West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Apr 1922, p. 1

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Hi my; it. B] "m. Ni P. Reid Sr who lake DI W many years been a member of the Town Council and has ever been a champion of temperance and all moral reform. His removal will leave a vacancy in the Counml to be tilled. Mr and Mn Lloyd, and rl;zu.:hter have been valued citizens and mud neighbors, and their deparutrel will be regretted though the town rim ,___-.... “awn-5 on Friday to make their home in Fork River Man. with their son George. The tat. ter conducts a successful billiard parlor and grocery store in that villagand requiring more help has invited his par- emstn make their home with him and go into business Mr Lloyd has for many years been a member of m. 7...... At therlose of her address words 0 apprecxanon were extended to Mist Warnn by Rev. W. H. Smith and these were vndorsed by the audience. .Mismes v. Ualdaelland Jessie Belt contributed a duett duringrhe evening, " bum“; no. we: Rleaz.--Atter being rerdents of Durham for over thirty years.Mr and Mrs James Lloyd and daughter Norma intend leaving on IP-ip, - . _ - Tora L g Durham Branch, Deposit Your Coupons " r, n thai Mona Weste China pre hon flue; vet corr to tin this lo than I ada all r Th Mer Mum“ BACK To Emu-Mr and Mrs Peter Reid Jr. last Friday removed back to their former farm in Egremont. wire-“h they Purchased from her father) Mi.) F.ccles. Theyhve lived in town seven or eight years. hufhis health not being good at inside work at the furnit-l urefactnry, they sold their home near the station and went back to the land. Re urirrs or the "Globe" were interest- edlastweek in noticing the name of R. [ A. Farqrmarsnn BDDeariru, nu---- --‘ " 'th H Gray's brough has be ryd boys at home James and An- I both remain in town. Rob Roy Mm. Limited The "Farm for Sale or Rent" advt. ', the Review last week for Mins lea hem prosperity and com! :w home They have said m Lambton tit to Mr am tsr., and daughter Miss . 'e possession this week end. yd boys at home Jain-- 9"" q 8l.75 to this wee' Run Roy Gnu Pmcrrs--weare pay- ine .73 to m: for 031, Mc to 90C for Bar. ley, "SC to l 00 fo Buckwheat and 81 7r, to 82.00 for Perk“ our Elevator an era Custom chopping every day " Mc. Kuhnie’s Millngurham. Satisfaction guaranteed. Corn, mixed chops, call. and all kinds of '"Nor Isle at current prlres. The best remedy known for Asthma is raz-rnah, for rheumatism etc. is T. R Cs. Both are sold and guaranteed by reliable druggists eyerywhere. Auk S. Maclieth. Stop talkin about yo_ur Take tanlac. Id at Ma Drug Store. --, -. v IVIIIIFI - "- Npal's wrappcMread for sale at Began (citing; (gefziith iii,") e'fi11'pt,ti,i, l.,,,,,,,,,,,,,:",,: onEugenla . ' ". b . at: . . It 1t,t,,e,r,Utid ihtss: "'c per us Pt? Tonic at Macfarla 's Drug Store. be '""e..'Itl.ey on M. 0 I S. w l Y "Irie, for housework., ,el!ingtoncounty Council has guar. Asa result of a can senta l rm?!“ C) Hunter (ll',',,",,',' the bonds ofthetownofPalmer- Sound Utilxtiea Commissio; . pp" tol rs . "C.' " . [trton (ounce: pavements to the extent atives of the various m HousEMaus yig'rtic.Applr to'ot 324.000. ”ma A.. A. - . -- Mr, David Jameson. rham. I my evenirginthe Presbyterian _ a large num'rer ware present to " Miss Warren of Walkerton. , missionary from Wei Whei, Hanan. China and at present lurlnugh. She isa pleasing and maker. and in an attractive way d the great need for workers in er populated country. North whilein area is no larger than Ontario, has 8 000 000 ofpeople- tself has ai)tnnnn mul- --‘ 11 Schenk, butcher. me i may BACK m FARM-Mr and Mrs! Reid Jr. last Friday removed; to their former farm in Egremont. t they Purchased from her father! R VOL. XLV, NO ' 17 sq5iiC--s) - magi Saving: Departments an Victory Bond coupon. will metal without charge. I... the interest from your i "Standard". ' _ -.' -. Persona I of Chorus t may purchased from her fatherf.rf."us. and Owen’Sou " best vorces. First Tenor- G. .Flcming W. Savage tales. Therhave lived in townfw'." eive.the entire p '.an.1 Dont L. A. Duncan. co.nd Tenor-J. M. Wight years, hut'his health noting: ::¥:§Jh£3 Ad ston 50cts. Christie, G. Duno n, D Huhbard,C L. od at inside work atthe turnip,I y ore. v Vlnwyclr First titr---.J. C. Telford, J, 'O', they sold their home near CLOTHING NEEDED-Any on inclined! L. Yule, E L Irelan , H E Pembroke, D. um and went hack to the land. to assist the Children's Shelter, Owen B. Patterson. Seton Baas --J GMcKay rc ofthe "Globe" wereinterest- SOund- by gifts of second hand clothing.!T D Bell, R. Wallac , G McGregor, D. "A, in noticing the name of R. 3:11"!!! very much needed, are 1otifityil, R. Dobie Progr' m .-,.,H t t , . _ at contributionsma be wen to the : . 't_')"')':';:)',)-:',")':)';",','::,",',:,':, lExecutive. or leftat raise (gun's storev I. March ot the Guar .... "..... Gerbel l, t i " . Orpheus M le Chorus A "is vowrintz the west at lopper Town or at the home of Mrs " Song-A Wreck ont eTide of Time. H-, fur a, the mast to get first Slserk,Lower Town. -. G Mch r ..Lange ”1% mm of thr. Crop outlook We are in receipt ofa birth card lastl3 Sketch Jinn; '.... .. J9BPatterson _ 1,7»: areanmng from timel week from North Dakota, 'y""""IfingH.song-The Magic of opr Eyes..Penn , ’illv'<x)'1per and 1h readers in I the arrival of Bonnie De Light, on April, D, Hubbar l ,t up] perm? them with more! l lth. daughter of Mr and Mrs Everett 5. The Bill of Fare .. _.. Zolliner - V ' _ ' , . w , . . .l Ornhpne Mal ru-.., " inure-w. ceelng that theyiSmith Jr. Mrs Smith was formerhv nth-"mnuf‘Pwhin ,. “ . . -- WHEN you cut the coupons from your Victory Bonds or other securities. the logical place to put them is into your savings account. a) acre farm south of tan,,! t anumher of enquiries and it;' an leased for three years to Mr i "uenk, butcher. 1TNNp,Nii')2. BANK cu, . . - John Kelly, Branch, also at PtieevitU and WiliinmahmL or an?“ - u , " ASSFTS OVER ElGHTY-THRFE MILLIONS of Mr and Mrs the town vim Id comfort inf Robin goupona will I); DPIC§ bout yoyr troubles. Jd at Macfarlane', j The Red Crop Society will ) -.Mr and Mrs J one of the best toncerts ever] ’jday removed; Durham hall, next hursday. N tin Egremont. ; when the Orpheus Pr Cho mm her father) i"y."uend Owen’Sou " best “Wed in townfw'." give.the entire p {th his health not! this: hearing pe. Ad ston _ at the furnit-I' I 'y at Variety Store. . fir home near CLOTHING NaEDms--Any on I} to the land. to assist the Children's Shelter, were interest-[sound by gifts of second hand ch he name of R. which is very much needed, are n row-ran art- that contributions may be given Western Can, Executive. or leftat Miss flor,'c, Jessie, . The their Mins Jean THE investment cg". _V ..-. unatllllllU" m r! Nigeria, Africa, safelv. Since arriving ”she has been very busy attending to pa- ' tients who have come to their compound I with badly diseased feet and limbs. She ' says "a poor woman whileout cutting, _ wood had a branch fall on her foot.I breaking it at the ankle. They iii) liorEd. to come out to the place where ishe had dragged her self. Poor thing! [you would have felt sorry for her with her foot dangling halfoff. We did :our I best to cleanse it and got the bone inside {the flesh. then we got boards and ii),') (splints and bandaged it firmly." Mrs. Rice is also teaching five to ten scholars] daily. Her sewing machine and gratna. phone and records have also comeig through safely, and the latter theh Pertrorovides much amusement-to the il natives Quint-inn! At nll in nuined " nll out btanchel and received for deposit or cue-sh- Smith Jr. Mrs Smith Amba Fredricksen. dough Durham girl, Alice Johns; daughter of the late Wm town. l' The rham Branch Women's Im 'stitute will old their annual meeting on , Thursday, 4t May at the home of Mrs Thos. Header at 2. 30 p. m. Mrs W. H. Smith will con ibute a paper at this meeting. , Rev W H Burgess of Walkerton. toccupied the pu!pit of Durham Presby ttrian Church on Sunday last, and thei following morning left from here to at- lend a Synod meeting in London. Rev. W. H. Smith had charge of the Walker- ton servxces. ' 1 week. n. awn: zamac and a willyoui! you . _ 0 f r1921 char ed tryit. Selma! Macfarlab‘ Drug Store. tht'etic2"bt'2igi'e8, 'tuf,),',,',',!':', C' Ground com '35 00 per ton, sack: in. the Hydro.Etectrie Ccmminsion of Out. eluded. Whole mm '32.00 per ton with. bestirred them to action. The Owen outsacksat l . und Commission decided to ask the Rott Roy Mills, Durham l Siovincial body fora detailed statement I The rham Branch Women's 1tiiii'e' any move " made to settle ii) stitute will old their annual meeting on I bills and sent outinvitatiuns to call thin Thursday, 4t May at the home of Mrs l ,7 A Th... ”-44, "Itisone medicin tha claimed torn." Tho an it abouttanlac and s tryit. Sold at Mactartad , An automobile factory will be located in Collingwood if the town will guarant- tee bonds to the ttttttt of “COIN. Some guarantee ! L.U> f Cart Fort 8hrm.--C' " !model 490. in Al condit l f Noble's garage Satyrday ne more interest in tho m: 'antite. They sent tut to the place where her self. Poor thing. felt sorry for her with halfofr. We did :our and got the bone inside got boards and made i 169 I. o. o. P. will er ice in a body next Apr 30 in the Presby, All I al brethren are Ht tirmly." Mrs. five to ten scholars Iachine and gratna. have also come the latter instru- amusement" to the iiiiClitt iiiiitlttlig, . " Thtksands in}: m aha Mrs Everett Smith was formerly daughter ofa former Johnston and grand. concerts ever held in! (tvursday. May 411).; an: Mare Chorus, l7 tsouhtrs best voices. tire p ram Dont n. Ad 'sion 50cts. . i, Pat does all that's Johnston of "rrolet touring, kn, Enquire i J. C. Telford a former b in Durham and Chesley is the OWen Sound Baseball I Telford is a good all-round mighty white fellow, exco left of his hair, and it is n nor black.-Che- Rm..- present I The Wednesday afternoon half-holiday for Durham stores commences next I Wednesday, May 3rd, continuing till end of August, unless on a weak in which a public holiday occurs. Let all remember an half-day. and no disappointments will result. Mr Arthur Innes has severed partner- ship with his brother Hugh in the round- ry business, here and has opened up a new foundry in the old McFarlane shop at top of Durham hill. The Durham chestra will hold a dance in the Tomi all on Friday even- ing of this week, Apr: ‘Sth. Admission gents, or per couple " All are wel- come. Hanover Juniors are grouped with Dundalk and Shelburne, and Hanover Juveniles and Hanover midgets each get a bye. Arthur. Mt. Forest, Harriuton and Listowel comprise Group 6, all practic- ally new teams in Intermehiate ranks. I In the preliminary draft of O. A. L. A. lgroupings Durham is placed in Inter- , mediate District No. 5, along with Wittg- i))',,',';'.," Paisley. Tara and Southampton' HVith Hanover and Owen Sound both 'dropping out of Intermediate ranks the season it necessitated Durham being grouped much farther Meld. Wingham one of last year’s opponent. is 42 miles distant, Tara abput " Paisley 32 and Southampton 50, othere areno short runs. 1:5. Song--The Ringers .. ... M. Christie H. Heroes and Gentlemen . Orpheus Male Chat 3 God Save the King\ 13. Song-Tie 9. Song-Mother Ca're; ii Boatmen) ..... . .., J. L. Yule; 10. Sketch-Fiction and Fa D. B. Patterson 11. Song-A Red, Red Rose G. D Fleming 12. Comrades in A'rmn Lacrosse Groupings Drafted said l. Marchol theGuir -... '..... Orpheus M le Chorus 2. Song-A Wreck on t e Tide ol G Mche r _ I The high lu" con under the auspices 0 Society Thurm- y May by the followin prugra by Owen Sound sfbust your seats marki iat ot Store. . _ Orpheus Mal%0horus Solo-Lovely War H E. Pembro " Zon ophone Solo-r Sel+ted L. A. Duncan Admiral Tom .. . --- I P.rograrirorpitens Club Concert tJurhamTdwn "all, May 4th - fl. - -uuuuu statement belore any move " made to settle the bills and sent outinvitatiuns to call this meetvng to fully disc use the Eugenia system. and enquire into the manner it is being managed and conducted. Sound Basebglileague. 'nmrades in A'rms -.. Orpheus Male Ch served by the Eugenia Hydro system (iii, likely meet in Durham on Monday, ay 15th. Several places have now ac- /cepted the invitation and suggestions are being received as to the character that the meeting should take It is expected a program will bedraited this week. Chesley Enierprise As a result ofa call sent out by Owen I which Sound Utihties Commission, represent- son. atives of the varicus municipalities Tan] served by the Eugenia "Mm -ras... '--" Will meet in Durham to Discuss Hydro Matters --%------. Orpheus Malé tio/d Personnl former bank manager "we; "I Durham to Discuss Rev. Mr and Mrs Hardy are in Lon. don this week Mr Hardy attending the Hydro Matters General Synod. ------- n . alpalltles on Eugenia system will Ploughmg In progress everywhere this be represented on May kth week and no doubt seeding will soon be. ------- gin. There has bean ample moisture‘I ‘result ofa call sent out by Owen which will, all hope, ensure a good Sta-l Ulilyfinn Cr,..-..-, I suated Durham being done. trtheraiieid. Wingham The t opponent. is 42 miles the L out " Paisley 32 and Waite L o there are no short his de seoail League. Jack I-round sport and a Y, excepting what's lit is neither white lags concert being given [spices of the" Red Cross h y May 4th, is evidenced liprugrar'n to be rendered §bcst vocalists. Get at once at the Variety President of M _-V....... nun- AIL - of the timber that will be produced. ' Drafted Sweden and other European countries are financially realizing already from re- ): o, A. L. A, forested areas. Too many Canadians of red in Inter the last generation looked on a tree " an gwith Wing- enemy tobe got rid of. That day l tuthampton past and one may hope that for two or, Sound both three weeks now wherever there is af , ranks um chance to "to stick ina tree" it will be: rham lining drum s told by the .. 't Keel DURHAM THURSDAY APRIL 27, l922 US Hastings Hastings Peskett Nevin 'ai," (31:31; The next rctgular meeting 0 to “k the! Presbytuy will be held in Dr, Istatement summer can” pt Wilder', settle the] June Emu” A William“ was to call this to arrange for a Prsurbytrsrial a Eugenia I Cont.)9(%tlon Wm? this mew” manna it! Presbytery meeting. Lohr Examination, for Stationary and Hoisting Engineers' Certificate, will be conducted at the Reid Hotel, Hanover, May 6th, l022, at an. m Those desir- ous of obtaining su ceftifimtes should appear for examines“ on this date., Mr Porter, Examiner. \ l Any piece of ch“ at Macfarlane’a Dr Hertz-ln Kitcheneron Th 20th to Mr and Mrs R. H! Tony), a daughter. Losue, In Egremont on. Tht 20th to Mr and Mrs Her Mary McQueen), a dang! Margaret ) _ucNiLU..r'At Edge Hill on April 26th to Mr and Mrs Nally, a son. MAeDzRsuD.-ro Mr and h MacDermid, Priceville on daughter (Evelyn Mae.) CORNWlTH-In Hamilton on 1922,tto Mr and Mrs Wm. (nee Jean Taylor,) a son. ms deathbed "Aye be stickinnin a tree, Jock, it will be growing when ye're deid." There was wisdom in the advice of the Laird of Dumbiedykes. one of Sir Walter Scott’s characters to his son on his deathbed "Ave be stir-bin t.. .. .,, of Reforestation is one of the great needs of Ontario at this day. Not only for the conservation of moisture in the soil but actually far the annual market value nf a“. .=_L - We shall watch with keeneiTntrriG/st f this development. It has not only aesthetic interest but will have a com- mercial value by-and-bye. even though the promoter may not live to see it It will however, we are sure be one of the pleasures of his later years to watch its development l ,___. Mrs Lorne Robertson of Stratrhx Dr. JamtesonMakes aPractlcal move Spent a day this week with At," let/rt',': " ------- Mrs Munroe and sister, rs night, We are delighted to learn that Dr Yrs Robertson having just Peturned ', . 's- . rum adelightful three months trip to / .Jarnjtson ty WWW?" about 250 acres) urope,when she visited her late father's In North Egremont m and near where! irthplace in Scotland, France, Rome the McLean saw mill uIed to operate.l gym and many historic Places lye, intends to have itfenced to allow" Mr Chas _C. Ramage who as just l nature to have her way with the growth ,Lompleted Ins year l Dent?) .(follege. at resent xi . titrordnto, m. return ome rt ay and i) ‘d etIstmg. b'ttt purposes to plan l'rommehce Monday next as teacher at on un er upent advice same thousar,dr S S. No 12, Egremont tor two months. of butternut and other trees of commcr- ’Miss Florence Renwick, the present cial value. There are streams r nnin ' {teacher not being in good health 11 ' l. through it,and while the Dr. has nrpi=m::~-'-~~'~~v “~44 hope of equalling Jack Miner,he believes %%= a kind of sanctuarv of mum 1.1.. .mu -- " I . The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian church held their April meeting. Mrs Andrew Derby, Pres. in the chair. Mist t1 Eliza Calder gave the bible reading, Mrs IJno. Smith gave an instinctive paper I that showed great research. Mrs Mac- ;llraith gave an account of the graduationI Ed the Deaconeeses, held in Dr Pigeons) ichurch, Miss Mary Mcllraith being,) lone. The ladies are giving threeI f truhscript'ons of the Missionary Messrn ( (ge, distributing them through the conm ’nregation gratis, so as to swell the tij) .ofthe Missionary Messengtr and also l to re-awaken interest among the ladies 1 thus helping to carry on the great work I of missions. Nome to Engineers WeNndSpecian With I Tanlac is splendid tonic for puny frail. delicat children It is purely vegetable and mains no minerals or opiates. Sold §\Macfarlane's Drug {Stow /Ld Church Guild will hold I: Bazaar 0 Saturday. May 6th in the! rooms behi d McBelh's Drug Store} Sale of fancy ds, home-made baking, I also refreshme a Bazaar nnpn: at a! At Edge Hill on Wednesday 0. u- -A . . - --To Mr and Mrs John D ' Priceville on April 23, I ‘....-.-- .., _ Re . FoieEtation which is Incorporated the BORN nt on. Thursday, April Mrs Herb Love (nee ', a daughter. (Mary and Mrs Aibeiiiicl up to $2.50 for 81.79 I Store. . uul. wmnavea com. and-bye, even though rnot live to see it It are sure be one of the ter years to watch its Thursday April Here (nee Reta thh April, Cornwith. TORONTO Mr .1th A. Darling of Simcoe, is holidaying with his son Clarence and daughter, Mr, Geo Gaguon. .. Miss Norma Lloyd Eel: Tuesday morn- ing for Toronto where she will visit hep sister for a few days before leaving for the west. l Miss M. Raynor of Southampton was a visitor " Dr D. B. Jamieson's over Meinesday night. Sheis the pianist of the Raynor orchestra tram that town, and assisted materially in entertainirg a large number of guests that evening at the above home hone N 0’s -'--V rw‘V vv uc USCG. 1 you in longer, life and better performance already suffered from this cause, let your be."never again." THAT a Ford will stand anything i on the remarkable performance of under the most adverse conditions. I Ford will not stand-the “(in of “ma.“ Give Your Ford a Square Deal Holstein Lender Never permit a fake part to be used , G, I-.., Is:- . - Remain. DURHAM, HOLSTEIN; T MT. FOREST a) 20 62 SMITH BROS. GENUINE FORD PARTS FOR SALE HERE We use Genuine Ford Parts exclusively. and make npointol keeping for your inspection the old parts that we remove ouauu anymmg is a popular belief based 3 performance of Ford Cars and Trucks 'tre conditions. But there is one thing a the use of spurious parts. SAVE BEFORE roll SPENB normance. If your car has i. let your motto from now on -""""'----===e I!!!“ Wok" II £2.00. v... in jay...“ Sum, 82.5051; advance. Raunzx . AON Let your Bank first concern It will um";- tl later years. Your Fora will repay Account I 121nm stiAt To United

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