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Durham Review (1897), 20 Apr 1922, p. 2

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E'," yt In"; " John Bl-va., the can 8 U. n” ""__.. .nculywl'l lumber for the moment. She begun to talk to her interestedly. almost eagerly. On the step outside the dingy !rm_rd-, In; mouse who Minted, ihurhbd, then; and impulsively: I “Won't YotI--argtm't - -_-- . - V, -_. 0...: mo "I see-kw after a livelihood slit anon her. Tho coldness m Mu? had learned to arm home] she forgot that this girl had "muons with Kempton Roe 0.5.. .F-s---= - _ 7”--. m... annulment: to feel 'dreadful: had known little of friend-ship in he! Itf, glid the lawyer pe in)" life. a u t" The girl's Personality and charm 'e' Marcia may herself wall as her warm Minus attracted 1 her !.'t'feyyttio.rt of “ her; the cloak of somewhat niiti.iiiii,Fi and at uprtcht. i annuity with which she had '7,l'e,'tie?,',t. about her mother'. herself about since aha had been ”and her down for a h aeeln-r after a livelihood slipped from . s. am " her. The coldness with which, "Nor mumaie! Butt at» m4 learned to arm herself thawed.‘ 1reverrtkijiir' seemed ', {she thrstot that this girl had any com. once noun-day. Them l m-wwv- with Kempton Rooslaer for. to tell you-only I dare thn- moment. She began to talk to her] I'll have to tty. Iforgoti interesudly. almost eagerly. , Ald-nd PII have to I On the step outside the d-ingy board- _ tora min without delay. lug noun who hoaitated, flushui, iiialiai get no coma tea--, hid imr?ulsivetr.. anything to eat." "Won't You-wit you come in? She, In. Itinnirur M- h lalmri'rl Ilka you to mm ...- ---xh, .. -- -. _ '".'"""""umtr or a woman was in her clear eyes; there was charmer Ind oveetnm in the young lines of her lace. u well on beauty. There m . hiendlinou in her manner that n. wholly irri'btihk: and Much! Ind known mm. of fri-Lac.. t., t» I‘wzk-r but lube; she fell to study- itt,v, ', 'r with a new, searching inter- "l She was not in the lent like uh- had imagined she would be-when dw- ha'l thought of her at " Sh. seamed arurh a child. yet with nothing of a child's gauchorio. I The u."derstar.dine of I woman was; in her clear eyel; there WI. character In! sweetness in the young line. ofi her fee, a; well u bunt: “a“ time. My luck's thanged." The th'mpathy deepened (7.94. She live I In“. , "M. shining head. "I'm glad!" she deck 'tat-us felt, with vam 'm t"ie of Wuderment, that t of the worldit; time. Mv Inc-IR: ' ..--~ . “an Nun. Are you inure-bod in Marcia shrugged "I hardly know. You Bee, . wry work-a-day person an mm recently. Now-..-" tated. Araby's clear eyes he! at once with interest I ”my. Marcia found herself inst both alum: Iain“ ‘ - - ~IV' “! not at once with interns: and pmhy. Marcia found herself I! in: hush almsst against her "Now I'm in a position to no " Din- ----"" ' "You knew him well?" her head. "Not very. He's been , over the fare of the an my came back to Eng] couple of months Mo. I th- studios of various 'v'rier's--thati, how I C8 LL " Inked Wealthy folk, “hue man thr Marcia Wu i that Phe W's I W“ .._... mm "a. '0atWle'ueM we contemplated taking would:°f,lea his monev by sheer hard work andibe. beyond "drum; that her butch: chlldr “mud determination. As far " riwith Kompton Rosvsiaer would be rati- nerve our: make out, he's been everywidGlfud. . . T: fittht, and Now u little " everything, includ-I And this ttirl--the girl for ftom'girls. tp, pvurl tishirtrr, mining and writing he cared, who, ymm’bly. cared for The boob? He's intending, clever ,niiil1m-eai, ofteiimr her friendship! atlggl mviwh travvL'ed. but he never givosIShe stirred shltply. Then tt quiekl ho hunsvif' airs. He can be as serious “ugh ran up hotly' over her face. ‘W It as any om- when necessary, but he She heard again Araby’s Insertion drama In”; t'njo.wne himself. Acd though that Jasper Waidron would be there.’ WI" hm got a brag) of money, unlike most She Paw a clere-eroppelj fair heath] or ill, woalthy folk, he's generous. A real!trrayingr at the ton-n!»- " ....:.. J , ' ‘v,',__ "p... .L . - ’ -.r -- w...“u .. - In” Trunk proceeded: “Ho's awfully rich. And bl his money by sheer hard m dogged determination. " f can make out, he's been even and done u little of ”mun“..- ihriiGr"ii,"u' Mack’s eyes In” Tank nrm CHAPTER xiv.-icont'd.y “That w“ Jasper Waldron. He’s a perfect dear, I think. The sort of person who's always ready in In em- urgency, you know] He never fuses; just does what is necessary. I IN'"' "t,t.y, {my he's trot Irhere " ia. . "-"t.'sW. .1. " r8l,"llJ'.'h'ly',t.tt5 am Marcia fainta and u mhted by three a little excl: stringers, Araby Trunk, her father.) "Oh.' But and a young nun who puta the two hoped we'd gals Into a taxi. LA“ c, - ,V,V_-.., “wean: m Araby's'upon the pillow. 1v gave a little jerk of her,' "A Mr. Waldm mm; head. laid, "and inquil glad!“ she declared, and Aldon sent mum}, it. with vague aurprile and not turned up am wanderment, that tthe meant. ill. It's nwfnllv l ', st/e Wan interested; was Puzzled at since rho iiiiriiGr"t livelihood tslipped from o coldly... 'rrththieh t - "_.'.. '"7c, 1"8 been day person until-until \--_ .. --- - T.-"',"'"'". '"' of the earth for yearn; ‘L a- r.r, ,u . _ deepGGii in Araby’s a mu. jerk of her A 3011mm] cum" I," m It. IMO. l, '-rto ua le! a aGiiif and!’ In; 1in'ii: at]: The Gates of Hope You Bee, 1' howl-FE hula; -we» wan, England about . o. He's often at rim friends of I came to meet nad any con- ‘lener for eyes regarded 1PYerimr an Anti he; nmafgteS'ihE heme} I nmwgrx ier will. 509 more She e been 9" ~13. Amara-minor one win pinning on her Mrs. Hal-tend MUtiq back. a," tea ttsimtiir; than. cat -A... _, . ”a, _....uumnu-L I May I know the name of the-er--.." "Poor mumsie! But I couldn't help, He paneled and Marcia nose rather it--everythjiE seemed to happen utjabm tly. She answered his question once yesterday. Them is such a iidt/l'r'flllr',' flushed under the Imam sur- to tell Pu-roto I daren’t wait now.!prised interest of his eyes, then shook I'll have to tty. [forgot add abaut Mm; hands with him and departed. Ald-esd I'll have to see a! solid-I She went on to f ".Gs Mansions tora attain without delay. Be a darling; where the found Mrs. Alden puzzled, and set me Iome ton-I don't wartCat her lbsnm "-2 MrV A-SAN . Inythim to - " -) out Marcia did not heed. Her eyes . were on the ropes and the card at] p teched. They were .".nwontedly bright; l and there was a wild-rose warmth in; ,‘her cheeks that made Mm. Helstead; I look at her wonderingly. It seemed! { to her that, somehow, her daughter ', was quite remarkably danced. She ' eighed a little as she set down on the, i edge of the bed. I l "Whatever kept you out no lone): Yetorday, Marcia?"' duo asked. "I; dozen to feel dreadfubly worried. Andi; iwbii‘at 9k! the lawyer people want yew] a tat n '"'""', a... IIKIIIH'OG after you. Mrs. I Aldon sent round, too, saying you had I not turned up and asking if you were _ ill. It's awfully late; nearly luncheon itimc." I But Marcia did not heed. Her eyes [ were on the mas and the can! at-, l tadied. They were .".nwontedly bright} and there was a wild-me warmth in; ‘her cheeks that made Mm. Hahn-ad] look at her wonderingly. It seemed! {to her that, somehow in i-_c. Marvin rowed herself My from her contemphtion of Wridtopi itow.. ers and at uprieht. She threw an arm about her mother”. ohouldors tutti pulled her down for a hutried, tender kiss. f She wakod u Anxious and a I ing over her. ( of 'sarty yellow Marcia to...“ I Wide-eyed, wakeful, Marcia watched "he dawn come. With it, utterly ex- hausted. she fell who a fitful slumber, broken by chaotic dreams, in which) curiously, Jasper Waldron played a more premium: part than the deatN sentence which had been orcnounced. upon her, the fortune she had been so' perilously near to losing, or even Kempton Reuben , tomorrow, just to see if you’re all s.frig'ht? And Peehaps----" She, too, " hesitated, a shade mommy, a but! " note of shyneu in her voice. i I] "There’ll be a sort of impromptu I concert at one of the studio. the oven-i " ing after. Atl sorta of more or hasI l interesting folk, mostly Ttrx?tessionats,', [of course, will be there. Con Wilda! (1.jyrt back after tive, years in Plrb,’ ,'is going to give us a private view of [his extra speck] pictures; Mini, the! new Italian' tenor, is eonti1t-nir, of' Icom-u, Jasper Waldron. I wonder if I iyou'd an to let me tab you?” b 1,2tete. Irhook. ter pend “most ve- A - --_.. vzuuvuun'w let. the fortune she had been so may near to losing, or even on Masher. waked kite to find her mother. I and - tas' _ _ mod late to find her mother, and a little perplexed. bend- her. She held a freat sheaf yellow ms in her hand. As omd the hair out of her a: upright she laid them raldmn brought them," inquired after you. I CHAPTER xv, I on her hat when: IO back. She drank than, eatNtine ii/il ma, troubled eyes) to take her depar-f it, ttetd who: (Amsterdam) I :t Vet her faiie." .._, Amby's assertion n W091d.be there. _ V --_.- - "a net- oeu of tie trim Hinder which had w in dark Winn above her; onlr [in thi. who mat. ondurable the know]- tedp M2e at; wan JI',', logger I chino ms on)” art aye. l “I m aaa;; lilo said, u Audrey] Alden waved tue to a chair, "that! Iain“ have to at you to dispense with; my 'ervie-t once.” Then, at the she Yption of "'"'"."v.. u; ull ithe will it in required that ‘be married before you ca ’Nobhing more than I fnrn um: I: nu token place. I take it there .cnn be no objection to this ?" I Mr. Morris met the anxious eyes re- q mun-inch ', one went ttrat to the solicitor's of, fiee. She saw Mr. Morris again. and plunged at once, nervously and a little disjointedly. into an explanation that she was, after all, prepared to fulfil the condition of the will. The old man watched her shrewdly, nodding in sil.. ence; and, gaining eonfidenG under his quiet gaze, she added: “Needless to say. Mr. Morris, tg) a marriage will be entirely one of con- venience. We-both of Ps-rear")' wish that none of our frturuhs._C n--’ ‘i'rgx: tu', of trim dud -- ..-v- AU", caught her breath for an instani shall know-for certain." She went first to the soiicitor's fiee. She saw Mr. Morris, again. plunged it: once, nervously and a " Aia,t,,,'.,t, .. i-L - tare. she iriiTili, to kiss htr again - V -.. "muunuuy. emery- ' one who marries must pay something. [They ean't get out of that. Marriage his_bound to bring cares and anxieties iand burdens, from which the single late free. It exacts the giving up of one's own inclinations and desires. 1 Every husband and wife must payi this price for being married, and it is because they pay it with grumbling! and whining, and under protest, that; so many marriages are failures. It‘I is because so mam: hn-Juv-J- - . -., vuumeu wan amusing themselves lam they do not know how their chil- dren are diverting themselves These into the mothers who follow the line 9 of least resistance, and give in to their 'ehildren because they have not the {nerve and courage to stand up and _fttrht gtg0fonrIi.a LAI- - girl -. """"-_"Betl' prune. ’ Women fail " mothers because they r think that somehow they can bring up their children on the bargain coun- ter plan. [ Motherhood is a costly enough thing at best. For 1 er children every iieiiiii) pays in agony, in endless anxiety. tutd saerifiee, She cannot escape that, and} blaming paid so much, one would thirttr( r -V a,,,jdi.C.r-tT"-------- The Price of Motherhood. ’leea try to cheat and t l The reason that so many people fail) thing that so many hom iin life is became they are not willing]? up. . I to pay the final price of success. l It " those who are jus l For all that we get in the wor4trenerous enough, to pay we have to pay something, Nothingl of matrimony who make is free, but when we pay little, we get? and Parenthood a ehir 'little. lThey my in love, and 1 ' The trouble with most of us is that; forbearance. They strive five are always on the hunt for a bar-11mm” of each other. The (Rain. We want the best, but we exvand loyalty and s.ympath: Jpect to get it marked down, and we!standing. They count " are surprised and disappointed tilyyytteyee'. it is made fe ii find that we do not get first-class dearer to them ihan theh suicides for a "eond-elass prim. /i,iiiii"ir.tt.'. Always it is th I Women fail " mothers because they; the full price who tret t' think that somehow they can bring'their money. Fate runs up their children on the bargain coun-l counter. tor at... _"'L-,,rT"r2L'--------"-==-"-"--"' ‘ (iii? aw". ont p.ttienO little V ...........mm 01 consternation, . “aunt. {“You see, Sir Hugh prescribes abso- ient a little longer, darling. I lute change. It is not only necessary, , gods of good fortune havefbut imperative." tn us at last; but I want to! She paused. The genuine concern are before I tell you muchjin Mrs. Alden's pretty eyes touched This time to-morrow," she: hor mm “mu A , ... _L_7Au - already 1%?581'1“ Dre Old Wrap, Skirt, neant_tppumuo. Sweater Cumin. pout“ in. mount to' . ' . ' 1hauetnirioGGiU7 at Diamond Dyes “an Pate shrank '"--..-.. r 11tr en’s com.. Each men‘s ot “Dhmohd Dyes" 2he Brought of may” contain- directions Io “an. my wo- gmdo Jti?g'gfti2'ii'iiii can dye or tint her old worn, 'fd',tt',t "m. I (“dialed thing now. my... " .5- K-, MWMEE 11ttter:-lui.aI"iiti'o'il' y, Mr. Morris, such! ll _ entirely one of con- den 'th of wus-rear-stir' fyefrietu.ist-rG one 3 kno -eeV .. yuan. 0U many husbands and'most of a--..--, stdtpine rimpulsiverlyrotherrr'i.‘ BK”? terms of GtWWflIM/omen’sfifif g Sphere I - .. --‘- vuvu . 1011“"! T" vuuuenull.‘ "Do?" March's head {lubed up ')---er-- --"wtuddeniy, her eyes took a quick, hot use Py.reryume. "pm going to 3 nd it! Pm is 11y'"ionilroine to make up for arm. days of 1.ceoih.tsur-,GiiiiiUrr, Au. " oa., a, _ you shall T inherit. Trir.CrPr-.--z--. . Four and island: In the South Sou were reeadly Wet-ed for uh in Lon, don. ' ' Mlnard': r Pl She paused. The I uphiin Mrs. Alden's prett she 3 her. She went on hast "I I little tremulws smile: t I "I have been very h of, I didn't realize until 1nd,! shall be to finish wit :tle E eot)rse--under ordinar) 'iy,lc--.it would be immihl - ‘r ‘Vl I” III edmdgery, for all the dream. Existence on bare necessities H118 to_hnve all the broth: ' ._..| ......-uuc, mums best with the hair glel brought well down to the brows. In of spite of the protests against covering {the ears most women look well with, ayi the hair dressed softly over the upper; is part of these members. There are; iT/ll" really beautiful ears, but if only; at i the lobes are shown, no one can provef ItIthat ours are not perfect anon nud- m- -...v as. yrutn new em to a frazzle! My dear, what are youDgoing to do with such . fortune?" u no?" u,___z_L I . - - "a..." "VI "In. I “Tail: about truth and fiotion,to the‘ ejaculated. “This sure has truth beat-l on to a fury-1-! I!” I - Mrs. Alderi'; as sincere as _ Her warmth hr Her warmth bafr'ht"i"i't Marcia’s throat. Aa she Aging ttptrltt. her hands _..-.vu "In, 'om--.' Mowing why-the fact her, Gordon Ruthven w under it. And in the tell seemed to become more 1 a ttyttaatis, dream. m.-." an: armed satisfactorily, I have suddenly become a very rich woman." Rapidly, a little excitedly, she gave details. leaving out the conditions of her uncle's will, and--withoui. mu"- u.-., . r,-..‘ v. "cw- )esroraay. I think--r am almost sure --that, provided main are settled satisfactorily, I have suddenly become a very rich woman." , Rapidly, a little excitedlv an ...-..- I I: " When one's forehead is v ie, will stand an arrangen (irhows it off; but the exceed forehead, or one which ha {hair-line, looks best with ""egurht well down to the I --i- -... FVIIIID- of the head is good, keep contour is not good, studs it. Be most particular abc side-views of the head, " face well in deciding style fure. Llnlment to/arm,. and Flu _e._...... l, It is exceedingly difficult to suggest I a style of hair-dressing for a person If whom one has never seen. So much {has to be taken into cottaideration, the shape of the head and Nee, and the ’kind and quality of hair-that only lgeneral rules can be given. It is hare l ly necessary to say that the hair must, (be kept in good condition in order to’ 'look its best. i I Very long and heavy hair is difficult; 'to arrange. Few women who possess! ysuch hair are willing to tuterine, tl; ’wivea try to cheat and get a for Huh"- BL-a It is those who are just generous enough, to pay t of matrimony who make 's exclamggiun of u a graceful outline and provide ie for the face. Like gowns and he hair arrangement should be I from all points. If the shape head is good, keep it so; if thei , is not good, study to improve! most particular about back and! US essed softly over the upper) The shape of the face gives the cue ese members. There are} to one's eoiffure. If it is long and beautiful ears, but if only: narrow, strive to arrange tho hair so 'e shown, no one can Prove; the face seems shorter and broader. Ire not perfect ones, and, If the face is short and broad, work need this softening eitdet.: fer .the opposite effect. Never pm- -.---" - ..-. Wm,“ (mes, and u we xace is_short and broad, work need this softening tet.; if the f"l',','ll.it'i, effectk Nehver he": I . t in nee wit tt itt ",,7.a7iz"C7"Cr-rrii-tciiG' p an“ a ans. . mation of consternation“! head-dress, but the woman with the a. Hugh Preseribcs a'bso-; short plump neck needs to dress her It,,ia not only necessary,‘ hair high. ‘ ie- Th . , Above all, choose an arrangement ”3.5 ring‘englgg foncc::3; which suits your particular type. Bey ‘t on 235:5), 33m: 'fl11ff,f/ cause Miss Blank looks well with her _ , . . l us smile: l hair waved and dressed In an eleborate TI very happy with you.,) manner does not mean necesaanly thet, to until now how sorry: you will. Be conservative; for while, finish with this life. Of; none of us wants to look oh!-faahioned/ ordinary eircumstamGl we surely do not care to be so new-1‘ Impossjble tp do tro. BUR] fashioned that we are ridiculous. 2'..t:.a,rli.ntr piece of news. ' out the conditions of ill, anf--withoui quite -the fact that, failing Lutbven was to beneft in the telling the thing} me more real; less like.' am. t I g I conga u anions wet-er tte was ybpnishedJ Ieciding style of the coif-’ I forehead is well shaped) an arrangement which! but the exceedingly high.I one which has an ugly] ks best "rirr, a.“ L_. Hair-Dreams. tht many homes are wno are Just enough, 'and .tith, to pay the fall price , who make of marriage nod a shining nuccese. love, and patience, yell They strive for the hair. x other. They give tmth,‘ Id sympathy, and under-I ey count tsaterifiee a joy I made for something" n man their own selfish aye it is those who pay] who get the worth of drew; iii;; ii "ttiriGiiiriao' *9 rote to so T. Iris; ONTARIO sill; get till for no- -- "van-Jill“ 01100! on tl " annual new. lung-d L? mm , t? my“? a tow ounce: o mum. , ttemu. 3mm] In P r IUt or ri ht after as a . Turf: will drive the In, wtnd l! I oat rah: gut of the body, "not: . 2t, a e , aqua-gnu than a... . -.,.. mu arm; the in, wind and Wm ram gut of the body, sweeten the s e , neutralize an? ex acid Ind proved ita. ”fun! on 11'd there in no tonne.- or DI. n, 3,11)".th ‘ Mme-In (In powder or tablet torm~ nova liquid or milk) in 11.li to the Itonuch,,incxpensive to at. and tho but form of munesla for .totttaah 1 pm“. It Is usod by thou-und- ot mph who enjoy their menu with not hon {our ot indigestion. in} i1; --'__M.... .uuuuuul Internal organs, often I hurt. q It the worst of folly we a serious condition 1?2, ordinary dyad" ,7"- "unawuvu. I Acid Manchu no dangerous be. cause too much mid irritates the deli. cue lining of the stomuch. often lead. ing to mum: accompanied by seri- ous trtotttaeh ulcers Food ferment- and loan, creating the dink-min; gal which (intends the stomach and ham- gh) normu fanetimm of the vital ‘ mm! organs, often meeting my hurt. ' I l it the worst of folly to neglect! am- . .maAn- -- --r- 'Rocommonds Daily Uu of Magnesia to Ova-come Trouble. Caused by Formatting Food and Acid indigestion. Gu and wind in the stomach accom- panied by that full, bloated feeling " ter eating an Limo-t mtnin evidence of the presence of p'xoesuivo hydro. chloric acid in the stomach, creating aocaiiod "acid indigestion." I A.. a _., _ 3 "Lifeboata, with eh jwith rubber spouse. I ‘moro unsinhble than ! type," My! an Enelish s us IN THE STOMACH IS DANGEROUS i; Use Minard': Llniment I) - f England conning " lmnds, Scotland 24,771 1 l land 55,562 miles. ! 1Lifettoau, with eh themwvei.-UGririi.' The best system of education is that whid: draws its chief wmrt from the voluntary effort af the community, from the individual effort. of citizen, and from then tandem of taxation Which they voluntarily inmate upon] "o-i-. ., _ -- 2, ,no naming-w: Lu» tee 1yyttid " I broken TORONTO WRIGLEYS with chambers filled mt [Io-tuna and “pm“ tsponge, would be even bring Puke, service right to tble than the man“... 1.-.“ --. Melee! Eggs/Cleaning which Lift Off with Fingers think of claim; J think of Pm. house] Linux Ot cleaning or dyeing . --i .hink of PAWS. Parker' I Dre Works ' Limited Cleaners and by." 1 rot Yong. Bt. I Toronto " l ----, Milk will not burn if, before heating, I little cold water is put into the saucepan and brought to the boil. The milk can then he heated in the mull way. Only one healthy. CORNS original Realm-cu man in three is perfectly ordrei" M"... v“, , "w" to C,1iiiiiiiir the rinse one 'or. .m. Re rhether it be Mother Alex the most deli-{mm pum 'editr 'eturued . mu. Pri, ". When you I Demon- (In-l E11; :3: I I _f,i"ou.ttt Lascellos acted as u“ uuvunt unsceiles acted as her r» IV oort, ttttd as they approached the huge mo cake he handed her his sword, Pm , a Hears, who was close behind his .m -- fter, uttered to get a hatchet, but Pm: ' cesa Mary inughtngly decliimu. l The Duke of York evoked d 1mm 2by suggesting that a Louis (mat-mm In“: might settle the thing more ox- podtuoully that either sword or I- hutch“. . - The Motion Duly News correspond- will eat who this describes the fun It the wedding “Hut lulled to state what your succu- the Prince" ind with the “I I'm. Ho It" that when the Queen be Mother Alexandr: arrived at Bucking deli. but: Puma after the wedding cern not“). Prince-s Mary made an im. m! MM! duh It her and the in: em. braced ulcettomtoly. The Duke ot York remarked that Queen ARM“ m the first to kiss .5. b.. " .___, - ( u. tt? under wood mvraardw Eh u to tlater- ita Mn! mm: 'rtatrtlttr very Wkly. It cal thus be and. 0m.” ditBptttt to u atfte.aa4 the mo. no and 1terttte wood when to an. The uttoratorN Mt out an: n is por “NW by imputation with mum awte, to under M n..-_.__.-.‘. wt“; " me Interior, up in- v-tkulnc "do“. processes tor mu- A-u.., .--- " - 7 _ WW- "an“. um. um it Itatigd te ”3qu tira. gr-tet lt would ye um tral tor any ”we... The Forest Pmdurts Won.- of Cumin. and-r 'h- Wood In and u convenient mug-mi. on moonlit of the use with which It my " wot-Rod. ta rout." strength, In low cut. and attractive appear- ...“ AI._4 " A. -- - ,,__ "-'.. ‘u‘. usual I” KitiN the Mule. but Queen Mary smilingly Muted It. any!" that she had kissed the Prime.- when the register wan being Mensd in the chapel of Edward. the Confeuor. “We". Inyhow." the Duke ot York h quoted u saying. "I am going to be the tttut bachelor to Kira her," and he did ft on captain"; an to cause . Much at " expense. King George -rilttd that tho Duke lulu/ht like to km " the brides- mldl also. but nt thin point the Duke's nerve evidently failed him reruns. u; was! racks. 16: drinking cum, 18: silver dishes. 30; gold dielma. It; silver ulvers.‘18. The item: tor the writing table in. rluded " paper knives, " matters and " writing acts. A few miscellaneoui ttema were: Baskets. 16; old linen and .lace. M; boudolr articles. 28; pairs o' glovea, 70; table linen. 28; wedding cakee. M); dress lengtha. 13, and hunt, ing crops, 7. 1 We“ Wedding Cake. i Princeaa Mary borrowed Viseouv.r ‘mellu' award to cut the huge "ml ding cake which was served at her wedding breakfast. When the pan; had assembled in the dining mom of Buckingham Palace. King George in, vlied the Princeaa to lead the tutack on the formidable Silo-pound conf-. The lament individual number " (“to of our [-11ch type Wu books. which ml 197. Next in numerical order WII pictures. totaling 87. Tlmm were " oracles of furniture. and Hm list of household gifts included: Ornaments, BS.. Apparel. til; glass bo%, do; undohbn. 22; clocks. 3:, nun-on, 10; 'sabineta, ll; "tttttrr-ilu. IT; Iguana ml shades, ll: run. 17. cutlery. 22; wall brackets. S. For the various table servlcos thoro were the following items: Dining tatrkr, M, ten. table. 28; tsreaktast liable. 47; writing table, '58; cmupipta sen'icoa. 14; toast racks, 16; drinking cum, 18: silver dishes. 30; gold dialog. It; sliver "lrets.att. Fimmtotim, Wood. Jun ad bouts. 66; dishes, :3; tan, a; men. M; cups. tl: gob- lou, IS; kahuna. Mt; ornaments, as, stamens. M; caucuses. 14; ash turn. M; traveling cases. 8; cigarette cues. 9; workboxes. 7. Blinds". nine; necklaces. tlrrs yuan“. Ill; tum. two; brooches, twentyatwo: rim, seven; chum. skin; when. ten; boxes. thIrty-nhm; Mats, ton: dreu urn-menu. twenty. ou; tun. twelve; miniatures. an; and 'mtrtrm, two. Among the '" gifts made from pro ciom moul- there were; I An lam eua.tticrtion ot the "can; (In. also": that In tho, Jaw-n1 section then m the following Pit. dcncu of “great minds running In tlt! an channel.” - or“. no doubt bu confronted tho MIDI: " what to do with duplt, cate "an; pro-om. When a.“ the In And Incle- ouddonly decide um an coil-u or "so: would be Jun tho than. to (IV. to Bale the new lumm uh- on who u Modded air. Hut Imagine the (“acumen of memn Mary. than duplicates In many mm run no high to sixty. mmunumw... "Be-id-Se-tttttrs ' mmmm nmcass cur HUGE CARE wrm menus. DUNCAN GIFI'S -_ AT ROYAL WEBDING the Interior, contm, My COS of bank} . White. in the mot-nil August 3, you any n of the be] er'ttetettt, I the outbn been of th tfit he I ne mos: bowever, of ttave Played be found in In: “a st wor the In ma n ") One c 'oront The " "I tory crime: In}? of has to emu-mt. m a “lich I” not, ”'17 It I". In! In. like dun-m... f emrrmerri. huh. by f 'Mt course, the 'ttty [Morn-u Mines: of " the bum Clues; "Wm that midi-In ‘ll’ld in m din-mm“ an: But that the I hem rim " ttt the hair: If i I tin“). million of 'ttintintt cf no MT and ttere " it was Of can Icon-rd Til in Immune hard. that t lame the fun Consider, " on the our “nanny. i Canadian hi, hiked with bank nova. Sir Alexand- tr, have not inet- 901%} a. (‘le dis 'eemsibu l thi. new pe HIV a Inch Political hint Hammad '1. the, devote 'TN'er can mt "I 1914 ll By W. he "II " TNI MU £3 urr for he

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