West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Apr 1922, p. 4

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“an in S71 lt) I? Mi; M a}: Ci I a reffes ia Iltllillim i7i' g 1iilltllilE!liih 'v).;.?.)).','..'!.!..')", twt; (llllt,)iiilJriilh/tl, 3% 'tuagseo 1tiji'jiistes lil llllliiiiii'i! tll . Iill Bg, 7‘ Illlli' " M4 . I’lgu . . a“ J q _. tr , 'a B- r F _ “ i. 50 Far ISt '" fi'rtt'g C MAEDDNALD’S Large assortment to choose from Hoes, Travels, Lawn Mowers, C Digging Forks, Spades, Shovel. am v More. Garden and Flower Seeds . . meeting we. ned and closed b a ' On tlte evening of Ttturodar, April 13, l ropriate Mtg: sun; by the 'fdlUg", a meeting was hold An Glenelx Centre hum” then reamed thegood cheer Baptist Church to bid Rev. E. J. Mctiw. prepared for the occasion. ongood Fre, ashe Indhu family leave Folio-in . the d . this field of labor after spending more ' " tt dress ' than four years here laithlully and ac- To Mr and Mm MeEwen ceptably. A large number of Mazda Dear Friends; were Pre6ettt te? up?" regret " his f- It is with deep regret we have learned WNUNIM 'eistt him Wed Mt blilthat you have decided to remove from future fitld, Mr Geo. Binnie' was called I this district and take up the girork in to the chair and presenttd the teveryiGuTe; field of labor. Since coming 'trms on tttprog/am. The" Were pert. ismonut us five years ago we have learn' tleM by yjt.tt.iv. Faliaise, M. Beaton ; ed to admire your sterling character. and Jean MCGUIVNY , reading. by W. . your earnest labors for the Master and 8"” and rnusieby Mit.' FINN”; theHour sympathetic and faithful work " Sb er: Beaton and the Ethnic lamily. inndgrghephcrd ofthe flock. " true At the close of the program Mr and citizens you have shown us our duty to 3,':s McEwen were invited to the front 'our neighbor, to our country and the and presented with an address " below world at large lifting us out of the nar- uhith was read by Mrs R McGillivrny row and trelfish ard leading us to see all an! a puma presented by Mrs] P. Mc- men " brothers. As kind neighbors 'y.lll,) C :Lvray, Mr McEwen leelinzlv replied have mu... ... n. -_..o. I.--“ --"_., .. International Elastica Products have ability. Save the surface and youIsave toration. JO tints to choose from. Is the Place to buy your Paints and Varnishes Rexall Blood Purifier .... . rid Blaud's Iron Pills. . 25c and 50c With Cod Live} Eda“. 1.00 Nyal Vitamine Tablets plum l . . . 7.17.". I’cptqnigcq Jron Tonic Cross & Suiherland Hardware Co., Limited, Durham Peptona Liquid ..... .... 1.25 Peptona Tablets. . 100 foe 1.00 Beef, Iron & Wine.. 50c to 1.25 Nsrd Spring Tonic ...... 1.00 Rexal! or Nyal HypophOs- Olenelg Centre Baptists Tender a Farewell to Rev E. J. McEweo SPRING TONICS Which comes to all at the beginning of warmer weather can be almoqt entirely overcome by tak- ing one of these splendid Field and Grass Seeds That Tired Feeling llllladarlae's Drug Store Government taut as to quality, CROSS & SUTHERLAND HARDWARE CO Garden Tools . -- -. ....-. . . "W "tuna: mowers. as Kind ne Mr McEwen feelineg replied have visited us in our homes, The Retsgg. Stttrn Get your C. P. R. Tickets here ', 7e and 10c packages 100 for 1.00 1 Mowers, RiGi';iir"s", , Shovels and Culti- Paper . Rakes {on behalf of himscu and family "im.. Id. .n--. -A A - . -. _ ........... "no... lulu" ' tLPICS‘ sing his regret at leaving iite"i'eii Centre and his much loved friends there. The meetipg was opened and cloeed by ap- 'propriaie hymns sung by the audience. The ladies then Dreamed the good cheer prepared for the occasion. ‘ Following is the address ' To Mr and Mrs McEwen Dear Friends ; lets have no equal as to covering and dur- youlsave all. Use Muresco for Wall De- Should call and see our Bishopric Stucco and Plaster base to take the place of brick. Also Bird & Son Rubber, Paroid and Shin- gle design Roofing. Any one intending Building Inner tubes and other Repairs kept in stock Ring and Tight Lock which is the best. Coil and Barb Wire. Brace wire, Oil and Galvanized Soft wire at right prices. Frost Wire Fence Bicycles, Tires, I. rejoiced in Lots 13 and 14 con. 2 N. D. R, I 100 acres. If not sol will be i Apply to Sarah Webbe or A. H, son. Executor: As an appreciation of take this occasion of p with these chairs, and t both bespared to enjoy years here with full men: arte) wealth. --"eee ".5... m you" new home. to extend a neighbor- ly welcome from the whole community. For some months past we have found you. George, to be a good neighbor, but seeing you have realized it is not well that man should live alone, we are now pleased to cordially welcome your cat- imablelife partner, and to use you eat-, ablish a home among us. l - _.-. v -. n UUIG Dear Friends :- It affords us a deal of pleasure to meet with van to in you" new home. to extend a neig Ly welcome from the whole comml Following is thi/iliac,' ; To Mr and Mrs Geo. Noble n--- It: - I ’l OnThursday evening hot, April 13a about one hundred friends and neigh. bours gathered at the home of Mr Geo. Noble," north of town to extend their congratulations and in a neighbourly way welcome his bride (formerly Mi. Isabel Alexander, of 'e)'iii,iiii',hit,'tr'i,! the guests had arrived Mr Th Turn- bull called the company to order and re- quested Mr and Mrs Noble to come for- ward. An address wan read by Miss Armetta McKechnie and two beautiful chairs presented by Mr Joe Crutchelv. Mr Noble though taken by surprise madel a very suitable reply. Mr Turnbull then called on some ofthose present who made brief but complimentary addresses. unirA...:__ l, -. - - SiganB§ Reception to Mr and Mrs Noble Asa faithful friend you have chided our erring ways, led ul back to the ways of righteousness and both by precept and example you have urged us onward and upward, pointing us to the straight and narrow way that leads to eternal life. We are sorry to part with you, yet we know that there is work for you where- ever you may go Maya large share of the good things of this life be your: and after a long life of happinesa and use- ;fulness may you be received into the mansion, above with a “well done, good and faithful servant. enterthou into the joy of thy Lord," is the prayer ofall your friends in Glenelg Centre. Mrs R J McGillivray Mrs A. Beaton Mrs J. P.McGillivray Henry Beaton J. A. Beaten Walter Ewing I (our happiness, gave " sympathy and advieeid ditficulty. And you have shot- edin out sorrows. comforting " with Consolation from on )igh and pointing as to Him who'soothes our sorrow: and heals the broken heart. Farm tol Sale 2lC,,,,e,,e,u,lCCe,L.C"" _ :-l--::i,-l-e,-i,ii-,-'.) rdware / larnishes , rering and dur. I o for Wall Ihr. /‘ Your mea, and neighbors It ”org? us a great tion of the fact, we n of presenting you ;, any trust you will why many happy measure of health will ptfGiiiii.' _ hot, April 13:) End. and main- tome of Mr Geo. to extend their I a "Eighbourly “(formorjy Miss - uuu ungn- 1 ref Mr Geo. I extend their 1 neighbourly e Wino”), Mis. to ham.) Bt ti Turn- . Glene!_g L Jack- .:tt:ese.iraai)e..:ee .:..etF:...:F.t.t...ta.t: Steam :‘Laundry Servicé for Durham; _ Mu Hector McEachem and two children of Priceville spent the holi- dsy with her patent, Mr and Mrs Arch McCormick. ttlight Ilia: Cassie Brown of Elmwood is visiting he: may." Hugh McLean. Ilia Isabel] leQuame accompan- ied by her uncle It A. H. Reid of Toronto, spent Euler with her pu- euts Mr and Mn D. McQuarrie. Leave your. Store. C" Tray“ meeting and choir practice 'ii, being held in the Presbyterian church every Friday night commen- dug at 8 p. m. * We are pleased- to report out an: all ‘ pox patients we all able to be out ( a.--'.. Having ta e the Stratfor we will mak Tuesday of turning Wid, 'rhiieu Ruth and Grace Lowe of Crawford spent Sunday with friends here. attain. Mr and Mn Harvey Givens of Hol. land Centre, wete visitors at Mr Fred Shewell'a Sunday. ur end In Joe Hodgnon enter- tainedn number of friends Monday evening. Mr. Rose Parke of Hamilton, is spending a few days With the Smith family. .;-.~ _: V... Mr and te" Joe tamed I number ot evgging. Miss" Kathleen Sullivan of Owen Sound, in holidaying at her home. M r Geo Vuey of Chnuworth Roy. al Bank, in home for his holihya. I... -__ J -‘ - Gents' Furnislkr, Durham Mr and Mrs Thou Dobie of Toronto were the gueatao! the lattet'l parents Mr and Mrs D. McGllenyover the holiday. Misses Deverenu and Ray, our teachers. are spending their holiday at home. Our pastor. Rev, Mr Sill-re, is on the nick list but hope soon to hear of his recovery. l The Women’n Institute held thelr monthly meeting at the home cf Mrs Mortley, Wed., Ap. " Consider- _ ing the day quite: few were present. Mrs A. McIntosh gave I paper on "The Ideal Married Lite." $ro was donated to Save the Childreu' fund. The annual meeting will be held " the home of Mrs J. Koepp, May to" All are requested to be present. " The funeral of the late In Hot. kirk of Crawford was held on Mon. day last to the Rocky cemetery. A large number of friends attending. Four niece- coming from Toronto. Our sympathy to extended to the bereaved family. Mr Stewart Cargill of an Racket tritsitor " the J W. McKechnie. "a "-.'- - -21.: “u- ."C'dSPc. . Mr and “as. Davey "a bunny spent Sunday with It and Mrs J. Caswell. _ We are sorty to heat Rev. Mr Sillam in on the sick list. He Im not able to take the service lot ann- ‘day. Hope soon to see him in his I accustomed place. A number of Mend: and neigh- l bore gathelod " the home of “and l Mrs George Noble to welcome the bride to our midst. They were pre. named with two beautllnt chain and a very pleasant evening we. spent. u- “Ami-"“- c, ‘" --- -- In John Van“: In Ipending Buta- with her Ion John In St. May’s. Mile lube" Lawson spent the hot. iday. with he: pinata. .'Ourrie, ABERDEEN ‘en the Agency for ( Steam Laundry K ahipments on , each week, re- ROCKY SAUGEEN DORNOCH ry " the 'ERS {HE DURHAM 35313“ ONTARIO ARCHIVE§ C TORONTO Toronto was home of Mr J mainly-i Con! Klagel. mun. I TI Bow! Brown. Con 4 and 6--1 Chrmie. J Perks, H Sieklo. F Bahrain. W Bunny, F Torry. J Noble. Con. 6and T--t1 Rink, B Schmidt. W Putter-on, H Redford, J Poknndt. 8 Hopkins. F Methmig. Con 8 nod 9---E Monk, J ttte,,) H Schreinert. C Ath g W Unruly. mn-_.l "Th‘ “ -- -- I Com. 2 Ind 8 S, G. B-g Woods, J. Gander Jr., E Fur-mun. J Hud- son. W B Willia. W Williu.N Mittee, A. McLean. J. Millignn. Conn 2 and 8, N. D. R.--' Gander H Meteulfo. S Hopkins. TI Anton. T Kennedy. W Torry, G lighten. l Com Durham Bosd-C. B: in, B. Hillgsrtntr, A Mervyn, J. Ben]. Con. 1, W. G. B.-P. Bhowell. G. Skew. D. MoArthur, P. Mantra, A. Thompson, J. Veggie. E. Edge, E. Lewis. [ Con 2 and 8 W. a. R.--it. Corhrtt R. Ledmghum. E. Goldsmith, W. Boheurmnn. H. McLeIn. J. 9rurmrn,; D. Lamb. D. McLean. W. Hopkins. 0. anreneo. G. Noble, J. McKen. lie. T. Mountnin. di council to h: D. It., cans Mr public trailie, In consideration tr- Bailer---M It. advertise" for " steel bridges t " D. R., and 8. f; tender! to be: c Garner]. . MeDotuld- .0 fer of County :. Purchue two c e $75 etch be no m,rittrorr.-l it der c No 6 E coating $350, I . liveredct Dnrh tted. . Turnbull-lt , eight [and dn ' Elmwood and I Turnbull-H, Die. No. 7 be Iota of Elias Ed be pnhmuter. 2, W. a.R., bu No 8. Carried. Muhmud--g .M- m _____-_L Mtpotad--Bmie, Thu Bru. No. " uppoinung Sheep Vuluntou. Pound Keepers, Fen“ Viewers Ind Pothmuten for yen 1022 be filled in " follows, I Turnbull-Hua, Thu we order eight rand drugs to be delivered " Elmrood and Durham. Carried. Turnbull-Homo, Thu Road Div, No. 7 be "tended to Include Iota of Elias Eng. Ind than. E. Edge be pnhmnater. TUt Lot To, Cm. 2, W. a. R., be "national to Divuion m a A . _ mwipyn---Niie, Thu Rea" or- der a No 6 Buwyer-Mnley grader costing 8800, and ulu tax, to be a. livered at Durban than: I“, I. Car. tted. MeDotuld-rurnbo Thltcheof- fer of County Road: Committee to parables two otour team grndeu It $75 etch be accepted. Carried. I Bailer--MeDomud Thu Clerk advertise" for tenders for pnimmg of steel bridges on B. L. 40, Con. 8. N. D. R., And 8. L 20, Con. 8, B. D. m, tender: to be received until May 29. Canned. I public traflie, be iiid T; consideration. Carried Turnbull-Bio, That petition of. number of ntepayen requesting council to have B. L. 20, Con l, B. D. It., constructed and opened' for nah”- hum, I I .. Members all present. Minn!" of lust. meelirg were “id and adopted. yeDoehi--uuue, ThuElmwcod lenry be granted $5. Gui-led. I Mr John Laidlaw spent the week and with In Geddes. Mr William Ford is home from the O. A C. Guelph. Misses Marie and Margaret GH- mour axe spending Easter " Bungee nine. Misses Beanie Mather and In Byers of Stratford Normal School are spending the holiday attheir respect- ive homes. Boiling mp); this season. The infant Vdaughter of Mr and Mrs Geo. Pfeffer is improving after a severe attack of puelmonlu. We extend our deepest sympathy to the friends, and relatives of lilac Helen Derby who died in Plttabarg and wan buried in Hampden cemet- ery laat week. Congratulations to Mr and In} Wm. Fritz on the arrival of an eleven pound baby boy. . I 10 arid 11 I Mr John McDonald, Sr. attended the tesneral of the late In Hopkirk of Crawlotd on Monday, while the lune any hi. son John attended the tuna] of the lute Sun Orr of Owen Sound. W 839mm. D u/ihnriii,"2 Min lube]! McKillop of Duthun spent the week end with Mr And In Duncan McLean. It and In Tony. Jack cheneid and sitter lay open: Sunday with the Lamb family. line Mary Lamb of Station! Nor. ‘mel School is upending the holiday: " her home hate. She was accom- ied by Mrs E. Letter and non Dudley of Stratford. [Rocky and Elsie Ledinghn of Dttr. lnm lpeut Itaater with their cousin, Ill-en lube]! and In, leQuutie. [in Junie Smith of Toronto - the holiday with her mother, In J. W. Smith. Mus Burnett of Hanover in a vittit. or TIP hee uncle, I: John Lyn. BENTINCK COUNCIL ' be laidpyer (EELS; bl"... tt " rr.. ;:"'-5 00 HAMPDEN q Hetie, C syrup in out for . -Beri, 3“. Jack. SE FORMALIN i, Beli's "but; fibre Moth Bags is. McBETH of . Special prices in i1trss ton lots. Club togethm' and get your feed at oarioad prices. Br IH-Janet erlhllll, Minuet Webber, Jessie Marshall, Mature: Marshall. Jr IU-Eleanor Mush-ll. Hazel Mountain. Albert Smallunn. Florence Mar-hall. Jr ll-Wilbert Petty. Melville Wet- wn. Edgar Marlee. Melville Petty. I and mixed feed of all Irina which we are selling at close prices in any quantity. Jr 1v-rMargaret Watson. Norman Marshall. Ronald Smith. Merle Morice, Carlyle Smith. We have a goodstock of all kinds of Fwd on hand including: Whole (on. Chopped Com, Whole Screenings Gtoood Sunni-gs, Whole Feed Oats, Chopped Dots, Crushed om. Cracked Corn, Crushed om, (on and Barter, Mixed Poultry Peed, Feed Ont-ea], not Feed, Elm-en Stock Peed, Ground Plas, cts. McBETH "ru"i'i1a1Assr""""r,? . 933293333 i9S:SS.S'e:9:I:a:a.aaaiain4 Ten-Cash . * Be"iraesei0ar" an n 'ttA. . Council ndjoumed to meet u Conn of Reunion on Monde, I 29 It 9 o'clock. ." W Bunt,tsorntnitue......... I 60 chk J u Chiuiok. m gun-tar... 100 00 Birr. A C McDanlld. school no. g oo, .PI at mesa-reeves; eeeeeseesss‘t no; ‘9' l“Ill-S. Limited Headquarters for Feed --Matret Sharp. Mum sLaun,l S s NO I. NORMANBY Beg gs' Store, LiL We ply Highest Market Price Mllverton Jewel Flour. 98 lit sacks. . . . . . Pine Tree Flour. pure Manitoba hard. . . . . Great Vahe File Tree ad iiihertaasrg sd Nice fresh Bananas or P. & G. for . . . . ..'. .r.-.T'.T."" N iceloose Seedless Raisins, sultanas, 1 3 nice large t.irm Snider’s Tomato Soup u; L.u.u.lur ............... .....1 it) N iceloose Seedless Raisins, sultanas. 2 lbs. .,"po 3 nice large tine Snider's Tomato Soup, reg. 25catin............................ Jul, 10 lb pails ‘Edwardsburg' Golden Syrup for tableusefor.... ..'o.........., c" Black Teafor ........o. J.C..r.."."." 3 large tins Red Salmon and it's good for. 4 large tins Pink Salmon. quality good. . . . 14 bars an! tytyt--rCornfort, Sunlight, Gold We carry Five Roses Flour. Cream of the West Flam r Purity Flour, Ogilvio Roan Household Flour 100 lb sacks Best Granulated Sugar. . ., 14 lbs Best Granulated Sugar for. . . . . . 14 lbs Beat Brown Sugar for. . . . . . .. One of_ytbtsft values in the "ore-e Cheap Groceries Cheap Flours Guilty! Guilty! Spring Necessities In all sizes for Suits, Fur Cents " on load". In, J " Chittiek. Clerk. ROY MILLS, Limited W We are going to be found guilty this week by our customers for selling Touatoes Cori "iii,, "ai,it'" 2 tin. Ilk 2 tin: for m 2 lbs. for 35; Mott, Apple Leaf Keep the smut IVE] from Soil" Bruin by using our Forming}; Guaranteed 40 per cent. I 50 {at Smallman _ No Town Dolivety I'd-thud» No 4, Night \I Pr.-mnne. Mtohall,gessie 12.x Chill. Howard Marsh-ll. Elgm Prtiy, R. I. Cuwcll. teacher, Write torYree trial to 'ieir.im, tOI'O. " Calhoun St. Toronto. The 12-;ch is niméieTinexpen- oi". may taken and harming. orktumuia,sciatica, Lumbagot Rheumatism , Templeton’s Rheumatic Capsules Your main will svpply you. SOLD BY S. MCBETH Cheap sugars APRIL 20, 1922 1. Furs. etc. Pl ONE so L. Claire Morice, Otto Dutch Sens ' lbs. and Eggs ......6.95 90....1.0(J .... L00 . .315 . 3.95 . 1.00 . 1.00 .. soc oc Fore IN soluble than cr Kl AP the Tr', Jig! din tun he th:

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