt it in the happi- 1 ness of others." I He smiled and held out his hand. The other man took it dazedly. then slowly and with head lifte l' towards tr darkening skies, he passed down t 9 Hard. 1Trlliiiiaii GiaiiriPdar. l “Yes." answered "Wait," said the lawyer. "Tell me, Jucobs, is there mryphimg in tltisprtfrld you twenty-four hot»! in which to lose yourself. You can't stay here." Something like a sigh escaped the man who listened to this edict. He took a. bugging step or two tom-I'd. Maddoc was ail-ant for a moment. Then his square chin shot forward. “Jambof hy saitt, crisply, 'Tllyrive u care for outside of yourself ilnii r ambition to climb to fortune over "There others t I'm GrrGua NI i the other, without js something; there whoha'd The Ukul- Pun-1w bu fixed the prmnUn misty " 816,000, while min- iltou got $10 000, and mtrtiamertt- scenario. $6,000 a year each. Be what your friends think you are; avoid being win-t your enemies say you no, go straight forward and be urpr.-M. M. Pomomy. "Fhather," she said after she had seen the hog cut up, "I bet you never knew that a Pitt has an Inner tube." Mlnlrd‘o Lianne-um com. on. l Marjorie. who tor the tirtrt time had motored with her parents to the coun- try, seemed to enjoy all the various scenes about the farm. Somewhat to the horror of her mother she even took a keen interest in the butchering of a hog. Now We Know Why Pork in Expensive Siam.”- it is linen, cotton, in mlx'ed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, (Ida or run. simple directions in every package. Don't wonder whether yon can dye or tint successfully, because perfect h .‘me dyeing is guaranteed with Diamond Dyes even if you have never dyed he tore, Worn, faded dresses, skirts, waists, coma, sweaters, stockings. draperies. hangings. everything, be. come like new again. Just tell your drugth whether the material you wish to dye Is wool or silk, or whether i Dye Any Gar-meat ‘ or Old Drape”; in Diamond Dyes V ,,,___V - u.-.» “nu-:5 _ "6’. Billy watched the old man move down the path, the wild strains of the {Irish tune he was Elayinvg tam-ins on his ears long after t e player had been iT)1t,",tt, up in .t,t, again haze. Then e too passed on. ay mas walkm-g' sodately behind. As he rounded a bend he met Maurice Keeler and Jim Sci-og- gie, heads together and speaking ani.. matedly. (To be concluded.) tidi _ "'"-"", w..- -........ ....- you 35?; tLtttyd "If? ahmr the way." £swate as the very joy they do be 'feelin' this day. A king he lacked. Billy, and his bride s qu'ane, ivery inch av her. But no more av your ques- tions now," he broke oft, "fer step along I must, aingin' me thatrkfuhuhG from me th'tilt, and spakin’ the trom), ”as...“ .. ' -- I --ev _A ' _. -- “Faith and I did," cried Harry. "And play 'em a weddin’ march on me whistle I "h soft as a. sprigs rain and Billy kicked his hat high in air and burned a handspring. "Tell me all about it, Harry. You saw 'em married, did you f" Cay “Diamond Dyes" and follow the I Billy stared at the old man; then his face broke into a grin. "O Geet" he isi-g'hed, and sinking on a lost, closed his eyes. "O Gee!" he repeated-- leaping to his feet and throwing his arms about the neck of the bay and yelling into that animal's twitching ‘ear. "Hear that, you Thomas? They'rd married, Erie an' Teacher Stanhoire's married'." "Billy, is ut clane crazy we've gone?" chided the old man, "that ye'd be afther deafenin' the poor steed wid yer yellin'? Listen now, fer ut's more I'll y., tellin' ye." "On a golden, Indian summer day like this," she finished and closed her eyes as his arms went about her. "And ut’s married they were this mornin', whilst the dew still clung to the mosses. and ut’s meaelf was wit- ‘nass to the j'inin' av two av the tinderest hearts in all the wurruld." Old Harry O'Dule, on his rounds to spread the joyful tidings of Frank and Erie's marriage, had met Billy load- ing a fat bay horse along a sun- strrgnlzed toreyt path. ‘week, I--r always thought that I should like our wedding to be-" Her head went down to hide against his arm. . "Go on, Lighthouse irl. You always thought you wuuld if) our wedding, to be-when Y' I She éazed iittJilG might face with serious eyes. "But Frank," she whis- pergd, lit 'yar.be cold 9nd dismal next ,,,_V__-_ ..-- _.v‘.u.u\, unu- nun "ya. "The Reverend Reddick is available at any day, any hour. Lighthouse girl; he's conducting revival services in the Valley church. It will all be so simple. ng’t you say next week?" 1 "Oh Fmriie-.." aye bégin. Til-t. he “faked?” utteragcq Jyi.th.h'us lips, - _ "And you, too," he whispered. "With all this, I have you, too." "You know that you have away-I had me, Frank," the said softly. "But more than ever I want you now; more than everI need you. Erie," he said earnestly, "are you willing to marry ale right rwity--rnext week ?” I law: No. b-m. Tho Toronto Flo-pin! ttle, qunlgthon Irtti' I teees NURSES of Girl 1395935635 R. w. ,!,,!,,ettijji"iiiitud"'itiii','l', ----'-a-cL'_C1' Aside from the saving in time andll fuel there are several other points tol recommend the cooker to housewives,! For one thing, there is l labor-saving mlwhocun nn ttelves, bl Cd steam pr it', however, is t5atne pr) " cooking. ts mented u Te are enthl te reasons, , le ing in tit .ed Considp tai "th 14th Q“ TGi Receive l "th huge tn ten, and oatmeal, which calls for three hours cooking, in Mteen minutes. To the housekeeper who is used to tho old way of cooking these things seem incredible, yet the women who have used pressure cookers claim it _ -____ -__. __...,., - .vuwnl, mm of which are the eav- odors, of course. one all retained in ing in time and in fuel. the cooker. When ready to open, the Consider, for instance, cooking A pot cooker my be taken out of the kitchen roast or a tough fowl in fortrfiveior Mood by an open window, and the minutes, and the vegetables which go Demock opened to allow all sworn to with it in ten. Best of all, consider mm. In this way the odor goes] cooking them all in the some utensilloutdoon. Besides, the vegetables may! over one time and you see how the be cooked at the me time and in the pressure cooker saves time and fuel. l some didh with potatoes or other vene- ‘To further illustrate the Mme-travine/table, and they Mil not impart their consider cooking corned beef, whihtaurte to the other vegetable, except takes four hours on the stove, in onelwhere the two may come in contact.I and a quarter hours, a ham in aixty- Not the least of the reeommanda-: five minutes, baked beans in twenty- tions of the pressure cooker is the five minutes after they have been fact that foods cooked in it do not parboilcd in sun. water and prepared lose so much in shrinkage as when for the final cooking. beets in thirtyl' cooked in the oven or by boiling. The minutes, turnips, potatoes and cab-woman who has seen a good-sized, bage in ten, and oatmeal. which calls roast shrinl "n 4.. Mu.:__ '- aq i Tttt l, uonsider, for instance, cooking a pot roast or a tough fowl in forty-five minutes, and the vegetables which go with it in ten. Best of all, consider cooking them all in the some utensil over one fume and you see how the Pressure cooker saves time and fuel; To further illustrate the bima-ulvimr‘ m Prln “a... cu!” $1.112.” Overland Auto " I ttnd PM" ‘same principle, steam pressure fo.r cooking. The few who have expen- mented with steam pressure cookery are enthusiastic about it Nr many reasons, chief of which are the nav- ing in time and in fuel. Consider, for instance, cooking a pot roast or a tough fowl in fortv..fhrasi Thou farm women who have 8000 into tanning commemidly, and W whonan on a large scale for them- selves, have long known the merits of steam pressure camera. Not so many. however, have considered using the, The Big Prize Lid! $2,atutit in all , The Steam Pressure Cotter, [when it comes to dishwuhing. “A I...-, ___ . . - . . _ A ' (Woman? § 51029129 [tl ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 8t .000.“ tom "m 10.00 tom 10.00 1m i "m 15.00 15.” "m _ ,,___..v.. on": win no mailed -s'tiu%r7lei'ir'l -Thir ERIE-5. points will be awarded by three prominent and Independent judge. on tho human. style. handwriting and spoiling or your answer. Strike While tho tron in hot." undJend in Four answer tom. 1 Writ u: t I vi N Ruin 'hfitPtt h " t . . on no nmenonono- conga om. I. Wanda!" nuno and Miami. phhiy in the ups»: rum in“ m ot tho an. act. I. It you wish to write anything else. use n lemma Ch.“ ot - Ind lic- your name and complete Address on it mo. 1 c. The. 'lll"'ttlt'utiiiii, anvil: no connoction with the CANADIAN FARIER. F x will Judge tho , 'Il P,',',',',,',',, and award y prim. 1 5. Pa. answer tuning t points, which in t o niche-t number obtainablo. win] 'gt, P5180. Tent 'lPlt will in given tron-magi mt mm? you and. or no no you” mama-canoe. x sumac-Momma by ',,tl.tjlttt2iiiii,iiur? a: 25 point- will be (In: for ”can, um, hud- . a; n a . . 1eDfiiiTv7l m... m.“ m __. .. th; Can , -- Aaron. living out-Ida of Toronto' Put on your thinklnz-cup and a you know the name: of most of the [1%anqu Irfew of the man ham-I- F "v"! v..- mm. mm receive- your aolutlon, ho will and you A lotto:- you Just - human ‘nohu your solution ant-nod ma Mao and “mph ' “the cumin: “km m h-h - ., Am - 7.. no lug,'.', "es-rica' --‘ ‘ -""-qr no... u». a-lvwntd first, and then .'feamed. If you do your fruit and vegetables ly the co‘d pack method the cooker may be utined as it came: The fam, it size cosh!" will hold thyeaart cooker do not tire the family out by serving nothing but stemmed meals, Vary the menu occasionally reserving the cooker for a stand-by. Roasts may be done in the cooker, however, if they are put in a hot oven to brown tori ffteen minutes after removing I'm-ml tho mistake of trying to cook all foods in it. Of course, it will no foods nor broil them, and every f: wants well broiled steak or rho] times. While frying is not the form of cooking it has its plac "roman who has Been a good-sized 'roast shrivel up to nothing in the oven on company day will appreciate this fact. Then, too, all the juices are retained in' the cooker, and may be served as a sauce with the meat orl vegetable. ( The pressure cooker is a labor.. eaving, time-saving and fuel-savingI household appliance, but do not makel "... ---'-A~‘~ " . . [When It comes to dishwuhing. Foods .cooked in the pressure cooker do not liturgy!» npr atiek'om so there is none at .the disagreeable net-wing Md muting to do. Then, 15 the dishes are not in contact with the stove, there it no soot on cooking dishes. Strong fltwored ”gems, u onioni und cabbage, may be cooked in it without having the house {med with odors. As no steam can emne. the after removing from they may be browned 'o and every, remix} r chops at t the best I place in You buy a Wino "ttttttatt) the maxlmum) wlll wht the 81.00. in club hulls-t wtit rocolvo 8500.00 and so on down uni-mu you will may. " Me-» --_ --- all your npt fry -__ .-'-I"CIIU. wmhy Brady, Dun!" Farmfm, The doetor'a claim on the estate a deceased patient ranks fest France. I To Finish Doilr Edge. Instead of working the mumps be- fore they are eat, take ttharp scissors» and cut around just outside the line l of owl-10m; tum the edge under, haste ‘down with short stitch”, and then butg (whole the maliops thus prepared. Or you can work double mint around the 'urallops. This gives a mat edge which wik not pull out when nun-I dered. ' lusE it You were the wig“ 'Ihr " m.._ A!_, __ -- i The cooker: mime in various sizes, Nanny size, medium and hotel .24. d (fact which must be remembered in ordering. Many families with the camping habit are utilizing the cooker for camp ttre mods. It ,wiil give a: good results over the camp tire, " when used with a n Ce, or with oil or psalms. as or egmicity. I one flame, and the time of processing? is considerably less than for the hot' water bath method. much labor, fuel, and time are snvgd by its use. I l Doe-Ir: mm s but Drop I. um “Mono" on In Coking corn. haunt- ly that corn stops hurtlnc. then short- ly you m It right on with ttturea, Truly'. Your drugs!" sells . tiny bottle ot "Pt-tut" tor a few cents, summon! to remove every hard corn, not: can. or corn between the toes, and the eu- luel. without ooreneu cr annual l Lift Off with Fingers "ae. Norma Tom." "tette Gilli. Pauling 1 -- --__. "--. CORNS your mohb'rn". electricity Hun yoktver new to . " \ “WWI-u if mm a w 'to-bd-a.. M to sum": " th-tad not OI. Omitted J A M a? A anus-tum for ever: mam ' ', time to 300 hours mu made hy 'l V F' but. who Baid (Ills would he h 'nst', Hf “m‘h M" or ttoar: use. more Matiomrd a! [warm auntie when the mail plane. _ rt) W‘ their fuel. S th L " F, F" tau III-Ike mm»: a ape-n1 M nun an hour, he estimated t: _ m that in. recent (on n . _t'" “In“ "in Y.ew York 'ts . and an wont Mound the _ Mtndno an and that up, , . wot-M" Mod to date '; teen Days. A trip “and the world in '". a v-" _ am by intentional mm plnm- ',-, an!“ " one ot the posulniimn the Mun by airplane expertx. m; Pith d-tnts. They say sewn“- day Module- wld: stops for dein _'r u the can: We. en mum 1111} mind When Quantum-Zr 'dy ll 2 come- t nutty. Another mt mutual wander , Gnu Cum of Colorado m United sum. It is a deep gel-go out In the comma of ages through oott M by the River Colorado bu u depth of 6,000 ft, a Man on" “(In mile: In puces.atrtesu., tor I Chance of 200 miles ot Around the World in Seven, The Men that the a an once extend to “Matthew by the ta urn Cue, in the ialan the Boom-h coat. a similar In ”matinee men are found. .....-..v u "no": Falls. in Arum the world's hm”! bridge. and ., Pontoon bridge u Calcutta is maul, the m ttoattete bridge. The I I on built the am wooden may. The most interesting wonder li, . I work! In tho mum Causeway. " K PM”: for tour mu“ alum: , I coat of County Antrim, in [helm f In a collection of huge rocku “1'24.- " down Into the a... and nanny my ,, height ot thirty toot. Legends n7 taut the put in not Q nanny am by an Irish that in owl his enemy. the Scots gt our and tight him Ano that that. hurled chose at one mother. worm " am over the Form I , Commenced In 1882 and took 4.04m : an: "In to build. The Zum! Bridge " Viewrlt Falls. in Anna. [the world's lowest brides and ated with roads because he tuve torn: ot rand not known us “tar dam." Wood-ing was tiret il, Rum. and introduced to Brita 1836. Another questinn that a r", ask is: “How I: a road pave and that the Cttrttuginiatt:, timt people to use a roman plying. but the Roman were famous mad-makers. The John Inc-dam um aln-nI-r I l If t and uh when the an. In! and. the answer In that the on record ht England was put a former clock-tower In Ween: r? 1.288; that sandal; wars uw ago to tell the time; acid Hm: Ii: fred the Greats "cl CK" an; th, ot candles which “he was}.ed I cred rugs. ,‘W -i'_'_Fri. u- ltllll'i‘ ittyratr; In: on u "lil night the mum at “loving hob“ may be beam I PM“); 0119'. our to the mad, and diver down}: the m may hear mum than“ hill coming through the “an The moon why one cannot 1.. one'l voice hr or In that sound mu ' otttrrae+ from the lips in all chu- tlom, no the sound Wltiett reaches "l particula- point in m: distance Ulu be small. If you watch u mun hummm .. stakes into the ground, or it you ' A 'l tun and It a distance. the sun” reaches you none than after you has, mean an mm. When 1 storm is r. "a! an; under ciao toltom, sloo, “(or the lightning: when the MM") not: the :9va II the one. 80in travels through air, earth t “(an Hoot rounds tench us thrmzuv [low tut do” want! truer: " ' something like a quasar ot a mile it 3 second. and Human um is Mm computed with light, It to more in.” ten tunes the wood ot an 6!“ku tum. _ “on s by ab " lather why r.),,, 'qrttrd Non, It I. more thunk-l) my Dad would ttttd blue" puzzled The mm In an when ttir il"' hand tt can“, gets lighter, a: ", rho- lrom the cam. More air mm. In to an tho mama 1nd this “er "out the wind. _ This I. one of the many quest ' In...“ In "The Parents' Um t Here n “other: Only the not perfect parent in nu world could hope to reply to an n. questions which children uk. UuefulBiu WHEN YOUR can» ASKS PUEEUNG QUESTIONS. About the mum Lir2" tuaulWamdesotheyvorid ’ - "nlllil0S' 309K” [30.41an will awn}; be Mature and arm B l HANDY GUIDE Candles u Clocks. "ilt the “one; w my ‘med pus” It In Older to mi. tKota “Ant. to m In Another Mm " the" hug? (do; no ccusewny r: l to Scotland he tact that In Mind ot sun A, “one: en of Information "tetettt ot r t paved The mm ttrrst No the aide PM. up until“! used lo, t King y them id mi; F' It ar-m re gh nd bs af BRITISH Pty ON Ttlr d)! Remand Two I VI ttar Cram: that Gran Tum to Craig Fails IRISH PAR 'ron‘ "he Iri it It, the“

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