West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Mar 1922, p. 5

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Li 1ces rton and son Ralph Miss Jessie Clark of ‘ guests of Mr and k on Saturday, tguson otf Swinton the week end with McDonald, amond Noble and Hill spent Sunday Mr and Mrs Robert ce. ‘ch McLean spert eatty oi Holland. SR DEEN lour irray of Sullivan iss Helen Clark on ig to ham rmer where cusâ€" t k 50 i curos of My the week with ing 16, 1922 y with ber d M 10 1@ y thke order of the uat a 13 se ire . budget "anover spent ith her Sister. ho is il1. us of !_nloch U ean were in M 3€ MGCI'ICHQ. to Welbeck ITrs I‘p to rsday with McKenzie f Durham, ously in of Craw. limber Chatleg 0 Han. oghter Mr ap «£ .O For 19¢ Cigarettes rw~ a Enopmmmmmnnnnnnnmnnmmmnntemmmmemmmmmsmenss _ p (cZ Fon ~ praprce F o i 5+7 <2ubd e *3 * 3 % J y : # f h ey ’ t L* f s ~ C 2"1@Js oA B * e : i3 "W A W\ o 2 ts o. M 1 .390 2# D 16 s As t ~â€"10/2¢0 t 5e f a C2 i us io Bc Sn } P braâ€"mnd o B a 3 w M uo) PS i > 4 sT% lee % Vi y T? 0 ;s ‘-?â€"‘- , 5 }'fl“ 2: o": & 3 ‘:*'. *AA Keul. es AZ is Lt F284 mt & R Peide en . & L w DA e EJ‘. %"fl@f/} Druggist and Stationer, DurhamJ Nesseseaee eesesseaseeee23* Whole Corn, Chopped Corn, Whole'Screenings Ground Screenings, Whole Feed Oats, Chopped Oats, Crushed Oats, Cracked Corn, Crushed Oats, Corn and Bariey, Mixed Poultry Feed, Feed Oatmeal, Oit Feed, Clansmen Stock Feed, Ground Flax and mixed feed of all kinds which we are selling at close pricés in any quantity Special prices in five ton lots. Clinb together and get your feed at carload prices. M ; MRS. A. GRAHAM yLEEEEEEEEEECE cesceccece &z !’ If vour maruha naki® wamstin._ M Terms Cash Business Hours 8 a m Buckwheat .. Perl@Â¥ #«««4 Pea# ...¢¢@%, Whest ..«r.. Flour per ewt () xn O CCeoive Won‘t you at least give it a chance to convince you of its merits? We are selling it eontingally to cur mast discriminating patrons and they endorse it bigbly. We bave had an opportunity to see jJuast what Penslar Dynamic Tonic can do for those whose nerves are run down, and we recommend it very highly. Penslar Dynamie Tunic ec mes in two sizes, 75¢ and $1 50N This nerve tonie consists of the most bighly reecmmendcd nerve foods. suen as potassium, calciam and magnesinm phospbaces, qainine bydrochloride and ironâ€"citro phosphate. _ The exact forâ€" mula is on the label tor your protection Cage o * If your nerves need new strength, nothing w E_iAE â€"pâ€"â€"â€"z 08000 Eâ€"â€"â€"x pâ€"â€"â€"4 NWWn mm ROB ROY MILLs Headquarters Durhtam Markets. Opening Fancy Store ormer Bell Telephone C E_TX ET BG0¢ 2 â€"â€" ROB We have a good stock of all kinds of Feed and including : MARCH 16, 1922 Penslar Dynamic Dressmaking, Mi”inery, made Dresses, Skirts, Blouses and Whitewear Children‘s Wear. rves need nourisbment and your : nothing will belp you quicker than ROY MILLS, Limited to 5 4 25b w 4 65 1922 to _ 30 t\ 25 w /4 11 75 No Town Delivery Telephone day No 4. Night 81 1 00 ed our 95 1 75 f Mi”inery, Readyâ€" es, Skirts, Fancy Whitewear. Also 0. Stand, +ane sunny spring days has spoil ed our winter roads and wheels are in general use again this week. A rumber of people, both old and young, are more or less ill with colds, The sunny Limited PRICEVILLE VILLAGE PRICEVILLE . . T5e and $1 50. Tonic system calls for Feed J MA Ad Junior Room ,"i «_ Sr IIIâ€"Erma MacLean, Jessie Nichol, w Delia MacPhail Innis MacLean, Donald m MacLean. Jr IIIâ€"Florence Carson, !0.\ Mabel Nichol, Jean MacLean, Eva Carâ€" m son, Alice Reiley, Archie Macintosh, m Jewel MacArthur, Beth Hincks, Murray m MacMillan. Absentâ€"Kathleen Everist, *' Helen Wynne, Milton Teeter, Johnny, ¢m MacKechnie. Sr IIâ€"Jean McLachlan, PR wiltie Nichot, Jimmy _ MacDougal},| " Gordon Teeter, Prâ€"NeilAlcorn. Mar-’ gery Everist, Margaret MacArthur', was â€" Donald MacArthur, George MacLean ab. | The statiMes provide that trout fishâ€" ing season op&ns on the first of May and that there shal! be no Sunday fishing at any season ; and further that the onus of proof of innocence rests on persons accused with vidlation of these laws. Any infraction of \the fishery laws reâ€" ported to the Yam Game and and Protective Ad ociation will be summarily dealt with i accordance with the law. I Custom cho ing ev Kechnmie‘s Mills, urha guaranteed. Cork, mi and all kinds of feedh for prices. Sr 1Vâ€"Marjorie Ritchie, Wilbert Greenwood, Jr IVâ€"Glenny Firth, Frederica Staples, Ada Paylor. Jr IIIâ€" Dorothy Ritchie, Christene Andersen, Armonell Glencross, Bell Boyd, Archie Greenwood. _ Sr IIâ€"Lena Bell, Grace Paylor, Mary Scheurman, Jack Andersen, Ralph Staples, Mae Bell, Tom McNally, Bertha McNally, Clara Scheurman. Jr.i IIâ€"Dan Ritchie, Mary Moffat, Dan Firth, Myrtle Glencross, Bert Wilson.” Jr Iâ€"â€"Jaspar Greenwood. Prâ€"Percy | Greenwood, Olive Allen, Jim Bell, Alva‘ Greenwood . I * School Reports | S S NO 12 ARTEMESIA S¢ Vâ€"Esther MacLean, Donalda Nichol, Alec MacLean. _ Jr V â€"â€"Dorig MacLean, Murray Nichol (eq.,) Gordon MacIntosh, Bessie Jones, Anna Shortâ€" reed, Clifford Hincks, Leroy MacDonald, Altred Hincks, Anna Teeter, Will Macâ€" Kechnie, Violet MacDougai (eq.,) Murâ€" ray Watson. Sr IVâ€"Mary Carson. Jr IVâ€"Gilvray MacLean, Leonard Macâ€" Arthur, Alroy MacLean, Hilda Macâ€" Kechnie (eq.,) Kathcrine MacMillan | Rebecca Nichol (eq., Guy Hazard, Norâ€" ma MacDougal, Neil MacLean, Olive MacMeekin, Jack MacMeekin /ah \ %irs T. A. Ferguason has been quite ill for a couple of weeks with beart trouble and other ailments, but toâ€" !wnrd end of last week, Dr. McFarâ€" lane found that he had succeeded | in checking the heart trouble and hopes to have her around again in | the near fature. 1 | _ Miss Nellie McLean returned Satâ€" urday from a two week‘s bcliday | with her aunt, Mrs Fred Raneiman, I in Toronto. | â€"The Agricauitural Society bave purchased a grod piano and placed it in the hall for use at public enterâ€" tainments, concerts, and other gath eriogs. | Warning to Fishermen Game | Mr Dan McKinnon has been sufâ€" 'lering with a throat ailment and Dr. Sneath ot Dromore bas been in atâ€" ltendance and at end of glast week larrangemenu were made to take the patient to Ferggs hospital for treatâ€" ment on Monday of this week. In: 'tbe Methodist charch Jast Sunday morning at the commencement of the service, the whole congregation bowâ€" ed together for a moment or so in silent prayer, asking tor the restoraâ€" tion of Mr McKinnon to normal bealth again. S s NO 3GLENELG IOn o[‘\the fishery laws reâ€" the Durham Game and tive _ Agsociation will be alt with i4 accordance with By order \ By order and Protectio\Association M. Constance Smith Jr IIIâ€"Florence Carson, ol, Jean MacLean, Eva Carâ€" Reiley, Archie Macintosh, Jack MacMeek_i;(-;b.) M. Kidd, teacher ing every day at Mcâ€" urham. Satisfaction TR, mixed chops, oats ecd\for sale at current 1, Jack Andersen, 1, Tom McNally, Scheurman. |Jr. y Moffat, Dan VICINITY , teacher in We o 42 es ns sls MEC 200 PE ETVE And fellow mortal." } The work of Jack Miner has a humanâ€" | izing effect upon the young He is not | against all sport, but condemns the lust of killing, and his success in harmonizing man and nature, and his devout attitude | to nature‘s God is w rthy of emulation. Another feature of his character is his adoration of his mother. When she came from Ohio she brought@ rose bush with her, and she has evidentiy instilled the loveof the beautiful into her son, for a few of his pictures show beautiful rose flanked walks and bowers. ~He threw her picture on the screen and sang with pathos, "Mother Machree",l which touched all hearts. :ert’ After the development of this new th, thought had taken root, he soon learned WA ’ a few notes of wildâ€"goose language and er,"his audience could testify to its reâ€" hief semblance to the real. thing. Then anâ€" ice| Other thought struck him. Where did. en"the ducks and the geese go when they ly, ' jeft him ? _ He had light tin tags made | jr, and attached them to one leg of the an | birds. on one side was his name, address | in. I and request to anyone shooting or capâ€" cy turing the bird to notify him at Kingsâ€" va | Ville, Ont.® Later another thought led‘ | hW] to stamp a text of scripture on one | | side. "By this means he has learned that ‘ c. our wild geese go mainly north to: n | Hudson Bay in summer, south as far as | ts N. Carolina. The ducks judging by reâ€" | | t turned tags. cover thous.:-fdsof miles‘l east and west and north and south. |« The texts too have found a mark and he | < values highly, scores ‘of lette.rs accom» | & panying the tags, appreciative of the;‘a «/ texts. Thousands of these migrants| I d make his home a resting place for af t weak or two on their journey, and last ' L s season he fed out 1509 bushels of corn, | w s but the government is now rendering“} . him assistance on this point. 85 per / e â€" cent of his rieighbors assist him in anâ€"| b 1/ other way by seeing to it that no wild | | sportsman runs amuck among the birds. | â€" | In consequence no gun is fired within a | | mile of the sanctuary, He tells a pathetic story to illustratef , how geese, popuiarly supposed to beliA | stupid is possessed of finer feelings. A| B! | wounded one was unable to accompany | P‘ jthe bunch in their flight and remained S Ij jalone. but not for long. A staid comâ€". | panion came back plainly for the pur-' | pose of companionship and remained | p,, f with its injured mate for the season. 4 _ ‘Factafter fact all went to show how | 4 Miner has cemented "‘Nature‘s Social Union," which Burus refers toin his “2 verses, made when his presence scared th some water fowl ; (‘~‘g "I‘m truly sorry man‘s dominion | se Has broken nature‘s social union, _ | _ And justifies that il opinion , hl That makes thee startle | At me, thy poorearthâ€"born companion ONTARIO ARCHI TORONTO ‘|. He found Canada a sportsman‘s paraâ€" | dise, and early began to study the ob: jects of the hunttill "from the Bobâ€"White Quail to the Lordly Moose" he knew them all. â€" His hunting at first with a | dear brother, was for the market, and they became expert shots and someâ€" times left a bloody trail behird them. However in 1908 this brother was taken from him and Jack found himselt reâ€" 'flecting that the wildest of the animals looked upon him as a deadly enemy. It was but a step to wondering if they | would know a friend if they had one and : that "loveable thought is now a reality"‘ | for he has now thousands of those fea" | thered witnesses that know his voice‘ and some of whom will come when he . calls them. I Ts | He was born in Ohio, we should say | nearly 60 years ago. ‘‘Was born bareâ€" | footed and educated out of doors" in" other words his parents were poor but | honest people blessed with a family ol' 10 children, five of them sistersof his, | "all girls." They pulled up stakes and " moved to Canada, "though a dollar bill : looked like a horse blanket,"" when Jack , ‘ was 13. ’ But: even without the pictures the lecture alone was of most absorbâ€" ing interest. He makes no pretense of being an orator but he has a vein of humor which lights up his talk and above all he reverently‘ links nature with nature‘s God and is conversant with Bible truth though he asserts that he cggld not read until 33 years of age. | be moving pictures but some mishap prevented the machine reaching town, through no fault of the local Chapter who had completed al} arrangements, However with Rev. Hardy‘s lantern a large number of views were shown giving a fine idea of work carried on at Kingsâ€" ville. Though on Saturday night, the Presâ€" byterian Church was filled with an eage® crowd to hear and see the now somewhat famous man and pictures of his home, his ponds, his birds, &c. There was to The town and community owe much to the I. 0. D. E., and chiefly its Regent Mrs Gilbert McKechnie for bringing to town the distinguished naturalist, "Jack®" Miner _ To call him "Mr Miner‘‘ seems tame, the "Jack" suits him all right, but he is one of Nature‘s gentlemen all the same, and we can‘t remember when a lecture left such a pleasing flavor beâ€". hind it. Jack Miner Leaves Fine Impression * mis parents were poor but le blessed with a family of five of them sistersof his, They pulled up stakes and Crowds to Hear liim TRE DUORHAM REVIEW | _ Miss Emery travelling Manager for the Spirel!la Co., Niagara Falls, Canada, \left D rham today after leaving their representative, Mrs J.C. Nichol, a full | stock in all lines for 1922, who will show | all ladies interested why Spirella Goods |\ demand first place the world over, I1f you do not know their merit, call and a demonstration will be cheerfully given Free. Their hygienic principles shonldj govern, and "with the knowledge of a; trained corsetiere, you are sure to be properly suited and pleased. | District Representative Spirella Ist and Best According to classification the world over | Agents for Langley Dye Works Bring in your goods. Price | Next door to Post Office The Review a~a D @r for one sewr...., Phe Review anâ€" W for 1 Y EUE extareseere Phe Revi w and T Giobe 1.a 1 year.. The Reyiâ€" nd T Star + 1. gâ€"ur where great stress was Heaton, the Fire Marst: eous combustion caused being stored when not . A hint is sufhcient to the ol o OO T09 €¥0080!Y Scommented upon Dominion and Provincial secur. ties to the amount of $7,000 have been purchased, and for several years the company has not been in a more secure or favorable position. Light losses are attributable to the carefuiress of the agents in examining, and foret hought of Directors in approving, of applications, The Manager attended the Mutual Underwriters® c(m‘cntion at Toronto T on ~Bemnenils, en f The report, which showed compared with other com; well received and favorably upon _ Dominion and Provil ties to the amount of $7,000 purchased, and for several company has not been in a n or favorable position. Light attributable to the carefuir agents in examining, and for Directors in approvinga afa. J The annual mee Bruce Mutual Fire held in the Hanover February 17. Ther ance of Directors, w members. Â¥% Grey & Bruce Mutual in Strong Position it | _ Mrs Hunt is survived by her husband, ; f ‘ father, mother, seven brother, three | ,, Sisters and seven children. Mrs Walker | d' of Autter, Mrs Montgomery of Toronto, , 1 Miss F. Hunt at home, Percy who is k visiting in the east Wilfred who is, teaching in Regina, Wesley at home and | ‘ Harold in college Toronto. ’ â€"| â€" The funeral service was held on Tuesâ€" )\ day in the home, Rev Wm. M. Thomn. |â€" N egrtl nds it dnc it . t .A son of McGee officiated. During the *#+ | service Rev. Thompson paid a "high | .fl, ;trubute to Mrs Hunt, whom he referredj 4+ to as a devoted, loving wife, a great | imother who lived with her boys and| * gir‘s as well as for them, a true loyal| #t friend, a women of great integrity and ae sterling character. {* Burial was made at Fiske cemetery ;fl' where 5SEc0nd Drief Gervine ume «e Burial was made at Fiske cemetery ‘ where & second briefservice was conâ€" I ductedâ€"by Rev. Thompsou assisted by | Rev. Carter. | ‘‘Now the laborer‘s task is o‘er | Now the battle day is past, I Now upon the farther shore | Lands the voyager at last. | Father in Thy gracious keeping | Leave we now Thy servant sleeping." !' â€"Com. | | Mrs E. W. Hunt of McGee, Sask., _ passed away on March 2nd following an illness extending over several months. | Mrs Hunt was born in Nottawasaga, county Grey, Oatario, and before her marriage was Miss Isabella Emily Reid. After marriage she lived near Markdale Ont., for almost 30 years, but in 1913 along with Mr Hunt she responded to the call of the Great West and homeâ€" |steaded ten miles south west of McGee, ‘Mrs Hunt has bsen an active and loyal worker in the community, no good cause lacked her advocacy and efficient | service, and aithough her spirit has left its earthly cage her power and «influence will dwell while life lasts in the memories of her loved ones and many sorrowing | friends. I MRS. J. C. NICHOL All Others Second 2 _ . _ CV /VU. fls topie was "‘Why ~I believe there is a God," and in his own {ascinating way he presented illustrations from animal life, habits, &c , showing evidence of purposeful design. Incidentâ€" ally he narrated some of his hunting exâ€" periences. where in the lonesome wild, there was frequently the making of a tragedy, and in several situations he believed he was saved in answer to prayer I' Jack Miner and his bird sanctuaryr" will henceforth have a new meaning to ! fall who heard him. | | _ $110 was taken in the lecture. | Sunday evening by invitation of Rev, f Mr Cole, he took the service in the Town Hall (where the Methodist body | is meeting at present) and the place was jammed full. His topic was "Why l'? believe there is a God." and in his L. Cieaner and Presser D. B. McFARLANE annual meeting of the Grey &45 Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was * he Hanover council chamber on | ‘y 17. There was a large attendâ€"| * Directors, with a fair number of : &# Clubbing Rates *** * 88 9e sns see ne0 ‘O"w their merit, call and a 1 will be cheerfully given bygienic principles shonld with the knowledge of a iere, you are sure to be CROSSED THE BAR Daily Advertia Toronto Da=nxy _ after leaving their _ J.C. Nichol, a full 1922, who will show why Spirella Goods the world over. If Poronto Danly other companies, was ek') Witneas quently the making of a in several situations he was saved in answer to showed slight losses laid by F. v. wal, on spontanâ€" d by hay, etc., properly cured, e wise. orks, Toronto Prices right. Durham 6 75 6 75 a 8 75 6 75 bae. mc _ . _ 20 CP S°00CKk fTrom Dirham every Tuesday. Parties are reâ€" quested to bring stock in on that day but give three days notice. JAS. LAWRENCE, Manager, Phone 93, r 1â€"3. R. R. No 1, Durham The Durham U.F.0. Live Stock Shipâ€" ping Association will ship stock from Dl{ham every Tuesday. Parties are reâ€" QueRted ta belns Lalca‘> T Men and Women to sell to wome homes rubberâ€"lined waterproof gim aprons for use in the kitch en easily earn $14 daily and more. _ J seller and ready demand. Send for eampleapron and full particu Money refunded if sample retur BRITISH RUBBER COMPaANYy McGill St., MONTREAL, That desirable property on Queen St North, former residence of Mrs Hunter Harrow (nee Lily Walker.) _8 roomed arick house in good condition. A splenâ€" did garden well set out with small fruit, good stable, well, &e Bargain to quick purchaser. Apply for particulars to Desirable Residence Property for Sale Having purchased the Allen Park saw mill, Iam prepared to do all kinds of custom sawing. _ Soft timber will be taken in exchange. Tenders will be received for lots 13 and 14, Con. 2, N. D. R Glenelg, 100 acres until 20th March 1922, No tender necessarily accepted. Sarah Webber, & A. H. Jackson Executors, James Webber, estate _ If you have money lying idle, or not earning good interest, see or write to P. Ramage, Durham, and invest it now, as high interest rates are fast disappearing . The best remedy known for asthma is RAZâ€"MAH, for Rheumatism etc. is T R.Cs. Both are sold and guaranteed by reliable druggists everywhere. Aski S MacBeth, "Â¥" ‘9&,‘ Te e Te the e Bs Bs Ts Bs the h p $ g Frilled Vestees .. 94¢ ea Â¥ Organdy Collars g*&*****t*w%f * GRANTSAD. 3 t« Notice to Farmers . < " e Ce C. L. GRANij Brown Heather Hose ++ > ++ .+ ... _ 1.00 pr White Organdy Swiss Organdy MacFARLANE‘S New Plain Organdy Take Nyal Vitamines and obâ€" serve how quickly you will regain strength and energy . You‘ll put on flesh, your skin wiil take on a natural, healthful glow, and you will feel fit. Help Wanted Contain yeast and otherVitamines in concentrated form and comBined with valuable Healthâ€"Giving,Nerve Strengthening, Body-Building subâ€" stances essential to gond health and vitality, Custom Sawing Vitamines is the name given to certain nutritive elements containâ€" «ed in foods, and which are essential to health and body development. Yeast, Milk and Vegetables are especially rich in Vitamines, but modern methods of preparing many of these foods destroy the Vitaâ€" mines contained therein., Nyal Quality Store Farm for Sale VITAMINES Embroidered....... I Cns Een ~AH lined waterproof gimgham s n ues C TL T »»..........00¢ and 75¢ per in Pink, Navy, Green )and Mauve.... 1.35, 1.75, 2.25 yd in RKose, Surburst ins. wide Ramagé. Review Office NYAL VITAMINE TABLETS Price $1.00 at What are They ? the kitchen _ Can ind more. Rapid and. _ Send 75cts 1 full particulars. sample returned. , Copen, Tomato, t, and Mauve, 40 tenennan nae n ns women in 75c each , 202 55¢ yd yd | _ The School is thoroughly equipped to | take up the following courses : | 1. Junior Matrieulation ‘2' Entrance to the Normal Schools 3. Senior Matriculation Each member of the staff is a Univâ€" ersity graduate and an experienced teacher. _ Intending pupils should prepare to enâ€" ter at the beginningof the fall term. Information as to courses may be obâ€" tained from the Principal. The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to maintain in the future. Durham is an attractive and healthy town and good azcommadation can be obtained at reasonable rates. DUIREHAM IEHUGII SCHOOL W CALDE , Town Agent, Central Drag Store, Telephone No. 3 For tarther partieulars apply to any Grand Truok Picket Agent, or C E. Horning, District Passenger Agent. Toronto, Ont. The Double Track Route P Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night Trains and arlor Cars on principal Day Trains. mi "orveey sit onl tutibiccsie t w sc b ment. Write forhandsome catalogue. Enter any time.. W. J. Elliott, Principal Â¥onge and Charles Sts., Toronto Is strictly firstâ€"class in all Departâ€" ments and unexcelled in the Dominion Student‘s"lssisled to ob‘ain employâ€" mant ut # .m & LC C. H. DANARD, B. A. Principa Business, Shorthand, lflrmers and Preparatory Courses. Catalogue free C. A.Fleming, F.C.A. G. D. Fleming.‘ Principal since 1381 Secretary DURKHAM H‘ogox (s‘:zoA’I‘n]u.\'rn Tol;onm University , late College Denta) Surgeon Dentistry in all its vranches, U f:fi W.C, PICKERING u. 1 8., L D s HoNmor GRADVATRE of Torono, University, graduate of Royal Oollege of Dental Snrgeons of Ontario Roome Over J & J HUNnTERs New Store Orrio® 2 Hours: 7â€" DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESON mhy, . _3 100. CCmNCr vOuntess and Lambton, opposite old Post Office Office Hours : 9 to 11 a. m., 1.30 to 4 . m., 7 to 9‘ p. m., Sundays ang g'hurlday afternoon cxcented. Office and residence J.L. SMITH, M. B., M. C.P. 8. Licensed A uctioneer for Co J. G. HUTTON.M.D. 0 x o /34 y rwuird wh HAMRILIJ‘ ._MoPMAIL_ »â€" . F.GRANT â€"Muanex Omce on gite : 2â€"5 Afternoon 7â€"8 EM(D'I # Except Sundays between . B. CUR+EY ver _i3 ) CAUON between Office an Residence at a)} hours. J.'A'f“l" «ty w AND â€" _ HANOVER , Solieitor, Etc. erter) ience, corner Countess opposite old Post Office Lambton St 8 BP A d

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