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Durham Review (1897), 13 Apr 1922, p. 8

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ll '83 ti S s NO. I, EDT. & NOR. Fr chSadie. r-blc Jr Iv-Lando Wnlton Sr ill-Forever Grant, Ski. Eden. Arthur McCain Mae Noble Jr Ill -Charlotte Pattrreon, Harold Gran- by Sr ll to Jr IH-Je-u, Grant, Mar- garet Harper, Willi-d Gralby Sr "-; Irene Grasby. tir If Douglas Glam, Dorothy Caldwell Jr l-Evelyn Rote ins, Vera Robins. Pr.-Lurr Robina. Evelyn Grant, CI [Luna Pattuu'm, Educ Caldwell m B. GREEN!!! was cow S S NO 2 EGT, & NOR. Sr IV- Fi., Jams. Jr IV-Lilliln Kirby. Sr lit Jun Smith. Lillian vath Jr lu-Ken-tt Kirby, Sadie Ruby PrA-.Warearrt Smith. B- Arthur Kuby. c, Wardie Smith. Averageattereaort a " Dose. for 1.. huhvdlmmby-am. I Iomeer. tin-mew u I... The paint randy the ever known. 'sekieru Bronlchitis Mixture Soul in Dun-n.- " Macfnrlnnc's Drug Store Cm'MMMMGI-m ' iid -e H -__- v-vllvlll, - - or Poultry Fence. You av. lumbal and bauboakrdlu no unnecessary ..I.,...:-:-_ - --- - . " _ Sentenced to Death by HAtiatLibii"" - - _ om" Gat"" Eho to control ir-los flat when 3... mg i. NO 13. EGREMONT " -nr\. Gordon Leith hs Colds and 3ronchitis School Reports I. E Luttrell. t.eacher ,EGT. & NOR. Kerr, teacher world has um. mm. by Pkdtheest, 1023.; "he 19 Amen" m:- i'TZ‘E“ TtEC'?')?.""" -I-----i-'L...-'S-. lumGr" E.aaio 3”. iiiii Jr Pr.- Elmer Tucker Tommy Davis, Joe Campbell. Norman Tucked Clifford McNanei, - Jr IH-out'" Aberdein, Edith Kerr, Margaret Wilson. Sr ll --kate Davis, Tillie Allan, Bec- kve Allan. Carmen Queen ab., Irene Grasby ah. Jr Il-Jean Aberdein. Bert Gordon. Sr l-Mary Campbell Jr IV-jaw Davin, Julie Marshall, Violette Kerr and Ritchie Campbell eq. Sr IH-John Allan, Lloyd Allan. Min. nie Lennox. Alice Lennox, Bob Wilson, Mae Noble ab S S NO 2, EGREMONT Sr IW-Margaret Aberdein and Ken- neth Allan eq., Jeannette: Campbell, Sadie Noble, ab.. lv-Janette Geddea. Sr 1H--Jim Smail, Arthur Leith, Clifford Henry, l Walter Renwick. Harold Morrison. Jr ( Ill-Jean Renwick, Roy Tucker and Myrtle Wells eq., Luey Wells. Sr Il-- Margaret Leith, Robert Renwick, Alex- ander Taylor. Jr H-rea-lla Hastie, Buelah MacKenzie. Sr Pr.-Clifford Harrison, ‘Ruucll Taylor, Raymond Hornsby Jr Pr-Nellie Hargreave. B. A. Renton, teacher. S S No g EGREMONT I Sr IV-David Alles, Ella Ellis, Mary Eccles. Sr IH-Arthur Haas (h) Mil- ton Schenk, Willie Ferguson. Sr Ir-- Earl Rosa. Lorne Schenk, Murray Ross. Jr ll-Harold McPhee, Kenneth Allis. Jr B-Elmer Troup, Orvile Ketchabaw, Leroy Ketchahaw, NeilSchram. Sr I-.. Grace Schram. Pr- Kenneth Rona. Reid Ketchabaw. M. D. Macintyre. teacher. E . Treieaven, teacher {The Review end Weekly Wntneee The Revir' end Toronto Daily Globe toe l P"-.-......... The Review And Toronto Daily Stet fort yen..................... The Review end DeilyAdvenie. or for one)“: The Vamey U. F. o. will have the regular monthiv meeting on Satur- dae evening. April tsth, instead of Friday previous. in order to give the local member. Dr Leeson. a chance to give his views and get theirs on parliamentary work. The farmers around the ' Corners" who have not as yet disposed of their fat cattle, are somewhat jubi- lant over the prospect of the British embargo being lifted Doherty'l power of persuasion ttttd ability is ripening up nicely in the interest of theCanndinn ettttletnen. I Judging by his conduct in Par- l liament. all through the Session so tar, we would suggest to our Tory blends. if Ferguson leto retain the leadership. that they drop the de- ception of styling themselws "Lib- eral Conservative" and adopt the true name of "obatruetioiu'str" For one better adapted to fill the bill to a nicety he can't behest. l l We regret to report the very low condition of Mr. Wm Marshall of Egrrnfont and tidings of his death ire almost daily 'xpected. Willie wasa kind, obliging man and we deeply regret his severe rffiletiott, Mr Wm Thompson left last week for the West for the anmmet months to assist his brother Wellington on his large lam: neat Lmaden. l Since the opening of Spring the weather has been unusually favor- able to the fall wheat and so far has every proepeet of being a bumper crop Mr Albert Marshall has been re-en. gazed u butcher in our beef-ring for the season. Last year was Alberta first venture in the butcher business and acquitted himsellvery creditably. Since We last wrote a fortnight ago Spring weather has come and the farmers in most cases have begun their Spring work. Henry Damn: is one of our greatest hustlers, even to setting the .pace for the frogs and ploughed the last week in March. A copy of at Montana paper record! the death of the above, who was Miss Minnie Morrison. daughter of the late Walter Morrison ot Holstein and a niece of Mrs Adam Brown who died recently in Michigan. Deceased was born in Holstein in 1879, went west in the early years of this century and was married to Mr. Coey.: They farmed in N. Dakota until 1916. when they Went to Montana. She is aur- vived by her husband, two sons and one daughter, her mother, two broth. ers and five sisters. She was a meth. ber ofthe Litter Day Saints church, and funeral services took place in the Presbyterian church. The paper gives a warm eulogy of her charac. ter, . Mrs A. R. Hershey, who has not been well for some time took worse on Sunday on Monday. Dr’s Mair and Sneath held a consultation and It time of writing little hope is held for her recovery Her mother Mrs Robinson of Cheeley is with her. We hope there may yet be a change for better. Death ot Mrs Erank Coey g LOCAL Mo PERSOIAL§ BLYTH’S CORNERS HOLSTEIN LEADER 075 6N 676 I75 R.t. Blunders THE VARIETY We have a complete range for Ladies and Children in all shades --Fanery Stripe, Mock seams, Clock Stitch, etc. When you think of Hose, think of Holeprocf We are agents. = I Holeproofs have twice the dur- ability of average hose, so why be content with the average ? Why Not ? Compact five room brick residence with woodshed. quarter acre lot on Bruce st. Durham. Good garden, well on pro- perry. Warm comfortable homein choice location. Apply at Review Office, or on premises to owner, _ JOHN G. BEATON, Durham 1 Wilson - silsbGiiad-. That the tollnwmg accounts be paid ' Mnnic’l World for Supplies 820; C. Ramble & Son. printing -Attditort, Repom. $62 50: John Ilsa ; sheep killed $c'0.. Jan McLachlan. inspecting Iheep $1 t ‘ B. Gibson. use of room tr, Members of council. attendance & mileage8t8 90. Carried. Council adjourned to meet Monday May 29th for general basin": and " a Conn of Revision on the Aswan- menc Roll. Conn of Revision owns " 2 o'clock p. m. D. ALLAN, Cl-vk Bylaw No.424 eh, road'benu wa_a_ gassed Buy Holeproof Hosiery '? , The pan-eos would " Arno. , church mm by the Cnrlntlnn Endowm- on, Friday evening pIIBOd " vary ' successfully, Thai-ton balloting to 3 port no serious consequent,“ Inning r from the Ian-u recipe. (we caption.) of Miss Hopkins the Government . Demomtmor. Tiny were splendid, I they made on. think "t the top“ who Wilhed another glu- lo “he the an. , oflhe tiristout of his mouth. The ' manhu- of the "can: play given I: Dromore, reputed it at tho cunt Though nvresumv shorlonod it _ ' good The Inltrumnmnl selection given by the qt'TPtt tnlanud young ladies on that wind instrument. wu- eupecialh good. the uriono pm. being well brnturirt a" uni discernible. I Mrs Dat, MeKelvey and can Galliu- len [bus Mdueaarfor New Lichen"! lbeing down on the occasion of her father’s drmiu. bu: unfortunately 'WIF tnn late. '0 nt'rta him. ,r_...._, way - out!!! listening in wondering Idmnntion et- chimed. “Law me. in my young days we just made: hole In each endund sucked." l Talking about big “all. we had one the other day. the: w . on. per, (the egg we mean) 121 inches one we, and " the other, we kept it by doing what. the young men home from College told hie lam how it wee done, 'You parlorue m aperture at nob extremity and by forcibly 1n- halmg the breath the liquid content! were extracted from thefrngile recept- acle " The old Indy who had beenl ll-.__:A . ‘ . ms DEBRA! aszw Tartan bashing our" on the on "a 82 weeks course ', spy on: may be retiring plum-r out, unwary. Tbuhures :lrosdy drawn baw- heen “km up lo ft we are aware. Born-m, Mf nnd Mrs Geo once. on April he. soon Residence for Sale ,,.-_ -v - UV- Tbe recent warm weather hupnt an end to syrup making for the scum). We welcome the nave-nulpondout from North Egremont. It in bud for 0w- Ilone to get all the new- worth wirle The collection " Amha Church I week I80 for the "Sue 'ho Children Iiud,'%noanUd to $180 00. EO REMONT COUNCIL g NORTH EGREMONT 424 elytrgirnt certain STORE ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO I on the 171. "W one who _ out, th Irudy I u, up so In I, Lu" _ New Zealsnd’s Experience. in New Zealand, farmers aatisttied the home market for butter a long time ago. They had to export the surplus, and the Government altered s premium for the iirst shipment ot buttér which would satisfy consumers in Great Britain. What was the re- sult? Dishonest people stole brands ot quality products and shipped in- terior butter under there brands. This had 1 bsd eitect. It was then found necesssry to have Government inspection which would extend right but to the producer. so that inter- ior butter could be traced to Ita: source sad the cause "-ed.-- 1 J. Coke. Dept. Farm Economic; ---_ ...,... "mull We can order 10,000 boxes of No. 1’s or No. 2's, graded and packed in such ahanner that we can depend upon the quality year in and year out, we will talk business, but until then we guano: risk it." ). A. otitkdueigi.' __.- "'mrW6- at: Willis, properly graded, to meet all his re- quirements. Or take apples: A short time ago a certain gentleman from Ontario endeavored to establish a market for Ontario apples through the consumer owned co-operative stores in Great Britain. What was the answer? "Just as soon as you get an orgnnlzatlon trom which we auu unsuxes are varied, and we must meet these demands. For many year. we have tried to make the English- men eat the sort ot bacon we thought he should eat; but he won't. He prefers Danish bacon because the Dane sells him the sort he wants, properly graded, to meet all his re- qulrements. Or take apples: A short time ago a certain gentleman from nnfnrin "r.i...-.-, _ " of farm products is grading farm prod facilitated. Suppose carload or a certain duet. He may go t Bay: "I have 3. ca apples, I want to A ..- -.Fs.. ”mum. What was answer? "Just as soon as you an organization trom which we order 10,000 boxes of No. 1's or 9-. "man; ._J _ . - -... mu. nun, and could not use. Or to take butter: Investigations have demonstrated that lack ot grad- ing has resulted in serious loss to middlemen. In the state ot Kansas tor instance. orte-fitth of the b tier received was paid for at the M] of 27.1 cents per potmd,--the ruling price tor butter-thour, this 20 per cent. had to be reworked before it could be used by Consumers. For this butter renovators paid 20 cents per pound. so that there was a loss of 7 cents per pound. No middleman can long stand thlk The problem of frr%-tro. n... __.- - _ -- .... _rm. .r9bi%b8" In tut: non of 1914, it was found that 410 cars were ttttfit tor sale; and not only Ina this true.," but they also depressed the price ot apples. The freight, cartatre dad labor of handling had been paid for the purpose of start- ing 410 cars of apples on the way to market, which nobody would accept, did not want, and could not use. It must be remembered that con- sumers. like farmers, are engaged in business. They are not able to sort products. Therefore, when they pur- chase ungraded products they have to bu: things they don't want, and this results in waste. Grading ot farm products would mean a reduc- tion in the cost of marketing. For example, out ot 2,600 cars ot apples appearing on a Chicago market with- 'e. a period of three months in the tall " I A1 A IA -. ' In the production of farm pro- duets, unavoidably widely varying shapes. sizes and qualities of pro- duets are brought into existence. These taunt be sorted out so that the Product lent to a certain market will meet with the approval ot the pur- chaser. standardizing means that I grade of product will be the name your in and year out, In this way Cotttldenee in grades may be built up. The Folly of Not Grading Instanced. Instance. of the Folly of Not Grad. hgeselllng by Description n. Inspection - matter Expat-mum! In New lealnnd. (Contributed by Ontario Department ot Agriculture. Toronto.) Grading of farm products In ne- cessary for the enlargement of mar- kets. It ia based upon knowledge of what the consumer wants. It gives the consumer ot farm products the kind, shape. size and quality ot pro- duets' desired. It brings increased returns to farmers and effects sav- intra to the middlemen. Standardizing of Farm Products Necessary for Best Market. . BENEFITS OF GRABING nus per pound. No middleman 11; stand thlk problem ot truneing the sale n products ls important. By I 'nhm .--->, *‘ - Suppose a farmer has a certain grade of pr ,'ert, Producti, tiniiiee pro- " 3: THE PEOPLES MILLS i; i'jrrramlrarrxxxxxxxasaxxxxxxs, -. - --. .v---.. raw "mar. P. Curran, Alex McQurrie. J. Clark A. IlePhee. 3 Stuntman. Emil tkh. richer. Geo. Putter, B. Drum. Henry Con 3--W. R. WAN-co. And. tGr. shall, A. Buildst B, Elder. John gegna, O M. Nan” Fred Wit-er. _ .nrr-n AI-- ll-n__~7! - -_, Con 2-D. Mountain, Thou. Niece. Alex Smith. Inc. Thou J. Blyth. Con 17 &18 otm Molnar. John "ruzbertter, J Super. A. Kraft, M. W. Byers, W. Hut-burg. W. " Naughton. A large deputation cf ra'epayera were preeentatthe aftermwn meet- Iing to aak the council to pass a by Haw allowing those ratepayers to purchase the Slee& Co Telephone. Mr M. E Murray was spokesman land placed " case very ably be. from the council. Mr Harris ofthe (Bell Telephone Co. accompanied by itwo other cffitsiau were also preaenc [and spoke in favor if the Municipal 'torm ct Telephone. Alter a good deal of speaking tor and anion the proposal it waa moved by Wm. lllli t and sent nded by Wm Barber. That this council will table this petititn of the ratepayera “kin: tor the tele- phone. By law. and that the matter will be finally decided on the next meeting at council. May 29th. meeting ot come". May au." ..-..- The following pawn-ate" were appointed for I: 22. The Municipal more“ tt the Township ot Nounnnby met in the Township Hall Ayton on Monday April 3rd 1922 " 101.11]. The Have in the ohuiruna all member member present. monmnuuunm t Free Jap-A-Lac , Demonstration . SATURDAY, APRIL 15 Sold in Always Refreshing AlwayéDelicious " Nog................ 15.00 Mammoth Red Clover No 1.... ......... 18.60 ClimatizedAlfalfaNol..................15.00 AlsikeNol """"'oo--................ 12.00 Garden Seeds.............. 6packages for 25c qt-s..........-.-. Q A earload at out prices. Timothy Seed No 2 (No l Purity). . . .84 GO bus. Medium RedCloverNol........... Fr. 16.80 An expert decorator will teach free of charge the proper way to use Jap-A-Lac for making homes more beautiful. Normanby Council A. S. HUNTER & SON Come and bring your friends. Field and Garden - - __ -rtoFoFtii Bulk. - - - ---V 1BLAcgGCNtt1ltlittiG9xED my Noa. He. Thompson, Tn... " " Jim Williamson. C Weber, Blythe m Antics, Albert Ovens. Pound Keeper A. Weppler. G. Dickert. Ed. Grit L Goberdt. Jr. D. Namibia. r. Wail”. J Willi-anon. Geo, Ger, hard; W. J. Morris, W, Little, No, } nun Bobcat, Bun Koenil. H. Lisr, mer. N. Woman", V. Fischer. it Iln, Adam Waller. Fence Vmweu Ch" KIM. Oahu. P. Dayle, A Arnold. P. Finnignn, Wm Little, Alfred Widmover. Wm. A. Sharp Thom" Wall-cc. June. Blyth. Archie norm. Wm. Bren-nun. Joseph Baboon. - - - III “I I dieiUiGi?kiiiC.' dl '-"aB-.r-o,n.' *ALIOHAKWM "ml Et?tt INDIGESTION itliiitflii'li"i'iii'i - that food; that SOLE a: At,titPitirii beet Promote admlidtomm ty'S1'1',eit,otd? tthiiijiii PttteiiiiiiTd APRIL 13. 1922 LI] M W l h W Mt I} To Everywo: hem M" It. d Durham Branch " I) " Mr tl rat “I In" tey h this wot lava! l ledum ed hy the Ut L'ustom ch Kecttnw's Mu guaranteed t mallkmds t prices Changeable Asthma, Bronc Nturalma, on and T R (k m lane? 1351.275. . Tanlac 'pdtg "te up and um” Pereys run-bung gong from (h. DA “OLSEIAID Mrs band Jamws warts-eo --Yourm Apply to Mu A ti, R Western Feed Rob Roy “Ills Mrs VOL. XL " amounts, .0: in an were! Standard Sa accounts. d al 'c “Imam MANY w their t R R IT JTAt STA u Bands h R ASS! Shoe! M M rmel

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