West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Mar 1922, p. 4

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h | %CY. %“Q&f/} Druggist and Stationer, Durham.’i, Spsese3eareaeqe ceR333 332323237 JOHN McKECHNIE Good Service 4A w1 ‘VC Ssalin stripe with a little coloring, suitable for parlor, roll Illuminated Leather design, suitâ€" able for den or living room, roll Pictorial design, beautifully colored Special, per roll ...._.____ A white satin stripe coloring, suitable # A Grey background with stripe, 15(! suitable for kitchen, per roll....... A Pink Chintz with slight stripe ' for Bedroom, per roll 5C A Grey ground with a dainty blue 1 stripe for bedroom, per roll......... 50 A Blue Allover with satin stripe 1 1 for bedroom, per TOlE::.:.+++4rci.. s 720 A nice conventional design forliving room or dining room, per roll ...... 20‘3 A Fancy stripe in tan, suitable for hall, per roil............ .. 2“0 Anh:xllover C}lintz in pink and green, someâ€" thing new for a sitting room, per NOe . 2.l..., <ocs=5; NR . THE NEW WALL PAPERS Dainty Colorings == New Designs The Cash Shoe Store DURHAM, â€" oNT. 12 pairs Gunmetal Blue, fii'cut, 5.00 $OF css sn rsacrness tamnad taaiaian‘ve 30 pairs Mixed Blucher and Bu rew. L00Gfor ...:; .. «.. Spring is Coming â€"â€" 20 prs (Giirls Brown Kid Bals, hi cut, reg. 5.00 AOF.: :c maierecara M bis e Yoas veety 15 pairs Black Kid Bals, hi cut, size xO( tor..........s. " : nds LeEsessecesce cessscscsere & MacFARLANE‘S muke In ap. 3 . y . 3 305 CAUH â€"HCRPCIITO phcepbate. .â€"‘Fbe exeo forâ€" mula is on the label for your protection . Won‘s you at least give it a chance to con vince y u tf its merit:? We are selling it contingaally to cur mos: discriminating patror s and they endorse it highly. We tFave had an Cpportunity t0 see jast what Penslar Dynsmic Ton‘c can do for those whose nerves are run down, and we recommend it very highly. Peoslar Dyramic Tonic ecmes in two t28, Tie and $1 50. Take Nyal Vitamines and obâ€" serve how quickly you will regain strength and energy. â€" You‘ll put on flesh, your skin wiil take on a natural, healithful glow, and you will feel fit. This nerve tonic corsists of the mest b foods, suea as potassium, calciam arnd qainine bydroch‘oride ard iren citro pb WOla is on the Iabel fOF CORYr nrateatine Contain yeast and otherVitamines in concentrated form andcombine1d with valuableHealthâ€"Giving.Nerve Strengthening, Bodyâ€"Buildi~p erp. stances essential to gord hralth and vitality. If your nerves need ncurisbment new strengtb, nothing will belo youn a Vitamines is the name given to certain nutritive elements containâ€" ed in foods, and which are essential to health and body development. Yeast, Milx and Vegetables are especially rich in Vitamines, but modern methods of preparing many of these foods destroy the Vita. mines contained therein. Nyal Quality Store VITAMINES Special Reductions on all lines of Heavy Rubbers will be continued this week. NYAL VITAMINE TABLETS Price $1.00 at What are They ? Special Bargains for Saturday, March 4th Penslar Dynamic Tonic WLIBCP 9. 1922 0 ncurishment ard vycour system calls for will belp yon quicker than ... _ Af 26 * Oc ) for 200 , sizes 11â€"2, reg , sizes 11â€"2 A bomb was exploded in the Legâ€" islature a few days ago when Hon. D. Carmichael, M. P. P. who repreâ€" sents the Government on the Hydro commission, resigned his position from that body. _ His reasons are a lack of frankness of Chairman Beck in revealing expenditure and a conâ€" iinzal experienoe of estimâ€"tes being exceeded _ The. resignation came n a vote of $3.500 000 being asked for |__It was made clear that no thoncb!' Jol linking up with the Progressive | was in anyore‘s mird, though there | will be no eaptious oppusition for opâ€" ! position‘s sake. _ Many fine things | were said of what Liberalism had «¢â€" | complished in the past, giving bope that the future would see the same results. Carmichael Resigns from Hydro Commission 27i¢c 39%:¢ _ The Convention was fall of enthusâ€" iasm trom start to finish, even giving a great demonstration of good will to Hartliey Dewart. the late leader, when he came in. So cordial} wes it, and unexpected that be had difficulty in replying, ( Wellington Hay Liberal Leader At the Provincial Liberal Conyvenâ€" tion in Toronto last week, Wellingâ€" ton Hay of Listowe!, reeeived a reâ€" markable endorsement. There were two other condidates, Tolmie and Sinclair and Hay‘s vote exceeded their combined vote, thus o ly one ballot was required. It was mldoj unanimous on motion of Sinclairand Tolmie amid great entbusiasm. | & he fiutl!um Reviem rig bly re e mmerded rerye , sizes 11â€"2 magnesinin phcspbaces e ol n uin t o o n Sariief 9e 3 scc g *"t. 375 : 995 March 9. 1922 we appreciate this very much and we know anyone buying these Shoes will be well pleased with them . ... 8.15 A Testimonial unsolicited from one of our customers only last week, who says that he purchased a pair of these Shoes last year and they were the best Shoes he ever owned. and $1 50. Sterling‘s Whole Leather Shoes celebrated Men who have to work o and mud, come in and get ralahnrais 3 Shoes ! Shoes ! A Large Stock of 22 inch Papers. Special Barg ......00} ighten Up | wisag per cent Discount eck | _ The chorce of George W. EKyte, as conâ€"| Chiel Government whip, has met ing | with general satisfaction among thâ€" ) cn|Government members of the House, I for | Mr Kgte is recognized as an energetic m organizer and one who will keep the ‘ members on edge whenever there is & |a vote in sight. With conditions “1 J jthey are this ssasion the whip‘s job y ,will be no easy one for the governmeni "'i members will have to be kept in touch iss With every possible voue in order that M ‘@ snap decision on some mimnor point K may not lead to the defeat of the I'l government in the chamber, Mr; '~'\ [Kyte bas not yet announced his gg, lisutenante, but will bave an assist AA |ant to look after the mambers from m ]ench of the provinces, _ in order that arravgements for rooms and seating in the chamber may not be held up too long, the Government bas announced its decâ€" ision to retain the rooms on the fourth floor. The Conservatives will thereâ€" fore go to the third floor ana probably parts of the sizth or seventh. _ The details of the room accommodation and also the seating of the Oppo: ition in the House are being arranged at a conferencs of the three whips whicn !takes place bere :tomorrow (Saturday). [The choice of official leader of the {opposin’on may have to wait over untrl the Progreasive members meet Here on Tuesda®® nosk" an iÂ¥ <p ol ag) here on Tne-sdny nuflt":r:&wdecid‘e whether they wil} give way to Mr Durham | | On the Progressive side the choice as whip has fallen to Fred Johnaton, of Last Mountain, while W, A, Boys, | of South Bimcoe will handle the reing for the Conservatives. The oppcs tion Iare having some difficulties between themselves deciding whether the late lgovernmem party or the farmers shall be the official opposition and who sball have the salary of Oppositicn Leader with all the perquisites that go therewith. _ Present indications are that Ru. Hon. Artbur Meighen will be accorded the honor, but that is by no means certain until a day or‘ two before tha House meets,. Extracts from an Ottawa letter l Such steps as this taken by the veteran financier is in itself & stimuâ€" lus to trade. _ Why go bunting for markets 1t the antipodes and elseâ€" where and neglect the one big marâ€" ket at our doors? Mr Fielding‘s acâ€" tivity is an earnest of what we may look for from the present governâ€" ’ Withont saying anything about it, Finance Minister Fieldiog made a ’tripto Washington, to ascertain it some change in fiecal laws could not be devised to work for the benefit of both the United States and Canada He has made a report even before Parliament met, that be ftound a friendly feeling existing â€" towards Canada and has hopes that something will be done along this line. Hon. W. H. Fielding on Mission Something like this resignation wasnecessary to wake the country up to & realization of the danger to the Province ot excessive expendiâ€" ture aloog Hydro radial lines â€" It seems necessary that there shculd be a Minister of Power responsible to the people, and thus a carb be put on the autocratie methods of Sir Adam Beck. The Drury government sbhould bave the backing of all parties in this crisâ€" is and in their efforts to saleguard the Proyince from Icss by fmaltigliâ€" o;}iou of radial lines to brom big cities. inch Readyâ€"trimmed Bargain this week at to coniinge the Bydro work, io tarn likely to be exceeded A Square Deal out in the s!ush t a pair of the o work, and this , : R.lcl:I ;ioth are sold andzuâ€"arâ€"antcu; y reliable druggists everywhere. ‘S. MacBeth. E> Ask If you have money lying idle, or not earning good interest, see or write to P. Ramage, Durham, and invest it now, zs high interest rates are fast disappearing. The best remedy known for asthma is RAZâ€"MAH, for Rheumatism etc.. is and will be pleased to give free examinaâ€" tion to any sufferek and to demonstrate his famous appliance Thisappliance will contract the opening in 10 or 15 days and will cure cases in from three to six ‘months. This appliabce is positively demonstrated to youright on your own: person without any chakge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance for you. A consultation with Mr Reaveâ€" ely will cost you nothing. ‘t let this opportunity get away from you. Remâ€" ember the date. Do you suffer from rupture? If so your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr Reaviey the noted rupture expert will be at th@Hahn House for one day only \ and Mrs Thos. H. Reay, a daughter Weexâ€"In Durham on March 5th to Mr and Mrs R. Wren, a son. Davisâ€"In Durham, Friday, March 3rd to Mrand Mrs Albert Davis, a dauâ€" ghter. ( FaRQUHARSNNâ€"At Wellesley Hospital March 2, to Dr. and Mrs Chas. Ferquâ€" arson of Agincourt, a daughter. BoLrgeRâ€"â€"In Durham, Feb. 23rd to Mr. and Mrs J. Bolger, a son. Vavaonaxâ€"In Glenelgon March 3rd to Mr and Mrs James Vaughan, a son. Braunâ€"In Bentinck on March 2nd to Mrand MrsGeorge Braun, a daughter. Vauvonanâ€"In Glenelg, on March 4th to Mr and Mrs Hugh Vaughan, a son. Reayâ€"In Bentinck on March 4th to Mr On either side of Mr. Meighen sit Hugh Guthrie and Sir Henry Drayton. W. F. Maclean is now the oldest memâ€" ber of the House, being there since 1892. Hudson, ‘"Independent Progressive" from Manitoba, desired to be seated among the Liberals. Mr Meighen in his first speech found fault with several things and it is eviâ€" dent he is in opposition allright. The quoted remark was made by Speaker Rudolgh Lemieux in his open. ing remarks â€" It is singular because only one woman, South Grey‘s member, Misg Agnes McPhail, M. P.. is honored with a seat in the House. â€" This gallant touch from the Speaker was in good taste for "Felow Members" wou‘d have been amply corrcct MrCrerar and his followers unaniâ€" mously and magnarimously decided to let Mr Meighen be opposition leader. Not every day does a man thrust aside $14000, as MrCrerar could have claimed The legislative programme of the government is well in band. It is likely that this year will see lees waste time at the beginning and less unseemly haste towar1 the end than bas characterized the last few sessions All of which will undoubtedly be a gocd thing for the country and will save many errors haying to be correctâ€" ed later through faulty iegislation hbeâ€" ing rushed through. Although no official statement is available, the visit of Hon. W. 8. \|Fieldiog to Washington and New York in conbection with tariff and |financial matters has caused a crop t |o! rumors to shoot forth overnight. | If Mr FieldJing were able to arrange | uoy lightening of the burden egainst CUanvada his efforte would be generally | appreciated _ ‘The United States has never wiped the 1911 reciprocity agreement off its statute booke, sn that it is thought in some cireles that there might be a chance of making some sort of reciprocal arrangement with them. If, by lightening the 1m.â€" prais against certain necessaries of i‘e coming from the United Btates, and thus lessening the burden for the Canadian consumer, the Canadian . Goyernment. can atso secure a lessen ‘ng of the Fordney tariff burden on Canadiane, that ehould prove a step which would benefit all sections of the community. On this ground alone ; the trip of Mr Fielding may hbave farâ€"reaching effeects on every bouse. f holder and agriculturist in the domâ€" 1 inion. Tuesday, March 14th Rupture Expert Here P mm on e ts Armai t acte t . d " 131 1113 mohe, and generally "getting the lay of the land", ‘The Chateau Lanrier, al ways a barometer of polizical activity in the capital, 10 the busiest place in town as members come and go, making ready for the beginning of their legieâ€" ative duties. Members cand their families are coming in dailv from outside points and making their more or less fever. ish bunt for temporary bomes and in beir epare time looking oyer the ac. commodations which bave been pro« vided for them at the House of Comâ€" * Madam and Fellow Members" Meghen and h‘s followers, Parliament is Open BORN P THE DUBHAM REVIEW TORONTO Durham, Th to purchase all District Representative Miss Eméry, travelling Manager for the Spirella\Co., Niagara Falls, Canada, left D rham today after leaving their representative, Mrs J.C. Nichol, a full stock in all links for 1922, who will show all ladies interebted why Spirella Goods demand first pla¢e the world over, If you do not know ‘their merit, call and a demonstration will be cheerfully given Free. Their hygienic principles shonld govern, and with the knowledge of a trained corsetiere, you are sure to be‘ properly suited and pleased According toclassification the world over 100 pair to be disposed of on Saturday, March Iith \ _ At Reduced Prices HORSES WANTED After an absence of twenty fou» Lears, Mr Jam«s Younyg is ai present on a visit to relatives and renewinp 1d acquaintances around these parts. Mr ard Mis Walte: Clark and family were guests the first of the week with Mr ard Mrs Jas. Ewen Aberdeen Spirella Ist and Best Mr Chas Weppier hada number of the neighbors this week to help him load a car of posts Mr Albert Thompson is engaged with Mr D. Watson getting up a pile for the buzz saw. Mr and Mrs Karl Vessie and chlidâ€" ren spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John McKechnie, Glenroaden. Messrs Malcolm McKechnie and Earl Vessie shipped a bunch of fat cattle last week which brought good ; prices. Mr and Mrs,Wm, Legate entertain ed anumber of friends last Friday night. Misses Jessic Stewart, Marie Hesâ€" lett and Ella Edge, spent a day 1e. ‘ cently with Miss He en Watson. Sorry to report Mrs T Bellâ€" is seriously ill, and under the Dr‘s care for the past couple of weeks Hope soon to hear of her recovery . The Women‘s missionarv society heid their monthly meetirg ar the hbome of Mis John Vessie. â€" There was a good attendâ€"nce and very inâ€" teresting papers given by several of themembers The Secreta>y read an interesting account of the organ‘izâ€" ation of the society which was enâ€" joyed by all present The next meeting will be held at the home o!‘ Mrs Gillen Boyd on April 5th We are bhaving fine spring like days the oads are very soft ( _ A "Big Business" dealaffecting Hanâ€" over is about consummated, by which large financial interests are exercising their option given by the Hanover Portâ€" land Cement Co. for the sale of the as* sets to a Toronto syndicate. This syn dicate also absorbs the Hydro Electric Power Commission quarry near Walkerâ€" ton. It is expected that the Hanove" plant will reâ€"open at an early date with { about 35 to 40 men. To n\ake room for new stock Three cars of American corn just arâ€" rived at Rob Roy Mills Get your supâ€" ply now. Mrand Mrs David Hamilton spent ovne day last week with Mrand Mrs Murray Ritchie. The U F O held their regular monthly meeting on March 1. Miss Rliza Patterson spent Sunday with town friends. Mr and Mrs Murray Ritchie spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs Neil McCanpnel Mrs Wm Hargrave spent several days with hersister Mrs Zufelt of Hanover, who has been dangerous!\ ill. We are pleased to report there is a slight improvement in bher conâ€" dition Mrs Arthur Sealey entertained a a number of her neighbours at a quilting bee one day last week. Mr Arthur Lindssy spent the week end with Allan Park relatives. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Albert Kelier on the birth ©#@ son; on Feb. 18. j Miss Marietta Park spent a couple. of days recently with Priceville friends. Mrs Antbhony Lawrence bas been in very poor health for several days. We are glad to hear she is improvâ€" ing. o At the time of writing we atre havâ€" 10g a genuine spring thaw Unless it turns colder soon the main roads will be almost enil'xely bare MRS. J. C. NICHOL All Others Second RCCKY SAUGEEN , travelling Manager for 0., Niagara Falls, Canada, today after leaving their . h:irs J.C. Nichol, a full car ol posts o absence of twenty fou DARKIES‘ CORNERS d4t Durham Whole Corn, Chopped Corn, Mixed Feeds, Whole Wheat Screenings, Ground Whezt Screenings, Feed Oatmeal!, Western Feed Oats and Mixed Grain of all kinds. Advance in Give us a trialâ€"â€"we want you to tomer. Our prices are right. Ask for call or give order to the driver. __ Miss Mayme and Kathleen Sullivan of Owen Sound were home over weekâ€"end. Miss Gertie Vasey of Owen Sound, visited her brother X(r John Vasey on We have opened up a Meat Market in the former Nichol Tailor Shop (just south of Middaugh House) where we will have at all times a choice supply of Â¥Fresh Meats, Seusage Wupl 2 w o 9 ae & Crawford. Mrs J. Crutchley returned Tuesday afâ€" ter spending a few days with her sister at Zion. Mr and Mrs Bryce Dargavel and daughâ€" ter Aileen visited the latter‘s home at Mr Alfred Shewell of Detroit spent a féw days at his home here. Beggs‘ Store, Durham Oyster Shells §000 . . .. ...... .. ... ......_>. 2 tins for 25¢ A few cases ‘Sunâ€"maid‘ Seedless Raisins in bulk, Ib . . 30c Oatmeal, a few sacks only, large flake. .. .5 Ibs for 25¢ Toilet Paper, good value... .......... 4 rolls for 25¢ A few Ibs Black Tea leit, guaranteed.. 2 Ibs for 75¢ Salada Tea, 55¢ Ib. Gold Medal with cup & saucer, 75c ib Our Canned Salmon, Corn and Peas are the finest quality Do you need a new Broom? We have them ... . 50c up We seil Cocoa in bulk. You can buy Cocoa by the pound and you.can buy good quality too. Why buy in the tins and pay so much money ? Nice fresh Cocoa in bulk and cheap, per Ib ...... 15; A few cases ‘Harvest‘ canned Tomatoes, quality Y Good Eats, ; Variety Goods and Lower Prices Spring Approaching Pine Tree Flour Every bag guaranteed. MEATS of all Kinds en uies @l LAWRENCE & WILSON Bring us your Eggs. We pay Highest Price. DORNOCH !Ieadeheese,v Ourewd-i-e-:ts Fish of all kinds in Scason ROY MILLS, Limited and we have some good news to. tell you about our Wheat and Mixed Hen Feed, Bran Shorts Corn Chop, Catchup, Everything in Feed Price of Feed 24 lb bag. Unexcelled for pastry use ............ $1.10 Pie Crust Flour | Rheumatisin ? Write for free trial to Tempic.~ ton‘s, 56 Colborne St., Toronto, Or Neurailgia, Sciatica, Lumbago? The remedy is simple, inexpen. sive, easily taken and harmless, to be a satisfied cusâ€" )r our delivery rig to Rh Your drugfist will supply you, SOLD BYS. McBETH Templeton‘s umatie Cane day and vill stock of all PHONE We ’ a NUH Canada‘s ] Silve ts the 4o Je J» J Je z1 y *f * Frilled Vestee ® Organdy Colla sg New Plain 0 * GRAN *# yroy Tokout : .. ... Flour per owt White Organd] kwheat l;.c.:ley Sss Swiss Oro: Butter bi Scott & Bo â€"~â€"â€"AlSC Scott‘s For Durinas nourishes tones the helps buil m Kiâ€" (Tablets MAR INDI : at t is lo dn

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