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Durham Review (1897), 2 Mar 1922, p. 5

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and build rvy one of 0 for r Oil stem ites Iron lour 2 M eds, eat Bats )nt Te will Cure 1 30 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.00 n Oc z»cy. mc.x&t& Druggist and Stationer, Durhami 33233333233 333 31333334332»®* M Sold in Durham by MacFariane‘s Drug Store, or by mail from us on receipt of 10 c. ‘/;4_2 C&¢¢@# 4E &&& G?GEGGGGGGfig ‘ K. & S. Hot Water Bottles & > & omm & â€"oamme & omm( . _ _ ) omm G omm @ â€"ocmmmme The latest news from Mras Chas. McDonald, Egremont, is tbhat she is gctting along fine after ber sericus operation of 3 weeks ago. The U,. F. 0. held their regular mceting on Monday night, 20th Feb. lor general business , Mrand Miss Ferguson of Proton. Wonder{ul! Amazing! Miraculous! colds d coughs slaughtered right and left, Csease germs blasted from their strongâ€" ho‘lds, free trial bottles of Buckley‘s Bronchitis Mixture giving whizzâ€"bang results. This very day, right in your own home, without costing a single cent, you can obtain proof, clear, unmistakable proof, that Buckley‘s regular size will immediately andyefl'ecti'. ely smash id totally destroy every trace of your cold or cough. Get your free bottle of this magic remedy from any druggist listed below and test it now. Nomoney, norisk, no obligation. Bewise. don‘t delay. Fillinthe coupon now before you forget. W.K.BUCKLEY,Limitod, Manufacturing Chemists 142 Mutual Street Toronts The Bacrament will be held in the U‘resby‘n chureb, Priceville, on March »th at the usual time. leeve Arch‘d McCuaig of Glenelg, ‘‘tended council meeting at Township Hall Saturday last. on Collingwood St, owned for oo'm. time by E. Anderson, and is baving her housebold goods moved in last week and this. Geo. Simms of the C. P. R, bas ight a house and lot east of the ver from Angus McDougall and will be taking possession in a few days. Mr Andrew Ford of Durham, bas purchased the newly renovated house n I‘rineess St, just north of the Comâ€" mereial Hotel, and 18 expected to move in during the month of March. [OP CLIFFE and PRICEVILLE The entertainment advertised for Friday evening of this week in the Methodist church, has been postponed until furtber notice. o Slaughter every Cough and Cold. Gigantic Free Bottle Campaignâ€" Mra. J. Phillips of the 19th con, I‘roton, has purchased "The Cottage" Donald McKinnon, village, bas beer sufferimg severely for a couple of weeks with quinsy, but was some. what better at beginning of week, A numbter of the people are more or less ill with colds and similar ailments. Free Trial Bncklc{‘n Bronchitis Mixture, This coupon will not be accepted if presented by a child.> Buckley Strikes The Fatal Blow ° E_ >__ _3 _ _ 0000 We also carry a complete line of Are a necessity in every home. â€" All are guaranteed. PEIGCGES ...........«.«««.«.«¢@r@«..««~ JPhOEKLFJ00 ( Intended for tast week) MARCH 2, 1922 PRICEVILLE &4L2 PRICEVILLE Ccouron Fittings for Hot Water Bottles m Syringes and Rubber Goods B | 1 wear a smile that‘s free from guile, 1 |treat all gents politely ; and troubles veer when I come near, I have no scraps / J unsightly. I herd my cows and seek no Irows, and so no rows come near me ; | no roar ascends from injured friends,} ‘lbut kindly greetings cheer me. If 1| |packed gats and shot men‘s hats, . to| show my independence, I‘d be in iail | and there I‘d wail for medical attendâ€". ance. Men, friendly now, would. punch \ my brow, and tear my scalp to nb‘:.vomn.”I | and break my dome with "Fall of Rome‘ | (and other works of Gibbon‘s When‘ | nations skip without a chip upon each | ,martial shoulder, war‘s stream of gore| will roll no more, and guns will rust and | moulder l Walt Mason says ;â€"Seme day, 1 trust, all swords will rust and armor cease torattle: all wars are vain and men insane when they resort to battle. The dove of peace should never cease cavorting round atkove us, and human life should know no strife and those who hate should love us. The wolves and bears come from their lairs and scrap around .like blazes and . bunting !ocs‘ the bobcat goes along the forest mazes | But I at least, am not , beast. I .claim that 1 am humanâ€"; I do not care to tip and tear and fuss with man or woman. USE RAZâ€"MAH NO Smoking No Sprayingâ€"No Sauff â€"â€"â€" ~Just Swallow a Capsule RAZâ€"MAH Is Guaranteed to restore normal breathing, stop mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give long nights of quiet sleep; contains no habitâ€"forming darug. $1.00 at your drugâ€" gist‘s â€" Trial free at ouragencies or write Templetons, 142 King W., Toronto. « were the guests of the McDonald‘s, 8 ‘Line, one afterncon lately. The Priceville Guild entertained about 45 members of the Flegherton | Guild lest Wednesday night, Fleaherâ€" .ton putting on the program and Priceâ€" Ivillo serving refreshments. Hopeville Missionary Society met a‘ the nome of Mrs Jas. Dingwail, Wed., Feb. 22. _ The Society is at present sewing for an orphanage for black children, North Carolina. Mre. Geo. Gilkes â€" onto on a abort visit The young people of the communâ€" ity have organized a Social club and meetings are beld in the ball, Pleased to hear Mr Wm Dingwalil is recovering from his recent illness. Cedarville, M gion March 1 Mre Walter Thompson and childâ€" ren have returned to their home near Fleaberton after visiting a few weeks with ber mother, Mris Jake Schmidt Mr Wm Burnett bas sold his blackâ€" smith shop and lot to Mr R. Stewart. Rev R. B. Cochrane, M. A. of Col. lege St Church, Toronto, pard Rev. C. 8. Jones a short visit recently on his way back from Durham where he addressed the Young Men‘s Bible Clase, | Walt Mason on Strife SOLD BYS. McBETH HOPEVILLE L2 000000 CE TST AF. WOUCWBIR, M Mr Btewart to get possesâ€" C Gilko_s» has been in Torâ€" MR | Hogs. live. f o b.... M Butter ... _‘ This property is about two miles from | Priceville and one mhile from Topcliffe| school. Upon the prémises are said to be a good frame barn,\35 x 50 feet / and | a house 18 x 24 feet, with stone basemert | under part of house. | There are sa d to be thirty five acres dleared in a good state of cultivation. Terms and conditions \â€" 1. â€" The property will befsold subject to reserve bid. 2. The highest or any other tender not necessarily accepted\ . 3. A marked cheque forken per cent of the purchas e money paydbl: to Archiâ€" bald Ferguson, Administratdr. must acâ€" company each tender. The balance of purchase money to be paid in fhirty days after notification ofacceptance M tender. For further particulars Â¥pply to . Wright Telford & YBirnie, Owen Sound Ont. ‘ Dated Feb. 20th, 1922. property, namely } _| _ Brodieâ€"M. Black ‘That the Clerk Lot fortyâ€"seven \in the second Con.| Write different printing Firms reâ€" cession South of| the Durham road &arding a redaction in printing in the Township of Glenelg in the County |rates. Carried. of Grey C o WintanBnH C sB Whale * win.l *Â¥ °w macssim C s uol oc o 1 t it EC Ty MIPEE | $8000, $10,000 to $15,000 a pair and as a climax before the war broke out for exâ€" , f tra fine pairs, $20:000 to $30,000 was paid |and the writer knows the man (who by | the way is President of the Priceville |Fox Co. Ltd) who sold a very remarkable pair of foxes with a guarantee of one pair of pups for $33,000." _ It required a lot of capital to ranch at that time. But not only have tremendous progress been | made in feeding an‘d caring for toxes but | the element ofâ€"â€"speculation and gambâ€". | ling ceasedâ€"and the business .was organâ€". ized on sane business principles Toâ€"Gay. good pure bred .breeding stock can be purchased for $1000 to $1200 a pair for pups 8 mos old and‘ for proved breeders, $1500 to $2000 and for very choite breed ers more mhoney is bsing paid.~ ‘ There are toâ€"day over 300 fox farms on Prince Edward Island, some small ranches. others breeding from 50 to 200 pair of foxes. _ In many cases farmers ranch as a sideline and soon discovered the sideline far surpassed their rezular busin«ss untilitis claimed now anyone travelling over P. E I. can pick out the farmers who are fox men. by th® comforâ€" tabl : buildings andgeneral surroundings. The business now is carried on nearer to a pelt value basis, which is proving a boon to ranchers who now find it possibâ€" le to begin with 2 to 3 pair of foxes and soon establish a splendid paying ranch of pure bred foxes. Reports just to hand state that in De® cember, 1921, over $1.000 000 was paid in P E. I forfox peits, this being the most successful year of the industry. _ There is only 90.000 population in P. E. I. and probably only 10,000 directly engaged in Fox Ranching or holding stock and to distribute among an agrarian population $1,000,000 in cash speaks volumes for the stability and success of the enterprise. ! ne Royal Bank of Canada in their Noâ€" vember 1921 report speak very favorably of the industry. The Dominion Government has now taken a keen interest in developement of the industry and at Hull, Que. have esâ€" tablished an experimental Fox Ranch and recently the Department of "Scienâ€" tiflc and Research" have issued a reâ€" markable pampblet on "Fecding !hg Fox Ranch" Exhibitions have bee held during the past two vears, of live foxes in Montreal, Boston and other American cities. F _came from. Several otherpioneer foxâ€"!_ Priceville. Ontario, is the proud posâ€" men induced Mr Dalton to sell them Sessor of a ranch of 20 pair pure bred | breeding stock and at last he did so and Class A Foxes. _ Situated close to banks from that time the industry grew very Of the Saugeen River on a portion of the rapidly. l Jarf;es Esta}te," the manag%mentincl‘l;dle ocal men ol integrity and businessabilâ€" | The Progress of the Industry ity : Mr F. G. Jordan, President, and In the early days of development a his brother, W. L. Jordan, Director, are good deal of fraudulent business was young men with 10 year‘s experience in |carried on mating silvers with red and breeding in P. E:A MrF. G. Karstadt, cross foxes and selling at enormous priâ€"/ a local merchant. is also a director. Mr ces as pure bred animals. This class ot\{'ll_ B McKinnon of the Toronto Globe is gusir’:.ess has practically disappeared VicePresident. Heis a native of Priteâ€" Durbam Markets. Then for two or three years pbrices inâ€" creased enormously. $2000 to $5000 was Eonsxdered a very reasonable price, then 1 InGeiniP sidibaiotattans 16 B0 nc id shthcdat d Breeders now must state if animals are registered or eligible for registration and to meet the requirements of registration the animals must at least have arecord of three generations and never having known other than pure silvers. ® We learn that by this time MrChas. Daiton who in his day was considered the fox king, made wonderful progress in breeding the finest grade of foxes and selling in the European markets for very high prices. The fox fanciers could not understand where such wonderful pelts came from. â€" Several other pioneer foxâ€" men induced Mr Dalton to sell them breeding stock and at last he did so and from that time the industry grew very rapidly. The Progress of the Industry one or more cows The new owner took to a more secluded part of the Island and after being in captivity for one or two years, gave the owner young pups. From 1890 and up to 1905 were hard stormy days in the industry. farmer, while bringing home his cows from the woods, noticed two black aniâ€" mals running and taking refuge in a hole. He at once investigated and after some excavation work procured two partly grown black foxes. ‘The animals were terrified with their new surroundings. This man, we are told traded them for There is a diversity of opinion‘as what year the industry really began. â€" But it is generally known in Prince Edward Isâ€" land (thehome of the industay ) that ov'er‘ ?0 years or so ago, a Mr James Lamb, a Origin of Fox Farming Porkax, Mar. 2, 1922 Solicitors for Archibald Ferguson. Administrator x ‘o onigh hoh teue ueA meet S ho ts m ces neag o i . atnecomad nag ta t n ie oc oL im it o i e i e Silver Black Fox Farming. Large Ranch Established, in Priceville if animals are 12 75 ONTA ‘The Puritone Cabinet style. It has a rich, clear tone. We also have ‘The Gunn Sonola This machine is made 5 ply throughout and has an excellent reproduction. Don‘t buy a Phonâ€" ograph until you hear these and get our price. Agents for "His Master‘s Voice" Records | Cour: withcut prejudice 1e code V .S: \Glenelg and consider it ample payâ€" | ment for the Township‘s liability for of bifÂ¥ing a Phonograph? If so, listen. We have the best values in town. Come and hear The Variety Store R. L. SAUNDERS, Prop. ‘\ _A neat pamphlet has been issued and | stock is offered at $100 a share par value. ~ / All common stock, no preferred stock },and no watergd stock. A company basâ€" )/ ed on low capitalization yet having exâ€" | cellent stock, economic management and "all gives promise of a most successful + business proposition. The Company ‘/ has sold considerable stock locally and / will accept applications for more shares up to April Is‘, then thesales will stop | giving the shareholders this coming Apâ€" ril, crop of young foxes, then selling stock for coming year will begin again _ in June. |. +Theâ€"press has given liberal publicity | to the industry especially during the ( past yeat.and all indications point to a |great development in the Silver Fox Industry.â€" â€" Farmers and Ranchers are taking up Fox Ranching. ali governmentf | writers and other fur experts state the | fur from the wilds is fast becoming de-‘ pleted, so the future‘s hope for good furs is in fur farming. The recent sales held| in Montrealshow an active demand for Canadian furs and prices have advanced. l Are You Thinking : The Council met Feb. 18th as per adjournment. All the members present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of lass meeting read and confirmed. Communications read as tollows : Sister Superioress of House of Providence re Sarah McPherson, W. H. Hearst re magicipal Bankers Association, R. C. Mathews and Co. re debentures, Josh Moody re Stromâ€" bergâ€"Carison Telephones, Municipal World an account, A. E. Ames Co re debentures, P. J. Halev and Mrs Geo. McRae sbeep claims, H. C. Small re by laws 613 & 622 approval, Wm. Timmons claim tor keep of Samael Jacques,,Reports of Auditors re Treasurer‘s sureties and financial account. Brodieâ€"M. Black That this, Council â€"accept the tender of Mr| Richard Moran of §5176 25 (cy the Gle(;nelg telephone debentares." Carâ€" ried. | Tuarnbullâ€"M. Black .That the Reeve and Clerk sign Resolution authorizing W. J. Ritchie to sign mani¢ipal cheques on Standard Bank as Treasurer ot Glenelg. Carried Turaballâ€"M. Black That this Council approves of the sction the Reeve took in paying $50.00, into ville and will be of valuable service to the Company. | Mr. J. M McGillivray, Manager and Sec‘y Treas., has expert knowledge of silver foxes. Future Prospects of the Industry The foxes breed from 8, 10 to 12 years, and the average number of young vary from 2 to 4 and 5 and often reach 7 and in several cases 8 and 9 have been reâ€" goned. It is @bsolutely reliable for reeders to expect 100% increase in face of discouragements and often reach 200 to 300% increase. There is no enterprise toâ€"day that brings the returns that fox ranching does when good stock is secured and proper feeding methods used. In horse and cattle breeding one must wait for three or four years for returns. â€" In foxes if necessary fox can be ready for market at 8 mos, but are better in fur at 2 years. Several other Provinces of the Dhminâ€" ion are taking up the ranching of foxes with marked success. Ontario has 2. Tarnballâ€"M. Black That J J Glenelg Council TORONTO TRE ‘ DUBHA’. REVIEW Tarnballâ€"J. J. Black _ That Artbur Jackson be paid $1.00 for search re Treasurer‘s sureties. Carâ€" ried. M Blackâ€"J. J. Black _ That Geo. Campbell and P. J. Haley be paid $2.00 and Wm. Campbeli $1 00 for winter work. Carried M. Blackâ€"Taroball That Dan McPhee be paid $6.00 tor 24 rods ot wire tencing and that Archie Mcoâ€" Donald be paid $10 00 for 40 rods wire fencing. Carried Brodieâ€"M. Black That the municipal world be paid $30.43 for Tarnballâ€"J. J. Black That D, Edge be paid $3 50 postage and supplies and $30.00 salary to Feb. 18.h aod $6 UO tor financial stateâ€" ment and that W. Weir be pard $3 00 for annaal financial statement. Carried. M. Blackâ€"J. J. Black That Wo» Timmons be paid $4.00 for conveyâ€" img Samuel Jacques to House of Refuge and that Mrs Timmons be paid $49 for seven weeks bâ€"ard and wasbhing and astendance on Samuel Jacques. Carried Brodieâ€"M. Black That Thos. Tarnbull be paid $3 50 for examinâ€" ation re Treasurers sureties and work in selling anused Road allowâ€" ance. Carried. M. Blackâ€"Wm. Brodie That M. Melonis be paid $3 00 tor two inâ€" spections of sheep killed by dogs. Carried * J. J Blackâ€"M. Black _ That Treasurer ot Markdale High School be paid $59 20 balance otft levy for 1921. Carried Tunballâ€"J. J. Black _ That Earnest McRae be paid $8.00 for sheep killed by dogs. Carried M. Blackâ€"J. J. Black That reâ€" funds of dog taxes be made as follows, D. Morrison $2 00, M. Wilson $2 00, B. Greenwood $2.00. Carried M. Biackâ€"Tarobull That the Auditors Report as re audited by the council be adopted and that the Clerk get 200 copies of the same printed, and that the Auditors be paid $15.00 each. Carried Brodieâ€"M. Black That the Clerk write Colin MeArtbhur Secretary Tressurer of 8 8 No 4. for a refoand ot Wm. Coffey‘s, school taxes as an error had been made in placing Mr Coffey in8 8 No. 4 publhc as Mr Coffey is a Separate Senool supporter «mourt paid was $12.88, amount payable to Separate Setoui is $9â€"60 Amount to be refunded to Wm. Coffey is $3.28. Carried. J. J. Blackâ€"M. Biack That the Bouse ot Providence, Dundas be prid $140.00 balance due tor mainâ€" tenance of Miss McPhberson up o January 3rd 1922. Carried. That Thos.| The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock Shipâ€" for examinâ€" ping Association will ship stock from ureties and Durham every Tuesday _ Parties are reâ€" Road all quested to bring stock in on that day but 80 AHOWâ€"> pive three days notice. fice. Durbham â€" \*" Oorrespondence addresse there, or to Gevinn P O _ will w fmom* sttended 49 â€" Terms on »ppiteatin agn o MoPastl as Aenee in Cevian Terms, mod rate trru?o-oltl (or swies w Autes As., mast be mafe at the Review > O MePMAIL + JAS. LA WRENCE, h’anager. Phone 93, r 1â€"3. R. R. No 1, Durham Thrpbullâ€"J J Black That the Clerk be paid $50.00 on salary The Counncil adj>arned to April 8th as 10 a. m . J $ Black, clerk J. J. Black â€"Brodie That the Clerk wrire Archie MeDomaid re claim of P. J. Haley, his claim being $4 .00 bait urice of sheep k lled by dogs and reques; the same to be settled at once. â€" Carried M Blackâ€"J.J. Biack That Thos. Ritchie be paid $3.25 tor extra work on roll including 2 wrips to Cierks office â€" Carried M. Biackâ€"Brogie That R _T Edwards be .ranied ieave io reâ€" 1ond $5 15 overpaiqa in error +« schuul section N~ 5tor 1921 _ Carricd Tarpbulilâ€"M â€" Black Tha the Treasurer accep: $15 00 trom J»m s MeLachlin as payment in tul on price of unused ro«d bought by him Carried. Brodieâ€"M. Black That Daniel Edge be refunded 50 cents error in making out cheque, Tarnballâ€"M. Black That Wm. Weir be paid $25.00 as Township Road Superintendent for 1921,. Carâ€" ried Bookkeeping & Stenography Specializes in these two branches of Commercial Education. Expert teachers ; Individual instruction enâ€" sures rapid progress. Enter any day Special course for Farmers‘ Sons. Licensed Auctioneer tfor Oo _ \¢re MmMoUuNT FOREST ONT. are the open doors to great OPPORTUNITIES W. A. TRIMBLE, Principal Notice to Farmers N MePHAIL Ceylon w to C RAMAGE Durkha x SPECIALS § AT * GRANTS‘ i‘ Brooms 49¢c tb ts vige wige oo aia ogie oo oite ogie ogecp t 3 C. L. GRANT 8 «p foqp fopp foip fhfecp io fa Is strictly firstâ€"class in all Departâ€" ments and unexcelled in the Dominion Students assisted to obtain employâ€" ment. Write forhandsome catalogue. Enter any time.. _ Prdirecad lodteggo) and is largely responsible for the great success of our students. \ Business, Shorthand, Farmers and Preparatory Courses. Catalogue free 2. A. Fiemng, F.CA. G. D. Fieming Principal since 1381 Secretary Ladies‘ Chambray House dresses, blue and pink ...............99¢ Ladi#s Chintz Houseâ€" dresses ...............$1 .49 Ladies‘ dark print dresses ...8$1.49 & $1.23 t onge and Charles Sts., Toronto Owen Sound. Ont (ORTHER W. J. Elliott, Principal Au â€"Ia!

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