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Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1922, p. 1

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EAN AND C A4, one. iry o back to enograd JJ 1922 t# Berors tHs MacistRats â€"Police Magistrate Laidlaw had before him‘on Saturday last, George Montgomery and â€"â€" Moyer. the former charged withasâ€" sault. Both work in the Furniture Factory and theincident that caused the trouble was the disappeararce of Montâ€" gomery‘s rubbers. Moyer ‘picked the rubbers out from below a machine and said, "here they are." Montgomery evidently thought he had hid them and in an unguarded moment gave him a severe blow on the face knocking him down. It appears that Moyer had on | two er more occasions been guilty of annoying boyigh tricks. Defenceargued| that the fall migbt be caused by him / tripping over strips on the floor. Anâ€"| tory Holmes, Philip Lawrence and Peter | ; Reid gave evidence as to the force of|| the blow and the magistrate after mel‘ remarks on the seriousness of the practâ€", I ice imposed a fine of $10 and costs. '. Now how r W live M Ch on TI Missi Now and Then certa publi for Thursday last had to be withdrawn,. It gave promise of being a successful event, but ice in March is always an un certain quantity, so management and B. Code has soid his general store at Allan Park, which Bs a stock of apâ€" proximately $5000 to Mr James Park Jr.. son of Arch Park of Durham. Mr Park took possession of the store Monday, but has Mr R. Schillemore in charge until after his auction sale of farm stock ard effects, which is advertised in this issue. MrCode intends going west. CaARNIÂ¥AL CALLED Cer.â€"The continâ€" ued mild weather all last week played havoc with the 1ce surface in the rink, and consequently the Carnival which the Durhamâ€"Amusement Co, had billed TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY THREE MILLIONS Durham Branchâ€"John Keily, Manager e Branches also at Priceville and Williamfsord : The Men‘s Bible Class are making arrangements to hold another banquet on Tuesday, April4th. President J. B. Reynolds of the Ontatio Agricultural College, Guelph, has consented to come and be the specia! speaker for the occasâ€" ion. Remember the date and get your ticket early. M ihe 6. Y. P.K of the Baptist Church are holding a soÂ¥ial evening in the schoolroom of the Wurch on ‘Friday, March 24th, at 8 p. m. good program is bring prepared, com nity singing and relreshments served. dmission 20¢ts | Irs P. Gagnonmgave the use of her ie which took the form of a reception [hursday last, for the berefit of the sionary Society of the Methodist rch. Invitations were issucd inâ€" ing a small sack in which was to be ted silver to the extent of one‘s It is doubtful if the Durham ladies 1 up to this rigidly, but their good to the Society, was to the extent of )0, representing a total of 5000 years! how many were present ? | ing 60 te ley, % $1.00 to this wee Bove prices auspic The B. Y. P The Orange Grand Lodg® of Ontario West will meet in Owen Sound in March 1023. It is expected over 1000 delegates 1 will attend. Roj For quality and atylc‘out Hobberlin samples. G. S. Burnett. TY B VOL.XLV, NO 11 * M i AOWIssBRe |, ~/f¢zzOPICS | HT Aucas Parx StorE.â€"Mr E: : Rov Grarn CESâ€" We are payâ€" to 65¢ for Oats, 9¢ to 95¢ for Barâ€" Vc to 1.00 for BKkkwheat and 0 $1.75 for Peas at Elevator et your nett‘s. Open a savings account with this Bank now. ERE will be an added zest to your enj t Tl-go-day if at the same time you are eum financial backing for toâ€" morrow by mdlullz acâ€" cqlr;rmi::ting savings. Youth can spare what old age wil n be satisfied with the two STANDARD BANK Rob Roy MillsLi®rited MotoM\License at Geo. S. jrived at Rob Roy Mills ] ply now. and styleNge our Hobberlin! .From coast t coast 5. Burnett. and honored and\millio Grand Lodg® of Ontario :?dlrf’“""c'd“ & g t in Owen Sound in March | * 24 tmes â€" Sold akM OF CANADA THE ’ Mrs McMillan who was Miss Margaret Gibson Bould, was born in Dunfermâ€" Iline. Scotland, and came in young woâ€" | manhood to Halifax, N S., to reside with _ an uncle named Gibson, who in Confedâ€" reration days was a stalwart opponent of the entrance of Nova Scotia into the Dominion. Mr McMillan died 18 years ago. She was Presbyterian in faithand her pastor Rev. W. H. Smith will toâ€"day Wednesday conduct the funeral services. Interment takes place in Durbam cemâ€" etery. | On Monday last there passed away at | the home of her sc nâ€"inâ€"law Robert Macâ€" ’Iarlane, Mrs John McMillan, aged 88 years. Deceased has been a resident of f Durham for fourteen years coming here 'from Antigonish, Nova Scotia, and ’though coming here late in life made friends and was esteemed in the circle in which she moved. Under the loving‘ care of Ler daughter, though sufieringi from an anaemic trouble, she has seen a good old age and is the last of her level J to pass over the divide .\ Moxtuy Misstonary Meetino.â€" The Presbyterian W. M. S. met in the Durham Pres. Church, March 9th, Mrs A. Derby, President, in the chair, and a most interesting meeting was conducted The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted The visiting Committee reported as being most cordially welâ€" comed by all whom they called upon,.. The birthday mite box was placed upon ‘ the table andreceived some contributions Miss Belle McKenzie gave the paper on the Bible reading, explaining each text Mrs Jno. Bell gave an excellent paper on *"Central Indiaand Honan" and although | India is in such unrest, showed the| wonderful progress made in missionar)" wotk, the Indian natives going asl missionaries themseives. Mrs A. W.H, Lauder gave a short missionary story.‘ and the meeting closed with prayer Miss McPbail. _ I received Qn introducâ€" tion to her and I think she and I will get along splendidly." 1 LikEsS$. Grevr‘s MemBer.â€" M. R. Duncan, M. P. for North Grey, writes from Ottawa to the Owen Sound Sunâ€" Times ; "I have met all the good Tories and a lot of good Liberals. I had the pleasure of meeting.Jimmy Malcolm of Kincardine and was very pjeased Hel is just my kind I have not met many of the Progressives yet as they seem to stand off from the rest of us, excepting MiSS .“CPhailA T pastabersiy sns Bhog o ho ui0 oo n o o crdshing it like an egg shell and killing Mrs Assid Simon, who was preparing dinner. An inquest is being held and the firemen and others saw to it that the remainder of the wall was taken down to avoid further danger. The victim is an Assyrian and a bride of a few months only. A terrible tatality in Owen Sound ’on Saturday last. The big fire at the Kilbourn block a few weeks ago left some of the walls standing. Oze of these though held by wire, buckled and fell on the kitchen of an adjoining building crfi)ina SF Tihigs min se tss ae SWR is t eg o nage oo Be sure artd come to ’church omthe eÂ¥ening and hear "ould Â¥elar in song and story. Hanover, will contribl dress on this occasion served.. Admission 25¢ Death of Mrs McMiflan The Durham Presbyterian choir are holding an Eastercantata "Redemption‘s Song" on Tuesday, 18th of April. _ Miss Maud Buschlen,*"violinist of Toronto, will be the assisting artist. l A Hamilton paper a few days ago had an account nf a frial sk_ls 2i 2. Call in and be asure d aster Suit. G.S. urnet Three cars of American Che PDurhom Revie. pe Cmy C OnColke ng come to the Presbyterian e EÂ¥gening of the 17th March ould Keland" made famous story. rs. W. Ruttle 1 contrib an Irish adâ€" s occasion efreshments mission 25¢. ‘ datality in Owen Sound | last. The big fire at the| ock a few weeks ago lefi! coast Tanlac is known illions have taken it the greatest medicine I a Macfarlane'sDrux asured for your new hmnetti Get sb Compact five room brick residence with woodshed, quarter acre lot an Bruce st. Durhant. Good gatden, well on proâ€" perty. Warm comfortable home in choice location. Apply at Review Office, or on / premises to owner, I Ten roomed house, on Garafraxa St. south, Durham. Large light rooms, fine for boarders. Barn, stable, hen house, and a lot of land. ‘ Convenient to stone crushing plant. Also a small house. Apply to _ Miss Elizabeth Murdock, just Mrs Adam Weir ...................... MtS J. J . SMItHE :2.2..:sss..scscs. T.:. smmz mm |â€" The Ontario Gov‘t has now formally Below is the list of those who have started into the Savings Bank business contributed to the Russian Famine Reâ€" with branches opened at Toronto, Ayl. lief Fund, opened by the "Canadian mer, St Marys and Woodstock. Branchâ€" Greys" Chapter, 1. 0O D.E J es will yet be opened in about 16 other Canadian Greys‘ Chap., IODE $10 00; cities and towns, the nearest to us being wajc o a s s war +0 _ e se ves C CEsiLs \ One of the outstanding finznciers of : America says "Statistics show that panâ€" ics are caused by spiritual causes. rathet than financial and that prosperity is the result of righteousness rather than maâ€" terial things."" Next Sunday the discusâ€" sion will be on the qualities necessary for success in business ard how men, with these qualities. may be leaders in a national trade revival. The new times need new menand big men. | | _ Walkerton Chureh circles have a big ,Conference planned for March 24, 25 and 26. About 200 delegates (boys) are ’ expected from neighboring communities» and they will be billeted in Walkerton homes from Friday p. m. till Monday morning. _ On Sunday last in Durham Presbyterian Church at the notice hour, Dr Lynn Grant, an enthusiastic Walker, tonian, made an earnest appeal to Dur. ham boys to share in the Conference. A galaxy of prominent speakers will adâ€" dress the boys, and the work all through will be such as appeals to boys and young men. Rev. W. H. Burgess, for years an outstanding leader in Boys‘ wo§k is €Conference Director. House For; Sale or to Rent Boys‘ Conference in Walkerton |. The Red Cross Society held their anâ€" | nual meeting in the Armouries Tuesday |last when reâ€"election of officers took place and resulted in the following capaâ€" ble list for the coming year ; President, Mrs Dr. Jamifeson Vice Pres., Mrs W. H. Smith Treasurer, Miss L. McKenzie [ Sec‘y, Mrs P. Gagnon Ex.cutive ; Mesdames Jno Graham, A. A Catton, Wm. Lawson, J. Kelly, R. Isaac, T. Petty, J. Whittaker, Mrs. Nicholl, Wm Ryan. Ways and Means Com ; Mesdames Jucksch, Cole, W. E. Clark, D. B. Mcâ€" Farlane, Morlock, Knecntel, F. Irwin. { Buyers : Mesdames Jucksch, Jamieson, â€" Catton, Gagnon. alt . ts wtees WF M | _ Dollar Days have become an establish _ | ed institutionin many neighboring towns | and their wice range of values offered Iare greatly appreciated by the puvlic,| | Durham mâ€"rchants are anxious to make | both days a~complete success, and are | | according!y making slashing reductions fin many lines of staple goods | . Dollar Days in Durham ,i?/ Friday & Saturday, March 24th & 25th No one should miss réading the anâ€" nouncemer ts by tne participating mer Residence for Sale Russian Famine Fund These Dollar Day Bargains will be listed in special advertisements in next week‘s Review _ Read every advertiseâ€" ment carefully. The merchants of Durham have comâ€" bined to present to the public a most atâ€" tractive array of bargains for two days oaly, March 24th and 25th. These days are termed "Dollar Days" because the purchasing power of the dollar is so / greatly enhanced. ~Many remarkable bargains will be offered and by taking! aavantage of them one‘s savings will | total tremendously. | JOHN G. BEATON, Durham Red Cross Elect Officers $19 00 { Annie E. Kearney, Treasurer| Men‘s Bible Class Startling Reductions in local Stores next Week & e &â€" Box 65, Durham DURHAM. THURSDAY MARCH 16 ONTARIO ARCHI TORONTO A SpPLENDIDP DoXatio®.â€"The Durâ€" ham Club in Toronto has forwarded to the local Red Cross society a $50 cheque towards the fund for the new bospitai | here, which is in addition to the sewing _and equipment for the hospital they are providing. Mr Jno. E. Russell, proâ€" prietor of the gtoneâ€"crushifng plant has also â€" contributed a $200 cheque to the fund. The new hospital, now the Isaac residence, will become a reality after Thursday next when the first payment on it is then to be made. i The Canadian Club of New Yorkis a centre of activity for all things Canadâ€" jan. _ Anyone with friends in that vilâ€" lage should urge them to get in touch with it, as they kave been doing fine work lately in looking after Canadians in distress. Address Thos D. Neolnndl' Canadian Clubof New York, Pershing 8q. and 42nd St , New York City. ] _ Mr. Arthur Greenwoochof the 3rd con, Glenelg, this week sold his two farms the home place to Mr Harry Moffat. of the 6th con. and the Banks farm to Mr. Arthur Edge. Thelatter gets possession at once but Mr. Greenwood and family | will retain possession of the home farm | for the balance of the year. O Sound and Walkerton. Four per ce;: interest will be paid on deposits and money loaned to farmers at 6% I have opened\up a pressing and cleanâ€" establishment inthe rooms above Mcâ€" Intyre‘s Hardware and will give best attention to all work left with me _ Reâ€" pairs also attended t As we wish to publish the Review next . week on Wednesday, containing the f Dollar Days announcements, will all | correspondents please mail their budgets | a day earlier ? | If you are troubled with Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuritis, etc., T.R.C‘s will positively relieve you, likewise Razâ€"mah for Asthma and Bronchitis â€" Sold by S. McBeth. "I have soK over 2,000 bottles of Tanlac and have‘mever had a dissatisfied customer," writes iser‘s Drug Store, Columbia, Tenn. SoK at Maefarianes. out sacksat Ground corn $35 .00 fÂ¥r ton, sacks inâ€" cluded. Whole corn $32. per ton withâ€" Seathe new p fine und@rwear at rear of ndard Lambton st. Nature ended that you should eat what you wa You can do it if you take Tanlac. S3K at Macfarlane‘s Drug Store Mr _ and Mrs~John Moffat left last week‘for their home in‘ Prince Albert afterâ€"visiting for twoâ€"manths with Mr W Moffat and Mrs Moffat‘s brother, W C. Vollett and other friends. Just ArRiveD carlaad of xxx and Xxxxx redâ€"brand shkpgles. Apply to J, N. Murdock. Merchants ! Order your counter check books at the Review office. Ask to see samples. Lowest prices. Mrs John McKechnie visited bher sister, Mrs Engel in Hanover tor a few days, E. A Rowe, Groceries & Dry Goods R. L Saunders, Variety Store D. C. Town, Jeweler +G. S. B irnett, Menis Furnishings Robt Buraett, General Store | Cross & Suth« rland, Hardware |C L Grant, General Merchant ’J- H. Harding, Hardware iA S. Hunter & Son, Hardware Ed. Kress, Furniture J. Levine, General Merchant J.S Mcliraith, Shoes S. McIntyre, Hardware J. McLachlan, Grocer J. McKechnie. General Store H. Morlock & Sons +* Mac{arlane & Co. Druggists S McBeth Druggist With ’chants in next week‘s Review. The folâ€" lowing is a list of the business houses that are coâ€"operating in putting on these two big «ollar days ; MraA Beggsand Son, Grocers new prints, gimghams and ear at Miss Cochrane‘s, at edard Bank. Entrance on Arch. R&bertson, Durham which is.iazorporated the Rob Roy MilW Durham at> ce ' Misses Janie and Isabelle Kelsey art | visiting their sister, Mrs I: a Yake, East Egremont. On Wednesday, March 15th,at _ the Rectory, Durham, the marriage was solemnized‘of Miss Annie Kerr, ‘daughâ€" ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Kerr, 3rd con, ‘ Egremont, to Mr Milford Andrew Mat'l thews, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mat-; thews of the 19th con, Egremont. â€" Rev. i |F. G. Hardy at 3 p. m. tied the nuptial | knot and the happy couple took the afâ€"| "ternoon train for Torcnto and elsewhere’ on their honeymoon. _ The Review exâ€"| tends best wishes. Mrs Jas McCracken has sold her fine rbrick residence on Lambton Sst., just east of. the turniture factory, to Mr C. H. Danard, Principal of the High School â€" Mrs McCracken will give possession shortly when she removes to her newlyâ€" ‘ purchased home in Upper town. l Mrs Archie McPhee and little son are visiting with her son J D , and brother, | Dan McGrath in Williamsford. Mr McPherson of the Jackson Manuâ€" lacturing Co,, went to Toronto Monday, ’where he will undergo an operation in the military hospital there for throat trouble, | _ Mrs John Legate left on Fridgy last for Wallaceburg to visit her daughter, Annie, Mrs Osborne, whose little boy was at the point of death, but latest word is that he is recovering. Miss Alma Hughes is visiting her ‘ sister, Mrs Herbert at the Rectory, Pregâ€" | ton. Mr and Mrs Ernest McDonald of Sarnia are visiting at his mother‘s here Mr Eddie McQueen left Monday for Walkerville where be will be ‘employed | £>* the coming season. Mr Will McMeeken of Toronto was up lately visiting his mother and sister, Mrs Dan McAuliffe. " Miss Sadie Kress spent over the week end with her brother Geo. in Toronto. | Mt and Mrs Harvey Wilson spent . the week end in Walkerton with Mr and / Mrs Tory Gibson at the Central Hotel. | ~Phone No‘s. appear out of date. e enc a n se 44. 9 Engine power in excess of your needs always available 10 Quick pickâ€"upâ€"gets away first in a traffic jam. .73113/ your Ford Car SHAord Holstein Leader its resale or tradeâ€"in value is higher than that of any other car. Easiest to operate : both hands on the steering wheel all the time. No radical chan‘_ggs in design to make a last year‘s model It costs less than any other car by hundred dollars It costs less for gasoline. It costs less for tires. It costs less for repairs. Service is obtainable wherever you go. Its resale or tradeâ€"in value is higher than that of a , 1922 10 Reasons Why you should buy a LW‘ hn omain) PA 6 M "Hoogeathtt '1 DURHAM, HOLSTEIN, MT. FOREST SMITH BROS. aoee M cyv "o 0 M C Spring is â€"drawing nearer Mdse. is now coming to hand. to quality and prices of our new A nice ra'nge of Men‘s brand that has a reputation Gents‘ Wearing Anneral <n miss. Men‘s ; real snap at ... We hold our trade. Why 1 SAVE BEFORE YOU SPEKD Durham Branch : This is Published Weekly at £2.00 a vear in advance To United States, $2.50 in advyance. 0. BAMAGE & 30N Porures» Let your Bank Account e first concern. It will more. then repey y wlater years, eabody‘s Overalis THE ROYAL BANK _ OF CANADA : J. A. Rowland, Manager A Sayings Departme: + at every branch of Â¥ue 5e ¢ your w6

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