West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1922, p. 4

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'1 ll I l m a , The Cash Shoe Store “a DURHAM. ---- ONT. ‘- l I I I . i A It. e TU a " - I ‘ a K a" 3 IV I 'PMN' " I 'ST, PI I LI I ' , r?ilsili,t221l8lll8:, j I in aa '.. "2iht'l 'tiff, ‘QKWWA Lt Sl c , if M‘-ߴ'fi’§m$‘~.x~:¢," P,' a k. (ii . r5-h' . r',:"..". ir't"PTsi': "' ' ff, . ',-"‘-:“-';"‘. SL'.." = C - r iii mill. lam prepared to dririiiiii, of custrm sawing. Soft timber will be taken in exchange. - ' ""U' v- IT,lll'.' rom- . "g“... t N ctr-alt..." , That'o ”any that tho 51mph. s. Parattor doc. for you. The ine-d quanticyd mm hom the lam. "o-tls.. H Peptona Liquid...” .... 1.25 Prptona Tablets.. 100 for I 00 Beef. Iron & Wine.. 50c tol.25 Nyal Spring Tonic .m.... 1.00 Rexalllpr Nyal Hrpopho= SPRING TONICS Which comes to all " the beginning of warmer weather can be almost entirely overcome by tak.. ing one of these splendid That Tired Feeling a vine purchased the Allen Park saw Custom Sawing (“I‘ll ti t, "------r---- I The Deputy Minister of Guns 3nd I 'awin Fisheriel has Issued I letter dealing l g (iriiii the ubove. the points of which! -- Jaye that Ibo developement work in he Allen Park saw [ being carried on under the mummy I . do all kinds of (fan Order.in.Coancit recommended ( t mm, “in bef by the Game and Filberiu Dept. .1 The work. in not In experiment. fori ZENTS CLARK [in osber pull of Ontario u wen u in I J. S. MCILRAITH We will supply you with enough Wall, Ceiling and Border to decorate a room 8 fr.x10 ft. x 8 ft. for 82.07 Every piece of the latest design and colorings, or by using another border, we will supply the same quan- tity for only...............; Paper I The bunch of Railway. now under ,IGoy eminent control in as below. i They do " present our 54 per cent iot me Maine-sol Cloud. l I' Grand Trunk Runny: - I Canadian Northern l y Grand Trunk Patsitit, l i Transcontinental Runway I l Intercolonial Rallway Prince Edward Island Railway I and branch lines. Eugenia Game and . 7â€" neat reunite will derive from the Tru event of the week “Ottawa unetnary created for the benefit oi was the unncuncementmade by Wm "HMO"! ot.til Kino, and alto tor C. Kennedy., Minister ot Rail-35.. the opportunity afforded for collect- that all Government .Owned Reade ine speckled trottt SP8" trom these will be under one Directorate. His name statement won applause from all Finally, the Fish and Game- ofthe parties and the excellence ot the Province are the Property of the presentation aeema to Justify Hon. Crown and must be dealt within ac- McKenzie King in " choice of Ken. l cordanoe with t'y,'eyn,tyit.tife1if uedy tor the RHIWIV administration. ieonditiom, “unwind ha n..- nun For Less Fish Preserves _ ..' r", -.""W..B'%' “wees could {VICE by sending Columbus to dis-I Mr Jack Smith commenced work in [do succumbed to theattack. (Twat-tho new world, and the cm an] the Rule“ stone crushing plant in She wasthe youngest ofa large tamily (America; MIN-her great lervice by; Durham on Thursday. born and reared at Hampdcn on the old 'gtl.e,ie5,,Ami'riea ttt rediscover-j Our sick are all able to be about homestead, where she remained until ‘EuAI'opeil - h again. her early womanhood ,’givi3:23.33;rutnfargtfieczeoch'fiuzlorIs h', an.“ Put in assisting Mr t hegving home she took up her work of I . . y - am a erbou h th; . raining a” . , - "y,,'):,',',',,,, m P ttal term. rovid ( Mr Dancan hicQuaxfriiezrc: a big iii'i"rr;i;'d'dl1ar,re2eiiei"i'teg1u2,s,; led we newt 'dis; condi 'i'r,l'J:.' we surprise qua mornwg recently when she graduated. After her graduation fare not here as allied and is,rittiiiit'l2,'lrS11',r, to the stable he found she engagedin private nursing forsever Fat-tea '. we are not here as Dellizef-I 33.2.8 1.ft1tt11 halt and hearty. al years in Philadenhia and “In”- r “Genoa did Amoriu I areal: ser- (vice by sending Columbus to " ower the new world, and the csn an America anmhnr gran: nervice by nelpinz Amaric‘ ttt res-discover iEtTopt." l Another po'ueraph we quote a ,civing tersely the objects of the Con. iterenee ', l ll'.'.'"?"" rrea.; Mrs Hughl Illl Famed " the birthplace of Co.iViee Pres., Mrs Fulton, Be, :lumbns, Geno: is this weekin we! Mrs Dan McLean. Treats. limelight, tor reprerentBtireg ot84 The annual business one nation are there in coolerence to the Ladies Aid will be held discuss and adopt plans for the bet, home of Mrs Aird, Thursday terment of Europa prftrrtarily, and week all ladiesate requested " owenlor the world. One despauh tendthe meeting. sas's‘Whe Ilt've P,ft,giexi,eti,.yej,i ,7--. ---- th" Cmi-rer,tvpt and t ere is no "curve in guessing that Lloyd ABERDEEN Gworge is 1""'Y He hat, mode if Mr Jack NeDougan of Dark clear thauh- 'Cvmity of nation painting at the home of Mr E mnszbe observed. 'di', langecogm- McLean tion ole unlit along ittes, eace- . in! t'll,2'ell2,. Rel rrine an the Mr Alee Morton. haa been wi absencenfdrlmr w“ tr-ho United Collinson family": Ceylon h States, he "mm applause and pasteouple of Ir? jniiitit'er by tttr l link 2 MIHUQh Mof‘nrmmL -1..n__‘e l: The oh) onion centres largely in the opinion of the Labor party that the Mounted Poliee are used " a spy {on the accivi lea climber. On the other side. the good record and nae- ‘lulnesa of an; body as restiiied to by JWestern members was a". forth and (thelatter ple-s carried the day. So [the Mounted Police will not be sent1 ,zo the Arctic regiuns just yet. I It was a curious mix-up : King and his cabinet. Meiuhen ma Consent- “would many Progressivuall voted Against. Tm: Lus,r members, 13 Liberals, Crrrnr and the rent of the Progressives all Voted For. . , A division in the House of Com. mons on Monday decided against (banning the Mounted Policcto nu- organized te rriton'es ofthe Dominion. The motion was introduced by a. private member, F S Womawor b.‘ Labor memb-r for Winnipeg centre and asked 'ti-st the Police should con- tine their aotivnies t to territories not i.:ciuded in any province at Canada. " Miss McPhnii lacondrd the motion'; bat after an afternoon', debate the) vote was negativrd by 108 to 47, I. maj my against oi 61. i World Conference at Genoa I The Value of the f palms-n the Georgia 732 99 and "No. 6, . Sound Bay” is the I group win $35,606.82 u numy, me “In and Cunts. of the e Province are the Property of the t. Crown Ind must be dealt with in " I- l cordnnce with re1'0mtnendatioemand . conditions authorized by the Gov't r and the Department. having in mind . the best irmesis of, and tlttseonser. t vation ofall game and fish within the Prentice _, "t I In 1915 the Revenue was 8163, 763,47 In 1921 . " " 612.972.86 {Showing sq increasing growth not year. It is also an eye-opsner to learn that!" hearing animus are such I resource to this Province, the 9min):- ted Value to the trapper for 12 mos. bring $5 811,146.39. I We are indebted to G. I Lemon, M. P P. tor the 14th Annual Report of Guam and Fisheries for Ontario. It Is a unwise to iltui in this inland Province that the mucus at the Game and Fisheries Dept. exceeds the Expenditure by $325 363 99. l "I with tho to point on: the inet ighutho rearing ct Poelseuteor other ,wild life is only a side lune ofthe undertaking. n in my opinion, the beat venom will derive from the unetnory created for the benefit at waterfowl chm kinds. and also for] the opportunity "orded for collect- the States. there has been menu. The last two paragraph: ot his letter ‘nlln- . Mounted Police to Stay Some Fish Fiirures M the fish caught nt7 Georgian Bay is $154, In. 6. Meatord to Own is the largest in [the K Elna n.- Ian. Executors. Lots 13 and 14 con N. D. R 100 acres. It not nold ill be Appl? to Sarah Webbcr A. I We were not" to learn of the loan illness of Mr Stalin: Lam Regina from "Flu" mid trust he soon be well again. l Wood bees are th l . e topic of the d [at present. Last week Mr Await: [Caawell and oattit, sawed for Jack Smith and Mr Sam Bailey and out- (tit of Crawford tor Hugh McDonald fraud this week the McDonald Stewart outfit for Messrs J. McDonald Sr , ' [paged Clark and Jas. Haa'ett and 1"till'r'i'.""r on up the line to several Mr Dugnld Clark ofthe Rock ' . y mill 'i"htltctgf.ar with his mother In l Mr John Lynn made a business {trip to Hanover on Monday. A few have commenced plough. tag. The fall when bu wintered wall and looks fresh and green.aince the] rain. Miss Bertha Home” of Cr: spent Sunday with her sister, Hugh McDonald. - ---- _.-....,. Messrs Hugh McDonald and Dag. ald Clark attended the funeralof the nine months old baby of Mr and Mrs Alec Fullerton, 5100thng last week. We extend sympathy to the bereaved fatally. Deceased had been able to attend to Mr Alee Norton haa been with the,her customary duties until ten days be.. Continental {axially 1: Ceylon for the fore her death, when she was taken in ,'1.i.t/fs"ld11'i2t,t:, visited fri d: with pneumonia and despite all that the in Tomaso last week. ten It/T1iy Iphysiciens and nurses could} Mr 10.1. o_:.L Mr Jack McDougall of Durham is painting at the home of Mr Duncan McLean-. The annual business meeting of the Ladies Aid will be held at the home of Mrs Alrd, Thursday of this was}: a" I..A:-_ - ' Annual business meeting ladies mission circle, was l the home of Mrs Fulton, Wed of last week. all offieette " bitsAitd Pres.; Mrs Hugh M Vice Pres., Mrs Fulton, Bee, Mrs Dan McLean. Tress. Under the care ot Dr. Brad. Jamieh son we are pleased to report Mrs Hobtixk an aged lady of almost 90 years is able to be around again after having pneumonia on both lungs. J We are pleased to an Master Ron. ald McDonald of Ctawfud who has been seriously ill for some time is quite well again. This brave little laddie's many friends will be pleased to know he has recovered. learning the mih’icery with Misses T uax, Durham, spent the week end at her home here. Mr and Mra Findlay McCuaie at- temed the funeral of the late Jame: Hopkins, Durham . _.- .... nun: lU turn to their work this week Miss Edna McDougall who leaming the miliicetv with MI, Some of the pupils have been quite III with colds lately but we are pleased to report that they' are all able to 1e- turn to their work "a. ...-.,._ day Among the latest to have a 3 installed on line 77 is Mr Job Keohnlo making a total of 19. Mum Reta Boyce was the gm her friend Mina Sibyl Lawrence. Ann Miss Jennie McDonald of Lamlash has been visiting her aunt. Miss Lens Livingstone' the past. couple of months. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved friends oi the late, James Hopkins, who died at his home in Durhlm, Tuesday, April 4. Mrs Joseph Potter is a daughter. Miss Etta Twamley. stenog rspher of the Royal Bank Durham is spend- ing several weeks holidays with her parents and in Hamilton. Mr and Mrs Robt Twatnley also intends visit- ing friends in Hamilton. Faribor Sale Europe“ the cradle of the great oivilizition which during the last 500 were has spread across the globe. That cwilinttlon he been menaced ,itbtugtrtsetion by the horrors of the last few years. but it we do our duty mentally. tearieuly, we shall prove lhv this Conference, meeting " It, does in a. sacred week, that civili “lion is capable at achieving its ex. alted purplee by establishing on a sure and firm heals peace and good will among men.” -- . "U can: not come t grtber " menu-ohms 9r republi- can or sovietisls. We are use. bled " the represenutiva of I" the " tioro and peoples of Europe to seek outln common the best methods at restoring the shattered prrsperity of Ihls com new. The world will follow our.daliber.'; stions with alternate hopes and fears It we fail there will be . some of de- spair which will sweep over the whale world ; it we succeed as ray of Ctmtidemre will illuminate nhegloom {which is resting on the spirit ot man. lnd Tyra of, Crawford learn or the set Wetting Lamb of mid mm he will a) V ' I W451.» rum- - -ur' _ u. .7 y D. R. Glenda circle. was-held at Fulton, Wednesdav " office" releeted, Mrs Hugh McLean, Fulton, Beep. and MULOCK 77 “Mg .1th]: rented ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO lungs. r of 'id Mrs to at- 19, guest of nee. Sun. I Those who survive to mourn tl of one whose work I" ever kind, profusion In made to none “Hanna-o " ' __.. - __ ..-- - w I've to tte memo-t in the welfare of than in need. I f, phone Detroit. who had been with hii%"rii'i her illness, and by John Laidlaw. an old familylriend now residing in Pittsburg. The funeral from the home of her brother Andrew. took place on Friday, April 7th to Hampden Cemetery, and was largely attended by her many frends of earlier days, the serwce in the old family place of worship being conducted by Rev.' D. J. Lane. ' The pall-bearers, conveying the body to its last renting place were old friends and school com ionso! the deceased. Michael Byen. James Mather, Ebenezer Geddee. Wm. Manna". Alex Sharp out! Thomas Derby. rho is Misses m wmcn labor ol love she was enu,ed at the time t ther death. Her remains were brought to Hanover a"rompanied by her sister. Catherine of Detroit, who had been with ' A..-:-- On Tuesday morning April 4th 1922, Helen Derby, youngest daughter of Mrs Andrew Derby. Sr.. of Hanover passed away atSouthside Hospital, Pittsburg, Pa. F a pomwn to enjoy increased comforts. l Before you leave we wish you to ac- [ cept this purse of gold as a small tang- ible recognition of appreciation for the many kindnesses you have shown us. and trust you will use it in the way that suits you best. To Mrs McEwen we tender :1 boquet as emblematic of the true fragrance alwavs emanating from vour cheerful Christian countenance You have been a faithful helpmeet and ‘ shall alwava hold a cherished spot in‘ our memories. We hope and trust that God may ever 'bless vou in the faithful discharge of your duties and when Life's great work is ended may you hear that cheering commendation "Well done, good and faithful servants." We regret your departure but it would be extremely selfish on our part to wish you to remain. inasmuch as the change to your new field of labor places you in a position to enjoy increased comforts. Signed on behalf of the It has always been a source of unalloy. edpleasure to know the amicable andi friendly relationship between you and (the members of other denominations! and we are glad because of the hearty! co-operation you have shown with the! ministers ofall the sister churches. We] believe this friendly spirit has given you} power and influet/ce and won for you.‘ the large measure oi respect and esteem] you so richly deéerve. I ”sucu on Denali or the congregation. Miss Helen Derby Passes phere. The address follows ; . To Rev. E. J. McEwen and Mrs McEwen Dear Friends: : - it is with feelings of sorrow and regret we have learned of your intended departure from this congregation and vi- cinity. During the four years you have spent amongst u " pastor. we have learned to admire and appreciate your‘ many good qualities. Your time and energies have always been devoted to the general uplifting and upbuilding of the community _ hut your particular de-, votion has been for the benefit of thel Baptist congregation in which you have) manifested such a deepinterest "aw-mum wnere a sumptuous repalt was enjoyed in a happy social atmoa- phere. The address follow: . _ Ind we all should have aspiration. . He gave a rosy word picture of Dresden. knowing it well and said Mr McEwen was leaving behind him a monument of achievement in a congregatian numeric Cally weak. Continued from we!" she lose b ieters stood on ncsmmon he value of a church was but its spirit and the kind Le it a success. ks were made by Messrs d W. Irwin. All the ad- congratulatory in tone, with regret to lose good, t of wishes follow the Mo, t was then made to the, here a sumptuous repastl l a happy social atmos- dress follows; . lcEwen and Mrs McEwen tit:--. th feelings of sorrow and earned of your intended , this congregation and vi-’ {the tour years you have u- " pastor. we have ire and appreciate your ities. Your time and lways been devoted to ftirg and upbuilding of hut your particular de. I for the benefit of thel Ition in which you have I a deepinterest I teen a source pfunalloy. i now the amicable andi chip between you and) l other denominations! 1 because ofthe hearty) l have shown with the} Ie sister churches. Wei ily spirit has given you i rice and won for you,'; _ b ill'.. S. McBETH ',l Mrs Arch. McKechnie bu not been ' well for sometime Hope theaptiug [weather will find her improving Mess” Tee. Middleton and Joe lDavldfon ttte hury clearing the [stones of the John McCormick {mm é. W If your nerves need w calls for new strength, tr Provincial and Municipal Bonds yielding from Sl to 7 per cent Industrial Bonds, yielding 7 to " p. c. If you have any idle cash, invest quickly, as such high interest rates will not be long available Write, all or telephone Scny to hear of the accident which I befell Mug Thos Tutnbull by getting! '1lrrtt out of the cutter, She had a small bone broken in her arm. Gudl latest reports fituhg her recovering nicely. 1m John Veule visited a day re- cently with her daughter. Mn Wal. ter Clad: geessssses-ssse s.tt.d:k.k.t:di.E The L' F o held their regular monthly meeting last Friday with I good attendance. The weather has teen very wet for the past few days The maple Syrup season see me to be at an end with but a fair mu. are : her aged mother, Mrs Andrew Der- by, Sr.. five sisters and one brother, Mrs Jno. Hewson, New York : Miss Jessie. Niagara; Mrs R. Leadbetter, Stawford. Conn. ; Mrs James Kerr, Varney : Miss Catherine, Detroit ard Andrew Ot Hana over. 5333:5333 1""a'e.'a.s.aa.aaa.i..,,sf This nerve tonic consists of the most highly recom- mended nerve foods, such as potassium, calcium and mag- nesium phosphates, quinine hydrochloride and iron-citro, phosphate. The exact formula is on the label for Sour protection. We recommend it very highly. Penslar Dynamic‘Tonic comes in two sizes, 75c and 1.50 P. RAMAGE, Durham Beggs' Store, No 1 Seed and No 2 Seed. No , need is classed No 2 because of its general appearance. but tt in No I for purity and germination. . ROCKY SAUGEEN No 1 for purity and germination. The Government test stamped on each bag. It's I ttood-looking seed. Quality No. l and color No. I. g and should grow and give ntisfaction. Penslar Dynamic Tonic buy. Our stock is complete of reliable seeds. Why take a chance on seed that you are not sure is the best obtainable. If you sow weeds, you will get weeds in return. These weeds will stay in your land and give you trouble for many a year. Our seeds are Government tested seed and will stand inspection.. _ Seeds Alsike Clover and Timothy Seed Every bag stamped with the test. You see what you No. l Mammoth Red Clover No. I Common Red Clover Northern Grown Alfalfa od nourishment and your system , nothing will help you quicker than ‘, yielding ' to Sizper cunt F.tWsWPW' snap l first advertisement will appeiar paper next week. [and tofu exceeded expectations. that the Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake Co.. trl Toronto. find it impossible to meet m- orden received to date and at the sann' time produce sufficient goods to cet proper distribution in this beauty. The The demand for Kelfogg's Waxm Com Flakes with the 'Juugleland" bud for children bu already been so gr at and not" exceeded ”mum“ -- ___ The date of the Kellogg “Junglel; campaign sdverliu'ng has been set ward one week. April 18th to May instead of April lllh to 25th. What might have proved I very serious accident happened one Ppt. ‘recently as Mr Arch Thompson 1xis gain: to Durham, his horse talur, {fright threw himself breaking th,, “but: and harness and in some trr accountable manner freed himscif from the buggy. fortunately M: 'Thompson CICIpt d without a scratch. Watch for "hmgietand" next Druggist and Stationer DURHAM Opportunities PHONE Mr t Durham A good looking seed nu nlppened one am- rArch Thompson “:5 ham, hi. home tum, himself bteuking th,, 'neso and in some Ur 18, “Jungleland Io.. of tee! the e same to get V. The in this 3rd Cl?, Custom Kechme 's cuaran tee and al I kt r prices Men book s um ple vutors HOOKVTIOWPI; Digging Forks Garden an col abili COO-090 Large lssnrkm omr. Travels. I and g at and m Field an Whole Cort Ground 3 Chopped 1 Crushed Poultry l Clansmcn Term k thn't CROSS Suave KARS ROB the P Seeds ross Head PR1 (lard APR o H D R

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