West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Mar 1922, p. 5

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)le seeds. . 1922 are not w weeds, eeds will for many sted seed /er er »king seed t:vomment eed. ds ssed No 2 for purity eed 50 ham throat and on & m pos € ts gave A before c but the d A the * Tw o " Mr " terian young y *3 &A v be rrow v of the Mis *A ~ hel k Eth nd * $ At 9T A V cemetery M it a V vou ¢52 "5 N (7] § Sred K arstedt i Â¥8 @6 0800000000000000000008© n} Te â€"â€"___cotth, Sscc amatth Brmamccccmcmtttts POPOOD Mitiemwwoscctatlh, Mitmncscccmtti ts mm cmmmmtt e t mt | Silver Black Foxes k. Get your Jale of Printing at MARCH 30, 1922 KARSTEDTâ€" BROS., Priceville i We have a good stock of all kinds of Feed on hand including : Whole Corn, Chopped Corn, Whole Screenings Ground Screenings, Whole Feed Oats, Chopped Oats, Crushed Oats, Cracked Corn, Crushed Oats, Corn and Bariey, Mixed Poultry Feed, Feed Oatmeal, Oat Feed, Clansmen Stock Feed, Ground Flax and miked feed of all kinds which we are selling at close prices in any quantity. Special prices in five ton lots. Clnb together and get your feed at carload prices. Headquarters for Feed ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Terms Cash No Towan Delivery Business Hours 8 a m to 5 p m. Telephone day No 4, Night 81 © huve opened up a Meat Market in the former Nichoi ‘I arior Shop (just south of Middaugh House) where we will bave at all times & choice supply of Give us a trialâ€"â€"we want you tomer. QOur prices are right. Ask 4 call or give order to the driver. The New Shop, ROB ROY MILLS, Limited MEATS of all Kinds LAWRENCE & WILSON KFresh Meatse., Bausege Headcheese, Cured Meats Fish of all kinds in Beason Sale Bills and all kinds s a+ the Review Office opposite Veteran Star Theatre, t you to be a satisfied cusâ€" Ask for our delivery rig to Durham "* fargade The cold wave of the past week has passed away and spring like weather prevaila at end of week. On Baturday eveming of last week we noticed a flock of wild geese circling around between the Saugeen River and Moss Lake _ After a few momâ€" ents they seemed to settle down on the lake for the night. ]) Thbe farmers in this vicinity realise the importance of improved breeding in their cattlieand other live stock. Among the importatious this year, we noticethat John Oliver on the 0. D. R. east, hasg brought home a fine young imported Shorthorn Bull and over on the South Line, Jas. Turner bas purchased a fine 16 months old Shorthorn Bull from Thos Nichol for a good price _ From the North Line, the Durnam Road and South Line, we expect to see a fine display of these animals, also registered cows and young stock at our Fall Fair next October. PRICGEVILLE hi Mr. â€" Stafford, a new arrival in town, has opened a general store in the Aldcorn blotk and probably will be able to attract many new custoâ€" mers from outside points. ‘The several persons who bave been ailing for more or lé:s time, seem to be tmproving, some slowly, but we expect to see them all round again in the near future. All that bave maple bush are busy making syrup this week. ® East wind and some rain this Monâ€" day afternoon, 26th March. The rcads are in bad stape for wheeling and have not seen any autos on the South Limeyet. _ 1 A large quantity of wood was cut by the buzz saw during the past week. Cameron Smeliie and Mr Jones from Priceville (nos our good pastor) were running opposition last week. Those engaging them were satishied with the work done. The U. F. 0. woere shipping hogs from Pricevillelast Saturday. A bhearty welcome is given ;o Mr, Knox of Swinton Park, by the citizens of Priceville, in becoming a resident of their town. _ Mr Knox has rented the late Dougald McCormick‘s fine residence. » Hector MeDonald spent a week in Toronto, combining business and pleasure. y Pleased to hear that Dan MeKinnon of Priceville who is in the bospital at Fergus for @ serious operation is getâ€" ting along well and hopes be will be bome soon again. PRICEVILLE & SOUTH LINE Mrs Hugh McKinnon, S, Line, is not feeting well bus bhopes she will be wround again soon. _ Sha is chiefly attended by ber good son Malcolm, who is now feeling well after his long experience in Fergus hospital, We are also pleased to bear that Mre Cbhas MeDonald of Egremont, is about right again after her geerious operation by Dr Groves of ‘I:ergni. Her sister who so faithfally avtended ber is home again at her mother‘s, Mre Whiimore‘s, near McoWilliams. Pieased to bear Mrs. Fergueon is beiter alao after her speil of sickaggs. Mr Steftord from North Glenelg, has opeoed up a store io Mr Aidcorn‘s busidinge this Monday, 27.b March. Hope be will do well in his change trom beipg a farmer to & merW During the past two weeks over 70 applicatious from Grey County Rural Scehools for entrance into the various sebosl Fairs hbave been received. Many of these are entering for the Erstcime. The Department welcomes izam and is asauring them every pooâ€" gible ascisitance. The achool Fair is instiruted to supâ€" ply the prasvical side in the education of our Rural ohildren. The work is done at home entrrely so that no time from the pupile stady hours are used PRICEVILLE VILLAGE The seeds for school taiw work are g v n tree of charge by the Departâ€" went of Agriculiure. _ Any Raral Scbhool may enter upon payment of a amall fee preferably $5.00, but the amount is left entisely to the discrefton ;rt‘i)"e-"l‘-r-fisv{é; Board. . Full instruct ons were sent out to overy SBecretary of every seciion in Grey County. The Department of Agricalture hopes for as many more spplications during the next two weeks as they have reâ€" ceived during the past, **‘Help boost the School Fair. Sold in Durbkam by MascFarlane‘s doses of Buckley‘s Bronchitis Mixture ~ Smash Your 5 Cold To-d_ay‘ Tried and proved by over m e i Hy s hi is people. Positively Gusranteed to give relief. 40 Doses for 7 5e Sold by all drugsists oc by mail from W. K. Buskey, Linited, !‘u.p‘-‘ School Fairs c Why not cut Rates and Dollar Days in the Professions ? (Toronto Star Weekly) R. K. Hall aske this question and proceeds to give sample advertiseâ€" meuts. lmagine the roaring trade a dentisat would bave it he gushed as follow# ; . _ 300 00. A._> TUESDAY ONLY ‘ Bpecial Sale of Remmante of Highâ€"class â€"â€"â€"â€"*â€" False Teoth. 1 Auy size mouth equipped for on}y$7 95 Batisfactlion guaranteed or teeth taken T back. Fifty cents allowed on all old seta turned in. Big Frday Bargain ! Teeth Extracted for 49c. ALL HAVING TWO EXTRACTEED WILL HaVETHIRD EXTRACTED FREE OF CHARGE | Children allowed to keep teeth as \ souveuirs Burgeons would blossom out thus :1 BPECIAL WEEK END RAEES ON ‘~ OPERATIONS : Appendizes............ ...... $19 95 Tousgil®.:..........ci..cscl.. 1. _ 2,08 Adenords.............. ....... _ 219 _ Bullet Removals... $1 00 to $10 00 Competent Nursein Attendance. FREE ! With every viait during the day, one eightâ€"ounce preseription !ill be giyen absolutely FRELB _ _ BIG REDUCTION FOR OFFICE CALLSâ€"ONLY $1.69 Lawyers might realze its possibilâ€" ities also : / MOTORISTS ! ! ! Why stay in jail ? Hornswoggie & Smoothe will positive. ly guarantee to get you out within 28 days OR MONEY REFUNDED Bome of our prices are ; Wills made...... ......... $8.19 Wills broken............ . _ 1 89 Titles searched.......... 19.99 Injunctione............... 14,55 _ A sample of church notice : Big double Program at St. Luther‘s 1 c Toâ€"morrow. COLLECTION LiMITED TO ONE CENT Handsome prize given for best hundred word synopsis of sermon All but prestiest girls debarred from choir. No fewer than 14 of them are issued | FREE by the Department of Heahh.l Ottawa. A set of them has just reached our office and we have perused some of them with pleasure and profit, They are unique in their way, bearing the atâ€" tractive directness of their author, Miss Helen McMurchy, whose faimme in conâ€" nection with child welfare and home‘ economics is nation wide. Some of them have only 8 to 12 pages, a few run over 20 pages but all are alluring and highly instructive â€" Here is the list ; 1. Beginning a Home in Canada. 2. How to build the Canadian house. 3 How to make our Canadian home. 4. How to make outpost bhomes in Canâ€" ada. 5. Canadians need milk. How to cook in Canada. . How to manage housework in Canada. ‘B. How to take care of Mother 9. How to take care of the tamily. 10 How to take care of the baby 11 How to take care of the children. 12 Household cost accounting in Canâ€" aid. Copies of any of the above may be ob tained free on request from ada. 4 13 How to take care of household waste. 14 How toavoid accidents and give first Something Doing in South Grey When A. D. Creasor was made Poâ€" lice Magistrate for the County if Grey it meant a lot more work forhim and as aresult he is now kept busy going all over the County to hear and try cases. Recerntiy he was in a certain South Grey zone, where things were a bit wild and loose, and this case in questin inâ€" volves a lot more than the ordinary charge thet was laid against the offenâ€" der. ltis like this ; Two young men both like the same girl, _ Each of the men has an outh:, consisting of a borse and câ€"tter and there is great rivalry as to whom the young lady goes driving wich. â€" One bright day lover No. 1 drove into the yard of the girl‘s bome and the Young lady immediately. got in with "him and they drove away, Lover No2 w=s close behind and saw what had harpened Whipping up his horse he pasâ€"ed the couple in the other eutter. . As he was passing he hit Lover No I‘s horse twice, once on the back and then again on the head _ As a result the horse of No. 1 became fractious and ran away. _ After running a quarter of a mile it upset the qutter and d d a lot of damage generâ€" ally. _ Now Lo er No #Â¥ is in troubte and the Magiatrate is in doubt us to what to do. â€" The Magistrate has reserver his judgement as he wishes to look up authorities and precedents and he also wishes to consider what influence his decision willhave on the working out of this particular eternal triangle. "The Little Blue Books" THEDEPUTY MINISTER pEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OTTAWA Does Love Ruan Smoothly ? DURHAM REVIEW $3 .19 1 89 19.99 14.55 ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO "Ignorance of the law is no excuse" in 1 the court yet no lawyer knowsall the law and after the wisest of them bave argued on a case, the most learned judges reserve judgment for a week. ; * "Justice for the poor and ignorant" will be discussed next Sunday and anyâ€" one who stops to consider the matter will realize its great importarce | Law is hard. its interpretation ought to be bumane. Law is interded to protect an innocent man and no court procedure ought to cost an innocent man one cent. The crown prosecutes, let the crown alâ€" {sodeferd. The prophets of old demandâ€" ed justice in the name of God. The common man (oâ€"day demandsit. Every man has a right to it, tempered with mergy it he is guilty, Comeand tell the fellows what you think about the mater. Tremendous Advance The Tea Markembas advanced since last May, fully 15 16e a pound in London, Colombo and utta From The Morning Chronicle, Halifax The following extract comes under Antigonish news of the ‘Morning Chronâ€" icle,‘ Halifax, and where the deceased lady spent her active years ; "A wide circle of friends will regret to || learn of the passing away of the geath | of Mrs John McMillan, formerly of Anâ€" i tigonish, whose death on the 13th in-t.l took place at the home of her daughter, ) Mrs Robert Maclarlane, Durbam, Ont * Born in Dunfermline, Scotland, the de-ly ceased whose maiden name was Mar® garet Gibson Bauld, after spending l‘ 1 portion of her younger days in Edinâ€" burgh and the Isle of Mann, came in the early 60‘s to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where she resided for some time with her uncle, the late John Gibson and in 1870 vvm;‘l united in marriage to John McMillan, | late of Antigonish, in which town she: made her home for the next 37 years. A lady ofâ€"culture and refinement with : many endearing qualities of mind and heart, ‘A bright and interesting conâ€" versationalist, she adorned the circle in which she moved and made a host of friends wherever she was known, a few of who still survive to cherish the memâ€" ory of former hours, of hours happily spent in the long ago under her hospitâ€" able roof, in the old home at ‘Riverbank‘, | Antigonish." Under the beeding Veteran Mem bers of the Giobe fami‘y‘" appemr8 iwo cuts of Mr Jobhn A. MacDonsald, yeseran correapondent of the Review and Thorpe Wright, at ons ume a prominent Fiesbertonian, now lhnving n Toromito, Bothb are old readers of i the Globe the former since 1858. Mr Wrighs from 1860. The Globe says ; "Inspired by a ietter from Mr Poter Ryan of Toronic, Mr MacDonald of Prigevilie, Grey Co., writes to say that he has recollections ol reading the Globeas a youth in 1858 when the paper was a valued isem in the maeil that reached Prigewmlle once weekly. Mr Wright modestiv puse bhimsel{ in secovnd plece as be bas ‘cen a reader ‘only sinee 1860â€"a meore 62 years !" â€"Finapce Ministâ€"r Fielding brouâ€" abt down ie budget iset week ano a drop of $138,000 000 from inat year. almost takes on‘s breath away. If| Hon. Fieiding can keep up thies pace | be will acbieve a greater honor in in bis old age then bhe did in 1897 when 25 years younger The Kiug; eovernment is the cenire of all eye=| and 1s making â€" ond, in apite of bhe | unexpected bitternesa of the Conâ€"| servative opposition, who seem to be | unchaetened by their pbenomenal deâ€" i feat. Proceedings in the Legisiatore on Tuesday bad mure than "a certain liveliness" as the war despatches used to say. Tumber controversies were up and G Howard Ferguson was on the defensive, with Attorney General Raney +cathingly cbharging bim with careless, even crimin»] disposal of timberâ€" ltmice, . J. A J A. Mathien, member for Rainy River, and also General Manager of the Shevlinâ€" Clark Co â€" supported Fergurson, of â€" course Premier Drury took a small share, but to Raney fell the great task of exposâ€" ing the {nadequate even reprehenaible methods employed by Ferguson. when minister of Lands and Fores‘s. The fact that rather then face luvestigations contractors had reâ€" turned> money to the gevernmenr‘, amounting to hundreds of thousands seems to place the present governâ€" méent on sure grounds ‘ _ Laterâ€"The vote that followed the debate resulted 59 to 26 in favor of the goverrment k Below is the list of those who have contributed to the Russian Famine Reâ€" lief Fund. opened by the "Canadian Greys" Chapter, 1.O D.E Previously acknowledged............$20 00 Death of Mrs. McMillan Men‘s Bible Class * Russian Famine Fund Lively Legislature «_ & 6 6 ~__~ Annic E. Kearney, Treasurer Veterans a séuscec ces ces ser ns ceveere0e in Tea Prices seeeesssene: ceseerane As we have started thdo business on the cash system, we would lagk all parties indebtedto us to call and setNe at once. John wan. Hogs. live, f o b.. Agents for Langley Dye Works, Toronto Bring in your goods. Prices right. Next door to Post Office The Â¥atutes provide that trout fish»| ing seasomopens on the first of May and | that there "ghall be no Sunday fishing at any season ;\and further that the onus of proof of inpocence rests on personfl accused with ‘violation of these laws. Any infraction d&f the fishery laws reâ€" ported to the \Durham Game and and Protective Rssociation will be summarily dealt with in accordance with the law. ; By order 1 Game and Protebtion Association Durbam Markets. ‘Ten roomed house, on Garafraxa St. south, Durham. Large light rooms, fine for boarders. Barn, stable, hen house, and a lot of land. â€" Comvenient to stone crushing plant. Also a small house. Apply to _ Miss Elizabeth Murdock, Box 65, Durham Compact five room brick residence with woodshed, quarter acre lot on Bruce st. Durham â€" Good garden, well on proâ€" perty Warmcomfortable home in choice location _ Apply at Review Office, or on premises to owner, JOHN G. BEATON, Durham Tenders will be received for lots 13 and 14, Con. 2, N. D. R , Glenelg. 100 acres until 20th March 1922. No tender necessarily accepted. Sarah Webber, & A. H. Jack son Executors, James Webber, est ate Having purchased the Alien Park saw mill, lTam prepared to do all kinds of custom sawing. Soft timber will be taken in exchange. ZENUS CLARK The Durham U.F.Q. Live Stock Shipâ€" ping Association will ship stack from Durham every Tuesday _ Parries are reâ€" quested to bring stock in on that day but give three days notice JAS. LA WRENCB, Manager, Phone 98. r 1â€"8. R R. No 1. Durham House For Sale or\to Rent dp e w m mm t t t t cg e Bookkeeping & Stenography Specializes in these two branches of Commercial Education. | Expert teachers ; Individual instruction enâ€" sures rapid progress. Enter any day Special course for Farmers®Sons £ C. L. GRANT } 3«9““ ttfl'**: Warning to Fishermen D. B. McFARLANE Cieaner and Presser Residence for Sale SPRING GOODS Ladies silk Hose, douâ€" ble silk thread ......1.6§5 Ladies‘ Fancy silk _ Organdies per yard, Curtain net, per yd n taririrsinsis " COG t0 180 Marquisette, per yd. 22 to 45¢ Voiles per yd, 85c to 1.2%25 A few Men‘s Hatse left at 50c each mount FoRrest OonT. Just to handâ€"A large assortment of Boots for.Women and Chilâ€"~ are the open doors to great OPPNRTUNITIES NGRG.:;....:.1..â€"+.m11. med Notice to Farmers kerivllll.ll.... _ 90¢ to 1.75 # Custom Sawing W. A. TRIMBLE, Principal Farm for Sale = At Grants‘ Mar. 30, 1922 1 7 â€" 2 00| W.4, PICKERING u, D 3., L U3 1 30 1 4~lll HoNo® cRADUATE of Torono,. 4 25 o 4 65| Unwersity. graduatre of Royal Oollege ~â€" _ n omm mm enc 1. af Dental Nurgeamns of Ontario Roome aa e |\Nve: 1 & 1 HUNTER‘X New Store 12 50 J o avsiPun.w.v, 1 »0 Member Ooliege Phymcianps and Burgeous ¢)lm¢; Over i. P. Teltord‘»ofce. neet is nuposite Registry O fce RESIDENCE Senond bouse sontn of Reaistre Office on east cige or Albert 8t. Taleohone ommunicatioa netween Ofi an Rasidence at all hours. 1â€"1! 4 A J. L. SMITH, M. B., M.C.P.S. . Office and residence, corner Countesa and Lambton, opposite old Post Offiee Office Hours : 9 to 11 & m., 1.30 to 4 %hm.. 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays and ureday afternoon excepted. DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESON Q rrick 2â€"5 Alternoon Hours: 7â€"â€"8 Evenings # O 4 "* Auste E%Kx"flic'e'fie"dii Burgeon Dentistrv in «ll its nranches HONOB GRADUATE Toronto University, Gra Auute Raval Gatiere Denial Sursgeon DURHAM â€" AND â€" HANOYVER Sarrister, Solicitor, Etc. O McPMAIL_â€"» Licensed Auctioneer tor Co. @rey terms, moderere Arrangements for sales & i«:"'anm &o., m:-s_tn made at m Review Of , Durbam Corres ce w there, or to Ceylou P.O'”:m be mptly ttended %o Term® on «pplication . *o 1@ o M Pa $ s dence in Cevion |Spring Term Opens April 3rd, 1922 ; MNORTHER 1. F.GRANT 0. O0.8. L. D. &. Easter Term Begins April 18 Cement Tile and Brick Pumps & Pump Repairs Strictly first class, None better in Canada. Strong demand for our graduates ; open all year : enter now. Write for handsome catalogue. W. J. Elliott, Principal Lve Durham 705 Arr Toront. 1110 Lve Taronto 650 Arr Durham 11.46 Owen Sound, Ont. Practical Coursesâ€" Exâ€" pert Instruction â€" Emâ€" ployment Department. C. A Fiemng, F.C.A. G. D. Fieming, Principal since 1381 _ Secretary JOHN SCHUTZ ‘§¢} °; Exc eptâ€"Runday+ the iyiuUre . Durham is an attractive and healithy town and good accommadation can be obtained at reasonable rates. C. RAMAGE, Chairman ’. HU. DAMARD 4 A., Pciasipa â€" 0 star JA eliP gits Pas Office Oflice on Lambton St First clasa corches Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto A. B. CUR+ EY Durham and Toronto promptly attended to D McPHAIL Ceylon w toC RAMAGE, Dur always on hand, Jawaliry «mend nn0 Delween wlannome in his e *ervice 4.25 diy ex Sunday Tâ€"â€"0 D. m

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