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Durham Review (1897), 16 Feb 1922, p. 4

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5! Ed: War/301)} Drusgist and Stationer, Durham? 'taa 33:33:33.5 asaaaeaaaaaaa’ III. IN Mango-Ont! '0! Idol I dun a; T I...“ be mu... m. Review ' Te. Dunn-n LI Cortz-swndcncl mare-09' t "r. or b, (raglan no, will he mmm‘ JW'V'M " 'l'rma on wane-non w a lcPHAlL. Ceylon nrtnC.BAMAGE. Durban 5' Ar luau: an a talcum!" In MI " Buckwheat ...r.r. B.rley............. Pau...... .r... . Whamt._......... .1 1'1ourportort....... D. MoPHA IL Donut Kb. 16, 1922 was. livo.fob....A r Butter... .......w.. 25 to N;..-nalmm on these twnbranchos of (on-etch)! [Caution Expert teachers ' lmhvndnul instruction en- wuro-s 1.11m! progress. Enter any day Spam as in»! .9 for Farmers' Sons. W. A TRIMBLE. Principal Bookkeeping & Slenography Jazz/5 wt6'QFtttti;F'6'. """'""t, K, tk S. HotWater Bottles;') ie,fif'2'iii' 'i,r"ie,jii' r"tri, 'i,1i':s1iti'ti' .x.5ivr'iiii')igatii tiii; iikfiiti, 4 , I I (.48 _ I 3“ K? A Liven-d Auctioneer tor Co. are Durham Markets. '23.. We slso carry a complete line of noun r ronzsf but. n 1:..me The Cash Shoe Store Aroh necessity in every home. All are guaranteed. Prices ........................,.$1.00l03.00 In... 2‘14! Hal. felt sol", rm 4 50 ... . Mens Dam. Pox Felt thc "a 530...... M 3‘ ", f". [j,,,'".',".". 1.75 Men's Felt Shoes rrtt.250 .......... Wenalurse bide Min! I reg l 75 ...... .... Mens Muse-bide Mio reg t 5U ...... .... Irma mule mitts. reg. 1.5-1 hr...,. ....... Mans mule mitts. reg. I U; for...... ...... B4: mule 1mm. tag. 75: .. ............ Meets Jenny B “Glove- fur .... ..._ ....... I n. Driving Ulnnt- ' as, top: 225 .r.. I as rail Bal. [either Mitts and Gloves lens fins Gloves lined Commencing Saturday, Feb. 18 Slashing Reductions. Prices below Cost for Two Week's of Rubbers, Felt Goods, Mitts, Gloves, Hosiery 80m, '" 4 oo e, [1- 1' - OPPORTUNITIES pen doors to trreat Fittings for Hot Water Bottles 'ki Syringes and Rubber Goods St ”BBUABY 16, 1922 Wodehouse's Animal lnvlgorator Conditions Moms. Garth. - and Pinto. Make Live Stock pay Better u is the only “my. was; sa’iisc'h no an" i. tau-d. Has, highest “om-men! analysis. Made ami guaranteed by mm. lnvl‘ontor Unit-d. Hamilton. Ont Said by I. till "he hunky cam; and “all, Bureau: the Row ot milk. II is t"'gelt' foe fattening [may swine. They win be ready for marl-:1 M ant two week, earlier. Only Mildly livestock pays '. fat cattle. sleek horncs. tirm Inna February . Sale 191'.” I' 250 390m475 " to 38 to 45 BU 80 tiO .".".‘.’ 1.98 7‘7? 1,49 I? 1.19 E. A. ROWE, Dutham, Ont '.' 98c . Ne J. S MCILRAITH Durham H 3.15 3.65 3.95 These lines must be sold regardless of cost, to make room for our Spring Stock. 12 85 l 75 l 25 85 Cl) 25 38 i "During the past weekl found that i three separate schools in the township in! (i'cnelg. Grey County. received a larger grant than the nine public schools llt figures cut that this Minister of (Education believes in paying for the education of 39 Roman Catholic child- rcn in Glenelg $2,009.s0 and for 143 public school pupils $1,958.88, or, for a Roman for "l.52 and doles out for Protestant public schools 812,99 per child. These figures were obtained , from the Township Treasurer." l ' """ [:3 u (Orillia Packet) Iii great d Miss McPhail, M. P., will draw 84tortttrougtto a year. with a free pass on the railways. l ing years 0 joy ! Think ofhaving a wife bringing George al in a tidy sum like that, and staying away I doubt nec from home four to six months every year '/ side beta LT,-) A recent lejtter from Rev. Dr. Farquh- arson at tit. ohn, N.B.. contains some Re Grant to R. c. Schools observations which we make bold to pub. --- . liish. Many old friends will appreciate 'iroft"iitrtt,,ttyte/ree'eee1cagueeti,aott his opinion of current world events ;' . ton a t e recen e ec Ion ' . 3: 3331103. R. H. Grant, Minister or ! Wequote :“Histm y moves rapidly after Education with a big stick. He hiya time of strain such as we hove passed discovered and alleges that Roman i through The Problem facing every Catholic Separate Schools are being country in the world. excepting perheps favored with Large grants and giverr.the United 1i_tatetc.istht.tt of preservmg figures to prove it. He otTers to de-pts honor ry paying its debts. The bate the question with the Minister on 3' struggle will reveal both. the best and a public platform and the Minister will i the. worst of our many Sided characte..r.. have something to say in the house. lit " tp be, hoped that the former will, We quote one of Spotton's paragraphs dealing with Glenelg township. Ell: putlgam math"! Rev. Dr. Farquharson Congrat Womens l0 hm Spa " ree'200ht ..... W. mom‘s l2 hm Souls Wane-r9312 hm Spats reg 2 25hr. .... w, tttvb'S kvee lcng h . Spun. leg 3 50 for . Misses' Jenny Cl, th Loggir gs, teg I 50, Mons blank wool hose, reg I 00 ..... ...... Menu heather qeccl hue. 192 100 ..... ..... Menu any wool has. re]: 75e and 85c .... . Women's wool bu 39, It; 1.00I0r...... ....., . Woman's cashmeru toite re: 1 " fur..... .... Wt men's cashmme hone regl co ltr.... ..... Men's Lumbermuu‘s ' Sex. 192 1 75: hr. .. Bo3soil Tun 1totezig. , ins. reg 300. ...... F5 $531181}??? .'.e/.".'r.' 746 g2: /t,1'tr'.t1".?. 1.19 'i'd/)kTycolh..ert 1.75 Women's Spats Listen Bachelors I February 16. 1922 Hosiery 1.35 1.75 2.25 1.00 Ne 79c Mk J , rl A 7.." A! Y?, m tr " _ Ire' "A?,'?, CP. C ' . 1 1/) >21. H BX" tC- d N , Yorkton, Sask..seems to have trome practical minded Citizens on its Uolleg. rate Board With ideas of economy ofa justifiable order. It is going to cut down the expense of wasting a good ed. ucation upon useless scholars orthose who do not desire tr amount to very much in the world. The lapping off fh undesirable and troublesome scholars from high schools would be only ustice to tax-payers in the saving of funds now wasted in keeping places for them in schools. equipment for their amusement and staff for their entertainment. It ed- ucation is not a sericus business to the school-con it is to the tax payer ll ,___, -..9Fw_V "'* ( mg years. He is very critical of Lloyd .errge and the War cabinet. That no l doubt needs the statement of the other _ side belore we would pronounce a judg- lment onthem, but it ts no doubt abso- llutety correct as revealing the state of mind among a large number of leading people at the time. One wonders how I the prime minister held out amid such a I slut m We wish the .new government all suc- cess. Their problem is a heavy one and ilthey have something to say that is worth while by March 8th, they will do well. More than government is needed to bring us through. You remember Goldsmith's line "But small the ills that human laws can either cause or cure." lgot the congregational report in due time. Many thanks. The financial po :ition oi the congregation is excellent. Longratulations. Asteady tug will in due time wipe out the mortgage. The electric blower is a great boon to have and I am not at all turprised that there was danger of injuring' the organ from the old method ot 'raising the wind.' country in the world. excepting perhaps the United States, is that of preServing (its honor by paying its debts. The (struggle will reveal both the best and i the worst of our"many sided character. It is to be hoped that the former will prevail, abelief in which I have never ceased to hope ; the Lord reigneth. I Poor Ireland has long sowed the wind, , there seems a danger lest she now reap I "he whirlwind. The doctrine so long" preached against British rule, that ev- eryone was warran ed in using any kind ‘..6 ‘nvn')-\.‘n ., " --. ., . . - I have been reading Col. R;rpingt0n s dnaue: during the war tune. They are a great disclosure at the.state of feeling throughout the _world durqu the}; _try: - it" -_ ... "'""S any nIuU of weapon to destroy jt, is in danger of being used against themselves. Should Collins have a majority in the South, there is no assurance that the minority will stick to constitu ional methods in opposing him My hope has been that Ulster would join the Free State and the loyal element in the northjoin to streng then the kindred element in the south That does not seem likely to be realized in the near future. Has Durhamany c areless Students? Menu 15 in leather top rubbers, rug 6 50 .. Mans 12 in laathermp rubbers, neg 6 oo .. Mon 7 in. lerther t 'p rubbma. rug 4 50 .. Men's 4eyeltt Snag- prout, reg 3 75 . . . ' Menu all any white rubbers reg 4 50... Br ft 4 ewlct race rubbers. tea 2 75 . Brvisletteert p rub bus. re: 3 50.... Y 't1ths' 4 m P'Pt rub- bers ree. 2.2.3,... . Menu 4 buckla Over. sbors reg 4 50 .... Mann 2 baekle Over- shuva 1923 75 .. .. Meo l buckle Over- ahoe. red 2 75.... . Mans Oversh P, Hub b [8, leg 20).... . ulates Durham Congregafion Neglect Costs Money Rubbers 5.00 4.50 3.40 2.45 3.20 2.15 2.00 1.75 3.75 3.00 2.00 1.75 i'm"vvvrv1nmmivvmii The Variety Store R. L. SAUNDERS, Prop. REMEMBER this offer is for One Week Only. Don't miss it. at I These Sets are good value in themselves, being neat patterns and good were, but we are over- stocked and mist make room. The Lamps we aregiving away need no comments. Everyone knows the wonderful Aladdin Lamp. worth $10.00. with a " piece English Porcelain Dinner Set at $36.00 "i 11.111111111111111 Mr and Mrs Arch. McCormick held a soci°l evening for the young people of the line last Thursday when a very happy time was spent in music and games. "Something for Nothing" Rev Mr Sillars of Dornoch accom" panied by Mr Parks visited on the line oneday last week. Mr Alec McIntosh of Cabre. Sash. is visiting Mr and Mrs John McDon- ald and other friends and will make an extended visit in the east. Mr Harvey Caswell and George Miller are busy cutting ice for Mr James Miller who has his ice house completed. There is quite a lot of sickness among children at present. A number of the boys from our burg attended the hockey match in town last week and report a good game. Ottg sympathy is extended to the family ofthe late Mrs J. li1eGsllivray of Unlock whose remains were inter- red in the cemetry here on Monday. Mn N McLean and family spent: day recently with Mrs D. Watson. Mr and Mrs Jack Caawell visited Mrs Caswells parents Mr and In Robt. Webber on Sunday. Two sleigh loads from our Club attended the U. F. 0 concert at No. 9 school Glenelg and toport a good time. Miss Eqther McLean teacher is off duty these days with a bad attack of quinsy. Glad to hear she is im- proving. Mr Gilbert Miller is engaged in Chesley " present. The U. F. o. held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesdm evening of last week with arecord attendance Mr Campbell Mitchell is spending a few days with his sister Mrs Neil McLean. He took m the ball in the town hall, Thursday night and re. ports a good time. An abundant lunch was sawed hv the ladies, and God Savvthe King closed the program. The section are hiehly delighted at the success of the function and the play is again to he nivan at a similar "At Home" at Varney on Friday night of this week. l The humorous play "A perplexing situation" w." capitally presented br 12 ofthe section's young penp'r, and went thro' without a hitch Thetather who lost $75 each to his wife and dau. ghte's on a wager that they couldn't refrain from speaking a whole day. was taken by Thus. 3.“. Mrs Jno. McGirr was the mother. and John Hamilton the son. Jessie Bell and Alma Ritchie the daughters. “Uncle Eph" who came from "wav up kiotry" was John “30in Will Weir was a lover who couldn't understand his fairrnP's muteress. Miss Eliza Patterson wasavisitnr and Geo. Bell, Vida Ritchie lag and Mrs McGirr were other characters in the play. Pair- inq off and circling round in two lively rhoruses madea rousing finish to the play And no one was disappointed: all numbers wereexcellent and the humor. ous touches interspersed by chairman Thos. Binnie sdded'to the program's interest. Sign Sauceen Orchestra, comprising t Edge brothers, Robt. Lawson and Stewart McArthur with Miss Merton McArthur. accompanist. gave severalpopular numbers Misses Jessie and Mary Bellrendered two sweet duetts,P. Ramage a solo, Hunter Rit chie amonologueand Miss Eliza Pat. terson a recitation Club swinging and folk dancing by tour High School girls; of the section Vida and Alma Ritchie, Mary and Jsssie Bellunder Miss Weir's training were a novelty, and two choruses by the young people were ively numbers. Two good a'ldresses were given hy Geo. M. Leeson, M P P. ant the chairman. No (I Glenelg schooihouse was packed last Friday night by the U F. o.. mem bers of that district, their fatt0ee,sever, al Lam DJrham. and quite a number of thetttemyersof Rocky, Edge Hill, Bun essan and Egremont clubs. They were there i9rairiendly social time and to ttig. the program prepared by No. 9 Clu . Good Social Time at No 9 Had U. F. O's all 'long the Line tir Arch McLean bad the min- ROCKY SAUGEEN ABERDEEN ONTARIO THE DURHAM REVIEW Sou in‘Du-han it lulu-1mm Address ..... Name Druggin': Nina: Proof! Clear convincing proof! without risking a single cent of your money, that Buckley has the safest and wrest way of 1e2 c{graying every trace of that terri I gh or cold! Justimngine! A bottleof Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture FREE. Simply take the coupon below to any drug store and the bottle IS 'ours! Try it on your cold. It JV immediately convince you that the regular size is all you require to smash the cold and give you a happyrclief. It's the chance ofa life time; but by all means act quickly. Right now, fill in the coupon and exchange it at any of the drugstores listed beioi;-- W. K. BUCKLEYJJMIleMCh- m Int-II “not. - Fm “COUPON‘ Prte.trinl 2',Nirp, Bronchitis Mixture. J ihis coupon m I not he "mooted if but; Store, or by in! iiiiriiii may! of to c. Wherever" there It! sielmeee or trouble on account of her professions! training the advice and couuoel of Mrs Parke was: often sought. and tho . was cheerfully given. We therefore P? 30:: and Mrs Parke“ a slight itokeu of our esteemond so ememen‘o 30f the good Wishes of the people of Dornocli and community to accept these gifts. and ihough we may not again be prmleged to meet in the social and business actmuee of " you may rest assured that our bot Wishes go with you for spiritual and tr moon! prosperity. . Wm. Smith C. McIntyre, E, Muldoon R. J. Corlett J. Roy The progum was then rounded " by I wholesome luneh,then O,'d Long Sync end the compenylelt for their blames feeling that " was good to be there. '52-'93 , Amazing Free Trial Offer Spells Disaster to Colds. l Again we ere re- minded of the transient neture of ltr, we meet.meke friends and are .pertid again, and while this is true [and unavaidable. we would therelore desire before you leave for your new _i'ii'i' of activity. to express in some eligible way our sincere regret for losing you and your genial family lrorn our neighborhood. and also to express our appreciation of your services. courtesles and many deeds of krndness that often meant a "tsriiiee on your part. As acitizen you were always in accord and willing to help with anything that went for the betterment or advancement of church _ or cnmmunity. 1 Bronchitis siiiiiiiiriii2 Death by Buckley! _ The programme of the erenirg ~onsistsd of music. song Ind speeches Mr Mr Siliers presiding in his usual ~tyle of humor. Mr H. B. Ridden nd Mr Wm. Smith botlrgavo rho" addresses expressing their snrrow in losing from our midst the Parke family. Songs were rendered by Mrs Tracy. Mr Jag. Lister. Mr Shel:- elton and Mr Jag. Robertson. roan.- visas by Mrs J. Rear and Ruby Smith. The event of the evening was ulna pr-sentsrion to Mrs Parks of an Oxford Bible, also a leubrr bound S nkev Hymn Book, to Mr Parke, s Massnic ring. presentation by Mn: MrIthre and It. J. Corlen. and the ollowing address was rad by Mr Smilh. I'o Mr and Mrs J. II. Parke, Dear Friends ;- "llher don't keep their bouquets till theirfripnda aredend.‘ Such might be mid of a uoodlv compnny of the friends and neighbors of Mr Parke who getherrd on Friday evening " the home of Mr Wm. Smith who n- ened up Ilia spacious residence that lay might amend a social evening togatbc r before they left for their new lame in Hamilton. Mr Parke has 'pent nine years here uterine tn the public as a general merchant and was well and {Avornbly known. Presentation to . Mr and Mrs J. H. Parke Brand Mn gnu Ewen entertain. ed a uumbero their nelghboms last Friday evming Little Miss Andrey Noble charmed the crowd in her dancing of the Highland Fling. Quite a few on; the hue hive trick. ness among the stock at present. Ttfe pupils at Nd. to had a holi- dny on Mend-y u Mm McKenzie wan in Toronto on business. that" Neil Clark has been un- able to attend school for two weeks owing to a bad cold. Mn J. W. Smith is .ttireeitrg with I bad cold. In mom McDonald ot Can-ford visited My: Arch McLean and Mrs Dug. Clark on the first of the week. Mr Beecroft, tnvellea for Mr Think of Owen Sound w" no»; the line last week. Mr and M19 Hatrtie and babe from the west visited Mr and In Hugh McDonald Inst Thursday fortune in tall and hr at some of his ribs white " wnk in the bush. Mr Fred Johnstone is assisting ll: Arch McLean this winter. lupon will ttot tiiisFeirieTfrt presented by a child. an; Beggs ',/lStii",',,','d5ej,?l,1e.l',i,t ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Phone no.4 DURHAM, ONT, Whole Corn, per ton . . . . $28.00 without sacli _ Whole Corn, per ton . . . . 83000 sacks includwi Ground Corn, per ton. . . . $30.00 sacks includwi Ground Screenings per ton . . . . 825 00, sacks includui Oat Feed, per ton .. .. $20.00. sacks inclmh " Cansmen Stock Feed, perton, $28.00, sacks in . Chieftain Mixed Feed, per ton, $26.(10,sacks in 3 Above Prices are in too lots or over Rob Roy Poultry Scratch Feed. per 100 lbs, 82.60, sacks includwt No Town Delivery Terms Cull We are in the mariiet for all kinds of Grain. Highest prices paid FEEDPRICES ------, We will sell Friday and Saturday this Week Pine Tree Flour in 5 bag lots for Sli) Beggs' Store, Durham Milverton Jewel Flour 98lbsack........ 4.00 49lbsack........ 2.i0 Z4lbschk........ I.|0 makes bread you love to eat. 98 lb sack. . . Adio Cream of the West We have Lots of Good Things to Buy and Eat Fresh frozen Qualla Salmon good eating, per lb. . . . ISc Fresh frozen Lake Trout, something new and good,lb lhc I box only Salmon Snacks 'Choice snacked Salmon', Mc m Fresh Finnan Haddie, large fine quality, per lb. . . . Nc SkinlessCodfish................. ... ..20c perlh Salads Tea-a few pounds left at. . . . . . . . . . Mc each A few lbs of Choice Black Tea left at . . 2 lbs for 75c Granulated Sugar, the very best. . . . . . . .lz lbs for mu Oatmeal, very finest nice large flakes. . . .25 lbs for Loo l00 lbs. sacks best Gran. Sugar, per sack cosh only. .755 When you feel well and can buy lots of good things to eat, and nearly in every case the price is back to normal pre-war prices, with the maj- ority of people feeling optimistic with refercm-u to'the future, why shouldn't we wear a smile y cannot urge you too strongly to come inUnd look at these splendid bargains. m, take back at the same price any rolls you do not use. Come early in the day for best servit'v Amazing reductions on our stock of fine Wall Papers. At ridiculously low prices you will find patterns and colorings suitable for the MI ilhlllWli0l SALE of~Wall Paper ROB ROY MILLS, Limited hfadarlae's Drug Store We stand behind every bag of this rnoui. PHONE so The Rexall Store Business Hour.---; n. m. to 6 p. m Wear a Smile It's a pure Manitoba Flour and a good one. Per 98 lb sack . . . . 4.50 Milled of Manitoba hard Wheat. We recom- mend it for baking bread or pastry. 98lb sack, 4.25 . Now is the Time to Decorate Prices will be so low during the tale that we Pine Tree Flour finest rooms in your home. If you hIVeput off decanting in the hope of lower prices, thisinyouropportunity Durham, Ont. " The New Shop. oppo ll" Graham lew days With! Hrs Duncan I Graham; winter a home it Quite a nlmbrr In Included the urn Meruriunes at Rob it his ducabter. who married to Chan: Mott “31:71:: 1.5: biiiiii'vj'iii'iii! "aterls ll illlfLi,%l ti, KARSI] M XXXY: y'. Fl 3-3 PRICEVILLE AM, We nd r-ALSO MAKER. Ete INDIGES Kmnl is nourishn tonic that f the whole [ h “‘30-: " MEAT 333.3in Ive l (YMoanI LAWR pm “If pared to business. ever done cm I few tt Big by l PEER on" Fresh Meade fish 01 rm "lend. ”(than tt SP We'rd fl St a H

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