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Durham Review (1897), 16 Feb 1922, p. 1

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'N ".' hotel. ottles t-""ire"., Mi M '9‘. 9. I922 Packets [I] 7/ a In In 9t m ' In ' m (rt In 1JurttamUlttb Torrntov the home of Edwarc Redford Road. o onday 201}: at x o'clock. ll ludi ent in Torrmto,sh haw livu'l in Durham arec dia tttttsod the meetire a society. Membership f , each m wtmg 21913. The to hnv mnevial for linen , ham Hospital. , THP. RnAmx'GAMmNT _ A fun r from Delisle. Sas "Nei,i, brother of Messrs. "Dieiy. (Hench: [ling A purl lhcuiF- In Durham. on S; Nth. to Mr and Mrs Wr, Rrtn (Walev Edwards). I rm mums . GAME IN THE Fesr.-. A h-tt.r from Delisle. sash ' from M. ()‘Nei I. brother of Messrs John and Alf O'Nviy, Glenelg tells acurling story so 'uteresting we quote. "I took in Rose. town hnnsplel where there were Cp.t rink:, entered, my rink bringing home the Hilbert tankatd and third prize in the Mexers' trophy and also the grand ag. negate. The last day ofthe spiel we curled sewn games withr ut leaving the ice except for lunch. winning six out ot the vseven Ftamttr. The same rink took in NaReatoon spiel where 93 rinks were ent- ered. We won the Herman Trophy ac- companied by four beautiful community sin-er carving sets Thetotal nnmber of prizes I have won curling this season i235 and I am sure proud of them." And well he may be We congratulate him on h a success "in scoping up" the prizes in this fine game. TOTAL ASSETS OVER EiaFf.imtaai: MILLIONS Durham Branch, - ' - John Kelly, Manager Pricevillc Brad: open Tue-days and Fridays. S.""-"-"...-'-..---------" The "Hula Durham Club the home otl . ___V_-..v. u. “I: Durham Club Torrnto will be held at the home of M Edward Lauder. I?) Hedford Road, o 1onday evening Feb. duh at _ o‘clock. n Indies now resid- ert 1n Torrnto,ah hayeatany time “va in Iturharn are c dially invited to nut-"d the meetire a to join the when. Membership f 50c“. fee at mu. m ....... - .._ _ .... --_ .1 yuaLUl III thflarstestPresbrteriad church In Can. ada and one of its best preachers The tickets are limited in number. Get yours early at " C. Town's We want every member ol the class present if possible The man's bible class are banquet next Monday eveni clock in the basement of the P Church. The special spea Rev. R. H. Cochrane M. A. St., Church. Toronto He is the bums! Presbyterian rhmt FARMS CHANGE Hasne.-Mr. Nelson McGuire of the Nth con, Egremont, has resold the Mountain farm at McClinton's Corners, which he recently pmchased from Jas Eden, to Fred Noble of 2nd con, Heremont. Mr Noble’s son will run the home farm Mr McGuire has in turn bought Jas Finnegan's farm of 213 acres near Orchard :on Garafraxa Road, and Ben Woods will occupy McGuire's present farm., All get possession March Ist. l V --ei__ ..u yuuVu upon ma _ ----~v "r"_.'"QBM' Miss Kate McFayden to read the ad- Mrs. Adam Brown SW”, Cuov . SEED Gitowmts.-- dress expensive of their worth as neigh- Tuesday, .7th Feb. 1922, Mrs Adam Never before this true we been able bors and voicing regretat their depa t. Brown Sr, died at her borne atClare, m glve you as goo ervice and ttrites ure, while Messrs Cliff Howelland John Mich ' at I ripe old age, having surviwd for seed as 0 day. A. » Hunter & Son McFeyden. presented them with a hand- her husband almost t.lt.reeiteare. She W _ some buffet on behalf of the neighbor. had a wonderfully healthy life, the heart Lulu: Co eds stomach disorders, hood "Tommy' very aptly replied and at last givingway. Mrs Brown wasfor- strengthens t tMtrorg and retrtores several of the men where called upon merly Miss Margaret Morrison. born at health rim-ugh: effect on the appetite for briefspeeches. Gifford. Ettst1aithian, Scotland, Fb in drill nutrition oft body Soltt at Mae. Mr and Mrs Collier are removing this 79 years 'YT, settling early in hte in E!" larlane N Drug Store", week end tnthe John Wright residence Eamon! with hat 'l/S"",,',: t It, Hakeem , , Fr e n . at the top of Durham hill. Mr Albert Me.. Pert 'tr".' e " me r. rown l N _'.',".,",'.'...!?')'.".-?'.--- Apparmg on Nally having boughtthe farm and get- and their union provrd an exquisitely the on t rrtitl page of luesday s loronto ti .: h . . F - , . . V , mg possession March lst .h'pryone, theybeng lovers all the/r htar Wits a large photo of L inversu) Col. lived To them' were horn ll children lo-iw i'iri's hockey team In the centre of at“)? whom tt3rvive a rare record The I th,, LYNN) Moss FiorabelieNschL oltowrr Presbyterian W. M. s. children are Adam. Parry Sound . Mrs l Illi.\ ,it iuvotv, and a graduateof Dur , . Thus Brown Virginia Minn . M'n 'A'" A lmri; ::rl~hwl\i-) club. iseasily recogi ized The W. M. b. of the Presbyterian Reynolds Walter I'd,“ and Wm ll l T . ' ' Church held their 2nd meeting ol the of Lon ‘ka ids WC}. . Ch .3 Vi .' , l ", veral Ct iintry rcht‘OlSlnthH district war on ThursuarFeL. 9th, Mrs Derby, Min , M Td , St ' l "D Irittnta, t h,t.t. adopted the hot lunch idea. Maple Pres., in the chair. Mrs J J. Smith “era/I I) r...' "tart tiyif,',',1ieeycet, Nurham ; ( “1.2 s Mini this been settling hot mum “avg the Bible ,eadiug. Mrs Smith whit: ' 'i1'1"..osni,. 'il'h'"i'ii, orman, I luucrc, the pust two yearsa, d Prosoct shows her mdiyrduahty in this work by’ I :n.. n . 'l '55 ma at "me. Mn! N, 2 Brant, have adopted the idea unkmg up and writing out the Bible 2le Ilrown nude {nerds Wherever f ths, “Tiler The Department gives reterenres, this givmg herelistenere a s .t:ll,ve,tira.n.d .ys,rtnytys.rtiry/e ofthis Ctrt 'lnnud‘ 'sr, on grant to all schools better opportunity ortaktpginthewdri. “mm-mm‘39“-‘dealCh”5“.a"’3d.Y-a E whum take up the scheme-walker/G, The reports were read and adopted. A (gr,", of ttoweh and all Ise.autjiuuhir,rs" Telescope. mew idea wasintrcduced in the form of J/IPs'; bea 3'39" 5pc?" "l/eat,,",.',')',-, p ilt m. l'NLtMDthi Loose While um an expense fund.a lowingthe Society in and an 'l/JM'",',,",?,.:.'.,',,: 2 J"G {Ewan B loading logs from his sleigh at the :hilfiu'tureuto '1nhatp/ffpe,pel5ii"y.' work p IL pa a C Irrch h .0 " boi o atcause pan . o . . . f :1rrctl‘tiili‘.m\'ids:$9,133?”optiowwnTIIZflgdlfle}: [ inated with our former President. Mrs “fr hon Adam saw her in January but 1 tween skidwuvs. and sutfersd painful in- , Whaley m the term ofa birthday box. gen d not SzathrsT. Brownwas there Juries He had three ribs broken, a f wtrch was to be p.assed a.t each Ptet.ing Cgrm‘an any Wt e. from Whiting. Ir.d ; K gush on the check and a lump formed on and everyone having a hawk." duriné as 'ior, up")? and the others, Ill M his head. The unfortunate mishap willfthe month is asked to contribute ac- were“: Ill edside except MvsUavid» U lav him up for sometime. icording to their years-of course the SOD, " toneouse and Adam. Five I _ Griiiire"rs are all young. M:ss Margaret 'on' and tron in-law, MT Iteynolds were At the annual meeting ofSouth Ea'lecGirr read an introductory to the pallbearers and Revs Burkholderand Ct Grey l . F. " Potiticat Association on i new mission book,"The Planting of the Pearson 1Ptettt.slditici'aiiii at the home Tuesday, the former oihcers was: re elec- _ Faith." sad at Long Raptilds church.h lit floral Jo: ted :l'res ,Jos. Goodfeyow, undalk; . . o erirgs as was tting to t is ovrrol I tiri'v. M. E Murray, Neustadt ; Vice I, “A; may}? 1n2p,i7nrrrgnre'avtasgievdeirtt flowers-, were of exquislte beauty and an Prerudent,Jno Whitetord. R R2. Hano, y " '.' am ge, g abundant. t e t, . . . :should be given Mrs Ramage for the eve ver lhc Fry.tylvtisuGmpf(sa ofthe excellent paper. The paper given Watt Agood many knew of her husband's y, lrry"rt N“ from each.Township, slits n Introduction to the new book we are penchant .ror poetry and we cannotavoid ge Mi Pp, ii!. M, P. was in town for this, to study, "The Planting ot the Faith." quoung his last ttfiort, written not manv In meeting iMrs Rama“ muphpd ftPt emu.“ A: ac, an... tutu-An FAkwgru,...t..lI...rW -- --, Hun [Immune Loos loadmg logs from his all Furniture factory yards on Mr Wm. Vassio. north of to tween skidways. and tutffersd juries. He had three ribs cash on the chock and a lum; bis head. The unfortunate I lay him up for sumo time. The we“ ...... .. “nun-aw m UM! ham girls, hockey club, iseasily recon: ized S. veral country schoollin this district have adopted the hot lunch idea. Maple “I” svhoul has been serving hot hmm lunches the past two years and Home ct HUI (No 2, Brant) have adopted the idea' this winter The Department given an annual 8.8500 grant to all schools which take up the 'che"'"-"""'", Telescope. Is VARSITY SPortrs.- Appearing on the pictorial page of Tuesday's Toronto Star am a large photo of University Col- lege RIHS hockey team. In the centre of the group Miss Florabelle Nichol oltown now at Vursrty, and a graduate of but In...“ "an. b.. ..I --_. _. . ' . Tanlae co ects strengthen. t I health through I and nutrition of t farlane‘s Drug Stun Ground corn s. per ton each in. cluded. Whole corn .00 per ton with- out sacksat Rob Roy dim. Durham Swan CLOV Sum Gaowmts.-, Never before this I have we been able togwe you es goo "vice and wins for seed as o day. A. Hunter & Son Tunldc co ects stomach disorders, strengthens t nerves and reetoree health through I "ect on the appetite and nutrition oft body Sold at Mac- aw”... u 'h-_.., ta, Prunes, ar-ar? apples. 25c lb. m. at Grant's. J',"/,e?t monthly meeting of the “(NHL :1- . F-- _ Gut your Motor Lick“ Geo. S. Burnett's. Skates sharpened and saw: "summed atthe Ford garage. tun-12km. The esrire used 'Htevialfor linen the Dur, pllal. )ARI Investor', Safeguard VOL. XLV. N O . . "ie,".,,'-,:)..-).'.)')', Presentation to I?" a are so QAFETY is the first consideration in every phase V of thi, Bank's business - and we are in a p vT:c.n to render a complete investment service. C) f".' n safest Manager will gladly adyise you {caud- r,., 3.... “mum... ----- ---- --_» - - - - ivy] "C-W""" lcscuu' "N 2 ar. y securities you may contemplate purchasing. LP! ST.1 .12"! RD SERVICE " psr lamb-m! Safeguard BORN SEEN t'Dstrl.1T?/ BAN K ment. of the PriibyierG, spectal sp_cake_r will be m. on Saturday, Feb Mfg Wm. Tickers, a wry yards on Wednesday is, north of town, fell be- 78. and sufrersd painful in- had thry tits broken. a 0's. 5clb. Evaporated Menq olsox,ii,5c pair. "faint: at t are. holding of Collegé pastor of t; r -cafiiiia let THE "_.. ..._ w» “m“ "'Nl"'rittle relvrer‘ One ofthe fathers of the district ot home team, and had " been ko n Dur. Dornoch and one at its oldest men pas- ham would have madeit more ityeysst-liiii away at his home on Tuesday inn though they would unliktly have lastin the person of Robert Corlett. l won m any event. Buschlen is credited _ He passed away'wtthout pain or agony, vvrth being the Marof the locals in his I the machinery ot life worn out, leaving otl'ensive play, though defensively he was) to his loved ones the fragrance of "a not as strong as the Greys defence pair. l, life well-lived". He was born in Glen. Even the Sounders admit that Durham l garry, Ont., in 1833 and over sixty years hasa forward hue equal if rot superiorrago came to Bentinck. and with the aidi to. their own team, and hada fresh?“ hls wife, who was Miss Margaret nub. been available, an evener score)Aughes, did his part in reclaiming the would have been shown. lwildernAs, His wife died in 1911. and Our Junior ter'm, more with the mam i of a family of sir: daughters and twat ager-trainerR L. Saunders are entitltfisyyts, there survrve Robert at hqme. to agreatdealof creditforthe excell- Mrs Bucke, Benton Har.bor, Mich: Pnt hrckey they have given the "‘11:: Mrs Earl and Mrs Hangerin_ Chxcazrz, this “inter and by winning their dist-land Marla"! at Flam um:- .. -- __ - ....... ~uvvlku LOT; I c IVICY‘ l home team, and had it been " n Dur- ham would have made it more interest-l ing though they would unlikely have) Won in any event. Buschlen is credited? with being the Mar of the locals. in his offensive play. though defensively he Gil not as strong as the Greys defence pair. ! Even the Sounders admit that Durham; hasa forward line equal if not superior! to, their own team, and had a fresh sub. been available. an evener score! would have been shown. l "1, -e -.. -..... Jun-VI: Au’U In Owen Sound last Friday mght the tioun. ders taptured thefuat N. H.L, semi- linal lound by 11 goals, as they had previously won by 2-1 here. Though the home team had the best of the game throughout, it was not nearly so One- sided asthe score would lead one to believe. Durham had hard luck in: not securing at least tour goals and in: the lust two periods they held the Greys, to c, counters It was in the last period, that the Durham's were distanced, the. [tireys adding 5 more goals. The_icel was covered with water to start with I this turned to slush as the game pro- greSsed. and the heavy going played the) lighter Durhams out. Elvidge was done: in he sevond period while a couple! other: could do no effective work in the ( last. The ice thus favors-rub» Mud» Mrs A. Jackson read a couple of extracts on Africa from a book sent bv Mrs Ricewhich was also enjoyed and gave an idea of some ofthe activitie: of Africa There wasa good attendance about M being present and there is still room for a greater number. , 3m study, "The Planting ot tho Faith." qus: Ramage touched on several ofthe 'countries we are to study. India, giving ' the governmentofthe country. also the present state of affairs and showed how, this affects the missionaries ; China, which is also in a state of unrest. Japan, Korea, Manchuria. and last and zreatest our own Canadian West. The Canadian West should betaken care of from a religious, standpoint and a political standmint also.--rr who will gove n Canada in the future. Every lady of the congregation should have heard this paper and evervbndy in attendance would no home feeling it was an after, noon well spent. Owen Sound Won the Round By defeat_ipg Dyrharn Juniors i. The home of Mr and Mrs Thee. Col lie: at Edge Hill was crowded last Thur sday evening. when between eighty ant d ninety of their friends and neighbor: gathered for a final social evening with , them before their removal to Durham . Al, spent ajolly evening in Social inter- course, games and dancing. untilthe wee sma' hours were growing larger. The ' event of the night was the presentation ' to Mr and Mrs Collier, Mr Wm. Weir acting as chairman. He called upon Mir-s Kate McFayden to read the ad- dress expensive of their worth as neigh- bors and voicing regret at their depa t ure, while Messrs Cliff Howelland John McFayden. presented them with a hand. some buffet on behalf of the neighbor. hood "Tommy' very aptly replied and several of the men where called upon for briefspeeches. Mr and Mrs Collier are removing this week end to the John Wright residence at the top of Durham hill, Mr Albert Mc- I Nally having bought the farm and get- [l ting possession March let I 1 me name of Mr and Mrs Thos. Col- r at Edge Hill was crowded last Thur- Iy evening. when between eighty and xoty of their friends and neighbors :hexod for a final social evening with m before their removal to Durham i spent ajolly evoninxin Social inter. ‘rsp '"hrtx-srrs-O " Id had it been " n Dar-l " made it more interest-l my would unlikely have m. Buschlen is credited' ystar of the locals. in hisl though defensively he was! a the Greys defence pain! . . The death occurred from pneumonia 'Durham Juniors 190'" on Saturday of one of the earliest re- st Friday mght the tiouty sidents of this part in the person of Mrs the hrslN. 'HJ“ "ttlt- John McGillivruy of Mulock aged 87 ll $0315, ii8 they had years. Her maiden name was Flora by H here. Though Beaten and her husband predeceased her had the best of the game i six years ago. Of a family ofeight child- was not nearly so one- ren,six survive, viz ,Alex of Chatswortb, :ore would lead one Pl Donald at home, Lizzie, Mrs Fulton of ham hard hard luck ln‘ Mulock; Mrs Long, " alkerton; Mag 3 least. four goals ayyl mjgie. Mrs McGifiin, Sunningdale, Sash. was the.y held the Grtytl Mrs Clare, Mary and Angus both of l.t was In the last period I Spokane. Wash,, are the deceased n s were dtttanft(d, the; members. The funeral washeld Mon. , mow goals. [helicefday to Rocky cemetery, many friends th water to start with ;paying the last tribute A more cont. slush as the game Pro- , plete account of the life of this worthy ‘ heavy HOWE played the [ad y “H appear next week. out. lilvndne wasdnnpi luau!" l [0 C k p “I and M o C , m p rs Th ri t S. Collier! ”Tim e t d L- " a ii2itt iiiiititt, Tri mtinx' place. ,~--- ___-- “nun-nun: " - W. J. Burnett. Albert and Min iiuie .'.lffe.Pe,tie the Jenni!!! to their last I Monday last there was interred at ‘Amos Church cemetery, a pioneerot the i dis rict, Ancrew Leslie. He died in Tor. i onto on Saturday last at the age of Ol l years. G er 20 years ago he left Ezra. mom. Spending a few years in Mt For. lest. and then to Toronto. His wile died many years ago and since he har ’ been tenderly cared for by his daughter ‘Lizzie. and three sons near by. The sons are Albert, John and Addison.) Another daughter Emma is married to a Mr Scott. Two brothers of deceased now 79 and 81 yeamof age living in o near Esquesing. attended the funeral services in Toronto. The funeral Ber. vice at Drornore was conducted by Rev w I Ill-moo AIL-_A A, I --- - - _ “v...” “mm-I, at name. Mrs Bucke. Benton Harbor. Mich: Mrs Earl and Mrs Hanger in (Chicago, and Margaret at Clare. Mich. We have notlearned when interment takes place. shore - ,-_._ ....,.. And I'd help you my love - 1_.-..., yuan-5, an wmcn shallit be That receives the'hrst shaft from Death's quiver ? Ihope that the Master may first call me o'er, . For then [could linger along by the clan-g And I look on her face, changed, though lovely to me, And I look at our sand-glass and there too I see Thosesahds quickly passing, oh which Death of Andrew Leslie Death of Robert Corlett could not stay, Mrs Norman and wife fr Chas from Virginia were_a-t the bedside A Mrs John McGillivray ___ - II n with one or No exceptions they are b g fellows, they have speed and well. trained team Wo'k, combined with an almost impregnabie defence and goalie. Durham wishes them succrss in them semi-final climb in bothleagues. I I The Owen Sound tea midable opp menus for ation in enher North, With one or No er“ b g fellows, they have tgained- team wo'k. o "To Mother IN MEMORIAM - - ,.... enher Northern or ‘em were born ll children. arvivr, a rare record. The Adam. Fatty Sound ; Mrs. . Vilginiv. Minn.. Mr: A 'alter. szes and Wm ' all ids, Mirh ; Chm. Virginia. Bert S‘oneouge, Durham ; hon. Winnipeg: Norman} ; Miss Liza at home. "”“HAM Durham prominent on the Sound team t'ill make for, nrde frietds wherever :2 remembrance ofthls ' ifealChristiaG lady, a nd all yt.1u1ifuuhir,rs" passing, oh which trom Pneumonia ' the earliest re- 16 person of Mrs Mulock aged 87 along by the o'er the river" 1qu gm} 7,,‘__-l, V In,“ "(In " them And take notice that a er such last mentioned date the Execu r will pro- ceed to distribute the asset f the raid deceased among the parti I entitled I thereto, having regard onlyt heclaims of which he shall then ha notice, and that the laid executor w I not be, liable for the laid assets or " parti thereof to any person or pe no of‘ whose claim notice shall not ha been te.cei.tetl.br him " the time such distribution. 0 if A' I - Pgrhaps the rd ONTAR l before the 6th day f March, 1922 i to sen-J by post pre id, or deliver to: James Turnbull. the E ecutor ofthe last, will and testament " said deceased,’ their Christian names and aurnamea.1 addresses and deacripti s, the full par ( ticulars. in writing, of heir claims}. a; statement of their ace unto, and the] nature of the security. (i any), held by " than" quired, on or D"tuU.t.'ttet, this 18th day IN THE M TTER of the Estate of George Tu bull, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Gentleman, icceased. Run Roy GRA Pmc as ing 15 to 50c for ts. 80c t lay. Mk to Mc r But $1 60 to $1.75 for as at this \\ eek. " The natural, refre ing s'eep of a healthy body is enjoye ythosa “no take Tanluc. Sold at Mac lane's Drug Store. \ It will be remembered that about a year ago, Mr J. S. Knechtel offered for $10,000. his fine residence worth perhaps '10,000 to the town fora hospital] The council was duly appreciative, but fear- ing to take the plunge, the prnposition hung lire. it is this building the father of J, S. Knechtel has bought and his generosity will add to the endearment that clings around his name in Hanover at the present time and will to the third and fourth generation. We congratulate 1 our progressive sister town on being the , recipients of so noble a gift. 1 - -. - - ____., ".4...“ yvot 'vvuu. uuu he will pay $5000 of this if the town would raise the other 81000. Needless to say the Council overflowed with grat- itude and quickly accepted the splendid offer, promising to raise the 31000. With startling suddenness we learn from the Post, Mr Daniel Knechtel in, formed the Council of Hanover of his purpose to present his weil~beim cd town with a Hospital costing 810000. Not only so. he estimated that to make the changes necessary would cost .6000. and L... ...;n -_--- gnu.” » -- .- Still another Carnival "bigger than ever," with best prizes yet offered ard cash where possible, will be staged early in March. Begin now and prepare cos. human tumes. __ - ,._,. ....., J. n.. Rowland Jonteei- Miss Jean McGowan and many others we can't recall, THURSDAY r'msiiiiiiri=rfii,"""i'iii'iiie King Lear-E. [IMcClocklin l.r.rtisttr-Royern Burnett Uncle Tom and Little Eva--). H. Hard- and daughter Jean Chintilman ly' Jap lady-J. A. and Mrs. A. B. Currey. J Solicitgr fttr the said Executor. Nomi; T0 CREblTORS Best Comic; Geo.iaiGil' (clown) Other splendid costumes. not taking prizes were ; Boy leading bear- Norman McIntyre & Thompson 104Hh Guards of Honor at Princess Mary's weddiuir--V, Caldwell and - S McDonald. "euly-- nmeua trair (Italian girl) I Two good reli Gent- Ward Koch (l7th century knight) lguarantce results Girl- Eula Puvnett (Brittnnia) ;Asthma and Bront Boy - Alex Graham (Highlarder) i,?tyy,yt.mtc,. Lu: Best Mov eStar--Marie Cole (represon- ’ aresold by b'. Ma ting Mary Pickford) "Ihckwarruo,,..., 1.Ciirl--fihiris.(. -sjii"rii".ir"ri'/iiute' r Boy- Wallace McG/wan (towl) HISTORICAL ; Lady- Amelia B'air (Italian g Gent- Ward Koch (17th centur Girl, Eula Pu'netr trRrirr.,.,t.,h A Princely Gift to Hanover FANCY : Lady-- Mar y McKechniet A Washington) Gent-- Lloyd McClccl lin (cavalirr) Girl-Shirley Ptht.rretitje Dutch girl) BOV~ Wntte,,2,, ALF. .-.-- x Pt e -. -..-...‘.....ucp.u:u ascoma Del "ttF end at her large In Brantford; e im: gined. The gate receipts also broke i while Mr Robbins was In Toronto. I carnival records. no it was a complete Mr and Mrs J. H. Parkeand dautrhuri SUCCESS Strange, though many country of Dornock have left to reside for Gil people were meson}. that no farmer Present in Hamilton. Their son Rose" thomht it worth While to go afterthe85 has entered the Bank of Hamilton in' prize for biggest load of people I that city. , Theooen race was won by Taylor of; Mrand Mrs Jackson ofGirvin, Sash," Grand Va'ley. with McArthur of sameyleav. next Monday for home after some',' place 2nd. Sherwood Rowe and tpiiritiG,' with her parents Mr and Mrs Jno. I Buér-hlen Were scarcely a lap behind {Backus aldother rela iveg. I In the matched races between Rose ard, --. - l, Eddie lnnes. only the 220 vard was pul-l I. led off Rowe winning, as Innes wat.in-'; Tanluc the ideal strengthen" and : jured when he ran into the boards The I body lmilde for old folks. Bold at Mae. 5. Grand Valley men also gave a 4 lap ex-lfarlane's Dr Store. I: libirlnn. and. nrnved themselves real; If you hav loneylying iuii7irr"Ta"t S.DaeCislert, lhe wmners for costumes earninn “Min ”A” .-. M ._ ' .. I new , With awng cl-ims or demands 2-1 e estate f the said George) who died on or about the 10th! hruary. " 8, at the Town or: in the Codtty of Grey, are re. l I was thts Best vet; . KL}; Iiilli)iii8rtii . l .1 Pérhaps the best 2feu1"i't'tg,,e.r seenj ""”““"‘“ .. -cs-----CL.LCc'. on urham ice, and more oft em, were . . . . in evidence at the second Carnival of td1iielhheg,r, of, It,' nghglfps, ttt the seamn Tuesday. There were about m: ' n . . own. 150 masqueraders, uith about as widea Mrs C. A. Rxbbins agent over the yang? of fhaRc!ers.depict.ed ascould bei Nrelt end at hor 1......, an EP.__ae . Presented with a Hospital .tit. Valentitie Carnival TORONTO g Rob Rot Mills Limited ttit which is incorporated the mnmng, as lnnes wasin-I’ Type the ideal strengthen" and , ran into the boards 1ttil'at.2,l,yy,t tor old folks. Bold at Mae. men also gave a 4 lap ex- _ famine 8 Dr Store, ."""".‘d themselvcs "all If you hav money lying idle, or not lhe wmners for costumes earning good in' nest, we or write to P. iRamage, Durha and invest it new. as I high interest rate re fast disappearing. 'vci5/tretytly.,'.aey.rtwon)i FoR Sui- Fiv pure bred Durham UcClccl h". (cavalirr) . N hulls, ranging {rams o23mos.old-two McIntylem‘Ue Dutch girl) I rturL. H"... " A“. - M.I:, ....... J, __rt me as-Weare pay-l 1. 80c to Me for Bar- ' Buckwheat and ( kins at our Elevator; The discussion next Sunday will be on "Spiritualism”. The war evokeda new interest in this cult and the prestige of Inames like Sir Oliver Lodge and Sir A. Conan Doyle added to it. Can we talk [with the dead? It so-how ? Variousi [methods have been used such as ouija ,'board, table movement, rape. slat ' (writing, sealed letter reading, iii) Are the mediums honest or as some claim, demon possessed ? Come and bring a friend. ' V ........., an: “AL-lulu"! tor jAsthmu and Bronchitis. and T R.Cs for iRheuy.a.tcsm, Lumhago. Neuritis, (to , uresold by S. Maciteth. "'Daskwards turn backwards, O ture in in your ht. Take us back years just for a night." Iii' the old time ocial in the Presb) ter- ‘ian church Tues ay, Feb. 21st. Admir) si n 2,5 and MC. i A delightfully in rmal social night' was spent Monday in Trinity Church! lschoolroorn at the St. Valentine Birth- day social. The evening opened with a l sing-song in which all participated and featuring the program were readings by E. D. MeClockliri, instrumentals by P, Bunce and others and two good contests. g There was a large crowd present and ,' over 835 was realized. . l --_tt - l v Ti Miss Ruby Mills of St. Ctlthqrines, ul rut the guest other friend, Mrs D. C. Town. ! 33 Mrs C A. Ribbins spent over theI bei Wag]: end at her lome in Brantford i ke i while Mr Robbins was in Toronto. I te Mr and Mrs J. H. Parkeand daughter; W of Dornoek have left to reside for the, hr presentin Hamilton. Their son Rosa? k5 has entered the Bank of Hamilton in' l that city. 3 if; Mr and Mrs Jackson of Girvin, Sash; ‘9 I leave next Monday for home after some ff ' time with her parents Mr and Mrs Jno. I I {Backus in d other rela iveg. a; ---- c ----- I _ Tanluc the ideal strengthen" and , I bodybuilder for old folks. Bold at Mac-j .lfarlane's Dr Store. l ) , -._ [I If you have' ioney lying idle, or not.I l earning good in' 'rest, see or write to Hi lIRamage, Durha ' and invest it new. as, l high interest rate re fast disappearing. ( l Fan SALe- Fiv pure bred Durham' bulls, ranging from b' o 23 mos. old-two :dark reds, 2 dark mans, one pure “lite. {Apply to Jno Eckhardte R.R.l, Prict ville l Two good reliable remedies 1xhich iguaruntce results are RAZ-MAH for 'Asthma and Brawl-Lilia .,.,u t ta "r " -rC"Ciii5r_er-e---'-sse---eer"asee--, ""-------. ”WNW , 1‘7““ __ -""--..-.., Men's Bible Class Phone N ou. . We will store your car until you are in a position to take delivery. but the Spring of 1922 will break all previous records. Additional men are being taken on at the Ford Plant, Ford, Ont. in an effort to cope with the demand, but ihe only way to make sure of your Ford in March or April is to place your order NOW. Holstein Lender Every year is Ford year _ii,tgitttt,, DURHAM, HOLSTEIN, MT FOREST ' 60 20 62 SMITH BROS. ,V'v_---.. v. vuuo it ‘= ' , . It, 'ii. We hold our trade. SI hy! We Mme tn gu’e valcr-s. TK _ WAWWWWWWFN‘Q We haven complete stock of and nets, also something new in I curtains. Prices ranging from 9G, Now is the time to do your Spring sewing. Come, in and see our range of New Prints," Ginghamu. Voiles, 0r- gandies. Lawns, &c. Our Spring shipments are now coming to hand. We npecmlize in staple dry goods and buy only the very best grades of ttterehandirve rumour-kl- Durham Branch: J. A. Rowland SAVE BEFORE YOU SPEND 8erim, and Curtain ' your Jpr/ny Jamil»! t1arty ”Ni-bod Weekly " 02.00qu in sauna To United Shun. 82.50114 Minna. C BAVAOI- t.80N.P'-Jl-Il0 :0 something new in colored swims for over rices ranging from Me to 6lie: Let your Bank Account first concern. It will more that; repro later years. THE ROYAL BANK _OF GANADA 'or/ook d (You: ' A Savings Department at every branch of merchindise proeurable, repay you in mnrquiseltes, tio rims l, Manager 'uterie.

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