West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Apr 1922, p. 1

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arts only eds tn. Ed. Go" ran-fins. ' P's-n W Little, ijii. rniar. M. Lite- V Fischer, a. th 94 '0!) P, Dale. A, Wm Link. It. A. Sharp, _ Blyth. band in remote bar, lsion! ree ION {ill Eli 13, I922 ', Raymond 71': Henson. =2- [I] Ger- , KILLED av Tsum-sad anthem" that came to friends here Tuesday that Wm Wright ot Hanover had been killed bv the train. We are not in possession ofthe particulars. but as he was very hard of hearing, his infirmitv may have been the cause. He resided for a number ofvears in Durham, his wife is a sister of Mrs And. Ritchie, Durham and Mrs. Wm V'essie. north of town. all daughters of the late Nathan Dunsmoor Their three children survive. Mary. Mrs Robt Ewen ", Pearl. a 1ttnostrapher in Owen Sound and Thosat home His funeral tabs place Friday to Hanover cemetery. Mdch sympathy is felt for the family so suddenly bereaved. Anusrs " Bun-an.~4t leaat a couple ofcitiaerm in town have bought "veneered" lb butter n'ints. ' Veneer. ”Tanks the honest farmer. ‘What do you mean ? .. Just this. imide the mould on four tides and bottom in Blue. ed a nice layer of tempting vellnw but- ter. In thecentre cavitv is placed tome white substance. of butter consistency, and this, in turn is capped with the good butter. and there you are! The six sides of the cube a golden yell"! the hustle a fraud. The parka" we an had " Choice Dairy Butter" printed on the wrapper but no name Or other clue. Merchants would be well advised to perforate doubtful prints and exnoaure should lol’ow if the fraud is discovered but it was letting too dark to make a thorounh search. so he posted up a couple notices and next mowing let out elrlv and covered the road he had trav- ered but could 6nd no trace of it Next day (Saturday) Win Keith in coming to Holstein spied the roll and havine heard of the owner. he honorably phoned McGowan. who Wtrq delighted to 1tfrTt> it. ‘,, TOTAL ASSETS OVER BJORN-THREE MILLIONS Durham Branch, . - " John Kelly “up. Branch dao u 'tueorttu Id 'HRK-aa ' -------, inm Goon thurerr--Wttile riding in a little express waggnn Wednesday-, George Lavelle the ten year old son of Mrs Jas. Lavelle. got his hand ca ght when the waggon jolted. The jar sever ed his third finger on the right hand at the upwr joint. whereupon he picked um the severed finer-tir, --s.-" ts I, mesmo Dance -The lightning Presbyterian Choil glam: last we]; gave Mr Elms. Turn ------. ull’s barn n core call. he electric . . fluid struck along the roof and down s,,J,tat',?e'dttpsthriiaatetasinr.:, one end, slivered up a post and going lion's Song 'on 'iiGiTy"i down to the basement took a chip out we have yet to hear a dine out ot a window, but fire did not follow to the manner in which it luckilv. The barn was not rodded. It and undue-km must have run ttme "gi,';,':',,", and been given was such as to this perhaps save re. om: were F . . ' stunned and trembling. gfngnuon fyel rewarded f 'o Everywoman Dlsmsnn nu: fussr-Three young upper town lads. Moore Mountain. W. Clark and lnnee were up before magist- rate Laidlaw on Saturday on the charge of riding bicycles on sidewalks. Con- stable Falconer laid the information on‘ advice from Colin Kennedy. but as the ' latter had not sufficient evlc‘ence to prove his charge, the Magistrate let the boys off free. this week, Icy. Me to 100 {of} 't.75to 82.00 foe Pen Custom chopping ever ay at Mo. Kechme's Milk. Durham. “station guaranteed. Corn, mixed c . oats. and allkinds of feed for ale at uncut prices he U Changeable weather Asthma. Bronchitis and Neuralgia. etc. Raz-mal and T. M Cs for mental! anterd. ask S. MacBeth Tana: ov t ing up and um thereby enabling long from the In lane', Drug Store Housnluo WA Mrs David Jamieson, I Western Feed Ute, _ Rob Roy MIMI “(mun-Young tltit Apply to Mu A. S. Hunt Lly; {argowm r9" ’0le Neal'lwrap read f r sale at Begt Western Feed te, xi: bus. l tob Roy Mills f,ty_erryeg the. unwot.‘ VOL. MN, NO 16 95 tn an mum. - ,,___,,,_- "m "w“. 1te,e “gm and] a vellum. ANY women lack “vi "eoun . . M their surplus too '1!” to rgt,t.thtegi mounts, accumulated Mlet,'eliFi,li,iii,i,il1 In an maroon” " 3 ii-ici-s-hotels)'.. s,ii,jlliii-is)a8lAktll! .1 sTANpNillt BANK onchitis and RheGUiiGi." etc. Raz-mah for asthma are: rtgumnism are guar- Rob Roy mam - o o __ at use “The lightning, Presbyterian Choir Cantata tte ave Mr Thos. Turn ---- u , call. The elertric The Presbyterian Choir, a-m'r.stiaasl e; the roof and dorn 'l2,r,ytt,,t.h,ty?,tttrfaiG.iii.17i'eTGrp1' Tt a post ',"'gg,ti,',',f tion's Song 'on Tuesday night]... and t ent ti',? tt C 'dl out we have yet to hear a dissenting voice as i ','vf',"ititdrntui"aii tothe manner in which it was re ared ' g the hay-tracks and tef,'nrgvdeen"h; such as to make thi . I for "ire. Horses were v u . _ " or “he . garttzatton feel rewarded for their work age' ling. otthepast few weeks and feelno time mo TUFrr--While riding lost. when enconiurns were showered up- gm V3120" Wednesday] on them as they were that evening and Sm ten year old son of since- I t es rheumhium by tort" min the wt.) organs- em to eliminate poi- Sold at Mactar- Ire-d! rule at 1"N Three tarsal America; gate, per bus. “I, rived at Rob Roy Mills. 1 l ply now. I tri or unevork. Ground com 335 par . Hunt eluded. Whole conkoo Wahrarn, Annlv m outwit“! is hand ca ght The Cantata was composed of char The jar srver. uses, dugtand 30:0 work and the {ram right hand at Pork ofit all was based on the crucifix, on he Picked "Pi Ion. death and ascension of Christ and wrapm-d it inithe composer? idea was we” carried out it w Dr D. [Hand suzzestlve of the accompanying I. This treinei wordsofthc Cantata. Trrojrctine, the, Midwayin the program Rev. W. H. " lad and re- Smith gavean address 'n keepihg with allow the stub’the evening, his topic being "The Or- .4ganist." In the Crms'v.tt.t on of Hm at 33;: Apply to I his loss capable ot “VIN! inspiraty n. Hen“; make a Terred to Old Ttsrynirnt inStances ofits ) up a hunger Yt.d Ehsha's requuct at a arave {notout _crisjst"Bring mea minstrel." C2Kinor, adtrav. i3 ; l5) and when the mitutrel played Next, ' the hand O} the Lord was upon him " comangg It!” a deliehttut little sketch. Elevate; Till The 60acre farm 1W1 Iraxa Road one miles t splendid pasture farm" Apply at the Review Officl The receipt. over $75 00. Hue "ou emcwncv. " due the many kind words bestowed upon the choir. .u.‘ The 'sisting artist of the evening was Miss “and Buschlen. Canada's Premier r',iiitnt,i,','ti.m'it " fit"j'iT'.'li'/Aek1r% misnom . H, r selections, classical and standard, were such as to draw forth un- reserved applause and appreciation Her bowing is remarkable and the teat of two string playing is as rare " it was beautiful. Her rendition ot Scotch mel- odies "Echoes from Argyleshire" pleased the Scotch in the audience and her re- turn number was 'Sheann Trybhae," an imitation of the bagpipes and was most realistic. She had a' the piano the able assistance of Miss Rita Irwin who was a l sympathetic a'complnist to each num-l ber. Miss Margaret Hunter, org: a busy evening and to her pa care and efficiency, is due the m words bestowed upon the choir, __ "_-. W Trr ,uung enu- ldren who sang sweetly behind the scenes in Inn first number The sol, sand solo pans New taken by Mrs W Lauder, Miss-es W. Blyth, Jrssie Bell, Vaddie Caldwell. Messns The: Bell. P. R_amage andG Hum”. Mrs T. M McFadden and Miss Alce Ramage contributed l duett in the Cantata 7.- "nun-yuan: out me "fit day ' "" , of echool PG Easter vacation. Parents lend guardianssbould gratify this wish. pay- l a? the work is greatly retarded when pu- Bar- I pile come dropping in two or three weeks and , after opening day I much - __... a... rvll", WI). rum soon begin operations here. By waiting a year a splendid design has been secured for 83600. which In: year would havecost bout 81000 more. The statueis of bronze. and plinth, die and basea beautiful granite The work wi'l be done in time to have a suitable‘ Dedication Day in summer. 1 Farm torque or iiG "neuronal committee in change ofthe Soldier's monument have let the con- tract to Curbet & Son. Mt. Forest, who will soon begin operations here. By taking a yea! a splendid (inim- In: WINTIR Ranks: -Wedle.dly morn- ing was bright and balmv. towards even. ' ine from a gloomy sky snow began to l fall, and Thundly morning saw three or _ four inches of "the beautiful" and still :coming Nevin nday or two for mud inlove. , Princi pa! Graham and his assistant: at ”he “Put: School, are verv antinu- "I mu and Ill Itmng. take tanlac. It 'iiiitil'til,'t2eio'i' out. Sold at Mac- Farlane'l Drug re. NOTICE-Owing to me necessary repaintobcmnde on t local Hydro line, there willbeaso pow orlight on Sunday afternoon next fro 1 to Mini If you I tired. and and II "was tftlrstraight on o Farlane’l Drug re, Proolof ilht thereof. Tho mll you. Sold 'Store. amounted to something n by Mrs W Lauder, th, Jmsie Bell. Vaddie ' Thus Bell. P. R_amage Mrs T. M McFadden Ramage contributed a iiiht- iiiiitittttititt _ 182mm. n ax. west side Gara- led th of Durham. farm' Irel.l watered. almost full strength, choir of y_ogng chil- , tired. worn out, twork and the friGie bated on_th_e crucifix. sion of ch/iriiiii has well carried out the accompanying her pUGiiiiiiii . organist. had Bum}; fl’ME Ming is in the eatin , . Mr Kemp andtwo daughters ox Wood- a. praise Tantar. 15:] Durham 3 Summer Hall Holiday bridge "9entoeer 5.3"" with rm dau- ' Macfarlane'. Drug! on Wednesday Afternoon ghter, Mrs Geo. Hugm. , me necemry t local Hydro pow or light on It fro l to 6.30 very anxious id outghe Irst day per ton, sack: in. wapfl ton with- by ills, Durham Ir'? of". ‘nervous chor- - ..â€"--u to VII Ite. plantation", in iiit' during the war. and t P. pm of the leaf, have 10;! c a a creasing price for g es. and that the cost of m which has minced bet I apound during the In: 8 soon make mu 3 g 1 in retail pnm. Or- The high wage, m tea, plaqtmiom in Labor rroqeii on Tea Plant: F . I We. the n Juet ar-I . tohave v (out w" holiday, d When you subs“cr efor a newsp: there are two essenti points to be ta .into consideration. irM, make I ‘that you subleribe to. paper fries Py?urintereiii,' one hose friend: {has been proven. Seco ,a newspz that IS fearless editor ly. always pendable and with farm rketsrep that are as nearly accurat spossi Such a paper is The Farmer' n, '1 onto, owned, and published th til a week by the farmers in the inte' t the farmers, 156 iss'ues for only g’ou should have this sure friend in y omo. The proprietorsof the Owen Sound Sun~Times announce that they intend to issuea daily paper on May let. It is intended to have" a lull telegraphic ser- vice and be up-to-date in every way. We congratulate the Fleming Publish- ing Co. on their enterprise and wish them abundant success. _ Apart from his sermon he thanked Iii, congregation. the officials of the church and the choir for the effective lbacking they had given him He made ispecial mention of the services of Mr iand Mrs Gilesin the service of praise, and closed with deep feeling by corn-, mending all to the throne of the heavenly grace. The choir and Mr and Mrs Giles had some fine Easter music for the occasion. l Cordial last handshakes with good wishes were extended to the pastor as the congregation filed out. the bodCaridGddVi, psal to all to be found of the Judgment seat Cour v ---- ......u. IVILUUIIlIO, last year 5 ith Oshawa and Sarnia are back to I own. Jack Hilts who pl rys with Brant- 'l ford this season is the only absentee, as F I the Markdale players are expected to be .again on deck. with possibly a couple ’mor‘e from other towns._ A compact [crowing is not yet in sight as Owen Sound and Hanover. two oflast years fopponents. are out of intermediate la- I crosse this summer _ _._.. - Ill uresden. carrying with them the best Wishes of his old tioek and citizens of all denominations. Their stay in town and Mr Mnkmm’e mam-w . Tuesday morning Rev, and family left for their Dresden, canvimz with r A Daily Paper in Grey Co, an ll.fi,2,th . or och bttttt swam. 'outt Ed Kress It 0.3mm" lac. J. McKechniu McDonnell& Iry R. Burnett the GS. Burnett on J. Levine '.30 Lawrence& H Cross & Suthe C. P Kinnee rn- E J School: 'tV ISHunteri, to WC Pickering IT. Dr J. F Gran ill A. ll Currey ad W] Lawrenc H. Allan It J. S. hicnraith to I r: lntermed T, M t At an enthus; At an se.thtss,ia,sticrathering oflacroue supporters. Wednesday evening, the following officer, were elected for Dur- ham's intermediate o. A. L. A. team for, 1922. Good-bye to the McEwens P A DepeDQable paper President ~Harvey Wihro, Vnce President‘ Dr. D. Ja liecretarr- Dr. D. B. Jam Trasurer-j. A. Rowland Manager Guy Kearney Playing Mgr. ~12: McLat Managing Copo.--tr. A. N C. P Kinnee E J School: A S Hunter & Son W C Pickering pry, F Grant J. Laid?" Lawrence' & Wilson Sirt?ttt..tsdihiriGii D. C. Town , H. Morlock & Sons J. s. McBeth 5 Ed Kress J D. B. McFarlane T J. McKechnie J McDonnell & Mitchell R. Burnett C 9. S Burnett M We. the undersigned Terehanta, urea to have Wednesday afternoons I half holiday. during Mar, June, July and August, except on week. in which legal 1 bohdays otherwise occur. Intermediates Organized Curtey Lawrence . -- VII-Glyn“ "tot yet in tright as Owen Hanover. tro oflast years are out of Intermediate la- ' -___ - "‘"°F Mi points to be: n. "at. make ' fo:' paper trie one hose friend Seco .3 newsp editor ly,alway: , farm rketarep accurat SDOSS " Farmer' un,' published th ti pegs in (pa inte" [ 009‘" Blot a newspaper points to be taken Irst, make sure , Paper friendly hose friendship tr ,a newspaper tr '3’. always de- m rketarepons] um spossible Irmer' un.Tor- shed th times in {Mink t of he "things iiariii an affectionate ap- d on the right side -0- fy. ijiify] Teiii '. D, jiimuson l Jameson MElachlan , CA. McGowan,P. W. J. iGriett A B McLellan '. Mr McEwen T M. McFadden J. H. Harding ell S. McIntytc C. L. Grant w. C. Voila S. P. Saunders E. A. Rowe (Dry (Goods Dept. M" Bell: & Son Misses Caldwell J, & J Hunter Mine. Truax A. Rabat-non P, J. McLean A. SSW": new hprnd in __ _ -"_.-._ Min Etta Tsptnlerot the Roy al Bank l B McLellu is on a two weeks' holiday with relatives , in Hamilton. Mr and Mo Jno. Burgess visited over Organized Easter Sunday. at Mr The: Tucker's. - . f South Glenda. I t'rl'e,',f,trtitee Mr and Mn Archie Davidson. and elected for'Dur- little daughter of Port MgNIeholl visited l L A team for his mother. Mrs A. Davidson over the . . . holiday. fillon Mr J. Disher ofthe Royal Bank was 3, Jamiuon " hit: home in Dungannon' over the hon-I Jamieson day. J. C Nichol J. & W McLachlan R. L. Saunders 2. J, Smith DURHAM. THURsbAY Lriiiiif"'rii; iii: [Ur “out: " hereby gist that all pertain owing any account» to late Jana Beaks: of Etmnont are r ired to my the same forthwith to the detained I con 18, Holstein R R No! 1 Deceased was a swamp! character, , Presbyteriaiiiii faith, genial and kindly 5 as a neighbor, and ever a bright force in . the home. She clung to her native Gae- . lie to the last, though had English to . accommodate when necessary. She was I rarely if ever away from home, never we are told. rode on a train, and the tele- phone "speaking toa hole in the wall" as she termed it, was to her alwaysa wonder Her funeral on Monday to Rockycern- etery.was attended by many old friends. Her pastor Rev. Mr Steele," assisted by I Rev. Mr. Aird, conducted appropriate services. The pall bearers were Donald McDonald, A. C McDonald. Donald .McKechnii, Alex. Brown. Duncan Liv-I ingstone. Arch McDougall, all neighbors, of deceased. Her trttttdpatr, John Mc. Donald. Hamilton‘ and Dan McDonald with wife and family, Toronto, came up for the funeral. Other relatives preaent were nieces Mrs Walker, Mrs N. McKin- non, Mrs McCabe and Mo Muir, all of Toronto-; Mr. A. S. Muir, Ceylon tMrs Angus Brown, Chesley and Mrs Alex Walker. Toronto, were also among the mourners. Besides six grandchildren. she has never: great grandchikireii. I any Athttitsietrator James Bantu I???“ is hereby ___... CT-'"""', uul’ ham. is the other daughter. She had a long healthy life and " attack of pneu, menia proved fatal. mu aaugmerl : one son. Alex. died a year ago. Jamee and Annie are " the home and Mrs Hugh McDonald, Dur. ham. is the other daughter. She had a loner "e,ttss,. tte. -_-I L, 7 u . - In 1858 and was left a widow in 1864. Their family consisted of two sons and two daughters : one son. Alex. died a {car Y?rhylse'yyt1 Agni; are " the At the ripe iiiiiiirf,FiTiirr1Niaau, a pioneer 0t Bentinck, passed away on Saturday last at her home on the 9th con, :hefre she has resided {ordtheI long perio o 6t years and retains alher iacuitics to thelast. -.LLU" Deceased was Miss Christine Brown, _ sister ot the late AlexBrown, weliknown in Prteevilte, and other brothers and ms- ters who have all predeceased her She was born at Ross Mull. _Argylesture, and came to Canada in 1850. with her parents, settling tint in Vaughan town- ship. Later, moving to "the bush" in .Bentinck, she married Mr. Jag. Hobkirk in 1858 and was left a widow in 1864. Their. family consisted of two um- and '"co0waN--In Durham on Tuesday, 18th April to Mr and Mrs W. A. Mc- Gowan] yhutghter--tMiFy Gwynnetb Stewart.) Arramrrm--In Durham on Wednesday. April 12th to Mr and Mm Wat. At- kinson,a daughter. McGoqur- In - Durham .LMVVIH 31in. Dr. Smith and Mr John Morrison and Mr Harper Kressof Tilsonburg visit- . 'IT, ladle:1 rgatives attgndi‘d the fu,"trgl ed his mother and sister over Easter. [ 0 rs c innon at ais ey on ed- ., . n'esday. She vs a cousin of the Mor- vs? 'tti Ltfetttl'1r,rt',,tr:to"ggetre man's, McLean: ard McCallums. of G' {in . e parenta tm a. i . town. . o Is now acting " Crown counsel ' . . in several big cases, recently being called Mr H. R. Koch is this week In attend- to Hamilton Sudbury and Montreal. ance at the Trustee section of the O. E. . ' . A., a delegate from the High School Miss Georgina 1:awscn,rorontoapent Board. the holiday with her parents, Mr and Among teachers and students home Mrs W. J. Lawson. _ l for Easter vacation are Misses Chrissie Mrs Jae. Sutherland and two children McGirr, May McClocklin, Edith and A of Stratford were holiday visitors " Grant. Kathleen Hughes, Mary McAl- Mr Thou Banks. Mr and Mrs Geo. litter. all of Toronto. Misses Alix Edge, Banks, Ceylon. were also home for Clifford :Agnes Ramage, Welland Co. ; Easter Sunday. Misses Edna Browning and Gertrude) --e"-"-="-"-""-='seer-herseu-ri-reerrrese---., Cole from Stratford and Toronto Nor. - - -e_-r---._, mal Schools. EH------------'"--"--, Mr Harold Ramage came darfroin Totonto, havingn the. Standard Bank staff TWA,” has, tiobkirk N Miss Marie Cole visited ow with Miss Iona Black, Ches!ey, Banister Currei spent from' to Tuesday in Port Arthur. Messrs Joe Whitechurch. Stratford Ind Arthur Horwood of London, were lit,!"" at Mrs H. Morlock's over Sun. ay. With which is incorporated the Mr and Mm Neil McDonald Harry Barney of Owen Sou holiday visitors " the former’: Mrs W; J. Lawton. Min Jean Morlock in :1 Easter vacation in Hamilton Mil: Stella Easter at Mr Hamilton. Mr Chas. Urquhart , visited " 'ether-its-law, the first of the week - A Mrs Stan and daughter of Toronto, were visitor! with the farmer's mother, Mn Robt. McMicken over Sundav. with Mr iiaaFGe'i/pill Mr and Mrs Hunter Harrow A young son of Windsor visited town itiends. Thursday evening. previous to leaving for Priceviile. to spend Easter; with My "--c - - . Miss Alice McDougall of Toronto, was a week and visitor at Mrs Duncan Mo Donald'n. Upper Town. ella McCiae visited I Mme,] Mr Jas, 'iivii'l'ltUloov,%.tar)'ittr, cMicken over Sundaim" [LIQuhltt at Port Credit, m " " 1-.. I. ._ --_- A - ,, -""_._ - 'r tywingresignedthG, ., _. n to Debtors Donald and Mr ren Sound were former', sister's, ', Mit. iiaiii .over Easter home Mon- Thursday r3 TORONTO _------ "w-.- mmuay WNW” it Mr Thou Banks. Mr and Mrs Geo. Banks, Ceylon, were also home for Easter Sunday. Mr Roht. Laidlaw.barrister of Tort visited the parental ht me at Eat "Bob" is now acting " Crown cou in several big cases, recently being ca to Hamilton,' Sudbury and Montreal Mr Harper Kressof Txlsonburg visit- ed his mother and sister over Easter. Mr Roht. Laidlaw.barristet of Toronto visited .the parental bane at Easter. "Bob" 15 [low acting " Crown counsel in -.e" L. M.---, '- . - l Mt Chas. F. Lawrence. principal of G.rirmrby High School and little can. waited at his father's at Vickers over Easter. j Miss Marion Petty of Fergus Hospital; staff. is home this week on holidays.; also her sister, Miss Agnes of Toronto} schools staff. Mr Melvin Greig, who is completing his term at the school of Pharmacy, Tor- on to, was home over Easter A Mr Chas. F. Lawrencp mam-mu a: NU f. o. b. Ford, Ont. Government Sales Tax extra CAR $535.00 DURHAM, HOLSTEIN, MT. FOREST hone Noi.- 60 Itft -.- FORD TOURING "Lees go" Holstein Leader . SMITH BROS. NO SOON ER said than done when you own a Ford. It may be a drive into the country, or it may be a trip to town. It may be to hear a sermon or to see a famous 'movie'. It may be to visit the old folks, or to see your young folks. But no matter where it is or what the object the Ford will get you there and bring you back We are in a position to make immediate delivery of any model-easy terms if you wish. , I922 Chassis . . . . $445 Runabout . . . 8515 Coupe .... 840 Bean........ 930 Starting and Electric Lighting on Chassis & Open Models 885 extra. Stsnderd Equipment on Closed Models. All prices F.O.B. Ford,0nt Durham Branch: J. A. Rowland, SAVE BEFORE You SPEND mi“ “in “02.0“ "A: in ulnar. Shm.8260in “an“. " RIVA!“ A an Let your Bank Account first concern. It will more tur, ruicy tater years. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA A Savings Heparin?“ at every branch of l, Manager be yu: yo: To United GY.'

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