West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1922, p. 7

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m: tet. have and .n hat! a tie}. I” D i. form orqrltt to b. M to h .1 Ham-.- on. year .1675. -Aiiiii' hr che next year, hit t'lrt,tt'ae'pt It a {men an. trr/tr-trt'-. Mun m ammoyod tor (“in “he. b clta. Hair. _ an is that mentioned by Hi". who amay. that n m m I]. t: at]; allow and MW“. d 4mm Your Lymph." urn. . Lou- Kw. Physician Ind no at". u nu l :h [mm to health seem. Lymph 'u'itad from the blood menu- A, fry part of our bodice tilt! at. both 'T ". :urishmen’. to the 0mm u I " :4: tor the waste prodnch. It in not . t'r '_!od by the action of the he"! v2.1 r numuenty ls easily PM“ or Pt, wed in ita Bow, for tho prawn -r -n Active muscle may um. " on. a "ii , 'ottstrictlort to {tight but " mb 'w." may hoid it luck. "sun 70.? mph" ta therefore the In“ my " s'AY In}, "Ga: out Ind got none on d :‘Jin huveobi may. be I ooatqhtt 'v/N too bulb”. Plan»! It Dirt on 'LA’K‘h disposition " Mil.” “Aware serving raisin and but. I. ems-vies for the and of . heavy mod; ', "'1 are high in food "he. l l,? cure ot the child but in"! of . union, and infant mortality h tho ‘11 'rt sensitive sin In M at ' "'11.; “Q'HRTO. folk too Good Advice. Coldq are (mutations; avoid than WU) measles. The best place for your can In In 5:»:uhr meal hour: ”a healthy I I; LII. invest 10 cent. In I out of no. ot'm' and “we can". ln prolonged ' of your lodge". (‘.r;m'ma sari: "Don't W molly; os'ter a period of fifty years. if bm Deipitn m great bulk rad lumber- tag gait, the Nephant has been known to 'utrd tween miles an hour and to have kept up a rate ot ten mites an hour tar a long tun. It is said that an elephant does not reach proper annuity until It In forty from rs old, and that It may live for over In century, Jhsrwin calculate!!! that tttt MODEM ht The Origin of Coop. _-... ul- or winter Den itl‘marh u... In our ex mo 'rtornihsmt Oil Syndi‘inpo; you and “I” my develop into cate, The development will be for oil more "riouo tmubio. While (will g ts, and active work. it is stated. Do not dose yourself with purgi- Scotchm wit be commenced try June ttrat thh than. u so many poop]. do. in the street tn r-U'. hope that you can put your blood “Are l Diamond drilling " the White lake!I right. Putative: grilop through the asked a oral mine near Penticton, B.C., has itygtem and wmm imam ot 'ir!ng,ltunoet. ti revenled u six-foot seam " 250 ftttl llle‘th, Any doctor will tell you 9uiutraasisr and a thretrtoot seam at 400 feet, with I i: this. What you need in the WWII, and Hid inu-mmdlary scrim ot lessee Pr',',',',':} in a tonic that will enrich the blood "Wail! aluim'. An analysis o' the cod rum and build up the nerves. Dr. Wil- ain't doo 7V5; mixed carbon; it is low in uni-f iiams' pm Pm. do this 'speedily, livur and moisture. and is not badiyinfely and surely. Every dose of this "inir.h: 'l The property it; believed to: medicine helps to enrich the blood, . in» a valuable one and the proumieml Which clears the skin, strengthen! the A mini! tr/re. m induce the government to "utlapoetite, and makes tired, depressed rftstre, mt a. an a 2.000400: drill. Fliii', women and children brim. ”on" the Kiwi-m investigations have (llaclosed , active Ind strcng. Min B. L. Me. puny of r tno [mumm- of many minerals irt)Eachron, Nairn P.O., N.B., an: "I Philip m. "t proximity to Vancouver. The, have been in the habit of taking Dr. 1t1'ete), 1:. Mains on the north side ot ii:e,‘Wiiiiams' Pink Pills in the spring and “KW” (,1; ilii'!‘ been Mum} to be rich in ' they keep me in the best ot health. That r, a: 1;.inirmrrx Imad, iron and copper. I think it is entirely due to the use ot 'stledy? an t 'gr>."1‘:, in'ptir and 'Jcpericr show these pills that I always have with 'But a,?? s"' ' mmrul "'ct0riirp.'ng:s. 1good health." "'MHM "i;_ L'fjfl'l sr,',,,-. ..9 --,- . - Diamond drilling " the White lake oral mine neu- Penticton. B.C., has revealed a six-loot seam at 250 hot and a threaten: mm at 400 feet. with lnwrmediary mm ot tosses Mmea. swim An analysis o' the cod nun 75% mixed can-ham n " v-- " ___. V/hen Elephants Race. - "_"'"" “I“. director ot the Thomhms on Syndi- cate, The development will be far on and gls. and active work, it k Mod. tel.' be commenced by June ttmt an. ymr. xt m Shift Your Lymph. A total of 1.061 can org-min um, inspected at Cab-:7 during the month; w, 1t n the t the " " a lmpcrtan! indust The milk pleid tht creased forty pot A still the monk I the ammo the tmirth of July ll he celebrated try Vancouver _'. quval. to which the people , States of Calllornla. Oregon whington. British Columbla's t the production of gorgeous will be invited to be the spa-l h, -0 AL- A'- I ot the city the "linen: nounalry. has been completed 1 the Canadian Government Cheater Thompson, managing- , upon tho ochres but! an In the ttttrmmt waters of a ceramic engineer of the‘ rt Saskatchewan and no I party. is reported Jo any, mum have proven very particularly the ochrea. --- "Wm. Lem" and Superior show Il outeroppittga, ual value ot Boat products Cchunbia exceeds that of goat rats-in: in now ram-I great bulk rad lumber- Iepham has bran known an miles an hour and to a rate ot ten miles In imity to Vurcouver. hi; on the north side of the been {cum to be non In tor your ooh: I. in a supply is tnadequaié may demand tor this 'tl I in prolonged t We molly tab?! it isn't so Win." .1). Ind mus u " heavy men; who. L is an index of mortality In the " P0530" at mph. T urns s Lon- “no a new, when. Lymph " mean- 3nd ma both In. mttt at a new. It is not , of the hunt s"tntt is now regard. industry ot the pro. eld daring the past cent. over "" f LIPPINCOTT the, Racial Origin-An-axon trx.l Source-A locality. tar) Layman...” a; - *-..-tt, ___, _ The old doetunents show that at various periods the name ot this same place, from which the family name ha. come, m spelled In no lea than tho following number ot wan: “Log incite." "urttrttcote," Pyraptot,", "taurttmeot," Lettyneote," “laughwyn- i Though it disappeared later, the Itirst Teutonic invaders of England 'had tribal systems and tribal names. The latter were formed by the Midi. ition ot “ing"-or inga" to the, given; , name of the thief. Thus the followers i f, "Leo!" were the c"Leotinga." This) period of invasion and colonization,! the period when the tribal names were; in more general use than later. was the, period in which the Teutonic settlers, gave their names to the places ther! occupied. Thus "Leofingeote" became, I place name. I 1 To begin at the beginning, "Leat" (was a given name among the Anglo. Saxons. It meant "beloved," and came in fact the same word root as our modern word "love" and its German equivalent "Heb.” The {allowing variaw Moms of the name, srme of which sug- gest more strongly the modern words. were in common use: "Let," "urta," "Liet." “Lib." "Lip," "Ltob," "Luh" and "Luf" WMruaCr l It ks not mere surmise that it cameI Sort. 'trom the name ct B place in Devon-é Racial gym-e. The old records prove it to be] man. 1 derived from that place, which is now ' Source icalled Lumngeot. 1 mm. Lippincott is a family name that is peculiar in that it has many more past than present (onus. Mlnard's Unimant prevents Spanish Flu mir, Sold by all mail at so CE for 82.50 m Medicine Co., The drug; cathrins, in tea and 'xis,is I nerve edmulmLCon- -ttBtirnu1ntioetofthtsmrva+ ploducee rebellion that taken the {can of deep!“ headache; irdtebillty, high Mood preeeme. Thnt'stheotrintrtotea nndeolfee. Every man is 'Do Not Use Hush Purttatives- ( . A Tonic is All Ypu Need. in; of depression. “on: may appear an I any be twinge: ot t"ntralgia. Any ot th the blood 13 out of or door mg ot winter h upon you and may ea more serious trouble. nothing left but dimimintmat. Not Mek-but not feeling quite well. That ig the way most people feel in tho spring. 1:me tired. appetite 'let, sometimes headaches and a teel. nl A--, . That’s the way a good many peoplehave foundittobewith the comfort and cheer they thought they had secured in tea and coffee. whentherenmetodependonit--. w-ery man is a fool at least ten Utes a day. Donhexeeed the limit. - _._.._...... v- - u... "WV-WI- Poona com. in two form: lam Pom- nducen rebellion that tatlaa, the (tfe)"'""---","..;;,,";,',",; In aluminum fd:t, 1t.",tc'.tt':',ey,t,',,te.eteg imam, high blood pressure. ?.'d1'tf S't;')1ttt,t'ftp,,',:e,',t' “I" tnt'sthotrintrtoteanndame. razomumsoubnmm. . ', _ Postuin for Health --"There's a Reason" William found a pocketbook ' .,iiiiititspttt the string jerked it back by all medicine dealers or by '. M cents a box or six boxes 50 from The Dr. William‘ ' Broekvilie, ok presslon. Pimple: or crim- appear on the skin, or there Surnames and Their Origin wings: ot rheumatism or Any ot tinge indicate that vaders ot England a and tribal names. ’ormed by the addi- inga" to the given out of order-that we Ti: wintor has left Its mark t the spring] mud m h the blood "Weil, Dr. Wil. ain'tdor I speedily, dose ot this the blood, nethens the A mm] , depressed Haze. w: an bright, cover th B. L. Me. Dan? of: " says: "I Fixing taking Dr. ilowtyr in The name became a. patronyl quite regularly. by the addition "son," “sea" and sometimes "syn," i' Although £119 name was not alto "rethor unknown among the Anglo- Saxons ot England, It was not so wide. spread as on the continent, and there is good reason to believe that as a family name its principal developmnt was In that section of northern Europe I may included in what is now Hol-l laud. ' 'istey.t-t given name. While for the mod! part the f names ot Hodson, Hodges and H Sean take their origin from " soul-cl, there is little doubt that limited number of cakes they been ierivod trom' the same t name which has developed into Va r"ratr'ona-. cute.” "Loyhitreote," "Lutfttrgeott" "intftyngeota" and "Liroingcote." In 1296 the family name was "de Lywene- cot." ' It looked like a happy discovery as it lie there on the sidewatk--untit the discoverer reached to pick it up. Then the hidden string jerked it away. All William got was disappointment. "Never mind. darling." aha comfort- ed. "Babr doesn‘t know hovi It hurts." Halt an hour Later wim “may” ..., Forcing Baby's Education. Yem- ‘ from tho mummy brought mother, who found the baby gleefully pulling small Billy's curls. "That remains to be Egg; solemn answer. . married?" __ _ "Oh, that), another matter." l A mtoister, on the occasion ot a man Huge, was at a. does in trying to dis. cover the bridegroom among the com- pany ot young men present. Fixing on a young man with a large tlower in his butmnrhole, he asked hum, quietly: "Are you the happy um?" _ among the rescuers. as he helped the stranger to hts feet. and brushed the mud and dust trom his clothes. “Well." came the cautious reply, "it ain't done me no ttodd." 'i A Canny Answer. While making a visit to town a Scotchman was knocked down in the street by a motor. "Are you hurt, my friend?" kindly asked a gentleman who was titat among the rescuers, as he helned tha - .-_ ... .n.n.n wvw 03’ tore?" Helen - "Truly, Reggie. I can. I've oiten admired men tor their strength, good looks, courage, or in- telbectuatitr, or something like that; but for you. Reggie, dearest, it's all 'ove--nothitar else." Dld Ho Take It I. a Compliment? Reggie Litewoitrht--"can you truly u me that you‘ve never loved be. Origir--Ermiuh, Dutch, Ger. an. hour Latex wild shriek: from are you the man who Is to HUDSON Hodson, Hodges, Hodge. Another Matter. delightful cereal beverage, is com- pletely satisfying and there's no harmful quality whatsoever, to jerk away the comfort which you find in this splendid table drink. Any member of the family may enjoy Postum with any meal-and than will be no after-regret. mod! part the family Hodge? and Hdiri, 9 a patronymie the addition ot from auourer y was the Had. that wholesome inn gout and neuritis: ' """"~ W W‘llln‘ ing mrter charred with Mum. The workers, it in said,m immunity. ffuonaa _and laugh at rheumnim " ts claimed that workers in the radium mines of Colorado enjoy er- tmordimry health, thanks to drink.. :m. m“... 4-“, . ... - It is claimed that radium mines of Cal Every man throG a rock then that he would like to t in his hand. In Java there is an orchid matoohyilum, all the tiowen open at once, as it try the a fairy wand, and they all gather. - An eminent gentleman, who in addi. " tion to his regular business engage ments was also distinguished as an - essayist and a speaker', when asked lube secret ot his accomplishing so [much work gave an interesting leaf " out of his early experience. He said whim as a lad he was very mredessi _ about the order of his room and in his! [belongings generally. But when he began to study, his teacher observing l the habit into which he was falling, isaid to him: "it you want facts and [ideas arranged in your head so " to ,titul them, put your hat, shoes, and lbooks in some sort of order around 5 you." Thus early he learned that or- :‘deer habits cultivate orderiy brains. 'And to .that one thing he attributed much of his success. be I The Canadian spring Weather-one e day mild and bright; the next raw laud blustery, is extremely hard on the baby. Conditions are such that the {mother cannot take the little one out tor the fresh air so much to be de- trife':" He is ©orttitted to the house r which is so often overheated and bad. ‘ly ventilated. He catches cold; his _ I little stomach and bowels become dis- rlordered and. the mothes soon has a 'sick baby to look after. To prevent I this an occasional dose ot Baby's Own I Tablets should be given. They regu- late the stomach and bowels, thug pro- [v._n:ing or banishing colds. simple I fevers, colic or any other of the many luiinor ailments of childhood. The _ humus are sold by medicine dealers l l or by mail at 25 cents a. box from The l iDr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brock-ll i ville, Oat. . Every man To Htve L; Ordered Brain, SPRING WEATHER HARD 0N BABY lat!" wife we?" As Tompkins was on his war home [utter nighttan be collided with Jew kins, who was running as tut as his bulk would allow him. ' "Why an: hum-y, Jenkins?" he in- quired. "e-roar-tor-tho-posse," odd I Jenkins, between mm "We've got a burglar in our house." "But. surely. You haven't lea Four nr"A "sa-w-ttr "An image is an hands!” “Bring me your papers when you have “Mailed," said the teacher. Little Mary came tirst and handed In her work with a. bright smile. And teach-er smiled. too, when she read: the baby made her run again fnumery. i "Why Bil-1y," she cried, "what imatter with baby?” "Nothing, muzzer,” said Billy [in "only now he known." The chuildmn were enacting their periodical written examination, and all the morning their pens spluttered and scratched. "Oh, no! She's new“ ,. all the itoweii, Ci Fairy Orchid. His Better Half. if by the sushi)“; they all wither t Me catches cold; his and bowels become dis- he mothr soon has a. look after. To prevent Mi The Image. ONTARI' to have he]; ' the gram- idle maid With "In Maia to the which the trum- 'what is the man- u that when an acre ot tom! had I: out out that now should be phMedoI-uedoduouca tobriuoi “other erMt. If this 1. dm by plun- ln; It will men tht the or " than 1Unf1'..f"t1r!!l?tet-t, gut down, because to Induce huh, 1mm forest in“ no "ated much! - teacher than the Man tte) and um cut down. The tree up: Contact maturity». - ttid! ',1,t'ete-tsGtlipitu',"ii; 4uoet-itrrtrTii with" {and that! In" that ol thon- Inp- " of We. to. When . tore-t lamb-butter any: that he hopes to no the time when a tree qrit1 be Md for "on We. cut down on not-Iguanas“ land ha does down on manhunt-a! land he hoes not m__ _ quorum. What he My had found two British soldier: l'lrltll,','l' and 11mm; down the bats- ton ot her back min. Sue had told than: sharply um whistling 11nd slid- ing on the" boulder; we forbidden. Whereupon Thoma Atkins, genial and undefeated. had turned to her and re- mkod pleasantly. "Are, missus, but1 'sr would one won the m, and} than yer could have come and slid] down our back stain and whinied." A erhhun In Walnut: on tho Rhino, told a British owner thet one ot " men manned her. Indeed, aha " oluod. atto had never been so Insults! In he “to. The other at once began luulrlan 1nd timuly learned that an TORONTO Ilnrd’s Unison! for Coughs and Gold: ,,V__-_ my... sixty mimon weddings and cuttings have been distributed to prairie farm. sixty are used solely for planting shelter- belts on prairie farms. 'tmuse the nursery station was established about litfv milllnn -MAu__7 ,, - - ""“"“- W“ WWI“ the wet: I The shipments of tree seedlings and J muscles of that which they 1196c _ cuttings going out this spring from the I “nourishment. Dominion Forest Nursery Station at! But science has tound a Wax Indian Head, Saskatcihewan, win be every truss suiterer in the land 3.1119113 the largest in the past (iii'),',',:?':), to make a test right t years. The kinds sent outare chietty privacy ot their own home. Maaitoba maple. green ssh, Russian PLAPAO method is unqueuia poplar, willow. and cal-again... GiC','liii most tscientific, ingicalundgu an n-A‘I __I_IAA A . - calm. To the Vigggg. Being the MONEY ORDERS, A Dominion Express Mon for tive dollars costs three a That, however, is not quite so alarm. ing as it-sounds, for the loss is spread over a period ot tmrtttrtive yeam. Twenty-tive years is reckoned tn Eng- land to be the legal "life" of a save. reign at its full face weight. When the new English currency ’notes were issued, the grand balance ‘ was kept busy virtually day and night weighing the gold coinage that was called in and replaced by notes. It has now been found that the total loss of gold, owing to the abrasion of the coins as they passed tram 1!de hand In the course ot oircu1atioet,, amounts to nearly 85,000,000. I Before " can be used it must always 'be carefully dusted, tor otherwise the (lust that has setLLed uponjt. even in the course ot a. few minutes, although invisible to the naked eye, would muse it to register inaccurately. So responsive is the machinery that e postage stamp placed on one ot the two weighing portions moves the luv-j dex six inches. I Standing atrmoximatelr seven feet high and weighing nearly two tons, this wonderful piece at mechanism can weigh a piece ot thistledown or a 400 pound gold bar with equal ac- curacy. -- ,V___-- urn-dun u: Luv; bullion mom of the Bank ot England. g It In a whine that was constructed. ll primarily, tor testing light geld coins. g ATreefora "Tanlac has been a wonderful bless- ing to me and I will praise it the long- est day t live," said Min Aline Deann- teis. St. Laurent, Que. "Mr only regret about Tulle is that I didat learn about it sooner, as i know I would have been saved many hours of misery and suturing. This grand medi~ cine has brought me the wonder- ful bless-lug ot health and I feel that I am simply doing my duty in helping to ‘let people know that no matter how much they may suitor from stomach trouble, there is hope tor them it they take Twine. "I am no more like the some person now that I was before I took thin grand medicine than day is like night." Taulac is sold by all good druggiata. --Adet. “out iii,.- Slxty Million Trees Planted, Gives Details of Recovery for Benefit of Others Who Suf- fer As She Did. Bank ofgskiuidu -"Creat MISS I)liuImiIs B LIKE A NEW WOMAN 9PULAR YOUNG WO- MAN SAYS TANLAC WAS A WONDERFUL BLESSING TO HER. I “great balance" stands in the 't a. few minuteh, although 0 the naked eye, would register inaccurately. So is the machinery that l. " Money Order three cents. " Louis, Mo., tor mm triirinGTo' the Intonation “can". , The PLAPAO PAD when adhering closely to the body cannot possibly slip or shift out of plus, therefor. cannot chate or pinch. Soft u velvet I--'" to applykmexpenadvo. To be used wbllu you work tad thin: you sleep. No straps, buckles or spring: attached. Lou-n how to clot. the banal-.1 own- h; In nature “and“ so no ruptur- CAN'T can. don Send your mm. l ud ten cents. coll or than. today. I to PLAPAO CO., "' 8mm BM... Bt. .-e, u- "__, --- _ - . Seven thousand persons each you , are laid away-the burial eertltleat. "being marked "Rupture." Why? Bet. w cause the ttttfortunate one: had neg- lected themselvol cr had bnen merely - taking care ot the sign (swelling) ot l the mic-lion and paying no attention ' to the cause. What are you doing? ' Are you neglecting yourself by wear. ' in; B trusa, appliance, or whatever name you choose to call it? At best, l the truss is only a make-shirt " false I prop against a collapsing wallmandf icatutot be expectod to act an more) Ilium a mere mechanical support. The , lbinding pressure retard: blood circn-' llatlon, thus robbing the wukeued: ”muscles of that which they need most I tul "ut-ttea/G/ni - tor my'ld has ever known. -__- - - - 'w - "" trade mark (reclaim I. Canal” " In": lulu-“q I... iiiiiiiliit'ir. or 'ltllTlttfi, VIII. 'Matt, tttte ,lttWttt2sSiie M III um". " .ttMqt t " . I“ M 'h'aoir.. will be .tatgoea 'rittt their unrll and. nut. tin _ mun." 7- . ihysicia RuptuiKKilF "T-'-"---" 7,000 Annually l-j i! giwiiii.iiiiat for that cold and tired feeling. i Get Well-keep' Well. I KILL SPANISH FLU) by ttttlr the OLD RELIABLE.' ' "My face was Alma covered with pimple. which fostered and scaled ovet. The: lubed and burned so that I coul hardly stand them, and my face Wu so disfigured I was tumble to go anywhere. I loot so much sleep that l was about crazy. "The trouble 1aeted two months. I Matted using Cuticuro Soap and Ointment and after I had used two coke. of Cutlcura _Boap and two home of Cuticuro Ointment for three Week. I wan completely healed." (St ed) Miss Dorothy Balaton. began. Calif. Cthicura Soap daily. with Outlaw: Ointment - occasionally, graham pimples or other eruptions. hey no I pleasure to use, no is also Cuticum Tolcum for perrurrdne the skin. atmE-am'zmz.azimu'zmaggz . Soup'Ecl tltttmeirteGddirfe, TaleonZéc. Tlar-tttttf,'.': 50-. an». without my. ---tti_-.-'...i.u2== ll(inirhnr Health} Nerve m with incessant affimntivea. Don't bark aem'nst the but, but M the beauties of the goat meWhkaI-l-in”- he iaadtoarauieide. dollar- now, and a. can buy " ".eresrortttt-uooiki M toe the auxin-1 humus-u a time he bean to can.“ The “VIM-on of new. “If: man had put a. hundred dollar. at ' “Yin! but twenty m "tr," It!!! the Btntiaticiaat - dinner, “It Festered and Scaled Over. Face lh'sfigured, Cuticura Heals. RIN llllllllllit PIMPLELUN "FACE Mlnard’u Linlmentr -G.rGi, Yarmouth, MB. TO-NIGHT TRY r In the land I: in. toot right in the own home. The is umtuestttttsatrly logical tradauceesa. at to orer two Inn-1M 'uadhoeouU buy cum "In!“ the “health" mart. The ood circu. weakened need most and h",' 'JWd'lh' fair a??? "98NEt-vm . . gave vpppimg to the - r; .r1,“-~‘: octor and a frv.ni "alll r told me of Lydia E. ,cti%Niq Ili Pinklmm's Veg-rm- " att ‘ - ble Compound. " NI ‘ After the first bottle k; ," v' I I could aim-[Lunar __. 'h’h Indlbave opto- improving we: dime. I have taken seven bottle-m and am unhappy that llmdlom unwind fitht -uMra. Bahama I“ N.3rdSt., hebonuv, Wuconnn. For the Mn trttprhte middle age Lydia F. Hahn’- Veguuble C931:- und an be 18 much pundit. Dunn; Ij,llrt'4r,l'h'ifJ'e'l',ft2, 1'.th plug. whitmnw de in. . theb?rtrayt. Wueortsin.--"t dorm, littd and nervous. I 1 0v lljllllllli(,.,'a_,l-flll it: " '3: It! dit r.ll I ”a: 'd," 3 1'atityall 51 - L, Aiiit8l it)" , 1,1131: 1 % t 'i,ritiltiii'iiilli if? ' $3415 Af; I 1 g q bl 4...] ancd i" JCifi"ii%airt We.” Sin-old}! Kitormrw Lydia E il sums RELIEVES‘ NEURALGIC ACHES QUEER FEELINGS AT llljlillill.ii AGE PinIdnn’s itrriiiiriiifiiic'i Help. at This Trying Period s: hi" .7“.-- -- o~AZW my [ll-I "was. pulleys. awn. Lithium”... a?" t1'lp'seu1,'gle")Wiiiiiiiiii,",i' #13"... on I _ "If oth. In YORK. - mnom B EEK um'uus' 1UPh'Luta-raariit. STROTH and Jumbo him “I lurniahlnzl. honey elm. will... engines and stomxc “an; a Contact. stock of beekeeping toqulromenu- and tor our catalogue. Hm Broth." Com. may. Ltd., In: :fscturen. Brannon. Ont. =T.ie"e"""------_----A. WOOL MADE INTO BLANK!!! " much-Mo prion. rural. PI- wool. chie4tr (my seconds. 1m: cont. - pound. Poatm extra. Smter yarn. Ill beautiful colors. Beventrttve cant. Samples free. Georgetown Woolle- Millie. Ge-town. “Marla Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORK. ' J. CLIFF . TORONTO mu. m" tFAtC"ieiikh7Gi"Auiic all.“ Vuleglntggr, Lou“ ' C' Ahre 51!?!3' mm COARSE SALT L. A N D'SALT “m" M'I' " m numb rod MyLifrTy", 'iiri' rah 'ml ' {even do my own housework. could not 'drt at night and all ind. of Mg' of thoughts won] com. to me. Ping”! I and How to In! lulled Pro. to ter, AA. dru- " tho Au her. I. Clay Glam 0..” "t wet.' 2.4ll.:_§trut DOG DISEASES Nuwioi:C"c.Ek". L was run could not AND nun

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