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Durham Review (1897), 11 May 1922, p. 1

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Stenography Ad ind ZENUS CLARE 3 to g T ont ion IIs nt 7 wing Allen P3 C e { 4 K1 1922 Durham Branch, _ . OWP ons unintithhdotindihvich k is23 d1 P‘CP@iation. ine business side of the quickly as possible under chloroform and meeting was of interest in that the his condition was critical for a time. Institute vored $25 to the improvement Saturday he was taken to Mt. Forest of the library and $25 to the Durham Hospital where an xâ€"ray examination Amusement Co., for the rink funds, Tevealed the left shoulder blade crushed Election of officers was also on the pro. 38 well. It has been set in a heavy cast gram and this resulted in all the former 3NG Since Monday, Ore! is brighter, and officers reâ€"election. ‘This stands as folâ€" AD!€ .to sit up and converse freely, lows ; Pres.â€"Mrs S. Patterson ; â€" Ist He regrets missing school and Jure Vice Pres.â€"Mrs Sherk : 2nd Vice Pres. ©*ams, this term, as it will be some weeks â€"Mrs C. Ramage , Secy Treasâ€"Miss Y°t before he can get around. W. Blyth ; District Directorsâ€"Mrs W.! Mr Noble the driver of the car causing Glass, Mrs Knisley, Miss W. Blyth ; the collison. deeply regrets the injury, Program Com.â€"â€"Mrs Thos. E. Brown, and states he never saw the buggy ahead | Mrs (Rev) Cole, Mrs J. Burgsss ; Audâ€" of him, turaing in somewhat to pass an | torsâ€"Misses Annie Smith, Eliza Pat. approaching car. The buggy bexonztdl erson. _ A tasty lunch was served by to Bryson Morlock and was pretty badly he hostess at the close. wrecked. I Axxuar MEEtNG or Instirutsâ€" Durham Branch Women‘s Institute held Alicir annual meeting at the home of Mrs Theos. Henderson and a large number of ladies were present. Mrs (Rev) W. H. Smith contributed a splendid paper on "Social Service and Moral Reform" and which showed much thought in its preparation. The business side of the meeting was of interest in that the Institute vored $25 to the improvement of the library and $25 to the Durham Amusement Co., for the rink funds,. Klection Of OfBCEKS WBS 2100 mm bhw .2 For Saueâ€"R&frigerator, oak library table, oak bedroo® set, oak buffet, oak arm chair upholster®d with leather, also writing desk with slo top suitable & for placing on table and tÂ¥ iron garden °83â€" Allin first class condiÂ¥on. Apply to Mrs A. W. H. LauderNDurham. Broxt® SHwourprr Buaps.â€"Mrs Dillane, mother of Mrs R. Moorhead, suffered a severe injury on Monday evening, at the latter‘s home. She had been bathing her feet, and getting up, slipped on the floor, breaking her shouldâ€" er blade in the fall. It has been set in a cast and the patient is being taken to Mt. Forest today, Wednesday, for Xâ€"ray examination â€" Being an elderly lady, recovery will be somewhat slow from the unfortunate mishap but we trust it will be sure. F THIS bank provides special facilities for the sale and purchase of Government and other bonds. Investors are invited to consult our local manager, a . who will be pleased to arrange any such transactions. Bonds Phone 76 % A public meeting of allinterested in the Children‘s Aid Society will be held in the Methodist Church on Thursday of this week at 8 p. m., when Supt.. A. E. Trout of Owen Sound will be present and speak. All are welcome. THs Prizs Trovur.â€"Ferguson‘s dam at the Rocky was lowered in depth on Wednesday of last week when Doura‘d Clark landed a tweo pound speckled beauty measuring 18 inches. This is the: largest this seasqp reported to date. [ Ron Rov GRAINX RRicEsâ€"Weare payâ€" Ing 55 to 6M¢c for Oats 5c to 90¢ for Barâ€" ley, 95c to 1.00 for kwheat and $1.75 to $2.00 for Peas X our Elevator this week 4 The stombach regulates the condition of the blood akd is the fountain head of health or disease. Get your stomach right by taking t@nlac. Sold at Macâ€" farlane‘s Drug Sto â€" VOL. XLV, NO 19 Custom c ing every day at Mc Kechnie‘s Mills, rham. Satisfaction guaranteed. Corn, %mixed chops, oats, and all kinds of feed sale at current prices. The Ladies® Aid of the Baptist church will hold a sale home made baking. with lunch, at thÂ¥&home of Mrs Geo. | Thompson on SaturdiÂ¥y, May 13th in the alternoon. Ground corM§g35.00 perton, sacks in cluded. Whole coMgq $32.00 per ton withâ€" out sacksat e o O COET COs Eo Tewar 106 if cups and sakcors for S ns [ houmatisnr, Lumbago, Neuritis, etc. leaf cups and sakgers for $1.39.â€" Th"arelold by S MacBeth. Variety Store. : 3 d ,‘ Owen Sound‘s population for 1922 is Is your appetite fded ? Myour diâ€" 12,360, an increase of 347. There were gestion poor ? If so “""_‘ is What you ;;q births and 88 deaths the past year. need. Sold at Macfarlane‘s Drug%tore. . Jeearena Conity L8 This Week‘s ia‘lâ€"} dozen clover leaf cups and saKgcers for $1.39.â€" The| Variety Store. C | i i 4 ~ * : Eui.k M 170n t let that mRerable tired feeling & » Mr Gordon Gun, Weston, .is visiting /0, k l?}.‘.’ habd m become a habit. GetÂ¥id of it toâ€"day by Egremm F armer relatives here this week. %” oplcs‘- g,k.::gs.fr‘zm' _ Sold Macfarlane‘s Me oaan a Ended hisme 'MAI:AM WSci;ntI;fic Pal;niat,‘ » % now at room 4, aug ouse, for a Neal‘gwrapped ‘BrBed for sale at Beggs‘| Logsy_tp DuNam last month, a solid o s short tims only. Wester eed ogts, 2c per bus. at ‘ gold ladies‘ wrist au;h. Sulxtable reâ€" As Res“" of Worr Â¥, Robt. Mc. Mrs C. L. Grant a few days ago had a Rob Roy Milb® lward fm"t r;gogery. mgor will please! Micken, turns gun on himself ,slight stroke of paralysis. . Latest inforâ€" | irs | l°ave at Robt. Burnet tore. s i it i = d down stairs ; T o e n . s mation tells of improvement and it is \ To REN; § ?:wnfi':ezoog locality, ’ Two good reliable remedies which Startling was the news which raP!dIY Isincerely hoped . she may be restcred to j Aa' ]’f'a[ ?his otlice: guarantee .results are RAZâ€"MAH for| spread on Monday, that Robt McMicken ormal health and usefulnes. ( PDpFY s !Asthma and Bronchitis, and T R.Cs for | a WeHâ€"knowr, and Ln 2213 _ "aâ€"__"_"UlTHEn This \Veek'sÂ¥pocm!â€"§ dozen clover|""" S es (Oiphnitaiiniathcin ts waichd 1. css e Z2 Hawmmaâ€"a&® ° |Decome a habit. GeMid of it toâ€"day by %fi oplcsfi taking . tanlac. Sold Macfarlane‘s Drug Store. Neal‘gwrapped BrBed for sale at Beggs‘| Lost_In DJ am last month, a solid WesterfGeed ogts, 62c per bus. at| gold ladies‘ wrist \watch. Suitable re-l Rob Roy Mill® ‘W!td for recovary Â¥Binl sstmogs . TOTAL * KE ‘:_.0‘ zol>0O1 X":‘_e_al 's‘eraxiped Bried STANDARD BANK L ASSETS OVBR'EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS ch, « ~. « John Kelly, Manqa. Branchs also at Priceville and Wiliamsford, MINNNNNNNipememmmmmmmmmmenees...... .. Rob Roy MillX%Limited Mills, THE Tel Micintyre, the 15 year old son of Mr and Mrs H. D. McIntyre, sustained serious injuries in a collison last Thursâ€" day night, but is fortunately now on the mend. He was riding in ar open buggy with Melvin Ryan (who was driving) and they were proceeding north on ‘ main street in front of Kinnee‘s harness shop, when a large Mel anehin an. ... | Injured When Car f _ DeatH or W.P. TELFIRD. â€" Owen h Sound and North Grey mourn sincerely . the death of Mr. W. P. Telford, eidest _ brother of the late J. P. Telford and _ fither of J. C Telford, both so well _ known in Durham. The deceased was . 87 years of age and the best years of a I long life were spent in service to bis town '[, and community. â€" He as a Liberal repâ€" | resented North Grey in the Commons ‘ for a term and was prominent on the f management of several societies and . corporations. Presbyterian in faith, he was a pillar of his church and a staunch adherent and supporter of every moral f movement. . The press of Owen Sound, | | | clergy and all classes of citizens, unite in / C praise of the public spirit he showed and f the many virtues he possessed. The} ; memory of such a life is an inspiration | ; and with the sorrow of separation is's mingled thankfulness that he was soiong } y spared as an example of a worthy citi-’ zen. Orel Mcintyre, the â€"_CuRLIRG In 1923 ?â€"They do things in time out Winnipeg way. Ata meetâ€" asout 10 days ago the Manitoba Curling Asso‘n elected officers for the winter of 1922â€"23, It was the Annual meeting and our old friend, Jas A. Hunter: was elected first Vice President and will be‘ beard from at the bonspiel in 1923. . | Hanover Council have 5000 gallon tank car of 5 pbalt oil, to be applied t thoroughfare. It was 1 in Hanover. Te of $99,139 Don‘t let th'at nNrable tired feeling B C IPat imyk total assessment shows a decrease Metinnne e c cccesccmmcace Che BQurhad Crashed into Buggy * reuable remedies which] Startling was the news which esults are RAZâ€"MAH for| spread on Monday, that Robt Mc Bronchitis, and T R.Cs for | a wellâ€"known and energetic farm , Lumbago, Neuritis, etc. | of Varney. h&d taken his awa 1: 6 « W. P. Telford, eidest late J. P. Telford and Telford, both so well m. The deceased was ind the best years of a applied to their mai}l It was reeded badly 50% liquid asâ€" purchased a ulfrips 2 205 37â€" _ _ C CSCDCe / Of â€"J.â€" C, Telford, president of the Chorus, who owing to the death of his father that afternoon was unable to come. . Lyaj] Ireland who modelled in Durham some ten years ago, was one of the vocalists. Foliowing the concert the ladies of the local Red Cross Society under whose auspices it was given, entertained the ’derus and the lady friends who came with them, to a lunch in the lower hall, after which the young people enjoyed a dance upstairs. The visitors were most appreciative of the social entertainment provided by the ladies The Orpheus Chorusare assured of a big hcouse on any future visit here. out. The inimitable D. B. Patterson, was , again on deck with new skits and sketches ,which brought down the house. _ A wonderful effort was his "M anagstol" in iwhich he sang all four parts, soprano ; ‘ ia!to.. tenor, bass, and quite effectively too. J. L. Yule, wellâ€"known and an old ’ favorite here, supplied a fine solo as also did Messrs G. McGregor, H. E. Pemâ€" broke and D. Hubbard, the latier a new star here. G. D. Fleming in "A Red, Red Rose" was at his best, and he is one of Western Ontario‘s leading tenors. Mel. Christie, a splendid baritone, was also enjoyed in "the ringers" which conâ€" tained hits on local men. Variety was Jent by the grand zonophone solos by L. A. Duncan and the audience would have appreciated more of his nimble music No small part of the success of the Chorus is due to Miss Helen Fleming whoraccompanied most capably through mut . |' The Orpheus Male Chorus,: Owen Sound‘s premier musical organization ldchghted a good house with their proâ€" | gram last Thursday evening. _ They | came seventeen strong conducted by Mr 'Geo. Oberle, who has forty years experâ€". ience as a chorus leader, and weare safe in stating no finer chorus work has ever been heard in Durham The time and harmony were excéllent, and with preâ€" cise enunciation their words could be readily heard Perhaps their most popular choral number was ‘"The Bill of Fare" a humorous takeâ€"off of a waitâ€" er‘s sing song. The ""‘March of the Guards‘‘ and ‘Admiral Tom" were also productive of perfect blending of voices, with volume well under control Orpheus Chorus was â€"~] About 26 years ago he wedded Miss s | Jennie Reid, who survives him with their :Iflve children, al} grownâ€"up ; Elmer of | Toronto, (Eva) Mrs Van Slyke of Durâ€" | ham : (Ruby), Mrs Swanston of Egreâ€" mont, Bessie and Cecil at bome. His aged mother and one sister, Mrs Dan McAuliffe also reside in Durham. Three | other sisters are living, Mrs Willizams of Tisdale, Sask. : Mrs Kinsie of Chitham and Mrs Henry of Shallow Lake, while two are deceased. Three brothers also survive him, David in Sault Ste. Marie ; Wm. in Toronto and John in Michigan. The deceased man and his daughter ] Ruby were bosom companions, and he ; deeply missed her presence in the home I since her marriage last summer. Interâ€" t ment took place on Wednesday to Mapleâ€" t wood Cemetery. regretted tbe abcence ‘horus work has ever ham The time and éllent, and with preâ€" heir words could be Perhaps their most a Musical Treat DURHAM, THURSDAY MAY 11 Tenders will be Meceived by the underâ€" signed up to 6 p. m\of May 20th for the purchase of the ol library building. Highest or any tendd pot necessarily accented . Addrace :2XILL%â€" NS T McGowanâ€"In Durham on May 6, 1922 to Mr and Mrs W. R. McGowan the gift of a daughter, (Laura McKenzie.) CaLowELtâ€"In Normanby on Wednesâ€" day, May 10th, to Mr and Mrs Harry Caldwell, a son. Beautiful flowers spoke love and symâ€" pathy. _ The pall bearers were ; T. G. and A. W. H. Lauder, J. W. Blyth, Thos McAllister, S. P. Saunders, Ab. Noble. tInterment took place in Durham cemeâ€" ery. There was a large attendance at the funeral on Wednesday, old neighbors from north and south of town mingled with Durham friends to show respect to the memory of deceased. The reâ€" mains were taken to the Presbyterian church and Rev. W.H. Smith gave a com{orting discourse frcm Daniel 2 : 22, ‘ ‘"He knoweth what is in the darkness," Earthly clouds are lifted when we reaâ€" lize that God knoweth. Even in the dark valley He will be there to comfort and sustain. Jesus knew the cross was | coming, we don‘t, but God knows. The child has no fear while it‘s hands are in it‘s fathers. So likewise we should go hand in hand with God. Him we mourn had his clouds but God knew them and sustained him. â€" Darkness may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morn. 1 ing. I Mrs Lewis, Mrs Robertson, Stratford and Mr Will Buchan, Dunnville were up for the funeral, which took place yesterâ€" day from the Presbyterian Church of which deceased was a member. Those who knew "Willie" Lauder best appreciatedhim most. He bhad a warm hearted kindly disposition, was a neighâ€" bor tried and true, and a worthy citizen in every respect. _ His children are Allister whodied overâ€" seas : Cameron in town, at whose home hedied : Dell, Mrs Dr. Lewis, Toronto ; Winnie, Mrs Ab. Noble, Durham ; Blanche, Mrs Geo. Harbottle at the Sault. Three sisters are also among the mourners ; Mrs Buchan, Bayfield : Mrs Wilson, Lorraine, Ohio ; Mrs Munro of] Durhsm. * Deceased was born on the Lavder farm north of town (where Mr J. W. Mcâ€" Kechnie is now,) and grew to manhood there. He married LydiaCameronabout 31 years ago and lived with her ten happy years at Innisfail Alta., when death overtook her and left him with a‘ family of five young children â€" Quite a number have not forgotten the hercic| action of the bereaved husband when he , determined to, and did bring his children home to Ontario. He lived near Varney till about 12 years ago and has been in town since. ‘ On Monday last there passed to rest Wm G. Lauder after a weeksprostration from a stroke of paralysis. He was i his 66th year,. ) Reports of trouble in the commercial end of the U. F. O., ranks came from Sullivan township whcre it is reported there exists a debt of over n ne thousand dollars which the members will have to pay costing about $90 each, If this be the case there will likely be an inâ€" ves‘igation for such a deficit must surely result from careless or inefficient manâ€" agement. Monday last before Police Magistrate ’Cxeasor, Mr T. H. Jackson was up for examination and after various testiâ€" monies had been gven, his case was t ansferred to the assizes at Owen Sour d on the 15th of June. Bail of $2000 was taken for his appearance there when the unbappy situation will be further' traversed. VWith which is incorporated the Te Death of Wm. G. Lauder Wanted TORONTO _ Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Rozel, Hanover, announce the engagement of their daughâ€" ter, Gertrude Maude, to Gerald A Poole of London. the marriage to take place quietly in May. _ The bride to be is a niece of Mrs R. A. Richara.c. °. ,"®!® or fop ) 7 _ 7aro who has been a visâ€" itor for a year back, among her relatives in Glenelg and Egremont, the Hamiltons and Hunters‘, lc ft Wednesday to return to her fathasas ml." ~CTC°Cdy 1 & Miss Christine McDonald, daughter of Irs Duncan McDonald, Upper Town, left Tue:day to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs Davies of Lethbricge Alberta. I Messrs Todd and Kennedy of Owen Sound, and Messrs Christie and Simpâ€" son of Hamilton, have been here on a fishing party with W. E. Clark and his visitors. ’ Dr. J. G. Crant, D. D. G. M. of the Masonic Order, paid an official visit to :Shelburno lodgelast Friday accompanied | by Bros. E D. McClocklin, John Morâ€" rison and John W also visited Owen nd Todge, Wednesâ€" day of this week, with three cars of local masons. | Messrs Todd and Kennedy of Owen Sound, 3BOMEASSIEChristia 2s q un Phone No‘s. If it is a question of money care of that. Our monfl)ly I moderate and can be graduated 1 purse. You will buy a Ford e Why not TOâ€"DAY 2 session Wby deny yourself for another day the p]easure and convenience that come with posâ€" caca:A“ At _ D 1 A Why Not Toâ€"day ? Holstein Leader , 1922 marrilage to tal-i_e'pi;c‘; The bride to be is a A. Richardson of town. Revien. Baird, in North DURHAM, HOLSTEIN, Chassis....$445 Runabout ... $515 Coupe *# + e e 840 sedan.‘.......930 Starting and Electric Lighting on Chassis & Open Models $85 extra. Standard Equipment on Closed Models, All prices F.0.B. Ford,Ont SMITH BROS. Touring.......... t. Uur monthly payments are ind can be graduated to meet your You will buy a Ford eventually __ TOâ€"DAY 2 ord ? Durham Branch : 3. A. Rowland SAVE BEFORE YOU sPEXD # i n en mmonnet us > Pabl/ished Weekly at $2.00 avear in advence To United .. States, $2.50 in advance. GC. BAMAGE &â€"80N, Porissness Let your Bank Account be yorr first concern, . It will more then rcpzy you in later years, THE ROVAL BAXNK OF CANADA A Savings Department at every branch of t t en we will take , Manager

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