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Durham Review (1897), 11 May 1922, p. 4

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10 For 1§¢ © Cigaretfes 10 eomef Garde nTools, Garden Seeds â€" Lawn Mowers, Lawn Hose We are Headquarters for Fishing Tackle. Puritan Oil Stoves Florence Autoâ€" matic Oil Cook Stoves in color to suit theVShoes C Nomool 4 With every pair of Men‘s Oxfords sold on §aturday' May 13th, we will give away FREE a pair of Lisle Hose im susiriw hx mcshe L _ Pax The Cash Shoe Store DURHAM, â€" ont. A large assortment of Screen Doors Special Offer for Saturday Only We have a fine selection in all the | Black and Brown. â€" Below we are quotir; Men‘s Brown Calf Oxfords, latest Men‘s Brown Calf Oxfords, # Men‘s Black Calf Oxfords, t69 s Men ! Macfarlane‘s ross & Sutherland Hardware Co., Limited, Durham CROSS & SUTHERLAND HARDWARE CO ont. J. S. McIlLRAITH Call and see these Stoves on demonstraâ€" tion when you can choose for yourself. Have you bought your Spring Oxfords yet ? 1 in all the latest styles of we are quotirg a few prices st......$7.00 +»«+«« : 090 cssies CKGO in at two, three and four burners. Store | Window Screens and Wire Cloth, all widths â€"Notice is hereby given that fishing is prohibited on lots 80, 51, 52, 53 and 56, on the 3rd Con. E. G. R. and on lot 10 of the 3rd Con. N. D.R., Glenelg, How long do you think the public would remember to ask for certain famous products if their makers ceased advertising ? A full year without newsâ€" paper advertising would result in such a setâ€"back that it would take years to catch up with their former popularity‘ with the public again. Now we have the beautifully illustâ€" rated advertisment representing a small fortune in drawings, engravings, .etc., before it reabhes the composing room of the paper. } Advertising has done sotne traveling | since that farâ€"off day. It has passed through many phases. Mr Frank , Presbrey says ; "Coming up from the cireus lots and patent medicine fields, a rather awkward, unethical, loud talkâ€" ing youth, in illâ€"fitting clothes, it had’ little enougb, at first beyond endless energy to recommend it, and its recepâ€" tion among business men was a cool one. Gradually it got down to work and began to study." | _ Newspaper advertising as we know it fil largely a product of the twentieth century, although I think the first anâ€" | nouncement in a newspaper that could rightly be called an advertisement | appeared in May, 1622â€"it advertised a book called "The Divine Right â€" of 'f Church Gavernment, " written by sunâ€" | dry eminent ministers in the city of London. But the first paid announceâ€" | ment, I believe, appeared in September | 1658, and was for the then new product, tea. Itread ; ‘"That excellent and by all physitians approved China drink, called by the Chineans Toha by other nations Tay, alias Tee, is sold at the Sultaness Head a cophee house in Sweetings Rents, by the Royal Exchange, London.‘" \ Fishing â€" Prohibited Perfection Oil Stoves A Modern Romance Re Advertising By Miss M. Penne!l Wu. Weir, John Newell Walter Ball. PC! u0e B "CC° V any kender The Company guarantee to attend to | cepted. * caretaking of any plot for year 1922 for Ww. 31._.:1:,.d Hon::t’i'?k}:;; wi;:inghplou kept , Deputy Mir in order y Robt. Matthews, careâ€" | Department of Public taker, Allan Bell or W. S. Hunter, . epartment of Public TORONTO Notice to Plot Holders Material for work .. CÂ¥*%+ ¢ . w Garden Party expenses Church Improvements . iX *4 Parsonage Improvements .. Tea and Cream for school fair Belasce. ..:... ... 000. _0 \Report of Ladies‘ Aid, Baptist | Church, Mulock Hous ;+2: 5e 3244 ns "“ Received from garden parties RECEIPTS Received from members fees **____** work and dona. From time organized April 6th to April 13, 1922 No. of mes | In spite of occasional lapses, Canâ€" | ada appears to have recovered from | the depression of the early winter and to be in a better position as far as her purchasing power is concerned That is no reason, however, why she should relax her vigilance over her resources or countenance extrayâ€" agant purchases abroad. aavance of approximately 12} per fcent in the price of domestic raw ; wool. _ Meanwhile consumption is } keeping fally abreast of production, and for some grades the demand is | becoming firm. There appears to be |Jastification ftor the hope that the | price of wool is becoming more stable. | Canada‘s foreign trade in March amounted to $14C,000,000, an inâ€" | crease of $38,886, 144 over February | and $41,610,939 over January of this | year. | | . _\ . 3 £, 7 " 2 PrOVINCE8, are still far ’f from being satistactory, the demand | on the part of farmers for shortâ€"term | credit and mortgage loacs is not as | insistent as at the close of last year | and the requests for seed grain loans | from the government or the municiâ€" [ palities are much less namerous than anticipated. _ The improvement is fdne to the rise in prices of farm proâ€" ducts ; for instance, No. 1 Northern Wheat (Fort William basis) sold on April 15 at $1.45§ per bushel as comâ€" pared with $1.07; in January last. ‘The adyance is substantial, and the expectation of lower freight rates, lower prices forthe articles the farm. aw mast wes L2003 1 __ Altbough commerci throughout Canads, and in the prairie provinces, from being satistactory, on the part of farmers fo credit and mortgage loa insistgnt as at the close A morthly commercial letter issued by she Canadian Sank of Commerce bas a hopefual ring «bout it that gives rise to optimism. The cfferings ot cattle for January, February and March however are considerable beâ€" low the same montbs of 1921, but hogs bhave jamped up over 60000 over 1921. Sheepand calves exee pt at Toronto have beld their own and a litcle more.â€" The number of basiâ€" ness lailures have been decreasing week by week, though they are still abovse 1921. We quote a tew para graphs ; | _ Durham‘s No 1 Int. team which was grouped with Wingham, found that team hostile also to Durham company. â€" The Durhams themseives didn‘t fancy a double echedule with Wingham, as the games would berather oneâ€"sided, so they are now better pleaged with their new grouping with Fergus, Shelburne and Orangeville, which wiil give them speedy company and better games and gates. All are good lacrosse towns, and the district winner should go a long way in the semiâ€"finals. 1 &0 O CECCB CTSRMHUIE, They now desire grouping with Wingâ€" ham, Kincardine and Southampton, and this may be arranged, though Southampâ€" ton wants a double schedule with Kinâ€" cardine only, | A. L. A. had the door shut in their face at the schedule meeting in Mt Forest last Thureday night, The other three | Leams,â€"Arthur, Mt Forest and Harrisâ€" | ton were almost a unit in refusing to | play with: Durham in the district. as with | Durham‘s lacrosse reputation, they fearâ€" | ed they wouldn‘t have much of a sho )J. H Harding, R. L. Saunders and G. S, | Burnett were Durham delegates, and even after explaining that Durham‘s second team, the "Bluebirds" was nearâ€" ly all Juniors and Juveniles, with no outside boys, they would not admit Durham. â€" Lorne Smith of Mt. Forest, the convenor, was agreeable as was also a Harriston man. There were three delegates from each town, and on a vote being taken to accept Durham‘s entry, these two and the three Durham deleâ€"| gates voted in favor, while the three Arthur and two each from Harriston | and Mt Forest, voted against. â€" Thus it /, was a 7â€"5turndown, and Durham Biueâ€" 11 birds must seek a grouping elsewhere. P w68 w EXPENDITURE I?urham'! second tumm the Int 0\ Mrs Aird, Preo'iae;t Mrs Fulton, Secretary held,â€"3» Business Reviving They Shut Durhkam Out .Dlll’lllllrl Cemetery Total commercial pay ments _A pTli bin, 1929 No. of meetings Total ’503 68 , and particularly > $ 35 Â¥*%+ <$t +«.. 361 ts.. 67 THE DUBHAM REVIEW $503 68 $ 83 oo 120 4n 300 28 6 93 c6 76 28 05 | _A marked cheque fh LIto the Minister ot Highways, Ontario IP‘DY'S bid bond" for must be attached t Guaranty Company‘s 50 per cent of the am will be furnished" by contract is signed. Al made out on Departme west or any tender nc cepted. wih io Tee / Concrete Abutih Contract No 675 and Glenelg. Contract No. 676 mont and No Plans, specific bidders, tender fo opes may be ob Friday, May 12th, the undersigned, or Resident Engineer I Toronto, Mag; 2;6 50 acres o[}a re with in Gienelg, 6 Mles fr ALSO FOR SALE w milchcow due to freshÂ¥y sc int O.\Ilot of seeding eir face Amany in this lo Forest The Womah‘ * thr.e * |iheir monthly }?artw rs G, Boyd : wing 10 splendid pa; as with y Mrs Jack V y fearâ€" oyed by all pro tmhot? will be helo on l *Ws | Mess PFrallnaiea The weather has been so favourâ€" able forthe spring work that the farmers will soon finish seeding. Miss Margaret McKenzie and her pupils held Arbor Day last Friday, when the usual clearirg vp rnd planting was done Mr and Mrs Dagald Clark motored to Chatsworth en the first of last week and brought their friend, Miss Pierce home with them. She will visit for some time day Pasture tgq Rent for S:ason ‘ it ifnltnadromintialitadeint Arisid Biss +4 * Mr Alex and Mrs Wm. Sharp of Hampden, and Mrs Philip, who is at present visiting at the Sharp home with Miss Burgess, attended service at Knox last Sunday. Mrs And. Marshall of town visited lastweek with her brother, Ailbert. Inspector Wright, Hanover visited the schsols in this locality last week and found things going well. â€",_Knox Sunday School reâ€"opened Sunday May 7#th with Mr Don. Mc Ilvride as Supterintendent. The Women‘s Missionary meeting was held on Wednesday at the home of Mrs Bert Watson. M The Misses Margaret and Esther Petty and Mr Arthur Petty spent last Sunday at Mr Allan Wise‘s, Allan Park. Quite a number of young men on this line have treated themseives to new buggies. Mrand Mrs Sam Koenig of the 18th con., spent Sunday evening at the Morice home. Mr and Mrs Jas, Rden of Egremont and Mr Wm. Chapman of Calgary, whois visiting friends in Egremont visited with Mrs Jas, Ferguson, seâ€" cently. After spending two or three months with her sister, Mrs G. Boyd and other friends here, Mr Jas Young, left for the west this week. Miss Jean’Clatk celebrated her birthâ€" day by inviting about a dozeh of her little playmates and they all had a real jolly time. Mr Joe Davison is w;;kinvg in town at the crushing plant. Mre C. Havens ot Durham spent a few days with her sister, Mrs Jas. Miller, Mrs â€"Albert Middleton and Master Bert spent Saturday at the old home with Mrs J. Caswell and enjoyed a while fishing the speckled beauties. Mrs D. McQuarrie and ber brother. Mr A. McCormick spent a day recently with Mr and Mrs L. McLean. * splendid paper on Honan was given y Mrs Jack Vessie and was much enâ€" oyed by all present. The next meeting will be helo Gn June 7th at the home of Mrg Donald Stewart. Mr Bert Taylor of Toronto spent the week end with the Thompson family. Mrs Taylor fiter spending a couple of weeks with her parents returned home with him on Monday. NORTHâ€"EAST NORMANBY We are having splendid weather, a t of seeding has been done but not any in this locality have finished yet. The Womah‘s Missionary Society held eir monthly meeting at the home of ts G, Boyd with a good attendance. ROCKY SAUGEEN ABERDEEN § th spring water, from â€" Durham., wellâ€"bred, good soon. Apply to John A. Graham Upper town +£ __ ROB ROY MiILLs, Special prices in five ton lots. ( and get your feed at carload prices We have a good stock of all kinds of Feed on hand including : Whole Corn, Chopped Corn, Whole Screenings Ground Screenings, Whole Feed Oats, Chopped Oats, Crushed Oats, Cracked Corn, Crushed Oats, Corn and Bariey, Mixed Poultry Feed, Feed Oatmeal, Oat Feed Clansmen Stock Feed, Ground Fiax and mixed feed of all kinds which we are selling at close prices in any quantity. Terms Cash ° Business H »urs 8 am to 5 ) n MONNT maniwaett***cs>>>> (©.00 a m 3.15 p m Ly MOUNT!‘OREST.......... 7 38 a m 3.51 p m Ly PALMERSTON »**++* ++++++ 8.:28 a m 4.23 p m Ly FERGUS +***** s»»++>s.+»~+ 9.15a m 5.05 p m Ar;QUEpPH carr*> sss+++ »»>++>> 9.45 a m 5.36 p m Ar BRANTFORD ... +++++>.. 100 p m 8.35 p m Ar_HAMILTON. ....!....}1!.. _1 00 p m _8 30 p m Ar ‘TOROETG .....; ... ~ +++>+â€" 11.10 a m 7.40 p m Returningâ€"Leave Toronto 6 50 a m. and 5.02 p m. Parlor Buffet car Palmerston to Toronto on morning train a Guelph to Toronto on evening train, For full particulars apply to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents. W. CALDE ©, Town Agent, Central Drug Store, Telephone No. GRAND TRUNK Railway System MrClifford Whiteford has gone to Burgessyille to assist Mr. D. Gilâ€" mour., Headquarters for Feed The Women‘s Missionary meeting will be held in the basementof the churchfon Thursday afternoon. Mr Joe Mclutee has engaged with Mr Alex Sharp for the summer months. Beggs‘ Store, Durham Miss Kate Bradley of Toronto, atâ€" tended churck last Sunday with Mrs Alex Herd. of any of these Feeds. Get our prices. We have everything in the line of Hog Chop. We pay Highest Market Price for Butter and Eggs PHONE 50 _ Mr and Mrs Mrs Nichol of Battleâ€" ford, Sask., landed in this neighborâ€" hood last week, the guests of Mr and Mrs Hugh Fulton. Mr. Nichol came east to attend the Engineer‘s Convention in Toronto. | ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Mrs Archibald of is visiti with her daughter mu s Fl’“-l‘, for a few weeks. * Milverton Jewel Elour, 98 Ib sacks............ . .3.75 Pine Tree Flour, pure Manitoba hard.... ... ... . . 3.95 MILL FEED Pine Tree Flour Purity Flour Five Roses Flour Cream of the West Flour Ogilvie‘s Royal Household Milverton Jewel Flour _ _ When you use flour of good quality, milled by the best mills and the very finest wheat of Western Canatla bought to make them, you are buying the best money can buy. It‘s a tonic for the cook, the whole family is satisfied with good bread and everybody healthy. Wheat Shorts Wheat Bran Oil Cake Oyster Shells Flax Seed Laying Mash Lv. DURKHAM Good Health i::fiash l Oat Chop Special Prices on Ton L« lMPRONV__lD TRAIN SERVICE OREST ........!, STON :%%.:» a».0.. Ap â€"â€":â€"~.â€" Daily except 5 No Town Delivery l"clo:nhaae day No 4, Night s1 Sunday 7.05 a m 7 38 a m 8.:28 a m 9.15 a m 9.45 a m Elmwood M‘J.lmmein May 29 Glen Eden Ward May 30 Meetings, except at Ayton, will be held at 2.30 p m. and to be addressed by Nrs Boyes of Lefroy, Ont. See bills for subjects of topics. Oatmeal Feed Chopped Corn W hole Corn Chopped Screenings MILL FEED Limited Wohnen‘s Institute Meetings Clnb together MAY 1!, 19223 3.15 p m 3.51 p m 4.23 p m 5.05 p m 5.36 p m and rty «s. MCJ $3 % 44 w FORMA MeFarlane and he sceq since the ope tendance a, Mrs R. Mo ~g»p _ ing for sever sprained wr Ray MeLo Archibald F\ Froton, last Dr Melnry again after ness. ‘ If you h such high in Industrial Provincial viel Lc s *‘ _ Sp Vict Excellent Keep: follow Shop W D- C MCL‘ the Kneeh:t~) but th Belil‘s . Lochie | on Wed:es operated u lz{':rhne W . The bee epread to t are clothe« )C De Sco containg | rachitic abundan ideal way liver oil t4 A boneâ€"¢ hood ma faithful : RI PRi MA res CUs me our ver If ex

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