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Durham Review (1897), 23 Feb 1922, p. 7

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MOTION PICTURE INâ€" DUSTRY OF CANADA CLIMATE IS SPECIALLY SUITED TO OUTâ€"DOOR PHOTOGRAPHY. Dominion Has All Requisites for Successful Production but Lacks Necessary Dominion and Provincial Production. | names It is in profiiing by ter natwral adâ€" In f; anmiages that Cagada bas made her "wood nitial successes in moving picturesâ€"| from t i the scenic picture and travelogue, | Saxoun he {ndustrial aud edncational film.} The wiâ€"ms in Montreal, Toronto and (.'ul-; the F «arv ave engaged in this kind of work | ably â€" d have succeeded in making the| tongu icadian trave! picture famous, to bet would imtored in theatres in all parts of | in me xorid. Many dramas of excellent | was * kmanship have been produced ini“bwal moda. notably the cinema versions | tongu the woarks of James Oliver Curwood | direct mad rada intario has a motion picture bureau | ich is busily engaged in advertising â€"proviace elsewhere as well as carâ€" ng on an energetic educational camâ€" zn in the rural districts, All inches of the provincial governâ€" nt make use of the bureau as as iu their work. _ Motion pictures va been adopted as an integral part 10 agricuitural extension work of : province of Manitoba in all the ises of agricultural work and in the » of lighter entertaining propaganâ€" Exchange is made with the film wiuctions of other provinces. Sasâ€" tchewan has a similar bureau ¢0â€" tinating the moving picture activiAl « of the various government deâ€" meuts aad the University 1l Quebec has long realized the \'alue‘ 1c motion pictnre in teaching, °e# , clally agricuiture, and it is being | ad vory extensively in all phases of ovincial government work. _ Nova otia has its motion picture bureau id has produced & wide variety of ms depicting Nova Scotia‘s charmâ€" & life and modern and advanced ethods of agriculture and horticulâ€" â€"»_ The motion picturé work of tho‘ niversity of Alberta is well known. i over the province, for besides proâ€" ding films of an educational nature distributes films of foreign travel t antertainment in the raral dis ihe talpn Connor. | » great value of motion picturesi vertising and educational workl mg been recognized by the Doâ€"| 1 and provincial govemments.\ ailways and larger industria! orâ€" ations. â€" The Dominion govemâ€"i makes use of them extensively‘ actically every department. The tmeat of Trade and Commerce i notable list of flms depicting s economic phases of Canadian They are used most successfully ivertising the Dominion abroad are of incomparable value in :ivg before peoples ot the old i the conditions and customs ting them in the new laud and so aring them for national asgimilaâ€" suceesses in n scenie picture lustrial anud . € in Montreal, T ce engaged in t ve succeeded an travel pictu of f the high quality of Canaâ€" e motion pictures. is importing positive film to t of more than a million and llars a year. In 1921 she imâ€" > the extent of $29,581 from ed Kingdom, $1,629,424 from ed States and $1,887 from untries. From the little nuâ€" ated. with all her advantagos, wed to build up the Dominion until «he is meeting all her 4 ools adâ€" In fact, there were as many of these | her | "wood" names developed in Englemd\ 3 â€" lfrom the Normans‘ speech as from the rue, | Saxous‘. l iim.|} ‘The form Boyce, though so close to Calâ€" the French "bois" (wood), is nndonl'l ork | ably an English name. The Freuch | the | tongue, uninfluenced by the Suxun,f ) be | would never have developed it, though s of in medieval French the pronunciation lent| was "boiss" rather than the present 1 in | "bwah." It is not that the French irms' tongue has failed to develop in the ro0d | direction of the pronunciation otl '“Boyce." but that it has actually deâ€" ures | veloped away from it. It is interestâ€" vork | ing to note, in fact, that the unschoolâ€" Doâ€" ed English tongue naturally proâ€" ents, ‘ nounces the average French word, so t orâ€"| that it would be likely to be racogâ€" remâ€"i nized by a medieval Frenchman, vely ‘ though not at all by a modern Franchâ€" The! man. DO YOU FEEL WEAK | AND RUN DOWN? In This Condition a Tonic Mediâ€" cine is Needed. The condition of being "run down" is one that doctors do not recognize as a disease. But those who are run down in health know that it is not a fancled affliction, The expression "run down" applied! to health means a co_dition in whk‘h’ the bodily functions are eafeebled. Appetite fails, the digsstion is lmpair-] ed, the nerves are impoverished, thei complexion becomes pale or waxy,. there is no animation, but rather wor-' ry and mental depression. Fatigue is 1 a constant symptom. No particular organ being affected, you must look for relief to the blood. As it cireulates through every part of the body, any improvement in the condition of the blood is quickly felt th:roughout the entire system. In cases of this kind a tonic medicine is what is needed and Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills are recogâ€" nized as a valuable tonic because of their direct action on the blood, and through the blood to the nerves, givâ€" ing tone to the system generally and reâ€".oring vigor. Where the system is run down the value of this medicine is shownâ€" by the statoment of Mrs. | Gregory J. Murpby, Lower Ship Harâ€" Sbor East, N.S., who says: "About a | year ago I was completely run down. I was so nervous and weak that I could scarcely do my housework, and the least exertion left me breathless and tired out. A neighbor advised Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, and so much good did they do me I feel quite like a different woman. 1 hope some other suffering woman may benefit by my experience," Dr. Williams‘ Pink Wills can | through any medicine dealer, mail at 50 certs a box or six for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Variationsâ€"Boice, Boise, Boies, Duâ€" bois, Wood, Atwood, Bywood. Raclal Orlgin ~â€" English, Normanâ€" French and French. Sourceâ€"A locality. England and France are full of family names founded on the forest, for forests were more plentiful in the days of family name formations than they are toâ€"day in both of those counâ€" tries. The French family names rareâ€" ty show signs of English influence, but the reverse is not true of the English Unvaccinated persons are not perâ€" itted to vote in Norway. W’rl'he manner in which such names as these, originally indicative of restâ€" Surnames and Their Origin To win a race a Jockey doesn‘t put extra weight on the horse that helps him succeed BsoYCE Pink Wills can be had Postum for Healthâ€""There‘s a Reason" Made by Canadian Postum Ceresal Co. or by boxes Mediâ€" Will the time ever come when ail the oxygen gas in thecair will beâ€"used up, and" burian beings will dio : for wart of it? t é _Such a state of affairs would have | come to pass long ago had it not been | for a natural arraugement of continual | new supplies which are provided for | man by plant life, t It has been estimated that an adult ; human being inhales and consumes | about one and a hal:; pounds of oxygen | gas, and if this is multiplied by the | number of the world‘s inhabitantsâ€"| human beings and animals â€" the| amount of oxygen removed from the | air is represerted by as astounding| figure. This is where vegetable life, in a twofold manmer, comes to man‘s aid. As it is, 100,000 parts of air ordinarily contain about thirtyâ€"three parts by volume of carbou dioxide, and if the proportion were bigger the air would . be foul, and consequently be seriously prejudicial to health, But vegetable lite absorbs the exâ€" cess carboun dioxide, and thus prevents this dangerou} gathering of foul air. It does more, for after assimilating the carbon by aâ€" variety of cheraical processes, it gives out again the preâ€" cious oxygen which we breathe, thus maintaining constantly all over the world the correct composition of the air. In a word, the world is saved from disaster by the work of plants. No man or woman whno war}ts to succeed in the race of tife can afford the handicap of headaches, insomnia, indigesâ€" tion and debility, Nor can they afford to take anything that may keep up a continual irritaâ€" tion of the nervous system, The immensity of this process can be imagined when we reflect upon the vast extent of tha forestry and plant life which covers the surface of the earth It makes us realize at the same time the great importance of carbon dioxide as a constituent of the air, side by side with that of oxygen and nitrogen, its other chief constituents. Yet this is what many peoâ€" ple do who drink excessive amounts of tea or coffee,. For tea and coffee contain caffeine, a substance that is sometimes very injurious. Many doctors say that caffeine raises the blood pressure, irritates the kidneys, and overâ€"stimulates the entire nervous system. Aiso that it is especially bad for growing children, or for anyone who has any tendency to nerâ€" vousness or insomnia. A wise old ow! lived in an oak, The more he saw, the less he spoke; The less ho spoke, the more he heard Why can‘t we all be 'like that bird? Wouldn‘t Need it Otherwise. Advice that a man really needs is usually what ho dislikes to hear. WMinard‘s Liniment for Garget In Cow»_ dence localily, have developed into family names has heen shown in other articles,. _ Atwood was originally "at the wood." "Bywood" was "by the wood," and Dubois is the same as "de te hois" or ~del bois," and means "of the wood." Variationâ€"Demer. Racial Originâ€"English Sourceâ€"A title. Have you ever wondered why, since so many family names have been based upon titles, and such names as King, Prince, Steward, Ward and the like ara so common, why it is that there is noâ€" widespread name . of "Judge"â€"for they had judges in medieval England. The answer is that though they had judges. they did not call them that, but "dempsters," or "demesters" or "demeres." Yes, you say; there is a family name Dempster, still it‘s not so frequent, for instance, as that of King, and surely there were more judges in medieval England than Kings And the answer to that is that there were notâ€"for every little village of England in the Middle Ages had its "mystery" play, with local talent takâ€" Ing part. Thera were Kings in these plays, and it was, perhaps, more usual than not for the actors to be nickâ€" named from their roles, Hence a maâ€" jority of the medieval communities developad familites of Kings, Tha Air We Breathe. If you Merae "domester," however, did uot The Wise Old Ow! want to avoid a posâ€" DEMmMPSTEAR , Limited, Windsor, Ontario sible cause of headache, insomâ€" nia, or nervousness, it might be well to stop taking tea and coffee for awhile, and drink rich, satâ€" isfying Postum, instead. Postum is a delicatelyâ€" roasted, pure cereal beverageâ€" delicious and wholesome. Order Postum from your grocer today. Drick this fraâ€" grant, healthiul beverage for awhile, and see if you will not feel brighter, more active, and more resistant to fatigueâ€"as so many thousands of others bave felt. € ‘ Postam comes in twoforms: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who profer to meke the drink while the meal is being |\ _ When Farmer Bassett decided i0 | send his son to collego, and gelected | one explciting the advantages of its. | pbysieal training system, he had a | plain talk with the president. | _"Jchn don‘t need no settingâ€"un exâ€" | ercises. HMe sets up too late already, !so F4 ruther you‘d cut them out. But ’tsa,\', if you‘ve got any good getting up | exercises that are a sure thing, go to prepared) minutes. KEEP LITTLE ONES _ WELL N WNTR Winter®is a dangerous season for | the little ones. ‘The days are changeâ€" ableâ€"one bright, the next one cold and stormy, that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh iair and exercise they need so much. In consequence they «Lre often cooped \up in overheated, badly ventilated | rooms and are soon reized with colds | or grippe. What is necded to keep | the little ones well is Baby‘s Own \ Tablets. They will regulate the stomâ€" iach and bowels and drive out colds, | and by their use the baby will be able | to get over the winter season in perâ€" |fect safety. The Tablets are sold by ‘medioine dealers or by mail at 25 | cents a box from The Dr. Wiltiams‘ ! Medicine (Co., Brockville, Ont. it with Jota ‘Trench maps, which were printed for military use on strong canvas, are now being used in England to make inner soles for tenris shoes. Expertments are being made to save the eyes of music readers, Green paper on which the notation appears in white has proved most successful. Those Having Sick Animals SHOULD USE Good for all throat and chest diseases, Distemper, Garget, Sprains, Bruises, Colic, Mange, Spavins, Running Sores, etc., etc. Should always be in the stable. â€"SOLD EVERY WHERE. Mountain of Sulphur. ‘ A great mountain of sulphur has | been rediscovered in the banks group. of the New Hebrides Islands, in the Southern Pacific Ocean. It was called Vanna Lava fifty years ago, when a French company worked its deposits. The Londou Times says that the mountain is one vast mass of surphur â€"99 per cent sulphur, and the rest ash, It is 1,600 feet high and covers 100 square miles Peat Second Best Fuel. Next to coal, peat is the best posâ€" sible fuel. It burns longer than wood and gives more heat, The custom of drinking "toasts" is derived from the ancient religious ceremony of pouring libations to the heathen gods. figure prominently in most of lhesel plays, nor were they so numerous in everyday life as might be supposed,1 for yery often the functions they perâ€" formed were also performed by the feudal overlords, which made the need for them less. . The literal and original meaning of "Gemester" was "doomster," meaning the one who pronounced judgment, for the oldar meaning of "doom" was judgâ€" ment. _ It is onlyâ€" in comparatively reâ€" cent times that it has come to bear a significance of destruction or punishâ€" ment especially New Use for Trench Maps E.x;)erir_v\:v;t”ov;r Music Paper What John Needed ONTAR made by boiling for 20 ¢an TORONTO in most of these * ac, «[ SALESMAN MAKES / RESTORED BY TANLAC TWO YEARS AGO, TROTâ€" TER STILL FEELS FINE. Gained Twenty Pounds i Weight and Was Soon Back on Job, He States. "Tanlac soon had me feeling like a new man, and I gained twonty pounds in weight on four bottles," said Lawrâ€" encée E. Trotter, wellâ€"known salesman for the Lawler‘s Bakery, residing at 15 Warde!l St., Toronto, Ont. "Two and a half years ago when the ‘fu‘ epidemic was at its worst 1 wont down with it, and was in bed for two weeks, When I got up I was thin and weak, bad no appetite at all and was so nervous I could scarcely sleep. any. I bad no strength or energy to do a thing, and as I was eating hardly anything, I couldn‘t seem to take a start to mend. "I had read a great deal about Tanâ€" lac being good to baild a person up, so I got a bottie and it seemed that my appetite got h iter the firsi day 1 started taking it L soon went back on the job fecling fine, even better than I did before I had the ‘fAu.‘ Since then I‘ve been telling people about Tanlac constantly, for it did me so much good I think everybody ought to know about it." Noteâ€"Tanlac Vegetable Pills are an t essential and vitally important part of the Tanlac treatment. _ You cannot | hope to get the most #atisfactory reâ€"| sults from Tanlac without first estabâ€"| lishing a free and regular movement | of the bowels. Tanlac Vegetable Pills ara absolutely free from calomel and‘ are sold on a positive gnarantee to. give satisfaction. i Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. In Morocco the elder members O the adult population follow professionâ€" ally the pursuit of fattening . young ladie# for the matrimonial market of Barbary Mother! Clean Child‘s Bowels With California Fig Syrup 4 C Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know & teaâ€" spoonful toâ€"day saves a sick child toâ€" morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children ot all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup Health Affects Coral Beads. A belief exists among the negroes of the West Indies that the color of coral is always affected by the siate of health of the wearer, becoming paler in disease, Dom{nion Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada. Saddleâ€"horses _ were English as long ago : | burned | _ A apark, a leaping fName. | And back and back again he turned \ To where â€"his wishâ€"death came, Minard‘a Liniment for Distempor. Silence has wrought on him its 8p6 White wastes had set their seal The outer light was dim but well Ha saw, since he could feel. There God perhaps communes with all Who hear no outward sound, But come as to a trumpet call To dey shrines profouni. Unguensched and quenchless in him He would have wished this coftin rui That island whalers gaveâ€" Have wished his well loved solitude Might too have beld his grave. But wherescever now MIS 10°°S May homing find its goal, His constant spirit rides the storm That sweeps the southern pole. â€"Maurice Morris FULL STATEMENT The annual migration | of spiders during the recent antumn monibs has resulted in aeroplanes, which crossed the seas, arriving silvered from erd to end with goes;nlor webs collected from the air. Purple Taboo. No At a marriage ceremony in Japan a dress of purple color is taboo, lest ibhs wutitat Jove of the bride g_u% groom be soon lost, as purple is a colâ€" pr most liable to fade. The topaz derives ts oame from Topazos, an island in the Red Sea. Fattening Girls MONEY ORDERS Shackleton. JSSUE No, 7â€"22 Webs in the Air ;lder members of .â€".~â€"â€"â€"»â€" now his form on him its spell, re used by the as (C81. coffin rude S1oan Liniment(® DID PAIN DISTURB YOUR SLEEP? HE pain and torture of rheuâ€" matisim can be quickly relieved by an application of Sloan‘s Liniment. It brings warmth, ease and comfort and lets you sleep soundly. _ _ Always have a bottle handy and apply when you feel the first tw inge 1t penetrates without rubbing. It‘s splendid to take the pain out of tired, aching muscles, sprains and straing, stiff joints, ond lame backs. For forty years pain‘s enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggistsâ€"35¢, 70c, $1.49. amib l Mose in Canada _ m _ , COARSE SALT L A ND SALT | ‘The nicest catbarticâ€"laxative in the | world to physic your liver avd bowels | when you bave Dizzy Headeche, Colds, Billousness, Indigestion, â€" or Upset, \Actd Stomach is candydike "Casâ€" carets." One or {Wo tonight | will ‘Bulk Carlots TORrONTO SALT WORKS y4. CLIFF . TORONTO Whenyou waken with no appetite, a dread of the day‘s work and your head heavy, your digestive organs are pfob:ily calling for just the help which Mother Seiget‘s Syrup can give them. Themedicinal exâ€" tracts of more than ten different roots, barks and leaves restore the natural healthy action of liver and stomach. Meals are enjoyed, that tired feeling disappears, and you know thesjoy of living. Sold in 50c¢. and $1,00 bottles at drug stores. lt 3/ D CuticuraPromotesGoodHai The Joy of Living. aipueBnGn@ uie e n aBen) ol se l t e Pn age: t Treatment: At night rub Cuticura Ointment into partings all over the scelp. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water, Reâ€" peat in two weeks, Seap 25¢. Ointment 25 and §0c. Talcum25¢. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: l# Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal. Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.‘ # Unless you see the name "Bayer‘" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,‘"‘ which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe .by millions for * sooolds _â€" â€">~ Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache .l.umbag'é‘" Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tabletsâ€"Also bottles of 24 &NA 100â€"Urugpists, Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufecture of Mone> aceticacidester of Salicylicacid. While 1t is we!! knowa that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the publtc agatnst Imitations, the Tablets of Hayer Compmu® will be stamped with their gemeral iomde mark, the "Bayer Crumh " R\ N 3‘VANTED A NUMBER OF LADIES 1 to ~compur Haster and birthda cards at home; light, pleasant wori | Enmclese 3c _ stamp for particulara. |Ladies‘ Supply Co. Cumstock . Bidg , Toronto Cnaatham, Ont PAEPNoh P PCR ETS .. ahipped subject to approval at lo: ;;lcn |‘n Cannda VORI BRELTING is YOPK, STREDT, TORONTO PeBARe PnE D e S v-elun.o'x pulleve, aawe, ubh.bou.ucldz‘ lis shinned sublect to approval at lowes Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. Sbâ€"conis bu,v-:n botlie of "Dauderiae" at any drug store. After one anplica tion you can not fa.! a particle dandruf®f@ or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor brightness, more color and abundauce NEARLY SRAZY WITH PAINS IN BASK _ DANDERINE Classthed Advertissâ€"me~. Hamilion, UNIATMIO.~* i HHIET NM~ fered for three years from a {emal®e | trouble and consequent weakness, | pain and irregularity which kept me | 4n bed four or five days each month. | I nearly went crazy with pains in my â€" back, and for about a week at a time | could not do my work. 1 saw !.mx: ALL kINXDS OF nECW AND USBD Read How Lydia E. Pinkâ€" ham‘s Vegetable Compound Helped Mrs. Beecroft 1 could not do my work. 1 saw i.) dia Â¥. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound advertised in the *Hamilton Specta tor and I took it Now 1 have no pain and am quite regular nnless 1 overwork or stay on my fee! froue ’ielrly morning until late at night. I I keep house and do all my own work | without any trouble 1 bave recomâ€" | mended the Vegetable Compound to | several friends."â€"Mss Cauy Barâ€" | crorr, 16 Douglas St, Hamilion, | QOntario. l For nearly fifty _ears women hav» l been telling how Lydia E. Pinkbam‘s Vegetable Compound has â€" restored | their health when suffering with | femate ills. This accounts for the | enormouns demand for it from ©oast | to eoast. PW yie c cccc sat ANADIAN MATRIMONIAL PAPER Â¥bc. No other fee. A. McCreery, t CORSL If vou are troubled with any ailâ€" ment peculiar to women why don‘t you try Lydia T. Pinkham‘s Vege table Compound* 1t has help*% others, let it help you, 1 5. #A p, o P\\ £1\tN . PA \ «*sV N) 74AWW \ \ w (\"\“‘\‘\ \ A jartoo n @mitthi® 0) | _ empty your bowels completeiy br morniug, and you will fee\ splendid. "They work while you gleep." Casâ€" carets never slir you up Or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a box. Childrem love Cascarets too Hamili imnnmurnoncme mm sn mc tm BELTING FOR SALE it \ i YORK BRELTING OG.

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