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Durham Review (1897), 20 Apr 1922, p. 3

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ived l7 Umbnh at Sets and 393 (iii' from he. I Metals. Thi WEDDING MOD ts mm is " ind ding was. " t the up here 1“ SS P, m In " foe n. In. The WORD. Ill I that In. I the bride.- Point In. "sister I“ F! ot Edward, the o doubt has confront“ what to do with d.” atr. elassiihattitrn of a. an that In the Md 3 the Inllnwlnl OH- ninds running III ll. , heal for t Product: undu- tho " to [IN 1am” I! ht r." and no , cause u nu. Whoa an a. [Manly dead. that l would be m the sity the new 130-. ”Killed air. a" ir, frown. appear- mmn'ly ' In”... si" I of PM". in may can. Q Y ark t the what tttd " brooches, chain. lrty-nlno: n net n at " he up or twenty- : gob- ts, 86; '. uh- m pro ‘10 " " Id M "ument, the situation in Canada at win the outbreak of the war would have the been of the most critical nature. By bee: the morning of that hula! Monday, eve: August 3, 1914, there had begun, as to f you may remember, "runs" on the [old then of banks all over Canada. Sir Thomas lion: White, in a moat into-rating and inn-lore. portant pamphlet which he Ptblutred.utoat about a year I”, entitled “he Story'ed I of Canada's War Finanee," to": of a'cess case which occurred in Toronto. He'thec bays“ ’ Fii "One case was reported to me from tion I I Toronto bank. One of its best iii-iii, h toners. a prominent citizen of Tor. tho I I The most striking arspettiir) however, of the part which tho banks; have played in Canadian history is to! be found in the period of the Great; War. It is not too much to my that/ if it had not been for the eo-mGaiiiiil, of the banks with the Canadian gov-I eminent, the situation in Cum-k n , _ rm. _-....v, and they helped to compel colonial governments to l mal currency. In this was seen one of the lulu at work which helped to the union of British No in 1867. inc to be tram tederauon can d 'pie ,V_, .uvv "In tory an than: the hhto, for adian government has 511cm routing to itarlt the ins: mailer denominations of 11 they have helped to prev": piste monopoly. Another way in which the we! the banks made itself fel tiw adoption. prior to Conf: of the decimal currency in p1 to wands, shillings, and pen many years the standard mon (omit in British North Ame [1:11 what was It-... - aL mt, nave contributed we}; the soundness of Canadian' legislation. They have not w io!! -- ‘1'“le mu socialism in the making of boots and shoes would probably be for he: disautxous than socialism in banking. Mut that the favemment has "yin-1‘ harem will: or "-.-_, . Muses; tjGia, -- "va WINCH. n was said, it had delegated mothers. 'Of course, there is nothing "rpm any government from taking over the businms of bankine, Just " there in porting to mvent it from takingnver Ho bath-ens of linking boat. and 8hr”. :L..--»I- ‘A . - nt, and every one nd various coins 't---Emrlish woe] H“, .n (OW "I HOM- in language which has often been heard, that the :0st than” n- mme the function of note-blue which, n was said, it had delegated mothers. Of com-- Hn-M 1- __ .. . America up. its and cents, ,,-_- w-..» . . me men in- V “W... trivalent: to their) listed, and received his gold, which he proper comma-in] function. This, locked up in his safe deposit vault." does not been. however, that they, In ordertonvert the calamity which have not at times exerted a Wound; was impending, a conference was heldl infhsenee on the couree of government? at Ottawa between the minister of Consider, for example, their inttuenee ihmnee, Sir Thomas White,"and the on the currency legislation of the leading members of the Canadian country. At repented intervals in Bankers _A.trsociation--iusi as, about Canadian history the government has the same time, a conference was being dallied with the idea of arrogating to held in London between the Chancellor itself the mommoly of the issue ot,of the Exchequer, Mr. Lloyd George, bank notes. Lord Sydenhun ht 1841,land the leading flnaneial experts of Sir Alexander Gait in 1859, and Sir Great Britain. Both conference! Met Lennard Tilley in 1880 All mum-4 ie., - hrs, - 7 V-.- -.. v-‘eu mm ma .nponsiole government dam In,' to himself this new period the bunks cam to,ithe full 1 play a much in. conspicuous place in: Bend then political history. They eeaaed to be; in which 1demtitUd with political parties, Indfcloee their they ducted imam to theiriaitrteu, and proper communism function. Thu, locked up i: does not Inc-m h--, " . .. of eight.” and utvNted into it m the banks a - ,_. - tin-fur or a mlilion dollars, called {numb supremacy of the P‘mcilyi upon the general manager and inform. Compact disappeared, and the an of, ed him that he felt. he must, in justice ansiblo government dam In,' to himself and his family, withdraw this new period the bunks cam to,ithe full amount in gold, as he be- play a much has conspicuous place in: Bend there would be a financial panic 1 political history. They eeaaed to be'in Which the banks would hnve to t't."tiet with political min, manna. .,..-:. J“- --- t av “AA-J _. pink} an we standard money of ne- British North America had at was krown as the Halifax m- in Upper Canada the Tency. This was a currency B, shillings, and pence which 'orrespond with any existing It was merely a mom“: " a, W. s. WM, "A: Deplrhnent of W, University of Toronto. 'mnmurmsiii'ii"i" to eompel thre re "need to v,_-.... up new] monopoly of the inane 01,0! th, . Lord Sydenlnm ht 1841,?and t der Gut in 1869, and Sir/Great illey in 1880 all proposed,!in an .. “5:4. A_, - mm any existing Ierely a money of We of the runner- rins which passed 'pereiirns, Amati. ‘ crown, Spanish md " fortlr-had , it. Before Con-r I all over British' his development I Iqbtlp influences , lo adopt a deer. d to do business and in this way to bring shod; North America to Confederation, fury in preference and pence. For ard money of ac- I succeeded in ur- he issue of the 5 of notes; but prevent n eom-i T?tlttm.r to JGii,"i 1030':an 1337 the various inifuenee t was in ,mg cu we Victory Loan. Probably no [banking system in the world was bet- ‘ter adapted to serve as a medium ' for the handling of subscriptions to a I government loan than the Canadian, 1 with its wide-spread system of branch banks. The success of the Victory} Loans was one of the most pheno- mend Hui-u- .., A? _. Another way in whi co-operated with the gm ing the war was in rest: ing of the Victory Loan, banking system in the w ter adapted to serve a tor the handling of why ,_ .....u (vclllll lished broadcast in the the following morning, At day on which war was dee', it is a remarkable fact t measures adopted were di trary to law. The order-ind legally of no validity. If I thought of questioning it, government nor the banks , had a leg to stand on-att until parliament met and p fying legislation. By/ the tion of the banks and the v "cum", 10X breeding, the 1-....." w sun'ive the crisis. History of dust in wheat and the ', does not record that any of the 1etup of industrial alcohol from , ing members of the Canadian Bankers] and aulphite liquor waste. Association fell asleep on that August! afternoon in Ottawa in 1914; but! ----t----- (there too, after the first confusion of Ship Conveying Gifts counsel, measures were tina ly agreed Ici',',',',',','. Chief of these measures was, Rambles No, the making of bank-notes legu' ten-l ----- der, so that the banks could pay outi A despatch .f.titjy,Lor.tda.n l notes instead of gold. These meas-I steamship Oevim IS fled l urea were embodied in an order-in- Rpyal Albyrt Docks wyi.a, council issued that evening and pub- presents f"'f'n to the P.r.inee lished broadcast in the 'ltwyeptidyr.irur his tour of India,.. the following morning, August 4, the) clude an (-Iephnnt, a rhin day on which war wan declared. Now: leopard cat a Hlmnlnvnn L-“ J1 --.r l mun-m ox cream and butt new painted. The conference pulled i fleient methods of domes itself together, suggestions were e»! utilization of fish waste, changed, and finally the Pteuresltion and liquefaction of t} Were agreed upon which enabled Great!l helium, fox breeding, the Britain to trurn'ive the crisis. Histnrvn J i, I . _ A_‘_ . regarded as a very large loan for the government to attempt " The three Victory Loans by elves netted a total of 1,700 mil- something that no one had ever ed would be possible. In the} on! ok..- 1.“ -. _ Ilil CANADIAN HISTORY ---""'"" nearmg word. They had numerous,” he says, "and by no means unanimous suggestions to make as to what should‘ be ”In” 11., o . _ -- .hearintr wagi- , Deming members of the Canadian 1 Bankers _A.trsociation--iusi as, about I the same time, a conference was being held in London between the Chancellor ,of the Exchequer, Mr. Lloyd George, and the leading flnaneial experts of Great Britain. Both conferences met (in an atmosphere of panic. The Can.. advian bankers, says Sir Thomas White, "were quite disturbed at the spread of the financial panic through- out Canada and the rung which were taking place throughout the Dominion and of which they were continually hearing mm “m 1 " onto, who had R quarter of a mm ”We-..” vmrveu mat the; Among the important investiga- 'of the Bank of England had; tions, over thirty in number, which leep at the head of the table; have been or are now being carried ttentry snoring. This speet-! out by the Council for Seientitie and; the effect of immediately re-l Industrial Research at Ottawa are 'rrMdenee; if the Governor ofi fog signalling; materials for insula- of England could tro to sleep; tion of high voltage electric currents, an occaaion, then Obviouslyivanadium ores, vitamines, the bacterial old not be as blaek 33 ttey/ content of cream and butter, more Jil ted. The conference pulled; Arie",. mMLAJ- " . s.L__, V end of the most ph connection with , war effort. Be "f fifty million. a very large 1 1. But the 5 and the . e public that, order-in-co The run on My friend. l which the banks 1e government dur.. regard fo the Boat.. and which doors. - _.. w. u...r.~..n. “loyal moor: Hooks with a few choice evening and iii) presents given to the Prince of Wales n the 1y.y'yrplly,irur his tour of India. They in. ing, August 4, the) elude an elephant, a rhinoceros, a an declared, Now,' leopard cat, a Himalayan bear, a 5am. fact that all the; bur deer, sheep, foxes and lerards. Vere directly con-i The collection is being removed to the tlev-in-eouniu was) zoo with 'othor similar testimonials l y. If anyone had] friendship still to come. ng it, neither the] "e"-"'"-'-"'---,-:'---------------------------,-,'. banks would have} M- " A - 3n---at any and passed , me co-opera- he government that, as a mat- in-council was n on the banks the situation! 'tte loan attempt Before had the rate, rati. _-.---_ - MEET we neavy black line shows the zone around the Dot-dune would be demilitarized under the terms modifying the Sevres t Turkey, now propooed by the Allied Foreign Ministers. Gm I Adrianople and the Allies would hold the Gallipoli Peninsula on nationalized straits. Turkey would regain part of Thrace and I Cmurtantinopie, which would be detortitied, and would also re Minor, including Smyrna, now held by Greece. a-I---------, Fay -e' 'rTF cr' not, according to frej:htsi 3mm" 'nutsizz'e; foul barley, Clie. ’34,? (IS? , JG-i-'"""; "------ - -, W - 'j-i-E-ra-ii-F-fra-TSC-sir-i"-"-'-"' P2vkir1aeat--Grii. 3, 980 to $1.02. ':'illr?rj?/," '-cl-r-_T--'i--E-7Tyct-cA=f-E-e5-=', tETH-re-ci-tu-e-er-i-r-, R.vrc--No. 2, 95c to W. oc. ; ""l mu. trrmN trov‘xy. 1-EicaE-jj-jDfa ch:bea______- Mihlr--rii. Montreal fp,jrh,ts'lp'/i'e It; It“ HE ,Ej.iei--TiirjptE-E-.cleec'iF-.Firi..-r bags included: Bran, per ton. $28 10.3 " ' '" 3..\"A‘T'\‘ ri tt:'iarh.. 28‘5“”;0 $30: shorts, per ton. $30 to $32; Rtoudi {.ng 99c? ; H. f9pe-fsi'i'-f-cijir.iriij-5jz-iir feed flour, 31.70 to $1.80. {$35-28}; ot,' “AK, y *3. ' Yii55 "__-r-- treth Bah-(l hay-r-Track, Toronto, per ton, I “$1?“ r: 'iiiigEa?(-%E w' - '9qsr. I rultttmr extra No. 2, $22 to $23; mixed, $18 to: 13,1314 of f:‘ ,d Ch', 'gC57E! ‘ $19; clover, $14 to $18. (tub; 17 i , eirei3' rAiz'lt'-)ffrt 'Ciiiii, [C1eiii " Straw-dai. lots, per ton, track, T°‘vprint's 18 , _ I Q. a ', I) q , Fil Ce *7. “ORA ronto, $1.. to $13. Lil, to 1,5N ‘ Fe-Te'!, " - Ontario wheat-No. l "0n1mereia1/iii to Hiv,' "--_.-u..= C' thi .. $1.36 to $1,43, outside. B "- kgiEz'irk"'h" t . , utcher La . a ' " Ontario Nd. 3 oats, 40 to Me, out- $825- do FiRt "rc.Wtrr %’ td IN As side. "650' to l , A! .- m” Ontario corn--" to Me, outside. [butcher he - g .U"SP - M Ontario ttour-lst pats., in cotton V “t ’- n'v‘ LO, ‘ y med., $6.2l ' _ - L . and sucks, 98a. $8.20 per _bbl.;' 2nd pats."6. butch: I Tt ux - q Hm; (bakers), $7.20. Straighta, in bulk, iiihi; do l . G7ttp::" 1'Stti', " , , , seaboard, $6.40. (l/lil gang“ tatccfryEiii%> 'l ‘ Manitoba tiour--ut pats., in cotton good, $4.50 =_EiEEEiiiEiiiiiiEEgs "tt $8.70Vper bib“ s2l'.i.'il'jiiiil'i?,'i.1'f.i',i),"si?, go .7. eese--l ow am, ce .50 to ; i=1)-..“ _, . twins, 20% to, 21c; triplets, 21 toldo, {an}; _ 'ezd5ale, 'r-f . ;_1 21%d Fodder cheese, large, 1856c. $75; opt-in _‘.___: EEi, Old, lane, M to Il6e; twins, 26% to choice, $10 L'"iSir5) FN .tit?.i?.?.gji% 26%e; ttipleta, 26 to 27e; Stilton, mama,“ = UE , =te=1T.T.=tucf9 ' new, 24 to Me. $14 to 315; , N aee,tt,rcct.iit dairy; chhoitae, 26 to lam, 811 t "..iti------ -- - """""" "“~ c; creamery prints res nest, 44iti0.. do _ . , t_. ’edlt - iii"arard to Me; No. f,'lii to he: iil. 2, 40 to‘ iyi J2 ' ' M 41c; cooking, 22 to Me. 1'h.',"7?isrl, N " so m M Dread y?t_8tm-hsrin. ytielysmr, WHERE TURKEY AND EUROPE now an? 30 to 'tk; roosters. 20 to 2lk; towl/ Pate-ae The heavy black line shows the zone around the Dordnnelies which gag" 80e; tee, Me; turkeys, 46 to l'ts,"g.'iif' ntld be demuitarized under the terms modifying the Beers, treaty with 'ii47f,eoit'.ui, ring cliickem,22 10'1“" " "ii". whey, now proposed by the Allied Foreign Mlnistera. Gm would keep Me: too-ter- " " "W-, - " - I ritsnople and the Allies Would hold the Gallium nub-“L _ Man-Il-A‘ . _ A despatch from London says: steamship Oevim is tied up at Royal Albyrt Docks with a few cl mmfi-m REGLAR IniuERs-o, Gene 3m f--------. __- Reseuiiicav, Ark of domestic. heating, h waste, the separa- the rare gas e prevention e Production wood waste Says: The the racer Britannia been the King yachting season cided not to sai, the expense. i A despatch from London says: Via-l count Lascelies is reported to be; planning to take over the royal yacht' Alexandra ,which is being disposed or’ as a measure of national economy. It( is expected he will also commission the racer Britannia, which for years has.I hppn thes Ert-_s, . . Queen win" be gone The two royal couples ph Itensive tour of the battle gr cause of the long cherished Queen Mary to tro personal (tee, shrines. She is pa anxious to visit Ypres, A: Somme, Bethune and Arn The visit is in return for the King and Queen of the Belgit here last year. King Geomn 'wo Royal Yachts Taken Over by been“ 'i_.-liem. IF You ' .4): . CNN mum-21> _ ' You “Al 1.9 SAY A COUPLE. a' Atl ELM bs I “u“ CARRY _ atet A sroN: "THAT" - - 16 5:4 am ‘To ware. 4:: IT and L.7 c. . - t "Noe T1: if t 71 f: i5tii2 - , , - h ' "-. , f I Ca" t r 4’ " JI;? tii g, . g) > -ae=s ' P, C t -- q , _‘Ig"| - ' ---, Arf, brPt tfill “T :' i"jlsj'r'jr' -. f P. - " I -. - _ __ -wwr- 'r"ii' King's pride during uson, but which he has l sail this year ho-,, --"-' v", my: wmm ne is moving. He apprnrgllg; 1.0.0., user»; It (:00an points, $13.'over, to be working on the prelim unused yy_8trv--+rimr chickens I can”. (that he will be nble to Mimi: iiiglxml MEET 30 to 35c; roosters. 20 to Me; fowl: P. thtu--ann. West. 3.lo. 2, (Be; No. lt,' when he has placed the grunt-st Lam. Dardaruae. which gar“) Me; yaks: Me; turkeys,' " to iltisf 1"l.tirPeijeir "g, tlreitlpt'lj) her of his competitors undgr his feet. Sew-m treaty with 0 Live iiifiiGtl--pprin. chickens. 22 will)... " .ma $82.g0. Shorts. 331' The nun who yould be 1sed "in. Greece would keep Me; mm", 17 to 20c; fowl, 24 tls,lrtu..Ciio. 2, per ton, on lots, $29 ii/Ye other cus. " not “W” 'or mud: on the inter. 30c; ducks, Me; turkeys, 45 to 60e; $86. lhunself. Be works, fer prmcmlee nth- co “m w ht hold gene, Me. f?teee---Finest westerns. 16% col er than for Personal aect)mplirthment. at 1hmmrine--20 to Me. 1Mie. Better-ask;; creamy, ffitm and for some Mirth-while can.” tut 'egttin Agia F,eii--Nisw laid, med, Me; new to 4te. liirersdiFiii, tte. I'trut/ no". him to undectake. His Mm“: land, m We, Me. toe-Per but. a: Iota, 80 to ttlie., I visor u just . bit under Mr Rod "------ "---""='-"-e-ee."-e'1e1RP.,. -"'--------=TrdtT.e", ------= - -'~~ "i---.--,- __ -- “"-~-~ --- ---- liFaa by the mental ability of “I“ ' outer. who have done less, hi. in”. locum! equipment is not all that " . hut he himself desires. But the mm and. a-st, A .. You . _I 4855 .- WANTID A royal couples plan an ex- . of the battle grounds be.. e long cherished desire of v to go personally to the visit Ypres, ia; 1e and Armentieres. eturn for the visit the of the Belgians made King George and the ne a week. 1 me during the vhieh he has de- Year because of ONTA Particularly ,,V.‘. A tall u, 30c; creamery, prin to Mc; No. l, " t4 41c; cooking, 22 to Dressed poultry- 30 to 'tk; roosters if! to Me: ducks. s, , the “.00 to $1.43, outside. Ontario Nd. 3 oats, 4 side. Ontario corn---" to (h Ontario ftour--St pa sacks, 98U, $8.20 per b (bakers), $7.20. Straig seaboard, $6.40. Manitoba flour-ut pa Backs, $8.70 per ttbl.; 2m ()lkeire--ViG. hm I , Btraw--dm' ronto, $12 to Ontario wl 81.36 to $1.43 Balm! Kay- extra No. 2, 31?; clover. ! Manitoba barley---) ( All the above track American eorn--No. I‘No. 3 yellow, 74ue, a Barley-No. 3 extra better, 68 to Me, accon outside; feed barley, ( ?yckitrtetri-..-Tio'. 3, E ltye--Nd 2, Me to 1 . Millteed.L.iii. Mn" TORONTO I Manitoba Whe; 1581.51%. Manitoba oats extra No. 1 feec 5653c. C _..e "%74toty" was escorted in from I sea by the Japanese light cruiser di- vision, and in the bay six battleships,‘ including the famous Mutsu, joined! I the escort. As the vessels entered the (harbor there was a roar of guns and all Ishrieking of sirens. Every class of, 'M-plete---.--, mes: detail, as is the Japanese custom Yokohama'; welcome was not noisy, u the children who lined the streets are [disciplined to silence, but the picture {they made with. their thousands of waving Bam, in the brilliant sunshine could scarcely be paralleled. The Renown was escorted in from sea by the Japanese light cruiser di'l vision, and in the bay six battleships,l including the famous Mun... -'-=~ ' His reception was cording to the Proer utest detail, as is the . w-dai. lot $12 to $13 rig Wheat JAPAN WELCOMES THE PRINCE OF WALES , per ton $1.70 to r---Traek ', $22 to l '. $14 to l PROBLEMS DISCUSSED xv .iittiCll]rlrr" DMGATES AT cram comm above track, Bay forts. n eorn--No. 2 yellow, 7li%e; )w, 7rie, al) rail. No. 3 extra, test 47 lbs. or "ts-No. 2 0W, feed, 56ric.. No. wno uned. the streets are silence, but the picture vitir their thousands of, in the brilliant sunshine] L, --- .. . - - ...........u. 156'. ltr.; 5-21%-? tiir/rf'to"t t“ k, B rts. Mario com noney, per doz. leg). 2 'Jae, 7550;; .rlttttrvrrprtii;i'o', M-lb. h ike, al) rail. ,Quebec, $1.50. Sued pour extra test 47 lbs or Cobblers, $1.75 a bar:. '.. f r. t f Smoked Pyts-Harr.s, me yreordine to reigh tl 84e; cooked ham. 47 to Me 'ley, Me. Imus 9tt L, no h 3. Me to et no 7-7 --- ‘rvbIrUll '3 2nd Pau., 8820. we, 20 to 20m; ': triplets, 21 to Me, large, Ig%e. c; Wins, 26% to to 27e; Stilton, V ,,- m“an, Ci tO Montreal freight,‘ brand breakfast' inn-own. m, per tan, $28 iiilusly, boneless, 36 to 410. I, $30 to $32; mod, SUM PfPts-rLorut c! $1.80. ‘géé'gg t :19; flour helm» c, Toronto, per ton GE ; lg tweight rolls, 5 . . ' .xght mm, $4t. 'dl'. mixed, $18 to}. punk-Pure 12...”. h. '-Nogninal I"Periun, to the mi F 2 Cw. 60%c; 6C',' No. 1 feed. carried out ae- “an; "ilh'llr".."d.",', to $12.50; (io.Gild.,"t7"'ir' type. of ieucie'tiFip."ii'L')/r"l"c's'l," m“ tTi il, 'til'..",'?; " to 85; laugh, choice " ambitious and Possessed .,' PFer 'tuw 26 to lamb. $1110 . COM., " to $7; iiFiiip Plus of energy and it (“uh 11'.'t to' glam irc good 'g4io1u/.'rih,iiii, " to; and plenty of ne'ruz and "",21f "H" $6; h ' ; .com..83 to,definitel d . _. '.OY "' . ,t','s.',"7?ift..d2e “mum; do/ which 'ih, $39“ objeetire “M" tom, -. ' "my! Potnta, $tlt.i We, to be ','2"If,; He "ll"."",',',,' from four! _ oau--ann . I ' . . on l . Prem: " ii,' ti9e. Jtcti1't,ulrest.Ai." 2, 630; No. 8331'}, te 1vill bt able to climb him“: I Btramr--can Northern) $4.40; nrimo. freight, i brand break/m' $28 iiilusly, boneless 2;srooul..f.hyrd meat: V. -""'"" mm. sham. sss.’ "te nun who Wot g Ld . !tho other class in r l' at No 2, per ton, our lots, 829 l himself. Be works h flheesr--rrinest westerns. 16% to] er than for Per-om! 1696c. Better-alia;; creamer-y, Pi His zeal for some u y to 4te. terrsdiFiii, Me. Pow-.moveu him to underta .teezt.ttf1EeGTitC,"in' totttie., ivilor in J'uat . bit M lL7aa, by the m other. who have don loch»! equipment in '.,",iss-s,s, I but he himself deair " I "'1 0M, *o.00 to F7; do fair" ---i-..lq F1rtdgGii,cr, 'ttood ' '.- y; . Ido, fair, " to 'll'.'ilk 'll1id1,tol'giilir The writet, $7tr; Sprinter-s, jiii'a", $80: ' calv St nettve .Tountr choice. $10 to 812.50. do mc’ad $7 tl; type. of lead, By!,. dp, com.. " to L". Lug. ", L . n nmhiOin..- _ 'iris , "Nut. oquU to $6.26; do, med., $3.50 to $5: canneu and cutters, 8t to $2; butcher buns, ttood, $4.60 to $5.50; do, com, " to $4; feeders, good, $6.lro to $7; do, fair, $.6.IN to 'tr.. stock." mm! Wrr " "‘ “ _ -., w, oo, com. $5.25 butcher heifers, choice, $7 to ' Ted., $6.25 to 86.75; do, com $6; butcher cows, choice, t $6.36; do, med.. mm .. "' I whiciz L 't erected, mm- Exees itom. art, the y,u tofone u , are remind i ture of Tokio I .of modern i hine elude cw ican mal ro:.n The A .di- Asyama Psy' the rum HEEL. Ti 2'ir",,2"'r"...t?Pp per . I .r'..' ' q I per . ' "up": . ",,IMairle sugar. lb. Ie.iinp WIS, $2.15;‘ ”a?” f H.o.nev_criiiiirh, l ' and n; r P,ttiP..;t-2', ." tins, 14% to It": who " Orrta " 'd-lb. tins, 17tat Oi? . I P no comb honey , so," lb.; Rrateful l... 9tatocs-thGTi',,' 11T,t,loz,., ' .M. F.clred,. -e- --. an: priceless objects of: t. art, the Prince found little in the here-l tt tofone unoccupied Akuukl Ptluce tol e remind him that he was in the centre! , of Toldo. His apartments are like a r modern hotel suite, and the fittinm, in-l ' elude even a barber’s chair of Amer-! iean make, especially installed. (, I The Alluakl. Palace adjo-im the i _ Asylma Paine, which Was at one time I the residence of Prince Hirohito, nowI [the Regent. The around: about the k [two palaces are most beautiful and at a “his time of the year Presvnt a pro- S fusion of cherry blossoms. r'."" - ,. a“ ,1”ch art, the Prince found lit} tofone unoccupied Alma: remind him that he was of Tokio. His mums-r mu; primes, ta.iii ?uirli, ‘products_5 - W H... mm: “I! ever an". . . led, from the building of the Ark to r,e.'ii'le'il'trr,rpinrgs..t, tfc,.',',") .the limriyt.t of I F-uoway .or the /tlt,,t three coaches of which were especially! riff: sb;,'?,.',,';.,'::,", Ul1'"i,'e'gt,ep,t built for his visit. On mm: there he' Th -b. psp “f l',. do A. was driven in an open carriage, escort-f bi e “FE" t e t mg I? be MP! ed by cavalry, to the Imperial PalaceJ tli,'e'r2te.dTcrb:iipiii,iii WT; {lien in w“ received by the Pgr,rtyt,'Gl be many tomorm iii, that It 1: ter 9 went to the Amalia Prtlsee,1 . . . . . where he will reside while in was. WW}? 17e,r,it,t, f . ' ti Crowds, lrreeted the royal “sitar " . W Ole " cry tt lt1ven Ion I. the nilwn Marti d ch ed hi t the story of those who faced and awr- do th y te it; 'l',', fer 'm‘came not simply the odds that inwm- “a: t: mum thoesplhtiie' 3"": ate things oppose, but the disapproval I I nmtp are m"; and the disbelief of people. iiiiiii,t for the priceless objeets otl Every single new idf-a that has pm?” at. the Prince found little in the here ied to be worth anything has mel With . ",' si “we varying from mild ex- tofone unoccupied Aka-aka Nhuse to a r31: Ir.., .- _ _',, - rem-ind him that ho m. t.. AC, Cd, ' “wrum, nerves. 16% 17 to 17%c; Pails, 17% ' 18 to 19e. Shortening, WA..e; tubs, 1519 to " 16%.e; prints, 17% to I cher steers, choice, 8 110.30“. $7 to $7.50: d h _ " society was represented in the crowds [on the whmea. The Prince was conveyed from Yokohama to Tokio in a special train, three coaches of which Were especiallyl built for his visit. On Arrival there he' was driven in an open carriage, etcort-f ed by cavalry. to the [mnerinl Pal-um I - i. V. .,., 8.y, do, com hand- s, i0% to 170: ils, 17% to 18e; waning, tierces,' 's to "it: pails, iil to MK. l Idcey $7.50 to; W.M,. do. Med" A" to $7.7f; doll ytrpitked, bushel,1- There ' to " , the man Syrup. per imn: "nr...,-. A pounce me royal visitcr " t and cheered him , the palace, over arehes had been ? m”; 0330; 37 I $47 car bacon , _818.50 tr, Ped., m a r_ - van-1W W m Md we. e in !'.11eeiet- advanc- iu him-d! by lifting about. He latter it the type I had." " - '.?ttrer,iaiiFehTallr'l'M tptuue pride of - coho! and , business and and.) minder. to ' 1iii?,?it to the community . gens» Iona number of load!" win: "...r. --”"' e., "rn. -e bag. $1.35 155‘; ; heavy; smoked a, 30 .te ; BPeeial to 40e; In life', E!:(3.n.p'l lulu chm. to "Ure the win. _ i'LVlh"'f,'1ftrttseuaiiy"'G other; He than insist. on taking u out with the boy- " the foot of the “his and the hon. in spite of his mm, Ind Iii-City, no Nat as inn 1'?2.'tttyriiriiilti"i'sr'tUL2; an; - " _---, . - -eeV ....un pul' [HM [men-odd by the menu! ability of outer. who have done less, hits mm. locum! equiplnmt in not all that " hut he himsell denim. But the ttet- aim devotion to his work not only fir-Hod tho. may open" for curring on. but it In. plum! him in I Hun- " ---- "n .--, Irish' He ttro li as. we?! ---_- ... “U"IUn ' A Every single new idea that bu pro.-. out: o ted to be worth anything has met with he hm": resistance varying from mild ex- "use “1 poetulation to positive tenacity. Every aeentre pioneer. striking out on new path. , _ . his been given to understand, h in“ "I" language polite or rude, that he was a _ Amer-I fool. He has been assailed by there . l who showed to their own complete Bat- tttt .the infection that what he suggested “an ne time, perfectly ridiculous. co, now! When he he don:- what they told mt the him he couldn't do, the unbeliecer, u ttnd tt a rule wou- nowhere to he found. a pm-l, Some of them had changed tlwztm-ivm Peer, linm noisy claimants for the ”mitt of -- l.” that they had formerly railed at , and denied. The rest at as silent now le pralle and to sympathize as rni'O i they were to ridit-nlu uni .5 A“ V V - .....r brvt'rl. “Ll Easily he might cry, "I 1' fl 3 .m w!" G' and hold up to {corn the fci l: "mr .2 a .' who mocked or blacked him. wad he 5 find them anywhere. But he :5 ht, in- ' dined to pay them buck in kin-l far 'rithe taunts or for the obloquy In- "stead, he rejoices that it was given ' him to serve; he is glad that me mom ,1 Fame“ in chronicled trnally when / failure at the start was prophesied. i Never in it late to my, "it cant be done." To any Nt has not been done" in quite a different thine, ml] to lay it is a challenge to the beat of M N» The writer i; ;the old rosenlnw played, the object far too large for I play itself, now from the fight w which his life was tl W50 seotrrd dram with and is not b; who mid he {hateful to The bade; To fie To, I: competitors under his feet. an who would be listed with r clu- b not ambitious for Re work: for principle. nth- r... nu” ' of leader, GR'Er; in». ’2‘ life" that a egtitae might nine and to 53mpn1hi were to ridicule and t: are is ncihim; finer II all who, having et,u'ure bs his victory whh n Nothing wort}; while was ever Mttrb - r..-,. ' '__.... - men who " was g; might cry those v is not l and thast the old itter It t e ttculd ohm boner. with bse u It Cin't Be iiiLe. way-Sum with my the m11~ _ ked him But he back in who ver with mm 1 represent the Dream. in!) highest Ptemt nun- N to be found. tntted “munch” for the credit of merly railed at Ire as silent now Ipathize u (an. tr " unuimily ml (hm. mark H he "- to ta, " an

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