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Durham Review (1897), 9 Mar 1922, p. 5

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will supply you, trial to Temple~â€" iy Cocoa ility too. a0ney 2 ed for $1.10 iatica, Lumbago? simple, inexpenâ€" ‘n and harmless, ty is for 25¢ k, Ib . . 30¢ s for 25¢ is for 25¢ s for 75¢ er, 75¢ Ib t quality atisin ? ham n Shorts in Feed at is OouUur ill all ces T & to e St., Toronte, MeBETH cusâ€" 50 ton‘s Capsules ing ner ere up 15¢ « C. L. GRANT £ imwafimmmmmm¢: f?' Frilled Vestees. *Â¥ Organdy Collars x New Plain Organdy VatS8, ... P M ols . â€" onl ° CC VE Buckwheat..._â€"******~ 80 3 "*WLL AND 30UU [ y r=, ce Barley '?""---- 93 1 65| We are now i a °'?°' Sat in front of the m-i ° 17 222°° MCLA l rArr Â¥nkÂ¥enr4 00| Ma nto the minister ask pualpit. The| _ Another % Peas 90 95 rech and we month of | ; ed him to lead t of the pionee W heayTITh on n=â€"~ 1 6000 d 75 fast time is "'"ct:{. impressed how .?g‘ The eider atood 4 is thog" [ Pibted_away on Peb. dige Flour per c" *n rz«e« / K 4 1 30 “: nllwn’l a remlntl;:r‘l::!l. March r‘";.::n :i"“li Meenister Plll'y::'gd :: the person of 'Mll.c om I â€"â€" s 4 25 w a & ago to us t events of or I have onl e age of 66 yrs. 1 w g:’.h‘lo this en;:::d-d.'mywe l.l.d. ::g ::: ::':’:flt'bem is lnl{it:;.'::::- McCannel, .: old t!::::o: ® stor i wor not." el 1 I-WcAl Anmt' like tenil"';"::ul:- We do not feel h How often we hear th !ofh'n':e',',’“ born in Glen Strik a | bas intervened si apy Marches tha;| PRDGred sung at the o‘ e good old | Glen, _1 n the Durham R l e at Ser 1oot of weakâ€" 2ecdt to come "lt::o’ for mow they | BEFYViceevery Sanday mm’n‘ of the B(re. . In 1858 his fathe trose Tuy advice t erous than in the and more num.| fPPTOPFiate words ‘of orning to the | ~8:¢MOnt and settled on a those rundown in vitali i existence. M.,g’.‘”’ stages of our from whom all blessin Praise God|!" Boothville (now owned by s » . ty. o â€" :: inbu donble ,.,.:;:r':minder to ::'Sg;ol'fl;te to all elf.'.f,fl',;; Tn'i. z:i:::thcCannel) here Mal onth w or in thi on Sund P eople yhood d f al cu" s Emulsmn Piriner l;m:ez?.:ep""“ of car m: Catholies or Pr:{e:':;f.m" be they |a bome out n:l. ‘:;Iep':' ge nourishes th years ago. _ Bat tl: score and a balt| .. A2 04 bighlander lop house is still to be ense e es the body, kindness and torbe rough the loving ?erd to lead the singi & ago was| |, ; C seen as h tones the blood and @ | ‘thor of all thi arance of the Auâ€"| !? tDis!aoguage ey ging in Gaelic. 874 his father sold his helps build st """lv bat lnlr‘:g" we are marching ’Gbamed and sung. "}-i-!lllne would be | MOVEd into Proton township Tok‘ ' existence . y to the goal of our| c?mm""”d by ebanting t’bo'd feader ::lt:'ed until he died, taking wi ' Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. , It is said if March eo l‘;'in‘eb:n:le;se and so on to :h:r;‘: nlm: A“ree sons, Malcolm, Gilbert ALSO MAKERS OFâ€"â€"â€" ' ;:::1 en‘? wild. This u::',:"e;‘nl:d it |ery line. ;% eap ;i;fl'ogen; fune to ;tv. C ck ;:r::::. togm:," harmon d allright,. W e in a joke in i acher who eni ‘ e bush farms on | be in th e expect some will in its proper ti joyed | now live. _ M . 0“0]“5 ' t e sagar bush soon ted the old Ime congratalaâ€" | hom alcolm remain mes a lar n ) â€"In oldea h precentor by telli l estead and in J z (Tablets or Granules) ::]nde aeue:r“()l“li:t;;{rg;] !:%ar was “?O::s:il:e b;:: singeryb:[!:;idb;,‘,?. :::rn.ed Margaret Mac';)ol:;: o lND'GESTloN ' mé"rf.'fig'f,’,dbe 3 or 4 it deep. enég‘: 301 sin'g' one tnnee()::)‘:-r:::‘ders could fou:f‘;:'mfl.ndnu:j.ir union was | Lâ€" P most of the ta maples of long ago on e'!.e iA y to each whom are M Vt!!ree daughte = -.fld past, for, in ::lm' are & thing of the Did you ever hear M it of on still living with the ‘*X__ genoeral iie:lds ;';i:';eud, we find in :nul:e ;'Bonnie Doon" !n;fd;zor] the is Tsun dying in infancy, YÂ¥ C ara4ap ~ hbeavy a cro yield (not ag M°E? _ Well it son o long| _ Malco!m was a m T Ar & Ap i P 4p og vp vy. ance for mm‘: :;(;'L:::clmgnl)habund i‘:t‘(:‘:‘;:t:wc;;ers»s to :]';jesmb::ng:g! position ever ready toaze;:,f‘f; 4 # pioneer (it livi 8t. So the agad good old h W « 4| upon and well mi 4 i y o past when h;v':“e)n:”“ refleet on the :f“'mOdy‘ *‘The bolivru:)’t, nl)n (;be uld | a good life, 1 h:::eg:t say 18 t (’RAN be i with the old tappi to tap h‘s trees ,, e comes" but some of the {ld“Part- forth there is laid ept the fa T SA' g ind shovel 4 ping gouge and axe 8 °J9°& ago would be thi ron ard up for me a *Â¥ * y log li°lncee it of snow tor his boilâ€" g““'d be dishonoring ;h:‘shl“".'“&’ it d,He went to bed one week t arns‘ poems ervice by ’:‘:“:n .H.'.s..eaftor' Mr Fowler Brown Heather Hose White Organdy f hok rendome n vigat DGooH# j , Scott‘s Emuisior nourishes the body, § tones the blood and I helps build strength. fi Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. ' * ALSO MAKERS orâ€"â€"â€"â€" Swiss Organdy Embroidered in Pink, Navy, Green and Mauve.... 1.35, 1.75, 2.25 ya in Rose, Cop Surburst, and ins. wide........ «««........50¢ and 75¢ per yd MARCH 9, 1622 » Copen, Tomato, t, and Mauve, 40 ««...... 00¢ yd 1.00 pr 94¢ ea 7o¢ each /R PRICEVILLE ; bush soon â€" In olden lantity of sugar was in March when the 3 or 4 it desep. _ But $Â¥ i _ In some parts of Scotland a certain charch had the engraving of a clock , on the end of the ‘kirk. The minis ! ter met one of the elders and began to rebuke the managers of the courch in having a talge clock, stating that nothing false was to be on the Lord‘s bouse ‘Very weel, very weel" savs the old elder, © but Meester menister, whether is it more anbecoming to bae the picter 0‘ a clock on the beid ot a kirk, than for the menister to wear a false head of hair on his heid" l (a wig ) The engraving of the clock | Wan se mds s o 11 ' i D itq pri, ..\ ; _ 40 enjoy ec a joke in its proper time congratalaâ€" ted the old ‘precentor by telling him he was the best singer be heard for a iong time, for some leaders could botsing one tune correctly to each verse ! ! « Did you ever hear Mr Editor the tune ‘‘Bonnie Doon" sung to long metre? _ Well it sounds beantifal It takes two verses to the tane. Sings it to that good old bymn in the old Psalmody *‘The bour of my departâ€" ure comes" but some of the old cron tes of long ago would be thinking it wouald be dishonoring the service by { Buarns‘ poems mM +6 Auic _Its proper time congratalaâ€" 1d ‘precentor by telling him he best singer be heard for me, for some leaders could one tune correctly to each noras .Ofâ€""‘fi::i:ew \, ; | in Boothville (Aow awned m. 2 L.2 0 0| Â¥ Sighies 4 1 M EWe 1 1 blessings flow *‘ '19:;1 Dougal Mv::Ce (now owned by a nephew, /hom ftrom F.,"."::: '::ll arrived to all classes of peo 'B his bovheog anne}) here Malcolm spent much better , pital feeling E-:{,:’:;:"'“’ beur.; a"bome ou:’a:; l:;lpl':l his fatherhew{ 6 We are sorry to report that Â¥ c io uti e dense f eor, * Ts iIapder long ago was house is still to be seen uhi:r:::'k thf care lyndBi:.?:; .18 under the Dr‘a the singing in Gaeli In 1874 his fathe i ‘<â€" Ther m bos improving as well a ze ov elic. o r sold his f, any friends i 8 ery line would be | MOVEd into Prot [E lirm . and | would wish. 1 angs _ The old leader]| ‘Y°0 Until he di o: township where he | q Mr Jack McKeown returned Monâ€". reblnting the first line three sons, M ]e + tiklt'lg with him his | day tq Cll‘kllifo, S‘gk" after 'Oll-’,‘ d so on to the fourth | All worked t alcolm, Gilbert and Neil. | the winter at bis bhome bere spending | different tune to eyâ€"| cleared th ogether harmoniously and | Mr Bilas Edwards s ‘ preacher who enjoyed | now 1i ose bush farms on which theys Owen Sound recentl pent a week in per time congratalaâ€" homest::'d Malqolm remained on the; Mr Angus M . | fe;;";el;yblelging bhim | married Ma::d ';' :flan. I8th, 1899 he!fined to ff,e hocu:nhurhh“ been con.| e heard for ; aret McDougal of | sciati 8 with an attack of| " some ] t emesia and thei a Art.‘ ciatica and w _ of | ne corre::l(;:e';so"o“ld four sons and":humon was blest with Around .g,;n‘e hope he will soon be 84¢h | whom are slfh: hree daughters, all of_ Mr and M | _bear Mr Ed it of one wn: l-'l'Vf"l_i with the exception | Proton v.sm:ia John L, Ferguson of! Cont d F itor the| ____ ying in infancy. Mrs J A llm:tnt.hf,..ll?,',n,?_ of Mr and : _ "he Review and Daily Advertisâ€" | _ erfor OO S ORT ++ + ser es ces esseee scenes _The Review and Weekly Witners for 1 JORFs ++ + +ss 88 8er3886868¢8 se 200 ‘he Review and Torouto Daily Globe tor 1 JORP ces sprsseeeseseeeee., The Revyiew am! Toronto Daeily ’ Star for 1 JE sevnes sesenencesscess i n AnStinasal S s NO 9 GLENELG aa outstanding Canadiau business | R; w man who realised the value of life in | o 2t TVâ€"Hunter â€" Ritahie _ Jr 1W furance in this eonnection, was the | F reeman McPadden, Adoiphus Lawrâ€" late Senator Frederiok Nicholle, head | ence, Mima Hargrave. <r '”‘ng' of the Cansdian General Electrio Co., | Arnett, Bertha Ritchie. George Collinâ€" and other big enterprises. â€" The in | son. JIr 1ilâ€"Annie Arnett, Roy Har. ventory of his estate published recentâ€" | grave. Sr 11â€"Mary Hopkins, Orval 1y showed that of the gross value Hopkins, Reg. McFadden, Dorothy | otaling $461,592 72, no less thnn,Arnett, Louise Jacques. Jr 11 â€"Grace | $3144.551 .90 was in life inanunoe,‘flopkinl. Irene Collinson, May Coliinâ€"| Chus life insurance coustituted the | son. Jr Iâ€"Eddie Lawrence, Clarence | great bulk of the estate, and was al ’ Hargrave. Jr Pr.â€"John Collinson, _ | most altogethar d’?‘"‘d upon . to | No on roll 20, Average attcndnncel).s; produse an income" for the heira‘ of l EM Bask\ un uic i+ ghroewd business man. . % Sr III~â€"Annabelle McArthur, Ma These abrewd eaptains of industry Beaton, J. D McArthur. _ JrII1 recognize that it is the part of wisdom Marybelle McArthur, Frank McArthu while carrying on eperations UDder | Esther Moore, .r 1Iâ€"Douglas McA ‘h.”wndi‘!'o"'-“P“‘“‘“”m'_el'“- thur, Annie McArthur, Iza Traffor ;!':;:r‘g;u:;l:l .b:;:‘:r;;.:‘nd. ;l:;; ‘d:; Beth McGillivray, Willie Trafford. P life insurance which is the absolutely :ld ;‘:::lynr m;:';?:‘yl::,zf‘;;’c 2:; dependable asser and sheet anchor ar. * for the man engaged in big business B. M. MacCuaig teache andertakings which may or may not t ' turn out ulnooaulnllyunnnclpsted. S S NO 9 GLENELG EM outstanding Canadiau buimeul Ritah 1v man who realised the value of life in | Sr_IVâ€"Hunterâ€" Ritahie _ Jr 17. Purance in this eonnection, was the | Freeman McPadden, Ad‘:'ph:"', Lawr late Senator Frederick N icholle, head |2NCe, Mima Hararaws e w sB Cfi se a, L ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO That menot large a lying more aud more uyf surance to provide a sure their heirs or dependen from time to time by the of large estates as nubli _ _A beautiful wreath of flowers given by the family tied with a wide ribbon inscribed with the word "Father" lay on the casket. Thus another of the old pioneers sleeps the last sleep which knows no waking.â€"Com. a brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Donald McDougal and a neighbor. Wm. McNalty, The remains were interred in Ever. green Cemetery in Artemesia â€"near where his life partner lived previous to their marriage. i The pall bearers were his four cousins Dougal, Angus, Neil and Donald, also a brotherâ€"indaw, Donald McDougal and a neighbor. Wm. MceNalte. u. , _ _ [ 7 7Crt dying some years ago.| Sr II Câ€"Beryl Falkingham, Albert Thus brother and sister have â€"crosseq | Nicholson, Nelson Hunt, Mamie Sterrey the divida shortly after each othera Sam Glaser. The fnneral was largely attended.,M ‘1:1 “;Vcimn RBE:'thTheg?ak l?ell. showing the respect in which deceased ! V'yl eM L“ Yk 091y e nks was held. His pastor Mr Fowler, took‘| toietâ€"Me ean.M isA Col h j for his text, St. John 14 : 6. The cort. | yin bieoteacher. | ege was conducted by Undertaker Wat, | _ Sr I Aâ€"Esther Sf"lef‘-. M°‘f° Mcâ€"| son from Priceville. ; Raddsn " ML3. 912 The brother and sisters were called ;upon to suffer a double loss as on Jan; 9th, death claimed another sister (Mary) Mrs Tom McCauley, who died at her home in Walpole, Sask. Another: brother, Gilbert dying some years ago. Thus brother and sister have crossed the divida shortly after each othera Katie, Florence and B (Annie,) Mrs Lauchie {Flora.) Mrs Alilan 0 Manitoulin Island, ar Neil, who lives across where he died. Malco‘m was a man of gerial disâ€" position ever ready to help when called upon and well might say "Ihave lived a good life, I have kept the faith hence forth there is laid up for mea crown." He went to bed one week before he died. His pastor. Mr Fowler of Fleshâ€" erton called to see him on his dying bed and when he was parting with him, he told his pastor he was not nfraidl to die, so with his wife and family all . around he passed into eternity. | He leaves to mourn his departure his I life long partner, three sons, James, | Sandy. and Neil also three daughters, | Wayin mc o 0 T B7 Clubbing Rates The Dependable Asset ckar;, , 1 ; __" "I® ©!J90ying the gcod e | _ _ Another of the pioneers of Proton /shting these moonlight nighte , fFarm h ':os::’aldh;':l!:::'.:ets passed away on Feb. 21st at his home, | _ Mp Clark Jackson from Bfl't.iib" /in the person of "Maicolm McCannel at \Columbia, yisited friends of this burg The undeksigned Auctioncer has I the age of 66 yrs. He was a son of Alex | last week. instructed th sell by Public Auction McCannel, an old time proneer of Glenâ€" ! Miss Margaret Petty of Varney is LOT 10, |CON , 6, GLEN ELG elg and was born in Glenelg on June | the guest this week of her friend Miss $ on 10th 1856 on the Durham Road near the | Aga Browne. bang io.AAA o Glen. . In 1858 his father moved to uhcton l zs COd 1 Hanama i cz wl $s .l A numbker of the young people ol," MALCOLM McCANNEL this vicinity are enrjoying the gcod Another of the pioneers of Proton | skating these moonlight nights, | ’_P“kd away on Feb. 21st at his home, |__ Mr_Clark Jackson from Britiob" in the person of "Malcolm McCannel at |Columbie, yisited friends of this burg the age of 66 yrs. He was a son of Alex | last week. j McCannel, an old time pioneer of Glen.| Misa Margaret Petty of Varney is elg and was born in Glenelg on June !u.. °5 margaret Petty arney IAntL saem c ul PS _ 1 or dependents is shown more upen life j large affairs aro reâ€" e and Bella : two ;ister;; Lauchie MceDougal and i Orr, both on the , and one brother iDcome for the road from 6 75 6 75 8 75 TRE DORRAM REVIEW 6 75 | ANZ*lond RUBBER COMPA] ’ S$. S NO, 10 BENTINCK | McGill St., MONTREAL, Sr 1Vâ€"Catharine MacLean. Jr y «+ t rmers Stella Lynn, Royce Noble. Earl Noble. { Notice to F.. Sr IIIâ€"Ruby Heslett, Merron Ewen | i:hel Dudi':t?og.: 3 .lt‘i“."e ?& JIr 111â€"Sarah MacLean, Jobn Ewen, Bur'hlmcvery'l'ue‘dly‘ S.nia Gordon Clark. IIâ€"Wellington Noble, quested to bring stock in on that . Audrey Noble, Pr.â€"Vera Stewart, | give tb;ee m ‘n::;e CE Ks Aggie Ewen, Elorence Ewen, Neil Clark A: NCB, : M. MacKenzie, teacher, | Pbone 93, r1â€"3,. _ R OR Na +1 / 10â€" NCP n C J‘ L' S“(r", MO B-' Ma c. Po s. + b"“’"d &9 / _ Mr Cbarlie McFarlane has nrri"d( ",""d'i' March 16th, 1922 [ m an Au’h .f"mlhome Srnws: ra . _ ____ 110 " EU BPE Wat | Sr I Aâ€"Esther * Fadden, Mafty 1 iSing | and Nelson Lowe alen | iD&. SS NOI EGREMONT & NORMANBY Jr IVâ€"Landels Wilton _ Sr IIIâ€" Florence Grant, Susie Eden, Arthur Mcâ€" Cabe. _ Jr II1â€"Charlotte Patterson, HaroldGrasby. Sr II â€"Margaret Harper Jessie Grant, Carmen Queen, Wilfred: Grasby. Sr Iâ€"Douglas Grant, Dorothy; Caldwell. _ Jr Iâ€"Evelyn Robins, Vera| Robins, Pr.â€"Lucy Robins, Evelyn | Grant, Clements Patterson. | Jr Pr â€"Billy E‘ph‘ck, Carman Ada Morrison, Ernie Glaser, C Nicholson.. + Sr Pr.â€"Helen Young, Norma Allan, Edna Grainey. Agnes Walker, Leonard Brown . Grabam, ' Mary E. Morton, teacher, PRIMARY CLAsSsES Class A Donald Knight, Annie Campbell, Margaret Dunamocr, Jean Grant, Genevieve Saunders. Class Bâ€"George 'As_l;ley. Clarence Wilson, Wilfrid Montgomery, Reta yc ds Charlie McKc'chnivc; Sr 1 Bâ€"Harry Glenholme, Alfic holl V.VIohn Styles, Arthur McCiv | Aanie C Mackenzie, teacher |â€" Sr 1 Aâ€"Raymond McGirr, Mabel fMontgomcry, ‘Ellen Marshall, Bruce :McEwen, Heien McAuliffe. 8r. I1 Bâ€"Josie Falconer, Norman‘ Meliraith, Donald Smith, Jean Collin-i son, Kenneth Wilson. I Sr IIIâ€"Mary Elphick, 1 Vera Mountdin, Wallace 1 D. McAuliffe, Jr. IIIâ€"John Dunsmoor, Lyla McDonald, Norman B McArthur. Jr. Noble, son, eq or. IVâ€"Bessie Smith, M arjory Pickering, Stewart Mcliraith, Catherine Lavelle: Norma Lloyd Mr and Mrs John L. Ferguson of Proton wisited at the home of Mr and Mrs J . A. Browne rscently, Wl ma* Sr. IVâ€" Sadie F Honor Roll â€"Fep. 1922 Durham Public School _ IVâ€"Newell Falkingham, Calder le, Edgar Clark and George Thompâ€" eq.» Willie Wilson, George Lavelle. Jshn A. Graham, Princinal ©r Bâ€"Malcoim McArthâ€" Desirable Residence or Sai B. M. MacCuaig, teacher:’ for Sa e _ M OO9 ACIpPpN ts up the following Courges : silimann» ‘ Mu.. m 1. "| Mcb and Women to sell to women in e Collinson, May Coliin. | homes rubb=râ€"lined waterproof gimgham | !â€" JUMOr Matrieulation die Lawrence, Clarence | aprons foâ€"r use in the kâ€"tcher "Can |2 Entrance to the Normal Schools Pr.â€"John Collinson | easily earn $14 daily and more Rapid | 3. Senior Matriculation " . 5| seller and | ready demand . Send TirQ‘| > Buch member of the staff is a U Averngeattendlnce".fl;fot eampleapron and full particulars ~,,“"y raduate and an ex ich E. M Park, teacuer.JMOMY refunded if sample returned. wacherf e =â€"â€"â€"_._â€"â€"_ | BRITISH RUBBER COMPADNY, ggq i "TRRRENX can Un i Nsson i ol s 1 10 BEBXPratmr» ln,r_m hk > on avnguie Te Lavina A Mortiey ‘Arthur, Iza Trafford, y, Witlie Trafford. Pr, ',Jimmy Trafford, Donâ€" M. Marion Marshall, teacher t LORLZCCC 27€ Ral0 to es “."(‘w r , be a good frame b n, 35 x 50 feet and l 4 els "Wilton _ Sr IIIâ€" | a house 18 x 24 feet with stone basemenr t ‘\_ Susie Eden, Arthur Mcâ€" | under part of hou There are sa dl‘ tz â€"Charlotte Patterson, | to be thirty five acres\ cleared in a good | ; uq #§, Sr IIâ€"Margaret Harper | "‘:}"’ of C"’g"a";‘f’t‘, | ‘armen Queen, Wilfred | , Terms and conditions ; A J DT. he property will be sold b to | e cmat Doots 5 ‘tetoen) !p"%*=be< «) The Doyble ‘ â€"Evelyn Robins, Vera| 2. The highest or any\ptbher tender not’ k Lucy Robins, Evelyn|} necessarily accepted | Patterson. (3. A marked cheque f}r t;n pelr‘ cent | MOIIt] of the purchase money pAyable to Archiâ€" J. W. Kerr, teacher bald Ferguson, Admini rator. must ar-‘ Toror Nes ,company each lend;:. Jne b;lnnc; ol Detro purchase money to id in thirty days L. CLENBLG (lftor notification ofacceptance of tender. Un lg?:(. elle McArthur, Mary | For furtber particWJars apply to| _ / "Ckcelied dimin McArthur. _ JrIIIâ€" Wright Telford & Birnie,| . Sleeping cars on hur, Frank McArthur, / Owen Sound Ont. | P#«riorCars on princ: r IIâ€"Douglas MeAr. Dated Feb. 20th, 1922. F= tarther part rthur, Iza Traffaes | ns ie k T .c d . MacDonald, teacher GLENBLG | e McArthur, Mary‘ ‘Arthur. JrII1â€"| » Frank McArthur, / Iâ€"Douglas MeArâ€" ,'J ur, Iza Trafford, | ilie Trafford. Pr.| slenholme, Allic Nicâ€" , Arthur McCly ment, Dunsmoor, Mary Young , Norman Blair, Frances obin, Clara Traym;r eq., Elizabeth Hardâ€" Elphick, Myrtle Dean BUNESSAN , Carman Allan, Glaser, Ch arlie MeGowan, , teacher s Principal. | . Cairie eatar xpul e BBrpdiats ns is is o K $ W / 4 Intending pupils should prepare to caâ€" | McGill St.. MONTREAL. ter at the beginning of the fall term. ’ TOn 7 on rmee m Brmpiti ns ntll m m senfrmtmamnioarmmremnnlfrieinmage oo lnfiwm‘ation :'l g;fl_coyn'en may be obâ€" * t rmers +ained from the ncipal. Notice to Fa The School has a creditable record in The Durham U.F.0. Live StocP Shipâ€" | the which it hopes to maintain in ing Association will ship stock from | the r:t.u:n Burhamemy Tuesday. Parties are reâ€" | _ Durham is an attractive .and healthy quested to bring stock inon that day but |«own and good accommadation can he give three days notice. atkact T2 ' JAS. LAWRBNCB, Manager, Phone 93, r1â€"3. _ R. R. No 1, Dusham _ _ That desi able property on Queen St North, former residence of Mrs Hunter Harrow (nee Lily Walker ) 8 roomed brick house in good condition. A spien. did garden well set out with smal] fruit, good stable, well, &e Bargain to quick purchaser. Apply for particulars to l Sealed tendeks, addressed [Ferguson. R.| R. No. 1, | ' ’and marked, "Wenders re i , | Estate," will be received u | day of March, 1922, at t\ | noon, for the pupcnase of | )property. namely ; | Lot fortyâ€"sevdn in the |cession South bf the L | in the Township Glenelg i | of Grey i This property 1s dbou tw | Priceville and one} mile fr ! school. Upon the fremises Liudicless £ . That desi Tenders Wwill be received for lots 13 and 14, Con\2, N. D. R Glenelg, 100 acres until 200h March 1922, No tender necessarily ackepted. R. T. Cook sums of $10 and under cas amount, 10 months credit on approved joint notes. _ discount for cash in lieu of n ‘ FURNITUREâ€"He, zmsa kitchen chaire, rocki & c dresser and washstandAiron springs and mattress, h q good oil cloth and nulner articles. l Proprietor IMPLEMEXN 490 chevrolet, r« | calf. (All co wer !4 fall calves, s er, rising 2 yre, 3 s ers 1 yr old. SHEEP & P1IGSâ€" supposed to be wit} 2nd week in April, br in pig to come i 8tl 50 hens. TERMSOF SALE : at 1.30 o‘cfock, sharp, the following I valuable farm stock, implements and furniture ;â€" I HORSESâ€"\General purpose mrre, 8 years old, héavy horse, 6 years old if !not previousl sold, driving horse, 8 yrs old . CATTLEâ€"chbw, 6 yrs supposed in calf, cow 7 y 8, supposed in calf, cow ‘ 5 yrs, supposdd in Calf, ADit 4 wnpo muus Help Wanted ' Credit Auction Sale|" : ° _ further particuiars apply to Solicitors for Ar*‘ibuld *â€" Grend Trank Picket Agent, or Ferguson. Administrator. | C E. Horning. Distriet Passonger mm mnnme ns Atorcrmrmmmmmeniioue im nnitns. .. Avge~ Porog:s Ont Residence Property| _ Y CALDE â€" Town Agem Ramlgé. Revie; O;Tlce av in calf, arm for Sale §, addressed to Archibald R. No. 1, Proton, Ont , enders re obert Fishe, received up to the 16th 1922, at tweive o‘clock cnase of the following , héavy hore usly sold, 3â€"chw, 6 y 7 yfs, suppo os¢d in calf ‘"o ow 10 ye cowis were fr ‘8, sleer, risi , 8 stcers, 1 3 & PIGSâ€"9 & 0 be Wwith 12 April, brooc me if 8th of AENTG, &c ct, go0 top wheelbatrow , d as new, se ury plough, antily od harness| and ness. 2 giood | ity of piibes, cook stoye, d oven. #air al cream gep eighs 210 libs lREâ€"I‘{CI Z im the second Con. _ the Durham road Glenelg in the County Dou two miles from mile from Topclifie remités are sa;g 1o n, 35 x 50 feet and with stone basement There are sa d s\ cleared in a good L â€"1etzman piano 6 , socki & cha"-‘ new w. 0 yrs supposed in , Supposed in calf, cow in calf, cow 4 yrs supâ€" w 10 years supposed in were fresh in early fall) er, rising 2 yr8, beifer Cers, 1 yr. old, 2 heifers ‘5â€"9 good young ewes with lamb, to cume in , brood sow, supposeqd 8th of Maiy. _ About wTIce and residence, corner Countess , sharp, the following I and Lambton, opposite old Post Offiee stock, implements and o 1: < PW * Wms tiic s adit gpod heating stoves pipes, wathing maâ€" toÂ¥e, 3 burner coal ' in barrel, daisy im Separator, No. 12 @y, oats and Over that 1 be given per ceént in bedstend, quantity of erous other Auctioncer urham is an attractive and healthy town and good accommndation can be obtained at reasonable rates. cPhail d _ , _ " _ "TFooomue lock | %uuonézm DUREAM IEMGISI SCHOOL > libut M.scia l ruuc:pall | i gay 4 Abitiesn T1 MA O bL m o im 0 _ e s a1 Draz $ ore The School 18 thoroughly equipped to & up the following Courges : The Double Track Route C. H. DANARD, 8 ment. . Write f Enter any time Yonge andCharles Sts., Toronto Is strtetiy firstâ€"class in all Departâ€" ments and unexcelled in the Dominion students assisted to ob ain employ ment. _ Write forhandsome catalogue. EDLOF SHU Himes Unexcelied dining car service dAenee i ow ) 4utos [ 00 186C â€" Arrangements for sule a ) Iaves &o mas be ondeat thr Review . af \re Durbam _ .a+ Correspondence addressed here, or to Ceplon P O will he pimimre hy andind "erms on «ppitcatior +/ 1J «Ts dud Pumps & PuAl‘n"pf_Eepairs Cemeng Tite and Brick Ummversiny grad n» # Nenta) Snrgenns Ovar J & 1 9 P Arp 11 [ ONOR whta n0 a ag voroumuo University __Avate Rovai Collee Derta) Surgenn lentietre in al)l i. nranrhes OFFICE 2â€"5 Afternoon D _ _ e eeeeaamemege DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESON JOHN SCHUTZ idtalls i ols St uiscc en 2 Office Hours : g to 11 a. m., 1.30 to 4 H m, 7 to 9 p. m., Sundays and ursday afternoon excepted. NHonon «. +_£ GRamt £00000 m Toronto Detroit and 4, PICKERING 0. 0 5., 1 1 3 nassoles : Oflice on P i promptly attended to Except flllndâ€";’o on night Trains ang incipat Day Traie: p«rticuiars apply to k _ Picket Agent, or Distriet Passenger Ont always on hand * @ePHAIL Ceylon "*o€ RAMAGE ‘Durhaa» cPMAIL «& W.J Elliott, Principal Ly .. n 0 CePl nozenmn« of Ontario Roome C n PR N No Store A ue ww 10 emeay tor No 2 SATETTU @rad natge staff is a Uniyv» an experienced RADUATE Lambton St MA n n i4 of Royal Oollege Whitmore Old Stan

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