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Durham Review (1897), 23 Mar 1922, p. 9

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rom- of Ontario Roos UNTER‘8 New Stoze TON, M.D., C MO KiIMJ 4. S ATE Toronto University ‘milege Dental surgeop DIADCNO®, awellry store ad OPMA WAIL 4 AND CURb EY 23, 1922 ND â€" HANOVER Solieitor, Etc. e and Brick ump Repairs R A M A | WA C t1il T~!ard‘soffice, RéNt e t a»s a0d Burgeons ith of Registty niversity, Gre Duri )Mce an teas Nee 1J S nd CXA w dius . % 1A % Priceville, Ont. % DT HmERy®; DoLLar Days MXXX Get your Sale of Printing at C e To the Lady or CGGentleman buying the largest ‘,3} amount in Merchandise on either the one or both days 2A we will give the choice of one pair of shoes from our RA stock for $1.00. * KARSTEDT BROS. We have opened up a Meat Market in the former Nichol Taiior Shop (just south of Middaugh House) where we will havâ€" at all times a choice supply of Give os a trialâ€"â€"we want you tomer. (ar prices are right. Ask 1 call or give order to the driver. MARCH 23, 1922 The New Shop, MEATS of all Kinds LAWRENCE & WILSON Cotton Towelling, 8 yards NOK :. icz ‘uvcla« Â¥xes €¥¥s White and Blue Flannelette & yardg& IOr.... ...« «.+. + Bordered Apron Gingham, 4 YMIFIOL .147 :.encce Chambrays, 5 yards for .. .. Ladies‘ Lisle Hose, 6 pairs SOK ...« viuse «xurer uiaud us Bread and Bake Pans, Doilâ€" lar Day prices 4 for .... Japanned Cbamber Pails Dollar Days price....... Cold Blast Lantern .... .. Gilvanized Wash Boiler .. Wire Nails, 2} in,. up, 20 lIbs Below are a few Special Offerings for these days for Cash or Produce Only. _ Oni‘y one lot to each customer in order to allow these Bargains to go round. Factory Cotton, 8 yards I0 .22 . cArdaLET ET Eniad o Granulated Sugar, 14lbs for.... Laundry Soaps, assorted, 15 bars for New Prunes 70/80 6lbs for .... Tap Figs, No 1 quality, 9 lbs for Heinz Sweet Pickle (in bulk) pint #A 'u; ;llr t;'mes a choice supply of Fresh Meats. Sausage ‘Leadcheese, Cured Meats Â¥ish of all kinds in Scaron opposite Veteran Star Sale Bills and all kinds s at the Review Office in PRICEVILLE‘S BUSY STORE Friday & Saturday March 24th & 25th Dollar Days t you to be a satisfiecd cusâ€" Ask for our delivery rig to 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 SPECIAL Theatre: Du rham Men‘s Blue Denim Over alls. reg 1 75 value Per pr Simmons‘ Green Label Matâ€" tress. Dollar Days.... .. $16 Simmons‘ White Label Matâ€" $1o tress Dollar Days...... Simmors‘ All Felt Mattress. Doilar Days .., ......c. . $7 Bed S$prngs, Dollar Days $5 Men‘s Navy blue Suits, reg $30 value. Dol d‘ys Men‘s Black Cashmere Hose. reg olar 75 cent value â€" Dollar 1 m Davs, 2 pairs for...... # Men‘s Woo!l Shirts, good value at 1.25 ........... W Biaa | The first year classes at the Un:â€" | yersity have been greatly overcrowaded the past three years. This has treâ€" mendonsly boosted the cost of muinâ€" taimming the Universiiy. A large proâ€" porton of the students entering are ‘Junior Matriculants who shouald really apend a year longer at High School. In some of the specialized courses they | would save a year at University by iukmg their senior matriculation at High Sebool, _ The extra year at: | University coste the province a let of | money, to say nothing of the big exâ€" ‘ peuse it means to each pupil to live |in the city for one year, It was wich | a view to remedying this highâ€"costing | practice that the Education Departâ€" | ment proposes to raise the standard for matriculation. The proposal bas been widely approve@ by educational authorities. Recenstly some municipal council gos tue idea that raising ma â€" menlation standard was bitting "the poor man‘"‘ and started a petition a petiion amoug municipat councils against raising the matriculation standard, On the fase of it the ides sounds plausible but it will now stand |looking into, The facts as above ‘|outlined point in the opposite direst. lion, Bome municipal councils who {know listle or nothing about the | matter, grasped at the idea of being the ‘‘poor man‘s" friend and signed "| the petition. Walkerton Town Counâ€" [ cil took what we believe to be the wise course in declining to try to dictate off.hand to the Education Department regarding a matier in which the Dept. has advised by a commiss:on of trained experta The Raising of Matriculation Standards "Teasâ€"â€" Advances from primary marâ€" kets continue tp indicate a strong situ ation with upwakd tendencies. â€" Locally there are no chaniges but as stocks are not large there is alstrong possibility for somre advances as kmForters state spot prices are still far bÂ¥ow cost of replaceâ€" The above statement\in the ‘Canadian Grocer‘ of March 10th\s authoritative Those who understand the tea situation say that unless the price mes easie on the primary market very soon the consumer may expect to pay 10c or lic more a pound for tea. Teas Steadily Advancing ~.**" 1.00 se e 4 k e 8 ® 1.00 25.00 $1 00 1 00 1 03 1 00 40 Swinwn Park formaily bid guodâ€" byo to Mr and Mrs Robert Kaux aud daughter Lynetta on Taursduay evenâ€" ing., Mareo 16.h, whena iarge namâ€" berat their iriends and neighbors gathered at their bome and many more were prevemied from comiog through the breakap of the roads. Atter a general chat and social nour spent meeling one another, Rev. Mr Jones was voted to the chair and atâ€" ter atew intruduciory remarks, asked Mr and Mrs Kuox to cccupy cuairs that had been placed tor scnem. â€" He called on Mr Archie MceKinnoon who read the address anod Mr Neii D Clark who made the presentavion. You bave been residents of ESwin ton Park for many years and ,like others, baye seen various changes in tois locality, _ And now vyou too are removiog elsewhere _ lo parting with you we are losing good and worthy triends and neighbors who were always ready aod willing to help when and where help was nsed ed, without taking into account any personul sacrilice or incouvenieace iovolved. e We have gathered here this eveniog to exprets in u formal bat sincere way, our appreciatlon of your work and of your character. _ As a slight token of this good wil} and appreciaâ€" tion, we ask yor Mrs Knox to acsept bis cut glass and you Mr Koox this watch. The address is as tollows ; Mr and Mrs Robs. Koox, Dear Friends, â€" We bhope vou may long be spared to use and enjoy them and that they will pleasantly remind you of your Swinton Park friends who eagerly and unanimoasly availed themselves of this opportunity to eXpress their high regard, trae esteem and gonuâ€" ine appreciation. We traust you may long and happily epjoy your new bome and that we may often have you back with us, as cur social and particalarly cur church lite will b«e incomplete without you. When life‘s short day is over may it be ours to meet where parting is unknown. )thers, bave seen various changes in | â€" In regard to the supply of drinking bis locality, _ And now vyou tuo :.u'el or hard water, it may be said that of removing elsewhere _ Io partiD« | late many of the old shallow wells ::rt:h g oz‘i;:l?is‘; en “io’l::f‘ tft’?::: ;’;‘3 of the Province have been failing serâ€" were always ready aod willing to m\;sly, thus indicating that the waterâ€" help when and where help was need table is not as high as it used to be. ed, without n‘kin‘ into account any It is to be hoped that this is only a personul sacrilice or incouvenieace| temporary condition and that many ovolyed. ‘or these wells will soon become serâ€" We have gathered here this eveniog viceable again.. However, the shallow o exprees in w formal bat eineere’ well can seldom be relied upon absoâ€" way, our «ppreciation of your work | lutely, and so as a rule it is wise to and of your °h“"°'~°|l;- As a slight | sinx such wells deeper. This usually oken of this good will and appreciaâ€" l means drilling. Sometimes there is tion, we ask yor Mrs Knox to acsept| . ; ,, for absndonine"the old his cut glass and you Mr Koox this | ® ason for. mbatluOmNE AMAC_ 0 watch. well altogether and choosing a new We bope vou may long be spared site, A careful s'urvey of the existing to use and enjoy them and that they wells of the district in respect to will pleasantly remind you of your| depth, supply and character of the Swinton Park friends who eagerly | water will usually prove useful in reâ€" und unanimouasly availed themselves| gard to the advisability of drilling, of this opportunity to eXpress their also a knowledge of the nature, depth high regard, trae esteem and @o04: | 20C, TX.Si uow may help too. Instruâ€" :"° al:PIEGLa'-W?" We. trust yOR MAY | mants â€" for locating â€" underground ong and bappliy enjJoy YOUr D°W | water, so far as our experience goes, bome and that we may often bave | nave not been a success in this Proâ€" you back with us, as our social and | vince, although much is claimed for particaularly cur church life will b«| them in some other countries differâ€" incomplete without you. When life‘a| ing widely from Ontario in geological short day is over may it be ours toi{grmatik:)n- Somt; mdi-vidu:ls claiu:l meet where parting is unknown. at they can locate undergroun * P K water by means of a forked twig from ue?:‘nnb%(}'a on behalt otf friends and l such trees as cherry, plum, and hazel, o 3 and because we have known good Mre Jas. Wilson Arcb. McKinoon | wells to be found in this way, and Mrs N. McMillan _ Neil D. Clark ) because prominent scientists have f j + given the matter considerable attenâ€" Immediately following, the Se88i0N |Fion in recent years, we are not inâ€" of St Andrew‘s Church, presenced & j * C ‘cllned to poohâ€"pooh the idea. In ri“KKO‘)K "};0 & Bl;?:l ot Pn[o.{lse ;nd iisome cases old wells go dry because r Koox with a Bible. ev Mr.|the water veins feeding the well havo Jooes in atew kind and feeling words) become clogged. If so, a charge of expressed the regrets of Session and | dynamite in the bottom will effect a congregation over the loss sustained | remedy, Sometimes an old dug well in the departure fromour church and Will supply plenty of water for all social work. _nmit; 1:‘ 1tt is dug a few feet deeper, o f or the formation is sandy or grayâ€" Mc Kunox suitably replted and elly (fine) for some depth below the thanked each and aifi for the kindâ€" bottom a special filter may be sunk ness shown and asked not only those into a waterâ€"bearing layer of sand or presenot that night bat all old friends gravel with good results. It is well und neighbors to call on them in |to emphasize the value of a good their new bome in Priceville where| SDring. If one exists reasonably close he would be glad to welcome them. | {9 oig l:g"dmg’.ui]‘ l beflmad‘; r s | su r em wi w ; Mr and Mrs Kaox are leaving the corrx,gigion obtain. In evae:; famfel:.o:n: old home tarm which has been in the| there should be a large cistern either [tumlly tor sixty years and we hope| in the cellar or just outside the cellar may long continue so. Their son wall and below the ground for storâ€" Waiter is taking it over and we trust | age of rain water, This water can be will follow in the steps of his father US°d for washing purposes, bathing ind grandfather, who have beeu in |ADd flushing the closet A large clsâ€" f A | at the barn and connected wit ;:,%??3;%;??.;:?:1‘:1;:;'3:%:(::““ | the eaveâ€"troughing thereon, will supâ€" 3 * | ply a large portion of the drinking 1 eC KS e lercavnucy | water for the stock in the rainy perâ€" ‘ |iods. It is very essential that the ; ADDITIONAL LOCALS | supply be ample and never failing, ) and when this is assured steps may be m«cnam« | confidentially taken to install water " Which weeds are the easiest to kiu"?!system? h: o‘:der t: h:ve the water uow apiis on o oo Pn in e uen non te mt 5C > oo Heonvenlent about the â€"bome, Signed on behalt ot friends and neig hbore. Mre Jas. Wilson Arcb. McKinoon Mrs N. McMillan _ Neil D. Clark Mr and Mrs Kaox are leaving the old homse tarm which has been in the tamily tor sixty years and we hope may long continue so. . Their son Waliter is taking is over and we trust will follow in the steps of his father ind grandfather, who have beeu in terested in the best things ot charch «od state during all these years. Mc Kunox suitably replted and thanked each and aii for the kindâ€" ness shown and asked not only those preseot that night bat all old friends und neighbors to call on them in their new bome in Priceville where he would be glad to welcome them. " Which weeds are the easiest to kill"? asked an E;remont farmer of an old bachelor out near Bunessan, "Widew‘s Weeds‘ replied the latter,. ‘"You have only to say, ‘Wilt thou ?‘ and they wilt." Premier M ickenzie King was called to Denver last week on word of his brother‘s death. He is accompanying the remains homeand iiterm=at will take place in Toronto today. _ Dr. King was 44 years of age and made a gallant fight against tubsrculosis. â€" His death is the fourth in the family in five years, (ather, mother and sister having predeceased him. One sister survives. Prov. Treasurer Peter Smith has brought down a rosy; budget showing a s irplus of over $600.000. _ This is gratiâ€" {‘ fying after nearly threef years of "carryâ€" i ing on." | OUpposition critics (shall we. say ‘of course‘) complain that it is mereâ€". ly apaper surplus and the Globe finds fauit because the Minister has not reâ€" vealed the estimates for the coming year, â€" Hon. Poter mast wa‘k straight!2 Dayui3ont Savixoâ€"The | Daylight Saving question is up again. _ Toronto changes its clooks May 14 and again Sept. 17. â€" It‘s all right where its popular says the Owen Sound Sun. _ Otherwise it is irritating and confusing. Anyone who likes can practise daylight saviag without changing the clock by going to bed at dark and getting up again with the sun. There is some word of the railways aiopting it again this year, which will bean inconvenience except in the few cities wnere it is in vogue. Uuless it can be made general, Daylight Saving is more a hindrance than a help. Bloaw is th: list of those who have coatributed to the Russian Famine Reâ€" lief Fund, opened by the "Canadian Greys" Chapter, 1. 0. D. E. Previously acknowledged............$19 00 Mr and Mrs. J. Levine......... 5 00 W ITWI .. «xcsruzrrerceystiays on tern Russian Famine Fund SWINTON PARK Amis E. K:rarasy, Treasurer TRE DUORRAM ®#==«>® w54 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Practical Pointers About Instali« ing Suitsb.e Equipment. Putting Running Water In the Home and the Barnâ€"How to Develop the â€" Natural â€" Water â€" Supplyâ€" Several gysu:mi Suggested. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) FARM WATER SUPPLY N penning this short article the writer desires to stress two main points in regard to this subject, fAirst, the need and importance of securing an adequate and permanent supply, and, second, the installation of suitable equipment for getting the water ‘"on tap" in house and stables and about the lawns and gardens. The second point, namely, the disâ€" tribution of the water supply, is a very big one, and one about which a good doal might be written. Space will permit ounly the very briefest treatment, but if more déetails are reâ€" quired write the Department of Agriâ€" culture, Toronto, Ontario, for Bulâ€" letin No. 267, entitled "The Farm Water Supply and Sawage Disposal," or the Department of Physics, O. A, College, Gueliph, will gladly advise regarding any problems received by letter. (1) If the well be shallow, that is the level of the water is never more than 25 feet below the surface, or say the level of the pump cylinder, the pump may be located inside the buildings instead of directly over the well. Greater convenience would be the result of such a change. (3) Better than the attic tank sysâ€" tem is the compression system. _ A strong steel cylindrical tank is locatâ€" ed in the cellar or some frostâ€"proof place, water is pumped into it from well or cistern against air pressure which forees the water to all points where it is required. The pump may be operated by hand or botter by gasoline engine, windmill, or electric motor. (2) A small water tank in the atâ€" tic of the house will make it possible to install plumbing fixtures, as sinks, bath and closet in the home. (4) If electricity be available the compression sysiem can be operated automatically and the storage tank made so small that the water is drawn fresh from the well instead of from a large storage tank. (5) If a good spring exists on ground level with top of house or higher, a pipe under the frostâ€"line beâ€" tween spring and house is practically all you need in order to have the spring water on tap. (6) If not bigh enough for a grayâ€" ity system the spring may possibly be advantageously located for installing a hydraulic ram which will pump the water to a tank in house or stable or trough in yard. It is worth while having pure and cool spring water always on tap about the buildings. The fall would be a good time to put in a system so that you will not be obliged to carry _water another winter, First be sure that your supâ€" ply is ample for all requirements, and then go ahead with the installâ€" ing of some suitable water system, and do not forget that we are anxious to help you.â€"R. R. Graham, Q. A. GCollege, Guelph. #. + Â¥* *# |_Custom chopping every day at Mcâ€" | Kechnie‘s Mills, Durbam. Sausfaction guaranteed. Corn, mixed chops, oats | and all kinds of feed for sale at current | prices. _ _ The statutes provide that trout fish» ing season opens on the first of May and | that there shall be no Sunday fishing at any season ; and further that the onus of proof of innocence rests on persons accused with violation of these laws. \ Any infraction of the fishery laws reâ€" |ported to the Durham Game and and Protective Association will be summarily dealt with in accordance with \thelaw. a i i On Fri‘y & Sat‘ty, Mar. 24 & 25 ® Specials BOYS‘ SUITS, long pants, reg. $25, dollar days ...... 15.00 MEN‘S SUITS, regular $28, dollar days.................. 22.00 M $38, dollar days.................. 25.00 Men‘s lightweight Sweaters, reg. 5.00, dollardays... 3.50 Men‘s Felt Hats, regular 6.00, dollar days ............ 225 Men‘s Caps, reg 2.50, dollar days...95¢ ; reg 1.50 for... 65¢ Men‘s Overalls, reg. 1.75, dollar days..................... 1.50 Boys‘ Pants, reg 1.25, dollar days ........................... 95¢ Men‘s Sweaters, reg. 4.00, dollar days .............. ... 2%.75 CEEECEEEPEEFEEE CéG&&@&F&efE, P. se 95223332332 23423223323323"* GEO. S. BURNETT Warning to Fishermen Several lines of good Sozp 17 bars for......... ........ $1.00 Comfort, Sunlight, P. & G. or Gold. 14 bars for 1 00 13 Iby Sugar ,........ ‘si+, 5lbs Seecless Raisins 7 lbs Prunes ........ ... Excelient Investment Opportunities Victory Bonds Provincial and Municipal Bonds yielding from 5; to 7 per cent Industrial Bonds, yielding 7 to 11 p.c. If you have any idle cash, invest quickly, as such high interest rates will not be long available Fine Shirts, Work Shirts, Ties and Hosiery By order| Game and Protection Association All Boys‘ and Men‘s Suits, Overalls, Shirts, at reduced prices for Friday and Saturday. SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL OUR STOCK P. RAMAGE,â€" Purham See our Doilar Days Specials in all maturities, yielding 5 to 64 percent Only a few listed here : . A. ROWE Write, call or telephone , $98$ for Friday and Sat. March 24th & 25th Agents for Langley Dye Works, Toronto Bring in your goods. _ Prices right. Next door to Post Office BW ... «s + +Â¥4+s Buekwheat..... Barley ...... ... cP64B ).:.s4 x+ Whent ;. :.++ + . Flour per ewt .. Porxaxu. Mar. 23, 1922 Hogs, live, f o b.... . 1: EUHIKBY .. ... .1s «x »« B D Let Your Durbam â€"Markets. § D§ FiGGâ€"s2a+â€" 1+ ss+++++ Fresh Garden Seeds, 13 Large can Pork & Beans 15 packages for ........ ..... 100 3 lbs good Black Tea for 1.00 4 lb pails pure Jam ........ .85 Count Cleaner and Presser D. B. McFARLANE 12 715 Z & ’. jke.

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