West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1922, p. 1

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Y 23, 1922 1H behind $9 OF av The fourth concert of the Canadian Lyceum Bureau series under the auspiâ€" ces of Trinty Church, was held on Thursday night last and again the Hall was weli filled. _ At this concert musical instruments were in the foreground, parâ€" ticularly the Saxaphone and the manip* ulation of this instrument by Mr. and Mrs Alexander of Columbus, Oh:o, provâ€" ed them to be long past the amateur stage. They render standard and clas. sic numbers with wonderful effect and altogether was the best demonstration of this instrument ever in Durham . They also used during the evening alto | horns and guitar and with their singing' gave pleasing variety to the program.’ The violinist, Miss Pearce, also from | Ohio, was a star in her line and her ; rendition of classic selections, as far as" our judgment goes, left nothing to be desired. The old favorites, "The Rosâ€" | ary"" and "Annie Lavrie" carried a strong | heart appeal. Miss Pierce‘s versatality | ! was also shown in her solos and monoâ€" logues. The Invest: ~ AFETY ./ hy 0 S of this =) bif a posit‘on to V im 5'7 Our neares &..Y’ ing any sec F 26 @7 A ®5p 000 ume and the favors for the euchre were won by Miss Steila Bolger and Mr Arch McPhee who received respectively a flowering plant and a box of cigars. The consolation prizes fell to Miss M. Angevine and Mr Lynch. Lunch was served about midnight, followed by danâ€" cing, with Messrs Sharp and Houghton, of Toronto, violinist and pianist supplyâ€" ing the music _ Over $54 was made at this function. I TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY. Durham Branch, . . . Prooressive Evecurc AND Dancs.â€" St. Peters‘ Roman Catholic Church held a progressive euchre and dance in the Town Hall Friday night last. The atâ€" tendance was not as large as on prevâ€" ious occasions, due no doubt to the fact of the numerous other doings of that week. . However this did not spoil a ‘<UnCmng into business for himself, put in a tender for wiring Walkerton Meth; odist Church for $365. There was anâ€" other tender at same figure and another considerably below them, but to ensure Rogers getting the contract, Mrs Mcâ€" Killop of that town notified the Ladies Aid, who were financing the wiring, that she would contribute $100 towards the fund if he were given the contract. Neediess to say Rogers promptly landed the job, and the Times eoftmnents thar A Costty Lette®â€" MrL Karakowsky received a letter from Russia on Monâ€" day which bore five postage stamps, each for a thousand roubles A Russian rouble in norma! times, was worth about usc , therefore almost $5000 worth of stamps were represented on the letter. It is an indication of the way Russian money has depreciated when it now takes $5000 to do the work of five cents in normal times. â€"Perth Expositor. 1t was a purely informal affair and the music to lighten expenses, wassupplied by a local orchestra. The letter on Fox Farming on page 5 will be a revelation to many of the growâ€" th and extent of this industry. _ We thank the writer for his informative article, and we hope the Priceville ranch under an auspicious beginning may prove abundantly successful. A socia! dance was held in the Tow Hall Monday night when the proceedsâ€" $31, went to Red Cross hospital funds G:t ridof that indigestion, trouble and nervousness, build â€" system a regain that lost Take tanla Sold at Mact Druz Store Skates sharpened and saws regummed atthe Ford garage. Domestic Wanted.â€"Good plain cook, no washing. Apply\g VOL. XLV, NO icz ,fj.‘)w N[Bg , v« oc l ; D:?Oplcs sample irnett‘s SAFETY is the first consideration in every phase of this Bank‘s business â€" and we are in a posit‘on to render a complete investment service. Our nearest Manager will gladly advise you regardâ€" ing any securities you may contemplate purchasing, Let STANDARD SERYICE be your Investment Safeguard Priceville Branch open itent of this industry. We Offeri e writer for his informative £Y°T id we hope the Priceville ranch _ Mr auspicious beginning may prove Gdaug! y successful. his da your Motor License at STAN DAR:Q BANK estor‘s Safeguard biurfabeiiniarinainatint hi is i4214 11 expenses, wassupplied will hold thei nnual open meeting on ra. Wednesday evening, March8th in the ox Farming on page 5 Church. Rev. Ca b Harris of Hanover n to many of the growâ€" Will address the eting. . Free will this industry. We Offéring. A good program will be given. ‘ for his informative Everyone invited to attend. i CEEee ECCCE PRORT 000‘, I! you are ." r& ply to nervous and feel out M "h‘&’ win, Holstein thing and everybody, g t indigestion, stomach taking tanlac. Sold ousness, build np your Drug Store. ain that lost weight, _ Ros Rov Graiy Pri Sold at Macfarlane‘s ing 58 to 60¢c for Oats, 8 ley, 90c to 95c fg was held in the Town $1.60 to $1.75 for Pe ht when the proceedsâ€" this w eck. UF CANADA THE IGHTYâ€"THREE MILLIONS «_ John Kelly, M; Tuesdays and Fridays. £% The 1. 0. D. E. have been trying for a year to get "Jack" to come here as he seldom goes outside of the cities and large towns. Remember the date, Mar. l1th. _ Only moderate prices are being charged, namely Adults 504 and children under 14, 25¢. The. FO. D. €. are especâ€" ially anxious that the childken should bear Jack Miner and see the pictures It is an event of a lifetime. Canadian Greys‘ Chapter are to be congratulated or cured the famous Jai“k Mir his lecture ilustrated by pe derful moving pictures on life of Canada This will t the Presbyterian Church o evening, March l1th. Dot treat. « ‘Jack‘ Miner Coming to Durham There is now very inconvenient train connections between Durham and the baby city, but that the new service will be of any value to Darham from. a bus* iness standpoint, is very improbable With the opening of spring a new line of communication is to be opened up beâ€" tween Owen Sound and Durham by a motor bus which will make two trips each way daily and take about two hours for the trip. It is being promoted by Major J B Morrison of Q. Sound and the retail merchan‘s of Owen Sound are unanimously behind the sqheme. It will be run as late in the fall as possible, and probably continued during the winâ€" ter by honea, Durham to 0. Sound Twice Daily by Motor Bus ;r Conmuxity Y. p.s. OrGaANIZED . â€" p Feeling the lack of some organizatior r; among themselves for social, religiou x and educational benefit, the young people $ in the vicinity of St. Paul‘s Church, Egremont, met a week ago and organized , 8 Community Young People‘s Society c Meeting will be held each Friday night, ; at the church, and being open to all, it . is hoped all the young folks of the * district and many older ones as well, . will attend and avail themselves of its privileges. Miss Dell Macintyre, the teacher there, was elecred President, Milford Matthews, Vice-President; Ruby Morrison, Secyâ€"Treasurer ; and Misses Blanche Allan, Ella Wilson and Irene Barbour the Program Committeeâ€" The first gathering will be held in St. Paul‘s Church next Tuesday March 7th, and will take the form of a concert and’ lantern lecture by Rev. F. G. Hardy on ‘"The Cathedrals of England," in which some exceptionally fine slides will be| shown. Some of Durham‘s leading | musicians will furnish the balance of thel I program. P Mr. Matt. Bolger‘s lease daugh House expires short his daughter Stella, conten in Detroit, for the summ The Middaugh House was c a first class hotel in Mr Bo! and Durham is sorry to lc citizens Changeable weather causes much Asâ€" thma, Broncbitis, Rheumatism, Neuralâ€" gia, &c. Raz mah for Asthma ard T. R. C.‘s for Rheumatism are guaranteed Ask S. McBeth. a Merchants ! Ordery books at the Review oft samples. Lowest prices The Ladi#g Aid of the BAptist Church i d s DP *# l ooo n ccnss (ITY Y. P. S. OrcaSIZED.â€" e lack of some organization emselves for social, religious ional benefit, the young people inity of St. Paul‘s Church, met a week ago and organized Che Purhom Revie: hotel in Mr Bo!gér's reg‘m ited by perfectly wonâ€" tures on the wild bird This will take place in emoer the date, Mar, rate pr&'es are being dults 504 and children . FQ. 36\2 are especâ€" Jagk Miner to give 1 Order your counter check Review office. Ask to see ger‘s lease of the Midâ€" »ires shortly and with lla, contemplate living the summer at least. Rob Roy MillsLimited h on Saturday Don‘t miss this on having se PricEsâ€"Weare pay. bg, 85¢ to 90c for Barâ€" for Buckwheat and Peds at our Elevator to lose them as n down, weak and sorts with everyâ€" g8t back in line by d at Macfarlane‘s conducted a, Ama esd o ce ce of 056C QuESsUHC one and of ‘vitalinterest to . who works and pays taxes. bring your pal with you. ing in numan life as well as necessities ? ~What about t and child labor? The aues One of the bitter controversies among all classes during the war period was on * Profiteering" a few made fabulous fortunes out of a nation ‘s distress. The world is paying the bill and we are alj called to help. What really is profiteer. ing ? Is there such a thing as profiteerâ€" ing in human life as well as in houses 1 _ In North Grey, the expenses of Matt, Duncan, the successful Conservative erndidate were $4,114.53, advertising and services totalling $2,245,19 of this amount. _ Telford, the Liberal‘s expenâ€" ses wore $2806.09 and Capt. T, Ruther. ford, the Progressiee, spent $2028.18. _ | Telegrams ................ }Petty Claimg........ ... ' Hire of Premiges ....... | Services rendered....... ,? Travelling Exdenses... |Goods supplied.......... | Advertising............ ... _ R. J. Ball‘s election expenses $739.50 an1 Walter Hastie‘s $2: 47 meetings conducted Postage ................ EXPENDITURE Candidates personal expenses RECEIPTS Political Association contributed $573 00 Agnes C. MacPhail contributed.. 226 64 Election Expenses of $ Agnes C MacPhail, M, P. Come to the rink early as\races start 7.45 p. m. sharp. Admission 35¢ and 25¢. A big night‘s fun for everyone. Don‘t forget the date RACES ; Girls potato Race and $2. _ Obstacle race, 3 lap $2. Couple race, lady and éfl $3 and $2. NATIONAL ; Lady $3, Gent $3, Girl {under 12, $2, Boy under 12, g2 _ COMIC ; Best costume $3 : best coup. le, $4 ) SPECIALS: Fane lady or girl $3: Best representation * 1d Man Ontario' $3 ; best Hard Times stume $3 ; best red. Nursery Rhyine $2\; oldest lady in costume $2 ; oldest gent.\n costume $2 ; musical chaiss $3, cash prizes offeted the costumes should be better than ever and there several unique specials listed. _ Here are the prizes, all cash ; Better thal\fast mont] to be the Amusement Co‘ on Thursday, fl(arch 9th. cash prizes offerted the ~~ Last and Best Carnival, Thursday, Marca 9th ham. Decseased‘s prastor, Rev. Mr ’conducted appropriate services, many floral offerings speke love sympathy. The High School F sent a wreath. He was interre Monday in Durham cemetery. C sympathy is extended to Mrs Hende who we believe intendié Â¥~ se«s‘sl . [ Déceased took his B. A. at M and later by private study took and their was promise of a | cereer. He bore his illness with ian patience, never making a cor His mother died when he was 8; old . He was born in Belwood, Ont.. and had taught in Meafo d Coidwater and other p‘aces. Seven years ago he was married to Miss Heath, who with two sons, Gordon and Walter will mourn his loss as will also the father, Simon Henâ€" ‘der.on of Belwood and two sisters, Mrsg Loree, Belwocd and Mrs Barnet, Kingsâ€" ‘ ,Vl’]r‘. These and Mr Loree were at the| funeral on Monday, Raiph, Jeeves and I‘ Herb Heath, brothers of Mrs Henderson with their mother, were also present and l a re‘ative E. J. Heath of Brampton, | John Simpsn of Toronto, a bosom | friend of Mr Henderson was also at the , funeral. | ’ The town learned with sincere regret on Saturday that Mr J. C. Henderson, former High School teacher had passed Iaway in his 83rd year. He came to Durham in Sept. 1920 and taught till Jan. 1921, though for a month of that . be was far from well. an old trouble overtaking him. He resigned the positâ€" ion greatly to the regret of Board, parâ€" lems and pupils for he had won golden opinions and the school was making splendid progress He was a pou‘try fancier and this has taken up his a tentâ€" ion since _ He had ambiticus plans on this Itine for the coming summer, buy death has intervened. Men‘s Bible Class Death of J. C. Henderson, M. A ‘» is extended to Mrs Henderson believe intends to stay in Durâ€" S : Fance lady or girl $3: entation "Old Man Ontario' ard Times dostume $3 ; best ‘y Rhyime $2\; oldest lady in ; oldest gent.\n costume $2; iss $3, "UL a w., . .200 0( SBHOP The question is a big interest toâ€"every man hama 4c 21 _ took his B. A. at McMaster private study took M. A.j was promise of a briHianr' bore his illness with Christâ€" never making a compla‘nt lied when he was 84 years’ | eressensesee sessee. 144 34 , lady and gent, 5 laps month‘s big event, is o‘snext Carnival h. _ With $50 in *E!CC Of Board, pare= he had won golden school was making He was a pou‘try ses totalled $252 89 DURHAM THURSDAY MARCH 2 «.$ 25 50 +o+ .. 28 00 e, 2 laps, $3 PS, $3 and $786 85 $799 64 170 58 105 00 55 04 260 88 Jeeves and | * E!" it and you 1i be sure to finish it Henderson | Mr George L, Hughes sprung a pleasâ€" resent and’ant surprise on his sisters and friends Brampton, | here by dropping in on them Sat rQay a bosom | night after an absence ‘of eleven years ilso at the } trom his home town. For the last eight years he has been manager of a depaitâ€" McMasterlmem store in Little Falls, Minnesota, ok M. A, | with astaff of nine clerks _ He has round‘ . brilliant | it difficult to leave business long enough’ th Christ. ' for a visit home in recent years, but a ompla‘nt ; big storm there tied up all business last 84 yf,a,.stweek. and at 5 o’clodf one afternoon, IG ‘orge decided it was his opportunity to | Mr Co‘e get a week or ten days off for a bome’ ces, ind ViSit. By prompt action he boarded an love ang, Castern train at 6, made close connections' l Bomd'spent an hour with his brother Robt.{; rred on!i" Guelph, and arrived here Saturday Great | Dght. He looks well and little changed , enderson’ since behind the counter in Morlock‘s | ; in Dur.| Over a decadeago. He returns Thursday ‘ and Durham friends will wish him conâ€" M tinued business success. ONTART 2 51 0' eorge Turnbull, late of the Town 4 of Durham, the County of Grey, q Gentleman, déceased . )| _ NOTICE is here y given, pursuant to Sec. 56, of the Tr tees Act, R. S 0. a 1914, Chap. 121. that all creditors and | others having claims or demands aâ€" |gainst the estate the said George ‘| Turnbull. who died dn or about the 10th ‘ day of February, 191B. at the Town ot: Durkam, in the Cou ty of Grey, are reâ€"| | quired, on or ‘ before the 6th day bf March, 1922 | to send by post preffaid, or deliver to’ | James Turnbull. the E. ¢cutor of the last | will and testament of said deceased, | ‘thcir Christian names| and surnames, | addresses and descriptipns, the full par ticulars, in writing, of their claims, a | statement of their ac ounts, and the | nature of the security, if any), held by them. And take notice that \after such last mentioned date the Exedutor will proâ€" | ceed to distribute the as s of the said deceased among the pafties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then ve ‘notice,|| and that the said executor Wwill not be || liable for the said .assets any part thereof to any person or Rersons of whose claim notice shall not ave been received by him at the t; . of such distribution. Dated IN THE MATTER of the I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the citizens of Durham for the many words and deeds of kindness bestowed upon us duriqg the illness and since the death of my beloved ‘husband. _ It will ever be deeply appreciated and remain a pleasant memory. Mrs. J. C. Henderson Laxr®â€"Died in Durham Fet Margaret Mary, infant daug Mr and Mrs Lake (nee Leona aged 11 weeks. Pm‘xnnronâ€" In Durham on We 2t 2 E0Nâ€" 1 George Turnb of Durham, Gentleman, 4 NOT_ICE is here YuLRâ€"In Owen & Mr and Mrs J Pickering, a son KELLERâ€"In Egre Mr and Mrs Alb , A quiet wedding took place Monday, Feb. 27th at the home of Mrand Mrs l Palmer Patterson, south of Varney, when his sister, Eliza Margaret, daughter of !Mr and Mrs Joseph Patterson, became the bride of Mr John Allan Bell, of Gravelbourg, Sask. The ceremony took place at 2 p m.. Rev. F. G. Hardy officiâ€" ating, A sumptuousrepast was partaken i ol and many good wishes extended them. The happy couple will spend â€"their honeymoon with friends in Torento and Winnipeg, en route to the groom‘s home in Saskatchewan. The Review extends' congratulations. > ~"‘0Nâ€" in Durham on Wednesday March 1, infant child of Mr and Mrs. John Pinkerton, aged 3 weeks. T01 + NUrrey, ~ % Solicitor for the said Executor, ed at Durham this 13th day of February, 1922, NOT ICE TO CREDITORS With _ The letter from Miss Edith Edge this week is a classic in its way. To read her letter is to be taken right with ber through the beauties of Paris, the glorres of the Swiss mountains, and the sombre ruins and remains of the Great War, Begin it and you‘ll be sure to finish it I 2 O C2 2CCCZ ECACB0OC0C a FTUG+ The Red Cross will Nommence this | Ential Agents‘ Convention in Stratford year‘s work on TuesdXy afternoon, S2tUrday.. March 7th at 3 o‘clock in the Armouries‘ Dr. J.G. Hutton, President of South which will be heated. ‘TheXwould like Grey Liberal Associ ation, is in attendâ€" a full attendance to plan the Pears work, | ance at the big Liberal Convention in The regtNar monthly busingss meet-fT°'°“°° this week. ing of CanaNian Giey‘s Chapter I O.| Weomitted to mention last week the D. E,will t plane in the library | departure of Mr and Mrs Thos. Mofiat Tuesday evenin arch 7th at 8 o‘clock. | to visit their daughter Hattie, in Wainâ€" All members are réquested to be present | Wright, Alta. They expect to return a important busineks well be transacted ‘ h@re during the summer. ‘ at the meeting. _ 1 iazil t T ‘ and Mrs J. L. Yule, nee ‘Els‘i: kering, a son, (William Alexander.) ERâ€"In Egremont on Feb. 18th to and Mrg Albert Keller, a son * PSEA Y * » N Rob Roy Mills, Durham | [" / Kel $JOHF§A_‘4 lt Theusareés of prople who had lost| yeocuilca 4 hope of evhy being well again have been| M Anson Lloyd com restored to\health and happiness by | 2D%Pleasure in Toronto Tanlac, Solt at Maâ€"farlares Drug °"4 > Store. Ns im n x4 s ul TORONTO Ground corn 83* cluded. Whole corn out sacksat Card of Thanks rnbull, late . the Coi , déceased . ere y giver Trustees A 1. that all , claims or ite the lied dn or a ‘, 191B. at Courlty of h day bf Ma t prentaid, o the Ekecut nent f sa names\| anc scripti ng, ting, of the heir ackour curity, (if a ce that \aft the Exedut e the assots P hathe olal en W which is incsorpaorated the nowcka .. Ti "OHCE, executor Wwill not be d assets any part ereon or Rersons of 2 shall not bave been at the tim _of such A Rom.. Hymeneal BORN Sound on DIED Durham Feb. 25th y, infang daughter of 1d, oOr deliver to Ccutor of the last ‘ said deceased, {nnd _surnames, ns, the full par‘ their claims, a ounts, and the it any), held by &”!" such last 23rd Estate of per ton, sacks in $2.00 per ton with Fagan) Feb to cks‘m~lf" “:. o _7-_:?\!.‘! * ut ham ! ;7:_%_'__‘ '_A, ‘;,% , __â€"2% o P ‘J: Â¥g ,_;;4.:;"?,.,7â€"’ ud seA ‘“’*W“‘"‘ '.‘g;‘_n ’3’ . * c 2. & \v'.(;flrT,r‘_, «, e (<=4 C a0 m /I â€"~SALES. 4ND ‘SERVICE | _ Mrs John Lawrence, N. Egremont, went to Toronto last week to accompany home her sister, Miss Minnie Matthews, who has been undergoing hospital treatâ€" ment ehere for the past 3 months. â€" We are glad to know she is in an improved state of health. * Messrs Horry and George Heugil] have purchased the dwelling in which lhey‘ now reside from Thos Daniel. It is on Countess St., North and was once used' as a private hospital when occupied by Nurse Carmount. f Mrs Ballantyre of London and niece, | Miss Strachan of Brussels, returned to | their homes Wednesday after visiting at !the Rectory. _ Few visiting soloists to ' Durbam were enjoyed as was Miss Stra-‘ chan in her selections in the Presbyterâ€" iian and Angiican churckes Sunday !ast.'f | Mr ‘"Scotty" Munro who kas had an | attack of pneumonia, underwent an op-i eration on Saturday last at his sister's,‘ Mrs E. L. Knight. An amount of pus| was removed and a small portion {of a: rib taken away. | Mrs G. McDonald of Chatsworth, is visiting at her father‘s, Mr J. P. Hunter‘s this week. â€" Her sister, MrsChis. Mcâ€" Kinnon, leaves ‘Tuesday next to rcturn to Bassano, Alta. Messrs Reg. Campbell and Rich.;! Hardy of Swinton Park visited town friends last Friday. Reg. and Archie‘ Ferguson also of Swinton Park, intend leaving about March 15th for Alberta, where the majority cf his brothers reâ€" side Mr Ear) McDonald at‘ended a Phon>» No‘s. Anson Lloyd combined business Holstein Leader Genuine Ford Partsâ€"â€"Best by Every Test * the reputation earned under actual running condiâ€" tions, by Genuine Ford Parts. It has been demonâ€" strated that spurious parts give way under a breaking strain less than half of that required to break Genuine Ford Parts. In other words, a Ford Car repaired with Genuine Parts will last twice as long without further repairs as a car in which imitation parts are used. _ Why take chances ? We use exclusivelyâ€"when your car is r here, you know it is right. Jonald at‘ended a Prudâ€" Convention in Stratford THE most exacting laboratory tests serve to confirm Fo e emeci on c l C pteniiee â€" ies " & C , 1922 KHave your Car or _ SMITH BROS. DURHAM, HOLSTEIN, MT. FOREST ve your tGar or Gruck Overhauted defore the Spring PRush Starts over the week ; BECCCE CY TsP "o 2 C OB :;\- 3 Â¥ie. * w a We hold our trade. W hy ! We strive to give values. § %mmmmww&m«mflw‘\i ?WWWMWWWWW&WW&' Wekb‘s s ut e‘ k d s wXE" 3 a 3 Peabody‘s Overatis m Spring is drawing nearer every Mdse. is now coming to hand. _ \\ e i to quality and prices of our new Snrin A nice range of Men‘s Fine Shirts, Arrovw brand that has a reputation. Come in and see o Gents‘ Wearing Apparel and compare our prices save you money. miss. Men‘s real snap at .. We have just opened a new lot of the famous Peaâ€" body‘s Overalls and Smocks, known the country over as Canada‘s leading Overal}s. Let your next pair be Peaâ€" body‘s and test their superiority over other brands . We use Genuine Ford Parts car is repaired or overhauled This is Durham Branch : J. A. Rowland SAVE BEFORE YOU SPEKD » Wortock & Sons & s is an opportunity which you cannot afford to Men‘s allâ€"wool Trousers, sizes 34 to 42, a & Eâ€"a Publiahe¢ Weekly at #2.00awem in advance To United States, $2.50 in advance. RAÂ¥aG+ & 30N Posumeses Arrow Brand Fine Shirts Let your Bank Account first concern. It will more (hke« repey later years. THE ROYAL BANK _ OF CARAGA A Big Special A Savings at every nand. _ We invite comparison as our new Spring Mdse. Spring Goods Fine Shirts, Arrow brand, a Come in and see our line of compare our prices. Wecan Departme branch of biz , Manager vorr aat +at

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