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Durham Review (1897), 20 Apr 1922, p. 6

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o!ikdis'4 fit “i t iilfitl"2' 'tiQiii"'iiiiii'i'i, w i... a; TiiGi as" 'aeqded " the m- Li urirai; ii", m t';d,'p'pArcnt2its 25.3%“!- a Ar . a. - mm number nine wire run through the upper hem. This kept them from hearing and thy could be canin slip. ped buck and forth on the wire. Ore an! of the veranda we cumin“) " "tterttOidriiiori';"i'i'."Tthoe'.' and was bated with ”on: and] and " the 'eel-tra. The We won damned dun and below with iii) white-cum My; a hm we covered t). “or; a can. and the 2'tt,eteefri.ciii"iiini"% g-a-e-ec--., _..- -, - um um man on the wire. Ore an! of the veranda we cumin“) " "tterttOidriiiori';"i'i'."Tthoe'.' and was mu with new... and! 'Pedbrthoeeet-ted “New; 1r.1rrated.eeGiiuiiiiTi'tTTdr. l odered the use of my home, which. {or several reasons, was very nicely mited to our plans. It bu a veranda without railings. amending the full width of the house and u the right] light from the ground for the stage. As it is not wide month, we borrow, od some native lumber from a neigh- bor and built a large sage extending out in front of the v-Inda. We used no cult-ins at the front or around the “In; instead, " the I has of the st.” and in: at the from of the "tank In - --- event, V-..-........., wanted to give some plays. Them its no building suitabk- for such a "you so it had to be m outdoor, - The rolling stone Dom. He hens. shipment of which, as a Price to the faction to tt I. plenty of clean litter tape only Pcree,'airr ne rat'rer twice a day at le summer months. Keep Is dry and ccol a New Itetair, an dirty, smal can for home use and t ngu'arly as posmble. should not be Ilka-ed to lock outside of the bre In] even'during the bre it is better to In“. "wt, th Poultry number Answer: I am unab.'e to get much information on wild rice. Like other, rice of course it grows in low and wet; was” and produces a comparatively} large yield for such granml. Wild rice is a troublesmno weed whore other rice is grown. It sheds its seed Jef/l anl if once it becomes extablishedl in a rice field it is very difficult to grow high grade rice at a later date. However, for your purpose there is rrally no danger " far as I can ihtd,l, out. Possibly it would be well for you l to fan: ordinary rice. A seeds'menl: shmxid be able to direct you to a , a xrn-o of supply. t l'. D.: Would buckwheat middling: 1 be a good feed for ma during the t summer while on gram? Would iili --- W. F... I am thinking 0 mule mum-1km". I want to pl wild rice in a three-acre PI It" Rrow here. Tho pond is l II. to three months in the In wild rice a noxious weed? can I get the and? The Dominion Poultry H on the following time]: nltry keepers: Keep Lin and well ventilated. 1 houses up tight to Kee rm, but open up the " p them healthy. Have ta. But so arranged tha not roost on them: an: you" people of our The Keeping of Poultry Answer: I believe the beat you an do with this land is to sow it to bar- ley crrl at the same time seed it to . nnxture of timothy 4 poundn, red top 3 pounds and awake clover l your"1 [my new. This (’3'ng until )3 difficult to handle, but the two gnu-93 url clover which I, have re- rnmnended all do well on a 952th sour soil, and clover and barley are H mparativeir shallow rooted. Do not use more than I bushel and a hnlt of Why prr acre. You should at I m - “a-.. - "I. lost pro! on it for several years all! tseeded to Answer: Bu June and timothy, but do not get I be used in a good stand. Part in sandy and part Henry in his I thy. “190” it be. Fetter to seed with and Feeding" Jails for a catch? “4"" -----4- sq ,-,..- .-..... m. - " an acknowledged 44.3593 , q 'tag E "thortty on all subject. ”mlnlng to coll. and an”. . P. «a IE Adana tttt quantum. to Prof-nor Hoary a. Bell. ln fil e "iill , can " The WIlun Publlulllng Company, leltod. Tonn- E', 4%., .. w, 'd .3 -lo. 3nd new". wlll amu- ln ml. column In the "do! li q - 3;; - ti,, In whlcn they on realm. Whon writing loudly man. M " m " “on w- up". A. one. so llvnltul ll I. uvlublo when , 7 r M! lmmdlau reply 1. 'ree-y that a sump-d and ul- , " Th' . can“ cnvclopo be "cloud with the question, when 'lt " Bgii' " the answer will be mailed direct. 1u'illllrF . Copyright by Wilson r‘lbllahln: Co.. Litttited Subscriber: l have a few at?“ be better to add corn meal to the that f failed to xet "eded. " over- buckwheat middling-7 Mow much lows in the spring so I do not dare to should one feed to produce milk It; put fan wheat in. l have sowed “myth. an... amino q CONDUCTED " PROP. HENRY u. IILL Tho on.“ u this Commas»: I. to plac- " tho on- who of our hm radon the advice of on ”knowing“ authority on a" MIDI-m un-I-ln- " --.., _ during the breeding season er to mate only the best. of This should permit the of infertile eggs at all times, a rule, will mun o better 0 producer and better satis~ the consumer. ' "In-ins at the front “in; Mad, It the 'tee and Just at the veranda, we M cur- "" hWe-s’iud sheen} the breeding aa; How We sriilirir"iri"i; Is. I want to plant soul; 1 three-acre pond if it P. The pond .53 dry from am thinking tf raising cften gathers to a nest etrgs, Ind at least during the keep the eggs in place as Possible. small or (rm-km) By Louise E. Brandon m; see tha an in the wry Husbandman timely advice to keep the houses N? tts possible. ll or cmcked ship others as The ma)" run wit community . Do not shut eep the hens south side to ve plenty " hat the mil e that there‘ Do male 9 I th the ne "m! . was: min' in": -dfortheegrorti ofthe M33900- oh. New along the front of the them all from “tom rented from the batter, batteries we olaeed " mu.» Lrrl the mowing sdiniGrl'l,2',c,?if.'e olutr brother. my Lid {.70 I Ufa? he had on direct 'i'p"pfi?2tiC1ri,1t,ir',',erg' are of the Ionggst as well I“ ’1»?qu Ber.t Scrap Versus ékim- the gum]: mtgsthpro§penous reigns in 'yiik..ror Em: Pruduetion: Commerei 1 V. 4 Th3: t If kmg‘dom_of "hh/ Fer-dire Stuffs: "s-o. . . , _ a. . , . w ielt watt right. The tpi:- . P] y.' Fertilizers for Flow- Hebrew word for right seems ori in ..“1L :nntu, Vegetables, Small Fruits ally to have meant “Straight” Tgh - ',".:'y,rLpar1.c:;.Li:rt of Publications; out. Ps. Ili,? speaks of "pathi 01" right?' ".'f'f lor Dairying and the Marketing )usness -r-1rtraight Paths-and Jesus! yt Pun-y Produce; Swine Husbandry! 5:93:25 12lr'gigttr way which leads m ‘anada (3rd li . . ' . mg gate, Matt. 7: 14. Ht)“; to Use 1ir'irL'ili.),i,N,,; Why and the'mght of the Lord. Jud ed tr,',', P ,. . . . , Crop Rotation; The God 3 standard Uzziah did tr y otato, Its Cultivation and Varieties: right in his early ea 1 what was Seed Treatment for Smut.. The C , V. 5. He son by m. u ( tttlof the C . . ' on.. God n . g t God. To tseekh M, G . orn Borer; The Control T ' IS a frequent term in the Old A"J,'.'s,t,?t,y.ty, Beautiful Homes elstament. It may mean: (I) to con.. 1m ow the Farmer may Make Them I 'eltefiofat,ITir..h Esme who ordinarily 1 '! l . to see ' . A , ----+----. Prayer and wor'ship; (3) “2132‘?" . pound of sulphur and a quarter- etrott to obey his will and to pr ice ' "run), of pulverized sanding and... 9. r.ith.teop, life. The diva-Hm. no" -"---. reign was y..rriiiiiiieici.7.' ’l Dominion Agricultural V 1-3 "att I 'il1'l"22, 3 Publications. "Jehovah is my st'rength.” In 2 Besides the reports of the divisions 15:1. he “failed by‘pnothm‘ and experimental farms, stations and fifizr,‘,a}§i$t’eilhy’2:::imJevhoi’al: Isuii-<tati0n5 of the Dominion Experi- C' . . . ' , .tt.,.' . ' "c'..,, , _ . to infer that he was chosen In inn-nun Faiths tiyslem, the Publiea. popular aeelamation rather th lion?' i3mn~n of the Department,ot hereditary Tight; he may hav , mirnunx'o at Ottawa announces that placed an older brother. Fifty a! isi'iethi,- on the following subieet.lsdiGc, one of the longest as “ way be had on direct application; Bee) one of the most Prryrerjous teh, Diet:icss; Beef Scrap versus iiiii.Vi'i', annalmslof thy. kingdom of . milk for Eerr Prnmreti,,,,. I‘m-m” . . ‘creehn running through. Would it be tl,Gre' to dig several ditches into it, to 'idnin same. then plow it up and sow Vents with clover the same wring? i Answer: You would do well to dig '; some open drains to carry off the Lur- l face 'vitter of this land. Following jthli. as soon as the land will plow, 'have it worked and seeded to Red Top grase. Red Top grass grows in damp ilocations where ‘he soil is pour. It iyiclds heavily and makes hay of fair ’quality. Under the conditions you describe I doubt if it would be pos- sible to get a good stand of clover, since clover requires well drained soil. You will be able to get Red Top from any good seedsman who will c give you full instructions as to the g quantity of seed per acre. are two igii 'y',,,8,,r.C,'.i,i'c'i-, tt Itil' w, a v "-Y. "kN n. In J, "_f'ti"'iei'/j" "tIR, on». T f ". "‘ " not 'st., 023?; A??? Ui mon- 3§: 's'iii;1j.'-4._i's "r, Jt Biii t, ‘7': fy." j,f5' F . _ C ek.. C “7* IE l " r“ (y Mr own tit,', motif»; Ing. in: V. 16. His heart hm m, an m f.or Mont. m. the _ mm” ' The human ) . go. mm rite rg2,'g, ' peo- “Mod to pe on: he; Nun. 16:40). " IO. ul- been wa- lifted up. m rm wand, wt and cell-onl- ikient. In. the temple to ban tn. uke. 1heuriikkGt' magnum. ",,e,t.iitty1iPiiiefurii"7fi1Ut"lu' and“ to perform it (see Ex. 30:1- 10; Num. 16:40). Uzidl'c 'mttated “.5“ ".8 I. U: V. 3. "Jehovah i , 15:1 he i: I Mariah, w ' help." Sixt to infer th popular ac hereditary placed an n] ,__..~, "'"6. “naval: IS my strength." In 2 Kings, V. 18. J ’1521 he is called by another Pame/formed by Azariah, which means, "Jehovah is my] substances help." Sixteen years old. V. 1 leads us and evenin to infer that he was chosen king _brlswiei odor popular aeelamatien rather than bylcularly ple hereditary right; he mav haw Au, um» " APRIL ---- Uzziah’s Pride and Punishme nt Golden Text-pri Time-Bi'. 790-749. van I.'rate--aerusaini. tier I Lesson Fioreword--goash was auc- him eeeded by Amaziah (see 2 Kings 14: V 1-20; 2 Chron. eh. 25), and he, in turn, sud by Uzzgah. Ivyziah was one of tho 'Nm ,, vaulull “a: 0114 l{goat brilliant kings of Judah: ign was VOW Dmsnornna Thi; . It occasionally happens when suf- 2"'icr,f;rrza- fleient minfotxernerri has not been PM.” m Pigs. used that a concrete tank will crack, Inasmuch as paralysis in Pitts is either through the freezing of water; presumed to be due to some lack in or by uneven settling. These cracks nutrition, it has been suggested that may often be repaired by using a rich milk and carrots which are well sup- cement and Plastering over the cracks plied with vitamine B. he added to the until they are well filled. ration. Experimental work along this ',7,rci.Tr,..t-,rrrr, ' line has given remark 'sle results. Every imoortnG “"'“‘ .- --- I A n was very prosperous?” .... l. Uzziah’s Prosperity, 3-5, Q I'.._:AL .. ttr'ieultw ri, Lon Melinda Iatvett Was a most well-mannered l She spoke to every creature The: the might chance to page. She meted all the poultry With little mte.es And bows And nodded to the horses And curtsied to the cows. The butterflies and robin: Responded to her brightness; The surly turkey trobbler Was touched by her politeneu. 'Tia said a solemn mach owl To which she gayly bowed Was so agreeably startled That he really laughed aloud. She stepped outside the pathway For a an.“ 4LAA ---- . . my amt man w Preamreotion, 15-1; Hum}, his hurt I m, etc. This "tItet_t to hi- dBshuetioet. nun, Wu mu: Lad. to Each. 1rflemrtuii"iiiiiG"'G few you, u and inghckani hoohhvebeen'w L"lt,tilttg ll - contain fat with m Btu-tau WM spaity proved his un- "t4evard am The Frienar Rauci' sundiiir"iiiC'if7i'c"i' 111 (see 2 Kings 14: v. 25), and he, in turn, such ah was one of the'Thes rs of Judah, and hisf large N0trtet-e, name R,t.ttrs,lirhiii, " r.. " vs, - _.-, m i: 313 results. Every important issue is - have two trides-the wrong pssdigal father our aide. y follom'ng in- --- well-mannered has; [uneconomic Legumes are his younger tight on the fa Text--. Prov, vanity tion w vas sue- him. ings 14: v. 11 in turn, such I I of the! The Se and his large F, [It Wou 3-5. I with'sta I H 1 II . --eH. T" IT",""'" nave: .. “I? Bunnie, m , "r "" - - my, ttem 1t,'r,tati of 'iiiiiiiiiiiiii,i?iti magma be 'e'Coei2/ll'afielet prim: ','fc'g"t,,td 't an use“: . Y conga . y, p... l'e'ptAp,i, 'etutttlii'/S2, A i,.iiiiiiirit an £3,232; f,','y'k1'lh.'"'t equal the 1'vflrgh"rt C2tteeteiitiaErieii'i%Tl h."u.mthttir the hurt! drai i . . - t,'lgtee, m I know. 1"i'li,','i'g into "I open ditee j'iiieLieiiiis'ic'iiii, "ll'l'lht't', “can, or an." their new“ that they atthbate not momma.“ however, unless theldtpen: I; d tiufmimG will “in em, ttetuorh'iiirilt.o" of I main dmin is " . I N)? am“ the, m tr whieh ig "7 mmlr true." “but i no mrtlet t?e8tiee. mum. the futon in our the farm, mix“: indhaegtmd it; tee" than a... “noun- In mom tteida. Thos-asa" of magazine articles have been with: ahrrittteidiG line. A, keen dinner of men wrote rfeerttlr, “So-am nomads men In the m] "ue-L-su" --- ' .,, - tltty, was overwhelmed with I tense of his mmibility and spent many mien. dam in prayer. Then he sent in a vuy deu- Mud and aid to him, "If you qrtNItr think that this posi- tion is ”new Menace in me; if ,',,','lue..euttirytiiroriipiiiirr' 1et,tAttttotimc1Toi7ee.'r; That rally out man no druid lest, like 1rmiak, his but might be lifted up to hi destruction. Lead: to Feist-During the In: few you. u put my "m-" book. have been 'rrittenhrhieh gen- ' and}! contain 1mm 'St,": tat l MN m or no mg, ve', . . . I tgt,?geafi9iiifiiijii mgugs fielb.l haw -..-..... was wrom. {he i,n,lpriests were quite within their right: Ii in restraining him. His anger was un- ie reasonable. Censer. Before the exile n-Ithe censer was simply a pan or shovel "Ot which the incense was mixed with F live coals; after the exile tho incense lslwas burned on the golden altar and Is the censer was used to carry coals n from the great altar to the altar of y incense. The leprosy . . rose up. a The unqualified man who meddled with! sacred duties was frequently stricken k on the spot. i a v. 20. They thrust him out. Thai - nun-um " - '4" ,_.....w w a leper, a person who was, No part of the investment in a tile- 1Giiiii'ir"ei' f?er.emonjally unclean. drainage system will yield bigger rc- would defile the temple. "He entercdlturns than the time and money in- lL' E priest Md he. left " a leper." vested in a careful study of these fac- r, V. 21. f,,"ttl,t m JI t"e'ilree'ysegit,. tors. No two farms present the same iiT2"a'e","nott 35mg}; disease (s): ttttg: pgoblem in g"? et,it,i,'; the ancient East. To prevent con- may .ean '1?l?.eiftls,e 'cient tuga'on, the leper was required to live plan of drainage for snm?” ftrm, an isolated life. Uzziah may have may be an extravagant, inefficient ttP,, allowed to remain in his palace blan fnr Run-mu- r-w .. - [If A .-- A _Q . l V. 20. They thrust him out. The presence of a leper, a person who was considered f?er.emonjally unclean. would defile the temple. "He entered as: e:iestyyadptd, left as a lever." Ni . . '7' -- Wya‘. 51”] Repairing Concrete It occasional!" h-..., and evening on the go sweet odor was suppos cularly pleasing to God, times referred to as prayer. (See Ps. 141:2 y. 19. Uzziph was ”may prompted him to usurp a fune. }tli‘on which did not properly belong to m. v. 17. The priests attempted to stpp, such sacrilege. Fourscore priests. The services of the temple required a, large staff of priests. Valiant men. It wnuld --l..., -9g .. . vanity prompted him tion which did not p1 him. t) 2 Chron. 26: 3, 'ov. 16: 18. a .... .lwlvl’ WITCH”. I This house may be built with a hinged roof to facilitate fulirrg and 1ytiilline. As a guide to determine the sizé of house to build, a ton of finely ground limestone Ieeupiets, twenty cubic feet of Hrmee.--0.E.R. i _ ,,___- w. uumers wmcn he can haul from field to field. This house is placed in the tUld that ia to be limed the next season and dur.. ing the winter or at some other slack time it is filled with a earload tf) lime. When the time for liming comes, the lime is in good condition for, spreading and the time required for, distributing is greatly shortened. “J- " _ n, 9...", use "I! work systematically. Instead of lim- ing a spot here and another one there,', he takes one field r. year and gives it a complete application. If the lime is hauled and put on during the busy! season it consumes so much valuable, time that it is very often neglected.‘ Even distributing lime that has been) stored in the barn on a distant field; is costly at this busy time. This,!, farmer gets around tlis by having an portable lime shelter which consist“. simply of a house on runners which! a he 0,... 5...... c-“ " .. - - awn or a systematic scheme for applying it ia almost necessary. I recently found a farmer who had Ip- parently given this matter some ‘thooght and had succeded in working out a way of handling the job etti-. ciently. , ! First he believes in going at the work systemnimn" 1-4-4 ' - .. -.- ......., "nuns mt sity for the use of lime is Io that tome sort of a systematic o... -__._:_, .. . - V_.. as ”WW. A great many farmers have found the use of lime valuable in crop pm duction. On many farms the neces- "r.. OA_ Al - Burn incense. Incense was by burning certain aromatic 'es. It was offered morning ting on the golden altar; its or was supposed to be partir Jasmin.» h. rs, ' w. 1.11rtahu pm suC" mm was wrath. The quite within their rights , mm Er:, __, - V. -..V.. 11‘1qu tim. His anger was un- Inser. Before the exile simply a pan _or shove; re fertilizer factories farm, with no freight . God. It wad flair. o as a symbol of 141: 2; Res', 8: 3.) Lessirii thisiri;iioi.' to. tad powerful a ONTARIO ARCHIVES _ TORONTO - __.,_...., was on mime or destroye WW. a ton of Things that Make Life Worth While.' "We tho tone occupies! She is a very able speaker, and makes town with ft Braee.-4hE.R. things very plain for the Brancheo. in: elna. W -- The suggestions she gave resuming private hem ate Tanks. Institute work and management IPP, Meaty-eight ens when suf- her capability in this line of work. ing and mo: has not been During the year about $25.00 we: rift'} had Preside: Ink will crack, alized from waste paper. We visited 'Education o. ~zing of Water .three other Branches in the District adian Boys 1 These cracks during the year, and they returned “This yea: y using a, rich the visits and provided the program. even greater ver the cracks At the Girls' Meeting in August we now, having . had a tart-making contest and a prize] time ago, fm - was given for the best. In the fall/ tion througha la is said to at 'Mothers' Meeting] each familrltrict." ‘ong side and M The Seed Grain Purchasing l seed Cram . . . system emplo :er factories COInmuuon, +3 is prove h no freight The Seed Grain Purchasing Corn-Inf the Comm Teeereee=me mission, operated under the Seed,iNovember" la! Branch of the Dominion Departmentiyears of ope Sson of Agrlvulturo, has in the past. fewlsurplus in Mo years handled a tremendous ?1,',ty..l.t.hbank cf pract of seed grain and all without. a charge ----- on public funds. Not only was the It's the ha; seed supplied up to the standard re- eggs. ,5 15.21 quired by the Seed Control Act, butl a , q at a price as low as could possibly be, Milk will r" made without loss. The extent of these doth if it is m , , operations is exemplified by the fact Ulty . PT a fume. that in the last fiscal year revjwstsi ' belong to .--- . . . _ .wem fillort I'm-u ’ required for shortened. built with a] is BO general - “up”. u. u quite - - - “t“...mm 1mm ,','j'!,'let'eftvabus that an investment in " viewpoint of economy. No wideawake dminago of $75 per am on land de- ‘manufacturer who contemplates the voted to the former mny yield bigger building of a factory, will tell his con.. returns than one of $40 per new on tractor to build its foundation before Innd devoted to the latter. he has determined the maximum num- The direction of the aux-{gee and un- ber of Moria it will! ever be called dergmund Vite? Bmr,and the doped upon to support. Similu‘l-y. note fout!tTe crowd are the tutor. that de of mairr.dmin should be batched in termine the bation of the dining. nnyfum 1nltetunuximirriiait' f,,,ttitytttfiiFr.u"u",u'22 will ever be Whopon to axis-y, ha lie-ibis, I",,'?",', the lino of sumac and been determined y a eagefu study “Mann; water-aw, in aedgr to 1f.Peurt'sildiai'i Imstimmeeatd "I'uteeyteraiiiui"iGl.' Mme“ construction of a Mm 1,tttta,tfj.iiiiii7all"A'1tt system, Without human; 1 de4htitrlisoit Atlew1G-iai2'd'C1'l .. m. aU . mfglnl .ro..--Ar, - present of lim- that in the last fiscal ' were filled from provincia cipal bodies, farmers 01 and individuals for more lion bushels of seed oats ser quantities of seed whe barley. By this service, period of the war and sin? mission has served’ to Pl adian agriculture more e: the Prairie Provinces a; shortage of any of the s "We always take advantage of the Departmental speaker in June. TM: ,year Miss" Hopkins spoke on 'Little Things that Make Life Worth While.' ’She is a very able speaker, and makes \things very plain for the Branches. The suggestions she gnu regarding Institute work and management prove her capability in this line of work. During the year about $25.00 was re- alized from waste panem W. u:.:o..: l! cream, and sugar.' .I emlly consists of F sortable papers, " l ...- ......\.. “up. um quwri moo nve ", ‘unv'ubc names. A convenor arranges, down spoons, with Pyrt of their funds. I for a Wm and notifies the lunch,We are endenvoring now by buying is committee. Three ladies who live‘theoe dishes and other things. to spend 1 near the hostess inrpply this, sand- our money in the community, as the iwiches only be served at our reguUr Superintendent -ttr. Thee 'e.t11sttrs. The hostess provides tea, dishes are taken from home to home. ifJtt,'y “d ww- The program gen- the hostess of the lost meeting taking ,emily consists of one or two seu- them to the hostess for the next. "yrnalrle papers, as 'Hot Supper Dishes’ "In December two excellent report: ':itt October, ‘Christmas Gifts', and were given by our delete“: to the 'Menus' for November; March, ‘Poul- Toronto Convention. The Institute try or Chicken Raising,’ ‘Housekeep- was instrumental in having hot lunch Ing Hints,' June, ‘Canning Fruits and sun-ma in three schools. We had an Summer Salads! These. with music, open meeting for the members and resolutions, and a Roll Call, or Quen-I their families on Valentine ruin-M The l tion Drawer, hm“ a“ _--, . (private homes. g (for a 'rrotrmttt a: icommittee. Thr {hear the hostess iwl'ches only be He Imeetin-gs, The h eream, and sugar, farmer is qualified tGGii and experience to do this should by all means engage a. " " ----- " _ - 1 "The Riverside Brunch (Wellington District have I successful Institute yen,” l, secretary. "A numbed: F held - in the year and {the Girls? Meeting in Angus men. bers, me um: Meeting in August, brought! Canadian in about 46 new membm, making a Blind. " total of 114. A steel engraving, ceeds ret; framed, Watt ttiven as a prize to the "A Ro: ttis! who brought in the most new In!» in " {For riomirirriii" dGriiri'irir- " m we 'ru'estment in a tile- system will yield bigger re- m the time and money in- a careful study of these fac- b..., 1-.” steruy .PuraLi-lj, And Then mug mans, and a Roll Cull, Drawer, form the res 'r exemplified by tie fact last fiscal year requests 'om provincial and mum'- regular meetings are held in 1.__A . ' it. In drawing h a mum. all of that intumce it, consideration. 1 tuners organizations, or more than a mil- ted oats and for los- seed wheat and seed ', speaker in June. This opkins spoke on ‘Little lake Life Worth While.' able speaker, and makes Be Sure You Are Right tile-drainage is ABnnchofMany-Sidedm ca, during flu} iaee, the Cons protect Cam, ! especially in against seed! , staple kinds,; the hast few in can. he or work.'ing and most instructive. We also 5.00 was ml had Pnesident Reynolds address us on We visited 'Education and Its Value to the Can- the District adian Boys and Girls.' " returned “This year we are planning to do be program. even greater work, and no waiting August we now, having made application some and a prize] time ago, for Medical School Inspec- In the fall/ tion throughout South Wellington Dis- .ch familyi trict." a way qugntity the ue 31mm on the will, Mango of warrant a closer and a theater . n8 ‘ch seed grain. The soundneu of the system employed from A ttttanew aa- ,;"gt is proved by the balance sheet Corn-for the Commission up to the end of Seed,iNovember" last year, eoverimt tive mentfyears of opetutiom, which shown a four “nun..- ._ a . - is may be pomsililn to savoury mm l, i- eroscsing a neighbor's farm. In thi ease, the two neighbors should co I "eiate and plan a main-drain of we] 0 size and so located that the drain wage requirements of both farms wil il be met. Should rule but a poor outlcl of insufficient depth and size be avail- "able, the planning of a drainage sys- item should be postponed until an ade- ' quate outlet can be obtained. The nature of the soil Ind subsoil is an iMuentiat actor in the design of an adequate ”stem of drainage, and should be awfully studied. This factor determines the depth and fre.. quency of drains, and the minimum grade to which they can be safely laid. Should the subsoil be so compact that [water cannot pass through it, a study of it will reveal that Net, and prevent the waste of time and money in-' volved in trying to dnin it. Another factor to be considered in this connection lo the kind " ---- A With the A few --. GiraiTd','dr, 'tf the up: 3:... 'Pero"'. M u - -e_.- "'"'""eb"h' "P . new form of Christianity. He has a car that is bound in Morocco and rides like a came. He and Min. Morgan ‘take old ladies riding whose husbands died before autos Wete invented. Thai old ladies see things they had missed since the Sunday School picnic back! in 1892. Folks my Ronald gets as] much satisfaction out of it as in ttiv-i intt money to all kinds, of things. I -----, Milk will To cloth if it is am a greater Milan? hay ind grain crops. :I-ALIA .I - It's eggs. years of one” surplus in Mock bank of Dracticn at ”Canadian National Institute for the I Blind. These were sold and the pm- ' ceeds returned to the blind. , "A Home-Made Baking Sale m1 , held in the city, which mam About, $28.00. Tha Institute have “Maud tive dozen cups and - tho tive dozen spoons, with pet of their tuna! (We are enduvorini now by buying éthese dailies and other things, to spend, - - '~""‘ -_ ,._u.um, Pov,uuu. The Inrger a bearing-that ----+----- more surface war which the the ha hen that ht . the distributed-the easier it is u , ppy y cate the bearing eeeetive'.y, ..'.--.- pressure per square inch of e k will remove ink ruins "omi2rtc'inttroiht,efji, “he: I . . r n I , ee if it is applied immediately. metals. We are assuming th a bearing is properly fitted, en ti mid Morgan has thought up I Icad is evenlv di-,,,..." __. - - " I‘L-"~" .. -- 7 of butter or fruit and vegetables to the Children“ Shelter, Guelph. Thou domtiono were valued " $50.00. Two dozen brooms were bought from the, 1tettfotteeteteemtetnrmmd in stock on hand and 'Li- i; practically $50,000. Tile Drain " to be considered in it the kind of mp. to M farm. Truck crop. r their greater value, at spacing of lateral.- resultant investment "ain crops. It in quite t an investment in! d rune but a poor outlct l Job depth and size be avail- oth, wing of a drainage sys- the postponed until in ade- do , to secure one by hor's farm. In this neighbors tshould 5.,ri n main-drain of such, ted that the drain- of both farms wall soundness of the eg, --"'er.- sac that numbering. 'ei: '~“ who out tho the. d or“ . _ i” h m-. "ldiem wtso ot u court. -- - mum o'clock. and Mm {o'clock u m h twenty-one o'clock. " Altman. tt i compullory to use to tuna-humou- ”can for public “on“. an In than». mums, '1"tmestn m.- --‘ " " -_.._. any In many Latin. fheflo- oo‘ntrh. ie divided into Nasty-Mr hum. numbered can- 'eemttmtr hon 1 mm. and ending at I.“ Th four o'etock In the than“ I. alum o'clock. and nine o'cloa u “-u " - Nova think M. M? him aelf Those who run can can testify that when oil in the crank-case and trans- mission is too heavy, the eta-tine is by mighty hard to start on cold morn.. Lis men. We' do n lot of work overcom- o- ine the oil itself. The oil might be :h’too haw to work into the bearings ' and would CttttBe In tmuble agnin. ll An oil that is satisfactory for one it job Is not Just the oil to me for nu- - 30-h... m . Tum-gut Hour Day, The “I day in mam I}: - """'-" I U“. Many mm by eggs, which sur- thtsm in shnpe and coloring: the moat bountiful of binis' eggs. Only they are so tiny that to be Been, and pro. pedy appreciated. they must be view. ed under s Powerful 'tykrospope. The 0:8! Mead by many butter- Mes Ind moths, for tinstanee, are "new“ the most beautiful (hing; ir mum. "___ M“, no work into the bearings Iand would Cttttse us trouble again. I An oil that is satisfactory for one job is not Just the oil to use for on- other. We do not use cup grease on the cream-separator spindle. neither do We put tnmminion oil into the crank-cue of the motor. with: at 5 cation. ed in." 396,453 so to the field wi Mchincry and do A new bearing, even though it has beer. carefully iltted and supplied with oil, is mach harder to lubricate, be- cause it is still very young when com- pared with one that has been “work- ed in." Keeping this in mind, do not go to the field with any new piece of mnchinery and do a heavy day's work nick‘s-.6 ---_. "‘ - wearing it Properly fitted, to that the lead is evenly distributed and not car- ried on one or two high spots. for if that Ls the case the lubricant would work " faster than it could be sup- plied. Egg; Lire ICiiiiii Pots. ww- Increased 'trofit "td.rtrosperity Just as surely as does inmneed prices for farm products. Eliminating the lost motion an far as possible is the best kind of fun manger-tent. I Economy of crop production is in Page measure dependent on economy of man labor. Theme in many ways in which this economy can be effected upon every farm with n little careful study on the part of the farm man- ager. And this is a problem worthy of the most careful study at the present time. A reduction in production costs spell. increased ttroftt anlprosperity Just as surely as does increased prices for farm producta. m;....-..-..-__ A» Oil ing Lime Bearings. The larger tt bearing-that is, 1110 an: ens-6",-.. -_--, .. " - -- -7- ._._.. no" "Imam. This last Mon in "tributabie to a variety of _ some of them un- Vdd-bl'e. but my of them suscepti- bio to ecrreetthm. Lost motion is one of the -test mum- of farm meat and n problem which it mm -- -----, - I them SPe shaped like link MI, with lid and all cont. ten "tenable the familiar as" m ttnd "ncnert the on the and: at certain tum -'-- -- ._ m..." that it would not function properly. The much loot motion" was the ver- nu an old boring whim} which In. long use or poor lubrication had become to loose in nll of its Innings M u _.-..u __ . - . of moth 1.3-3 .n "tt “0". but colored in M Another kind of by the orange“, but- " Sgt We": wicker I! "tentiJri"to' we over which the load is -Ahe easier it is to lubri- bearing effeetive'.s. The " Imam inch of exposed " reduced, it is easier to t oil tilan between the two " __ _ . 'f""yt"e--very tkatte We, fan‘s: ed " many butter. for instance, are beautiful things ir miniature ' at certain .eea mm, they a'" limping that the skin i it out the la te, be- tt com- "work- do not Fmen the umnmz.» .0 Fromm-,- of “NZ;- "Way. In in “no l‘v-x “I. place ol :wxmm Ot Mm tlsere 301) 11 u. owing lo 53:4 We, hair hall r. b to despair: F W", Main-m “hm demand “mm of mam Q. MUN-4110M lower, hunt-mime. m wary demand (“are d “Mm of mural warn u mun-411008 “my - mining opporllu -. 1 their Mum)”; Well to 3" $urcornitioi, I has been my at: t Roan-n bring Them, " - hung» Numuuica Wt their t It do. tult ”Miter w, Purpose Dons It delivers al Mr . s'te.itt, Mr III the In York: " ttos muenblo (all ot a an“ “Ida. Coma: aistritnnod Gr Not In from u Mntso, Is g “ml plm “Wand S'prr “I. It to be f the worm Wh a is mu he ftr Mence. tl: (or eumph- . Wm“: (at of I br, a“! man. l can In a m m tmth mal- Thouet Whm Helm Shtight a, Throug Lite Is :1 I!" In Lito L wt taate II he has not In" that No) butane luau w mended much b never k you ma! biitrte. Ths have Mm w DIM that In - “Then- . I...) genuil an Impl'eusm nus. hi, (I I him as a In“; Every tit qatar, rememu This won Ev'ry ou husband”: rl 01hr that wuhed by I! Ebenezer Br, hide a tortu The can shirt. ttttti, “ample. Troy. new In Me 1 you. was a a was rm lei-l collar! "tgtttttood. Britain boa on of some -ter'rs col collar cram “a direct am bree rum l Tower. one am The word lawn tor II Oily a old has: that “not evldq of “colt-r" 1 the ancient. In; of the " -4 . A Giant is What 'ruth T Advice' DEVGIW not " ttr Ho

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